Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year report Dec 30 2017 - Jan 5, 2018 Astrology report by Dietrech with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s Phone: 617-924-0929

A Look at the entire year of 2018 in our class on Monday January 1, 2018 at 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM in Watertown, MA. Call to sign up 617-924-0929 or 627-558-7233.

We will cover the major events for each month in 2018 with the exciting energies of Eclipses and planets retrograde points.
You can sign up for the video class or check to see if there are any seats left in house. I look forward to sharing the year ahead with you. Happy New Year,

Beginning January 7, 2018 our regular weekly class will be held on Sundays at 12PM - 2:00PM

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 30, 2017 – Saturday, January 6, 2017

(START 39:21 on WZBC Archive for 12-30-2017 at hour 9:00 AM scroll on media player to 39:21 minutes)

Good morning. It is the 30th of December. New Year’s Day is on Monday.
We have so many things going on here especially with our freezing cold weather here in New England and all in the east coast. We have a lot of things going on astrologically.

There is this great big Full Moon on the way for New Year’s Day. That Full Moon is going to be at 9:24 PM. It will be at almost 12 degrees of Cancer. So the Sun is in Capricorn, the Moon is in Cancer. This is related to matters that were just getting off the ground 9 months ago. If you can think back 9 months ago would be the very end of March of 2017. Then there is the payoff and the pay up that you can count on that comes up in 9 months from now. But all the cards are on the table and everything is out in the open, so you can work with these things freely. But it could cause some chaos.

The reason the chaos is there Uranus is standing perfectly still. Uranus is that snap crackle and pop planet that is wacky and brings about all kinds of unusual and bizarre things. It is standing still. It turns direct on Tuesday. So we are still under that blanket of surprises. You don’t want any great surprises. I would say stay in the house with all this cold weather. Freezing cold weather. They say it is going to last right through the middle of January. I hope we all make it through. The poor animals… I think of them all the time.

The Taurus Moon changed this morning to a Gemini Moon at 3:31 AM beginning a Green Light period that runs right until 6:38 PM tomorrow. That Green Light period is filled with a couple of interesting things. Venus is still out there romping around in the outer zone being out of bounds. Has a lot to do with finding interesting things. Venus loves to collect things, stuff, materials. Everything from money to costumes and love. So all sorts of interesting things happen while Venus is out of bounds. Venus will come back in bounds on the 3rd.

For today we have Mercury and Jupiter in a discussion about education and financial commitments regarding that. Also talks about whether education should be away from home or at home. And matters also about travel are high on the list with Mercury and Jupiter. So I hope that the cold weather doesn’t freeze up the engines of the planes and people hopefully get home on time.
The Moon is making a lot of noise with quincunxes. That is a 150 degree aspect that says, “Life is messy clean it up”.

It puts all these planets to work. First it bumps into Venus with that kind of a push at 2:52 PM. Then to the Sun at 6:44 PM. These can be times when you are taken off your track for whatever reason. There is an out of the blue thing that happens that engages you to work things out. Sort of as if a great big snow ball comes rolling down the street. You can’t cross until someone comes along and removes it. You may also see that there is a personal tone here with the Full Moon. It may have a lot to do with family members and the way that you are planning for their future.
Then for Sunday we still have a Gemini Moon and it is a Green Light. Did I mention that? It is go ahead and forward your goals if you like. We are moving into a Full Moon. It is a deadline period. It is great for that.

Having a class tomorrow. We are going to talk about the whole year. Not tomorrow, on Monday, New Year’s Day. I will tell you more about that in the end.

But this Green Light period is very active with the Moon in Gemini. It is definitely is making connections for people you haven’t connected with in a long, long time. The Gemini Moon is opposite Mercury on Sunday at 7:29 AM. This is likely to cut off some of your previous communications or your plans that you had. And you have to make adjustments and go into Plan B. so have a good Plan B set up so that you are not surprised.

The last aspect of the Gemini Moon will be at 6:38 PM on Sunday night New Year’s Eve. It is sextile Uranus. That is the opportunity to be able to do something unique and interesting. Maybe have the party at your house and bring everyone in from the cold.

Then the Moon will change signs on New Year’s Day at 3:10 AM. However New Year’s officially will be somewhere in New Zealand, I believe. And the Moon will be midway through the sign of Gemini.

So we will have a Capricorn Sun and a Gemini Moon. So there will be lots to talk about as the New Year rings in many chimes of the Gemini Moon. All sorts of people, places, and things. All sorts of changes. Changes of mind, changes of venue. And also Mercury now is direct, but is not finished with its shadow until the 8th of January. So you can expect more good results to come forward as Mercury reaches its point, where it is out of its shadow.

The Cancer Moon coming up is leading into the Full Moon, as I had mentioned, the Full Moon on New Year’s Day at 9:24 PM. It also maybe the kind of thing where Mercury the thinking talking planet making its connections is saying that you have got your facts all wrong.

Venus being out of bounds is still seeking a thrill in one way or another, even though it is all in this business modality of Capricorn Cancer. Venus will have to answer to a few things when she comes back.

But on Tuesday morning we have the Sun sextile Neptune. That is a 60 degree aspect. Very good for dreaming up things and creating an opportunity that will charm even a room full of school children. Your optimism can lead to a creative streak that is guided by a spiritual thrust. So you want to run with that energy to gather your thoughts and put them down on paper or in some other format.

Uranus will turn direct at 9:10 AM. That will be on Tuesday, January 2nd. Uranus’ energy is about the people at large. Anyone having to do with the collective thinking and also about our ecology. So there could be very strong messages and actions that take place.

There is a remarkable action also from Mars on Tuesday, as it is square the Lunar Nodes at a very prime loud point so to speak. It being in the middle of Scorpio, Mars that is, has a likelihood in the combination with all the Uranus energy of starting fires. So you want to be very, very careful. And also about burning your tires off your wheels. So you want to also check those tires even for short journeys. And stay away from crowds. I would say that is the best thing to do on a day like that for Tuesday.

For Wednesday that Leo Moon will occur at 2:22 AM. But there is a little void of course Moon period if you want to count that in the sign of Cancer, from 5:45 PM until 2:22 AM on Wednesday. So then the 2:22 AM on Wednesday is the beginning of the Green Light period with the Leo Moon until 6:10 PM Thursday on January 4th.

So Venus comes in from the outer limits and shares her newly found experiences and her great finds while out there with the board members. Some may see her choices as simply indulgent, while she makes a case for all the useful reasons to be compensated for her efforts and how these things will actually benefit humanity or family members or board members and the business at large.

She may have something with the Neptune aspect at 12:38 PM just before she comes back. She is seen as creating a masterpiece of some sort. So this is a very, very creative aspect. There is also a lot of romantic notions with it, which can lead possibly to greater scrutiny later when Venus is back in the corral on Wednesday by 5:00 PM.

The Moon is still dancing around doing a 150 aspects with its Leo Moon. Saying you have to paint that painting all over again. You have to create that article all over again, as it makes these 150 aspects, some of which look like have to do with weather in a large way.

Then on Thursday, January 4th the Leo Moon is a show off. And it must deal with the adjusters who assess the damages which occurred during the Full Moon impact. That adjustment can be late on Wednesday night or early on Thursday. But there is still a Green Light period. So it says everything will work out in the end. It will all be okay. You can pull things together by resolving things the way that Mercury and Pluto do. And that is going into things deeply, finding financial resources, and financial back up for what your plans are.

And then we have a void of course Moon that starts at 6:10 PM on January 4th Thursday until the Moon enters the next sign of Virgo at 3:12 AM on Friday. That void of course Moon period is covering the evening hours of Thursday night into Friday morning with not much else going on. There is a little minor aspect between the Sun and the Moon. But for the most part it should be rather quiet. Void of course Moon periods could either be quiet or could be extremely filled with events that are not related to other things.

Then for Friday we have Mars and Jupiter in a parallel. This one says people are gathered or the forces are gathered or the boots are gathered to take action and form together for long term support. For results there could be travel. A lot of travel things going on for Friday.

And then plans that need long term commitment comes together when there is a parallel between the Sun and Saturn on Friday as well. So both Jupiter and Mars and Sun and Saturn are all in a formation that bring long term support for events occurring on Friday. But can have an influence on the things on Thursday night as well. So that is pretty much it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at Also as I mentioned there is a class on New Year’s Day at 2:00 PM at my house. We are going to have a two (2) hour class and then join in some socializing afterwards to welcome in the New Year. So I wonder if you would like to join me. There are a couple of seats left. Pretty much the class is getting full. But there are a couple of seats. So give me a call for that at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me on my cellphone at 617 – 558 – 7233. That’s it for the week and have a Happy, Happy New Year. I will be with you and Victor next week to talk about the whole year ahead. Thank you.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Dec 23 - 30, 2017 with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 23, 2017 – Saturday, December 30, 2017

You are invited to my New Year's Day Class to review the major astrological events of 2018 and what that means to you. $25. Monday Jan 1, 2018 at 2:00 PM - 4:00 and later for treats. Bring what you like to share.

Good morning. So if anyone has ever told you that if you were born with a Mercury retrograde that it doesn’t affect you, do not believe that. That is simply not true. This was one of the worst Mercury retrograde periods that we’ve experienced. It seems to be continuing for heaven’s sake.

Mercury just turned direct last night at 8:50 PM. but you certainly can’t prove that by Victor’s experience of crossed messages and difficulties trying to make connections to get into the studio. I’ve had computer problems galore. It seems like going around in circles is the mode of this Mercury retrograde period.

In addition to all the extra Mercury antics, there is a Moon phase this week which is going to be a First Quarter Moon on Tuesday at 4:20 AM which points to the next Mercury retrograde period in April 2018. Specifically the direct station on Tax Day. It stands to reason the tax bill has just been signed. Although it would not go in to effect until 2019. So I hope you are one of the wealthiest people in the world so that you can benefit from all these wonderful things that are coming from this tax reform bill.

Venus is also traveling out-of-bounds from Dec 21 - Jan 3, 2018. Venus is seeking the unusual
in love and money during that time.

Saturday Dec 23, 2017

This morning until just a couple of minutes from now is an Aquarius Moon sign. It will end at 9:42 AM. That is when the Moon goes into the sign of Pisces. We will see a boost with the fact that Jupiter is making an extreme swing with the Lunar Nodes over the weekend, so this might feel certainly more up lifting. You are certainly going to feel like you are super busy and you are chasing your tail in a lot of ways. But it can expand your knowledge.

Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio. It has been uncovering and causing all of this attention to sexual abuse and things of that nature. But if you are trying to research something that would benefit your health or benefit your finances or have anything to do with estates, your will, anything having to so with shared resources. This Jupiter allows you to research things and dig deeply. Also any study having to do possibly with Astrology or any other alternative thinking, study you would benefit by that as well, with this Jupiter station.

Which I don’t want to forget to mention. I’m having a class on New Year’s Day we are going to be looking at the year ahead and we are also going to have a little party afterwards. It will start at 2:00 for the Astrology class and then at 4:00 we’ll begin to have some fun. So if you want to join me you can call me. I’ll give you the number at the end of the report here. But I didn’t want to forget to tell you that.

We have for the Pisces Moon today nothing much is going on. There is a lovely aspect between the Moon and the Sun at 1:55 PM. It is an opportunity to give something or share a creative gift.


Sunday Dec 24, 2017

There could be some confusion around 8:43 in the morning tomorrow. Still under that Pisces Moon on Sunday. If you are still asleep, fine. If not, there is a foggy, daze-y, hazy kind of aspect that may cause some confusion about what direction to take.

Then Jupiter is in that extreme aspect exactly on Sunday. The time is 3:24 PM. It could also have something to do with transportation, airplanes, trains, things that might be considered difficult, from 11:30 in the morning right through until early evening on Sunday.

Then there are no major aspects with the Pisces Moon except for the fact that Venus is changing signs. Venus is now, on Saturday and Sunday in Sagittarius, and in a lofty mood but will travel into the serious sign of Capricorn at 12:26 AM on Monday morning.

Monday Dec 25, 2017
Capricorn is a practical sign where duty and orderliness become important. Venus might not be as generous with warm and fuzzy but more interested in forming bonds based on stability and longevity. For new relationships this may offer much needed stability. It is there until January 17th.

The first thing Venus does is tends to the matters with Saturn. This may confirm its intent for financial stability. When aligned with Saturn it can also bring about relationships. Maybe with a gap in the ages of the individuals. It may also address a gap in economic class. Perhaps people bond in a relationship with people that they have known for a very long time may be decide to engage in a relationship that they may have thought about but never did. Therefore it could be romantic and long lasting. That aspect is 12:55 PM Venus conjunct Saturn on Monday. That is on Christmas Day.

There is a cranky aspect between the lofty pair of Venus and Jupiter. It could cause a lot of over indulgence but it could bring more fun. So you may want to caution heading out after too much Christmas cheer with that aspect as well.


Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday Moon sign.

The Moon changes signs. It leaves Pisces, enters Aries at 7:27 PM on Monday. That Aries Moon will be with us until 1:23 AM on Thursday. It ends with a conjunction with Uranus on Thursday. So there is a lot of snap crackle and pop with the Aries Moon. It continues on Tuesday.


Tuesday Dec 26, 2017

Now Tuesday is a day that is ruled by Mars. Monday is ruled by the Moon, by the way. Saturday by Saturn and Sunday by the Sun. Monday by the Moon. Tuesday by Mars. I always find that Tuesdays are really hot action days. This will be no exception because the Quarter Moon takes place at 4:20 AM.

It reaches back to the last New Moon at that degree March of 2017. So it is a hot number also because I’ve mentioned it surrounding the dates the degrees of a Mercury station coming up next April 15th. So you want to choose wisely. Make your connections to others in a way that you want to contract with the openness of revisions. You also want to be cautious because it seems to push things forward in many ways. But you might need to choose once again and revise your plan in the spring.

With the Aries Moon there are no major planetary aspects later on Tuesday or on Wednesday. Just that Moon conjunct Uranus at 3:57 PM. This one may bring about some travel problems. Perhaps any type of surprise that allows you or causes you to be startled and have to take Plan B into consideration. Also joining with friends are a great plan B as Uranus rules aligning with like minded people.


Wednesday Dec 27, 2017

The aspect that dominates the Aries Moon, the end of the Aries Moon. Because there is a void of course Moon period that starts with the Aries Moon Wednesday at 3:57 PM until the Moon enters Taurus. That would be Thursday morning at 1:23 AM.

But before that, Mars is in a lovely 120 degree trine with Neptune. Mars is at a very difficult degree at 11 degrees of Scorpio when it does that. And Neptune is in Pisces. So it stirs up a lot of water. And it can also stir up a lot of creativity and meditative energy. It makes it very easy for you to connect with your spiritual source, which is a great way to use this energy and also in a very creative way.

The other thing is that it may also be kind of hiding something behind the scenes that is better off being out in the open. But there may be plenty of soft energy to it.

The Aries Moon is void of course beginning at 3:57 PM until 1:23 AM on Thursday.


Thursday Dec 28, 2017

There is a Taurus Moon with a Green Light period. The Green Light period is good to forward your goals for some things, not all things. That is because the Moon ends in the sign of Taurus with a split parallel to Mars. That means people come together for a one-time event. Something that may be a benefit, as if you were to buy the stock in something just for a day. In one day, out one day. I’m talking about Thursday. So nothing seems to hinder your efforts. However, the results are not as long lasting as you might like. But entrepreneurs and other active forces such as venture capitalist come together for a one-time event. This brings the right people together. They might be useful to enlist others down the road. So it is pretty interesting and powerful set of aspects with the Taurus Moon.

The Taurus Moon is particularly suited in general for large family gatherings. For Taurus as always it’s food first. If you are meeting with people to talk about money and to talk about business in any way, do it around a meal. It always softens the tone for what Taurus needs the most, and that is persuasion as nothing should be asked in a cold direct manner. So although the focus maybe on family, finances, real estate, corporate relationships. It appears as though there may be some kind of plan to buy a new vehicle. That is because Taurus is the bull. The bull pulls the cart. So there could be a new bull in your life to pull your cart.

The Taurus Moon for Thursday is pretty unaffected by other outer planetary aspects. There is a little squabble right around 10:30 PM when the Moon is opposite Mars. You want to let that go and call it a night.


Friday Dec 29, 2017

Friday, it starts again with a nice Taurus Moon. Pretty easy to get along with others. It will continue throughout the day with no major conflict whatsoever. The Taurus Moon will end on Saturday morning at 3:30 AM.

And that last aspect of the Taurus Moon is at 1:07 AM next Saturday. That would be the final piece for next week. So that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at Also remember there is a class. I don’t think there is a class this Tuesday because of many other activities going on, and that would be on the 26th. But there is a class on January 1st. After than our regular class will switch from Tuesdays to Sundays. So you want to check in and join with us. It will be at noon time on Sunday.

You can give me a call at 617-924-0929 of you have questions about Astrology or any other thing. If you would like to set up an appointment or buy a reading for someone for Christmas or perhaps buy a class. People have been buying classes. Classes are way less expensive than a reading. That is pretty much it for the week. You can also reach me on my cellphone at 617 – 558 – 7233. Have a great week and Merry Christmas. We will talk with you again next week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Dec 16 - Dec 22, 2017 with Green Light Times

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, December 16, 2017 – Saturday, December 23, 2017

Good morning. Well there have been so many Mercury retrograde complications. It has been the worst that I can remember. I’ve probably said that before. But this is worse than those times. It is just…I’ve had problems. My astrology programs have crashed and burned. Everything is sort of going wrong that is connected to a wire of some sort.

What we have are several very big deals going on this week. Mercury will turn direct on Friday. Before that happens, Saturn changes signs leaving Sagittarius. Well, Mercury is in the sign of Sagittarius. So when it went retrograde it was coupled with Saturn. So it also kisses it good bye before the Moon leaves Sagittarius where the Moon is now.

Now Sagittarius where the Moon is today, tomorrow. and the Moon will be in the sign right though...let me find what time…right through until the Moon goes into Capricorn at 8:33 AM on Monday. Sagittarius is usually a happy jolly sign. Well that is not necessarily the case. You think of Sagittarius kind of Santa Claus. Santa Claus is trying real hard, but you know the reindeer won’t get up and run. Or the sleigh has to have its blades re-greased before it can get going. There is so much going on in this time.

So what we have with this Sagittarius Moon are some exciting things with Uranus. And also there is some seriousness, quite a bit of seriousness with all that Saturn. If you have been going back in time and reliving your past in one way or another this is Saturn’s business that is happening. Finding old letters, talking about things that happened in the family years ago. And I’m talking 30 years ago. So this is like 1986, 1987, right in that time period things are coming back up to be dealt with. Also anything left over in that 30 year period must be dealt with. Saturn is saying this must be dealt with before it leaves the sign of Sagittarius and goes into the sign of Capricorn. At that point it is all business. Saturn then is able to stand up tall and take care of business as it should be run. And not in this careless reckless manner that has been going on with the Saturn in Sagittarius.

The week is just filled with all sorts of cow pies. Don’t ignore any opportunity to pay an old debt or to make something right. Make some old wrong right. Do your best to give yourself a new structure. So that you can see in the long range how that is going to play out and make you more comfortable, more stable. Lots of family issues are very important at this time as there are changes in families that are very strong changes that we will see possibly this week. And then as Saturn moves along in the sign of Capricorn, it will be there for two and a half years.

Let’s talk about 12/16, today with this Sagittarius Moon. The Sun is trine Uranus today. That one is great for innovative ideas. people are comfortable with things that are new. Although Saturn is saying, but you have to still deal with what is old. So you might be tossing everything out to make way for new. And you still need to review. And Mercury retrograde says redo, review, renew. Do it a second time around.

That theory that Mercury works best for you when you are born with a Mercury retrograde, I do not believe that. That is not true. Unless the sky was exactly the way it was when you were born, which doesn’t happen for about 36 hundred years. You would not be repeating your Mercury retrograde energies.

So use Mercury for rethinking redoing. And in the sign of Sagittarius it is reclaiming things that you have learned from the past in your broader ideas and trying to regain some sort of new concept of what it is…how your thinking can change for the best.

So as we go through the day the next thing on this day is 5:30 PM Ceres will turn retrograde. Ceres is the small dwarf planet that will be governing the caretaking of others. There could be a lot of things: putting people under the care of a doctor or having the quality of nurturing feeding the planet. And that comes up as far as the planet view goes with the New Moon that we are having on Monday at the Galactic Center where all eyes are going to be on one singular topic.

There is a dark Moon period that is related to that New Moon. It starts in the evening tonight. So that means the decisions that you are making are pretty much in the dark and you need to wait for more light of the Moon. A brighter spot. When you actually see the Moon in the sky. The short range of that. I always cheat that a little bit. We can’t wait forever. Is not until Tuesday morning. However you are probably not going to see the Moon in the sky Tuesday morning. If you get up very, very early you just might see it on the horizon. But I think you might have to wait until Tuesday night to see some light of the Moon. Then you have a flashlight that will guide you through your decision making and help you to have some clarity.


For tomorrow Venus and Mars are in an aspect where Venus’ energies are diminished in some way because Mars is comfortable with this particular aspect. It is a 45 degree angry push. It has the quality of over powering. It is trying to entice Venus yet it is also it is too harsh and so Venus will back away later. That has an influence over tonight’s romantic notion as well. So just take it easy and be persuasive be gentle.

The Moon conjunct Mercury catches my eye early in the morning. If you wake up tomorrow morning in the middle of the night with a brain storm write it down. It might be something very important that you can use later.

Vesta the asteroid about investments is making an aspect that would be dominate around 12:08 PM. This could put the topic about real estate and about things that have to do with investments and any of your investments that you might have your stocks your bonds your 401Ks. Also could be things from social security. all sorts of money matters might be on the table. Certainly that tax reform bill is under the canopy of Vesta square the Node for sure.

The New Moon is Monday that is at 1:30 AM. It is at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. That point is called the Galactic Center. So we say that all eyes are on a wider view, a global view where all eyes are talking about the same thing that they are looking at. So it can broaden our horizons it can broaden our perspective. It is New Moon which is the start of new things.

Saturn is still at that final degree of Sagittarius. The Moon will catch up with that at 8:09 AM on Monday. Then it goes on to parallel Mercury before leaving the sign of Sagittarius. That is at 8:19 AM.

And then the Moon changes signs. It is going into the sign of Capricorn 8:33 AM. Meanwhile I want to say that there could be a Green Light for you if you like working with Saturn if you like taking care of debt. There is the whole sign of Sagittarius is filled with Green Light energy. But not in the same way when things are not so complicated. So a lot of consequences that you have to deal with. The good news is that you are able to deal with them. So if you had to do something if you are forced to do something then the Sagittarius Moon sign that we have which goes today, tomorrow, and right through until Monday morning at 8:18, 8:19 AM you are in good shape to take some action on that - with caution.


So then Saturn will enter with a Capricorn Moon. Saturn enters Capricorn Tuesday night. Now Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. So it likes being there. It likes being the boss. It is strong. It is authoritative. It can help to put things back in order and get all your ducks in a row.

As the energy for Monday, there is not much else going on except for that Capricorn Moon where you are going to try to make things look right, try to put things in order.

Doing the same thing on Tuesday. Waiting for that entrance that major entrance of the king of the zodiac. There would be Saturn entering the sign of Capricorn as the boss under a Mercury retrograde. That still says go back over the past and fix and redo and renew because we have a lot of work to do coming up in the future.


For Wednesday still a Capricorn Moon until 9:29 PM. then the Moon enters Aquarius. Before that on Wednesday at 6:13 PM while the Moon is still in Capricorn there is a Venus trine Uranus aspect. Venus and Uranus reach out to friends and loved ones. Very harmonious energies that are sparkling. This would be the day for parties.

The last thing that Capricorn Moon will do happens at 8:10 PM on Wednesday night when the Moon goes void of course until 9:29 PM on Wednesday night. Then the Moon goes in to Aquarius.

Certainly the solstice that would be excellent time. The solstice is not until 11:29 AM on Thursday. But that solstice energy is sparkling with that Venus trine Uranus. It helps you to make peace with old demons and try and rectify anything that is tattered or difficult. Loves to get new clothes and loves to make new friends make new love. So the harmony that those two planets bring adds something special to the Capricorn Moon sign.

Now the Aquarius Moon has been a pretty good Moon sign this past several months. But the Mercury retrograde says that you need to stop and rethink some things. It does end well after all is said and done when Mercury turns direct on Friday.

But for Thursday when the Sun enters Capricorn 11:27 AM then that is the winter solstice. The next thing that happens is the Sun is parallel Venus and that parallel allows for people to join and come together for long term positive unions.

There is an aspect where the Sun is joining with Saturn. It is also is semi square to Jupiter so there are many things that are marked with a sign of destiny. There are things or events that are attached to some new type of “forever”. This was meant to happen this way, as much as things look as if they are upside down and inside out; there is a reason for it all – for some reason.

On Friday the 22nd it is a lovely day after Mercury turns direct. But first there is the Jupiter semi square Saturn at 9:54 AM. After that we are waiting for Mercury to turn around and go direct at 8:51 PM on Friday night. Then there is a nice Green Light period right until 5:12 AM on next Saturday morning. So take advantage of that little Green Light that ends with a sextile to Venus. Nice aspect that bridges a gap that allows you to join with others in a harmonious way and make plans that can move forward in a more positive way. So we are waiting for Mercury to turn direct.

Well that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can call me 617-924-0929. Think about astrology for gifts. People are also buying an astrology class. There is an astrology class on January 1st. we are going to have a review or a look at the whole year on January 1st. you may want to come to that class. It will be fun. A little bit of a party. That will be in Watertown. I hope you can join me. Thank you have a great week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin - Dec 2 - 9, 2017 with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, December 2, 2017 – Saturday, December 9, 2017

Be back to separate Days. Right now expecting 10 people for our 2018 Year Overview.

Good morning. Well, we have one high powered weekend here with Mercury…anyway for now what we have is a Taurus Moon until 4:21 PM and then the Moon enters the sign of Gemini. That is one huge Moon sign in regard to current activity. Where Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow at 2:34 AM. It will remain retrograde until the 22nd of December.

Also the Full Moon is in the sign of Gemini. Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. So that is also making documents, information, any of the things that have been decided upon just prior to this are likely to be rehashed and redone reviewed. Which can be very good for that tax reform bill that just passed the senate because that is really cutting out the average person. It is going to be very difficult. Cause a lot of difficulties for people’s lives. So things need to be addressed.

The other thing about the Gemini Full Moon. It takes place at 10:47 AM and it is related to matters that began back in 2016, which would have been in June of 2016. They picked up some speed in March of 2017. And then the last piece to it, the Last Quarter to this little Moon family, would be September of 2018. That is where all the puzzle pieces will be revealed. So there is an extraordinary amount of high energy.

What we have for today is a broad sweeping aspect between Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter and Neptune will be playing all of 2018 as well. So they’ll be an aspect that has a lot to do with the types of thinking, sweeping thoughts, confusion, illusion, trying to refrain, understand what the facts are, understand how there are…a particular…a spiritual principle might be able to cause some sort of effect for change. Also things in higher education and the teachers of higher education as well.

The Gemini Moon that starts at 4:20 is actually finished off by a couple of things happening in Taurus, as the Moon is still in Taurus. Prior to that the Moon will make a quincunx to Mercury, right after it had been quincunx to Saturn. So lots of things need to be adjusted. The quincunx to Mercury is at a point of where the Moon will sit at the Pleiades. And that is something to cry about. That is what that point means…is something that needs to be addressed that is particularly sad…is a message about receiving important information or signing important documents that are something to cry about. So that is what the symbolism of 29 degrees of Taurus is. Then the Moon goes into Gemini. That is at 4:21 PM and it is there until Monday at 3:37 PM.

The Gemini Moon is going to be opposite Mercury. And it is also a Moon that Mercury is out of bounds which means things are wacky. Things are brought in from unusual sources: things material and information is not necessarily mainstream. The thing about the Mercury retrograde is during the Mercury retrograde and having Mercury out of bounds…is that once Mercury comes back in bounds, then sometimes many of its perceptions and agreements and things of that nature could be dropped. So Mercury retrograde will continue right until the 22nd of December.

Also for Saturday and both Saturday and Sunday it can be rather accident prone. So you want to take especially good care when traveling. There is an aspect between the Sun and Mars that adds to that. Also there is a shift in the job market. There could be all sorts of muscle tension as well and fevers and impulses that cause conflict. A lot of competitive energy with the Sun and Mars at aspect particularly at 6:22 PM. So you want to increase your immune system in any way that you normally boost your immune system with that aspect.

Then later there is that aspect between Jupiter and Neptune. This one can be magical and spiritually expansive allowing for divine intervention. So pray about it. I would say that would be the way to address things. It also points to the Asian countries and those of the Far East. It is also musical, artistic, and culturally advanced. Be a wonderful time for a concert and also for exploring brand new territories. It is exact at 9:19 PM.

And then for Mercury retrograde is 2:34 AM tomorrow morning. The Sun will be square to Neptune. There is a lot of confusion with that and romantic seduction. You might be swept off your feet or you could just be stalked by someone. It is an aspect that is typical with some troublesome underlying issues. Also it addresses alcohol and substance abuse issues. so if you are on the verge of getting help with something even to quit smoking this would be an aspect that might help those things. You want to be aware that someone may not have your best intentions or your best will at heart when they may try to convince you or seduce you with something that they want for their own agenda.

There is a nice aspect with the Sun and Jupiter at 9:00 AM. They are forming an aspect that allows for an openness. Particularly financially there could be something from behind the scenes that helps with finances in particular.
Then the Full Moon is related as I mentioned to matters a year and a half ago in June of 2016, and 9 months ago. And then the next Moon phase related to this one is 9 months. So it can take 9 months to unravel or perhaps layout further advancements to things that are currently on the table.

There is an aspect between Mars and Neptune 2:22 PM. That is on Sunday night. This one can be…its Sunday afternoon…this one can be a hole in the bucket so to speak. Lots of procrastination and indecisiveness along with that. And there could be conflicts regarding belief systems. Difficulty diagnosing and fixing problems with that particular hole in the bucket.

On Monday the Moon is in the sign of Gemini. It is not a good day for signing anything or agreeing to anything. The last aspect is opposite Mercury. That would be at 2:12 PM on Monday afternoon when the void of course Moon begins. That will continue until 3:37 PM when the Moon enters Cancer until Wednesday at 3:37 PM. During that time it indicates that people are angry and protective about their families. It is a very difficult Moon in Cancer. People are trying to adjust and take care of and allow for more protection and greater amount of security. And also financial security always with the Moon in Cancer.

There is an aspect between the Sun and Saturn where are key officials align to orchestrate structural changes within the family business or government. Serious plans can be executed. This may be when some valuable adjustments are made to take change after there has been some type of wise council.

On Wednesday still a Cancer Moon. The Mercury retrograde aligns with Saturn. This one is to revise, revisit, redo, re-think in a very serious fashion. If you have problems with your vehicles, they may be larger ones. So you may want to listen to any one of those sounds in the car and check it out before it becomes too difficult. But it is a day of very serious thinking and very serious work.

Also on Wednesday Mercury and Mars. Retrograde Mercury makes an aspect to Mars. This aspect revs up the engine and bridges the gap with a lively discussion. There could be some fast writing. It could be a good time to really emerge into a writing project and to come to the working decisions that draw conclusions for the purpose of moving forward. So be alert and honest in your responses.

Keep the lines of communication open always during a Mercury retrograde. See where it is and how you may redo and review and renew and anything with a “re” in front of it is a perfect retrograde symbolism, Mercury out of bounds. So you will be able to catch some information and some detail and methodology from other sources which would be very helpful.
Then we have a Leo Moon. Well the Mercury rather the Cancer Moon technically does not have a void of course Moon period. The last aspect however would be that to the Sun. That would be at 3:28 PM. And then at 3:37 PM the Moon enters the sign of Leo. It will be there until Wednesday. That begins a Green Light period. Rather this is Wednesday 3:37 PM on Wednesday is when the Green Light period begins right through until 5:40 PM on Friday, all during the Leo Moon sign. So there is a strong opportunity there to take care of business.

At 4:21 PM Mars and Saturn are in control of matters. They have a desire to suppress and also to create strong discipline. It is the sign of patience and endurance and resistance. So for getting things done Mars sextile Saturn could be a good time to accomplish those things by the end of the day on Wednesday. Lots of progress in business and practical matters. And there are fortunate delays. So if there are delays, realize that you are blessed and you can rewrite and redo things for a better outcome.
Later it is slow, steady, forward motion.

Then for Thursday the Leo Moon is still with us and in great shape. It is a Green Light day all through the day. There is a little bit too much information at 3:05 PM when Mercury and Jupiter form an aspect. There is either gossip or messages or know it all type of information. But just let that float and move on with better energies throughout the day on Thursday.

Going into Friday still a Green Light day. There are really no major aspects on Friday. The Leo Moon is void of course at 5:40 PM until 6:08 PM, when the Moon enters Virgo until Monday December 11th. So that is it for the week.

There is a little snag about lost items in particular on Friday night. There is something late in the night. So if you are out for the evening be careful that you do not leave your coat or your scarf or your purse behind.

There could be changes also upset in regard to relationships. So you want to be careful of making decisions when you are having unsettled or unstable feelings. You could have a sudden loss of interest in your new romantic choice as well. There could be a lot of intense social excitement for Friday night. That is pretty much it for the week.

You can find a copy of this at my website at Today the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) has Joyce Levine and Monica Dimino on Beech Street in Belmont MA from 12:30 to 4:30. I will be teaching tomorrow about all of the energies for the up and coming year, the retrograde and direct stations all year long, the major eclipses. It should be a fun class that will take place at 1:00 tomorrow. You can call me to register 617-924-0929. There is a couple of seats left. Thank you very much and have a good week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Lights to Advance your Goals - Nov 25 - Dec 1, 2017.

Listen to the report:

There is a Green Light today until 9:37 PM.
The Moon is void of course from 9:37 PM until 3:03 AM when the Moon enters Pisces. During the Pisces Moon there is plenty of activity related to a Solar Eclipse that planted the seed nine months ago for this week's Pisces Moon. The Pisces Moon will square Mercury on Tuesday at 7:08 AM beginning a free floating Moon until 11:08 AM.. Get your facts straight and avoid repeating stories from undocumented sources.

The headliner this week is most concerned with Mars opposite Uranus on Friday at 5:04 AM. This may upset the apple cart Thursday night and also disrupt personal relationships as Venus changes signs earlier.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, November 25, 2017 – Saturday, December 2, 2017

Good morning, We have the last week in November coming up. I have a workshop on December 3rd in Watertown at 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM.
Pre-Registration is required. We will cover the New Year and the major events; Eclipses and Planet Stations that will make our lives forever interesting.


Saturday November 25, 2017

What we have today is a nice Aquarius Moon. This is great for friendship. It’s really a Moon sign in very good shape because there is a Green Light all day long until later on tonight at 9:37 PM. The Moon’s last aspect will occur ending the Green Light period. Then we start a void of course Moon period at 9:37 PM until 3:04 AM tomorrow morning.

For today during that Green Light one of the things that is going on is Mercury is going out of bounds. That means that the information you get is from very far out places. Could be you are talking to people from long distances that you haven’t spoken with in a while. The conversations may be very important. You could be doing things, going to places, visiting people that you haven’t seen in a long time. So the Mercury out of bounds will be with us for the next couple of weeks I think until it comes back in later on. Mercury will turn retrograde on December 3rd, so plan ahead.

This week is the week that you probably want to do your car maintenance or computer maintenance, whatever you do that helps to keep you moving forward. So these snags in the projects very often there is a slow period. Something that you are trying to push through and pull through sometimes will not get off the ground when this Mercury retrograde is approaching. So this period, this grey zone, it is in its last stretch before it turns retrograde on the 3rd.

So what we have for today is Mercury making a very beautiful aspect to Uranus. That brings a lot of innovative ideas and things that you can use. These creative ideas are instilled by the genius within you, and to resolve very ordinary problems. You want to keep a tape recorder or notepad handy so that you can jot down your notions. Brain storm with the best of them today.

There is a little snag in this lovely Aquarius Moon which is all about friendship. There is a square to Venus at 1:12 PM. That could bring difficulty between friends between…especially between women friends. Maybe there is a cancellation of plans and someone’s feelings get hurt. It’s not a real big deal, unless someone makes things a big deal. There is a money thing about it so you want to avoid spending until after around 1:15 this afternoon. Because you could definitely be over spending and cause a problem to your finances by putting something bigger than you are able to handle on your credit card or whatever.

Then we have after that we have several very good aspects that the Moon will make, which will bring a very nice ending to this Aquarius Moon sign. So there is plenty of support and plenty of interest. Nice social night. Nice date night as well.

After the void of course Moon begins at 9:37 PM until 3:04 AM. You may not want to commit to anything new or anyone new because the energy changes during that time.

Sunday November 26, 2017 – Happy Birthday Mike

The Moon enters Pisces at 3:04 AM Sunday. There may be something during this Pisces Moon that starts at 3:04 AM tomorrow that has something to do with things from 9 months ago. And that is related to a Solar Eclipse that we had back then. So there is a bit of a big deal with the First Quarter Moon that we have Sunday. It is at 12:03 PM at 4º of Pisces. The Sun will be in Sagittarius. So there is something premature. There could be leaks and secrets revealed that could bring a premature focus on a subject or a plan.

What we also have with that First Quarter Moon, where you are actively involved in the process of getting on with something that you have been trying very hard to develop. It is a Pisces Moon, so this is a real good time to break bad habits or just break habits that are bad for you. You can also try and set up a new plan for some better habits.

What we have for the rest of Sunday. Pretty easy energy. The Pisces Moon is headed for a little bit of crankiness at the end of the sign because the Moon is square Mercury. You want to get your facts straight and avoid repeating stories from undocumented sources during the Pisces Moon sign.

Monday November 27, 2017

Pisces Moon will continue right through Monday. There is an emotionally upset aspect between Venus and Uranus early in the morning, 6:48 AM to be exact. And this erratic aspect can bring very unpredictable and unstable conditions in relationships. It could also be about money. Things like a woman may walk off the job. Or there is a sudden attraction that reverses an interest in someone or a feeling of rejection as well. There may be a sudden qualifying support for the object of your interest. So it may not be reliable though, so you don’t want to bank on it. This is wacky Venus and Uranus energy. Inventions that meet the needs of females and cosmetics and plastic surgery. Those things are usually high on the list for that kind of aspect. But accept only what you really want. Don’t compromise on a day when Venus and Uranus are quincunx.

Later on the Moon and Mars are forming a quincunx. And that is at 10:36 PM still in that Pisces Moon. So there is something that may be very hard to get past with Mercury out of bounds. The information might be strange. You may have to figure all those things out before the morning or maybe those things may or may not keep you up at night.


Tuesday November 28, 2017

On Tuesday November 28th there is serious thinking that leads to commitment. And it could be that scaling down waste, make room for a more solid structure. That is because Mercury and Saturn join up at 1:58 AM. You want to eliminate excess and invest in your more sober thinking. Clear the way for things of value.

If you follow the rest of the day. There is a Moon square Saturn 6:55 AM and 7:08 AM the Moon is square Mercury in that Pisces Moon ending the Pisces Moon sign.

The Moon is not making aspects to any other planet. If you consider that that be the void of course Moon period that would run until 11:30 AM on Tuesday.

The Aries Moon begins at 11:30 AM. That is always high energy. There is a potential though for confusion and misguided directions. But there is also a potential for creative options. That is because Mars and Neptune are parallel. Perhaps someone intentionally tries to throw you off the track so that they can get a foot up. But there is also a lot of alignment with those that have kind of very magical powers so to speak. As if someone can pull the strings behind the scene. You finally were able to make a connection with them. It is also a really good time to break away from any type of substance abuse and find positive resource for recovery.

Also later on, on Tuesday there is an easier flow of energy as we go into Wednesday.

Wednesday November 29, 2017

Venus and Saturn have love and money problems nagging when they make a little aspect. But this is about problem solving. So get the information you need or find your lost articles. There is a need for greater funding than you expected for cosmetic repairs. And seek a peaceful retreat also with that Venus and Saturn aspect.

Mercury and Venus form an aspect Thursday morning. This maybe when lovers are meeting behind the scene. There may be a secret. There may be a strong desire that you want to tend or it may be just strong cravings for sweets.

Thursday November 30, 2017

Then we have with that Aries Moon, Moon opposite Mars might be a telling moment during Thursday morning. Be careful not to get up and start arguing without cause because the Moon is then conjunct Uranus at 7:16 AM. So it is a very high powered get up and go energy for Thursday. Help yourself on the right track.

There is an aspect on that day between the Sun and Pluto. This is where you gain the most support by advancing forward by being totally prepared. You want to appear in total control. Take along a seasoned professional if you need to present something that is a little bit out of your field. You can dispute things that have been pushed off your priority page and also see where the processes have been influenced by intimidation.

What you can see is an aspect between the Moon and Venus at 2:25 PM during that Aries Moon. That is the beginning of the void of course Moon period until 3:38 PM. That is the Aries Moon engages with Venus. Venus can’t get her hands on the money for that Aries Moon. And the relationship could be strained from an unrelated court. Like from some other place, some other people are causing problems to keep things unraveled. There is something that needs to be addressed that maybe fairly expensive as well. And then the void of course Moon period ends at 3:38 PM when the Moon enters Taurus.

Friday December 1, 2017

The Moon will travel through the sign of Taurus. That would be for a couple of days. The Taurus Moon searches for comfort and soothing settings. But it finds a bed of prickly pears during this Taurus Moon. One of the reasons being that there is a lot of Uranus energy. Mars opposite Uranus which is the headliner for Friday.

Before that happens Venus changes signs and that would be at 4:14 AM. Venus goes into the sign of Sagittarius moving on to greener pastures and that would be until December 24th. But there is something that needs to be addressed also after receiving important messages that are governed by the Moon quincunx Saturn and Mercury at the end of that Taurus sign, which could cause you to change your plans for the weekend. So maybe you are able to attend something you didn’t think you could or maybe the plans make it so that you can’t.

The Mars and Uranus aspect begins the day with very, very wacky energy. A rash of very impulsive behavior. Be extra careful early in the morning. Later on the roads could be detoured into some sort of impasse. And with Mercury out of bounds it could be someone not in their own neighborhood came in and disrupted the traffic in some way, if is about traffic. It could be computer traffic, internet traffic, something like that, that causes a hiccup.

The Sun and Uranus are confirming all that wacky energy later in the day at 6:54 PM when there is an extraordinary strange reaction to maybe a confrontation or new ideas. There could be surprising and erratic behaviors with that aspect. Very nervous day. I would say try and stay kind of alone maybe. You may find more comfort being separated from groups of people. Do not pass on stories that you haven’t been able to confirm as well.

Reinvent your direction with all of that Uranus energy. That is a great thing to do. There could be inventive ideas that you have as well. Some maybe too quirky and others maybe really exactly what the situation needs. That is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this at my website at Also you can reach me at my office at is 617-924-0929.
My plans for a workshop on December 3rd are at 1:00 on Sunday. A class from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. That should be a lot of fun. We are going to be covering Eclipses and the planet stations for the year of 2018, the whole year. We are going to take a look at that and see how that applies to you.

Give me a call if you want to ask me something about astrology or the classes.

Normal class is on Tuesday 11:00 until 1:00. Please join us I am having a class this Tuesday. That’s it for the week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Nov 18 -25, 2017 with Green Light Days

Here is the recording for the astrology report:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, November 18, 2017 – Saturday, November 25, 2017

Good morning. We have a New Moon today on the 18th of November. It is a very important New Moon. Something very special is going on during this New Moon period. That is the Lunar Node is lined up with a Solar Eclipse that will not occur yet until next summer. What it is doing, it is setting the stage with the events that will become very important to us when August comes around.
Something similar to this happened back in May of 2017 this past year when the Lunar Nodes lined up with the Solar Eclipse that we had in August, this past August. That is when James Comey was fired from FBI director. So there were many other things that were going on during that time. But it was particularly an interesting event that actually has a platform during this time period and also will come up again around February of 2018.

So these Lunar Nodes are very powerful when they set off the Eclipse degrees. Things can happen. Like there have been black outs across the country, electrical failures. And there have been other like major news events when these things happen. I remember when the priest James Geoghan, the priest that was put in jail as a pedophile. He was murdered in jail during one of those times when the Lunar Node was aligned with an Eclipse degree. So it is very important. It is very, very important time.

So something hugely exciting could take place. Could have already happened Friday night, then Saturday, Sunday and over a range of these couple of days. They can also be revealing more and more secret information because the Sun is in the sign of Scorpio. And there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes and under the surface that are starting to unravel.

For the Scorpio Moon it is with us with a little bit of a Green Light period. And that Green Light period will continue until 10:26 AM this morning with a nice Moon parallel Venus. So that assures a positive outcome with long lasting effects.

The New Moon was exact at 6:42 AM and it occurred at 26 degrees of Scorpio. It is very important because it is at the time of the year, I call it a hot spot, where the dialog that is going on changes its tune. We move on to a whole new subject when a New Moon will occur in a position to make a 90 degree square to both the last Solar Eclipse and then the next Solar Eclipse. So this is a very important time this New Moon with the Lunar Nodes lined up with the Eclipse degrees.

And on top of it Mercury is out of bounds collecting information from strange and faraway places. And very interesting documents and facts can color the news further, as things are released every single day.

Saturday Nov 18

When we have that Moon sign change that will be at 1:58 PM here on Saturday November 18th. That would be the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. It will be in the sign of Sagittarius until 2:14 AM on Tuesday when it goes into Capricorn.

The Sagittarius Moon sign, pretty good. It has probably a very few problem places. There is a problem with Mars and Pluto square at 7:15 AM Sunday morning. So this one I call it the steam roller. And that is when people in positions of power want to mow down those that oppose them. It can be very, very brutal. Aside from that during the Sagittarius Moon it can be matters from far, far away. People oppressing other people in a very nasty way. So its aspect is from Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn.

Sunday Nov 19

The dark Moon period ends on Sunday before noon. That makes it safe to be able to make decision. New Moons are great times for collecting new activities, new information, starting new things that are particularly initiated by yourself.

I prefer starting things and having major events closer to from the 1st Quarter Moon to the Full Moon. When you are using a New Moon to start something new for yourself like a business or a relationship or a marriage, you are in the dark. You don’t know what is going on. There are too many unforeseen problems. So it would not be a good idea to take on new things until after we get some light of the Moon. And that would be… probably will see the Moon sometime Monday night. That is the best time when we have the light of the Moon in the sky.

There is a little bit of confusion Sunday 12:50 PM when the Moon is square Neptune. After that lifts, you may feel as if you know which direction you want to turn for the rest of the day.

Mon Nov 20 & Tues Nov 21

For Monday we still have a nice Sagittarius Moon sign. There is an opportunity that might help you to advance. The Moon is sextile Mars during that Sagittarius Moon. And later in the day the Moon will trine wacky Uranus making it a little easier, a little more tolerable. That is at 4:43 PM on Monday.
Then at 7:26 PM the Moon is conjunct Saturn. And that would lighten up after that period. That would lighten up that Sagittarius Moon right through the end of the sign at 2:14 AM on Tuesday morning. So there is a nice Green Light period late night on Monday. Well, not too late night. 7:30 on throughout the evening. And then it allows you to take advantage of some opportunity or perhaps advance your goals.
The Moon sign after that happens at 2:14 AM. The Moon enters Capricorn until Thursday. There is a couple of exciting things that will take place. Venus is square the Lunar Nodes and the Sun enters the sign of Sagittarius. The Sagittarius Moon sign continues until December 21st. And just before that it will be December 19th when Saturn leaves the sign of Sagittarius. So we are looking forward to that because Saturn has been a bit of a heavy foot and damper on our Sagittarius goals while it has been in that sign.
Wed Nov 22
But during the Capricorn Moon sign on Wednesday Neptune also will turn direct. Now Neptune is the planet of confusion and illusion and spiritual values. Things that you might want to pursue and expand and enlighten your spiritual side. That may become easier after Neptune turns direct.
But before that take the opportunity that Venus and Pluto offer. It will be 6:30 AM on Tuesday morning. So something Monday night may have developed to help you to find some money, to ask for some money. Maybe you can borrow money from a bank or perhaps you may be sharing or building a trust with someone else. There is an extreme range of feelings with that sort of aspect. Lots of warm sensual feelings. And in most cases a lot of deep and intense reactions can come up while dealing with others. So you want to approach a bridge of communication where ever you did not feel safe before, especially with the topics of love and money.
And then the Venus square the Nodes brings those money issues right up on the table. Matters also about women come to the surface with very sharp edges. So all of this sexual harassment scandal in the news probably takes a sharp turn with that Venus square the nodes. Where someone very important perhaps may be indicated or perhaps women find some other way in support of one another as well with that type of aspect.
Then the Sun entering Sagittarius does lighten the landscape until December 21st. Wednesday…and that is on Tuesday night. 10:04 PM.
And then Wednesday November 22nd pretty good day. Neptune had been retrograde since June but turns direct at 9:20 AM. This may allow you to feel more in touch with your spiritual side with greater competence. It is a perfect time to quit smoking. So that would be the day that you would have the greater success with releasing any attachment to your addictions. And releasing the outcome of any of the issues that you have going on and stay within the moments. Stay safe within the present instead of trying to change your feelings with outside influences. Like drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, anything that can change the way you are feeling.
Thursday Nov 23
Thanksgiving Day looks very good. First of all it has split energy because it starts off with a Capricorn Moon, but the better half of the day begins at 3:14 PM which is great. That is in time for dinner. And it is actually the best possible combinations for a light, friendly, and happy holiday when the Moon enters Aquarius and delivers several positive events through the next couple of days.
If you are not sharing a dinner table with somebody share the day with Victor. Victor will be having his Native American Day on Thanksgiving Day starting at noon. We wish him lots of luck with that.
That Aquarius Moon sign is also the beginning of a Green Light period on Thanksgiving Day 3:14 PM right through until 3:04 AM Sunday November 26th. So that is an excellent stretch of time to forward your goals.
Friday Nov 24
That leaves Friday open for all sorts of positive things. A really nice warm start to the day with the Moon parallel Venus on Friday. And it is very good for business too. But the friendship sign of Aquarius is really fortified with all of the nice Venus energy around during the day on Friday making date night Friday night an excellent time to join company with others. Great for socializing making new friends and romance can also make the night extremely interesting. Mercury is out of bounds so you meet people from different circles which can be really a good thing to do as well.
There is some push back from those who love to control things. It will happen on Friday midday so that is still in the middle of the business day. Use your most creative ideas to gain the advantage over closed minded thinkers. So present a reasonable method for expansion in a measured amount of time to present what it is you want to get across. That is on Friday.
So for the rest of Friday excellent. And the Green Light runs right through Saturday too. So good luck with that. Have a really happy week.
And I will have a class on Tuesday at 11:00 until 1:00. And today I am teaching in Epping New Hampshire at 10:30 this morning at the Seacoast Astrologers. We will be lecturing for about an hour and a half. If you are up in Epping New Hampshire or around that way come and see me.
My phone number is 617-924-0929. My cell phone number is 617 – 558 – 7233. You can reach me later on today. My website is Take care and have a great week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Times Nov 11 - 18, 2017

Listen to the report:

The transcribed report is as follows:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, November 11, 2017 – Saturday, November 18, 2017

Good morning. Well, it is a wacky week because the Sun is applying an aspect to wacky Uranus. The whole week is going to be filled with that. It doesn’t actually complete until the end of the week.

Today what we have is more of Uranus, as Saturn is making a trine to Uranus. We most often understand the geometry of the planetary aspects to translate that a trine is a good thing. However I always say, that you have to check with the players. In this case, Saturn is about limit and structure and stops things from advancing too far without reasonable checks. And then Uranus is more like going into your closet and throwing everything out onto the floor and stomping on it and saying, “Go out and buy new stuff.” Saturn is saying “Wait. No you need to be responsible here.” Making this is an aspect of responsibility trying to rein in the wacky energies of the world. Certainly there is a great need for taking responsibility in the world. This is on the heels of a Last Quarter Moon on Nov 10. That Last Quarter Moon that was related to a Lunar Eclipse 9 months ago. This Moon phase carries was quite the big deal. (That was yesterday afternoon at 3:36 PM.)

Lots of times when we have a Last Quarter Moon you get the check in the mail for work done in the past or you have to pay up on a debt or something which has a strong answer to previous heavy matters.

But this Saturn Uranus aspect happened at 4:44 AM Saturday Nov 11. It is a slow mover so it is with us throughout the week, especially when the Moon triggers either Saturn or Uranus. This will be relevant on Wednesday when the Moon opposes Uranus and is 60º Saturn. Also Saturn is winding down its trek in the sign of Sagittarius. It is all the way up to 25 degrees of Sagittarius now and it will change signs going into Capricorn the 19th of December. It won’t come back into Sagittarius again until 2044.

While it has been in Sagittarius it has been making all sorts of changes: to the education system, to foreign travel, immigration, all as well as the justice departments in all governments. There would be all sorts of foreign matters that affect us individually.

Saturday Nov 11

So for today, Nov 11, we have a Leo Moon sign which has been void of course as of 7:53 AM. The last aspect was parallel Jupiter, which made it a very nice Leo Moon. We are not going to have a real nice Moon sign again until the following week, as far as one that is behaving nicely and using the energies in a positive easy way.

So the change of the Moon sign happens at 11:41 AM this morning during that New Moon sign of Virgo we have a Sun square the Lunar Nodes. Now that is very often a major event time where we have something that is stunning. It is also ringing in the qualities of the following, the next Eclipse season which we have the Eclipses coming up in the winter time 2018. That would be February 15th and January 31st a lunar Eclipse. February 15th a solar Eclipse. So we are perched on that threshold peeking in, changing our stories, leaving behind the things we were talking about earlier in the season and throughout the summer. Now moving towards the next dose of reality that comes our way for the next 3 months and beyond. It actually is a 6 month range, starting now going 6 months out.

The Virgo Moon as far as this evening (Nov 11) might be really nice. There is a very sweet Moon sextile Venus. These are fast moving aspects. So it is just a matter of a quick introduction, a nice connection. But this one is particularly nice because then the Moon goes on to make an aspect to Jupiter. There is a very nice beautiful Venus conjunction to Jupiter at 3:15 AM on Monday morning. If the skies are clear you should be able to see this conjunction in the sky. It should be pretty phenomenal. If you want to look up on earth and sky and the various NASA websites to see how to go about finding [Venus]. Venus is usually pretty visible and large Jupiter is also. So have fun looking for that. The problem with that aspect when it does happen exactly, it is on a day that has a lot of challenges. It is reinstated later in the day with a parallel between the two which appears to be softening and rough edges during the day.

Sunday Nov 12

So here we continue along with Saturday night. And the Virgo Moon through Sunday we still have a Virgo Moon. And that is trying to bring attention to happier matters. The Virgo Moon sign makes this a work moon or at least a good cooking day.

Monday Nov 13

The Virgo Moon that we have for Monday has traps and stops along the way. So you don’t want to commit to anything, buy anything big on either day today or Monday because of the fact that there is so many difficulties along the way with that Virgo Moon.

Then during the day on Monday the Moon will go void of course at 10:45 AM through 6:26 PM. And then the Moon enters the more peace making sign of Libra for the following few days. We need all that peace making that is for sure. Hopefully it is on the better side of peace. So at 1:30 AM on Monday morning Mercury is tangled up with wacky Uranus. Scrambling data and much needed information is very hard to sort through.

Venus and Jupiter are trying to have a grand time in the midst of a battle. It reminds me of the musicians who perform in the streets while the bombs are falling. And I’m not suggesting there will be bombs falling. That is not what I am saying. I am just saying it reminds me of those historic events, those particular scenes when Venus and Jupiter are trying to make nice of a bad situation.

Then at 10:10 AM the Moon is quincunx Uranus. So there might be a fly in the soup at this time. Later it is defined by the heavy and hard realities that are formed by Moon square Saturn at 10:45 AM Monday. So the Moon square Saturn signals the beginning of the void of course Moon until 6:26 PM.

Moon square Saturn is likely to bring about some sort of change where there is a halt or stop.

Monday , Mercury and Neptune are square during that void of course Moon on Monday at 5:47 PM. Mercury and Neptune confuse things. Mercury brings information. Neptune confuses it. There may be lies to sort through or heavy fog over just about everything. It could definitely bring about wet and wild weather because Mercury rules the wind. Of course is it not a good time to go after anything. So let’s just let that Moon sign sit. And the Moon square Saturn is an indication that you are blocked or you are shut out or a big fat no. so just wait it out.

At 6:26 PM on Monday night the Libra Moon show signs of improvement in regard to peace talking and shared interest in government goals. Also in your personal goals between personal and personal relational relationships. You might be able to hash things out or bring things to the table that you need to discuss.

Venus and Jupiter form yet another aspect Monday night. It is a parallel which holds on a lot longer than the conjunction earlier in the day which makes this important over the next few days. It is positive because it is present during the Libra Moon, which is really kind of what you want to see Venus do is have a cooperation with the sign that it rules (Libra). The sign of Libra is the sign of peacemaking. So this may advance more peaceful language and diffuse some high pitch war noise in the air prior to this time.

Tuesday Nov 14

The day has no significant bumps and may be suitable for ongoing matters you wish to wrap up before we enter the next New Moon November 18, 2017 in Scorpio.
The Moon forms two aspects which can facilitate compromise. The first is Moon 60 sextile Mercury at 6:37PM. Later joining Mars at 10:09 PM. The Moon Mars energy may offer too much energy for settling in for the night. Keep you focus on your breath to remain calmer. You are able to take advantage of your thinking when Mercury and Mars for an exact 60 degrees on Friday by 9:25 AM.

Wednesday Nov 15

Also if you are purchasing something or if you are trying to make a partnership long term there is a snag later on. But the outcome could be pretty good because the last and final aspect during the Libra Moon is a nice one to Saturn 7:50 PM Wednesday. So that also marks a bit of a little Green Light period. It is a Green Spot. And we would have that on Wednesday from 6:45 PM until 7:50 PM when the Moon is favorably positioned and then goes void of course after 7:50 PM until Thursday morning.

So that would be your only Green Spot. That would be the time to sign. The only time during the week to advance your goals. Hit that button to buy something important, to agree, to buy that house or have some sort of partnership agreement. that would be your best time to seal the deal. It is very short. Goes from 6:45 PM Wednesday night until 7:50 PM Wednesday night. There is a void of course Moon during that time until 3:19 AM Thursday.

Vesta the investor is entering Scorpio. That should bring about a strong and focused energy to those things that are deep and intense. This is also about taxes and things that the government dealing with. There could be something about health care that is pretty important.

Thursday Nov 16

The Moon enters Scorpio Thursday November 16th at 3:19 AM on Thursday morning until 1:59 PM next Saturday.

The Scorpio Moon sign shows lots of wear and tear. Venus and Saturn are in a cranky aspect. Yet at times they are under the illusion of some sweet fantasy, Venus trine Neptune at 10:21 AM. But all in all this Moon in Scorpio shows a big “ do not touch”. It is really a rather difficult heavy soupy type of deep and dark matter with lots of psychological stuff. Lots of stuff needs to come up from beneath and be removed.

Friday Nov 17

So you also have the support for that sort of thing during the dark of the Moon that starts at 3:56 AM on Friday when there is a very wacky spark activated by the Sun quincunx Uranus. I had mentioned that it was coming all week long. That means we are going to see things get crazier and crazier, and then the fireworks. Whatever they are can be instigated by the Sun 150º quincunx Uranus.

This might also be a strong innovative energy. 150º equals jobs, hiring, and firing and that sort of thing so that you could have a unusual opportunity come your way if you are thinking about changing jobs or looking to change something.

That Sun and Uranus changes the landscape of your daily routine and brings in something new and unusual. Uranus is not likely to have it last too long so you want to be careful with long term commitments.

There is a nice aspect between Mercury and Mars at 9:24 AM Friday. This one allows for information to flow freely, find the people that you want to help you along, to bridge a gap and support your goals. That looks pretty good. Although I don’t give that period a Green Light because of the Dark Moon period lasting until Sunday Nov 19. There is some indication that you could have support during that time, mostly for Saturday Nov 18 up until 10:18 AM. There is a Green Light period in murky waters. It is complicated.

Alright that is it for the week.

You can call me and ask me about the report or ask me about having a reading. And also about my class which is this Tuesday 11:00 until 1:00. Give me a call if you want to join our class. To call me you can reach me at 617-924-0929. Have a great week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Nov 4- Nov 11, 2017

Listen here:

The following is transcribed from the live WZBC radio report.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, November 4, 2017 – Saturday, November 11, 2017

Good morning. Well, we have quite a Venus thing going on this week. And we have a Full Moon. That Full Moon was absolutely beautiful. It was exact this morning at 1:23 AM. It was coupled with a Venus and Uranus opposition. So the Full Moon was in the sign of Taurus. Venus rules the sign of Taurus. So this has everything to do with money, family, and tradition. So anything that you are planning on doing that is very expensive is likely to be more expensive than you had ever imagined. Venus and Uranus cuts off the funding. This is tough on relationships.

There is an opposition there which is lining things up in such a way that says you could run out of money. There is a way…you wouldn’t want to do your Christmas shopping this week for instance, if that was on your mind. You wouldn’t want to remodel the bathroom, if that was on your mind.

At any rate what we have with this Taurus Moon are a couple of tricky things going on. The money sign associated with the Taurus Moon certainly does put out the tax reform bill on the table. So a Full Moon indicates that all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open and you are ready to make choices and selections based on the available information.

However the information is ruled by Mercury. When the Moon gets to the very end of the sign of Taurus it is in opposition to Mercury. The opposition is a cut off, a separation. Plus the very end of the sign of Taurus is called “something to cry about.” That is the little phrase that is associated with it. That is because there is seven weeping sisters or the Pleiades at 29 degrees of Taurus. That can govern the quality or the end result or the types of scenarios that go a long in particular this Full Moon session that we are having.

So I would say hold on to your money. Wait until we have a better Moon. And we have some Green Light periods this week too that you will be able to use. Try to just do things that are nice. Maybe about food or nice family low key stuff until tomorrow.
And then tomorrow the energy shifts and there is a Gemini Moon that begins at 5:26 AM. That Gemini Moon will run right until 5:44 AM on Tuesday. So during the Gemini Moon sign we have another Venus aspect with Uranus that finishes off that helps you to find a little money catch up with what you spent today. And then Mercury will change signs tomorrow at 2:19 PM.

So that being said Mercury is at the very last degree of the sign. That is very difficult for travel. Very difficult for anything having to do with paper work. You could misplace important papers or not be able to find the data you need to further your goal for the next step. And then furthermore that information that you already have is likely to get dropped because Mercury is on to something completely new when it changes signs at 2:!9 PM tomorrow and enters the sign of Sagittarius.

So that is a good thing to have Mercury go into Sagittarius because that broadens our perspective and brings in new information that will be with us throughout the month of November. Not until it turns retrograde and then direct again in the month of December will we see a Mercury sign change (January 11, 2018 Mercury enters Capricorn). Really it won’t be until January. It will stay in the sign of Sagittarius which is really long for Mercury. Because usually it is about 20 days or less that it will be in a sign.

Mercury will go retrograde, just to plan ahead, December 3rd until the 22nd of December.

Sunday Nov 5, 2017

So what we have for today and tomorrow is a Gemini Moon that is coming in tomorrow will be happier once Mercury makes that sign change at 2:19 PM Sunday. Then the information that you gather is a little smarter. It probably also can lead you to your next step in your education or in any cultural activity that you want to do or just reaching out and finding and connecting with people abroad and maybe making plans for travel.

As we move through the day tomorrow there is probably nothing that really stands out as difficult. Although the Moon’s last aspect while it is in the sign…It is not the last aspect, it is the last difficult aspect. That will happen at 9:57 PM on Monday when it is opposing Saturn. So a lot of things that we are doing between now and that point have to do with facing the authority figure so to speak. Or changing up what it is that you are trying to do in the way that you are trying to format your plans so that you can have a better structure.

Monday Nov 6, 2017
There is also an aspect between the Sun and the Moon. After the Moon is full we get a quincunx between the Sun and Moon. This time is it going to happen early in the morning on Monday 4:07 AM. That is when something can go bump in the night and make you get up a lot earlier than you planned on Monday morning. There is something that could be loud and noisy because the Sun will be at a very sensitive degree in the sign of Scorpio. There are points called the World Axis. So there is something that enters the news media early on Monday morning, so look for that when you get up.

Then there would be for moving into Monday there is an aspect between Saturn and Vesta. Vesta is the investor and it is about real estate. So if you are looking for a piece of real estate you might get a clue on Monday. And there could be a really good opportunity for you to sign something after the Moon is opposite Saturn at 9:57 PM. So people sign things at night now. I would say 10:00 there on through the night. The closer you get to 11:00 the better, if you want to sign something right through until Tuesday morning at 5:39 AM.

Tuesday Nov 7, 2017

Tuesday the Moon in Gemini ends with a trine, a beautiful 120 degree aspect to Venus, which softens things and helps to work things out in a harmonious fashion. Communication has a greater ease. That is after 10:00 PM on Monday night. So overnight there a lot of things get ironed out, which is a good thing, whatever is going on in the world.

And then the Moon is void of course from 5:39 AM on Tuesday until 5:44 AM Tuesday.

Then the Moon enters the sign of Cancer and is waiting for Venus to leave the sign of Libra. That is her comfort zone Libra where she is able to make peace not war. And enter the sign of Scorpio where she is most interested in the intensity of relationships, and the money part of relationships, finance, and anything having to do with accounting and banking, mortgages that sort of thing. There can be a sexual intrigue and an increase in passion with Venus in Scorpio. Sometimes it is misdirected, so you want to check your motives.

The Moon is in aspect at 10:00 AM Tuesday to Mercury. It is a quincunx. so there is something that is out of order in regard to information or messages that you want to keep an eye on Tuesday morning.

There is a nice trine between the Moon and Jupiter though later in the afternoon. So it builds towards a better outcome. Later at night the Moon is square Mars. So that is a little bit cranky, difficult to get through. The home, matters at home. So try and maybe go to bed early before 10:00 so you don’t have to deal with that Moon square Mars here in this neck of the woods. If you are in another time zone that is 7:49, if it is on the west coast.

Wednesday Nov 8, 2017

Then we have for the Cancer Moon…we have just a couple of snags. The Moon opposite Pluto 10:06 AM on Wednesday morning. And that is getting into the thick of it and having to pay the toll keeper before you move forward. And then the Moon is quincunx Saturn late that night.

Thursday Nov 9, 2017

After that it seems to lighten up, particularly on Thursday morning early in the morning. It is lighter in the way that the...the way that the energy flows. But the Sun is in an aspect to Pluto, which is making nice with those in the seat of power. It allows for a bridge to be built, where maybe there was none or where there was a weakened bridge.

There is a void of course Moon period if you want to count it during the Cancer Moon. I never do. And that would be between 12:14 AM and 7:29 AM on Thursday morning.

Mercury goes out of bounds on Thursday, way early after midnight. Mercury will be out of bounds. Meaning that information that is gathered is from strange and other sources. Certainly the Far East could be those other sources with very unusual information. This might be hard to assimilate or hard to discriminate what it all means. So information that you gather also should also be checked and double checked for anything that might be faulty.

The Moon in Leo is the Green Light period. It starts at 7:29 AM on Thursday and goes right until next Saturday at 7:53 AM November 11th on Saturday. That is on Veterans Day. So we have this nice stretch of Green Light.

Now there is a snag with Mars quincunx Neptune. That is the “life’s messy clean it up” aspect with a planet (Mars) that can cause a hole in the bucket (Neptune). So I would say don’t do any of your financial stuff until later on Thursday night or wait until Friday. Friday is best. Also a Mars /Neptune aspect can be rough on decision making. It can bring wild winds and a lot of wet weather. Major storms could be stirring with that as well.

Friday Nov 10, 2017

Especially with a Last Quarter Moon headed on Friday at 3:36 PM. It is in the sign of Leo.
This is where there is a payoff in some way for those who have that Leo energy or Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius energy.
The Last Quarter Moon is a big deal because it is associated with the Lunar Eclipse that we had last February. That date in February was February 11th. There was a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Leo. I would say that this is a payback time a pay up time. This may be a time when you make a decision about your future. Are you moving forward with your plans that started back in February? Or are you just winding down? It is also when the check is in the mail. Your creative projects might be easier to bring to a close and gather all the details that you need to make a good presentation. Presentation is all about the Leo. So that is pretty much the…that is at 3:36 PM Friday.

But on the days when we have a Quarter Moon, either a First Quarter Moon or a Last Quarter Moon, those are action days. This is a money day because the Sun is in Scorpio. So if you are waiting for something to close I would say shoot for November 10th Friday. And that is pretty much it for the week. I would say the best times to forward your goals are on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning with that glorious Green Light that we have.

You can call me at 617-558-7233, or my regular phone number 617-924-0929. If you would like to discuss astrology, set up an appointment, or come to class Tuesdays 11:00 until 1:00 we have an astrology class. You can call me about that if you would like to save your seat. It is in Watertown. Have a great week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Oct 28 - Nov 4, 2017 with Green Light times

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, October 28, 2017 – Saturday, November 4, 2017
Good morning. I’m talking to you from Boulder Colorado. Beautiful out here. We had some snow the other day.

We have a really cool Green Light going on with this Aquarius Moon that we have today and tomorrow. Right up until…Let’s see tomorrow at 12:22 PM is when the Green Light ends. So you have got a clear path to go ahead and forward your goals and do what you want to do. Meet with friends. The Aquarius Moon is great for friendship and any kind of group activity. There is basically nothing standing in the way for the next couple of days.
Sunday October 29, 2017

There is a little squabble Sunday morning at 11:03AM when Mercury and Mars make a cranky aspect, a 45 degree aspect. Mercury is the talking thinking planet. Mars is the argumentative planet. So that brings about a little bit of a disagreement on how to do things. Mars is in the sign of Libra, so this kind of an upset. It is almost as if there is a piece of information that annoying or a little bit revealing. Some gossip. Would probably be gossipy that type of thing. So don’t believe everything you hear. And don’t repeat everything that you hear either.

There is a nice connect between Mars and Jupiter. That is late night tonight at 12:16 AM. That would be a 30 degree aspect building some sort of financial interest. So that is very positive. It also might be a little lead about maybe something about some sort of advertising goal that you might have. Or you find something through some unique link on the internet. There is also some military stuff that is involved with that as well.

Aquarius Moon will be void of course as of 12:21 tomorrow afternoon on Sunday until 7:46 PM.
Then the Moon enters the sign of Pisces for a couple of days. This one this week is not so great. There are a couple of snags in that Moon sign.

I like Pisces Moon for the most part. It is easy to go with the flow; you have a lot of sensitive intuition; there are more things are available that would not normally be available; and things are not as you might expect. It is good for people who might be trying to gain assistance. Now those who are in a disadvantaged position can find a more compassionate response during a Pisces Moon sign. And certainly, anyone suffering from substance abuse or if you are trying to quit smoking, Pisces Moons are excellent for that as well. As we are headed towards the Full Moon that also enhances your success rate for anything that you are trying to finish up or quit.

Monday October 30, 2017
But the Pisces Moon is with us all day on Monday as well. There is an aspect…Mercury will make a square to the Lunar Node that is at 2:48 PM. But it really does involve the whole day. It is the kind of thing that brings traffic jams that are larger than usual. Or a train derailment.

Difficulty with [the] internet like a major hack in the internet or a major problem shut down in communication, also with Mercury in the sign of Scorpio (it rules the dead) and the Lunar Node (rules the masses), the North Node is in the sign of Leo.

So it is also a time watch out for your animals. Don’t let them out alone, during I would say, over this next couple of days through Tuesday night. That is when animals, small dogs and small cats, can fall prey to coyotes and even eagles or hawks. I’ve been out walking a small dog and the hawk comes down to grab it. It is really kind of scary how bold they can be. But God Bless the wild life. I love them in any case.

So then what we have for the Pisces Moon nothing much to mention during Monday besides that Mercury square the lunar node which is actually a very big event. There could be announcements there could be issues that are large that reach the media.

Tuesday October 31, 2017
Then Tuesday the Pisces Moon is with us with a couple of things regarding the Moon and Saturn. The Moon is square Saturn at 3:16 PM. That might feel rather depressing as if things are being held back and you are not being brought into the loop. Being left out. If you particularly have an issue with…why aren’t you being told first or even last? Then that Mercury square Saturn definitely brings up those issues. That would be the last aspect of the Moon in Pisces. Although the Moon in Pisces is really not considered void of course. But if you want to consider it void of course it is at 5:07 PM on Tuesday and would last until the Moon enters Aries. That would be on Wednesday morning at 2:43 AM.

Wednesday November 1, 2017

The Aries Moon sign at 2:43 AM is very complicated. Aries is complicated by the final aspect of the Aries Moon that is quincunx Mercury. A quincunx is what I refer to as “ life’s messy clean it up”. And we have another one to watch for and that is the Sun and the Moon on Wednesday at 7:40 PM when they quincunx at 150 degrees. It is usually some type of event that makes you stop what you are doing and tend to an immediate matter at hand. For instance you drop the tray filled with the tea and the cookies. You have to start all over again. Your guests are waiting in the living room. It could be worse. it could be a significant mishap. Usually nothing big. But as it is leading towards the Full Moon, it could bring a clue or messages about what this Full Moon is about which is coming up next weekend. The Full Moon will be in Taurus. So it is about money in particular.

But before that aspect the Moon is opposite Mars on Wednesday 1:42 PM. There is a conflict to be sorted out. Or something being cut off about the direction of current events. The Moon is in Aries. Mars rules Aries. So there is the quality of forward direction and action and putting the fire under the pot that actually Mars is cut off from. Mars in Libra tends to make war in order to facilitate peace.

Later the Sun is making an aspect to Saturn. It is a 45 degree angle. This one may have to do with things that feel as though you are pushing a heavy load while going uphill. It shows where matters are harder than they should be. That will probably be relieved as Thursday comes along. Mercury and Saturn form an aspect early in the morning which is about retrieving information and that helps to stabilize the situation a little bit. Look for some financial direction with that.
Thursday Nov 2, 2017

The Moon moves on to square Pluto at 8:18 AM Thursday morning. This is a bit of a power struggle. No big deal. It will be over by 8:30. So I would say plan your meetings with bosses and such after that time.

The Moon is then in an aspect with Venus. It is opposite. Venus during that time would be parallel Neptune. So there is some confusion about finances and also anything having to do with romance. And the quality of peace talks for instance or negotiations. That maybe a tossup for Friday and the flow or the direction of the money. How the money is coming in and how you can perhaps get your hands on it. Also anything to do with gathering and social events. So as the day goes on it gets a little bit better in regard to Venus matters.

But Mercury and Uranus are quincunx at 9:02 PM. So all that afternoon and evening on Thursday there could be difficulty traveling and also collecting proper information. Things come out of the blue and your travel plans may be out of the blue. Like you may be settled in for the night and find you have to go pick someone up or go help someone out or something. There may be a bunch of information that comes in and you have to deal with all the details on the computer before you can turn in. so the Moon will emphasize that at 11:17 PM when the Moon is quincunx Mercury. That is an Aries Moon quincunx Mercury in Scorpio. That would be the beginning of the void of course Moon that lasts until 5:46 AM on Friday.

But during that void of course Moon Venus and Saturn make a sextile. That is a very nice aspect. It bridges a gap. it helps to find resources. It helps to allow for perhaps some future education and also for peace or agreement structures and type of relationship needs. You might also make choices for cosmetic improvements in or around the house. Anything that you would want to do to enhance your environment. That is a very nice aspect that you can really use during that Aries Moon If you wanted to put it to work by hiring someone. However, during the void of course Moon at 11:03PM, as it is not wise to make final selections or hire people. I would advise hiring before the Moon goes void of course.
Friday November 3, 2017
On Friday at 5:46 AM there is a Moon sign change. The Moon enters Taurus. We always like that Moon sign but it is headed for a Full Moon which makes it really complicated. This is Friday I am talking about. It will be in the sign of Taurus for the weekend.

There is something very disruptive during this Taurus Moon sign. Venus is opposite Uranus during that Moon sign. Very bad for money. So to complicate matters there is a little bit of a trap with the Sun trine Neptune which can make you feel like things are better than they seem. You are looking through rose colored glasses. There may not be as much as your thought or it could cost you a lot if you choose to invest in something. Your investment might be way greater than you imagined. So I would hold off if you were spending some large amount or investing some large amount. Hold off. Don’t do that until perhaps after the Full Moon on Saturday at 1:23 AM November 4.

So that is pretty much it for the week.

There will be a copy of this report on my website at You can call me today at 617-558-7233, that is my cell phone, I am in Colorado. Otherwise my home phone number 617-924-0929. And I look forward to talking with you next week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: