Saturday, April 30, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 30, 2022 - May 7, 2022


Saturday, April 30, 2022, to Saturday, May 7, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead.

We have some incredible excitement today. There is a Solar Eclipse at 4:41 PM. that Solar Eclipse is not visible in the United States. It is a partial Eclipse. It is stacked up with a bunch of planetary activity with the planets going from Pluto in Capricorn, through Aquarius, then Pisces, then Aries, then Taurus to Venus, to Mercury in Gemini. All in one group of 122° of the Zodiac. So, one whole part of the wheel has all the planets clustered together. I hope that something really good comes out of this.

Saturn is in a precarious position. Kind of holding court here with a square to the Lunar Nodes. It is a real strong thing about the father image and the boss image. Add to that, your teeth and knees and anything having to do with heavy responsibility.

But there is this great bright star of Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces. Very lovely configuration. Nothing difficult about this. It brings joy wherever it shines its light. Something that you do. Maybe you are studying meditation or yoga or some spiritual practice that really does open up your soul. There is a real strong soul connection here. Follow your heart and follow your soul to get the best out of anything and all the things that you want to do.

Taurus, the Eclipse is at 10° of Taurus. That is a money sign. So, there is a lot of money stuff. You might get some money out of it. That could be a really good thing. But there is also the likelihood of spending a lot of money. You want to keep an eye on that heavy foot of Saturn there that is going to make you pay the bill. There are actually four planets lined up in Pisces: Mars, Neptune, Venus and Jupiter. So, this chunk of money that you may get, try not to gamble it all away. Beware that your generosity streak also could leave your pockets empty by the call of necessity. So, there are a lot of good things about this Eclipse, and a lot of difficult things as well.

So, there was a Solar Eclipse here in 2014 on April 29th. There was a revolution in the Ukraine that ousted the president who favored Russia. 2014 the protests erupted after the President had refused to sign a new treaty with the European Union in favor of one with Russia. So how about that?

Then we have a Venus and Jupiter conjunction that is exact at 5:13 PM. That is not that long after the Solar Eclipse that some articles say it is at 4:41. Others say it the Solar Eclipse is 4:28 PM.

In either case, it will not be visible here. But we can certainly channel its energy for good things. Such as, Saturn trine Ceres later on in the evening shows that maybe there is some government attempt to feed the people in need.

But what is out there later is Neptune is coming along to snatch it away, and kind of dump it in the ocean. So, we hope that does not happen.

Sharing and trusting. That goes along with Venus sextile Pluto. Intense interactions with others. A lot of sexual intrigues.

Also, with that aspect, Saturday night, Sunday morning, Venus and Jupiter are in a beautiful parallel. So, they not only made a conjunction, but they are also parallel. That means from the North Pole to the South Pole, they are lined up. As well as east to west and around the Zodiac. And you get a beautiful alignment between Venus and Jupiter that is everlasting. So, this is going to be pretty cool. A lot of fun can be had with that Venus and Jupiter aspect as well.

Here comes that Neptune square Ceres. it is not being fair to those that need food and medical supplies. It looks like a shipment is dumped into the sea. Eating foods that you have had problems with in the past might really hurt you on Sunday. So be mindful of what you eat.

Then on Monday, there is an excellent end to the Taurus Moon, when it gets a happy thank you from Venus. That is at 6:12 AM.

Then the Moon goes into Gemini at 6:46 AM. It is in Gemini for a couple of days.

Then, Venus, enters the sign of Aries. So, it leaves that very spiritual, compassionate place of Pisces and goes into Aries at 12:10 PM on Monday. You get some freedom and independence. Also, there is a really strong drive to go and get what you want. Chase what you want. And so that Venus in Aries really needs to find some way to slow down stop and think about what it is chasing. There is that saying “be careful what you ask for, you may get it”.

Then Mars and Pluto have an aspect Monday night. This is late night 10:49 PM. They have a few battles to iron out, so do not get into it. It could really hang on through the night.

It looks like also where Mars is in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn is stationary retrograde. That looks like there might be some private information that got leaked. Mars leaked it. You do not mess around with that tough guy Pluto with stuff like that.

Jupiter is in an opportunity aspect with Pluto. And this is Tuesday, May 3rd, 6:33 PM. Although it does have an influence over the whole day. So, this aspect invites you to take advantage of a money offer. If you are in a position to make an offer, you might be in a good light. However, Pluto is retrograde. So, you really have to check your mortgage application and your funding and all that to make sure all your ducks are in the row.

The Sun and Uranus find friends to back up a humanitarian project also on Tuesday. Your plans may include a new piece of technology with this lovely aspect. But it is a Uranus day. It is a strong long-lasting aspect between the Sun and Uranus. So, things could get to be kind of quirky with that as well.

Mars and Uranus are in an aspect Wednesday at 11:46 AM. So, you might want to get your engines running during this Gemini Moon sign to take a good trip. Maybe you want to include some new technology in your work and your presentation. It would be a good day for making a presentation. The Moon ends up square to Jupiter in the sign of Gemini. So, this is not the best. It warns against believing all that you see and all that you hear, both on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Moon will change signs and enter the sign of Cancer on Wednesday night at 7:04 PM. There is a Void of Course Moon period before that from 4:36 PM until 7:04 PM.

The Moon and Cancer have an aspect that it sees between the Sun and Uranus again. Another one of those. So, these are kind of intense. They definitely have the humanitarian quality to them with much money backing it up. Use your connections to join with similar-minded friends and colleagues, who you would like to join to help forward their goals for helping others.

Mercury and Venus are in a lovely aspect. It is a 60° aspect. This is where you can find your voice with the lovely Mercury and Venus sextile. Write something, sing something, print some, paint something. Family is a big part of this pleasant event. Thursday night is special. So that is when this aspect is probably at its best.

You want to keep a watch in the sky for that Venus and Jupiter alignment as well. Look to see if it repeats again tonight. So that is it for the week. Friday night looks pretty good for those that are very close and personal. You may feel connected in bonded relationships with that Cancer Moon next Friday night May 6th. That is, it for the week. Have a happy Eclipse and a happy week. I hope to join you again next week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also play it again on WZBC archive [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts]. Look for the 9:30 hour. You can call me for a consultation or class 617-558-7233. Again, that is 617-558-7233. Bye for now.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Dietrech Pessin's Astrology Report for April 23 - 30, 2022 with Green Light Days


Saturday, April 23, 2022, to Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead, April 23rd through the 30th of April.

It is quite an intense week this week. Even now, last night with the Moon conjunct Pluto, a lot of that very heavy Pluto energy is with us because Pluto is standing still. It does not turn retrograde until next Friday. But between now and then, we are going to see a lot of the intention of Pluto.

We have things that Pluto rules, which are deep transformation and change. We can expect a lot of things to change with this particular Pluto at 28° of Capricorn. That is the sign of government and big business and things like that. The family heads. Things that we want to get a hold of like our assets, your taxes, your wills, and anything having to do with final arrangements of any sort. Mortgages, that sort of thing, also under the canopy of Pluto as well.

For Saturday we have the Capricorn Moon. It ended at 2:16 AM this morning. The Moon went into the sign of Aquarius. The Aquarius Moon is big on a Quarter Moon, this particular Aquarius Moon sign. Aquarius is about friendship, camaraderie, and anything that you might be concerned about. The ecology or the good of all the people. That Quarter Moon is a 7:46 AM. That happened already this morning.

It is the Last Quarter Moon. It is affiliated with other Moon phases going back to January of 2020. This is right when COVID had come to us and locked us down for two years. Then there was a First Quarter Moon, in October of 2020. And then July of 2021 was the Full Moon that we had last summer, associated with this Last Quarter. Now we have the Last Quarter Moon at 3° of Aquarius. That has to do with joining with others for the purpose of like-minded ideas.

For Sunday we still have an Aquarius Moon sign. This is not a good Moon sign for dealing with business or money in any way.

Mercury is square Saturn Sunday morning. This makes a hard start for a friendly Sunday morning.

Then Mercury and Neptune are joining in an aspect, which can really kick up the wind again. It is so windy all the time now. It sees an opportunity to find or make some money with a friend. Although I do not advise it under the particular situations that we are seeing, with Pluto stationary the way it is.

The Moon is square Mercury at 8:33 PM Sunday night. Starting a Void of Course Moon period that will run until 6:14 AM on Monday morning. Then starts a Green Light. If you have plans, you would like to buy plane tickets or have a business venture of some sort, definitely, this Pisces Moon is the one for you. The Pisces Moon will go right through until 9:35 AM on Wednesday. So, you have a good stretch with a Green Light.

The Moon and the Sun are in an excellent opportunity aspect also, on Monday. It is 4:08 PM exactly. So, this is good for coming together with others for a good plan and moving forward with your goals. There can be food that is shared for those who need it the most when Venus is square Ceres later in the evening or afternoon on Monday.

Then the Moon is conjunct Mars in with this Pisces Moon. That is April 25th, Monday. So it is a little bit too aggressive.

For Monday night. avoid conflict, if you do not want to have it rob you have a night sleep.

Tuesday the Pisces Moon is with us. There is a Green Light. That Pisces Moon waters down Tuesday's normal, aggressive energy. It encourages us to let go of resentments and use your spiritual practice to advance your goals with this lovely Green Light.

There is something magnificent coming up on Wednesday. For one thing, the Moon is conjunct Venus with that Pisces Moon early in the morning. Then it is conjunct Neptune on Wednesday. This is really nice.

But what is nicer is what happens under the Aries Moon. So, the Pisces Moon will be with us until which is Green Light until 9:35 AM, Wednesday morning. There is a little Void of Course Moon until 12:09 PM. Then the Moon enters Aries.

Then we have this amazing aspect between Venus and Neptune. They line up, not only in conjunction but also in parallel. So that is like in both directions around the earth, and the celestial equator. and also from the north to the south pole. And they are also being joined by the Moon. To find this lovely aspect, in a huge benevolent picture. there is got to be something fabulous and magical that happens with this. It can be very romantic. It can also bring an extra beautiful, unusual dose of benevolence during this time of this Pluto station, which can be very hard on others. The sympathy and kindness have a magical effect with this aspect. Very spiritual.

The transit of Venus conjunct Neptune indicates spiritual refinement in both love and also the capacity to surrender with a sense of sacrifice, with the framework of giving yourself to the love in a capacity. It is almost Christ-like. In a sense, it just kind of feels like that in a beautiful fashion.

Venus and Neptune bring the potential for a new romance. It is very emotional. Or more compassion and spiritual bonding in the existing relationships that you have. Use this to indulge in something delicious like a practice, like a massage, something for yourself. But also, a wonderful yoga or meditation program as well. Be creative. Mind your purse and your spending, as your taste has no boundaries with this.

Imagination is grand with this series of Venus Neptune aspects. It is wonderful. That is on Wednesday, and exact with various alignments from 3:11 PM, 3:35 PM, and then even earlier in the day. So, it is a wonderful configuration that we should all be mindful of. Say your prayers for peace. They will go a long way with that aspect of Venus and Neptune. Their parallel is at 3:35 PM.

Mercury leans into Pluto, the Soul keeper. That is later in the evening, where there is a conversation between the pair. That they would like to be able to transform how you feel and how you fit into your soul pattern.

Aries Moon is a busy one. It is with us on Thursday and Friday. These are not good business days: not for money, not for business. So, you may ignore the sensitive side needed to care for others on Thursday. Normally Thursday is ruled by the benevolent planet of Jupiter and begs for compassion. So, listen to that. Give where you can and help where you can.

Venus and Pallas join, and they make the most out of plans that could benefit many.

Friday. The Aries Moon is still with us. It has a heavy task waiting for Pluto to turn retrograde. Do not move too quickly or deal with money. It is a bad day for that. Pluto turns retrograde at 2:35 PM on Friday. Remains so until October 8, 2022. Around this event, you might be faced with your greatest fears. there could be fear. It could be something as small as a spider or something big. Maybe you are afraid of mice and a mouse runs in the house. Or maybe you are facing your demons of something greater. You could find yourself exhausted. Go into prayer and meditation. Let go of resentments too. Maybe you have to chase your dog a great distance. Fear that you will not succeed and that you will never catch your dog, but you will.

Take care of your pets during this Pluto station. Do not allow them out. Not only are they subject to being tormented or caught by other animals. Also, there are poisons on the ground that can hurt them as well.

Sun and Neptune have an aspect on Friday at 5:07 PM. This can cause a few wrong turns. I advise again, do not handle money.

On Friday, Mercury enters its own home ground of Gemini. That is until May 22nd When it then returns to Taurus, where it is now, while retrograde. It will turn retrograde from the 10th of May until June 3rd. So, Mercury sees, Mercury going into Gemini at 6:22 PM, where your thinking is more active. Maybe there is something that you want to write or review or redo.

Then the Moon enters Taurus. You might feel like you have a ravenous appetite with that Taurus Moon. That comes in at 8:18 PM on Friday night and goes right through the weekend. There will be a Solar Eclipse next weekend at 4:27 PM. So, we look forward to that as well, as we talk about that next Saturday.

Okay, that is it for the week. You can find a copy of this on my website at You can call me at 617-558-7233. Leave me a text message if you want to reach me more quickly. And I am available for classes and for consultation. 617-558-7233 Dietrich Pessin here. Victor, it is your turn.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 16- 23, 2022 with Green Light Days

Listen on soundcloud:

Saturday, April 16, 2022, to Saturday, April 23, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead.

The headliner today is the Full Moon. It is not just today. It is this period that we have over the past couple of days and the next couple of days. Where all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open. It is all about peace. The peacekeepers, and the peace negotiators.

There are things that reached back to 2014. There are various subjects that are on the table in regard to this particular Full Moon, reaching back to October of 2020. that was the heat of the [Presidential] election at that time. Then July of 2021 was the First Quarter Moon. So that 2020 date is when there was a New Moon at the same degree, where we have this Full Moon today.

So, the First Quarter Moon was nine months later, which was July of 2021. This was when people were actively involved in the process of moving forward with their goals. Plans going on behind the scenes and whatnot could be definitely under this category. Then today, the next length nine months later, April 16th, where there is a Full Moon at 26° of Libra. The Last Quarter Moon will occur in nine months from now, January 15, 2023. So, the chart for this particular Full Moon is very intense. The players are definitely in a very serious mode. We never have been closer to things, world events and the world players involved in these events as we are now. We should pray for both leaders of Ukraine and Russia. pray for peace. Just keep that prayer going.

Pluto is a major player in this Full Moon, as well as Saturn. So those two planets have an association also with the virus, the Covid 19 virus. They have come back on the table as well. So, we have a multi-level complication going on.

Jupiter and Neptune have just released their conjunction. Although it is a very slow-moving couple of planets that will not change the situation just yet. So, it is not pulling apart just yet. Peace is the goal for this Full Moon in libra. Libra is the sign of peacekeepers. So, we are hoping and praying that something occurs with this Libra Moon sign.

The Moon in Libra will have its last aspects square Pluto, which does not ensure any positive progress with the peace talks just yet. So, they have to come back to the table once again for further talks.

There is a Void of Course Moon today from 5:56 PM until 8:22 PM when the Moon enters Scorpio. The Scorpio Moon sign is extremely busy. High priority matters. This is not a time to engage with those who may show their power to overtake your position or any position; project or money. So, I would not go ahead with any of your ideas. Hold off on that. this is from 8:22 PM Saturday, today until Monday night. That Scorpio Moon is very intense.

Also, on Sunday it sees a period with several planetary actions on Sunday. Indicating the players are in a serious game.

There is an opportunity between lovely Venus and Mercury in us in a 60° aspect. They see an opportunity for positive meetings. Maybe you will meet someone. it will be positive for you. There is a chance for some type of arrangement for a peaceful talk with that aspect.

On Monday, the Moon is still in Scorpio. Mercury is conjunct Uranus. This offers brilliant solutions to the most difficult problems. All forms of communication are a high priority. Messages and documents are most important. So, keep track of your files. I would back everything up. Pull the plug out of your computer. Do not allow the energies, the electrical energies to come back in and wipe out your files. That happened to me 20 years ago. There was a surge, an electrical surge. So those types of things, surges could possibly be from solar activity. Anyway, protect yourself. pull the plug. I pull the plug on my computer every time I get up from my desk.

Venus and Uranus form an aspect. This aspect is particularly about coming together with friendship. It is an opportunity to unite with like-minded people for a common goal. As always, with Venus and Uranus connections, take good care of your wallet. Do not let anyone talk you into something or out of something. Your goals are met with credible offers, however. So, friendship is the important commodity in this particular aspect.

The sun is square Pluto. This is that power play, power struggle, 11:14 AM on Monday, April 18th. It is a revival of the Saturn and Pluto conjunction. So, there are strong biological drives and issues going on with this particular power play. Very uncomfortable competition, unconsciousness, unconscious behavior, which reveals any underlying motivation. So, you want to watch for body language and those that are coupling and joining on the other side of the table. They may be scheming against you. So, paranoia runs high. Take a professional with you. Do not sign anything, unless you have had it read by a lawyer. There is a necessity to find a way to share and to trust. So, it is a really high-powered time.

The pressure is on when the Moon goes in and squares Saturn. So, these two aspects Sun square Pluto, Moon square Saturn, are right there in the late morning 11:14 AM and 11:30 AM on Monday. I would not get involved in any business matter. Take that Moon sign of Scorpio right through the end of the day.

And you get Moon and the sun are quincunx. That is 150°. I call that life is messy clean it up. So, there is an assessment of damages. There is possibly in an insurance check that would be written for you with that particular aspect. So that is a decent promise.

The Moon goes into Sagittarius. Well, there is a Void of Course Moon with the Scorpio Moon at 8:31 PM until 10:16 PM. Then we have a Sagittarius Moon sign. That is not in very good shape either for making any kind of long-term business deal. It is a really good Moon sign to learn something of great importance, and also take in a powerful lesson.

The sun is going over the very last degrees of Aries. The Sun enters Taurus at 10:24 PM under the Sagittarius Moon sign. So, the Taurus Moon is about tradition and family. Alignments are tough, but temporary with this particular Sun in Taurus. But there is hope for some stability. That is what the Taurus Moon seeks is reliable and stable routine with solid individuals. It does not want you to bring home anyone that is offering risky behavior. It wants everything to be smooth. your favorable strong points are food. Bring food for persuasion. you want to feel very persuasive during the Taurus Moon sign and put your focus on things of the Earth. Bind harmony and peace in the land, in nature, gardening, beautiful flowers. Have family gatherings also with good food and tradition during this Taurus Moon sign for the next month.

Then for Wednesday, study your subject before advancing under the Sagittarius Moon. Look for that valuable lesson. The Sagittarius Moon sign will end with a difficult aspect to Jupiter saying, you are over-optimistic. your farsightedness should be in question. Get your eyes checked.

The Sagittarius Moon sees room for repairs but not advancement. So that is the way to go. Look to see how you might make repairs.

Finally, a Green Light comes in 11:51 PM on Wednesday. That Green Light will continue through Thursday. So late night on Wednesday it starts. Goes through Thursday, and also Friday. So, there is the Green Light, the green spot, bright light at the end of the week during the Capricorn Moon sign. Which is about business and government and family matters. Plans that you are going to make for the business side of your family. Any anyone that is elderly or needs your assistance, this is a good time to make a good plan for them. It is an excellent day on Thursday and Friday to advance your goals.

Thursday the 21st I will be presenting for the Long Island chapter of NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research). That will be at 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Thursday night. The topic is Moon phases and how they personally affect you.

Friday Green Light. The last aspect of this Green Light is conjunct Pluto, so it is not meant for lightweights. It is a tough one because Pluto is very tough to deal with. But there is not much to hinder your progress. So, take advantage of that as best you can to advance your goals for money, business, and family business as well government business as well.

The Moon is void of course from 11:52 PM on Friday until 2:16 AM on Saturday, next Saturday, the 23rd.

You can find a copy of this report on my website at You can play it again on WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] archive file. I am offering a $99 easter egg basket. If you like an astrology reading for $99, this is your chance. Also, classes are one on one classes at this time, except for the lectures. Which you can join through the Long Island chapter of the NCGR for this coming week. That is it for the week. You can find a copy of this report on my website, You can also call me 617-558-7233. Text me. That would be the fastest way to reach me at 617-558-7233. Thank you Victor.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: