Saturday, January 28, 2012

Radio report is delayed for January 28, 2012.

About the Radio Show, I am sorry to report that Victor Venskus was too ill with the flu to make it to the studio and the show was not covered by a substitute. I do intend to make a recording at some point over the weekend for posting.
As for this week ahead - very briefly we have many things to consider astrologically which will effect our routines.

For one we should be in the swing of the Mars retrograde energies. There are many levels working together or apart at the same time. Be aware of the deeper frustration is not only produced as a result of the intense Mars but the pending stationary Saturn plus Neptune about to change signs for the second time in a year. From now through June there will be one planet after another begging for center stage. Certainly we can expect plenty of extreme news events over this course of time.

For this week; we have a Green Light Period through Monday at 1:08 AM EST. There are plenty of obligations to abide by the things of which you agree but you should have various levels of success during the next 36 hours.
The next Green Light Period is not until Feb 3rd after Neptune enters Pisces at 2:03 PM Friday until 2:06 AM Saturday Feb 4th.

Here is a detailed list of the aspects for the week ahead.

Exact Jan 28 2012
Brief description: Today may be accident-prone. Shifts in the job market bring reason for concern. Muscle tension. Over-exertion, fevers and impulsiveness. Competitive and strong reactions can lead to greater conflicts. Tempers, violence and intense expression of energy. Resistance encountered. Can have much head first pushy behavior.
For personal use: Resistance is very low. Take more vitamin C. Be an observer and resist the temptation to get in the middle of it all.
For business: Cutbacks may be inevitable. Hard work produces results.

Exact Jan 28 2012
Brief description: Excessive desire to play and "party". Grand and extravagant surroundings that may lack good taste. Overindulgence especially with food with Jupiter in Virgo. Partners are overvaluing something but enthusiastic about coupling.
For personal use: Allow your enthusiasm to level out a bit before overextending yourself.
For business use: Social settings and networking. Parties for those on their way out of town.

Exact Jan 28 2012
Brief description: The ability to exchange information at lighting speed and to grasp new concepts. This aspect produces radical notions, interesting conversation and lively topics. Technical information becomes a focus. Perhaps there are technical difficulties that you are able to tackle on your own. Notice how impulsive and quick thinking supports decisions making with only part of the facts. This is a day when innovative brainstorming becomes useful. This aspect is good for using alternative methods to process your problems. Impractical problem solving is best when you proceed with caution especially if you have a new fangled way to work out your problems. The mind is darting around from one thing to another.
For personal use: Listen to children, often they might have important information. Engage kids in technical activities such as using their computer skills. Have a detailed plan to proceed more efficiently.
For business: Ingenious ideas fix technical problems.

Exact Jan 28 2012
Brief description: Two opposing forces join momentarily for a common goal before moving on their separate paths.

Exact Jan 28 2012
Brief description: You may stumble upon secret activities involving illegal money, pornography or private arrangements with lenders or borrowers.
For personal use: Confront your inner demons.
For business use: Learn what is hidden and translate this information into a legal practice that adds security to your financial future.

Exact Jan 28 2012
Brief description: Excessive flexibility leads to lack of stability. The ability to expand and broaden your outlook through education and networking resources. Misrepresentation of information. Strong encouragement or push from siblings, children and co-workers. Information pumped such as with "media hype." Legal decisions are pressing. To make statements of independence and freedom and in personal relationships "a need for space."
For personal use: Open positive discussions with partners.
For business use: Plan for business and educational trips. Terrific for marketing and outreach.

You would like a partner with a common belief system or vision. You want to be free to explore the world, literally and philosophically, with your partner.

Exact Jan 29 2012
No text available for this topic.

Exact Jan 30 2012
Brief description: Lack of ease during social conversation. Obvious pleasantries. Polite talk and superficial interaction. Shared artistic and/or technical interests. Talks or comments of dissatisfaction and differences of values and desires. The focus is on the problems in relationships and not the solution. Nagging. Trivial details. Non conclusive regarding financial matters. Problems that are difficult to resolve as a result of data sharing.
For personal use: Chats about money matters could run into arguments.
For business use: Consider the value of mediators.

Exact Feb 1 2012
Brief description: Impulsive verbal reactions. Accelerated pace. Troublesome time. Annoying problems and irritations. Mechanical breakdowns. Arguments and conflicts. Children in conflict with each other. Computer problems. Brief communication breakdowns. "Foot in mouth" disorders. Harsh styles of communication. Unsettling information.
For personal use: Slow down while traveling. Get food directions first. A request for help is a consideration.
For business: Check your facts before your presentation. All statements are not fact.

Exact Feb 1 2012
Brief Description: Information gained from exclusive or underground sources. Talks with the dead or about the estates of those that have past away. Finding hidden documents or secret information. Communications with those in a position of power and those with the money. Signing papers for mortgages or loan documents. Trips for insurance purposes. Talks and settlements with insurance companies. Paperwork for accountants.
For personal use: Contact family members who may have the information you are looking for. You might be able to help someone in a powerful position.
For business use: Follow-up with insurance claims and related matters. Seek for an accountant.

Exact Feb 1 2012
Brief description: to be motivated by your passions. Emotional reactions drive your motives to the next level. Two people with a shared emotional experience. Recognition of talent. Often what you want is out of reach. People sharing-- at times out of balance. Increased sexual attractions.
For personal use: Keep you personal goals objective. When too subjective there can be irresolvable problems.
For Business: Spot your next project and go with the talent.

Exact Feb 3 2012
Exact Oct 21 2004
Brief description: Licensing boards and other red tape bureaucracies may be on your agenda today. Interactions with insurance companies and their agents. Driving a vehicle through rough terrain, mud or rain. Talks with moneylenders, accountants and tax offices.
For personal use: This is a great time to connect with your therapist or begin some deep body work or other therapeutic practices.
For business use: Cut through large paperwork projects or take on the bureaucrats.

Feb 3 2012
It is important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign. This next 13 years may possess the desire to be at-one with God. They may be able to express their spirituality through visions and art. They may also be inspirational teachers, conscious of wholeness. On a global level water reaches its highest levels. Comodities ruled by Neptune.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Report for the week of January 21 - 28, 2012.

The Sun is now in the sign of group awareness and friendship, Aquarius and travels through this sign until Feb 19. Until Feb 3rd Neptune is taking it last breaths of Aquarius air and creating a whirlwind of weather across the US. Also the illusive quality of Neptune inserts a limp washout effect in the background of most activities. The huge capsized ocean liner is a perfect example of people joined on this floating hotel which sadly plunges its guests (Aquarius) into the sea (Neptune). Our prayers are sent to those still lost. On the political front there is a comic display of those wishing to appear presidential. Neptune takes its dive into the waters of Pisces on Feb 3rd until the year of 2025. As for the tangled mess of Mars to be turning retrograde on Monday, at all times, at the New Moon. The serious voice of authority is the tone of Saturn who seems to be thumping his heavy gravel to regain order. If this period seem like a wait and see time for you then your thinking should be encouraged to make the best of all situations. Ask yourself if there is something you can do to ease current conditions. It will be too long a period to wait out the Mars retrograde and the message of cooperation and support to others is a strong one. The cleansing process begins with the New Moon in Aquarius on Monday on the same day when Mars begins its retrograde cycle. Mars tends to cleanse with fire and burn off excesses.

Capricorn Moon will square Saturn as its final event before leaving the sign on Sunday night at 9:53 PM. This Capricorn Moon must answer to Saturn via a 90°. Conducting business, government or family goals are more difficult. This is not a green light period instead manage with the intention of keeping up appearances and satisfying prior commitments. .

Saturday Jan 21. The Capricorn Moon is not suitable for conducting business although you might have obligations in regard to the company. The Sun brings a nice opportunity when 60° from Uranus. This aspect may bring the release of cutting edge methods as well as inventions and scientific strides. Legislatures may approve controversial studies. Radical thinking and rebelliousness may enlightenment or awaken a dormant seed. This brings a very high energy output that is willing to change stagnant and outworn conditions. Beware of electrical and strong currents that spark fires. Ingenious methods lift sagging situations. You might want to meet with a group of likeminded people to promote progress in the areas of your interest. Influencing Saturday night but not exact until Sunday morning is the Sun and Jupiter square. This is an aspect which brings its fill of political rhetoric. Egocentric noise expresses an over inflated opinion of one's self. Over-enthusiastic notions may need to be tempered with the current pulse of activity. On the other hand a once silent voice may assume confidence. A general overload may be experienced, especially with work. An abundance of high principals are voiced. Necessity takes one into a variety of corners where new information leads to open doors. Strong need to spread out and experience space and freedom. A day for photography and consider purchasing camera equipment - however wait for a better day to exchange money. Journalism and publishing.

Sunday Jan 22. The Capricorn Moon remains obliged to Saturn in a disgruntled seat. Perhaps there is good reason for the sour faces. There actions of some bring down effect the appearance of many in the same group. There are indications that large investments are not well researched. In such cases you will spend far too much and be tied to its boat load of expense for years on end. By midmorning we enter the dark of the Moon phase. Venus and Saturn align for the long haul. Those tied by obligation appear bonded. At 8:38 PM the Moon is 90^ from Saturn to start a void of course Moon period that will last until 9:52 PM. At 9:52 PM the Moon enters Aquarius until Wednesday morning.
Monday Jan 23. Mars turns retrograde at 7:53 PM until April 13, 2012. A New Moon in Aquarius occurs at 2° 41 and at 2:39 AM. This is a highly active New Moon chart with the Sun and Moon linked closely to Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter. These three planets represent three generations: Uranus the grandfather and co parent of the earth who fathered Saturn who was the father of Jupiter. This combination speaks to the epics of the ages. It may bring events that have nearly a biblical list of events seeded at this New Moon. There are many other players; the strongest being Mars in an easy 120^ aspect to Mercury the trickster.
Mercury sends messages to Mars and Jupiter appears to answer the call to rescue the contents of the floating real-estate Vesta. People seek a sign of relief but Mercury is scouting for better advice to handle a delicate situation. Mars is more likely to chop its way through a tight spot when it is officially retrograde at 7:53 PM. Conditions improve slightly and you have better vision in the evening of Jan 23. In general this is treacherous day for any venture. Navigation is compromised by poor vision and a lack of knowledge. People who hire others should be checked for motives. Efforts to do the right thing are pulled to the side by another’s agenda. Mechanical equipment is likely to fail. Do not purchase a thing on this day. You are in the dark of the Moon until Tuesday morning. As for Mars' agenda while in Virgo until July is to reclaim the lost workforce and begin a stringent cleaning process often by fire or caustic methods. We can expect events to be staged by workers. The cooperation of others is needed or there may be an uprising of the average person to those that hold all the wealth.

Tuesday Jan 24. The Aquarius Moon is appears to be organizing a mega plan for action. It is a Green Light Day to move forward with your goals. The Sun and Pluto are tightly bonded to find the big money but there are so many layers of obligation and requirements before collecting a dime. Uranus and Ceres are shaking a rattle for children and requiring the distribution of fair-play and food for basic survival. Use this day to push forward with an eye on options. What moves the fastest are the projects which require great detail. More simply, focus on cleaning up the small things and create order. Throw things out and create clean surfaces for a new workspace. Use this time also to improve your body. Eat well and enter gradually into a new physical regime.
Wednesday Jan 25. The Aquarius Moon is v/c at 3:33 AM until 4:11 AM Friday around 1:30 PM.
Wednesday after 4:11 AM. The Moon enters Pisces at 4:11 AM until Friday at 1:27 PM. No Go. Consider dropping something or use a wait and see principle. Avoid commitments until February 8th. As for this Pisces Moon sign period there might be some rough waves especially for the first half of Friday. It appears that Mercury while at the end of Capricorn is the culprit. It heads for the door leaving a mess of contracts, paperwork and mixed messages to be sorted out by someone else. This Moon sign period gets a no go low rating. Your interests are only slightly better served by the Aries Moon sign period which begins on Friday afternoon through very early Monday January 30th.
The Pisces Moon is heavily compromised by Mercury the trickster. As if retrograde Mars needs any help with its wacky backing up. For Wednesday there are a couple of aspects and one has a sad quality; Venus 135^ Saturn at 10:02 PM. There is a need to comfort others. People may come together out of necessity. With Jupiter and Ceres in a 30^ aspect some help is available for those needing assistance. Have all of your papers in order for any application that need to be filed.
Thursday Jan 26. There are no planetary aspects for the Pisces Moon today. This is not a good day to forward your goals unless you wish to drop something. You could use this day to quit a bad habit but choose a different day to begin a new exercise program. Ongoing projects with no changes are best. People might be whinny and self absorbed for good reason. Friday Jan 27. The Pisces Moon brings several Mercury events; Mercury square Saturn at 4:19 AM; Mercury 60^ Juno at 5:50 AM; Mercury 30^ Neptune 9:21 AM; finally Mercury leaves serious minded Capricorn for to join with likeminded friends in Aquarius at 1:11 PM. First of all the Mercury- Saturn square cranks up the worry meter and often brings tough news. You may be over thinking the day ahead. It does improve and the landscape may change in your favor. A compassionate companion has very good suggestions that help your day to run more smoothly. By 9:30 in the morning you might gain some direction but go ahead with the knowledge that your plans are likely to change when more is revealed midday. Keep track of your schedule and travel papers & plans. Delays are likely and some connections may be canceled altogether.

Friday after 1:27 PM. The entirety of the Aries Moon is influenced by a 60^ sextile to Neptune at end of sign. This good influence gives this a Green Light Day. This is a good day if you have a vision with strong ethics. Tending to obligations and responsibility is key to success and all is not a sure bet as much depends on the judgment call from higher authorities. Whereas Saturn resides in the opposite sign of Libra, the Aries Moon must slow down for roadblocks. The final aspect to Neptune is only moments later which invite the vision for clearer motives.
Friday's summary for this Mars ruled Moon sign shares its piece with Venus. Venus is actively joined with Ceres in a long-term project that will benefit others. Perhaps some will want to open a restaurant and others will want to indulge some with comfort services. Aries is the sign of the entrapainur and Mars while in Virgo offers services. There is money available for one time only. Saturday Jan 28. The Moon is in Aries. Venus and Vesta are joined at 17° Pisces. There is something which sooths the investors taste. The Sun addresses Mars for the first time since it turned retrograde January 23rd. The noise can be associated with an attempt to celebrate however there could be a mishap that turns the attention to a cleanup. Venus and Jupiter at 45^ chuckle behind the scenes. Neptune in Aquarius and Juno at the final degree of Scorpio are perfectly squared off. This dissolves the marriage and leaves one of the partners with a very small or disappearing purse. Soon they will both move on for greener pastures. At 1:25 PM Mercury finds plenty to chat about; new discoveries and ingenious methods for growth. Mars and Ceres align which burns off a previous promise note. The Sun heads out to scout for new funding when 30^ past Pluto. Mercury (quick) and Vesta (investment, the stove or hearth) send a message that should be heeded immediately in the later evening hours. Mercury and Jupiter square off at 11:07 PM increasing gossip about the losses. Check you facts before moving forward but do respond quickly where necessary. Your partner's contribution as you know will soon end. You will have a fresh breath into a stagnant pool of contenders however they may lack the commitment you need.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

You can now follow me on twitter @Dietrech.
Join our class on Wednesday evenings at 7-9 PM in Watertown, MA.
Call for a consult, short or full studies, at 617-924-0929.
All Times are EST eastern standard time zone.
For the week ahead, Saturday January 7, 2012 – Saturday January 14, 2012.
The Green Light Days do not occur until next weekend - January 14, 15 and until 10:29 AM on the 16th.

The Sun is in the hard working sign of Capricorn. This is the sign of the head of family, corporate and government heads. Pluto is traveling through Capricorn. Mercury will arrive in this sign Sunday Jan 8. A Full Moon that is related to a solar eclipse past, July 11, 2010, will occur in the opposite sign of Cancer on Monday at 2:30 AM. The time around April 11 2011 holds a significant link to the matters at hand and will October 8 2012. This week is strongly geared to complete and deliver the end product however the judges may not approve; sending you back to the drawing table. This is the effect of Saturn at the end of Libra and the Cancer Moon will square to it before leaving the sign of Cancer. Beyond the Full Moon energy there is a powerful link between Mercury and Mars through the end of April which brings the energy of an extended Mercury retrograde period. However that is not the case. For these reasons, the frustration meter is bouncing in the red zone. Mercury will not turn retrograde until March 12, 2012. Mars, however will turn retrograde on January 23 until April 13, 2012. Now is the time to fix mechanical problems. You may be shopping for a new vehicle.
Moon Family for this week’s Full Moon follows:

11-Jul-2010 -19°Cancer 24'
11-Apr-2011- 21°Cancer 16'
9-Jan-2012- 18°Cancer 26'
8-Oct-2012 -15°Cancer 26'

A full description of these important Moon Families is the topic of my book “Lunar Shadows III, the Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses”.

In brief, follow a story line along the dates. You may notice that something strongly significant began in July of 2010 that developed and showed significant spurts of growth around April 11, 2011. Now at the Full Moon stage - 18 months later, you can see the full picture. You know what you want to do and look for the important players to make it happen.

Read more on the website page - Moon Family Lunar Gestation Cycle.
Saturday Jan 7. The Moon continues in Gemini and will oppose Mercury at 2:51 PM. Your plans are cut off before you can take your next step. Perhaps your documents are missing or not in order for you to proceed. It may mean you don't have your sales slip or proper id. A couple of aspects influence the day beginning with Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Virgo. Your friendships don't feel as it they are as supportive as you like or perhaps they are too demanding at this time. People in pairs do not seem to get past the friendship stage for now. A nice 60^ between Mercury and Saturn allow you to bridge a long standing gap but you must take action. Those things you become aware of today might need to wait a bit before reaching out. Respond however avoid commitment. Mercury is also 60^ to Neptune. This is brings about romantic notions and a strong imagination. Write your ideas down as you will not have the Gemini Moon and this Mercury energy until February 1st. which will be a powerful day Moon period. (Neptune will re-enter Pisces on Feb 3rd.) Continue to compile you ideals until it feels right to submit them.


continued on Saturday Jan 7. The Moon enters Cancer Saturday at 4:05PM, Jan 7 until late Monday night (1/9). The Cancer Moon has its problems especially in regard to family matters as your plans might be interrupted for the needs of others. Something you try to do might be too heavy and complicated for advancement. The answer you get for your request is likely to be "no". Something is dropped and it is too late to retrieve a lost opportunity.
Sunday Jan 8. The Moon is in Cancer where the final aspect is square to Saturn bringing a tangled mess to emotional issues that may include decisions regarding family members and the home.
Mercury dominates the day when it changes signs at 1:34 AM Sunday morning. It leaves something behind or someone drops out for financial reasons. While Mercury travels through Capricorn until January 27, 2012 it will be directing our thoughts toward money and business. The practical and methodical logic seeks credibility and validation. This does not allow much leeway for sentiment and frivolous notions. You will be asking questions regarding performance, efficiency and cost effectiveness? Quality not quantity is the rule. Communications are less social and geared to getting down to business.
On a personal level you can pride yourself on asking good questions and making wise choices.
Mercury is trine Jupiter on Sunday at 1:04 PM - a very positive aspect that is compromised by a sharp square to Uranus at 6:24 PM. Suddenly your plans change and your information is reversed or you must retract your statements.
If you plan on taking a trip you may have good luck on one level but expect surprises later. This aspect can bring a positive message and supports the messenger. There is room for explanations and an ear for the real story. Expect exaggeration. For personal matters the information you need to make sound decisions may be on the way but something pop up to change the landscape.
In business you may better use this by organizing the facts and data for a wealth of uses later.

Monday Jan 9. Do not commit and take caution moving forward. Scrutinize every move. The Cancer Moon is swells to an important full Moon position at 2:30 AM at 18° Cancer 25'.

This lunation belongs to a Solar Eclipse so the matters are a long time coming and will close a chapter in the family, business or government. Looking back to the summer of 2010 you may see where a seed was planted that has developed as far as it will go at this point. As Saturn has the final word on matters it appears that a heavy foot of authority dominates the outcome. The Moon is void of course from 9:24 PM until 11:345 PM Monday when the Moon enters Leo for a few days.

Tuesday Jan 10. The Leo Moon is also compromised with illusions of a sure slot in the show. Something you attempt is washed out or compromised by expense or lack of interest.

Wednesday Jan 11. Leo Moon is cheering a very temporary win. Perhaps there is a dark horse that takes all somewhere down the road.
At 12:49 PM Wednesday, the Sun and Moon are 150° apart which causes upset. There is a need for an insurance adjuster or another type of episode investigator to estimate damages. You could be pulled off of your track because of unforeseen matters.

Thursday Jan 12. The Leo Moon will oppose Neptune before moving into a brief void of course period at 3:22 AM. The void of course Moon will last until 4:44 AM.

Thursday Jan 12. 4:44 AM the Moon enters Virgo until Saturday Jan 14- 8:28 AM. Not a good day to seal the deal. Use caution when proceeding as Something or someone that you need to further your goals is the stepping stone only however that person is an excellent advisor if you have your act together with an articulate presentation. Avoid any high pressure it is not the time for the "dog and pony show". Think of the person more as a friendly consultant
The Sun is trine (120°) Mars at 11 46 PM. This allows something things to enjoy temporary momentum as Mars will retrograde on Jan 23rd for two and a half months. Deliberate actions can produce results. Higher levels of productivity are encouraged. A drive to make things happen is felt. Competitive energy can work in a harmonious way. Expect focus and productivity today. In a personal way make a plan to go for it in a big way. (However wait until the Libra Moon on Jan 14 to put your plans into action.) Sexual energy is could bring like minded people together. A moderate aggressive tone helps matters to move forward. In business it appears that green lights are flashing. For best results wait till Jan 14, 15 and 16, 2012. Prepare to move forward at a steady strong pace.

Friday Jan 13. The Moon is in Virgo and there are several aspects to mention. 4:05 AM Venus is in a lovely trine with Saturn. This may be the only period when this pair gets along for next few months. Enjoy the harmony with existing conditions. A sense of loyalty and a sentiment for stability promotes time for harmony and economic balance. A time of sound and strongly conservative judgment. There can be progress with business agreements.
For personal use: Details are worked out to bring about greater harmony.
Can be used for in business: Strike a deal in a win-win situation that is designed to last over a long period of time. Investments requiring a quick return are likely to fail or not turn out to be quick in any way. Slow and steady is the way to go.
Mercury joins Pluto at 8:02 AM. Deep penetrating talks may help you to find your deepest inner voice. A powerful speech can be made. This aspect brings the art of manipulation and persuasion. There is talk of necessary changes and plans are drawn. Intrigue. Intricate plans with new or alternative routes. Sexual talks. Psychological issues. Exposure of hidden or remote characters. An awareness of obsessive thinking. At times obsessive thinking can be used in a positive way. Paperwork or details related to estates. The return or the emergence of information regarding a lost or sick animal. News about a missing child. This aspect is useful for a priority list that allows you to work on one thing until complete.
Saturn parallel Ceres at 8:06 AM.
Venus joins Neptune at 10:16 AM. This is so romantic and creative.
Romance and illusion are enhanced with vague boundaries regarding realistic values. Valuable items could be lost or misplaced. Charm and intoxicating moods camouflage a seduction or deception. Cosmetic camouflage, costume and expressions in art fair well. There is an insidious consequence for indulgences that you may or may not regret. There may be events at museums and theater. Jewelry and retail business for clothing, romance and art win big.
On a personal level, try to keep your eyes open for over trusting the magic of the moment. A personal inventory of your intrinsic value can enhance your sense of self worth.
In business you may beautify and enhance a presentation. Beware of buying anything or commitment without further investigation.
Saturday Jan 14. The Virgo Moon is void of course after Venus enters Pisces at 12:47 AM until the Moon enters Libra at 8:28 AM.
Venus will travel through Pisces until Feb 8. Venus rules the feminine principal and her attachments which may include love, money and material objects. She is also an indicator for legal counsel or therapeutic counseling. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra but is exalted when in the sign of Pisces. This can heighten the Venusian principals sharing compassion, beauty, balance and color. Exquisite dance and design principals are easily expressed. Venus in Pisces may be more focused on sympathy and holds an empathic compassionate response. On the financial side of Venus, she may posses a liquid quality when handling money; spending is greater especially on cosmetic items. Socializing may be found in more private settings and by invitation only and possibly focused on a theme or for the benefit of an individual. Meeting new people can bring special sentimental and romantic relationships. For personal use: Be especially kind to yourself with beautiful music, dance, meditation, gentle yoga and caring friends. On a business note there could be a shift in the financial picture as we spend more money on oil.


Sat Jan 14. The Moon enters Libra at 8:28 AM. A few days of harmony. Begin a GREEN LIGHT Period through 10:29 AM on Monday Jan 16th.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: