Sunday, December 26, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days December 25 - January 2, 2022



Saturday, December 25, 2021 to Saturday, January 2, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi.  This is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead.  Merry Christmas!

We are grateful for that Saturn and Uranus square now behind us. It was tough to take all year long: February 17th, June, then six months later here December. We have had one too many of those nasty, anxious aspects causing definitely beyond anxiety; a lot of structural changes in our lives.

The Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus has an impact on our finances. As well as our groups of friends, and our concept of where we stand in a community.

So, this is a Christmas where we expect to have a lot of things move into the past. We are counting our blessings for those who remain by our side after such a tough year.

Christmas Day juggles family, feast, and good health. The Virgo Moon that we have today is an expanded view of the rocky terrain that we crossed with the help and cooperation of others, for peace and solace. A little cheer and support are in order for this Christmas Day. So, enjoy!

Mars and Chiron move into a beautiful Trine. There is something to learn about what you have experienced, and how you have experienced your trauma from the past. As Mars and Chiron have the quality of moving into a period of healing.

We will also be applying the deep exchange between Venus and Pluto: both money and holdings. Those holdings happening to be perhaps about business, about family, about family structure. About the structure of family business, in particular, with the Capricorn focus. Venus is retrograde. That makes it rather difficult to enter into new relationships. Retrograde Venus is not easy to coerce or cooperate with others. Venus retrograde is less likely to share, and more likely to hold on to what it has. That Venus retrograde conjunct Pluto has a history with things from the past. That might have more to do with shared resources, and less to do with future resources. So, you may want to count your pennies from shared resources of the past.

Jupiter and Ceres. Ceres is the grieving mother. She is also the Goddess of the Harvest. Jupiter squared to it is signaling that there is something to be sorted out. There is something to be hashed out. This could be about the bottleneck in Los Angeles. Where the ships are out at sea with all sorts of supplies that are damaging the status of the economy. What we need is not what we are getting. But if you keep your needs short and smaller than usual, you should be okay.

The Virgo Moon is very often about health and food. What is in the kitchen? Who is in the kitchen? As we go through Saturday, Christmas Day and then Sunday, your tummy may have a lot to say about what you ate on Christmas Day. A little bit too much.

It looks like a late morning could be better off, and a better afternoon when the Moon enters Libra on Sunday at 11:24 AM.

Jupiter and the Moon though are at an aspect for the last aspect of the Virgo Moon at 10:32 AM.  This begins a void of course Moon until 11:24 AM on Sunday. This Libra Moon that comes in ends with a very rare trine to the planet Jupiter on Tuesday afternoon. That gives us a really nice Green Light before that Moon goes void of course on Tuesday. It actually may have a rough course to navigate. But it all works out after you hash things out. Sit down. Deliberately try and make things better. See where everybody can gain something because there is a Green Light: through Sunday, through Monday, all through Monday, and Tuesday up until 4:10 PM. That Green Light governs that whole Libra Moon sign. This will help you to advance your goals.

Monday, if you want to move forward, you do have a Green Light to go ahead. People do clash however, over principles in the rules. Do not lose sight of the matters at hand. The big picture will carry you through the hard spots later.

There might be some sort of investment that you are hoping to find out more about. You may have to wait on that, as that information actually might be closed to those who are not considered insiders.

The Libra Moon is with us on Tuesday, as I had said. It ends with that nice positive trine to Jupiter, which will be a lift too/though a bit of a struggle where that Moon faces off with Mercury, Venus, then Pluto on Tuesday. By the time we are up and running on this part of the country, there should be some pretty good business energy after about 9:10 AM, when the Moon pulls away from that Moon square Venus, Mars. Moon square Pluto is what I am saying. Mars and Pluto have a 45° aspect. This is probably going to be some difficulty about how you perceive: the things that you need, the things that you want, your goals, and also the business plan. So, there is some difficulty with that until you sort through it. That is the end of that Green Light that comes to its end at 4:10 PM on Tuesday.

Then you note that Void of Course Moon ends at 4:16 PM. We have a nice Scorpio Moon.

Scorpio Moons aren't usually easy. This one has plenty of intrigue. There is a lot to manage between 4:16 PM and through the through the end of the night. Part of which we have something or a big part of something getting dropped, because of the fact that Jupiter is going to leave the sign of Aquarius and go into Pisces.

Before that we have Mars and Uranus in a very nasty aspect at 8:03 PM. This is a quincunx, life's messy clean it up. That is what I call that aspect. This is a nasty aspect between these two planets, which should be avoided at all costs. So, stay off the road on Tuesday in the evening and in through the night. I would say right through the night. There are dangerous potholes of all sorts. This pair has a disregard for the rules: for safety and security. So, you want to use a calm focused mind to place yourself in a safe place before Jupiter makes its change.

Now Jupiter is going to be interesting when it changes. It sails past the planet Neptune, once it enters Pisces and goes on into the sign of Aries on May 10th. So, a real short trek. But it doesn't end there because it will come back. By the end of the year Jupiter seems to do a dance over this territory while it is in the sign of Pisces. It Retrogrades back into Pisces at the end of October, only to hop back into Aries by the end of the year of 2022. You may want to tune into Victor's show next Saturday to hear how this plays out in our new year.

Wednesday, December 29th, that Scorpio Moon looks as if it is packing. That is for a good outcome. Venus and Mercury are in a position, a very pleasing pair together. They may feel well positioned and happily connected to bring your goals to fruition. That is a good luck charm. It is exactly at 5:27 AM. So, you may want to plan on Tuesday night or get up early on Wednesday morning to take advantage of this pair at 5:27 AM.

The Sun and the Moon are sextile, which is another good luck charm. That is at 5:42 AM. So there may be plenty of things happening overseas that you need to be privy to and enjoy. Taking your best shot early in the morning you might get some information. Make your long-term ties as best you can, when the Sun and Mercury join in a long-term aspect on Wednesday morning.

Then lunch will come around and you may feel kind of down for some reason. You may not feel hungry for lunch. Your feelings are probably dominating your memories.

Sun square Chiron that comes in on Wednesday evening has some painful memories to deal with. Should be dealt with before going into the board room. That is for sure. If you feel left out of the loop, you may remember being in this spot before. You did not like it then and you do not like it now. So be careful how you bark. That may be more harmful than helpful.

Mars and Saturn perk up when they see an opportunity where Mars takes the high ground for some type of an advantage. How can you gain a better vantage point without stepping on toes of those that are seated in positions of power? Or just positions above your position?

Mercury and Pluto go round and round on Thursday, December 30th. This is an aspect where you may gain an advantage, if you hang on till the end of this Scorpio Moon. Which will have its best aspect by 12:10 PM. Giving you a Green Light through that point. So that you can sign, and you can agree, and you can move forward with the Moon. Discusses the advantage of a monetary package offered by Venus's business advisors. But there are noteworthy snags, which can be avoided if you listen carefully.

Then 12:10 PM. We have a Void of Course Moon in Scorpio. It ends the Green Light period for Scorpio. That void of course Moon will last until 6:08 PM.

Then the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. Something is said or something is written in such a way which causes a problem with the Sagittarius Moon. It may not be a big problem. But it definitely will need to be sorted out before you can advance. It may have something to do with travel plans or other plans for your future. It may also mean that you were not listening because you thought you had everything you needed to do things your way. The problem is that those were not the only things you needed to consider. So, stop, look, and listen on Thursday. Or before Thursday, if you do not want to lose it during the Sagittarius Moon sign.

The Sagittarius Moon sign goes From 6:08 PM right through until Sunday, January 1st New Year's Day at 5:13 PM. The Sagittarius Moon wants you to hold on to your toolbox on Friday for a map to the future. All conversations can have special meaning. Keep your travel tickets for another date. This one might be too eventful. After all that is said and done, you may realize that you have put your foot in your mouth. So, you want to walk gently over some of the things you said and did during the Sagittarius Moon, which is very common for that Moon sign.

Then Moon quincunx Uranus. We have Oops! Once again something suddenly develops that causes you to rethink your plan for something less radical. Try to get solid as we get closer to Moon sextile Saturn at 1:15 PM. But that Moon Uranus aspect, life's messy clean it up 11:46 AM.

Then you have Moon and Mars joined together at 3:00 PM on New Year's Eve. This is a point which can activate the recent Sagittarius Solar Eclipse. So that may bring fireworks of its own kind by that time.

As I mentioned before, next Saturday, we will be going over the year ahead 2022. We will be joining Victor for the hour-long part of his show. You may also want to listen to this report account again at You can see a written copy of the report. Thank you, Kimberly Chin. Merry Christmas to everyone and Happy New Year! I will talk with you next year. You can find a copy of this at You can call me at 617-558-7233. You can text me there. You can leave me a message if you'd like to book a reading or one on one class. And that number again is 617-558-7233. Okay, thank you Victor.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin December 17 - 25, 2021 with Green Light Days


Saturday, December 18, 2021 to Saturday, December 25, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have a lot of things to talk about. For one thing we are prerecorded today. We will be also prerecording on Christmas Day, next Saturday. The following Saturday is New Year's Day, and I will join Victor to discuss the year ahead. So, you will come back for that. That will be an hour-long show. That will be great.

Holiday astrology sessions, astrology sessions are available at a 50% discount.  So, you may want to hop on to that sale.

This is the week of the Saturn and Uranus square. That would be a great thing to discuss astrologically; how that affects your chart. This is the last square of three. So, it has been quite a year. As we know 2021 was not our favorite year. So, we are looking forward to this aspect to finish up. There is a Full Moon today at 11:35 PM at 27° of Gemini. So that is real high energy. If you feel like you are just going to jump right out of your skin. Go run up the hill. Run down a hill. Do whatever you can to get outside and be part of that free feeling.

You might feel a little groggy right now or confused this morning. That is Moon square Neptune will do that. That is passing us right around this time. You will be able to think more clearly as we get closer to 10 o'clock.

The Moon is quincunx Pluto. That is life's messy, clean it up. That is the control freak aspect. So, you might try releasing your control to let the energy pass more quickly. Give the reins to somebody else. That will also give you a break. You can sit back and relax.

The Moon signals Saturn and Uranus that were on its onto its antics, which we expect on Friday. So, this is definitely that tornado energy. Even though the tornado happened over a week ago; the tornadoes in the middle of the country. It is definitely under the canopy of Saturn and Uranus square. So, we want to be watching what we do and how we do it. Do not drive too fast. Be mindful of how others are driving. Take everything as slowly and deliberate as possible. But have a sense of humor. Saturn actually has a sense of humor and Uranus is quite quirky. So, there might be a lot of Saturn Uranus jokes flying around.

You might find a gift that you would love to buy. This would be this evening, Moon quincunx Venus. But it is probably too expensive. Do not get in over your head in regard to gifts this season. Because it could it could take you a while to pay that money back.

Mercury and Chiron are square. Mercury is in Gemini. Caught in a very high drama dance with that Full Moon, which is opposite the Galactic Center. Which I was reminded that Galactic Center is actually a black hole. Well, if that is not huge energy, I do not know what is.

So, then our Full Moon comes in 11:35 PM 27° of Gemini. So, you have lots to say and so does everybody else. So, get in line for what it is you would like to get out there.

The Moon is trine Jupiter at the last degree of this Gemini Moon. Which gives us a really terrific Green Light period all day today, December 18 2021 until 1:02 AM on tomorrow morning Sunday.

Then the Moon changes signs. It goes from Gemini into Cancer. The Cancer Moon is filled with a lot of things churning also. The Moon enters Cancer until Tuesday afternoon. That is at 4:42 AM Sunday morning. Venus is on stage in a big way when she turns retrograde for the next 41 days. That is until January 29th.

Sharing the stage with Venus on this special day is Chiron. Which will turn direct also on Sunday, after being retrograde since July 15th. There is a bittersweet quality to this Venus Chiron couple standing on the stage together. Maybe there are so many recent losses when heading into the holiday season. Makes it really hard to take. It can be a time when making amends is the right thing to do as well. Venus retrograde is really great for finding lost objects. Also, as far as loved ones or falling in love, you may want to play that one by ear. It may not be the best time to get involved deeply into a relationship. Because when Venus turns direct at the end of January, it may want to back right out of whatever it became deeply involved with during this time. Anything that you want to spend, running up a bill on any level might be pretty difficult to manage also.

After this Venus retrograde in the sign of Capricorn is over, it takes place at 26 degrees of Capricorn, the Sun and Mars ramps up the energy to provide a boost of our feelings and our activity. People tend to come together with a Sun parallel Mars and help with the muscle jobs. So, if you are trying to get a heavy Christmas tree up the steps, someone will just happen by at the right moment.

Also, the Sun and Jupiter, they joined together in a 60° aspect for another big boost. It is exact at 7:31 PM; if you want to time a lucky type of activity. But its impact really is going to happen throughout the whole day on Sunday. The Sun is in Jupiter, the sign of Sagittarius. It is particularly enthusiastic. That spreads quickly. There is an insatiable quality to this aspect that the grass is greener on the other side. You may want to jump out of your routine for something really exciting or for some physical energy that you very much need. You can also feel generous and over optimistic. A lot of preaching can pop up with that Sun and Jupiter aspect, and that can wear others down. So, if you are the preachy type, try to rein that in. If you are surrounded by the preachy type, maybe you want to wear earplugs, take a break, walk outside.

Monday, we have a Cancer Moon that is running also through Monday. The Moon is opposite Mercury early in the early hours of the night, and then quincunx Saturn. So, there could be a bit of worry late night on Sunday night. Try not to let that run amok.  Let that cash. Put that in a balloon and send that up to God.

Mercury and Saturn. They have a lot of concerns as well early in the morning on Monday. They tend to review what's wrong with this picture.

Mercury moves later into 120° trine with Uranus. This is good. It is filled with kind of a fun loving, kind of feeling. If you are writing about something, you may see this as that free spirit that begs to emerge: in your thinking, in your talking, in your writing. There is an intensity of your mind, but in a kind of magical way. It is experimental in its attitude. It has expressive of radical ideas and its viewpoints. that is for Monday.

Then on Tuesday we have the Moon opposite Venus and Pluto. A lot of sexual issues that may be hidden that emerge. Gives the Moon a hard time in Cancer. So, about family members. Maybe some kind of story comes out. Like you are not your father's daughter. Something that would not be comfortable at all.

Then the Sun quincunx Ceres. Acknowledges Ceres, that has arrived with the Seven Sisters at the end of Taurus. So, this can be very precarious. Filled with more of those difficult losses that we have been experiencing. Ceres is the grieving mother. She is also the Goddess of the Harvest. So, we are looking forward to things to opening up. Maybe things in the west coast, the bottleneck there, to open up. But that is not likely to be really opened up until after the 14th of January when Ceres will turn direct.

So, this is a signal to watch out for your little ones: your cats and your dogs. They could fall prey to wild things outside. Also, your children; do not let them go running out in the backyard either without some special care. Keep your eyes on things like coyotes. Hawks are really animals that come and get the little dogs and cats as well. So be careful with those.

That Cancer Moon is void of course, until 4:53 PM. But technically, the Cancer Moon is never void of course. Its last aspect is 4:53 PM. So, you might have a little bit of a break. So, the last aspect is actually, I'm going to correct that, at 2:11 PM. So, you have a little bit of a break on Tuesday until 4:53 PM, when you want to do something that has no difficult consequences. It has a little Green Light period that you can take advantage of from 2:11 PM until 4:53 PM Tuesday.

The Leo Moon comes in then. We have that until December 24th. Its last aspect is opposite Jupiter. So, there is over optimism there too. That does not work out quite the way you want it too. the Leo Moon is in a quincunx with the Sun. So that is the finish, the great finish, of the Full Moon energy from December 18th. That is when you call the adjuster in to assess damages that occurred during Full Moon high energy times. Maybe storms and submit them to the insurance company.

You can also see a retrograde Venus parallel Vesta. So that helps you to gain some access to money. Even though Venus is retrograde, this might be from money owed you from before.

Also, there is a beautiful hideaway that you could find. Your own sacred space, a respite, a peaceful place. Create that for yourself during that Leo Moon.

Wednesday, we still have a Leo Moon. Mercury finds love when aligned with Juno. This can be for business or for new additions to the family. These are introductions. So, if there is a party coming up, I would say it is Tuesday night that has the most likely romantic introductions.

Then Mercury and Jupiter have much to discuss, but they are not on the same track. With a 45°angle your energy levels are just too different from those you wish to communicate with. So let that rest until a better time.

Jupiter sees some problems with his beloved when making a 45° aspect to Juno. That was his wife, the bride of Jupiter. Boy did she make him pay. There were a lot of problems as a result of that spiteful energy. So that is not bringing any peace into the family. Bring your new love to the family on a different day.

The Leo Moon tries to hold Saturn and Uranus responsible for its actions 2:28 PM to 2:49 PM. This is getting really close this interaction between Saturn and Uranus and the Moon.

Wow. There is a Grand Cross there. Grand Fixed Cross. These problems are stuck. They are difficult. You might have a hard time stepping out of an argument especially later in the evening when the Moon is quincunx Mercury. Turning your head around about: what it is you are trying to say, what you think, what comes out. Two different things.

Then there is confusion that comes in on Thursday. Not a whole lot to report on Thursday, except you want to take extra care of your money. When the Moon is quincunx Pluto, and then Venus. Do not lose your purse. Spending too much, once again is cautioned.

Venus is retrograde Friday, December 24th. This is the day when you may want to stay in bed. Put your head under the covers until this aspect passes. Maybe you want to do your Christmas shopping the day after Christmas and let this intense Saturn square Uranus pass. It is not going to pull apart in a big way. But the high peak energy is at 12:16 AM. So, stories from around the world might be large. Or we may have already experienced them by this time. This aspect has been apparent in our lives for at least six weeks. It will now slowly begin to diminish.

There'll be a minor Saturn Uranus aspect in March. But I believe it will help to clean up any of the debris from this period we are experiencing.

Then the Moon walks into a square to Ceres. Ceres is that grieving mother that is controlling the flow of resources and food. So, if there is any food that you can donate any way, that you can help to feed others, would be the ideal thing to do.

The Virgo Moon comes in on Friday. And it will last right through Christmas until 11:24 AM Sunday.

So, for Friday, it is tense. It is anxious energy, as we hold on to our seats for the Saturn and Uranus aspect. Extra caution please, when traveling on foot or vehicles. Do not run with scissors. People can be extremely testy. So, avoid arguments. Life is too short. So, we need all the goodwill we can muster this holiday season. It is tough, but we can do it. Breathe in love, even for your most testy relationships and breathe out peace. Meditation is your best friend. Virgo is about the food. It has about the help. It has about your health. It has about your exercise, you managing your health. So, maybe there will be a lot of presents that are related to taking care of the body. That might be a good thing. Well, that is it for the week.

The next thing we are going to do is talk to you next week during the approach to New Year's Eve. So that is it for the week. Give me a call 617-558-7233. Get your 50% discount for astrology readings during this time. You can also listen to this report again at Thank you, Kimberly Chin for transcribing. Thank you, Julie for helping, and also Victor. Merry Christmas and take care. We will talk again next week.

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