Saturday, June 27, 2015

Astrology Report 6-27-2015 - July 4, 2015 with Green Light Days by Dietrech

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TRANSITS: Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days
Green Light Days for the week Jun 27 2015 to Jul 4 2015;

Late night Sunday through early Wednesday morning.
Sunday 11:21:07 PM The Moon enters Sagittarius an brings a Green Light though 5:11 AM on Wednesday July 1st. This is the best few days with the least amount of resistance and the most amount growth with the blessing of Venus and Jupiter.

Wednesday, Thursday into early Friday.
Wednesday 5:10:58 AM Moon is in Capricorn and offers a Green Light with cautions until Thursday at 3:58 PM and is very good then until Friday July 3 at 6:38 AM when the Moon is 60º to Saturn. Even with this Green Light Period there remain cautions with this high energy Capricorn Moon that will oppose Mars at 1:32 PM Wednesday 7/1 then oppose the Sun for a full moon event at 10:19 PM. The Capricorn Moon goes on to join Pluto at 5:56 AM Thursday then square Uranus at 3:58 PM also Thursday. After 3:58 PM Thursday and until Friday at 6:38 AM is the very best time in this Green Light period to sign or make agreements. Make sure they are in writing. This may be an excellent time to purchase a new home or rent a new space or apartment.

Ongoing Dominating Aspects; retrograde & direct stations; eclipses; occultation and Moon phases.

Venus will turn retrograde July 25 through September 6, 2015.
Uranus will turn retrograde July 26, through December 25, 2015. Exactly 4 months.

" Venus was last Retrograde December 21, 2013 at 28º Capricorn 58' until January 31, 2014 at 13º Capricorn 33'. In 2015 on July 26 Venus will retrograde at 0º Virgo 43’ and travel back into Leo until it turns direct on September 6, 2015 at 14º Leo 03.
" Uranus square Pluto, last November 1, 2013 at 9Aries 9 Capricorn; next April 21, 2014; December 14, 2014 and finally March 16, 2015
Mars retrograde March 1, 2014 - May 19, 2014 at 27ºLibra 31 and does not turn retrograde in 2015.

Report Period: Jun 27 2015 to Jul 4 2015, Time Zone EDT +4:00

Exact Jun 27 2015
Brief description: This is an aspect that creates overconfidence or an over optimistic perspective that could permit oversights. There is an indication for a need to expand that is unwise at this time. There may be an awareness of growing pains. A time for travel but not without complications. Legal issues become apparent. Differences could lead to conflict.
For personal use: Study something new. Keep travel plans direct and simple.
For business use: Be realistic of how expansion at this time may cause and overload later.

Exact Jun 28 2015
Brief description: Becoming aware of mismatched agreements and bad contracts. Disagreements that lead to investigations will uncover deeper issues. This could be a time of psychological torment. Household pests are out of control. This too will pass.
For personal use: Find the instructions. Read the instructions. Follow the instructions. Then use prayer as the quickest route to emotional and mental relief. Consider disagreements as an opening for a much needed opportunity to talk things through.
For business use: Use reserves sparingly. You may need to engineer your way out of a jam. Read agreements very carefully so as the power is balanced for your needs.

Exact Jun 28 2015

Exact Jun 28 2015
No text available for this topic.

Jun 28 2015

Jun 28 2015
A Sagittarius Moon often brings a desire to run free, far from responsibility. Discussions can get quite philosophical and or political. Cultural events such as concerts, plays are the order of the day. People and letters from foreign places may arrive. News, or progress, related to advertising and publishing is likely. Religion issues may be in the news. Attitudes are more optimistic. The "flow" is more likely to be in your favor. Directions and directives often change midstream, possibly because there is a "shiny, new horizon" which is brighter than the last. There grass is always greener on the other side. Wanderlust could distract your attention. Weed the garden or deal with bugs. It's time to play. Set up the hammock or go hiking. If you are a Sagittarius, matters tend to go your way.

Exact Jun 29 2015

Exact Jun 29 2015
Brief description: Meeting new loves can be exciting. Good friends find each other. Fun shopping. Light and happy occasions. Romantic surprises. Electronic and electric art. Unique costumes and esthetics. Pleasant reversals. Allows the erratic and unusual to flow. Positive changes in relationships. Sudden jealous reactions. New temptations. Surprisingly pleasurable.
For personal use: Really nice day for friendship and romance. Share the hot tub.
For business use: Attract like minded partnership today. Fun and business pay off. Gains through social interactions. Great for jewelry or retail sales of personal items and home furnishings.

Exact Jun 29 2015

Exact Jun 29 2015

Exact Jun 29 2015

Exact Jun 29 2015
Brief description: A lucky break. Support comes from a well rounded, well informed and intelligent person. Many doors are open and you have an invitation to explore and sample. An opportunity of education or travel. A time to share appreciation with good food and drink. A time for advance.
For personal use: Make choices and be gracious. Try the lottery. Travel. Socialize.
Can be used for in business: Enhance your image. Money day.

Exact Jun 30 2015
This is a time during which you are forced to let go, even if only temporarily, of your most desired goals. This can be quite painful as you may have a sense of failure, and in particular may remember times in the past when you have failed. It is important to remember that the most successful people in the world have to let go to change paths in order to achieve their aspirations.

Jun 30 2015
You are looking for the perfect partner and may need to make adjustments in order to accept less than perfection. You need a partner who can attend to details and contribute to the daily household chores.

Exact Jul 1 2015

Exact Jul 1 2015
Brief description: This planetary combination has an effect on psychological and financial matters. Control from powerful outside sources. Those in power tend to reject requests. This aspect rules issues of crude oil and its supplies. Reviews, laws, rulings regarding clean up of toxic waste and other events of contamination to the environment. May include the need for permits and licenses. More research is needed to justify spending or the development of a new product. Police are scrutinized for behaviors or advice to make policy changes. Announcements from large companies that tilt economic indicators. Information is gathered and released about a trend shift from moneylenders bankers, researchers, insurance brokers and agents. Matters concerning boundaries of jurisdiction. Considerations for purchases of graves or the details of one's final requests as well as matters concerning custody of joint property. Information from or about people who have passed on, or regarding their estates. Research regarding healing drugs or medical procedures. Shift in psychological conditions. An increase in deep body work and other healing techniques.
For personal use: Indulge in deep healing of body mind and soul. Release outworn psychological patterns with the ancient plant spirit medicine technique. Acupuncture. Cross border only with a passport.
For business use: Make considerations for loans or agreements however, this is not a good day to apply for money unless it is for one day only.

Exact Jul 1 2015
Brief description: This can bring an overindulgence of generosity and friendliness. Cushy, comfortable settings with beautiful surroundings. Social settings are styled in grand displays. This aspect brings easy going, lazy and happy attitudes.
For personal use: Travel to beautiful places and visit nice people. Enjoy and indulge
Can be used for in business: Have a party. Celebrate a good week and relax.

Jul 1 2015
For the past couple of years and a couple yet to come the Moon faces off with erratic Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration is disruptive and unforgiving when changes are resisted or blocked. Go with the flow and learn about new cultures.
With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015. The next square between Urnaus & Pluto will be on December 15, 2014. The Cardinal signs are the high action signs which represent the corner stones/signs of life.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.

Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next several months.

Hard-working Capricorn Moons are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command the day. Progress and status are important. Important people that "count" are around, as well as people you can count on. You are your own presentation, and caring about what other people think is often more important. The tone might be something like, "It is not as important to be happy as it is to be correct and successful." Make sure all your ducks are in a row. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during Capricorn Moons and if you have not invited criticism as a constructive asset you could receive a blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive or very thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. There tends to be an emotional coldness during this time. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus. If you are a Capricorn, matters tend to go your way. Plant bushes and trees. Root crops.

Exact Jul 1 2015
Brief description: Romantic. Great for music, art, poetry, meditation and yoga. Imagination, compassion and peaceful settings may be available today. Psychic impressions, intuition and a variety of sensitivities are the norm for this aspect. Topics may include oil, art, drama, museums, libraries and hospitals. Visits to the zoo, circus or play at the ocean. Social workers, clergy and employee assistance programs are helpful. Watery and foggy conditions.
For personal use: Sleep in late and just indulging in lazy activities.
For business use: Dream on into new directions. Look for money in hidden places. Good day for the photographer and dramatic director. Present your visions.

Exact Jul 1 2015
Inner tensions and imbalance. Conflicts between instinctive responses and honorable behavior. Blocked flow. Illness.

Exact Jul 2 2015
Brief description: Speaking quickly about things you do not know much about. Radical notions and interesting conversation. Lively topics. Technical information and technical difficulty, impulsive quick thinking major decisions without being fully informed. Much innovative brainstorming that would be very useful. This aspect is good for using alternative methods to process your problems. Impractical problem solving is best when you proceed with caution especially if you have a newfangled way to work out your problems. The mind is darting around from one thing to another.
For personal use: Listen to children, they might have important information. Engage kids in technical activities such as using their computer skills. Have a detailed plan to proceed more efficiently.
For business: Ingenious ideas fix technical problems.

Jul 3 2015

Jul 3 2015
Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with an unpredictable expression. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.

Exact Jul 3 2015

Exact Jul 3 2015

Exact Jul 3 2015

Exact Jul 3 2015

Exact Jul 3 2015
Brief Description: This is a travel aspect with a benevolent benefactor. Bridging communication gaps between all necessary players is the mode of the day. Communication is key.
For Personal use: Travel. Writing flows and communication is clear..
For business: Network with confidence and travel in order to establish solid connections

Exact Jul 3 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Astrology Report for June 20 - 27, 2015 iwth Green Light Days

Listen to this weeks report at

TRANSITS: Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Green Light Days this week begin after Mars enters Cancer at 9:33 AM on Wednesday June 24 until Moon parallel Neptune at 87:38 AM Friday. Beyond the general activities choose the absolute best period after 6:20 PM Thursday night.
There is a First Quarter Moon at 2º Libra 38’ at 7:02 AM Wednesday. This Moon was seeded by a New Moon that occurred nine months ago on September 24, 2014. A Full Moon will bring out the full expression of this Moon Family on March 23 2016 at a Lunar Eclipse. This adds power to this First Quarter Moon and develops a large presence in all we do during this time. We reap the rewards of our efforts or pay the debt at the final phase of the Moon family on December 20, 2016. That Last Quarter Moon very interestingly occurs at 29º Virgo where the energy of this Moon family is directed toward service for others.

Report Period: Jun 20 2015 to Jun 27 2015, Time Zone EDT +4:00


Exact Jun 20 2015
You feel an urge for change and yet your efforts seem to be blocked. This is the dilemma faced during this transit, and it can be quite distressing. The challenge is to change our expectations: not always an easy task. However, you will discover one way or another that you have been stripped of a lot of excess baggage, and that this actually can be quite rejuvenating.

Exact Jun 21 2015
Brief description: To be confronted with a brick wall. A need to stop and adjust a problem that involves a hierarchal figure such as a boss, parent, the law, or someone in charge. It may also show difficulties with architectural structures and foundations. This is not a good day to lay a foundation but to locate the problems with foundations. Problems seem to arise out of the blue. Family members are brought into matters. Look for shortages. Possible cutbacks and layoffs. Take care of your skin, teeth and bones. The desired route is to expand but there is a need to honor tradition. A bright star, or prominent figure is looking for a way off an uncomfortable hook.
For personal use: Don't rush. Slow down before you are stopped. Document activities for the future.
For business: Remain open to get all the facts before retreating or shutting down operations. Find another way around the wall.

Exact Jun 21 2015
Brief description: A temporary understanding for the cause of separation between loved ones. A temporary decision to cease spending, borrowing or lending money or possessions. To join with those of greater age or rank differences such as the Defense Secretary visits with the troops at the battle site. An arranged opportunity to meet with leaders or family head.
For personal use: Look into alternative retirement plans.
For business use: Position yourself by appearing competent and not pushy.

SUN ENTERING CANCER – Summer Solstice 12:38 PM
Jun 21 2015
This is the moment of the summer solstice which marks the beginning of summer and the longest day of the year. Solstice is from the Latin sol = sun and sistit =stand. Named for the apparent phenoma when the Sun stands still showing no change in elevation for several days before and after the solstice. From now until July 23rd the Sun is in the sign of Cancer. The astrological chart of this moment each year holds a special significance as a powerful cardinal quarter of any year. This is the time when family, security and home are major priorities. How these areas in our lives are effected is partly measured by the surrounding aspects at the moment of the solstice. The relationship to the other planets offers clues to the most likely activity for the next three months.

Jun 21 2015 The mood should lift somewhat after this.

MOON ENTERING VIRGO 12:59 PM for not an easy transit as the last aspect of the Virgo Moon will square Mars on Wednesday at 1:12 AM. The Moon leaves Virgo at 1:41 AM on Wednesday June 24. Beginning Jun 21 2015 at 12:59 PM the Virgo Moon is a very busy time.
It is a focused on details, a specific task, or on people at work. It is a great couple of days to clean up and organize your home and work setting. You may be inclined to put your energy into healthy food and good cooking. Virgo Moons actually hold a considerable amount of sexual intrigue especially when working with others. People become more detail-oriented and conscious of schedules. There may be a need to prioritize and set a daily routine in motion. This could be a good time to schedule health maintenance appointments. Due to Virgo's highly analytical energy is a great time for psychotherapy. Any type of bodywork and all forms of self-help are positive uses for a Virgo Moon. This is the sign of the perfectionist, which comes in handy for tasks but disturbs the balance of interpersonal relationships. This is a very good time for planting or harvesting herbs, corn and grains. If you are a Virgo, you may be particularly energized by the Mars energy but it may feel angry. Virgo likes to work and work is the best expression for this.

Exact Jun 21 2015
Take care of those who cannot care for themselves.

Exact Jun 21 2015
Brief description: People are drawn together spontaneously. Mercury's curiosity of the qualities and appeal of Venus is compelling. Fortunately the sparks fly in both directions. The contact may range from mild admiration to intense attraction. Many examples have found that Mercury is involved with someone else. This aspect can lead to multiple affairs.
To align with intelligent and popular people for the purpose of a positive message. Versatility and clever ideas laced with charm and attraction. Love of sound and music. Beautifully expressed thoughts. Awareness of sensitivities and reactions to foods. Pleasant trips. Visits with friends and relatives.
For personal use: Enjoy the love delights and share your appreciation.
For business use: Study reactions to your business. Great for outreach.

Exact Jun 21 2015
Brief description: A temporary resolve for a long-time data collection problem. Parties at odds think of something that creates some benefit so all is not lost. An opportunity presents itself so you may agree to disagree. A serious response to major insults may be harmful in the long run.
For personal use: Form you ideas and learn what you really want. Create a plan for a clean up or organizing project.
For business use: Get down to some serious problem solving.

Exact Jun 21 2015
Brief description: Indicates a large money event that requires some type of adjustment. Perhaps this invites an insurance adjuster or a need to mind tax matters. Also this aspect will impose the dramas of other people's relationships into your own. There are those that attempt to dominate matters of money, sex and the designs of the relationship itself. Unrelated or unexpected events involving personal resources and money or security for others such as co-signing a loan. Personal relationships are stressful. Sexual demands or indicating an issue with sexual undercurrent between partners or even workers. A need for behavioral adjustments with spending and the ability to earn. Ask for help with unfamiliar matters. Someone has been there before. Ongoing issues will a worker suddenly erupt with a new issue.


Exact Jun 22 2015
No text available for this topic.

Exact Jun 22 2015
Brief description: For some this aspect can bring sudden windfall profits-for others a release from bondage of internal or external forces. This is the first of three trines between Jupiter and Uranus, the next occurs on May 4, 2006 and the final trine on August 29, 2006. Expect startling innovations and revelations during this time. The last time this pair occurred in a trine when Uranus was in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio was December 1922 through September 1923. But a greater and more stunning likeness to the current chart containing the Jupiter - Uranus trine was back in 1757 during the French and Indian War. A chart containing not only this trine in the same signs but Pluto was also in Sagittarius as it is now. There's more. Neptune and Saturn were in opposing signs as they are now and in the same signs but reversed -Saturn in Aquarius and Neptune in Leo. This country was gearing up for the great rebellion to break away form King George and British rule.
The aspect brings broader vision, scientific developments, sudden political shifts and expanded opportunities. The end result of surrounding events may cause uplifted spirits and release from burdens that developed as a result of the deep transformation of deeply embedded matters. Expect experiences of financial and or psychological release or expansion. This may include losses through poor judgment, theft or naivety and not only gain. Sudden cash windfall. A lucky break. The fuel and momentum for a revolution. Sudden urge to travel and escape from responsibility. Sharpened wisdom and intuitive responses.
For personal use: Open your mind to new possibilities. Take a risk to enter into new territory.
For business use: Clean house and invite revolutionary ideas for expansion.

Exact Jun 23 2015
Brief description: Blind spots and lies. Confusion, illusions and disillusionment. Loose boundaries. Visionary impressions. Issues regarding children inability to focus. Important people and things disappearing. Theft. Hidden traffic traps. Medications could be misread. Creative streaks and stimulated imagination. Intuitive and psychic impressions. Telepathic information. Those under illusion project their rhetoric onto a mesmerized audience.
For personal use: A very creative time but resist important announcements, invitations or agreements.
For business use: Do not sign anything under this influence.

Exact Jun 23 2015
Brief description: A stop sign aspect. Observe waning signals. Sheer frustration. A major clean up aspect. A need for adjustment. This is an urgent call involving hard work and clear organization skills. A condition or event that connects; two unrelated people, tasks or activities for a common goal. A health aspect involving bones, muscles, skeletal structure and sometimes heart trouble. There may be a need for surgery. Delays and blocks with work projects. A executive effort to control force and power. The police stop speeding drivers. Consequences when there is a strong resistance to change.
For personal use: Stretch before physical activity and pace yourself. Family relationships can be stressed.
For business use: Play by the rules today. There may be progress in business due to a critical need for your product. Good timing may place you in a primary position to apply your skills or products. Be prepared to help.

Jun 24 2015

MOON ENTERING LIBRA – Green Light Period after Mars enters Cancer starting 9:32 AM Wednesday through Friday at 7:38 AM. The final aspect for the Libra Moon will be parallel Neptune. Some things are better with a little denial.
Jun 24 2015
For the past couple of years and a couple yet to come the Moon faces off with erratic Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration is disruptive and unforgiving when changes are resisted or blocked. Go with the flow and learn about new cultures and embrace the differences. The divide between people could move closer.
Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the T-square is sparked and awaked. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher.
Push forward, motivate and move forward to conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this six months.

Ordinarily when the Moon is in Libra, people are more likely to cooperate or establish partnership to accomplish their goals. Activities such as hashing out agreements, tending to legal matters, and balancing the scales in all areas are Libra's territory. People are more open to social activity and are more likely to seek companionship. Matters of marriage, or the marriage of ideas, are brought to the surface. There can be indecisiveness which stands in the way of progress; however, the right decision is likely to follow. Watch for business mergers. The ultimate Libra goal is "peace". A time to plant beautiful flowers. If you are a Libra, matters tend to go your way.

CHIRON STATIONARY turning retrograde at 21º Pisces. 7:37 AM until December 2015.

MARS ENTERING CANCER at 9:323 AM and continues in this sign until August 8, 2015.
Jun 24 2015
Brief description: Brings a fight at home or for people or causes about which you feel strongly. People are particularly protective of their families. Mars is passive aggressive in this sign and will silently plan revenge while sulking in retreat. You are most effective when putting your energy in the home or by working at home. Females reposition their standing following their set backs. Feeding the masses becomes a priority.
For personal use: Be mindful of how passive aggressive behaviors can undermine you greater goals. Use this time for huge effort into your home.
For business: Make decisions regarding inside positions and matters of property.

Exact Jun 24 2015
During this Libra Moon sign this is an excellent time to review and appreciate the guidance you have already received. Gather those together to share likeminded ideas and create strategies for love and peace.

The Moon is in Libra until Friday at 1:57 PM. Thursday is a Green Light day with the best advantages after 6:20 PM. Go for it!


Jun 26 2015 Friday.

MOON ENTERING SCORPIO – at 1:57 PM and marks a couple of days that are tough to deal with ordinary matters. The Scorpio Moon sign continues through till 1:21 PM Sunday night.
Jun 26 2015
Scorpio Moons direct emotions inward. People tend to react to psychological slights, real or imagined. "Payback" or "getting even" is often a mode of behavior. Threats can be used as a tactic of reaching one's objective. Often there are issues regarding other people's money, loans or insurance claims. Scorpio is a money sign, so there may be checks in the mail. A Scorpio Moon is a powerhouse for resources. This serious Moon surprisingly has a very funny sense of humor and considers sarcasm an art form. Sexuality is on the surface. Power struggles become the mode of the day as many strive for total control over their own interest. Watch out for the inevitable Scorpion Sting, Brooding and ugly behavior is a common mood with a focus on family disputes such as estate settlements. Scorpio Moons are passionate with the object of their attention and at time driven to obsessive behavior often with a need to create drama and a sense of dire urgency around issues. This is a good time to engage in subjects of where your extreme focus is required. Anything less may bring a period of frustration and boredom for Scorpio is a driven sign designed to maintain a high level of intensity. Other Scorpio themes may include information regarding pregnancies, births, deaths and their related estates, insurance and accounting matters. As a rule this Moon is very good for conducting business with loans, mortgages and estates. These days of the Scorpio Moon are not for lightweights. Know your opponent and be extremely well prepared. If you take on a major challenge it would be best to camouflage any sign of weakness. A good sparring partner is sometimes what the big guy or bully is seeking.

When you are opposing assertive experts you are not equally matched. However if you objective is to find someone to represent you that possess these skills, find your gladiator now. The best way to deal with hired guns is to keep in mind that he/she may use their skills against you, so set clear boundaries from the onset of your relationship. Take special care with things worth protecting; not exposing what is precious to unsuitable elements. These days are best used for elimination of waste, reorganizing finances and otherwise digging out from money drains in your business and personal accounts. Retail business often does very well during a Scorpio Moon as purchases tend to be significant. Selfishness and other nasty behaviors push relationships to the limit. On a personal level, taking steps to set you free of tormenting issues with a counselor is a positive use of Scorpio's need to transform. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can and be perfectly clear about the difference. A visit to your acupuncturist or massage therapist can assist with deep healing techniques that work best when the Moon is in Scorpio. This is a very good sign for planting, as it is moist and productive especially for vines. Also prune and irrigate during the Scorpio Moon.

The Moon is in Scorpio. This is tough. Plan ongoing things and take a professional along for the important stuff.

Exact Jun 27 2015
Brief description: This is an aspect that creates overconfidence or an over optimistic perspective that could permit oversights. There is an indication for a need to expand that is unwise at this time. There may be an awareness of growing pains. A time for travel but not without complications. Legal issues become apparent. Differences could lead to conflict.
For personal use: Study something new. Keep travel plans direct and simple.
For business use: Be realistic of how expansion at this time may cause and overload later.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for June 13 - June 19. with Green Light Days.

Report Period: Jun 13 2015 to Jun 20 2015, Time Zone EDT +4:00
To listen to the report go to Sound Cloud for OrbZero. Type in my name Dietrech Pessin for today

TRANSITS: Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Mercury is now traveling direct since Thursday evening at 6:33 PM. Neptune turned retrograde Friday morning and remains so until Nov 18. This may assist with an internal relationship with the spiritual side of Neptune. Use prayer and meditation to solve problems.
We have a few Green Light days this week beginning today and tomorrow until the Moon enters Gemini at 1:51 PM Sunday.
The next is on Tuesday during the Cancer Moon sign 6:50:49 PM - the mark of a solid Green Light period which ends with the positive support from those making the rules until Friday at 1:52 AM

The Sun and Mars are the culprits of many of problems which is exact on Sunday night. A New Moon on Tuesday at 25 Gemini gives us plenty to talk about. Saturn goes back to Scorpio.

Saturday June 13, 2015 – Green Light Day – Moon in Taurus. The issues could be about food.
Exact Jun 13 2015
Brief description: Emotional reactions. Minor problems in relationships. What appears as minor indulgences create money problems. Embedded issues resurface. Sorting out a need for closeness and sentimentality vs. another's need for growth without placing blame or fault is the challenge. One partner may be content in a closed fantasy world and the other wants some action. Differences can be identified as a mismatch in core essence of a couple. This is an indication to remove your investment from an every losing effort.
For personal use: Serious talks do not resolve relationship problems but allow you to hear what is important to you. Change yourself and others will follow.
For in business: Check your motives and assess your values. Eliminate waste and shoot for productivity.

Exact Jun 14 2015
Brief description: Can give the effects of a Mercury retrograde period. Thinking is brilliant and erratic. Thoughts or information is interjected and abruptly presented and can come from a radical viewpoint. Individual views are challenged. This can be a period of information of unexplained irritations and disjointed thinking. Statements made can be critical and without regard for feeling. Erratic transportation and mishaps are likely while traveling. Technology for communication can be halted.
For personal use: Get all the facts straight and think before you speak.
For business use: Too quirky to print the final product.

Exact Jun 14 2015 -
Brief description: This aspect allows for the energy to act on an urge to take action. Your drive to make things happen is hugely distracted by too many options and various possible directions or this Gemini pair. This does not exclude the activities you may have planned but includes a list of things you had not considered. Your initiative may be honorable but your information may be flawed. Try to focus prioritize. Your mental energy has the decisiveness you need to accomplish mutable tasks however your physical energy may be depleted before you are able to accomplish what you need. Competitive drives function positively. If you have wished for the –motivation to take action this aspect is the magic pill. You may find you have the ability to handle stress and your problem solving capabilities are enhanced. Beware of accidents and head injuries. Cuts, headaches and eye injuries as well as viruses and bacterial growth are all increased with Sun conjunct Mars. Take all physical symptoms seriously. You may notice increased chronic pain; beware of animal bites.

SUNDAY JUNE 14, 2015 - the Gemini Moon begins; Saturn backs into Scorpio. Moon is in an occultation to Mercury at 10:27 PM. We enter the dark phase of the Moon for the New Moon arrives Tuesday morning. The Dark Moon period begins late Sunday night though Wednesday night.

Jun 14 2015 the MOON ENTERS GEMINI 1:15 PM Sunday until 6:51 PM Tuesday June 16. The Gemini Moon sees three major planet activities; Saturn backs into Scorpio to finish old business on Sunday. There is a blackout of information when the Moon is in an occultation to Mercury at 10:27 PM. We enter the dark phase of the Moon for the New Moon arrives Tuesday morning

The Gemini Moon: The next couple of days when the Moon travels through Gemini, people tend to be more curious, talkative and restless. There is more mental activity during this time. There is a lot of moving about and scouting around town for errands, short trips and visits. It is a good time to gather information although you need to check your sources for errors and material based on hearsay as talk is abundant but not all always reliable. Topics regarding siblings can be an issue or there may be visits between them. Children are more vocal. It is time to write note and the desire for writing your thoughts down is strong. It is a good time to connect by making calls, answering letters and the like to catch up with communication needs. People may lack sensitivity and just say whatever is on their minds when the Moon is in Gemini. As long as you keep things light and lively everyone should have a good time. If you are particularly thin skinned then you may select your company more carefully. There is a need for variety. To make the best of the Moon in Gemini you might want to spend more time listening to learn more than you expected. Good time to weed your garden and plant nothing. If you are a Gemini, matters tend to go your way.

SATURN RE-ENTERING SCORPIO until September 17, 2015. Saturn has been in Sagittarius since December 23rd 2014 and then turned retrograde on March 14th.
Jun 14 2015- The financial world sees the results of this extended event with many apparent extremes. The health insurance issue is strongly indicated by this reentry of Saturn in the sign of insurance. It could be a good time to rewrite a mortgage or enter into a loan agreement. Your commitments can be intense. Research your goals thoroughly before signing anything. You may find you have more resources available to you during this period though Sep 17. After that time your investments might be focused on education. Now is the time to secure the loan you need for expanded purposes.
You have an intense commitment to work and joint enterprises. You are a resourceful and determined worker.

Exact Jun 14 2015
Brief description: You may be unable to attain the nurturing you need or desire. Your partner may be withholding affection due to some type of grief. Love and compassion is the answer to matters of conflict. Bake something or offer help where you would like to be helped.
Monday June 15, 2105

Exact Jun 15 2015
The wedding.

Tuesday June 16, 2015
Exact Jun 16 2015
Brief description: Women may not do well with endeavors. Trying to correct past troubles. Announcements of concessions or drop outs. Pressure to perform under less than desirable circumstances. Social faux pas. Affections expressed may be met with disappointment. Uncomfortable with feelings or feeling uncomfortable. Sadness around friendship. Dissatisfaction with purchases. There may be a tendency to shop to try and satisfy a sense of emptiness. A desire to indulge in food or other pleasures. A broken treasure. A broken heart.
For personal use: Have some fun. Enjoy the moment without expectations.
For business use: Book your important meeting on another day. Avoid expenditures.

Exact Jun 16 2015
Brief Description: Loss of valuables. Poor judgment in romantic choices. Romantic illusions. Unrelated musical associations. Spontaneous uncontrolled spending or upset stomach from sweets and other indulgences. Things too sweet cause aliments. Intuitive market purchases.
For personal use: Resist romantic foolishness. Leave your valuables in a safe place and limit spending. Extreme silliness could lead to a riff with a friend.
For business: Good day for retail business, including jewelry, house wares and computer accessories.

Jun 16 2015

MOON ENTERING CANCER 6:51 PM Tuesday until 2:23 AM Friday.
Jun 16 2015 - the mark of a solid Green Light period which ends with the positive support from those making the rules.

With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, which finished March 15, 2015, we can expect the unexpected to have a far reaching effect even into this Cancer Moon sign.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.

Push forward, motivate and move forward to conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this six months.

The Moon brings the "order of the day" and there is no better sign for the Moon then its own sign of Cancer. The Cancer Moon is a nesting time but not reclining. There is a desire to retreat and protect one's vulnerable underbelly. The baby side of people surfaces and emotions are highly visible if you are at all able to get close enough as very often people are "crabby". This is a time to nurture and find a way to nurture your inner self. People stick to their clans and cliques being less likely to socialize with outsiders and seem to be comfortable with close family members. If you are fortunately positioned you may be invited inside or become privy to insider information. You are then considered a trusted and valued person in this clan. Address matters of saving and providing for necessities as these issues move to the forefront.
Food preparation and shared meals are more important. Matters of cash are related to family security, real estate and patriotism which are Cancer matters. Issues involving dependency or defensiveness are likely to arise with the Moon here. What people need to survive also takes precedence. Headlines are often more dramatic than usual. This is a great Moon for planting vegetables and the most fertile sign of the zodiac. This is the best time to plant fruits and vegetables and general planting. If you are a Cancer, matters might be more personal. Enjoy family dinners and nestle in with a loved one and people you might consider are insiders.

Wednesday June 17 2015 Moon in Cancer
Thursday June 18, 2015 Moon in Cancer. Green Light Day
Friday June 19, 2015 Moon in Cancer Green Light until 2:23 AM. Moon enters Leo at 2:23 AM.
MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER TRINE SATURN - the mark of a solid Green Light period which ends with the positive support from those making the rules.
Jun 19 2015

MOON ENTERING LEO – 2:23 AM Friday until 12:59 PM Sunday June 21.
Jun 19 2015
A Leo Moon can bring sunny and cheerful moods, but this can be a demanding couple of days for your business and personal life. This is a time for "the show" or a presentation. Issues in various areas of life can be showy in nature and then the spot light is waiting for the "show off". At times if negative aspects occur there can be an abundance of arrogance with a stubborn streak. On a positive note it can be a time when your confidence is up and you are able to stay on track with a goal in mind. Pride may become an asset or liability. These couple of days work best if your express your love and appreciation for those around you and remembering to offer praise. Your generosity can be contagious as enthusiasm inspires an air of good will. It is a time when your actions are closely scrutinized as if on stage. Making every effort to be well informed and prepared in all around activities even if today is not show time, as the Leo energy may not be forgiving of faux pas. This is a good time for having interaction with children or investing time in your creative projects or anything you might consider your "baby". The children in your life are a source of joy but may need your undivided attention. Maintain a balance for love given and received. If you love it, then show it. Plant nothing since it is the most barren. Good time to tidy the garden for show. If you are a Leo, matters tend to go your way.


Next Saturday June 20, 2015.

Exact Jun 20 2015
You feel an urge for change and yet your efforts seem to be blocked. This is the dilemma faced during this transit, and it can be quite distressing. The challenge is to change our expectations: not always an easy task. However, you will discover one way or another that you have been stripped of a lot of excess baggage, and that this actually can be quite rejuvenating.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 6 - Jun 14, 2015 with Green Light Days

The above link plays the astrology report for Saturday June 6.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

1:02 AM the MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS until Monday 6/8 at 4:16 AM. The Moon’s final aspect is on Monday at 4:11 AM when parallel Neptune during this time there is a Green Light Period (1:02 AM Saturday June 6 until Monday at 4:11 AM) This makes this an excellent time to advance on a project you have done before or attempted to complete in the past. (Mercury is retrograde until Thursday evening 6/11/at 6:33 PM.)
2:01:50 AM Moon opposite Venus.
2:23:01 AM Venus Trine Saturn brings a sense of loyalty and a sentiment for stability promotes time for harmony and economic balance. A time of sound but conservative judgment. There can be progress with business agreements.
For personal use: Details are worked out to bring about greater harmony.
Can be used for in business: Strike a deal in a win-win situation that is designed to last over a long period of time. Investments requiring a quick return are likely to fail or not turn out to be quick in any way. Slow and steady is the way to go.
5:00:28 PM Vesta enters Aries for something worth investing your time and energy. Under this Aquarius Moon you have the support of a community. If you would like to add a new feature to your existing agenda then image the best possible outcome but apply your energies alone until you are ready to launch.
June 7, 2015
4:57:36 AM Moon trine the Sun.
Monday, June 8, 2015
12:46:02 AM Your investment is greatly appreciated by someone who know your field.
4:10:40 AM Moon parallel Neptune -The Aquarius Moon goes void of course until 4:16 AM.
4:16:05 AM Moon enters Pisces until Wednesday at 7:14 AM

5:55:39 PM Sun sextile Jupiter is concerned with greater heights. A new perspective allows for a stroke of luck and a sharp eye to catch a very important picture. Signs of growth. Wonderful energy. Optimistic reviews. Broad-based objectives. Future orientated thinking. A new perspective. A need for wide open spaces and expansion of knowledge. Generosity from others and abundance is available. There is a possibility of exaggerated opinions of oneself or their projects which helps those with low self-esteem for others it could lead to obnoxious behavior.
For personal use: Travel to a new place and meet new people. Learn something new that engages your current expertise for future benefit. You may have something of value that someone else is looking for exactly what you have. Freedom and open space is a consideration.
For business use: How can you take your business into new territory? This is a day for education and action.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
3:29:30 AM Mars sextile Uranus This aspect is very much a "me" thing, with driven intention to lead others in your direction, not only as leading troops into battle but a strong will or take charge and command. The true leaders will emerge with this aspect. There are applications for the latest modern or ancient methods. Aggressive techniques that include ultra-sharp thinking and radical designs work. Engineers are inspired to cut into virgin territory. Interrupts protocol for emergency needs. Adds speed to all activities with intense drive to force the outcome. Keeping speed as a focus the tendency is to drive or move ahead without caution. Thinking is quick but a disregard for experience is the temptation. To be driven to expose the truth. Burns calories, cuts body fats and waste while decreasing appetite. The use of muscles. Check blood pressure. Stretch before exercise.
For personal use: Avoid being bossy as you need to invite others on board displaying your leadership qualities. How can you redesign your lifestyle to include physical more exercise? Include people in your life that want to get up and do something.
For business: This is a highly dynamic aspect that is the motivation to leap ahead. This is a good aspect to hire a muscle team.

This particular sextile (60°) between Mars (in Gemini) and Uranus (in Aries). This promotes invention that includes great speed. The truth may be shocking and startling. Business models use non- traditional ideas allowing room for the individual participation. Friendship supports the plan.

11:41:44 AM Last Quarter Moon at 18º Pisces is perfect for collecting what is due or paying off old debts either material or spiritual. Obligations are the key here with the motivation to cut though the heavy emotions with love and resources which support your inner development. This Pisces Moon family began a significant series of important events around March 11, 2013.
11/Mar/2013 21° Pi 24 -- -9/Dec/2013 17°Pi 42 9/Sep/2014 16° Pi 19-- 9/Jun/2015 18°Pi29

2:08:02 PM Moon square Mars is emotional and can be over reactive. Attempt to smooth over the edges with a calm centered approach. Back away from trouble.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
7:13:42 AM Moon enters Aries and waits for two major changes. For one Mercury will turns direct a t 6:33 PM Thursday then Neptune turns retrograde at 5:09 AM Friday June 12.
5:30:22 PM The release of new medications. Inventions and scientific strides. Legislatures approve controversial scientific studies. Radical thinking and rebelliousness. Enlightenment. Awakening. High energy output to change stagnant and outworn conditions. Electrical and strong currents. Plastic surgery.
For personal use: Meet with a group of like-minded people to promote progress in the areas of your interest.
For business use: Consider a face lift for your business.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
8:29:10 AM Moon square Pluto power struggles start the day. Allow others to do it their way.
4:44:39 PM Moon conjunct Uranus. Sudden abrupt changes.

6:32:55 PM Mercury turns direct after traveling retrograde since May 18. This Aries Moon still waits for Neptune to turn retrograde Friday morning.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Friday shows changes in your spiritual energies after Neptune tuns retrograde at 5:07 AM then there is a major improvement for your goals of family, money and garden when the Moon enters Taurus at 10:16 AM. Practical matters improve and you are able to gain the ground you need by using your powers of persuasion and great patience when dealing with those from whom you might be requesting favors. Use good meal as a tool to soften your requests.
5:07:27 AM
10:16:03 AM The Taurus Moon brings us a Green Light through Sunday 6/14 at 11:59 AM.
10:29:31 PM Venus and Pluto come up with an excellent fix for your money and love issues however it is temporary. But it does buy you the time you need to make a better deal later.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
11:29:27 PM Venus 45^ Mars brings Emotional reactions to minor problems in relationships. What appears as minor indulgences create money problems. Embedded issues resurface. Sorting out a need for closeness and sentimentality vs.the needs of another, for growth without placing blame or fault is the challenge. One partner may be content in a closed fantasy world and the other wants some action. Differences can be identified as a mismatch in core essence of a couple. This is an indication to remove your investment from an every losing effort.
For personal use: Serious talks do not resolve relationship problems but allow you to hear what is important to you. Change yourself and others will follow.
For in business: Check your motives and assess your values. Eliminate waste and shoot for productivity.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: