Saturday, March 24, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days March 24- 31, 2018

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Dietrech Pessin’s Phone: 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

There is class Sunday March 25. We will focus on the renewal cycle of Mars and Saturn. How are we building our future.

Saturday, March 24, 2018 – Saturday, March 31, 2018

Good morning. Mercury is retrograde. It has been causing a lot of havoc. People are truly under the influence of twists and turns and difficulty left and right. Throughout we have had this Mercury - Venus energy. Its pattern with Venus in the sign of Aries, a sign that is not very compatible with Venus. It looks as if it is causing a few more problems than not. It also can cause problems with relationships with money, with the care of people and critters that are dear to you. All of the things that you would like to run smoothly you may have to take a dose of a teaspoon of honey. With this Venus energy I would say take two teaspoons of honey. There are many things with the Mercury retrograde that we will see throughout the week. However, the primary focus this week and right through until April 2nd are the influences of Mars and Saturn both in Capricorn as they are applying to a conjunction. This week, beginning today, for instance, the Moon in Cancer we have a First Quarter Moon at 11:35 AM. Cancer is about family matters and about things that are close to home, bringing those that are close to you inside for support and comfort.

The Sun is square Mars today,3/24,at 12:08 PM. So the Sun is in Aries square Mars and Capricorn. That angle tends to force the issue. Viruses run higher. Temperatures run higher with Sun square Mars. In addition we are watching the Moon making an opposition to Mars, which would be today. 11:36 AM Moon is opposite Mars involved right with that First Quarter Moon, so it is intense. It you are tending to a family member and hoping they turn a corner that may be perhaps on Sunday night or Monday. The Cancer Moon is very heavily blocked hindering any smooth sailing.

So this is where you need to add a lot of peace and comfort. Also hope that you have the harmony in your life to be able to go about thing calmly. I think anger is running the show in many scenarios. I’ve been speaking to people that are suffering from the wrath of others in their families and close circle. People are lashing out.

In keeping with the Mars – Saturn energy today there is the “March For Our Lives in protest to gun violence. It is certainly something that all of us should participate in.

For the rest of today that Cancer Moon is about things that are very close to home. You might feel the energy lift a bit at 7:37 PM after the Moon is opposite Saturn. By 8:00 PM you might feel a little bit of a depression lift, a little bit of restrictions lift.

Venus and Jupiter form an aspect Sunday March 25th. Venus and Jupiter has a whole lot of energy to support. Something to celebrate about in an odd way, in a surprising way. There could be also a lot of temptation to spend money on Sunday, or maybe even tonight with that aspect applying.


Tomorrow 8:54 AM is Moon square Mercury. So this Mercury is retrograde. It has been retrograde since the 22nd and it will continue to be retrograde until the 15th of April. You may want to redo renew fix everything. You want to reinforce. Iit is not a bad time to take on projects as long as you are really familiar with the process and you could qualify these things as second time around. Some people even get married for the second time during a Mercury retrograde period. My caution is that your decision making could be off. Mercury is really clear when it is moving direct. As far as making sound decisions it is contemplative when it is retrograde. It is in the quick sign of Aries. So this is about if you are trying to make any quick fast decision, you are really going to have to rethink and redo and review every step of the way because you’re thinking maybe off.

Throughout Sunday. Sunday we do have a class at noon time so we are going to be addressing the Mars and Saturn aspect about building our future.

The aspects for Sunday are fairly light after Moon square Mercury. There is a nice Moon trine Jupiter at 7:32 PM and then the Moon is square Venus. So it is sort of up and down, off and on, expand contract. The last thing that the Moon in Cancer, The Cancer Moon will do is square to Uranus. That makes this whole Cancer Moon edgy and radical if not difficult. It has a very disagreeable quality to it. Kind of on the nasty side. Not a soft side.

Monday – Tuesday to Wednesday

The Moon graces us with a change at 7:44 AM on Monday morning as it enters the sign of Leo. There will be a Green Light period, but not until Tuesday. The Leo Moon has a couple of quincunxes to deal with. First to Mars on Monday morning. Monday afternoon at 4:30 PM, 4:31 you want to plan your travel plans or your commutes around that or after the Moon is quincunx Mars because the energy is collecting around a very heavy cemented type of Mars energy.

This lacks the quality of fast renewal or strong advance as it is about being faced with obstacles. The obstacles are the nature of the Saturn piece in the picture. Later the Moon is also quincunx Saturn on Monday night 10:32 PM. After that it is a little lighter energy followed by a Green Light period begins Monday. March 26th after 10:33 PM and continues through until 5:54 AM on March 28th Wednesday. So the good day is all day Tuesday up until 5:54 AM on Wednesday.


The aspects are fairly light. There is Mercury parallel Venus at 11:10 AM Tuesday although parallels do take up the whole day. So it is going into the day and separating after that aspect as well. But that particular aspect between Mercury and Venus is very strong. This is when you want to find the money that you are looking for. Make your connections. Make those calls to people that you have been trying to reach and you are likely to have better luck with that.


Then we have for Wednesday. March 28th early in the morning very light energy and the void of course Moon starts at 5:54 AM and does continue until 10:30 AM. Then the Moon will go into Virgo.

Virgo Moon has a lot of quincunx energy in it because the final foot of that Virgo Moon will be Moon quincunx Venus on Friday afternoon. So all through the Virgo Moon sign we are dealing with some things that you are setting up. Perhaps you are trying to arrange relationships with others even business relationships work relationships. They need a lot of adjustment. There is a cost in dollars that may be out of your reach later.


There is an aspect between Venus and Uranus on Thursday. That energy is a parallel. You want to be careful about your belongings leaving your wallet or your credit cards in a precarious place and also any other belongings. If there is a storm leaving something where it could be damaged by wind or rain that also you want to look out for things. Also look out for friends and lovers and people that are very, very close to your heart as far as taking care of those relationships in a very gentle harmonious way.

The Moon is parallel Venus early in the morning, then parallel Uranus. So it is a very powerful aspect between Venus and Uranus. So let’s see how that can bring a better world in a unique way in a positive spiral, which would bring good results and happy endings so we are looking forward to that on a very difficult day on Thursday because it is the day that the Sun and Saturn are square. The whole week we are really leading up to this and it really feels like a Sun square Saturn all week long. So that is a hard way to go. Everything you try to do you may have to try three four times. If you are trying to find products for a job you may have to go to one store or another. Or it is not in or it is back ordered. And the same thing with reaching people. Also taking on large projects. I would wait until after that when that square is released. I would say that is released probably by Thursday night.

You would have better luck at moving forward in a positive way without that heavy foot of Saturn. Saturn is about teeth it is about bones it is about father issues parental issues. If you have parents, family members that are convalescing this is a very difficult aspect to get past. But once it is past then they have an easier time.

Then we have Pallas Athena changing signs going into the sign of Gemini, where there are many ways to answer one question or more. So you may also find the guidance that you are looking for. You may also be more easily connected to others. Explore new means of communication, getting the ideas and their thoughts of the masters. Moon is in Virgo Thursday and Friday up until 1:52 PM when the Moon goes into Libra on Friday.


But the Moons last aspect while it is in Virgo on Friday is at 2:47 PM when the Moon is quincunx Venus. That begins the void Moon period. Before that the Moon will be quincunx Uranus. So there is a lot of topsy-turvy energy with life’s messy, clean it up. A quincunx means there is a lot of work involved. Work that is sort of interjected into your life. You didn’t plan on it. It could also mean that there are information and communications regarding work, regarding job. Maybe you are waiting to hear something about the future of your job and Friday as it could possibly be the day if not even part of Thursday.

The Libra Moon that comes in on Friday at 1:52 PM is strong. It has better energy on Saturday. But throughout Friday you might find that there is a plan to step up the action with Jupiter and Mars in an aspect. Later on in the evening Venus and Neptune are forming an aspect. This one is a 45 degree aspect semi square. That means there is some hidden problems there regarding your money and anything having to do with friendship or love. If you meet somebody for the first time you might find that they are attached to somebody else or their intentions are not as pure as yours. That is pretty much it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website later at

Also join us for class tomorrow at noon time. You can join online. You can call me at 617 – 924 – 0929. Also for consultation appointments. And you can text me if you like. Just add your name so I know who it is coming from. You can text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. That’s it for the week. God bless and take care.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Astrology Report for March 17 - 24, 2018 by Dietrech Pessin

Dietrech Pessin’s Phone: 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, March 17, 2018 – Saturday, March 24, 2018
We have a today at noon time. We are going to focus on this Mercury and this Venus aspect. It is not as common as we think. The class is at noon. It runs until 2:00. It is in Watertown. Give me a call. I’ll give you the number later.

Good morning. Well, we have a busy week with some interesting changes. We are going to have the vernal equinox this week. And also a Mercury retrograde. All kinds of things.

Saturday March 17 at 9:11 AM there was a New Moon. This New Moon took place at 27 degrees of Pisces. This Pisces Moon will also welcome Mars for a sign change at 12:41 PM. Mars is going into the business sign of Capricorn. The next thing that is going to happen 3/17 is that Mars will travel out of bounds until the 6th of April at 12:11 PM. So an out of bounds Mars means that things, actions, activities, directions are all out of ordinary. They are off the charts. They are particularly from the weird side of life. Going and seeking information from other sources and bringing back experiences.

When Mars changes signs at 12:41 PM is when you might consider the Moon is void of course. I don’t consider the Moon void of course in Pisces, Taurus, Cancer or Sagittarius. The Moon changes signs and travels into the constellation of Aries at 2:57 PM.

The Aries Moon continues throughout this evening and until 9:07 PM Monday. The first thing that happens is Moon square Mars at 3:03 PM. This is particularly action oriented. It has a lot of challenging information or challenging aggressive qualities to it. So you want to be part of the solution. So you just want to observe to see what happens at 3:03 or just a couple of minutes before that. It should be very interesting.

Mars in Capricorn is really all about business. It is about driving things through. The principles of climbing the ladder, and going by the rules, and people that have reached a certain level of respect and status. Many subjects may be about status. Father issues are particularly strong during Mars in the sign of Capricorn as well.
At 9:07 PM on Monday the Moon enters the sign of Taurus.

The Aries Moon will bring us a Moon square Saturn in Capricorn tomorrow morning. So you may do better if you sleep past that aspect. We are still in the dark of the Moon until the evening hours. You might see a little of the Moon if you look on the western horizon right at sunset. And watch as the Sun sets you can probably see the little bit of the Moon.

There is a couple of really cool things going on. There is a romantic notion in the air. For one that is contributing to it is Venus in an aspect with Neptune. It is a mild aspect. And then the Moon will touch off both Venus and Mercury as it joins them. One at 5:58 PM. The Moon and Venus are conjunct. And then at 7:47 PM the Moon and Mercury are conjunct.

These two planets Venus and Mercury are together. Their exact conjunction will be on Tuesday, 12:02 AM, but they are being activated early with the Moon’s aspect to them Sunday at 5:58 PM – 7:47 PM. This is about perhaps meeting people, being introduced to people that might become your future mate… through someone else I would think that you meet this person. Someone introduces you and says, “I know someone who might be good for you.” But you want to note that Venus is in the sign of its detriment. This can mean that Venus is not happy in the sign of Aries. Venus is far too impatient, far too dismissive. Venus may even actually meet someone who would be very good as a mate. But says, “oh no. They are not for me.” And they could be… and the Venus person can be totally wrong about that. So patience, and a sense of quality, and a sense of value would be a good thing to invite during the Venus and Aries.

Venus doesn’t leave Aries until March 31st.

So then what we have for the rest of Sunday pretty easy going evening. If you have plans on Sunday evening, the Moon in Aries is very direct and active. Wants to start things up, wants to create some type of stir. At times with the Moon in Aries, it tends to put a fire in the middle of the room, and then wonder why you are so upset. And then he leaves before the fire can be put out. It is an instigator. Very, very instigating.



For Monday March 19th Ceres is turning direct. Now Ceres is about nurturing care-taking. In the sign of Leo definitely it is about children and about people who are directing the show. This is about also about the creative projects. So this is where you nurture your children, and your heart, and your creative projects, and more. Foods can definitely be geared toward the very best catering companies that open up during this time. May be grand and have extraordinary dishes fit for a king, in the sign of Leo. The other thing that is notable about this Ceres direct station is that it occurs opposite to where there will be a Lunar Eclipse coming up in July. So there is a message in this Sunday night Monday activity regarding nurturing and care-giving and projects that you want to nurture. There is a message in there that may be released or brought out into the open. Or used in some greater way at the end of July at that Lunar Eclipse.

There is pretty much on Monday just a free flow of activity during that Aries Moon thereafter. The Moon is making a couple of aspects, one of which is Moon conjunct Uranus at 3:28 PM. So there might be some startling information that is available to use in a unique and modern way. The void of course period I’m going to mark 7:54 PM on Monday until 9:06 PM, when the Moon enters Taurus. And that void of course period is marked by the Moon and Sun aspect. That would be at 29 degrees of Pisces where the Sun is. And the Moon at 29 degrees of Aries. So I always include the Moon and Sun aspects.

The aspect for the change of sign which would be the Moon entering Taurus. This will greet the Mercury and Venus conjunction on Tuesday, the vernal equinox on Tuesday, and more.

So that Mercury and Venus conjunction brings people together with shared sentimental interests. This can also be great for meeting with siblings, connecting with siblings, people that you have been out of touch with for a long time, visiting that sweet aunt or grandmother that is tucked away somewhere. The aspect takes place at 16 degrees of Aries. This is where Mercury turns retrograde. So this is a very important statement that is being made about partnering and pairing and maybe even joining others in their administration bringing new people together. Maybe that perhaps will try and last longer, although Venus doesn’t stay very long when in the sign of Aries.

Venus will move on out of that conjunction where Mercury will pretty much be standing still as Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday. So you want to listen to every little noise. See if you can fix things. Be a good listener. Be a very good observer over this next week before Mercury turns retrograde. If you have to fix anything, I would say, do it now.

But if you are trying to beat the Mercury retrograde, sign papers before it turns retrograde you may not accomplish these things. Number one you probably won’t get the people all together that you need to collect because of some type of…I don’t know. Maybe one person is away on vacation, another person is down with the flu. You can’t get people together to sign. That typically always happens just before Mercury turns retrograde which says it is next to impossible to beat it before it happens.



One of the reasons for that is that Mercury is in its shadow of a retrograde period since, in this instance, March 8th. So I would say you want to focus on family matters in particular on Wednesday. The best period is from 1:30 PM until the next day. That is because the Moon traveling through the sign it will make an aspect to Jupiter in an opposition at 1:21 PM. That could be the mark of a void of course Moon, for those of you who use void of course Moons, while the Moon is in Taurus. I don’t. The Moon is considered in its exaltation or its best place in the sign of Taurus, all through the sign.

A good period that will be about until 1:25 PM Wednesday until Thursday when the Moon goes into Gemini at 1:30 AM. That would be the period you want to use to try and forward your goals.

I would say keep the focus on family events not necessarily money matters because of the fact that Mercury is stationary and will go retrograde the next day on Thursday.

The Taurus Moon changes to Gemini at 1:29 AM. Mercury retrograde is on the agenda at 8:19 PM. It will be retrograde until April 15th, Tax Day. Which I think in this case we get a little break. It is not until the 17th. But the 15th is when Mercury turns direct.

There are a couple of things to note on Thursday that are interesting. Very romantic and dreamy aspect between Venus and Neptune. This might also…there is supposed to be some weather like another storm, like we need another storm here in New England, on Wednesday and Thursday. So this may contribute to that in some way.

Another thing that is notable on Thursday would be Mercury has a temporary link to a person, a wise person. Maybe someone who is being hired in our current administration or in your office or around your home in some way. They may be very temporary. So you may want to have a good back up plan for who is the next person. Maybe the next lawyer or consultant that you will hire in lieu of a short link with a wise person on Thursday.

After Mercury goes retrograde at 8:19 PM on Thursday there is a Green Light period. So you can move forward with something you want to redo, renew, review. Just take anything that you could qualify as second time around. Review. retake. Anything. Retract. Anything that you want to put a “re” in front of is typical great use of Mercury retrograde.

It is not a bad period for taking advantage of things. You want to keep in the back of your mind that somethings may be short lived or may have a lot of things to work out. Like people buy cars during Mercury retrograde period. They find that it is fine. Some people have said they have bought their best car during a Mercury retrograde. So it is not always a difficult thing to use. Everything is very specific. I would not sign a 30 year mortgage or something like that. That has to go through the hoops over the years. Because it is likely to invite every three months some kind of problem.


Venus and Pluto on Friday will form a square. That will be at 7:17 PM. That one stirs up a lot of jealousies, stirs up some money problems, and could be the source of some type of issue between people behind the scenes fighting. Lots of things about a woman behind the scenes and trying to stop anything that this woman may have to say or do. I can think of somebody who stands out in particular in the news, who has a really stormy quality to her.

There is an aspect between Moon and Uranus. That sudden abrupt enlightenment in a positive way. 11:52 PM on Friday beginning a void of course Moon. And that puts an end to the Green Light period too. The void of course Moon will end at 4:52 AM when the Moon enters the next sign of cancer on Saturday. It will be there through the weekend. That’s it for the week.

Again I want to mention my class. Please join me. Call me or text me to let me know that you are coming because space is so limited. I will give you my cell phone number so that you can text me 617 – 558 – 7233. Just include your name in the text. If anyone wants to text me, you go right ahead. Also my phone number here in my office 617 – 924 – 0929. Have a great week and Happy Spring. And I hope the Sun in Aries brings us an actual beautiful spring time. You take care.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin March 10 - 17, 2018 with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s Phone: 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, March 10, 2018 – Saturday, March 17, 2018

Every Sunday there is a class at noon time. We are focused on this Pisces energy, Chiron and Jupiter and Saturn This New Moon in Pisces coming up. Also Mercury will turn retrograde on the 22nd. So now is the time to fix those things. Those little noises. don’t ignore them during this week. Don’t allow things to escalate to the point where it gets broken. So that is it for the week.

Good morning. You know tonight is the beginning of day light savings time at 2:00 AM. We get to see the Sun at almost 7:00 PM which will be a lift to our spirits.

For today is a Capricorn Moon that started this morning at 4:52 AM. That Capricorn Moon will be with us right through until 6:44 PM on Monday.

A Capricorn Moon a lot of it is how things look how things appear how things present. Do they look well? Are they shiny and polished? Do you look like you are competent or professional enough, for whatever it is you are going about. Or you may want to try to forward your business during Capricorn Moons.

However, this particular Capricorn Moon not so good. Its last aspect and it is going to be a problem until May 15th. The last aspect will be square Uranus. Uranus is calling the shots for any of the cardinal signs. That would be the sign of Aries, the sign of Libra, the sign of Cancer, and the sign of Capricorn. So it is disruptive and it can reverse whatever direction you seem to be heading in.

But for the details of this Capricorn Moon. There is a little squabble tonight 8:25 PM when the Moon is square Mercury. So something about the information that you are attempting to secure is bogus in some way. Maybe you need to check your source before repeating anything.

The Moon aligns with Saturn at 9:04 PM tonight. So throughout the whole day it may feel like there is a little bit of a heavy foot with Moon - Saturn. A little later on the Moon will conjunct Pluto. So if it is also a time when you are driving, the police are out. They will nab you for speeding if you are going too fast. So be careful of that. There is a narrow mindedness aspect going on.


3:00 AM is when Mercury is square Saturn exactly. (Which has an influence on Saturday night). Narrow mindedness and focused thinking can be very good for projects. But it is a day for exclusions, and omissions, and prohibitions. So no word is…often what happens is you don’t get any word or answer about what it is you are looking for. There is a lot of judgmental thinking surrounding any of the things that you are putting out there. So just let it go. Lay low.

There is a very energizing aspect. It is not a high energy. Like as if it is putting the pedal to the metal in any way, but it is innovate. And that would be Mars trine Uranus at 7:23 AM tomorrow morning. That aspect is filled with revolutionary ideas and it has a lot of iron will to accelerate its activity as well.

Then the Sun and Pluto join together for methods and issues of power. This is a thinking and linking aspect which can allow for personal magnetism and determination to support your efforts. There are decisions to be made revealing the inner self or the inner process for things, particularly about your business but not excluding deep personal resources. Biological forces are also evident with Sun and Pluto. So throughout the evening then that aspect is pretty much the only component to influence Sunday.


Monday we still have a Capricorn Moon. All business. It is all about how it looks. It is what I would call a pretty difficult business day. So don’t sign anything or agree to anything. There is an aspect between the Moon and Uranus is 11:35 AM. That is when it begins a void of course Moon period which says lay everything down. Just go with the flow. Don’t start up anything. Don’t agree to anything between 11:35 AM and 6:44 PM when the Moon goes into Aquarius.

At 6:44 PM Monday night the Aquarius Moon sign begins and that is our lucky Moon this week. Not until after 9:00 in the morning on Tuesday, but it is a pretty good couple of days there.

The Aquarius Moon has to finish up with the distancing from others; this is caused by the Venus and Saturn square and is very inhibited. Choices are made over utility, not beauty. You could be putting something on your house that is all about keeping the water out, but it might be really ugly.

There are very strong serious and traditional social matters that are often tended under the Venus square Saturn, an aspect which ranges from emotional discomfort to emotional pain. A lot of things are rejected. So after that I would say around 9:00 AM Monday you can start working with the Green Light period that runs until 3:32 AM on Thursday.


Going through Tuesday there are several very nice aspects to work with. One would be the Sun is trine retrograde Jupiter at 4:06 PM. This is the urge to be bigger than one’s reality. And growth is in your mind. There may be a conscious or moral or religious issue. Perhaps that is motivating or you are reflecting on what is important in your surroundings.

There is the desire to travel and reach out to new ideas through education. Optimism and confidence are big.
The thing with Sun trine Jupiter is being too big. Being too optimistic, over the top. Taking a risk where it is considered too risky.

Jupiter is retrograde now and it will be so until July 10th in the sign of Scorpio. So this is when Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio. It has been opening up a can of worms everywhere. So this is all the dirty laundry that is coming out in all aspects of business and life, and anything having to do with the deep dark secrets.
The aspects later on, on Tuesday are mild with a Green Light.

Wednesday a very nice Green Light all throughout the day.

There is a 45 degree aspect between Jupiter and Saturn. I would wait until after that is complete. That would be at 7:04 AM. That is not hard to take. Just sleep through it. But it is something that will aggravate and irritate right through that aspect, from now and maybe through the end of the week. Where you might feel as though your personal goals are being measured by your responsibility. So what you really want to do and what you have to do creates tension.

There is a strong need to break out of old restrictions but your attempts are frustrated. So frustration can be the key word. And although your tolerance level maybe very low, it would be very well to cultivate the assistance of others. What did they do in times like this? What does history say in times like this? So rather than meeting your problems head on or simply giving up on them, just try to work with them in a more intelligent way. The way Jupiter would do research, dig into it in a deep Scorpionic fashion.


Saturn is all about building solid business. So there are benefits of this transit. You are forced to reassess areas of your life, which may have become stagnant and tired. So that is early in the morning on Wednesday.

Once that is set aside then there is a nice Green Light period. Not very complicated. So that is the best part of the Green Light period after 7:05 AM. In light of that, I would say 8:00 in the morning is best. And then let it go through lovely aspects throughout the day.


Early Thursday morning the Aquarius Moon sign is ending with Moon 60 degrees to Mars. That is at 3:32 AM during this Aquarius Moon sign. So the Aquarius Moon sign is about friendship. Take a friend along. Have a sense of camaraderie. And also there maybe a group of some sort that you would like to feel connected to during that Aquarius Moon sign which, going back, begins on Monday night.

The Pisces Moon begins at 6:11 AM on Thursday morning. And that Pisces Moon will continue right through until Saturday the 17th at 2:57 PM. There will be a New Moon during that Pisces Moon at 27 degrees next Saturday (conjunct Chiron). So we are building up to that. Which means there is the Dark Period of the Moon that will start on Friday right around 7:00 in the morning. It runs right until Monday the 18th. It is a long dark of the Moon period. That means you cannot see the Moon because the Moon and the Sun are so close together the Sun will be too bright to see the Moon. At night it takes the Moon with it when it sets. So being in the dark of the Moon is an indication that we are all in the dark. You are not able to gain the information you want or get the growth that you want. Everything is just too hard to deal with, too dark. Once the dark of the Moon ends and gets some light on the Moon you might be able to intuitively move forward with that seed stage of Pisces coming our way.


Friday March 16th there is an aspect between Mercury and Neptune. This day looks like a lot weather to me during that Pisces Moon. Maybe there is another storm. We don’t want that. But who knows what is in store for us. There is an aspect between the Sun and Uranus that we are heading for. But For the most part for Friday and Friday evening is a nice time to connect with others whom you feel comfortable with. Or maybe there is someone that you would like to help. Maybe someone that you would encourage to help their addictions. Maybe there is something that you can do that is about helping an old lady that is shut in. something like that. The compassion of the Pisces Moon is best used in that way as is through meditation and prayer. That is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this audio file and the written file on my website at

Also I have class tomorrow. Every Sunday there is a class at noon time. We are focused on this Pisces energy, and other things. This New Moon in Pisces coming up and still the Jupiter retrograde energy. And also Mercury will turn retrograde on the 22nd. So now is the time to fix those things. Those little noises. don’t ignore them during this week. Don’t allow things to escalate to the point where it gets broken. So that is it for the week.

Have a good week. Again my name is Dietrech Pessin. You can call me at 617 – 924 – 0929. You can text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. Just tell me who you are. Come to class tomorrow. Give me a call. the space is limited. Okay. Have great week. Thank you.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin March 3 - 9, 2018

Listen here for the radio report

The Moon in Sagittarius has the Green Light this week on Friday March 9.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: