Sunday, August 27, 2023

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 26 - September 2, 2023.


Saturday, August 26, 2023, to Saturday, September 2, 2023


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


Hi. For the week of August 26th through September 2nd, we began with the last little few minutes of the Sagittarius Moon, and the Moon going into Capricorn. It went into Capricorn at 9:05 am. The Capricorn Moon is going to be quite a picture to be taken, with its ruler Saturn in opposition to the Sun. so, this is a big deal. This makes us feel like everything has been an uphill battle. Everything has been more difficult than it should be. Mercury is retrograde. Venus is retrograde. So, our thinking is off. Our planning is off. Anything that we try to accumulate with the Venus retrograde goes right out the window. Or with all the other necessities there really is not much leftover. Even to have a nice meal at a restaurant, You can plan on Mars, changing the scenery.

At 9:20 AM on Sunday, Mars will leave the sign of Virgo and go into the sign of Libra. Well, Mars is not happy in Libra. Mars is the ruler of Aries. So, what this brings is a desire to make a war to make peace. So, it likes to stir things up. Start fires and then come back and say, who did that? There is a typical scenario where people are blaming others. That is typical of Mars in Libra. Blames others and does not seem to take responsibility for itself. With the Sun opposite Saturn, Saturn is saying, take responsibility for God's sake.

The big deal going on with Uranus. Now with Mercury Retrograde Uranus is retrograde at 10:39 PM on Monday. That is under an Aquarius Moon sign. That Aquarius Moon sign begins on Monday morning at 10:32 am. After a void of course Moon period from 7:49 AM until 10:32 am, which is not good for conducting any business under the void of course Moon periods. You do want to steer clear of the Uranus energies, as they will lead you down the path of reversals. So, anything that you want to do or try to do, it is going to look real different by the time you get it all tied up in a package. By the time the package arrives, the situation is going to be very different.

There is with that Monday energy, the Moon in Aquarius has the quincunx to the Sun. That one is at 7:08 PM Monday night. This is the beginning or the foretelling of the Full Moon that comes up on Wednesday. That Full Moon is going to be in the sign of Pisces at 7° (degrees) of Pisces. That lines right up with the planet Saturn. So, we have the Sun, the Moon and Saturn all lined up. This one is a hard case to tell, to differentiate, between what it is that you want to do and what it is that you can do. All the obstacles and blocks that seem to be put in our path during this time are just greater than normal. Communication is off in such a big way. Just call your regular friends, your regular lines that you normally dial. Those lines may not be open. Not working. They are full. All kinds of things are showing communication breakdowns and difficulties. Listen to your vehicles, as well. Your bicycle. Your car. Anything that is cranky, talking to you, trying to tell you, fix me fix me. Do not ignore it. Uranus comes along in a big way. Snaps things. Makes things pop.

But Uranus is also about inventions and discoveries. Having it turn retrograde, it could be going backward over old things and trying to release old technology in a new way.

That Aquarius Moon sign goes right over the dateline of Monday, Tuesday. We see Uranus and Ceres. Ceres is the dwarf planet that rules the caretaking of others, babies and animals. Anyone who cannot take care of themselves without your assistance. So, this could be a friend. Uranus rules friends. The Moon is in Aquarius, which is also about friendship.

Then Uranus is trine Pallas Athena. Pallas is the asteroid that rules fairness and justice. She is the statute you see on courthouses holding the scales of justice. That is Pallas Athena. So, she is definitely seeking justice during this time.

The Aquarius Moon sign is going to square Uranus. That is 11:04 PM on Tuesday night, making Tuesday a wacky, crazy day. Do not touch it. Do not sign anything. Do not agree to go anywhere with people that you really do not know. Or into crowds of people who are protesting or doing something different than what you normally do. Try to lay low. Let this Moon sign come to a close.

There is an aspect though, between Mercury and Mars. That is on Wednesday morning, and that is the 30th. Mercury and Mars are part of the picture of this Full Moon coming up. If you are in the market, for a new vehicle, this might be an indicator that there is something that would work for you. If you want to go and check that out on the 30th.

And the Full Moon. That is when all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open. This Full Moon has a lot to do with Saturn being very serious, dead serious. There could be things medically that you need to attend to. You may find that there are associations and links to other times. 9 months ago, would be one. Then there was a First Quarter Moon at the same point, and a New Moon 9 months before that. So that was a year and a half ago. There was a New Moon in Pisces. This New Moon had to do with the beginning, the start of something that is particularly evident now, when all the cards are on the table about secrets. Something secretive comes out, in particular with this Full Moon sign. So, this should be very interesting, as we see the development of things over this next week. That quincunx that we saw earlier came in. The Sun and the Moon on Monday night, 7:08 pm. Could start to show us what those things might be about. It also could be about really wild weather. The weather is super difficult to tie down in any way. You can also expect maybe they will find more of the people who are missing as a result of the Hawaiian fires. I hope that situation. Those people are found. Such a sad story.

The Pisces Moon is quincunx Venus early in the morning on the 31st Thursday. So, this could be speaking to some monetary things, after that Full Moon, on the heels of that Full Moon. 9:35 PM on Wednesday night is the Full Moon. That Full Moon will keep that energy super high throughout the entire week. Even now, as we look forward to this Full Moon. So be safe. Be kind to one another. Look in on those who are having a hard time taking care of themselves in particular.

We have the Pisces Moon on August 31st, Thursday. It ends that particular day with an aspect to Uranus. Which could be a clue, a peek into something. Maybe that is about the truth. The Pisces Moon is about secrets. Uranus is about the truth. So having Uranus stand perfectly still, as it turned retrograde, might be kind of a setup for something being exposed in a big way.

The 31st is the last day of August as we look into September 1st. Still with a Pisces Moon. The last aspect is parallel to Neptune. There is also a nice aspect to Pluto in there that makes this a good Moon sign for taking advantage of something that you want to sign. Or buy or become part of or purchase in some way. It could be about a medical thing. Maybe you want to get yourself on a list for some big medical procedure that would be very advantageous for you.

The Pisces Moon will run until 9:24 am.

Then the Moon goes into the sign of Aries over the next weekend. The Aries Moon does not end well, as it squares Pluto. So, the best time for taking any action is during the Pisces Moon. It has that Full Moon in there. So, you should be able to see all the problems exposed for anything that you want to do or buy. Or investigate, and look into in a deeper way. You can have the light, the full light at the Moon to look into problems, and more. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also read it again. It was transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you very much. And posted on my website at My phone number if you want to ask me about consultation or questions about astrology classes, is 617-558-7233. And that is it for now. Have a safe week. It is a Full Moon, so emotions are really high. Take care of one another. Look in on those that you normally do not see out and about. They might need some help if they are particularly shut in. Okay, that is it for the week. We will talk again next week.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Aug 19 - 26, 2023


Saturday, August 19, 2023, to Saturday, August 26, 2023


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


Good morning. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is August 19th. We will be looking at the planets running through until the 26th of August.

We have a couple of big things happening this week. One of them is Mercury will go retrograde. We are all happy about that, right? If there is something that you want to repeat again, do it again, talk to people again, try again. Mercury Retrograde could be a good time. But Venus is retrograde. So, you do not really want to be asking for money yet. Because of the fact that your chances are narrow and slim for getting what it is that you need. So, you want to wait until after Venus goes direct in September.

But we want to talk about this Libra Moon that we have, ruled by Venus. It seeks to make peace and bring people to the table that have been unable to agree on common matters. It could be about marriage or other partnerships. Any type of partnership, not just a marriage type of partnership. What it does, that the Libra Moon is situated in such a way, that it allows for a Green Light that will run until 6:37 PM on Monday. So, it begins today. you'll need to drop However, any frivolous trimmings that you have attached to your case or your plans, stick to the essentials to make a practical approach for a good agreement. Otherwise, if there are all these extra trappings, it is not going to sit well. It will not work.

The Sun during the Libra Moon will be quincunx Neptune. That is 150° (degrees). Life's messy, clean it up. That normally is accompanied by very stormy weather. So, the stormy weather could be internal instead of external. So, if you are churning things over and over, and you do not really have a handle on how to make your plans more solid, this aspect is not helping. This is on Sunday, and it is exact at 3:40 AM.

But we are under the influence of it going on, because we have Mars making an aspect to Neptune as well. That one is saying, that your plans are too loose to be effective. Cancellations are very upsetting. So, you want to see if you can, firm up your plans in such a way making things more practical. How can you make things more practical?

The last aspect of the Libra Moon calls for that. It is an aspect to Saturn. That is saying, if you can make it practical, we can make it happen.

But then on Monday’s Libra Moon, we have the Sun quincunx Pluto. Now there is the control freak. Somebody is trying to control the show. But you do have the advantage if you just do not make your objection so vocal. Keep your plans close to your chest. Allow the day to bring a nice conclusion for Monday's activities. All the way through till 6:37 PM you have that Green Light.

That last aspect is parallel Saturn, which is saying it is bringing together those that you need to make the agreements that you need to make. And the plans that you need to make to bring people together, so that everybody can be on the same page and you can move forward.

There is a void of course Moon on Monday 6:37 PM until 7:21 PM. Void of course Moon is about a time when you want to let everything settle. Put things aside. Wait until the Moon changes signs at 7:21 PM before you put in any hard solid action. Because things do not normally work out the way you plan or hope during a void of course Moon period.

The Scorpio Moon that comes in also has a Green Light associated with it. It will go until Thursday morning. So 7:21 PM Monday evening until Thursday morning. The Scorpio Moon will welcome the Virgo Sun on Wednesday. That is going to be a big deal.

But for Tuesday, Scorpio’s Moon sign seeks the bank and the corporate fundings for large projects. Perhaps it is for a ship of some sort. Whether it is a military ship or cruise ship. Something associated with water or major water project. Maybe it is about holding back the water building barriers, so that we do not become flooded during all this change that we have, with climate change. Making our life more watery, more windy, more weather all the time.

There during the Scorpio Moon sign Venus and Jupiter are square. Venus is retrograde saying that, she is not really on board with a whole lot of stuff that Jupiter might be trying to talk her into. This could cause a loose grip on the financial plans that you have worked so hard to present.

So let those plans. I know that a Scorpio Moon is a good one for going to the banker or asking for money. Or going to someone else and asking them for money. But with Venus retrograde, it is not likely to work out the way you planned. Or you will get so little you will need to come back and ask for money again at another time. That may seem desirable, but it probably is not the best way to go.

Mars opposes Neptune also on Tuesday during the Scorpio Moon sign. So, you may have plans to meet up at a bar, but it is closed. Or your intended partner disappears.

Sun is then contra parallel Saturn. Tries to make sense of Saturn's objections to this lovely couple that is coming together with their lovely plans. But the Scorpio Moon may hint at a deeper backstory, which could prevent certain people from joining. Or at least joining with good blessings.

There is an indecisiveness with Mars opposite Neptune as well. Complex situations require force and sensitivity. Competitions are very evident. There is a secret or hidden issue going on. The conflicts of beliefs and ideologies are large. Disappointments. The urge to escape. leakages, physical weaknesses and a lack of energy. That is all Mars opposite Neptune. So, if you are trying to take on a huge physical challenge, I probably would say Tuesday is not your day.

Wednesday we come in with a Scorpio Moon. That is when the Sun enters Virgo at 5:01 AM. This will be until September 23rd. It is a busy Virgo Sun. We will see Mercury turning retrograde on the same day, August 23rd. it also is holding the space for Uranus to turn retrograde on August 28th. Venus will be happy to turn direct under this Virgo Sun sign on the 3rd of September. Jupiter will also change direction and turn retrograde on September 4th. There will be a New Moon in Virgo on September 14th. So, we will be busier than usual during this Virgo Sun sign. So, try and make things work. But stay on target and let things pass that do not seem to help make things work. Saturn can give a thumbs down about introduction to your relationships. There is that problem again that Saturn sees with a certain relationship. Maybe it is between countries and not couples. Saturn has other plans in mind for you or for the other parties.

Mercury turns retrograde 3:59 PM on Wednesday until September 13th. It will go from 21 Virgo all the way back to 8° (degrees) of Virgo. So, if you are a Virgo, this may be just perfect for you. If you have been trying to change somebody's mind or trying to make sense of the information that you have, this could be your Mercury retrograde.

There is a little Green Light after. You have to consider the fact that Mercury is retrograde. But it is in the afternoon on Wednesday from 4:00 PM until about 1:08 AM on Thursday morning. So, there is your Green Light period during the Mercury Retrograde, so far. There will be more. Seems to pop up a lot when Mercury is retrograde.

The Moon is in Sagittarius, after a void of course Moon. That would be 4:07 AM on Thursday. It will run for a couple of days. You want to clean things up? Shoot for this Thursday Sagittarius Moon to give you the boost that you need with Mars trine Pluto. This can make it an opportunity for you to make courageous decisions to clear things out. This is when you can rip up old rugs, toss out the ugly furniture, in any excess for a clean slate.

The First Quarter Moon arrives at 5:57 AM on Thursday. This First Quarter Moon is at 1° of Sagittarius. If you look back 9 months ago, there was a New Moon that occurred at that point. That was on November 23, 2022. The next Moon phase associated with this group, it is called the Moon family, will be a Full Moon on May 23, 2024. So that is when all the cards will be out in the open. Everything, the plan is out there in such a way that you can sort through things and learn something of great value when there is a Sagittarius Moon phase. This First Quarter Moon allows you to see things from a broader perspective.

There is an urge, Mars trine Pluto, to change things. This also helps you to eliminate and purify their efforts to unite and transform and to share power and territory. So, this may be between countries or about countries. Or about communities that also want to make changes within their boundaries. There is intense cleaning and purification that goes on with this particular aspect. The Moon is in Sagittarius. So, it is courageous. You are able to see past any of the things that you have been holding back on. Convincing or being convinced of something. There is a real high energy output with this. That would be on Thursday.

So, what we have also going into Friday is still a Sagittarius Moon sign. We have an aspect between Venus and Mars. It is a cranky situation for Mars. Mars wants to offer an invitation of a social type to Venus, but she is not herself. She would rather just stay in and watch TV. So, it is a good thing because Mars wants to introduce her to Pluto. That is not a good thing. So, this aspect, maybe she already has a sense that this would not go well.

So that Sagittarius Moon continues throughout the day. Sees something between Venus and Chiron, the wounded healer, trying to make amends. Or make a difference for something some old wound. So that would be to your advantage to take advantage of something that can help lead you into a better position. A better state of mind and a better state of heart.

The Sagittarius Moon continues right through the night into next Saturday. Up until 9:05 AM on Saturday morning, when the Moon will go into Capricorn. So that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can also replay it there. There will be a podcast. And you can also replay it at WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] archives. Look for the nine o'clock hour and scroll down to about 9:30, and you will see the report there. It is also transcribed. Thank you, Kimberly Chin. She does this for us out of the goodness of her heart every single week. And we will also be talking with you again. You can call me at 617 – 558 – 7233. If you want to talk about astrology, make an appointment, have a one-on-one class, give me a call. And that is it for the week. Back to you, Victor.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 12, 2023 to August 19, 2023.


Saturday, August 12, 2023, to Saturday, August 19, 2023


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


We have a New Moon coming up on Wednesday. It is pretty exciting. Because it links a lot of those heavy hitters in the sky: Mars and Uranus and Pluto, the Sun and the Moon. It is quite the picture. So, I wonder what big events are going to happen. My heart goes out to the people in Hawaii. That is just insane losing an entire community like that.

We have for this week… we have Moon signs. Today we have the Moon in the sign of… Saturday the Moon is in Cancer today and tomorrow, Sunday. Right through until Monday morning at 6:35 AM. This Cancer Moon, by the way, is not one for making any long-term decisions. Or great big purchases. Or anything that would challenge your future. Because you have to deal with Pluto, which is constant interest rates and tolls, toll booths, and charges going along the way. People that are in control of your wallet. So, the banker gets it, pretty much gets it all. Gets all of your discretionary spending. There is none. So do not buy anything big.

There is a big thing going on today, well actually tomorrow. The Sun is conjunct Venus which is retrograde. So that is another clue that you might feel like spending money on. But you also might feel like gathering with people. It is pretty social.

There is an aspect that happened with the Sun and Jupiter early this morning. That one also leads to a lot of social kinds of gatherings. You can feel like you want to be with others. Join parties, barbecues, that sort of thing. So that is very good for that.

So, when we come into Monday and we have a Leo Moon. Leo Moon has to quincunx Pluto before leaving the sign. You see Pluto is calling the shots, just like we talked about a few weeks back. everything has to own up to Pluto. So, Pluto is the boss. It is a difficult boss. It is not one that you can necessarily negotiate with. You just sort of plead for the best and try to make the best deal for yourself along the way.

That Leo Moon will continue until the Virgo Moon comes in, which is the pick of the week. That will be on Wednesday at 7:13 PM until next Saturday.

So going back over the week. Coming back up to Saturday, August 12th. We have the Sun and Chiron trine. This allows you to open up. Share some of your issues and concerns with others. Open up your heart. Open up your sense of understanding, and your compassion. The Cancer Moon is about family members and about your commitment to family. As the Sun conjunct Venus there is probably a sense of belonging. Or wanting to belong to a group or a family. That would say, if you have an invitation, take it, go. People consider you part of their group. part of their inner circle. At 7:15 AM is when that conjunction takes place on Sunday morning. But it is going to influence today, 8/12, Saturday, as we lead into that. Also, a thought that comes to mind. You are opening up your wallet to pay for something and a big bill in your wallet flies out with the winds. So, you know you want to be careful and keep things close to your chest.

What we have for Sunday evening is probably a calming effect. But on Monday, the Moon comes into that opposition to Pluto. That happens early in the morning 3:46 AM, which is the Void of Course Moon period. Actually, technically, the Moon is never void of course in the sign of Cancer. Because it is its own sign. It rules that sign. Nonetheless, the opposition to Pluto is going to say, you are dealing with somebody who holds all the cards.

So then on Monday morning, the Moon enters Leo for a couple of days. It is trying not to be difficult. However, if you have something to show; something to share with others. As in, related to your talents. If you are looking for inspiration, you may want to look to Uranus. Uranus is about sudden abrupt change. But it is also about brilliance and unusual ideas. How you express yourself under this Leo Moon with the Sun square Uranus that is on Tuesday night at 10:34 PM, can be very unique. So, it can also be very disruptive for the Leo Moon for both Monday night through Tuesday. This is an aspect that holds onto your revolutionary ideas and uniqueness. The unusual qualities of what it is you want to do and how you want to show it and who you want to hook up with and who are your best supporters.

There is a New Moon coming in. So, we are in the Dark of the Moon until the New Moon occurs at 5:37 AM. It is still going to be the Dark of the Moon because we do not see the Moon in the sky during the New Moon. So, we have to wait until it is visible a little bit later, on August 17, near sunset.

This New Moon looks back to 2017 in February. There was a Lunar Eclipse that is being remembered with this New Moon that we have at 23° of Leo. So, if there is something that you did, or that you want to do. Look back to February 2017. See if there are any pieces and particles and fragments of something that you can include. To enhance the Leo show that you want to put on during this New Moon arrival that we will have on Wednesday morning.

The last thing that the Leo Moon will do is quincunx Pluto. So, there is the trick. We have Mars trine Uranus during that Leo Moon. That will be at 9:53 AM. Even a trine between Mars and Uranus may be disruptive. I always say good aspects are only good with good planets. Mars and Uranus do not necessarily behave themselves. So, connecting with a trine simply it makes it easier for them to do whatever they want to do. If they want to disrupt or upset, then the trine says okay, here is your opening, go for it. On a positive note, it brings a fairly exciting setting. You may have brilliance.  

Then Mercury and Chiron form an aspect also on Wednesday. This one is about probably gathering mental energy for psychological processing.

Mercury is also talking to Ceres, the caretaking pair, of those that are smaller than us or less well than us. So that allows us to help others. That Leo Moon is void of course at 4:16 PM until the Moon enters the next sign of Virgo. that is at 7:13 PM on August 16th. That is on Wednesday.

The Virgo Moon is opposite Saturn early Thursday morning and parallels the Sun. That is a good one. That is an aspect that can allow you to open your eyes in a bright way early Thursday morning.

Going into Thursday evening there is potentially a retrograde Venus in alignment with Pallas Athena that is likely to bring you to a conclusion about something that you are trying to process. Maybe legally. But it is a Virgo Moon. So, it is about our health. How are you? What are you doing today to improve your healthy? Are you including a new diet? Or maybe a dietician? Or an exercise program? A trainer? Something that would help you to stick to a plan. I know it can be hard to do that.

That Virgo Moon is going through the sign with a conjunction to Mars on Friday, at 8:57 PM. So that one is exciting. It is like putting the pedal to the metal. This is a get-up-and-go aspect. So, Virgo Moons are definitely about that. Get up and go do things. Run around, and clean up. Also, work with others. Engage with others as you try to make things presentable and give yourself an open space. If you have a house full of clutter, it is a great time to charge through that and get down to the bottom of it all.

The Virgo Moon is with us until next Saturday, until 7:53 AM. The last aspect that Virgo makes, calls the shots. It is a split parallel to Neptune, which is saying that Neptune throws you a rope if you are out there in the middle of the lake. But it also could be why you are in the middle of the lake.

Well, that is pretty much it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also read the report thanks to Kimberly Chin, my transcriber at You can call me if you want to talk about astrology. WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] does archive this report for two weeks. If you want to call me, 617-558-7233. Dietrech Pessin here signing off. Thank you.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: