Saturday, February 22, 2014

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days - Feb 22 - March 2

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days
Report Period: Feb 22 2014 to Mar 1 2014, Time Zone EST with notes for March 1 & 2.
Saturday Feb 22 lightens up with the Sagittarius Moon that welcomes a Last Quarter Moon although it may not be a jovial as we may like. This degree of 4ºSag holds the space for a date with Saturn in March 2015 at this very same spot. Our recent Mercury Rx station at 3º 59’ Pisces was square to this point which remains a sensitive spot in our lives for even a year from now which says you will come back over and over with the matters that emerge on this day even more so as Saturn will retrograde next year at this same point 4º Sag. This is the very point of today's Last Qtr. at 4ºSag. What makes this more potent is that today’s Last Qtr. Moon flips us back to events that coupled with the Lunar eclipse of last May 25, 2013. From nine months ago we may be releasing those events as it payback what you are entitled to or you are able to pay up on an all-important debt. This may get you moving in some way if it be a long journey or a vehicle to take you there. It could be that either the past comes back to remind you your progress or lack thereof. You see everything is connected. This is the cosmic game of connect the dots. This is how patterns are created and what they mean to us in our daily lives. You can find a full treatment of this material in my book Lunar Shadows III.

The Moon left the sign of Scorpio early this morning at 5:12 AM when it entered Sagittarius. The Last Qtr. Moon occurs at 12:15 PM at 4º Sagittarius. The clear stretch of positive Green Light energy begins after that Last Qtr. is exact. Begin then a Green Light period to advance your goals through Monday at 8:50 AM. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune conjunction can bring veil of romance or a cloud of illusion so keep your eyes wide open.
Sunday February 23 the Moon is in Sagittarius. It is a Green Light day for forwarding your goals. The Sun and Neptune are back in the astro-news now with the conjunction at 5º Pisces.
The Sun is conjunct Neptune at 1:11 PM. Take a chance on luck however keep your eyes wide open.
Monday February 24, the Sagittarius Moon is void of course after Moon 60º Mars at 4:25 AM.
8:50 AM the Moon enters Capricorn and will make a square to Mars before leaving the sign on Wednesday at 9:55 AM when it enters Aquarius.
Tuesday February 25, The Moon is in Capricorn and is in a bad mood with a bone to pick with Mars by a square. People lack poise and grace in important situations. This is an assertive and aggressive couple of days. Also be reminded that the Grand Cardinal Cross is set off through Wednesday at 9:56 AM.
Another event is indicated by the modern wife or partner in any relationship joins with a brilliant radical mind to advance her/his goals at 9:29 AM (Uranus contra parallel Juno). This may be backlash from unfair rulings re: gay rights.

Wednesday Feb 26, The square from the Capricorn Moon to Mars in Libra marks this Moon sign for corporate or government battles. Also Wed, yet important Tuesday late night is the alignment with the Moon and Venus which occurs at 12:17 AM. It’s a mini-eclipse called an occultation. The principals or efforts of the feminine essence may be eclipsed by a greater event. Or a group of women make a statement of intention which may or may not advance but gains attention. This also relates to money & loans as well.

A greater event during the Capricorn Moon sign is when Jupiter will square Uranus on Feb 26 Wednesday at 2:29 AM. Something of family head, large or small business can advance or topple. If a government command post is being held it may breakdown. It could be its opposition wins over or both sides fail and become tangled up in red tape that can last beyond May 19. Mars is the culprit.
Still on Wed, the Moon is void of course after 5:51 AM through 9:56 AM.
Wed at 5:56 AM the Moon enters Aquarius until 9:53 AM on Friday Feb 28. The Aquarius Moon sign is pack with activity.
Thursday Feb 27, the Aquarius Moon is not a good time to move forward with your goals. Just straighten things out. At 11:11 PM the Aquarius Moon will square stationary Saturn, meaning it is tough and potent. It will make you do your work in overtime hours. It claims the weak-spots and pins down those that avoid debt & duty to make things right. Saturn will turn retrograde on Sunday March 2. The Moon joins Mercury at 3:01 PM and makes an important statement as it has made a decision. Ceres also turns retrograde on Thursday Feb 27 at 3:09 AM, the Great Mother and Goddess of food and supplies. Our ecological status is downgraded. Children are at risk of harm. Those that are ill may decline. It is a tough few days to get through.

Friday Feb 28. The Moon continues in Aquarius. We enter the dark phase of the Moon on the 28th. That means we are in the dark. The Moon and the Sun travel together as they approach the New Moon of March 1. During this time the night is dark and we can fall prey to those that see very well in the dark. Keep you animals in. Even in the daylight ours you may have trouble finding your way and this is a difficult time at best.

2:19 AM The Sun and Mars align in parallel formation which can heat matters up in a big way. This could also be the flu or virus. Battle lines are drawn and the masculine principal looms large. It could mean you find a job or are motivated with great intention. Expect redness and matters which lead to a day in court.

Fri. Mercury will turn direct at 9:00 AM Friday. Mercury’s location, or zodiac address, is 18º Aquarius. This actually flashes back to this past November 10, 2013 for related events. You may see more of this in the summer when the Sun is in Leo at the Full Moon August 10. At that time all will be revealed about what is under this current influence. Now would be the perfect time to sort these things out with an astrologer. I am offering readings at a discount.
The Aquarius Moon is void of course from 9:00 AM until 9:53 AM when the Moon enters Pisces.
At 11:05 PM the Sun is trine Retrograde Jupiter which about to turn direct on March 6.

Saturday March 1st, 2:59 AM the New Moon a 10º Pisces invites Mars to turns retrograde at 11:24 AM until May 19. Vesta turns retrograde at 3:09 AM until May 27th.

Sunday March 2, the Pisces Moon sees Saturn turn retrograde at 11:19 AM.
The next Green Light period is during the Gemini Moon sign March 6 after 9:37 PM through Sunday March 9 at 3:52 AM.

Report Period: Feb 22 2014 to Mar 1 2014, Time Zone EST
Ongoing Dominating Aspects:

" Venus Retrograde December 21, 2013 at 28º Capricorn 58' until January 31, 2014 at 13º Capricorn 33'.
" Uranus square Pluto, last November 1, 2013 at 9Aries 9 Capricorn; next April 21, 2014; December 14, 2014 and finally March 16, 2015
Mars retrograde March 1, 2014 – May 19, 2014 at 27ºLibra 31.
Vesta retrograde March 1, 2014 – May 27, 2014 at 16º Libra 24.
" Saturn in Scorpio Retrograde March 2, 2014 at 23º Scorpio 19' until July 20, 2014 at 16º Scorpio 38'.
" Jupiter Retrograde 20º Cancer 30' November 7, 2013 until Direct Station on March 6, 2014 at 10º Cancer 26'.
" Neptune Direct November 13, 2013 at 2º Pisces 34'.
" Neptune Retrograde June 9, 2014 at 7ºPisces35 until November 16, 2014 at4º Pisces 47’.
" Mercury Retrograde February 6, 2014 at 3º Pisces 20' until February 28, 2014 at 18º Aquarius 09'.
" Mercury Retrograde June 7, 2014 at 3ºCancer 10’ until July 1, 2014 at 24º Gemini 22.
" Mercury Retrograde October 4, 2014 at 2º Scorpio 18 until October 25, 2014 at 16º Libra 45’.

Saturday Feb 22, 2014- Scorpio Moon changing to Sagittarius at 5:12 AM. Last Qtr. Moon, Green Light Day.

MOON SQUARE SUN marks the Last Qtr. Moon in Sagittarius. The check’s in the mail. Read the information at the top of the report to better understand the long arm of this lunar phase. Exact Feb 22, 2014 at 12:15 PM. When the current Moon phase is a Last Quarter Moon you may have had the full experience of the matters at hand and be gathering what you need from the current issues to take into the future. It is here that you reap the rewards of your efforts or pay the debts you have accumulated over the past two and a quarter years related to these matters. You can expect some form of return for your efforts and closure in your current affairs as the Last Quarter Moon has a lineage to issues or events that were seeded at the New Moon at 2º Sag 36’ Nov 25, 2011, two and a quarter years ago. Those issues continued to develop to the next high action time around the time of the First Quarter Sagittarius Moon, which was nine months later on August 24, 2012. Near the time of the Sagittarius Full Moon just nine months ago on May 25 2013 a major shift may have occurred that allowed a culmination of activity and the opportunity to address the issues in an open and clear manner. That Full Moon was actually a Lunar Eclipse that gives this Last Quarter Sagittarius Moon a huge push. It can bring a time of judgment, review or consequence where it may be time to pay up or get paid for your efforts. The sign of the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius may involve matters about your free open space, education, advancement of ideas and a broader understanding about the bigger picture.

Exact Feb 22 2014.
Brief description: The advice you get is of great use down the road as it is now. The mental and creative principals are well match. Create a plan to develop your ideas. This is the symbol for creative intelligence. Negotiate with this long lasting aspect for the ideal outcome.

Sunday Feb 23, 2014 – Sagittarius Moon – Green Light Day.

Exact Feb 23 2014
Brief Description: This aspect can bring a streak of good fortune and sooth anxious nerves, but it can also create blind spots. Having the parallel aspect within eight hours before this conjunction makes this a very special planetary eclipse event. This set of aspects can bring about a major media event in a spectacular setting or staged performance. The past couple of years the Super Bowl occurs with this aspect. Whenever this occurs it seems the world is watching. Setting up a performance, pitch or large event on this day is likely to attract much attention, even more with video and cameras or any event with a theatrical flair.
For Personal use: Don't blink, you might miss something. Allow yourself a dreamy and romantic day. Try not to nap the day away unless you never get the chance.
For Business: Choose this day for something big you would like to show off.

Monday Feb 24, 2014 – Sagittarius Moon final aspect at 4:25 AM. You may consider this a void of course Moon period until 8:50 AM when the Moon enters Capricorn until Wednesday. The Capricorn Moon is not a good Moon sign to advance with your goals.

Feb 24 2014

Feb 24 2014
For the past couple of years and a couple yet to come the Moon faces off with erratic Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration is disruptive and unforgiving when changes are resisted or blocked. Go with the flow and learn about new cultures and the ways of other people. Embrace the differences.
For next few months Jupiter will travel through Cancer as Mars continues in Libra until July 16 & 25 respectively. With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015, these four planets form a Grand Cardinal Cross in the high action signs which represent the corner stones of life.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the Grand Cross is sparked and awaked. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Higher to push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next year.

Hard-working Capricorn Moons are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command the day. Progress and status are important. Important people that "count" are around, as well as people you can count on. You are your own presentation, and caring about what other people think is often more important. The tone might be something like, "It is not as important to be happy as it is to be correct and successful." Make sure all your ducks are in a row. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during Capricorn Moons and if you have not invited criticism as a constructive asset you could receive a blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive or very thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. There tends to be an emotional coldness during this time. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus. If you are a Capricorn, matters tend to go your way. Plant bushes and trees. Root crops.

Exact Feb 24 2014
Brief description: The gift of patience. Mutual exchanges are the objective in all relationships. This is an opportunity to take a friendship to a deeper level of commitment. Create a solid relationship based on the relationship's history, shared affection and values. Solid investments. Frugal money habits pay off. Money stabilizes. Good business agreements. The desire to engage in relationships based on mature reasoning. Good business associates. Women motivated by success. Relationships established to stand the test of time. Long term agreements. This aspect is fond of stability in relationships and wide age differences. They could come together through work or relatives. The search for practical investments with long-term benefits. Whenever Venus and Saturn aspect there is a fear of emotional or financial loss.
For personal use: Consider the history in your existing relationships before starting a new one.
For business use: Invest.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2014- Capricorn Moon sign. Not good for advancing. Too many problems and arguments as the Moon will square Mars before leaving Capricorn.

Exact Feb 25 2014
Brief description: The wife of the partner join to make a point about a matter that has impact on all people. This may relate to recent attacks on gay people. This indicates temporary help. This indicates temporary help or advisors for specific events. Also it may be lucky.

Exact Feb 25 2014
From Solar Fire: The potential for healing problems from your past is strong during this period. Something or someone may help you see past problems in a different light. Perhaps an estranged loved one will return to heal old wounds, or perhaps you are able to now succeed where you once failed. Whatever the scenario you now have the chance to achieve your heart-felt desires.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2014

Exact Feb 26 2014
Brief description: This is an exciting transit that can bring considerable excitement. The desire to break out of any set pattern can be both the source of frustration and or a strong rebellious streak. Personal relationships are at risk with this breakup energy because of a need for space and freedom. Take a trip to change your perspective or study something new that peaks your interest. There is a lazy escapism quality or tendencies. You could invent means to aid your freedom from a self-imposed trap.

Once again are included some interesting notes from past occasions when Jupiter and Uranus were square 90°) in like signs. For instance, the evolution of flight began in 1903 when the Wright Flyer lifted into the air for a 12 second flight and covered a distance of 121 feet. Jupiter was in Pisces then and Uranus occupied Sagittarius which is the reverse of their current positions. Certainly the combined energies bring about technological advances and freedom. To fly is the ultimate freedom for man. The Wright Brothers still had another five years to go before a successful flight. But, in 1924 when the first round-the-world-flights were completed. At that time there was the square between Jupiter in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces just as they are now. The news held some of these interesting notes; on March 3, 1924 the Ottoman dynasty ended after a rulership since 1281 by the hand of the Turkish President who banished all members of the house of Osman and all Kurdish associations, schools and publications were shut down.
Here is a First Woman story- in 1924 Miriam A. "Ma" Ferguson was the first woman to win a state governorship in Texas. She took office upon the death of her husband and then ran for office and won. She promised to weaken the power of the Ku Klux Klan banning anyone to wear a mask in public. Also in 1924, a German company establishes the first synthetic gasoline development program since learning that fossil fuels would be exhausted in a couple of decades. It was believed the energy crisis at that time would be saved by replacing petroleum gasoline with coal derived gasoline.

Moon occultation Venus 12:17 AM. Also Wed, yet important Tuesday late night is the alignment with the Moon and Venus which occurs at 12:17 AM. It’s a mini-eclipse called an occultation. The principals or efforts of the feminine essence may be eclipsed by a greater event. Or a group of women make a statement of intention which may or may not advance but gains attention. This also relates to money & loans as well.

Feb 26 2014

Exact Feb 26 2014
No text available for this topic.

MOON ENTERING AQUARIUS 9:55 AM Feb 26 2014 until 9:52 AM Friday Feb 28.
The point to pass is the Moon square Saturn 11:11 PM Thursday night. Also during this Moon sign, Mercury will turn direct Friday at 9:00 AM after being retrograde since Feb 6.

Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with an unpredictable expression. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.

Exact Feb 26 2014
Brief description: This aspect aggravates pairs in relationships. People battle for no good reason. It could be about work or a jealousy stirred by the re-emergence of an old issue.

Thursday February 27, 2014

CERES STATIONARY turning Retrograde until June 1st, 2014.
Feb 27 2014 – Ceres is the nurturing principal and Great Mother icon. While retrograde there is a tendency to pull your nurturing side inward. You may feel depressed or comfort yourself with binge eating. Stay close to your children and pets. Donate to food pantries and their supplies are low. The Red Cross is also low on its supplies during these times.

Exact Feb 27 2014.
Brief description: The nurturing principal is inspired by the mental strategies of a good plan to distribute supplies and food. This may have an influence over food assistance programs which are politically motivated.

Friday February 28, 2014

Exact Feb 28 2014
Brief description: Abundance of energy, confidence, stamina, training and competence. Vitality and vigor. The energy needed to accomplish goals. To align with others for a specific goal. Legal and justice Body building. A need to blow off steam. Sexual energy. Crystal clear perceptions. Blasts, guns, fire; noise, sirens and war activity. Headaches, accidents, fevers and wounds. Muscular inflammation. The heart. Creative sparks.
For personal use: Take care but get physical. Leave room for other people's interest. Work on intimacy.
For business use: Show leadership. The eyes of the world are on your performance.

MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE not until hours after the Moon is TRINE MARS at 5:55 AM but when Mercury turns direct at 9:00 AM.
Feb 28 2014

Feb 28 2014

MOON ENTERING PISCES until Sunday March 2, at 10:40 AM.
Feb 28 2014
The Pisces Moon can be a time of divine inspiration and composition. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic time. This is a great time to recharge your batteries with some well needed down time. For those whom are too sensitive to bare the chaos of common surrounding may seek an escape with alcohol or mind-altering substances. You may feel compelled toward activities that support what feels like a mission or become a vehicle for divine intervention. This moon period can hold both gentle and forceful energy. Neptune the god of the sea, rules Pisces can be divinely spiritual or filled with upheaval when enraged. Hurricanes after all are born at sea. Tidal waves, tsunami and monsoons are all ruled by Neptune as are any major rain or snow storm. This can be a sensitive and romantic couple of days. There may be a presence of strong feelings of faith combined with a need to make a spiritual connection. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic period; people can be overly sensitive and feel victimized. At times when feeling overly frustrated and misunderstood, striking out at others turns the victim into the victimizer as with the wounded puppy syndrome. There may be a strong focus on cosmetic and superficial appearances. Some may experience a Pisces Moon as a "black cloud" or fear that something unfortunate will occur as with 'Murphy's Law". There is a strong spiritual hunger during this time. Emotions range from melancholy to sentimental. This is a very good time for meditation, yoga and prayer and connecting to the universal divine protector. On a mundane level, there may be all sorts of sneaky behavior behind the scenes and misrepresentations. You may become aware of secrets. Clandestine affairs love a Pisces Moon. Elect to work behind the scenes for tasks requiring solitude. Intuition runs high; so trust your gut feelings. Music can be used as a tool to alter moods. Practice meditation, yoga and prayer. Create something poetic and be open to receive inspiration. Help someone -- service and sacrifice is Pisces' middle name and it helps with any tendency toward self-pity. Be aware of the lack of boundaries. The weather may be wet or misty. This is a fertile time and productive time in the garden. Planting and cultivating. If a Moon phases occurs while the Moon is in Pisces, people take action on the secrets revealed. The rule of thumb with a Pisces Moon is that you will land in a different place than you expected if you choose this time to initiate your objectives. If you are a Pisces, matters generally tend to go your way.

Exact Feb 28 2014
Brief description: An optimistic bridge links one to a much bigger idea, taking all parties concerned to greater heights. A new perspective allows for a stroke of luck and a sharp eye to catch a very important picture. Signs of growth. Wonderful energy. Optimistic reviews. Broad-based objectives. Future orientated thinking. A new perspective. A need for wide open spaces and expansion of knowledge. Generosity from others and abundance is available. There is a possibility of exaggerated opinions of oneself or their projects which helps those with low self-esteem for others it could lead to obnoxious behavior.
For personal use: Travel to a new place and meet new people. Learn something new that engages your current expertise for future benefit. You may have something of value that someone else is looking for exactly what you have. Freedom and open space is a consideration.
For business use: How can you take your business into new territory? This is a day for education and action. With Jupiter now retrograde apply this aspect best for plans you once considered lost such as with education, travel or a marketing plan.
Saturday Mar 1 2014

MOON CONJUNCTION SUN – New Moon at 10º Pisces at 2:59 AM.
Exact Mar 1 2014
During the New Moon phase we are experiencing a period when you may feel as though you are "in the dark". There is a period of hidden or subconscious influence developing at the New Moon. New Moons activate the birth of new ideas, fresh starts, new developments, new beginnings and new people into one's life, but often the full meaning of all the new beginnings are not clear until the First Quarter Moon at the same degree and sign, approximately nine months later, in this case would be on Nov 29, 2014. Now is not the time to initiate or launch a major project as there is no light from the Moon, symbolizing you are in the dark about important and critical information regarding your endeavors. It is a very good time to collect information, inspiration and set your intentions with meditation, prayer and other spiritual applications. By waiting a couple of days for the Moon to gain its light, you will be better informed and able to proceed intelligently.
This New Moon in Pisces marks the beginning of a period of devotion to a personal mission. Your inner desire to connect with the inspiring principal and help those in need is greater. Also there may be plenty going on behind the scenes in secret.

Exact Mar 1 2014
Brief description: The Sun behind Uranus shows what is going on behind the scenes which motivate the innovative vein or the current rebellious edge which is instigating change. Expect more from your unique ideas. There might be news breaking stories which promise new technology that may be immature or underdeveloped. A day to join with friends and like-minded people. .

UNTIL May 19, 2014.



Sunday, February 16, 2014

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Feb 15 - Feb 26

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days
Saturday, February 15, 2014 – Saturday, February 22, 2014

For those that have signed up for my workshop Sunday Feb 16 from 2PM -6PM know that the workshop is happening. Extra Parking is legal and more available on Main Street near Olcott St – my corner in Watertown.

Saturday begins one of a few Green Light Days this week with the Virgo Moon that began this early morning Saturday at 2:26 AM and continues through until 1:23 PM Monday.
Virgo Moon signs bring a very productive couple of days for clearing away any mess. There appears to be help and cooperation that supports what you are doing. Some come together for a grand effort (Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury) which may involve much rescheduling, but the intended is worth the effort. There are typical snags the current Mercury retrograde period.

(All and all I believe it is far better to advance during the Mercury retrograde period than advance after Feb 28 when Mars & Saturn turn retrograde Mar 1 & 2. Mars will remain retrograde until May 19, ruling large machinery, fires, workforces and our personal drive is challenged by the dead stop of Saturn’s influence. Even without an exact aspect between Mars & Saturn, they occupy the same stage which can have a huge lasting impact.)

Sunday The Virgo Moon see a thriving sense of direction with Mercury trine Mars although in the early morning (3:19 AM) is organizes freely with the same goal in mind. The 7:48 AM aspect of the Sun and Pluto get behind the job as they are slightly in disagreement of how to proceed but Pluto is forcing irreversible change with the help of disruptive Uranus shaking ground. Mixed messages are and a conflict of who goes where and when are seen with retrograde Mercury aggravating Jupiter, also retrograde with a lot of inside bickering. (2:43 PM Sunday.

Monday Feb 17 -Normally the last major aspect of the MOON rules the VOID OF COURSE period which would be 60º SEXTILE SATURN at 12:04 AM Feb 17, however, the Moon continues to move forward to catch a 150º angle to the all-important Sun at 11:43 AM Monday Feb 17. This aspect adds to the quality of a fairly large mess to clean up while the Moon travels through Virgo (ending 1:23 PM Monday). If it has been snowing in your area it may continue to be a problem whether it is the storm or ongoing cleanup that is in the way of you getting back to a normal routine. At *:00 AM Monday Mercury and Uranus are all mixed up when 45º apart. Avoid the rush and leave home after time for safety sake.

The Moon in Libra Moon arrives at 1:23 PM Monday and continues until 10:33 PM Wednesday. This may seem like matters and people smooth out the crinkles in their relationships however all does not work out that well as Libra must contend with the Grand Cardinal Cross which forces issues or blocks progress. In either and all cases the changes we undergo during these vast changes will redesign our landscape. The planets involve in this cross are Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto with Venus in Capricorn. While the Moon travels through these signs these days are haphazard with a disruptive unpredictable quality.

Tuesday the Moon is in Libra. The most dramatic event during this Libra Moon sign will be the lunar nodes’ sign change from Scorpio to Libra. That begins on Tuesday throughout the day but exact at 9:50 AM

After 1:00 PM Tuesday Sun enters Pisces until March 20th.
Green Light period begins at 1:00 PM through Wednesday at 4:52 PM.
On Wednesday the Moon faces another white out of some type. It could be weather or technology as Mercury and Neptune align with a parallel that will effect both Tuesday night and Wednesday all day. Add to that Mercury retro square Saturn at 2:11 AM and this gives us something to worry about. This severe thinking can help find your way out of a tough spot but by being too ridged you might miss out on any benefit of valuable Libra type of compromise. Try not to argue the point but see where you are after the same good ending to a tough story.
The Moon will align with Mars at 4:52 PM Wed afternoon and is then void of course until the Moon enters Scorpio at 10:33 PM Wed.

Late Wednesday & Thursday: The Scorpio Moon running through Wed night Thursday & Friday is tangled up in very heavy agenda through next Saturday at 5:12 AM. This is not a good Moon sign to advance your goals. The heavy load could be compromised by insurance companies, police officers, and authority figure that take you to answer to questions.

Friday: same as Thursday but add a occultation Moon – Saturn at 5:10 PM. The Moon is then void of course until 5:12 AM Saturday. During the void of course Moon the Sun will parallel Neptune at 6:33 PM. This aspect will affect the entire day with a veil of confusion or superior intuitive knowledge. This may bring another white out of technology or simply more snow.

Sat: Feb 22 lightens up with the Sagittarius Moon that welcomes a Last Quarter Moon although it is tucked tight with Saturn’s 2015 signature. Mercury Rx station (3º 59 Pisces) says you will come back over and over with the matters that emerge on this day even more so as Saturn will retrograde at this same point (4º Sag) was the point of the Lunar eclipse May 25, 2013 and now, nine months later is the focus of this Last Qtr. at 3ºSag59'. In nine months a New Moon at 0º Sagittarius will take the place of this Moon Family until Nov 26, 2019 when a New Moon Family heads one of a Lunar Eclipse on May 2021.
Sunday February 23 the Moon is in Sagittarius. It is a Green Light day for forwarding your goals. The Sun and Neptune are back in the astro-news now with the conjunction at 5º Pisces.

Monday February 24, the Sagittarius Moon is void of course after Moon 60º Mars at 4:25 AM.
8:50 AM the Moon enters Capricorn and will make a square to Mars before leaving the sign on Wednesday at 9:55 AM when it enters Aquarius. The square from the Capricorn Moon to Mars marks this a Moon sign of corporate battles. During this Moon sign Jupiter will square Uranus Feb 26 Wednesday. Something of a big business or government command post that is likely to breakdown.

Ongoing Dominating Aspects:
" Uranus square Pluto, last November 1, 2013 at 9Aries 9 Capricorn; next April 21, 2014; December 14, 2014 and finally March 16, 2015
" Saturn in Scorpio Retrograde March 2, 2014 at 23º Scorpio 19' until July 20, 2014 at 16º Scorpio 38'.
" Jupiter Retrograde 20º Cancer 30' November 7, 2013 until Direct Station on March 6, 2014 at 10º Cancer 26'.
" Neptune Direct November 13, 2013 at 2º Pisces 34'.
" Mercury Retrograde October 21 turning Direct November 10, 2013 at 4:12 PM.
" Mercury Retrograde February 6, 2014 at 3º Pisces 20' until February 28, 2014 at 18º Aquarius 09'.
" Venus Retrograde December 21, 2013 at 28º Capricorn 58' until January 31, 2014 at 13º Capricorn 33'.

Saturday, February 15, 2014 – Saturday, February 22, 2014
The following is transcribed from the WBZ 90.3 FM Radio broadcast
Good morning. Well, we are obviously are not tired of this snow stuff happening because we keep getting more and more and more. So we have to learn how to adapt to a really difficult situation.
But first I want to start of by saying how much I enjoyed hearing Joyce Levine and Linda Clave last week. They did a wonderful job. I hope they do it again, and maybe the three of us can get together and have a nice conference in the studio, that would be fun.
For those who have signed up for my workshop tomorrow from 2:00-6:00, it is still on. The snow that we are expecting is likely to be overnight and we should have enough time to dig out. Please give me a call let me know where you stand with that, and if we must we will reschedule, but I don’t think we have to. Parking is on Main Street in Watertown and that is the best place and lots of it there by the way.
So for this week we have a couple of big things going on. One the Sun will change signs and go into Pisces, but the biggest piece of news this week will be the Node of the Moon is changing signs. And that Lunar Node governs the coming and going of people in our lives, and the major nature of the types of events that we experience, and we have been experiencing very Scorpionic events. Where the North Node is Scorpio is very very heavy intense stuff, where all people are having changes with the matters that are about taxes, about mortgages, about the loss of family members, about perhaps issues of shared resources or shared matters between two people. So they call it the sign of death, sex, and taxes. It is very, very intense now because Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio, and Pluto has definitely got a handle on that Dragon’s Head ruling the sign of Scorpio.
And the other thing is that the other side, the South Node of the Moon has been in Taurus, and that is the money sign, and it has been very expensive for everyone. So now that the sign change will occur the North Node will pop into the sign of Libra. It is not as if we can expect better times so to speak during this time of Grand Cardinal Cross that we are having with the Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars; all squaring off and opposing (STOP 38:00) and doing all kind of things that cause more chaos. But what it does bring is the ability to work on compromise, work on peace, work on matters of coupling and people. As it gets past the time when Mars is in Libra that will be in July, we should be able to calm down our relationship issues somewhat and work with that Libra quality that is brought in by the Node of the Moon.
So for today Saturday began a Green Light period with this Virgo Moon and its going to be all work, but a lot of it is going to be very enjoyable. And it began early this morning at 2:26 AM and it continues through until 1:23 PM on Monday. The Virgo Moon sign brings very productive couple of days for clearing away any mess. We need that. And there appears to be help and cooperation and support for what you are doing. Some can come together for a grand effort which may involve much rescheduling due to the Sun conjunction with retrograde Mercury. Lots of times things are cancelled, but the intended is worth the effort to pick it up later, or even plow through. There are typical snags with the Mercury Retrograde period as we are all experiencing. All in all I believe that it is far better during a Mercury Retrograde period this time rather than advance after February 28th. And that is because Mars and Saturn turn retrograde March 1st and March 2nd, so we don’t get a breather between Mercury turns direct at the end of February on the 28th and Mars and Saturn turning retrograde. Mars will remain retrograde. Did I say that Mercury will turn direct on February 28th? So Mars will remain retrograde until May 19th, so we can’t put everything off until then. But buying cars and things of that nature could be difficult. Mars rules large machinery: that includes large vehicles or things that are large like vehicles or even trucks, heavy earth moving trucks. It also rules fires, work forces, and our personal drive is challenged by the retrograde Mars. The dead stop of Saturn’s influence that is holding the space at the same time, even without an exact aspect between Mars and Saturn, they occupy the same stage which can have huge lasting impact. So I like to advance now during the Mercury Retrograde. And then after those two other planets sort of settle in their routine, and March April is going to be chaos with all the Grand Cross being set off once again.
For Sunday the Virgo Moon sees a thriving sense of direction because retrograde Mercury is trine Mars. Although it’s in the early morning at 3:19 AM, it organizes freely with the same goal in mind. And then at 7:48 AM the aspect of the Sun and Pluto get behind the job as they are slightly in disagreement of how to go about things. But Pluto is forcing irreversible change so you better get on task before there is hell to pay with that because disruptive Uranus is shaking the ground and there is all sorts of mixed messages that are also conflict of who goes where and when. And this is seen by retrograde Mercury aggravating Jupiter in Cancer – another foot to the Grand Cross. So there is a lot of inside bickering that could go on. Although a lot gets done, a lot is seen, how to go about things, how to organize things and so some areas are well organized and some areas in your life are yet to be organized, And you’ll get the message most likely.
On Monday, February 17th there is a last major aspect to the Moon. It rules the Void of Course period which would be 60 degrees sextile to Saturn, and that is at 12:04 AM. Well, that could be a time when you consider Void of Course begins, but I’m going to wait for the Moon to catch up with the all-important Sun at 11:43 AM on Monday, and that is when my Void of Course Moon period ends. It is a 150 degree angle and it is that life’s messy clean it up – perfect for all of this Mercury Retrograde stuff. The aspect adds to the quality of a fairly large mess, and while the Moon travels through the sign of Virgo ending 1:23 PM, there can be still much to do. If it has been snowing in your area, whether you live in Massachusetts or the rest of the country is having snow too, you find a way back to your normal routine.
And then on Monday Mercury and Uranus they have an aspect at 8:00 AM in the morning on Monday morning, so they are 45 degrees apart. They can cause traffic jams, and if you want to avoid the rush leave after that time for safety sake. And the Moon is in Libra - that arrives at 1:23 PM on Monday. It continues until 10:33 PM Wednesday. This may seem like matters and people smooth out the crinkles in their relationships, however all does not work out that well because Libra must content with all sorts of other voices, and other beings, and other issues as it faces that Grand Cardinal Cross again. We get blocks of progress and there can also be a force of change, and in either or all cases changes we undergo during this time can redesign our landscape internally externally. And it can redesign your bank account; it can redesign all sorts of things about the quality of life. Some things this is a time of great reinvention, so don’t count out the magic of such forces going on: with Uranus in Aries, the planet of reinvention; and Jupiter in Cancer, the planet of great opportunity; Mars in Libra, great drive; and Pluto with deep transformational change is aligned with Venus’s energy that still continues to effect the Capricorn sign. While the Moon travels through these signs, these days are often haphazard and disruptive that is when everybody is trying to be out on the road together or out in a project together and there is that unpredictable quality, the internet breaks down as well.
For Tuesday the Moon is in Libra, the most dramatic event during the Libra Moon will be the Lunar Node sign change. There is very often something very dramatic that we see when that occurs, when the Lunar Node occurs. It is such a time you might remember when the electrical grid went out from some human error, I believe it was human error, in Ohio that blacked out the East Coast for a time and that was in the month of August. Thank goodness it was in a summer month, though not as cool as people would like to be, it was tolerable. And then there was that Priest Father Geoghan, and he was killed in prison when that happened, which sent a very loud message throughout the world about pedophilia and throughout the Catholic Church, which is still going on - things like that, large things. The Tsunami of Christmas of 2004 was another major event, so lots of great big things. So that means too, great big things in our own life can happen too. So expect change both positive and some negative. So there is a Green Light period on Tuesday after 1:00 PM when the Sun enters Pisces, until March 20th, and that will continue right through until Wednesday at 4:52 PM.
On Wednesday the Moon faces another whiteout of some sort. It could be weather or technology with retrograde Mercury and Neptune align with a parallel aspect and that will effect both Tuesday night and Wednesday all day. Add to that Mercury Retrograde is square Saturn at 2:11 AM and this gives us something to worry about because it is that very severe thinking, and the softer thoughts are blocked. And there can be difficulty making connections and finding your way out of a paper bag or a tough spot, but by being too rigid you might miss out on any of the benefit or valuable Libra type compromise and harmony that is out there as well. Try not to argue the point, but see where you are after the same good ending to a tough story occurs, where we get a lot of motivation when the Moon and Mars join at 4:52 PM Wednesday afternoon. And then begins the Void of Course Moon period until the Moon enters Scorpio 10:33 PM on Wednesday night.
Wednesday’s Scorpio Moon is tangled heavy with its agenda through Thursday, Friday and to, next Saturday at 5:12 AM. This is not a good Moon to advance your goals - don’t sign, don’t agree, hold off. A heavy load could be compromised - the heavy load is the compromise. Its stuff like insurance companies and human resources or police officers or any authority figure that takes your attention off of your goals and now you have to answer questions from those characters in our lives.
So the better part of the week is definitely through Wednesday until Mars is conjunct the Moon at 4:52 PM Wednesday. After that stop, don’t move on with anything because the problems could really amount to things larger than you want to bite into.

End of transcribed report. Read further for details of each planetary aspect this week.
Exact Feb 15 2014
Brief description: This aspect may draw one into community action with large groups organized for a common goal, such as a campaign effort. This aspect can show stress with friendships, in social or outer affairs. A psychologically stressful time that may set your head spinning in circles as if there is no way out. You must trust someone, somewhere, but you don't know who. There may be pressing money matters requiring your immediate attention such as an overdrawn account or missed payment or other financial oversight.
For personal use: The way out is straight up. Do all the things you can physically do then take your troubles and drop them off at the doorstep of your higher power. Thank then ask yourself to release your investment of the outcome.
For business use: Get your accountant or financial advisor on the case.

Exact Feb 15 2014
Brief description:
This conjunction between Mercury and the Sun occurs when Mercury is direct in its motion. But Mercury can still play the trickster creating misinformation and snags in your travel plans
Otherwise expect mental agility. Sharp mindedness for snap decisions. Awareness is heightened. Responses are quickened. Lots of errands. Short distant travel. Knowing ones mind. Important decisions. Assessing priorities. Analytical thinking may accelerate to worry. This aspect is positive for writing, collecting information. Sorting through gossip and news stories. Ease with multi-tasking. Outlining contracts for agreements. Important introductions and appointments.
For personal use: Look and be at your best. Expect recognition. Go with the flow.
For business use: Read the fine print. Go after what you want with enthusiasm. Submit your work for editing. Advertise and network

Brief description: This is the middle of the Mercury retrograde period and filled with the trickster's mishaps with information and travel plans. Take a solid inventory of what and how you need to go about your business. Double check itinerary and call ahead before you set out on your journey. Make sure all your paperwork is in order and you may want to pack a separate overnight bag in case you are separated from your luggage. Otherwise expect mental agility. Sharp mindedness for snap decisions. Awareness is heightened. Responses are quickened. Lots of errands. Short distant travel. Knowing ones mind. Important decisions. Assessing priorities. Analytical thinking may accelerate to worry. This aspect is positive for writing, collecting information. Sorting through gossip and news stories. Ease with multi-tasking with adjustments. Outlining contracts for agreements to be signed when Mercury is direct March 25. Seeking introductions and appointments.
For personal use: Look and be at your best. Expect recognition. Go with the flow.
For business use: Read the fine print. Go after what you want with enthusiasm. Submit your work for editing. Advertise and network

Exact Feb 16 2014
Brief Description: This pair in a trine adds creativity to sharp minds. Clear information is available for making decisions. Covnersation is lively and people know their own mind. This aspect allows for smart moves and quick thinking. A straightforward approach with practical applications to issues and problems. If you are not technically gifted you can find the skills person who is. This aspect allows positive flow especially for large projects as there is a quick return for your efforts.
For personal use: Gather support to tackle something too big for one.
For business : Record all your ideas today as some may be winners.

Exact Feb 16 2014
Brief Description: Internal power struggles. Problems with those in power that you cannot reach. A sense that you are powerless. The vital component to organizing reform. Poor financial reports motivate creativity and new methods. A sense of spinning in circles. Abandonment and trust issues.
For Personal use: Let go and let God. Ask for help dealing with difficult personalities. Do reality checks and do not get into a spitting contest with a snake.
For business: Trust is a major issue regarding your next step. Try making lemonade out of your lemons.

Exact Feb 16 2014
Brief description: New information points to problems that are difficult to sort out. There may be changes with your travel plans or news regarding relocation. There are no short answers. Pontification with inconsistencies and conflicting facts. Going around in circles in general but especially for errands. A good time for a fact finding mission. .Problems which seem difficult to understand or access. Information may be completely out of proportion to the subject. Gossip runs rampant.
For personal use: Snap judgments may come back for reassessment.
For business use: Avoid things with too much information. You may find you are taking on projects with too much running around.

Normally the last major aspect of the MOON rules the VOID OF COURSE period which would be 60º SEXTILE SATURN at 12:04 AM Feb 17, however, the Moon continues to move forward to catch a 150º angle to the Sun at 11:43 AM Monday Feb 17. This aspect adds the quality of a fairly large mess to clean up while the Moon travels through Virgo. If it has been snowing in your area it may continue to be a problem whether it is the storm or the continued cleanup that is in the way of you getting back to a normal routine.
Feb 17 2014

Exact Feb 17 2014
Brief description: Can give the effects of a Mercury retrograde period. Thinking is brilliant and erratic. Thoughts or information is interjected and abruptly presented and can come from a radical viewpoint. Individual views are challenged. This can be a period of information of unexplained irritations and disjointed thinking. Statements made can be critical and without regard for feeling. Erratic transportation and mishaps are likely while traveling. Technology for communication can be halted.
For personal use: Get all the facts straight and think before you speak.
For business use: Too quirky to print the final product.

Feb 17 2014

For the past couple of years and a couple yet to come the Moon faces off with erratic Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration is disruptive and unforgiving when changes are resisted or blocked. Go with the flow and learn about new cultures and the ways of other people. Embrace the differences.
For next few months Jupiter will travel through Cancer as Mars continues in Libra until July 16 & 25 respectively. With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015, these four planets form a Grand Cardinal Cross in the high action signs which represent the corner stones/signs of life.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the Grand Cross is sparked and awaked. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Higher to push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next year.

Ordinarily when the Moon is in Libra, people are more likely to cooperate or establish partnership to accomplish their goals. Activities such as hashing out agreements, tending to legal matters, and balancing the scales in all areas are Libra's territory. People are more open to social activity and are more likely to seek companionship. Matters of marriage, or the marriage of ideas, are brought to the surface. There can be indecisiveness which stands in the way of progress; however, the right decision is likely to follow. Watch for business mergers. The ultimate Libra goal is "peace". A time to plant beautiful flowers. If you are a Libra, matters tend to go your way.

Brief description: Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. Imagination, intuition and creativity run high when the Sun is in Pisces. Music, poetry and color play a stronger role in our lives during this time of subtle influences. At this time there is a focus on spiritual principals and development. Negatively Pisces can be aggressive and retaliatory which is often a response of being deprived or abused. Those on missions of religious or otherwise can use this time to conduct clandestine plans. This can be a response to a deep rooted pain from the past that may be unfairly projected onto others undeserving the punishment for the transgression, thus creating a victim/victimizer behavior. Those seeking a higher level of experience may embark upon the spiritual quest where forgiveness transcends past wounds. This is a time of assimilation of information collected over the past year. Information brought to you on all levels can find an avenue for divine understanding. Even the practical and technical has room for the Pisces assimilation. You may finally "get it" and be prepared to move onto the next step after finding information has made its way from your subconscious to the conscious. For some this can be a psychic period when intuitive information is more abundant. This is a good time to explore various relaxation practices such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises to open your channels to new spiritual and mundane information.
For personal use: Use this time to go inward and access your inner dreams and desires. Listen carefully to yourself and be available to help someone in need.
For business use: Is there a way your business can be supportive to those in need?

Brief description: The principals of Mercury (thinking process, messages and statements) and Neptune (confusion and distortion & misguided) join as a team to send a message that may stick longer than is necessary. Some information may contain stories about alcohol or drug abuse or matters that have been hidden in the closet for a long time. On the good side this aspect can be very poetic and creative with a strong imagination. Musical composition or performances could be enhanced with this aspect.
Animals may slip out of your sight. Children may also be illusive.
For personal use: Be truthful above all. This is related to the liars aspect and the temptation is strong to embellish or cover-up.
For business use: If you can't be clear and out in the open- do not commit.

Exact Feb 19 2014
Brief description: Narrow mindedness and focused thinking. A day for exclusions, omissions and prohibitions. There is either "no word" or long delays. Restrictions while in transport. Difficulty with communications and their equipment. Misunderstandings. Remarks reveal judgmental thinking. Exactness with the application to details. Computer problems. Cut off and blocked out of the loop. Appointments are canceled. Bad reactions and unpleasant news. Need for extreme concentration. Attention to tedious details. Stressful or difficult information. Tense air. Breakdowns. Scientific.
For personal use: Double check your actions especially with paperwork. Read the fine print.
For business: Great for working on details. Keep systems management workers close at hand. Unwise to purchase communication equipment today. Hold the release reports or statements.

Feb 19 2014

Exact Feb 19 2014
Brief description: This aspect could bring a colorful boost to the imagination but proceed with caution because your opinions may change. There may be a vague indication of problems that have deeper roots. Articles lost and money vanishes. Relationship issues cluster around illusions. Unusual foods may produce strange effects. Over-indulgence could hamper judgment with family and friends as well as spending. Blind spots are numerous, especially where the heart and desires are involved.
For personal use: Have a sense of humor regarding your romantic notions.
For business use: A good day for final jewelry and clothing sales. Use color and esthetic enhancements.

Feb 19 2014
Scorpio Moons direct emotions inward. People tend to react to psychological slights, real or imagined. "Payback" or "getting even" is often a mode of behavior. Threats can be used as a tactic of reaching one's objective. Often there are issues regarding other people's money, loans or insurance claims. Scorpio is a money sign, so there may be checks in the mail. A Scorpio Moon is a powerhouse for resources. This serious Moon surprisingly has a very funny sense of humor and considers sarcasm an art form. Sexuality is on the surface. Power struggles become the mode of the day as many strive for total control over their own interest. Watch out for the inevitable Scorpion Sting, Brooding and ugly behavior is a common mood with a focus on family disputes such as estate settlements. Scorpio Moons are passionate with the object of their attention and at time driven to obsessive behavior often with a need to create drama and a sense of dire urgency around issues. This is a good time to engage in subjects of where your extreme focus is required. Anything less may bring a period of frustration and boredom for Scorpio is a driven sign designed to maintain a high level of intensity. Other Scorpio themes may include information regarding pregnancies, births, deaths and their related estates, insurance and accounting matters. As a rule this Moon is very good for conducting business with loans, mortgages and estates. These days of the Scorpio Moon are not for lightweights. Know your opponent and be extremely well prepared. If you take on a major challenge it would be best to camouflage any sign of weakness. A good sparring partner is sometimes what the big guy or bully is seeking.

When you are opposing assertive experts you are not equally matched. However if you objective is to find someone to represent you that possess these skills, find your gladiator now. The best way to deal with hired guns is to keep in mind that he/she may use their skills against you, so set clear boundaries from the onset of your relationship. Take special care with things worth protecting; not exposing what is precious to unsuitable elements. These days are best used for elimination of waste, reorganizing finances and otherwise digging out from money drains in your business and personal accounts. Retail business often does very well during a Scorpio Moon as purchases tend to be significant. Selfishness and other nasty behaviors push relationships to the limit. On a personal level, taking steps to set you free of tormenting issues with a counselor is a positive use of Scorpio's need to transform. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can and be perfectly clear about the difference. A visit to your acupuncturist or massage therapist can assist with deep healing techniques that work best when the Moon is in Scorpio. This is a very good sign for planting, as it is moist and productive especially for vines. Also prune and irrigate during the Scorpio Moon.

Exact Feb 20 2014
Brief description: Processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Ones counselors and advisors are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand.
For personal use: Look for clarity where information had been sketchy. Select you stage and wait for the right moment to make your presentation.
For business use: Consider options regarding travel for business. Choose your words carefully. Read the fine print and be decisive.

Exact Feb 21 2014
Brief description: In this aspect Mercury is behind Venus bringing the information about money and love from behind the scenes of feminine actions. There could be secret behavior with money. Lovers may have their secret thoughts that could be shared under sensitive conditions. There are strong cravings for sweets and comfort foods. You may be visiting with people in the hospital or with your favorite aunt.
For personal use: A good time to return calls, send notes and invitations. Adopt a pet or look after a pet.
For business use: Look into the paper trail around spending. Light advertising and jewelry sales.

Brief description: When Mercury is ahead of Venus there will be information regarding the yield from bank accounts and resources. There may be statements made between lovers, siblings, especially from sisters and from hearts of children. Problems may arise from a lack of information that would have an effect on the characters in these relationships. There may be encouraging economic picture without substantial backing and of short standing. Fluctuations in stocks and currency. A desire for sweets. A nice time for visits with friends and family.
For personal use: Check your balances before making purchases. Be an active listener.
For business use: Open up the lines of communication for easy access to the employee

Feb 21 2014

Exact Feb 21 2014
Brief Description: Cloudy and wet conditions. Illusive and imaginary. An alignment between cohorts that may not have the highest standards or intentions. Something shady or amiss. Poetic, colorful, musical and meditative. Peace is beautiful.
For Personal Use: Wait till you get a clear signal before you act on a whim. You may be left with egg on your face.
For business use: Dream up something visionary but keep it kosher.

Feb 22 2014
A Sagittarius Moon often brings a desire to run free, far from responsibility. Discussions can get quite philosophical and or political. Cultural events such as concerts, plays are the order of the day. People and letters from foreign places may arrive. News, or progress, related to advertising and publishing is likely. Religion issues may be in the news. Attitudes are more optimistic. The "flow" is more likely to be in your favor. Directions and directives often change midstream, possibly because there is a "shiny, new horizon" which is brighter than the last. There grass is always greener on the other side. Wanderlust could distract your attention. Weed the garden or deal with bugs. It's time to play. Set up the hammock or go hiking. If you are a Sagittarius, matters tend to go your way.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Astrology Report by Dietrech for Feb 8 2014 to Feb 15 2014, Time Zone EST

Join me for a workshop next Sunday February 16 from 2PM - 6 PM. "The Grand Cardinal Cross & It's Retrograde Planets That Host Each Corner of the Cross".
For next few months Jupiter continues to travel through Cancer as Mars continues in Libra until July 16 & July 25 respectively. With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015, these four planets ( Uranus, Jupiter, Mars & Pluto) form a Grand Cardinal Cross in the high action signs which represent the corner stones/signs of life.Venus actually set the pace of this past few months and will be a strong factor until Mars turns direct May 19. Join us for a deeper look into the impact of this highly dynamic CARDINAL CROSS that will create, nurture, mate or divorce the principal progresses in our lives. Call 617- 924-0929 to register. Cost is $55/ paypal is available for direct payment of if you like to use a credit card. Checks are also accepted. For those who can not attend in person and would like a recording, may sign up ahead of time for $20. For those who attend and would like a recording its $10.
The following report was transcribed.

Good morning. Well, our Mercury retrograde period is certainly full of it’s tricks, and it will continue right through until the 28th of February. And it really doesn’t give us much of a break because Mars will go retrograde the next day on March 1st. on March 2nd Saturn will go retrograde and on March 6th Jupiter will turn direct, making it all sort of bigger than life and this very difficult stretch that we are going through. But it doesn’t mean that it all ends badly. There is a lot areas and Green Light periods to help you to open up doors and receive some benefits for this very, very difficult time period. Another major event this week is the Sun square Saturn.
In general the Sun will make two squares to Saturn in any and every year, and one opposition, and of course one conjunction. So there are four major aspects between the Sun and Saturn. Whenever this aspect comes about it is accompanied by a time of an uphill battle. So the good news is, is that after Tuesday things may begin to soften, and you may be able to have a little bit of a rest, little bit of a breather. This square may be a preview of how things will turn out for that upcoming retrograde Saturn March 2. The Sun square Saturn this week is sort of unofficial signal that Saturn will turn retrograde.

As for Green Light days, we do have one today (Feb8) during this Gemini Moon period, which began yesterday (Friday Feb 7) after 1:44 PM, continues right until 4:08 PM on Sunday. This one allows for an opening for many events to come with some difficulties, for you to work out, and in the end things work out. But when you are allowed to give a full explanation, or when you gain full disclosure of the matters that you need to find out, the true ends. It sort of like if you are buying a car. When you see the car facts or when you are adding vital clarifying facts that must be submitted before an authority figure, the issue could escalate, if you don’t make yourself clear, into an unmanageable situation. However, in the end there should be a matter that could include; there is adjustments because of money or there is adjustments because of further supervision, or something like that that continues. But in the end, things will work out with the Gemini Moon before the Void of Course Moon period at 4:08 PM Sunday, February 9th. And that Void of Course Moon period continues until 1:33 AM on Monday.

Now Monday is a Cancer Moon. Cancer Moon is about home and family. Whereas Gemini is a little more superficial, little more detached. It is when you are out running your errands and that is when you are making plans to meet with other people, you run into people, you are around your neighborhood, and doing all sorts of busy work. And the Cancer Moon is a time when you sort of want to curl in and be in your protective space take care of matters of home and houses and family matters. Those matters are not moving in an easy direction because the Cancer Moon has a couple of difficulties. For one the Sun is still going to be making that square to Saturn so that is going to make Monday feel very, very heavy. And also your advisers are for very serious matters and that is also going to influence all of Monday. There is something very good about the advisers, they are indicated very well later in the day on Monday, even though you shouldn’t sign or agree to anything. Sometimes you just have to. and what is so difficult about the Cancer Moon is that is also sets off that Grand Cardinal Cross, which starts on Monday night 9:27, when the Moon is square Uranus. And then the Moon will conjunct Jupiter in Cancer the next morning at 12:27 AM, that is just after midnight. The Moon then opposes Pluto 3:04 AM and then also it will oppose Venus. Both Pluto and Venus are in Capricorn, Uranus is in the sign of Aries. And then we get ready for that exact conjunction between the Sun and Saturn at 2:57 PM. And then whew! You can take a little breather, but there is a little bit of an argument left over at the end of that Cancer sign. There are some softening factors that you need to use your art of persuasion and have patience when trying to communicate your issues to others. Your greatest help is through perhaps an older woman or a seasoned professional.

There is also a little snag with the Sun and the Moon on Wednesday during that Cancer Moon, and that is going to be at 12:58 AM. Most of us here will be in bed, but if you hear anything bump in the night that is that quincunx 150 degree aspect between the Moon and the Sun, that’s life’s messy clean it up. And you also have a Moon square Mars at 5:51 AM. And you are probably anxiously waiting for the Plumbers to call you back or the heating company to fill up the tank. That could be a very, very cold, not snuggling in as a Cancer Moon would like too. Then the Moon changes signs on Wednesday entering the sign of Leo for a couple of days. And you have a couple of things that are going on that will be very important. One will be retrograde Mercury backs up into the sign of Aquarius. So did I mention the entire sign of Cancer is not a go forward Green Light time. It is not favorable for conducting any kind of good business. But there is a Green Light period after 10:30 PM when Mercury goes into Aquarius Wednesday night, and then we have that for the following couple of days as we build up for that Full Moon (STOP 42:21) that is headed our way.

There is only a minor aspect on Thursday. Although, I’ll edit that minor part because it is the Sun making a semi square to Uranus. Well, that means it is going to set off that Grand Cardinal Cross again. Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra, and Pluto and Venus in Capricorn. So it is always a big event when a planet makes an aspect to any one of those planets. So we get a dose again of that major configuration. It starts things up - that configuration is not all bad. It helps you to break through things that have been stagnant for a long time, but sometimes with a lot of surprises, twists, and turns. There is a lot of difficulties that could be made. There is a good opportunity to find a good piece of property or perhaps a good business deal also on Thursday, which is a Green Light day, so is Friday.

Happy Valentines Day February 14th and it seems there is some celebratory energy with the Sun making an aspect to Jupiter at 3:35 PM on Friday, Great time to check to see if your reservations are still there. Mercury is retrograde so that means a lot of people are in a miscommunication mode, not understanding each other. It is a really good thing to go back to a place where you’ve already visited that, you already know that you like, you’ve checked it all out before. Anything that is brand new has difficulties ahead of it. Your plans may not work out the way you think, or maybe they’ve changed the Chef or something, and its not quite up to your standards.

The Full Moon at 6:53 PM. This one involves Mars because the Sun is trine Mars. The Moon is in a nice 60 degree aspect to Mars. A trine is a 120 degrees, very nice. And it leaves an opening for some big major event, sort of looks like the Olympics. And with the Sun square to Saturn, which will be over by Tuesday, seems to be a little bit of relief by the time this Full Moon comes. So the stage could be set for something very large. And it could bring about something that you have to readjust for ,and make plans with others to clean up, and do things that are filled with surprises and you need to manage things.

There is also that intensity with the Full Moon. It is at 26 degrees of Leo. And this Full Moon is related to things that began last May (2013) (STOP 45:40). So this may be the end of matters. If there is still some sort of continuation that you have, you may probably bounce back and forth with that a month later. But there is something that ends and clarifies matters. If you have your goals that you wish to sort out and make plans with people. Let’s say you are planning a wedding and you want to hire a band. I would wait until after Mercury goes direct, although this one will be tricky. There is that problem with band members, the star of the show not being there. So the band could change, or the caterer could change. This is not going to be a day off kind of day. February 14th should have some hard work energy to it. If you have a star you would like to see, their defining moments could be coupled around the Full Moon, which would be on Friday. But also Thursday night there is a factor and also Saturday morning. All the cards will be on the table and there is a boost to advancement for some.

The Sun and the Moon will also be past their great difficulties when they had made their aspects to Saturn. And Saturn is in Scorpio, which is very deep and intense. What shows to be a problem lies with finding who and what to do after you find who is responsible or what is responsible for the troubles. And that can come out in this Full Moon. Mars in Libra is featured during this Full Moon. So lots of things could go off with an unwelcome bang, not all things are beautiful when they are trine. You have to figure who are the players and Mars is not in a good sign (Mars for itself). Mars is in the sign of Libra, which means it is behaving badly and you wish you hadn’t participated with this. Larger events take center stage. And there is even a greater change and a greater charge to all of these things (STOP 48:89) coupled around that Full Moon because the Lunar Nodes, that is the Nodes of the Moon, that axis will be changing. It will be moving from 0 degrees Scorpio to 29 degrees of Libra, Friday through Tuesday. And this could create a major event that is very stunning as well. This is where also people are coming and going, and changing seats, changing the guard, and how we relate to others, and how we shift consciousness is the focus. We could be completely interested and focused on fairness, balance, and justice with the new Libra sign. So this is not a guarantee that all these principles will be elevated, just that they will be analyzed in a big way.

The people that come into your life, you might be attracting more Aries and Libra people, when the nodes change signs. And I think of the last time this happened, this pivot over this area of Scorpio back Libra. Or which happened 9 and a half years (STOP 49:30) ago, which was Taurus over to Aries - the opposite side. There was the Tsunami, Christmas Tsunami in 2004. So it can be very sweeping, sweeping changes and events that could include a lot of geological shift. There is that large glacier that is traveling faster and faster and faster all the time. I was listening to that on NPR (National Public Radio) yesterday, and how it is moving at such a fast clip that it is amazing the scientists. So that’s it for the week. It will not be uneventful. It will probably be very eventful especially coming into the Full Moon. I wish you a Happy Valentines day and Happy Olympics. May we all be safe and happy, and we will talk again next week.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days for Feb 1 2014 to Feb 8 2014,

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days
Report Period: Feb 1 2014 to Feb 8 2014, Time Zone EST +5:00

A workshop is set for February 16 from 2PM -6PM addressing the extremes expected by the up and coming retrograde Mercury, Mars, Saturn. Also included will be the long lasting effects of the recent Venus retrograde period and the up and coming Jupiter direct station on March 6.

Ongoing Dominating Aspects:
" Uranus square Pluto, last November 1, 2013 at 9Aries 9 Capricorn; next April 21, 2014; December 14, 2014 and finally March 16, 2015
" Saturn in Scorpio Retrograde March 2, 2014 at 23º Scorpio 19' until July 20, 2014 at 16º Scorpio 38'.
" Jupiter Retrograde 20º Cancer 30' November 7, 2013 until Direct Station on March 6, 2014 at 10º Cancer 26'.
" Neptune Direct November 13, 2013 at 2º Pisces 34'.
" Mercury Retrograde October 21 turning Direct November 10, 2013 at 4:12 PM.
" Mercury Retrograde February 6, 2014 at 3º Pisces 20' until February 28, 2014 at 18º Aquarius 09'.
" Venus Retrograde December 21, 2013 at 28º Capricorn 58' until Venus turns direct January 31, 2014 at 13º Capricorn 33'.

Day Ratings
SATURDAY FEB. 1, 2014. The Moon is in Pisces and offers a Green Light Day for you to advance with your plans knowing that in the end it all works out for the best until 11:55 PM Sunday when the Moon enters Aries. The best time today is at 6:16 PM but the entire day offers benefits. The rule of thumb for a Pisces Moon is that you land in a different place than you expect.

SUNDAY FEB 2, 2014. The Moon is in Pisces and offers a Green Light until the end of the Day for you to advance with your plans knowing that in the end it all works out for the best - until 11:55 PM when the Moon enters Aries. (For those that wish to follow the popular void of course Moon that would begin at 11:34 AM when the Moon is trine Saturn and end at 11:55 PM.) I follow the ancient rule that the Moon is never void of course in Pisces, Taurus, Cancer and Sagittarius.

MONDAY FEB 3, 2014. The Moon is in Aries gives us another Green Light Day that we should use to the fullest to secure maximum results which turn out quickly. However there is more to be done later. This Aries Moon can get your motor running. The Grand Cardinal Cross of Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn makes this Aries Moon very volatile. Even though you may accomplish many things your efforts may be thwarted by several events. Go with the flow and consider all sides before making final decisions.

TUESDAY FEB 4, 2014. The Moon is in Aries gives us another edgy day that has it’s advantages after the Moon opposes Mars at 6:14 PM. The Moon is not void of course yet as it is scheduled to meet with Neptune at 9:44 PM for temporary solutions which may involve a spiritual advisor or a chance to envision a new way or new information. Someone who is particularly kind may help you for this one-time event. Try to use whatever advantages that emerge to the fullest to secure maximum results. Matters move very quickly. Look in on those that are shut, elderly or not well. The Moon is void of course after 9:44 PM until the Moon enters Taurus at 4:46 AM Wednesday.

Wednesday FEB 5, 2014. The Aries Moon is void of course until the Moon enters Taurus at 4:46 AM Wednesday. This is not a good day for moving forward as there are obstacles which are too great to overcome at this time. During the Taurus Moon sign the First Quarter Moon occurs at 18 Taurus at 2:22 PM Thursday; then Mercury will turn retrograde at 4:43 PM Thursday and the Moon will form a 150º aspect to Mars at 3:34 AM Friday. After that point you may decide to take advantage of what might be left over after expenses or those things left behind by others.

Thursday FEB 6, 2014. The Taurus Moon sign is the most difficult. Choose another day to move forward. The Moon in Taurus has a busy agenda with the First Quarter Moon at 17º Taurus 55’ at 2:22 PM. This Moon phase is a lunar phase belonging to the Moon Family of a solar eclipse from last May 10, 2013. The Full Moon in this Moon family occurs in nine months. If there is matter of money there may be larger amounts of money generated from the activities surrounding this quarter Moon. In nine months you may expect to have the matters funded or paid for by the time of the related last quarter Moon August 7, 2015. As for attempts to close a deal on this day you may not be able to move forward due to the reverses of today’s Mercury retrograde station (exact at 4:43 PM).

FRIDAY FEB 7, 2014. The day begins with the Moon in Taurus then enters Gemini at 1:44 PM until Monday at 1:33 AM. You may have some good luck with money matters or those involving your talents or traditions especially between 3:34 AM until 1:44 PM.
At 1:44 PM the Moon enters Gemini. The Gemini Moon brings a Green Light period from its onset until 4:08 PM Sunday Feb 9.
Exact Feb 1 2014
Brief description: You may stumble upon secret activities involving illegal money, pornography or private arrangements with lenders or borrowers.
For personal use: Confront your inner demons.
For business use: Learn what is hidden and translate this information into a legal practice that adds security to your financial future.

Exact Feb 1 2014

Exact Feb 1 2014
Brief description: The principals of Mercury (thinking process, messages and statements) and Neptune (confusion and distortion & misguided) join as a team to send a message that may stick longer than is necessary. Some information may contain stories about alcohol or drug abuse or matters that have been hidden in the closet for a long time. On the good side this aspect can be very poetic and creative with a strong imagination. Musical composition or performances could be enhanced with this aspect.
Animals may slip out of your sight. Children may also be illusive.
For personal use: Be truthful above all. This is related to the liars aspect and the temptation is strong to embellish or cover-up.
For business use: If you can't be clear and out in the open- do not commit.

SUNDAY FEB 2, 2014. The Moon is in Pisces and offers a Green Light until the end of the Day for you to advance with your plans knowing that in the end it all works out for the best - until 11:55 PM when the Moon enters Aries. (For those that wish to follow the popular void of course Moon that would begin at 11:34 AM when the Moon is trine Saturn and end at 11:55 PM.) I follow the ancient rule that the Moon is never void of course in Pisces, Taurus, Cancer and Sagittarius.

Exact Feb 2 2014
Brief description: Budding artistic expression and development. Work with women. Work with artistic projects. The earliest signs of a romance may be developing. Encounters with kindred spirits.
For Personal use: Personal gains. Take stock in self-worth. The temptation is to spend but wiser to increase your bank account.
For Business: Signs of financial progress. Choose this time enhance public and business relationships. Have a sale and show your best work. Use art, color and entertainment for a positive presentation.

11:34 AM Moon’s final aspect in Pisces is TRINE SATURN Feb 2 2014

Feb 2 2014
The Aries Moon has a higher energy level and can be aggressive and self-focused. There is a strong need for action and problem solving. During this time you may seek independence and be short tempered, confrontational and challenging. here can be a single minded mission or the potential to start something from scratch. The daily tones are noisier and less tolerant then other Moon signs. There might be an absence of social grace or pleasantries but not lacking in charm. This is an emotionally demanding period and can be filled with a need for sexual release. Assertiveness is seen everywhere and some people or other critters just will not take no for an answer. On the positive note you may begin projects you have held off. On the other side of that you may not finish them either.
MONDAY FEB 3, 2014. The Moon is in Aries gives us another Green Light Day that we should use to the fullest to secure maximum results which turn out quickly. However there is more to be done later. This Aries Moon can get your motor running. The Grand Cardinal Cross of Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn makes this Aries Moon very volatile. Even though you may accomplish many things your efforts may be thwarted by several events. Go with the flow and consider all sides before making final decisions.

Feb 3 2014
You feel cared for when your loved ones intensely focus their attention on you. You are emotionally committed to those close to you.

Exact Feb 3 2014
Brief description: There is a surprise out of the blue which may reveal a health condition or the need for medical testing or procedures. Animals, including your pets are likely to behave in an erratic manor. Children, counselors, lawyers or health care specialists may reveal important information regarding your situation. This is an ideal aspect for finding a highly skilled professional.

Exact Feb 3 2014
Brief Description: Key officials align to orchestrate structural changes within family, business or government. Serious plans are executed.
For Personal: Take charge and engage with wise counsel.
For Business: Very executive.

TUESDAY FEB 4, 2014. The Moon is in Aries gives us another edgy day that has it’s advantages after the Moon opposes Mars at 6:14 PM. The Moon is not void of course yet as it is scheduled to meet with Neptune at 9:44 PM for temporary solutions which may involve a spiritual advisor or a chance to envision a new way or new information. Someone who is particularly kind may help you for this one-time event. Try to use whatever advantages that emerge to the fullest to secure maximum results. Matters move very quickly. Look in on those that are shut, elderly or not well. The Moon is void of course after 9:44 PM until the Moon enters Taurus at 4:46 AM Wednesday.

Exact Feb 4 2014
Mars is aligned with Juno with a motive to marry or partner for a common goal and lasting relationship.

MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER contra parallel Neptune at 9:44 PM Tuesday night through till 4:46 AM Wednesday.

Feb 4 2014

Exact Feb 4 2014
Brief description: This can be a social time for people to enjoy a special occasion. There may also be an event of women bonding together for a specific affair. There is an openness and desire to be agreeable. Engagements are likely to be expensive and extravagant. Creativity shows its best side today with much support from someone with influence.
For personal use: If you are single or want more in your personal relationships of both intimate or friendship, this social time allows opening for meeting new people that could become important to you for many years. Make esthetic choices that are from your heart.
For business use: Choose this time to enhance your public and business relationships. Have a sale and show your best work. Use art, color and entertainment for a positive long lasting impression.

Exact Feb 4 2014
Brief description: Mars and Pallas have differing opinions about how to proceed with a specific task or challenge. The conflict is minor to a point which has the potential to further antagonize a delicate situation. Fully consider all sides before taking action however action may be required. One side is rash while the other is wiser. Mishandling of finances may be the issue and it is time to seek counseling for money management.
Wednesday FEB 5, 2014. The Aries Moon is void of course until the Moon enters Taurus at 4:46 AM Wednesday. This is not a good day for moving forward as there are obstacles which are too great to overcome at this time. During the Taurus Moon sign the First Quarter Moon occurs at 18 Taurus at 2:22 PM Thursday; then Mercury will turn retrograde at 4:43 PM Thursday and the Moon will form a 150º aspect to Mars at 3:34 AM Friday. After that point you may decide to take advantage of what might be left over after expenses or those things left behind by others.

MOON ENTERING TAURUS will 150º Mars as late as 3:34 AM Friday.
Feb 5 2014
The Moon in Taurus is in its exaltation which normally indicates that there is a graciousness and honor of some sort. When the Moon is in Taurus, there tends to be a focus on finances, and often money comes through on these days. This is the Moon of tradition, concerned with matters of the family and gatherings. It is usually “food first” for Taurus Moons. Bonding is more apparent with loved ones. There is a need to get more grounded and find some peace and quiet. You may be carting about people or supplies. (Before automated vehicles, the bull pulled carts of supplies and people.) Taurus Moons can be lazier and more indulgent than usual. This can be a slow-moving couple of days with no rushing and lower blood pressure. The bull is more sensitive than they appear being also stubborn and not easily pulled off track. If there is a sense of being pressured this could incite rage especially if plans change without consulting the bull and then securing his/her approval. Don’t push, suggest. Find a way to make your pitch, sale or emotional plea politically palatable, practical and profitable to please and capture your benefactors’ attention. Remain sensitive and patient while watching the object of your attention become interested in your product. Making a pitch or sale with the Moon in Taurus can be tedious but you are often speaking to someone who has the means to fund your project or buy your products. If your can remember they don’t want to be pushed, they want to be seduced you will have much better luck. If you seem to be interested only in money you will lose their respect. When the Moon is in Taurus people like to buy things that are sensual to the touch. Fabrics need to be comfortable and relaxed but of high quality. Flannels, cottons and very soft wools are sought. Lots of food items, cooking and indoor/outdoor gardening are high on the activity list. This is a time to be nurtured and be nurturing. If the Taurus Moon occurs on an otherwise good day your powers of manipulation work strongly in your favor. Your ability to move to the head of the line or the top of the list if you step up and ask. Apply for a loan or mortgage. Excellent for planting flowers and beautiful bushes. If you are a Taurus, matters tend to go your way.

Exact Feb 5 2014
No text available for this topic.

Exact Feb 5 2014
Now is the time to make the most of any opportunities to lay to rest painful memories, which have haunted you in times gone by, and move into areas that are linked straight to your heart. Opportunities for learning present themselves and you may discover talents that you never knew existed. One person, an important teacher or healer may enter your life, or you could take a study course or travel. Alternatively if this transit happens later in your life, you also may have the chance to express your own teaching and healing talents, finding an appropriate avenue of expression for wisdom gained from past experience.
Thursday FEB 6, 2014. The Moon in Taurus has a busy agenda with the First Quarter Moon at 17º Taurus 55’ at 2:22 PM. This Moon phase is a lunar phase belonging to the Moon Family of a solar eclipse from last May 10, 2013. The Full Moon in this Moon family occurs in nine months. If this is matter of money there may be larger amounts of money generated from the activities surrounding this quarter Moon. In nine months you may expect to have the matters funded or paid for by the time of the related last quarter Moon August 7, 2015. As for attempts to close a deal on this day you may not move forward due to the reverses of today’s Mercury retrograde (exact at 4:43 PM).
Retrograde at
3º Pisces 20'
4:43 PM MERCURY STATIONARY TURNING RETROGRADE until Feb 28, 2014 at 9:00 AM at 3º Pisces 20'. Feb 6 2014
FRIDAY FEB 7, 2014. The day begins with the Moon in Taurus then enters Gemini at 1:44 PM until Monday at 1:33 AM. You may have some good luck with money matters or those involving your talents or traditions especially between 3:34 AM until 1:44 PM.
At 1:44 PM the Moon enters Gemini. The Gemini Moon brings a Green Light period from its onset until 4:08 PM Sunday Feb 9.

1:44 PM MOON ENTERING GEMINI Feb 7 2014 offers a Green Light through Sunday Feb 9 at 4:08 PM. The Moon travels through Gemini until 1:33 AM Monday Feb 10.

The Gemini Moon: The next couple of days when the Moon travels through Gemini, people tend to be more curious, talkative and restless. There is more mental activity during this time. There is a lot of moving about and scouting around town for errands, short trips and visits. It is a good time to gather information although you need to check your sources for errors and material based on hearsay as talk is abundant but not all always reliable. Topics regarding siblings can be an issue or there may be visits between them. Children are more vocal. It is time to write note and the desire for writing your thoughts down is strong. It is a good time to connect by making calls, answering letters and the like to catch up with communication needs. People may lack sensitivity and just say whatever is on their minds when the Moon is in Gemini. As long as you keep things light and lively everyone should have a good time. If you are particularly thin skinned then you may select your company more carefully. There is a need for variety. To make the best of the Moon in Gemini you might want to spend more time listening to learn more than you expected. Good time to weed your garden and plant nothing. If you are a Gemini, matters tend to go your way.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: