Saturday, October 29, 2016

Astrology Report Oct 29- Nov 5, 2016 with Green Light Days

You can find a copy of the live Radio Report

The week ahead has the Moon traveling through Libra until tonight 10/29, then Scorpio, Saturday night through Tuesday at 10:43 AM. At that time it enters Sagittarius until 11:05 PM Thursday when it enters Capricorn for the weekend. A New Moon at 8^ Scorpio (See Solar Eclipse Nov 2013 as a Moon Family Member) is on the way on Sunday at 1:38 PM giving us the Dark Moon Phase the day before around 10 AM Saturday Oct 29th and it continues until Monday night. There is a brief Green Light period near the end of the Scorpio Moon Monday after 6:13 PM until 3:35 AM Tues. There may be lucky break of some sort. Before that the Dark Moon phase holds back any clarity which can be snapped into focus when the Moon is 150^ to Uranus at 6:13 PM Monday. Venus is out of bounds since October 26 and behaves in a rogue manner or bringing wild trouble for women as it romps in the outer realms of most north and south regions i.e.: Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer. Now she has surpassed the boundary of the Tropic of Capricorn. She will not return until December 3, 2016.

********** Saturday October 29, 2016.
12:05 AM Mars is square Uranus and it has been showing its dynamite since Tuesday or Wednesday this past week. A need to be free at all cost. Bucking the system or creating a ruckus. Trouble with mechanical equipment. "Necessity is the mother of invention". Throwing all caution to the wind. A predisposition to accidents. Impulsiveness that clashes with others. Angry stress. Sudden outrage or burst of extreme energy. Friendship is pushed to arguments. Carelessness with sharp objects. Erratic fluctuations of pulse or blood pressure. Proceed with great caution.

Dark Moon phase begins 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday.

8:21 PM A unique void Moon period begins and ends at 10:00 PM Saturday night. It is unique because of a conjunction between Venus and Saturn during the void period and its highlighted by the Moon's semi-square to Venus then Saturn at 8:21 PM. At this time I mark the beginning of the void Moon period.

8:44 PM Venus conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. Seems like an oxymoron. There will be no fun here, but then Venus is out-of-bounds doing as she pleases so Saturn may try to pull the reigns in on this wild Philly with a list of consequences for doing things her way. The good news here is that Saturn may be offering her blessings. Be patient and you may receive the gift of patience. Mutual exchange is the objective in all relationships. An opportunity to take a friendship to a deeper level of commitment. Create a solid relationship based on the relationship's history, shared affection and values. Solid investments. Frugal money habits pay off. Money stabilizes. Good business agreements. Engages in relationships based on mature reasoning. Good business associates. Women motivated by success. Relationships established to stand the test of time. Long term agreements. Relationships with a significant age difference. Conservative expression of art, fashion and decoration. Tight with money. Inhibited emotional expression.
10:00 PM The Moon enters Scorpio where there will be a New Moon on Sunday. The Moon continues in Scorpio until 10:43 AM Tuesday. Scorpio Moon's come with a bite and often trigger land mines.

********** Sunday October 30, 2016 - Scorpio Moon - Meditate for peace and harmony to bring the best results for the highest good.

8:57 AM Mercury trine Neptune soothes the mind and opens the door to creative thinking.
11:30 AM Mars returns from its wacky vacation from tradition but exchanged places with Venus.
1:38 PM New Moon at 7º 43' Scorpio. Meditate for peace and harmony to bring the best results for the highest good.

5:27 PM Venus 30º Pluto. Some of these events may occur without previous planning. Money from insurance claims. Matters that concern your personal resources, money or security involving others such as co-signing a loan. Money with ties to banks and other lenders. Increase in your access to financial advances. This may indicate a raise in pay. Personal relationships that use sex or jealousy to motivate contact. A need for behavioral adjustments with spending and the ability to earn. Compulsive spending. Obsessive desires. Women placed in the leading position of power. Building ones talents based on deep psychological currency. Be well prepared when connecting with those in a position of power; not necessarily regarding money. Look inside to access your inner desires that will help you meet your greatest needs. A slight opportunity for a chance encounter with the person or company you most want to connect.
6:12 PM Moon conjunct Mercury brings an important message to light.

********** Monday October 31, 2016. Scorpio Moon.

10:54 AM Mercury 30º M3rcury speeds rumors.

6:13 PM Scorpio Moon 150º Uranus = landmines. Reversals are likely to upset the applecart for a time.

********** Tuesday November 1, 2016.

3:35 AM Tuesday Moon parallel Sun for an important alignment of theose who support a common goal. This begins the void of course Moon that ends at 10:43 AM.
4:16:00 AM Tuesday the Sun and Neptune form a beautiful 120º trine to effortlessly open a door for a spiritually deserved vision. There is a creative solution to all problems.

"7:23 AM Mars semi-square Neptune. This aspect can be likened to a hole in the bucket. Someone may be misappropriating funds There may be strange conditions around money issues. Oil business and energy waste. Cloaked aggressors. Irritating but vague neck pain. Frustration with artistic projects. Difficulty diagnosing and fixing problems. A strange magic could bring the resolve of a money matter. Meditation, self help meetings, yoga and acupuncture are the best use of this energy. Tighten gaps and look for leaks.
10:43 AM Tuesday the Moon enters Sagittarius and continues in that sign until 11:05 PM Thursday. The remainder of the day offers some relief to a very intense several Scorpio days Positive informaiton may be revealed around 4:50 PM when the Moon is parallel Mercury.

********** Wednesday November 2, 2016. Sagittarius Moon.

7:55 AM begins a Green Light period on Wednesday until 6:34 AM Thursday .

2:28 PM a serious message is considered.
4:09 PM Moon conjunct Saturn. Any heaviness is lifted after this which makes this the best time to move forward with your goals during this Green Light period.

6:30 PM Mars square Ceres can put children and pets at risk. Take special care of the anyone needing special care.

********** Thursday November 3, 2016.
1:09 AM Mercury 60º Pluto finds something of great importance that will be announced.

1:53 PM Sun 30º Jupiter. This is a mildly positive aspect boosting enthusiasm for the surrounding projects and objectives. Positive results for outreach and marketing projects. A time to find a spiritual teacher. Find the right counsel to resolve a deeply personal dilemma. A good time to investigate education with acupuncture, body therapies or medical school. Investigate plans to renovate sewer, plumbing and irrigation. Tap into your connections for advancement. Consider ideas for expansion but wait for a more positive aspect to initiate.
3:08 PM The Moon's final aspect is 30º Mars at 26º Capricorn. People gain momentum for their goals.

11:05 PM Moon enters Capricorn and continues in that sign until Nov 6 at 8:55 AM. A little sparkling energy for Friday night plans with Venus trine Uranus
********** Friday November 4, 2016. The Moon is in the sign of business and government. It's all about how you look and not how you feel.

12:38 PM Venus square Chiron may hurt the feminine side. It is time for healing that pain.

********** Saturday November 5, 2016 Capricorn Moon.

Saturday November 5, 2026 Venus trine Uranus. Meeting new loves can be exciting. Good friends find each other. Fun shopping. Light and happy occasions. Romantic surprises. Electronic and electric art. Unique costumes and esthetics. Pleasant reversals. Allows the erratic and unusual to flow. Positive changes in relationships. Sudden jealous reactions. New temptations. Surprisingly pleasurable.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Astrology Report Oct 22 - Oct 28, 2016 with Green Light Days by Dietrech Pessin

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, October 22, 2016 – Saturday, October 29, 2016

Good morning. Well there are some things that are going on today that could bring about some interesting development. There could be a check in the mail or there could be a bill for you to pay. Something that has been related to events that occurred maybe two and a quarter years ago. The details may actually be focused around family members in some way shape or form…because of a family member that…there is this that or the other thing that you may have to do or adjust to or pay more for as a result of.
For the most of today, Saturday, it seems as though there are areas of attention to family matters in general with the Cancer Moon that will be with us until 3:33 PM.

The Last Quarter Moon is actually at 3:13 PM at 29 degrees of Cancer, which means the Sun is about to change signs at 29 degrees of Libra. That will happen after the Leo Moon starts at 3:33 PM. We will have that Leo Moon until Monday night at 11:16 PM. The Leo Moon will host the Sun entering the sign of Scorpio which will remain there for the following month.

There is a couple of big sweeping energies that come in for Sunday with Jupiter quincunx Neptune that is at 9:32 AM. But this is not a fast moving thing. So it does dominate the energies for Saturday, Sunday, Monday. It can be very spiritual, it could be filled with illusion, whereas if there are things that you perceive that the picture shifts from. There could be shift shape… shape shifting types of things that are going on with that Jupiter and Neptune.

Another thing that comes to mind is great or grand displays or water, powerful water flooding. And Jupiter quincunx would bring a shift in consciousness. Whether the subconscious matters are larger than life or whether there is new information. Information may be dominated by illusion. A lot of that is definitely going on in particular around the election type of activities. That aspect is on the 23rd of October. It does dominate the entire weekend.

Philosophical and religious differences are often the topic with that and those issues regarding the diminishing qualities of benefits for education.

Then you want to see how the unforeseen or unseen difficulties about travel could cause a problem in your day or in your travel plans. It is a time of disillusionment with work or coworkers as well as with your personal goals.

There is a need to adopt a new belief system. It is overly dreamy and idealistic. It does have its disadvantages when you are trying to get real. There is a need for compassion however and there is also a need for patience and vision.

The weather could be a problem with these aspects in a big way. Of course that is always the case somewhere in the world.
Delusion and disillusionment might be the most spiraling type of influence from this aspect, which can be disheartening.

I think it is also rather musical and filled with inventive creative energy as well. You may want to sort of tuck yourself in a corner and make the best use of this energy by doing something creative in general.
What we have also with Mondays energy… for Monday we have the Moon in Leo. That Leo Moon is seeing in particular Mercury entering the sign of Scorpio. That will begin a little Green Light period that is Monday at 4:46 PM until 8:55 PM. If you are going to contract or connect with somebody or try to sign something or do something important. That might be an okay time.

Mars is still out of bounds. There is a little something wacky about a project or a male energy until that comes back in. It is going to shift places with Venus, so we have got to look into that a little later. But that Mercury aspect is also not going to be there for the Moon as it is about to… (did it skip a word???) and its trek down in Leo. That would be at 8:55 PM. there is a void of course Moon after that. That is when that little Green Light period ends. The void of course Moon runs until 11:16 PM when the Moon will enter the nice sign of Virgo.

It is in Virgo until Thursday at 9:50 AM. Now during that Virgo Moon there are a couple of snags. There is…the Moon is going to make a couple of aspects: square Venus and then opposing Neptune in the afternoon on Tuesday. This could create some illusions as well. Then Venus and Neptune are also going to be square. So this is where your choices and your value system might be off in a big way. You might be under some type of an illusion. We could be swept off your feet by someone, who later reveals that they have disguised themselves in a big way. Also money could just disappear. If you go out shopping you may just not even realize you are spending so much money.

After that aspect. That is at 9:54 PM. Then we continue on with that Virgo Moon. It is really quite nice. It has a beautiful Venus sextile Jupiter on Hillary Clinton’s birthday. That is very nice and positive for a woman running for office. That is at 11:18 AM.

There will be later on a quincunx between the Moon and Uranus at 6:06 PM, where there is something of a little bit of a surprise. Then the Virgo Moon ends up very nicely Moon contra parallel to Jupiter at 12:19 AM on Thursday early. That is a Green Light in there.

That whole time I would say the best Green Light period would be from 10:00 PM on Tuesday night right through until 12:19 AM on Thursday. There is a void of course Moon after that until 9:50 AM Thursday.
The Moon enters Libra. Now this one is not good. Do not agree with anything or join with anything or partner pair with anything. Even though there is quite a marriage going on that day with Venus and Mars as they are parallel. They are both out of bounds. So this brings to light the most wacky couple that decide to get married. The parallel indicates that it could actually be long term. Maybe it is a marriage made in heaven. And that is what the out of bounds thing is that it is out of this world. So it is very interesting. It could be pairing of companies, it could be pairing of countries, it could be anything. Couple…, people could meet the love of their life and it be very interesting to the rest of the world. They may look like quite a mismatch, but to themselves they could be absolutely wonderful.

But I would say don’t deliberately try and partner or pair because there is also going to be Mars square Uranus at 12:05 AM at the beginning of the weekend, the next weekend beginning on the 29th. That is under this Libra Moon which says that there is something bizarre and wacky that could split things apart very unexpectedly.

The Libra Moon does end very poorly with Moon square Mars. That would also make for conflict and differences between couples. So the Libra Moon is out as far as trying to forward your goals in any way. That is it for the week. Have a great week.

You can call me Dietrech Pessin at 617-924-0929. I am not around right now l I am lecturing in Connecticut, but I will be available end of Sunday and Monday. If you want to talk about astrology, make an appointment give me a call. That is it for the week. Have a great week.

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Astrology Report for Oct 15 - 22, 2016 with Green Light Days

WZBC radio 90.3 FM - Please join us for our 2016 fundraiser. This is how we keep the station running so that we can continue providing you with new and innovative music.
With that said, we welcome all donations! You can donate here or call in at (617) 552-4686 any time between October 14 and 23!
Thanks for your support!
= = = = = = = =
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
The following is transcribed from the live radio broadcast at WZBC radio 90.3 FM Saturday, October 15, 2016 – Saturday, October 22, 2016
Scroll beyond the ASC schedule for this week’s transcribed report.
Also I would like to announce that I will be lecturing in Connecticut at the ASC (Astrological Society of Connecticut) October 20, 21 and 22nd. You can visit their website for more information.

Dietrech Pessin
The Timely Arrangement of Prenatal Planet Stations

Each planet has a route in any given year marked by its retrograde and direct stations, signaling the planet’s most dramatic events. Most important to you are the stations during the period before your birth, forming a system specific to that time in an arrangement that impacts you throughout your life.

Special Class Friday, October 21, 2016
SolarFire Tips and Tricks
Dietrech is a wiz at SolarFire astrology software! On the evening of Friday, Oct 21, 2016, she’ll offer a special class on SolarFire. Stay tuned for an announcement of the details (such as the time, location and cost – likely to be $20 or $25, payable directly to her). She’ll show how to run lists, set up a customized wheel and create a handy “Q2 daily wheel” around a chart. She will also respond to questions and requests for how-to’s, and (WIFI permitting) create a video of the screens and methods she demonstrates which will be available to participants afterward at no additional charge.

Workshop: Saturday, October 22, 2016
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Dietrech Pessin
Prenatal Planet Stations – Applied
Synastry is one of the amazing applications for these exciting points. Seeing your set of prenatal planet stations aligned around your birth chart can bring you strong messages. Combine them with the chart of another and you may have a breakthrough that explains everything! You can also use these sensitized degrees to detect health issues.
Dietrech Pessin, a consulting and teaching astrologer with an international clientele, has lectured widely in the US and Europe. Regularly featured in the Boston Herald and Boston Globe, she has a weekly astrological report on WZBC FM Boston Radio. An innovator in astrology, she is best known for her Moon Family work in her Lunar Shadows book.

Good morning. We have quite the week ahead. Well the weekend…Let’s start with the weekend here. We have this amazing Full Moon that will be tomorrow morning at 12:23 AM, just after midnight. It takes place at 23 degrees of Aries – right where Uranus is sitting. Uranus that planet of sudden abrupt change and crazy wacky bizarre. If that doesn’t describe everything that has been going on in this period.
The Full Moon tends to bring all the cards on the table, everything out in the open. Things should be sorted out and ended and called up to be scrutinized in a very, very wacky way.
The other thing that headed this off was the Sun was opposite Uranus early this morning 6:43 AM. It certainly does impact the whole day, where it is part of this Full Moon. Because the Sun opposite Uranus is still going to be with us all through the Full Moon. I would say it will have its effect with us right through until probably Monday afternoon, Monday evening.
The other thing to note is that it is very haphazard. It is wacky out there in the world, whether you are driving, riding a train or flying on a plane. Whether you are conducting your business of getting around and also communicating with others, there are likely to be surprises. Because this is also a sign…Aries is a sign opposite Libra. Libra is the sign of partnership and pairing. This would be the kind of thing that could cut off relationships. I hear that because of politics peoples friendships are cutting off, people’s marriages are breaking up.
Victor: Yeah, I read two articles involving that.
D: The insanity. The insanity of the whole thing. I know it is disturbing me. 2:00 in the morning I wake up and I’m thinking…running over some of the things that have been said and reported and the kinds of things that have been said about women…horrible things that are being said. So I know that it is very, very disturbing. I saw an article on the news page too about the psychological effects of this election that it is terrorizing people. It is causing great harm. I think that this Full Moon conjunct Uranus may help to put an end to somethings. I don’t know if it is going to quiet the noise. I doubt it is going to quiet the noise.
Speaking of noise, Mercury and Pluto are square also in the chart of the Full Moon. That takes place tonight (10/15)at 10:28 PM. Mercury is about…also it is about fear. It is about going round and round and round in your thoughts not being able to shut things off not being able to clarify anything. Feeling like you are caught up in this sort of rat race of thoughts and the kinds of fear based notions are both crippling and motivating people.
There is a calming effect to going into a mantra with it. It would be a good way to counter this. Also pull up Michelle Obama’s speech from the other day. That is a nice counter speech to calm and soothe and address what is being done and said about women.
The Mercury square Pluto is also… choose your favorite mantra. I choose a Buddhist mantra.: “May I be safe, May I be Peaceful, May I be healthy, may I be happy. That can help to release fear as well.
So for that Aries Moon…but for the rest of tonight we will have Mercury square Pluto at 10:29 PM. So that going round and round and round with those crazy thoughts will be strong right before then and throughout the night.
Moon is conjunct Uranus at 11:11 PM. If you are trying to settle in early you might be disrupted and have to get up. Maybe it is for something that has come into your mind that you want to type and get down on paper or on a computer. Using computers these days with all this crazy wacky Uranus energy…use computers with caution. Use [anti]virus protection on your computers.

Sunday Oct 16, 016
The Full Moon will also be with us on Sunday. It is in the sign of Aries which will last until 11:04 AM. For that Aries Moon I want to see what the final aspect is. It is actually Moon quincunx Venus at 7:36 AM beginning a void of course Moon period until the Moon enters Taurus at 11:04 AM.
Venus is the planet of love and money in a sign that she is not happy with. She is in the sign of Scorpio right now. The Moon making that 150 degree angle is about trying to help you pick up the pieces from something lost. Could be a lost purse. It could be something that creates a disheartening effect. Sadness between friends or relationships. Truly there is something to be picked up or retrieved. Ask for help. Ask for friends to also assist in anything that can be recovered.
Venus is love and it is money. It is appearances. It has to do with what you value. It has to do with how you feel about things as with your actual feelings or sentiments about things important to you. Your talents as well.
For Sunday we have the Moon void of course from 7:36 AM until 11:04 AM. Then the Moon enters Taurus. It will be there the Taurus Moon until Tuesday at 10:30 AM.
2:51 PM Venus and Mars are in an aspect that is cranky. Check balances before you spend to avoid an overdraft. Emotional reactions. Minor problems in relationships. What appears as minor indulgences create money problems. Embedded issues resurface. Sorting out a need for closeness and sentimentality vs. another's need for growth without placing blame or fault is the challenge. One partner may be content in a closed fantasy world and the other wants some action. Differences can be identified as a mismatch in core essence of a couple. This is an indication to remove your investment from an ever losing effort. Change from the inside out. Keep the focus on yourself. Venus women. Mars men. Mars is still out of bounds. It means the male character the male position is acting wacky, way out there. We sure have a great example of that in politics of the bizarre behavior. Mars will come back in bounds on the 30th around 11:30 AM. There is a possibility that that energy is reined in and there will be a more normal behavior. If you are looking for love or if you have taken a new job, been looking for a new job with Mars out of bounds the likelihood of it sticking being stable is not great. So wait until after Mars is back in bounds on the 30th of October for better luck for things to work your way, in a positive way.
For Sunday night with that Taurus Moon you might just enjoy some friends, some good food quiet comforting night out. I would say try not to spend too much money with Venus still in the sign of Scorpio. Venus will change signs on Tuesday morning entering Sagittarius. That is kind of a spend thrift as well.
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday the 17th of October we have Neptune and the Sun at a 135 degree aspect. so that can bring a cloud, confusion, some type of fog, waking up with fog, heavy fog or rain, or anything that can cause difficulties seeing things as they really are.
Venus and Saturn are pulling together. Venus is the ruler of Taurus so she is getting some help from Saturn the planet of judgement and structure. Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius so its structure is perhaps intellectual and has more to do with education and politics. Trying to form some structure around this politics. It is about taking up the old concrete and trying to form something new. So the structure that we have been familiar with, with politics is not there for us during this time. But Venus and Saturn parallel is about trying to bring people together for the purpose of funding things. So if you are trying to raise some money it might be a decent day on Monday to try and secure some funds.
Victor: That is what we are doing this week. We are raising funds for WZBC all week long.
D: Also I would say that the Taurus Moon is probably a little bit wacky around 10:24 PM when the Moon and Uranus are making an aspect.
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016 – Happy Birthday Naomi Bauer in Boulder, CO.
At 3:00 AM Tuesday morning Venus enters Sagittarius for heading for greener pastures. That could be something that influences your choices, your information until November 12th. Venus will be in the sign of Sagittarius until Nov 12, 2016.
Venus' principal is that of sharing, balance and joining experiences with others. While Venus travels through Sagittarius the focus will be on relationships that offer space and a sense of openness without heavy expectation of commitment. This lighter side of Venus is more interested in fun and adventure. The love principal may also indicate that partners may either be traveling together or be separated by a traveling partner. Spending time with friends from abroad or making new friends from foreign cultures enhance your social life. For personal use: Lighten up and give your partner a break. Take a romantic trip. Can be used in business for: Consider foreign business ventures.
The Moon and Sun are quincunx which says there is a Full Moon that is passing so that is sort of the last piece of it at 3:03 AM Tuesday morning. Then the Moon is free flowing although never consider void of course in the sign where it is exalted, which is the sign of Taurus.
There is a little Green Light period in there 8:30 AM Tuesday morning until 10:29 AM. If you want to do something to forward your goals that would be a really good period to do that.
Tuesday after 10:29; Wednesday and Thursday until 7:16 AM.

Then there is a Crazy wacky Green Light day. Tuesday after 10:29 AM all day Wednesday and Thursday up until 7:16 AM. There is an aspect at the end of that route where Mercury and Uranus are cutting off something. It is really kind of a bizarre Gemini Moon that we are going to have. That Gemini Moon being what I am calling a Green Light…with a red flag.
So you want to use caution for something to be cut off abruptly. However this may work in your favor. If your travel plans are rerouted or delayed it might be a good thing. If the message that you have been waiting for is not great then wait a little longer and maybe a better message will come later that supports your goals. Something might be cut off abruptly such as communication, publication, various types of information reversed or changed in some way. When all that is said and done there is a recovery of some sort during the Gemini Moon sign. You get things perhaps put into a better light. You are able to move on with something more reliable.
Wednesday October 19, 2016

One big reason why so many things are so difficult now is that Saturn in Sagittarius remains square to the Lunar Nodes. That makes this filled with great consequence whatever is going on during this period.
This Mars conjunct Pluto aspect is very strong powerful aspect that can lead to many consequences. This conjunction aspect is exact at 7:22 AM and is set off at least a day earlier if not sooner.
The conjunction marks the beginning of a new cycle between these two planets that will take two years to complete. This aspect allows those in a position of power to join forces with those who are aggressive and forceful. This may bring about a united show of strength. There may be little to no regard for those less fortunate. On a positive note, the objective is to accomplish a mission at all cost and pull out all stops. For those planning to take charge of life and redesign a new path, you desire to erase all existing remnants of the past or current setting to assure a new future. Begin from the ground up. This combination allows for very serious strategic planning to cut a new design. Impatience shortchanges strategic plans that may affect failure. Speeders are stopped by police. This may attract large amounts of money. There are physiological and psychological indications with this aspect. This aspect can be present when surgery is indicated. Psychological indications may include a fear of being "raked over hot coals"; controlled by another, or fear of death. There are obsessive drives and behaviors; such as paranoia, or other issues where it is difficult to discriminating between reality and tricks of the mind. This may especially be true for those in positions of power who feel threatened by both insiders and outsiders. Deep nervous tension that is hard to sort through. Good day to process anger in your therapist's office. .Very strong sexual urges exist. .
For personal use: Get serious about your future. Avoid allowing sexual desires to interfere with your primary objective.
For business use: Things to avoid are annoying symbols of greed and misuse of others finances.
Thursday October 20, 2016
The Moon and the Sun are trine at 7:16 AM Thursday which brings an excellent time early in the morning there on Thursday… being the best time to act on your goals during the Gemini Moon I would say somewhere around 5:00 AM until 7:16 AM. If you want to mail things off, you want to gain more information or perhaps try and put your request to the front of the line or reach someone. That would be a good time to do that on Thursday morning October 20th I will be headed for Connecticut. I will be lecturing for 3 days there at the ASC Astrological Society of Connecticut.
What we have here for Thursday is the Moon changing signs 11:28 AM the Moon will go into the sign of Cancer where there is a lot of wacky business ahead. Cancer is the sign of insiders. If you are invited somewhere you are really considered an insider. Feel honored and be gracious. Feel like you have been accepted into an inner circle.
Mercury and Uranus are making an aspect at 11:15 PM. Some things come together that had not been able to. If you are doing something on Thursday that involves technology maybe some things are missed. You want to plan ahead use up all of your back up features for whatever it is you need to do. It should be resolved by the end of the day.
Friday October 21, 2016.
On Friday we still have a Cancer Moon. It is still crazy. There is an aspect between the Sun and Saturn early in the morning where there is behind the scenes. There are things going on, trying to make sense of or put things in order. Work through frustrations and delays. There could be difficulties with matters of land and real estate. Difficulties arise between executive decisions and department heads. These matters are hard to sort through as both positions are valid but there is a need to stop and set a standard. The same may occur within the family structure as one individual may move forward based on unilateral decisions when their actions can affect the entire unit. Government passes laws. On an individual level one may be grappling with issues of ambition and self' worth. The current voices can be judgmental and relentless.
For personal: Lead with compassion.
For business: Is there a need for revision of protocol? Conduct open discussions by exploring the current standard and the future objective.
There is also Moon quincunx Saturn 10:12 AM. Life is messy clean it up. That is a difficult aspect especially if you are hungry trying to find something to eat and you can’t find anything that is suitable. Plan ahead to eat before you head out on Friday morning.
Moon is opposite Pluto 1:13 PM that is when you are dealing with people who are trying to control everything.
And then a 4:04 PM the Moon is opposite Mars which sets off the Mars and Pluto conjunction from Wednesday. This aspect is going to last right through until Friday, if not a little before. But we are feeling this now.
And another reason why so many things are so difficult now is that Saturn in Sagittarius is square to the Lunar Nodes. That makes this filled with great consequence whatever is going on during this period.
This Mars conjunct Pluto aspect is very strong powerful aspect that can lead to many consequences.
Later on in that Cancer Moon the Moon will square Uranus. But that is the next day. So that is it for the week ending on Friday October 21st.
You can find a copy of this on my website at I will be in Connecticut next week. You can call me at 617-924-0929 if you want to talk about astrology, make an appointment.

*The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for 2 weeks.
* You can find the audio file of this report on sound cloud. Go to OrbZero at SoundCloud. All of Dietrech’s radio reports are posted there.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Astrology Report for October 8 -15, 2016 by Dietrech Pessin

To Listen to this week's report -

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, October 8, 2016 – Saturday, October 15, 2016
There are no clear Green Light Days this coming week. I'm sorry. You might try calling me to work out a time that is best for you. However have a nice long weekend, Dietrech

Good morning. We have quite the week coming up. There is…as far as the Green Light days go, I’d say their pea green. It is more like pea soup. There is something very thick and heavy in there, like walking through a swamp. This is a very interesting week leading up to a Full Moon that we will have coming up next weekend. This week is building quite the dialogue and all the activities and high energy for the things yet to come, but there is still quite a bit that we can expect.
About the things that are going on now in the news, there are a lot of very negative things that deliver incredible consequences. Consequences are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is sitting in an exact square to the Lunar Nodes. Now the Lunar Nodes are the areas where the Eclipses take place. Those spots are really called for extreme intense interaction with all corners of the world. It is an intersection point. So even though there isn’t a body there like a planet or a Moon there is still quite the activity, quite the amount of energy pulled into that spot. Having Saturn square that is really saying anything that could go wrong will go wrong. Murphy’s Law is real strong here. There is an enormous amount of judgement in the air, as it should be. As it should be for a lot of things. That is just my opinion.
Then we have for Saturday, today…so then we are leading up to this next Full Moon which is at the point where an Eclipse had taken place years ago. So it brings up things from 2005. There is lots of energy that is lingering around and trying to set off things from the past and clear the way for a cleaner future, I do believe.
Saturday October 8, 2016
For Saturday what we have is Capricorn Moon with this heavy Saturn energy. Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. We have quite the Saturn day. This is very good for getting your business in order. Don’t start new business don’t initiate new plans for business. However it is a good time to work on getting your ducks in a row and cleaning things up.

As far as major aspects. There are no major aspects today. The Moon does join up with Pluto, which is that thick and heavy energy. That would be at 9:56 PM. That kind of tucks in the evening with a bit of…probably a little bit of worry going round and round and round. The nature of Pluto he is also the toll keeper. So there is something that you need to pay before you move on.
Sunday October 9, 2016

At 12:32 AM. We are under the influence of this Quarter Moon tonight. So it is a Quarter Moon. It takes place at 16 degrees of Capricorn. It has a link back to 9 months ago when things began. This is October that would be January, right around the 9th of January. There would have been a New Moon that is related to the events and the activities that are going on right now.
During this Capricorn Moon we have the final say is with Moon square Uranus that is tomorrow at 12:50 PM. It says anything could happen that could upset the apple cart. So that is an upset. It has a surprise element to it.
Then the Moon is void of course from that point 12:50 PM right until 2:32 AM Monday October 10th.
Monday October 10, 2016

At 2:32 AM the Moon enters Aquarius. This is the sign of friendship. If those that are in trouble are looking for their friends to bail them out, they probably are keeping their heads concealed. There is that green, dark Green Light, which says you could move forward with things if you want to but there are so many problems along the way.
One of the things that is interesting about Monday is Mercury and Venus are forming an exact aspect. It is a semi square so they are never far enough away from one another to be actually 90 degrees apart, or square. But they have a half square which is a very powerful aspect between the two of them.
7:04 PM there is a squabble, there is difference of opinion. There is difference of values. All of those things can potentially be devastating for those that are trying to make a statement or pull people together, especially on the political realm. So there is a lot of problems with that aspect.

October 11th Tuesday we have Mercury and Jupiter that start the day off with a conjunction. There is a bit of information or a lot of information that comes through that you can use throughout the day with the Aquarius Moon sign.
Mars and Neptune make a 60 degree aspect, which is helpful they bridge a gap. They call in the forces that are positive and that can potentially create a new way a new effort to be able to do some damage control perhaps.
Earlier in the day Venus and Jupiter are making a 45 degree square. This is sort of a saccharine sweetness. Things that are not real and are too sweet that really don’t stand the test of time.
Then at 7:15 PM the Moon is square Venus. And the final aspect for the Aquarius Moon is Moon sextile Uranus. Now this seems like it might be a good thing but Venus and Uranus are making 150 degree square. So what that all adds up to… is that there is something that is very expensive. It could be the expense could be between friends it could be between your pocket book and what you are spending it on, your desires and how your relationship with groups and associations might change drastically.
There is a sudden abrupt change or sudden loss. Be very careful with your purse on Tuesday night. It is during the void of course Moon and Venus and Uranus are making their quincunx very early in the morning on Wednesday morning making Tuesday night very difficult to hold on to your purse. Whether it is stuff inside or whether you actually lose it. You want to be careful of that or anything that is valuable to you. If you have a very expensive vase sitting in a precarious position perhaps it flies off the table and there it goes.
The Moon will be void of course from 7:48 PM until… and that is Tuesday night…until 8:42 AM on Wednesday morning. Then we have a Pisces Moon.
Wednesday October 12, 2016
The Pisces Moon is in for a wild ride. One of the things that happens…this is Wednesday, Mercury and Jupiter are parallel. This is a time when you are able to pull information in that is useful in some way. Actually delivers something that you need and helps you to connect with those that you are trying to connect with. Networking is positive with that…with that Pisces Moon there is the potential for things behind the scenes to emerge with a big surprise. As subject develop they are destined to be brought out into the open.
The quality of that Pisces Moon is filled with Mercury and Neptune at a 150º angle which is a quincunx. That is kind of wild weather causes difficulty finding your way. There is a strong veil of confusion which might be a set up for getting lost by or around 7:50 PM, and that takes place on Wednesday. Then there is a tight spot with a wacky character which is joined suddenly that is later in the evening. It could be about friendship. It could be about some kind of technology surprise. It could also…that is also the kind of thing when your cellphone spontaneously combusts, as the Samsung phones have been doing.
Thursday October 12, 2016
it appears to have some issues to deal with those things again behind the scenes. The day begins with a headache from a judgement of others leaning heavy on the start and as you attempt to pull your foot out of a cow pie, it might then find that your foot goes right in your mouth again. It is a very foot in mouth day. So be careful what you say and how you say it. I would say don’t say anything. Keep your own counsel because there is not much out there that is better than what you could come up with, except for wait a day or so.
There is much to clean up and there is a strong surprise that comes along, almost be evaluated. You have to make for an exit plan. I don’t know if this would have to do with wild weather like from the hurricane and trying to get out from under. I do pray that everyone is safe. I know that there is already been a lot of loss.
But for Thursday October 13th the Moon is square Saturn at 6:18 AM again making for a heavy start.
Ceres enters Aries. Now Ceres is about nurturing and caretaking. And Aries is like too quick. It is like they run in and throw you a towel and run off. So there is not much nurturing that goes on there. And if you are looking some sort of resolve to food issues you may find that the problem is about eating foods that cause too much inflammation. You are burning up inside. It could also bring about an accelerated viral load that occurs or other diseases that are transmitted by air.
Then Mercury and Mars they form a square 4:59 PM Thursday. This is very much that “foot in mouth” problem in a big, big way. Right after that is the Sun and Uranus in an aspect. So it is pretty erratic and bizarre and crazy. We are just in this crazy period right now.
Moon is quincunx the Sun so there is even more to clean up. After this quincunx at 8:30 PM there could be a kind friend that lends a hand to pull you out of a sinking ship by Friday morning. So that is very good news. This may not be the end of troubles. Simply some prayers are answered that helps to save you out of a very tight spot there. That is for Thursday night.
Friday October 14, 2016 – Happy Birthday Judith Gorgone
Friday morning Moon parallel Jupiter at 8:26 AM that is the last aspect that the Pisces Moon does make. Although the Moon is never considered void of course in the sign of Pisces. If you want to consider it is, it is from 8:26 AM until 11:08 AM on Friday.
The Moon enters Aries and there is an end to that on Friday that is filled with all of that high energy Full Moon energy that is on its way next weekend. The Moon and Venus will quincunx before it leaves the sign of Aries. So hold on to your money again. Hold on to your purse. You might be cut off at the pass. There could be a big plan that is stopped. If there are troops that are headed out they could be heading out with blinders on. And that could be troops of business or politics or actual troops on the ground. There may be something dropped because it failed around that next weekend starting Friday.
Then for Friday evening we have that Aries Moon. If you are out and about and you want to have some fun I would say, keep safety first. Take care and have all your financial things arranged ahead of time and leave your purse at home. That is it for the week. It is really quite a wild ride.
If you want a copy of this you can find it at You can also find the audio file there. You can call me at 617-924-0929 if you want to talk about astrology, make an appointment. *The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for 2 weeks.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Astrology Report for Oct 1- 7 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

I must apologize for being out of reach as I have been mending an old neck injury. The audio file can be heard on Facebook under Lunar-Shadows. Also you may follow this link.
Scroll beyond the ASC schedule for this week’s transcribed report.
Also I would like to announce that I will be lecturing in Connecticut at the ASC (Astrological Society of Connecticut) October 20, 21 and 22nd. You can visit their website for more information.

Dietrech Pessin
The Timely Arrangement of Prenatal Planet Stations

Each planet has a route in any given year marked by its retrograde and direct stations, signaling the planet’s most dramatic events. Most important to you are the stations during the period before your birth, forming a system specific to that time in an arrangement that impacts you throughout your life.

Special Class Friday, October 21, 2016
SolarFire Tips and Tricks
Dietrech is a wiz at SolarFire astrology software! On the evening of Friday, Oct 21, 2016, she’ll offer a special class on SolarFire. Stay tuned for an announcement of the details (such as the time, location and cost – likely to be $20 or $25, payable directly to her). She’ll show how to run lists, set up a customized wheel and create a handy “Q2 daily wheel” around a chart. She will also respond to questions and requests for how-to’s, and (WIFI permitting) create a video of the screens and methods she demonstrates which will be available to participants afterward at no additional charge.

Workshop: Saturday, October 22, 2016
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Dietrech Pessin
Prenatal Planet Stations – Applied
Synastry is one of the amazing applications for these exciting points. Seeing your set of prenatal planet stations aligned around your birth chart can bring you strong messages. Combine them with the chart of another and you may have a breakthrough that explains everything! You can also use these sensitized degrees to detect health issues.
Dietrech Pessin, a consulting and teaching astrologer with an international clientele, has lectured widely in the US and Europe. Regularly featured in the Boston Herald and Boston Globe, she has a weekly astrological report on WZBC FM Boston Radio. An innovator in astrology, she is best known for her Moon Family work in her Lunar Shadows book.

Saturday, October 1, 2016 – Saturday, October 8, 2016

Good morning. It is quite the Sun Neptune morning where it is cloudy and rainy. The Sun and Neptune will be showing us something later on this week. Actually tomorrow there is an aspect between the Sun and Neptune. It is quincunx so that can bring wet weather. It can bring a big storm. So where ever the big storm is headed that actually will contribute to it. Also to pump that up is Mercury also quincunx to Uranus. The winds are likely to be extra wild and all kinds of fun with all that interesting weather going on.
We have a Libra Moon. The Libra Moon is…it has an aspect with Uranus which will be its final aspect. That is going to be tomorrow morning at 1:42 AM. A Libra Moon is very good for joining others being with those that you want to be more social around also for trying to pair up partner and agree with others. May be trying to find some type of agreement period
The likelihood that things run smoothly is not that great. (recording skipped a beat???) The last aspect of the Moon will be opposite wacky crazy Uranus and that doesn’t bring about anything that will stick. That is famous for releasing or reversing something wild and unusual that could take place. We are in the dark of the Moon because there was a New Moon yesterday. That New Moon was at 8 degrees of Libra. It was a very fat New Moon. We can’t see it because it wasn’t in the sky. It is a Dark Moon who is called a Black Moon. That means there were two New Moons in one month. But it was conjunct Jupiter so that is why I say it was a fat Moon. It actually allows for some sense of humor and some openness. Maybe an expanding your awareness in some way shape or form. So stay tuned to Victor’s show for that.

We have that dark of the Moon phase over tonight (10-1) around 11:30 Saturday night. You might be able to see more clearly in regard to your thoughts and your information. Any of the things that may have come to you over this past couple of days wait it out. There might be much more that will be revealed. Don’t react on it. The rest of that Libra Moon will continue right through until 3:42 PM on Sunday. Being void of course from 1:42 AM until 3:42 PM. All day tomorrow pretty much void of course Moon.
Then the Moon enters Scorpio. Now that Scorpio Moon is actually one of the better Moon signs. It has a Green Light period but it is tough. Scorpio Moons are not meant for light weights. They are very tough energy which as to do more with trying to fight the battle, being well prepared.

The aspects that we wanted to note before was 11:10 AM Sunday the Sun is quincunx Neptune. 2:18 PM Sunday Mercury is quincunx Uranus. That is very accident prone because there is a blind spot and there is wacky stuff that looks more like a train crash as well.

That train crash by the way, I studied the chart. Saturn in a moveable sign. Sun in Sagittarius, was square to the Lunar Nodes. The Lunar Nodes being in Virgo and Pisces that would have created any incident that would have required serious attention, and also comes with consequence. So anything that would have happened, even during this week where Saturn is still going to continue to square the nodes there are great consequences.

So then further on we have that Scorpio Moon starting tomorrow 3:42 PM. It is a Green Light. There is some information or some friend that is able to come and help be supportive, probably late Sunday night. Then Venus and Saturn are joining for a little aspect early in the morning on Monday. This may allow for there to be some structure in regard to your finances. So if you wake up thinking, oh I could do this or do that and make this better. that is possibly a good thing to do.

Monday October 3, 2016
Later on, on Monday there are pretty much no aspects with a Scorpio Moon nor the planets, making Monday kind of free and easy on some level. But it is Scorpio, so your feelings are intense you probably have things, matters to attend to that are stressful. Perhaps…Scorpio rules death sex and taxes and reproduction pregnancy and loss of pregnancy and all sorts of topics that are heavy, the heavier side of life.
Tuesday October 4, 2016
Tuesday the same thing. Scorpio Moon and the Sun is in a fine aspect with Saturn at 12:58 PM. This one builds bridges and allows for people to come together for a common purpose. There is a development of perhaps ideas and even some type of good plan, positive structure that is available. So if you want to do something more practical that also is creative that is your day. Use your past accomplishments to ask for more responsibility, if that is what you want. You can also come to the table to structure a deal with that kind of aspect as well. Mercury and Uranus are part of that…well under that would be the Mercury and Uranus aspect is actually for Sunday. Sorry I am skipping around here.
The Sun sextile Saturn it takes place exactly at 12:58 PM Tuesday under the Scorpio Moon, which continues right through until 9:04 PM. Now that is a Green Light period in the entirety of the Scorpio Moon sign however this is a sign that is not meant for lightweights. The Green Light is based on the Moon sextile to Mercury. That is a very positive piece of information that you have been waiting for, communication. You either want to get or to give. It can get the ball rolling and it could be about matters. Perhaps that involves heavy subjects that we talked about.
So there is a void of course Moon on Tuesday night 9:04 PM until 4:26 AM at that time the Moon enters Sagittarius on Wednesday.
Wednesday Oct 5, 2016
There is a snag with the Sagittarius Moon. Usually that is cheerful and buoyant and how buoyant can it be, Saturn is there. So it has to get past Saturn. That would not be until Thursday at 4:43 AM.
But before that on Wednesday there are a couple of aspects that are kind of cheerful. There is the Venus and Pluto is sextile. That is 60 degrees at 5:22 PM on Wednesday evening. That aspect could be about perhaps about negotiating about more money. Or maybe trying to come up with a scheme to be able to take a long trip or plan a new education route as well.
Mars is square Jupiter Wednesday. Could be more about education, but also could be more about more boots on the ground. That usually does pump up the military, Mars square Jupiter. That is at 5:44 PM. It could be aggravating. If you are involved in some sort of heated conversation with someone I would bow out because it could get a little too heated. There are wacky things to follow when the Moon and Uranus aspect on Wednesday evening. Then after that the Moon is square Neptune. This is all under the Sagittarius Moon. So while you are trying to spread your wings and break out and be free and learn something new and open your mind there is this big cloud of confusion.
Thursday October 6, 2016
Then the Moon bumps into Saturn at 4:43 AM on Thursday. This one is about get real. Try and make what it is you are saying and doing possibly practical.
Then the Moon and Sun are in a 60 degree aspect at 8:01 AM on Thursday. That starts that day off nicely. That will allow you to welcome in that Mercury, who is going to come into the sign of Libra on Friday with an open mind.
For the rest of Thursday, careful about taking on something. You might have papers that are missing. You might have contracts that are dropped. If you try and contract you might pass on a piece of information that turns out to be gossip. So be careful about your sources.
Friday October 7, 2016
You can expect something to be more grounded, information to be more intellectual after 3:55 AM, when Mercury enters the sign of Libra Friday, October 7th. That is Dietrech’s birthday.
Then we have that Sagittarius Moon with us when we have Sun square Pluto at 3:33 PM. That is usually pretty intense. It has toughness to it. There is something that needs to be sorted out. Maybe perhaps under some type of power struggle that goes on and on.
Then the Moon will change signs at 4:39 PM when it enters the sign of Capricorn for the weekend, the next weekend. At 4:39 PM that Capricorn Moon has one thing to note. That is Mercury and Jupiter are split parallel. This allows for people to come together, share ideas and be able to perhaps come up with a plan and use their intellect to be able to work their way around some business matters, which are pretty typical for the Capricorn.
Mars is out of bounds the whole time until the 30th of October. That means Mars is wacky doing things that cannot be reeled in, can’t make sense in a way that allows for a positive track. When after the 30th there may be something a little more serious a little more logical. So Mars is out there sowing his oats and doing things that are different. When you invite people into your life, you invite a man into your life for instance that…and I say a man because of Mars or even a worker for a job. Then there is something unusual or untamable about that entity person or thing. You are not able to use it in the fashion in which you had hoped for. And there is always great big hope that goes with it. It sort of comes down to get more serious after Mars comes back in the corral on October 30th. That is it for the week

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: