Monday, June 28, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 26 - July 3 with Green Light Days


Saturday, June 26, 2021 to Saturday, July 3, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00



Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. That is Saturday,

June 26th until July 3rd 2021.


Neptune is stationary since yesterday afternoon at 3:32 pm. It will be retrograde

now until December 1st. Neptune retrograde stations feel extremely groggy,

heavy, confusing. Try doing things spiritual. Like your artwork, dancing, yoga,

music, anything that is ethereal in nature. Practice meditation. Also, Neptune

stations are really good for advancing your soul work.


But not good for practical Capricorn matters. Like the way the Capricorn Moon

presented itself for the Neptune station. Making you think maybe that this was a

good time to buy something. Not so. So, you may have been confused about how

or why or where to invest your money. It is a good thing if you did not. If you did

return it, it is not worth what you paid for. If it is property, it is too expensive for

you right now as well. The Moon opposite Venus is what claims that delineation.

That happened at 8:49 am.


The next Moon sign is Aquarius, and that begins at 10:08 am. It is a lighter Moon

sign and it is a Green Light Moon sign. That Green Light will continue from 10:08

am today until 6:05 am Monday, with the Moon parallel Saturn.


So that Green Light ahead during that Aquarius Moon brings friendship into the

picture. It makes Saturday night a nice night to socialize. At the end of the

Aquarius Moon sign, it will parallel Saturn. Indicating that you may keep your

selections of people or things or groups for the better. But wait until Venus enters

Leo. That is, it 12:27 am late night tonight. That is Sunday morning. Because

Venus is going to change signs. So, that being said, everything that you choose

today until 12:27 am tomorrow morning, you could drop or change your mind

about. So, if you are out feeling like you have met your best friend and all the

world or the love of your life, you could drop them before you ever get the

relationship off the ground. After that time if you are still out partying or enjoying

the evening when Venus goes into Leo, Sunday morning at 12:27 am, you have a

wonderful opportunity to make a friend or a lover that will last for a long time.

But lovers are not the best indicators under an Aquarius Moon. You end up being

friends. So, hold on to it.


The Moon while it is in the sign of Aquarius will do things like conjunct Saturn

early in the morning on Sunday. Then it reverses its ideas and opinions and

choices at 9:16 am. So, what does that tell you. If you bring someone home

overnight, you wake up and you say, “Oh my, what have I done?” Well, also you

might find that if you want to go out on Sunday night, that the food is not good.

Or it is there is not enough to feed others. Or you may need to feed others before

you enjoy yourself on Sunday evening. Or take care of others. Like if you have a

mother in a nursing home, you cannot get away and join your friends until you

take care of those who are tucked away. That is Moon square Ceres. That is not

going to last all night. So, make a later plan on Sunday evening for a better time,

and then it does get better.


The Aquarius Moon is still with us. It is a Green Light still right through until 6:05

am. There are no aspects that hinder anything early in the morning like that.

There is a void of course Moon from that time until the Moon enters Pisces at

1:51 pm on Monday. The Pisces Moon will sextile Pluto before leaving the sign on

Wednesday, giving us again, a few excellent couple of days.


You have an opportunity to correct past problems without anyone knowing that

there was a need to. It might be like you caught it just before you drop something

in the mailbox, and you were able to make a correction. Information can be found

from deep sources. But put a gag order on all that you hear or see. Do not repeat

anything. Use this energy to reconstruct your spiritual practice to delve more

deeply with your spirit guides. It is an excellent Pisces Moon for that.


There is also a party energy in there at 5:30 pm on Monday, when Venus and

Jupiter are making a quincunx. So that could be life is messy. Clean it up. If you

are having a little cookout or something, you may have to go out and buy more



Tuesday. Another Green Light day under this Pisces Moon. Absolutely nothing

wrong with that day at all. Go ahead and advance your goals, your Pisces like

goals. There is only one rough spot when the Moon is square Mercury at 11:00

pm on Tuesday night. You may be picking up information about the people

around you psychically. It may not have anything to do with you, but it may

influence your feelings Tuesday night. Try to let that go and not let it wreck your

night's sleep for yourself before the Moon leaves Pisces on Wednesday. It will all

be sorted out and you will know what that is about.


So, the Pisces Moon continues right through early on Wednesday. Then at 1:39

pm the Moon is sextile Pluto, which is the last aspect that the Pisces Moon will

make. It does, I need to mention, conjunct Neptune at 8:24 am. Neptune is the

ruler of Pisces. And as it is standing still, this might be an important time for you

to pick up some intuitive information about how you are going to go about that

day, with Moon sextile Pluto.


The Pisces Moon continues its void of course. I do not consider the Moon void of

course when it is in Pisces. But for those of you who do, it is void of course from

1:39 pm until 9:21 pm June 30th, Wednesday.


Then we have the Aries Moon that will square Pluto before leaving the sign. So

right off, that tells you that is not a good sign for nailing down your plans or

buying anything or securing anything. There is a lot of conflict in that Aries Moon.

Lots of rough energy. Especially if you need to get up and go. the Aries Moon

would want to have you do.


Mars is opposite Saturn. This is the headliner OF THE WEEK, Mars opposite

Saturn. It is square Uranus. It is like, Oh my God. Murphy's law big time. And it is

the Last Quarter Moon day. things always happen on the Quarter Moons: First

Quarter Moon and Last Quarter Moon. You can be guaranteed that something

will spark, something will happen with the Aries Moon. It could have something to

do with what you started. Could have something to do with your car. Aries could

have something to do with your drive and your action. Do not quit your job. You

are likely to regret it. Although, I have seen strikes happen with Mars opposite

Saturn. Workers strikes. There could also be strikes of all types that are set up.

The opposition here is set up for a series of surprises with that square to Uranus.

Your thinking may be uniquely fixed on one line of thinking. Whereas you may

feel you cannot get out of your own way to advance your plans. Do not worry. Do

not try to advance them during the Aries Moon. Do not take on any commitments

or long-term investments just yet either.


Here is that Mars opposite Saturn 9:08 am. Just to start the day off. It is all sorts

of efforts. Control energies are the top of the game for the day. Very

uncomfortable restraint. The blocking or denial of aggressive instincts. Frustration

is large. Anger is large. There could be some sickness, some injury, activities with

which meet with resistance as well. Test of self-control. The necessity to solve

problems. So, that is a tough aspect we need to get past. There is another tough

aspect when the Sun is quincunx Saturn later on. But we will make this one the

toughest one of the day.


That Quarter Moon comes in at 5:10 pm. It is a Last Quarter Moon in Aries. So,

you are actively involved in the process of letting go of something. Perhaps you

get paid or you have to pay out something. The Moon has some history that you

may need to observe or look into. Go dig it up. There was a new Moon April 5th

2019. Then that was a First Quarter Moon, January 3rd 2020. Well, we all know

what was coming right around then. Then the Full Moon was October 1st 2020.

And here we are at the Last Quarter, July 1st 2021. So, think about where you

were. What you may have been doing. Yeah, we were all locked up, right. And

how your life would begin to change. As a result, it all had to be put on hold. Now

here you are. Perhaps ready to advance some of those goals that got put on hold.

So that is a good thing.


That Aries Moon sinks into a healing phase for the evening when the Moon is

conjunct Chiron at 10:18 PM during the Aries Moon. So, it is all in your head. it

wants to get into your heart and help you to heal an old wound. So, you may want

to use your spiritual practice to be able to move that into a safe place before you

fall asleep.


Mars trine Chiron says there is something you need to learn from all of this

resistance. Maybe this something that you learn is something that you can pass

on to others and teach others as well.


We are on Friday now with that Aries Moon. I thought there was Sun quincunx

Saturn in here somewhere. But I am not seeing it. Maybe my calendar did not pick

it up.


But what we have is a quincunx on Friday, July 2nd with the investment maker

Vesta. So that is likely to be something that we hold on to. Trying to sort out what

investments we are going to make.


That Sun quincunx Saturn does not come up till next Saturday. That is where I saw

it at 6:51 pm.


So, for Friday Aries Moon, do what you can to get a lot done. Do not engage or

pass judgment on others. Just take care of your own yard.


There is a void of course Moon that does come in after midnight during the Aries

Moon. And then I want you to plan ahead for next Saturday after 8:27 am. There

is a great day from Saturday 8:21 am until Monday, July 5 th . That is under the

Taurus Moon. It is going to be excellent for taking on new projects. Wait until that

Sun Saturn is over. We will talk about that all next week, what you can do with

that great day. And so, tune in then.


You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also

find the podcasts there and you can find the transcribed report. And you can also

reach me at 617-558-7233. You may notice I do not give out the 924 number. I do

not use that anymore. If you, have it, delete it and use the 617-558-7233 number.


Have a great week. There are some really good days in here. But take care of your

bones with that Mars Saturn opposition. We do not want to hear about any

broken bones. Okay, that is it for the week. Hi there Victor. Love you. Miss you.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 19 - 25, 2021

 Saturday, June 19, 2021 to Saturday, June 26, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead.

Just a focus for a minute here on Juneteenth. This is commemorating the freedom
of all the slaves that from back in 1865. It is a national holiday now for after all the
slaves were freed. The Emancipation Proclamation was January 1st 1863. But it
took another two years and nearly six months to free all the slaves. Freedom
finally came on June 19, 1865 when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in
Galveston Bay, Texas. They announced that more than 250,000 enslaved black
people in the state were freed by executive decree. This day came to be known as
Juneteenth, by the newly freed people in Texas.

Jupiter, a focus now because it turns around, turns retrograde, within this 24-hour
period. Is a focus now and then. Then it was in the sign of Sagittarius. Pluto
represents black people and enslaved people. During 1865, Saturn and Uranus
were in an easy 120° Trine. Now they are in a hard aspect. 90° square, with
Uranus parked right on top of the Pluto of Juneteenth 1865. That would be
disrupting the existing norm. It is finally a national holiday. And at any rate,
Congratulations. Some progress takes a very, very long [time]. 156 years. Wow.

So, about our week astrologically speaking, we have four major events this week.
beginning with Jupiter turning retrograde and that is on Sunday. Sunday, we also
begin summer time. That is at 11:32 PM and that is the Summer Solstice. That is
the longest day of the year. Tuesday at 6:00 PM Mercury turns direct since it
turned retrograde on May 29th. Finally, Friday at 3:21 PM Neptune turns
retrograde until December 1st 2021.

So, if you feel like you have had a breakthrough over the past couple of days, you
are being joined by others that have felt like they've been in a brain fog for at least
the past year, year and a half. Whether this breakthrough will last or not, the brain
fog comes from Neptune. I hope that it continues to increase our ability to think
and work and communicate and write and do whatever we need to do to keep our
minds going.

But I want to mention that Jupiter turning retrograde within a day or so of Mercury
turning direct. We will have many topics or thoughts. Talking about pie in the sky

ideas that do not seem like it. But if you come across someone as you are sitting
down at the kitchen table with a great idea about how to expand your business or
move forward. Or create a business or do something, wonderfully expansive, and
you start to make a plan. you will find that you never go back to the next
conversation about it. It does not work. It is a pie in the sky idea. So, hold on to
your heart with a lot of those things that you might be dreaming up.

There are many things that are that are positive. There are a few Green Light
periods. There one today, for instance, on June 19th is a positive Libra Moon. It
will make a final aspect of Moon Trine the Sun. Which is an excellent time as this
Libra Moon makes for a really nice Saturday night, if you wanted to go out and do
something wonderful. However, I would say it is best to go out or join friends after,
say 9:00 PM, because the Moon will quincunx Neptune. Which means you could
be too disillusioned. Or you could you could miss out because of a
misunderstanding, because the Moon is making a quincunx to Neptune. So, wait
until almost 9:00, and then you have a really good Green Light.

The Green Light actually has its best timing on Sunday. It is early in the morning.
So, if there is something that you want to do, get up and take advantage of it. It
will be exact 6:51 AM. So, any time before 6:51 AM early in the morning on
Sunday is an excellent time to move forward. Especially, with anything having to
do with partnerships and agreements and engagements or marriages. Or anything
like that would be to your advantage to take advantage of this little Green Light
period. Which is best after say 2:00 in the morning until 6:51 AM. That begins a
void of course Moon period during the Libra Moon. It ends at 7:58 AM when the
Moon goes into Scorpio.

The Moon will be waiting for a couple of things to happen before you can go
forward with any type of confidence that you will succeed. That would be because
Jupiter is turning retrograde at 11:35 AM on Sunday. Then the Sun enters Cancer
summer time at 11:32 PM on Sunday night. So, until those two things are done,
the changes are too great. Some are part of whatever you are doing could get
dropped. So, the Scorpio Moon on Sunday night is potentially best left to continue
exploring and researching during the Scorpio Moon.

The Scorpio Moon makes a Grand Trine between the Sun the Moon and Jupiter
This is excellent. Plenty of optimism here even under a Scorpio Moon, which is
pretty skeptical on a good day. Topics are both heavy and expanding for the
summer season. There is much to be learned here. Growth is a given if you are
open to change. So, an open for change there.

There is a Green Light in there. It starts at 2:38 PM on Monday. it will last until
4:03 AM on Tuesday.

A little note about Green Light periods. It does not mean it feels good. Very rarely
do you get a feel good. You would have to get Jupiter involved somehow. We do
have that with this Scorpio Moon, which may help to actually feel good during this
Green Light period. But for the most part, Green Light actually means you have a
Green Light to move ahead and advance to sign agreements with others or make
plans. Make agreements. Handshakes anyway that you want to. You can be
assured that you will have a positive outcome. That is what a Green Light period is

The last aspect of the Scorpio Moon is a split parallel to Mercury. So, this is saying
the Scorpio Moon is more of a learning experience because perspectives are
miles apart. But eventually you will see things in a different light. You then
understand what is and what is not beneficial. Someone must let go, in whatever
the scenario is. So, if you sign up with someone, there is going to be a loser and a
great big winner. So, it is a conclusion that someone will win. So, it might as well
be you. Be careful. Hold on to your heart. You know it is like buying a lottery ticket,
I guess. It could be you. Do not go it alone. Scorpio Moons are not meant for
lightweights. Always remember that about a Scorpio Moon sign. Scorpio Moon
signs are really great for your final wishes or settling in an estate. Something like

You want to also note that There is a void of course Moon from 4:03 AM until 8:55
AM. Then the Moon goes into Sagittarius. Now that is a happy sign. The bottom
line of the Sagittarius Moon ends with a quincunx to Venus. So, you are likely to
spend a lot of money trying to get out of whatever is not going all that well. So, the
Moon in Sagittarius is waiting also for Mercury to turn direct before making any
decisions. That will be at 16° of Gemini 6:00 PM on Tuesday. That Sagittarius
Moon then is looking for the grass to be greener on the other side. Or wants to run
over to that greener grass on the other side.

Get up early for a lucky charm on Wednesday 6:00 AM to 6:11 AM on
Wednesday. That is when the Sun and Jupiter are in a beautiful Trine. So, it can
definitely have an impact on Tuesday night, then through the night on
Wednesday morning until that time, early in the morning. That is the Sun Trine

The Sun will be at 2° Cancer and retrograde Jupiter will be at 2° Pisces. That
Sagittarius Moon is encouraging you to hurry up if you are going to go out and
catch a ferry at 6:35. 6:35 AM The Moon is quincunx Uranus. So, you do not want
to miss your boat there. Something could come up to make you change your plans
or run a mock in some way.

The Moon is opposite Mercury. Here is something that causes a problem. It could
be some kind of bad news about something. Maybe your car stalls out when you
try to turn it on. Or you could lose your papers or forget your license or something

that you need. That is exactly at 10:50 AM. So, if you want to wait until after that
you will have a better chance of success that day.

Then we have Venus opposite Pluto. Venus opposite Pluto says this is not a good
investment time. It is filled with jealousy. Property lines may be the issue. Family
battles over inheritance could be the issue. Then things are worked out. Possibly
because there is some kind of financial arrangements. A payoff or a deal of some
sort. That is because Venus comes into an aspect of Pluto once again. But at this
time, it is a split parallel. It is about a temporary deal. That is at 7:39 PM.

You go into Wednesday night. There is a Moon. The Moon is square Neptune
Wednesday night, which is could be good for sleeping. I do not know. Have you
been sleeping? Half the world has not been sleeping. So, if you think you are the
only one that wakes up at 1:30 in the morning for the rest of the night, you are not
alone. You may have just got a good night's sleep, and I hope it continues for you.

There is confusion around that Moon and Neptune square. I would chant yourself
to sleep with that one Wednesday night. Thursday morning, you can wake up
and there could be something that comes to mind about spending money. Wildly
spending in an attempt to resolve. Or maybe you were up in the middle of the
night searching the web for nothing. Saw an ad and bought something. Maybe
that is not such a good idea Thursday morning in the wee hours, 3:27 AM. You
will have to work out how you are going to pay that off later.

So, if you do not have a good plan, work it out after this. You have better thoughts
after 7:00 AM to 7:30 AM on Thursday morning. It could be a lucky moment at
7:30 in the morning, actually, when Venus and Pallas Athena make a very nice
Trine. This is about some really good information about money or about love or
friendship. It is a very nice connection there. It could be a lucky time.

The Full Moon looms large at 2:40 PM at 3:28 degrees Capricorn. The aspects are
Sun trine Jupiter and Moon sextile Jupiter. I think this can express the importance of
reclaiming and naming the Emancipation as an Independence Day.

On a personal level there is so much to say about that Venus opposition Pluto. Jealousy
can be a primary matter within families.

Okay, so what we have after that is that the Moon enters the sign of Capricorn.
That is at 9:05 AM. Moon will oppose Venus at the end of that sign. That goes
right through until Saturday with Moon opposite Venus 10:08 AM. That could be a
signal that this is going to be a very expensive Capricorn Moon sign. So, if there is
something that you are trying to purchase. Or business thing you are trying to
settle, it is very business-like. Friday it gets thrown off the track because Neptune
standing perfectly still going retrograde at 3:32 PM. So, you might be completely
confused or under a veil of illusion. So, I wouldn't take any wood nickels if I were
you. So okay, that is it for the week, is a busy week.

If you have any questions about it, give me a call 617-558-7233. You can also find
a copy of this at my website There is the podcast and also
the transcribed report.

I want to mention that Starcraft bookstore and astrology center in Epping New
Hampshire, is going out of business. They are practically giving away all of their
books that they are selling for like $1 apiece. Amazing astrology books. you could
look up Starcraft and contact Tom. He would have information about when you
could go and scan their bookshelves and pile up anyway.

Take care and have a good and a safe week. It is an off/on, this and that, up and
down. It is really a crazy week. Okay, take care. talk again next week.

I forgot to mention the Full Moon on Thursday at 9:05 AM.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 12, 2021 with Green Light times.

 Saturday, June 12, 2021 to Saturday, June 19, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrich Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is
Saturday June 12, 2021. The energy is very intense with extremes that
accompany a Solar Eclipse that we just had, which was a magnificent Solar
Eclipse. Our energy seems to have been completely wiped out. Our vision for the
future is unsettled. Many things have come up that are really hard to deal with.

Many people have asked questions about the cause for the increased number of
drownings during the past week. It appears astrologically to be the square from
Neptune to the Solar Eclipse point. The Solar Eclipse was on June 10th. So that
brings an elongated type of period when that effect would take place. We have yet
to experience all that may be delivered from Neptune, as it cast a veil of confusion
and illusion, as it squares the Sun once again. Not exact until 7:39 PM on Sunday

All this is during very difficult Mercury Retrograde. People have been complaining
that it is the worst they have ever seen. And I believe it. We have the Saturn and
Uranus square, the second one. So, on Monday night the second one this year.
The first one was on February 17th. And the third one will be on Christmas Eve.
So, this Saturn square Uranus is an aspect that breaks through. Breaks up large
life situations, and also geological blocks in our lives. We may have changes
ahead that we may never have considered.

One thought of the involvement of the Sun square Neptune along with this is and
the northern location of the Solar Eclipse. It might mean that there is an iceberg
that breaks away. It is a significant break away.

This is a breakthrough year, otherwise. Many things that you have been trying to
do, you may finally get an opportunity or chance to do some of those things. Just
keep on plugging with whatever it is that you are trying to do. Even though there
are a lot of things that seem to trip you up, just keep moving forward. The
breakthrough and changes, some of those things people may need to recover
from, addiction. Or if it is a lifestyle change that you have needed this can be your
chance to make those kinds of changes.

Also, there could be a breakthrough in the treatment for whatever physical

condition you might have. Also, you want to take care of your knees, your joints,
your teeth. All those are targets for this alignment. Neptune contributes to topics of
sleeplessness, and things with your feet, alcohol and all other substance,
substances of addiction.

Those sneaking around. Be careful that your house is not secure, your car is not
secure. Also, things about seclusion and places of seclusion. So being tucked
away, depression, people feeling isolated and not wanting to come out. Those are
all heavy, Neptune influences. That is what we have during this week and there is
even more that goes on. But those are the dominant things to watch out for. It is a
heavy and hard week.

Moon is quincunx Saturn. Well, it did that this morning. Then it also moves on to
make an aspect with Jupiter. And then the Sun later in the day, which can lift the
mood a bit, around 1:13 today.

We are under a Cancer Moon. So, it is a very sensitive Moon wants to be close to
the clan.

For tomorrow, Sunday, June 13th. Venus is quincunx Saturn, after Venus made a
nice sextile to Uranus. These are early in the morning, so it may influence some of
the things that you are doing tonight or some of the people you are hanging out
with tonight. So, if you have met somebody or will meet someone that you enjoy
their company, it may spontaneously change due to some kind of obstacle.
Whereas, the relationship or the potential for relationship just does not stick
because of an aspect that Venus makes to Saturn. It is a 150° quincunx. Another
thing with that aspect is do not spend your money. It is not a money day. We are
talking Sunday, Sunday morning. It does change after the Moon sign changes,
but during the Cancer Moon Watch out for money. Do not promise any money

Then the Moon is opposite Pluto. This will be on early morning on Sunday. You
may feel like you have had to pay the toll keeper. But then it clears away. It makes
for a better day.

There is a bit of a void of course Moon from 7:15 AM until 2:22 PM. That is when
the Leo Moon comes in. Leo Moon has many challenges. Some have already
begun. And this is the time where options are presented, but do not make any
decisions just yet or take any actions to secure your future. As things are likely to
change quickly. That is because of the things we spoke about in the beginning
here. That Saturn Uranus thing.

The Sun and Neptune square on Sunday 7:39 PM. This is a blind spot.

Somebody could sweep you off your feet. You could be in a bookstore and be
charmed by someone. I would beware. Events could happen in the parking lot or
whatever. Beware.

Then there is a need to check in on people who are tucked away. That is going to
go along here for a bit. A good week or more. Check in on people that are tucked

Then Leo Moon continues. Has very high energy on Monday 3:12 PM. It squares
Uranus. This is very haphazard. It is quirky and sudden. Abrupt things happen and
pop up.

Then your plans get cut off temporarily when the Moon is opposite Saturn at 3:28
PM. All of this becomes a big deal with some event or series of events when
Saturn is squaring Uranus at 6:01 PM on Monday. So, things leading up to it
Sunday through Monday. They are all related to the Saturn square Uranus

Later in the evening, Mars and Jupiter call in and say they are available to help
with a quincunx 8:39 PM. Mars will be in Leo. Jupiter in Pisces. And it will be not
long Before Jupiter turns retrograde. Mercury will be retrograde until the 22nd.

Then Tuesday, June 15th, we have a Green Light right in the beginning, whatever
time you wake up after 12:57 AM. Right until 4:11 PM there is a Green Light. You
get the chance to get some help from a seasoned professional. So, take
advantage of that.

The Moon is void of course from 4:12 PM on Tuesday until 11:02 PM on
Tuesday. So, let your plans rest and maybe do something fun with that Leo Moon.
Maybe there is some event that you can go to. Something artistic or creative or a
concert of some sort.

So, then there is a void of course Moon 4:11 PM until 11:01 PM, and the Virgo
Moon comes in. The Virgo Moon will finish off It’s interaction with the planets when
it makes a square to the Sun. That means that there is a First Quarter Moon on
Thursday night. But for the Virgo Moon sign on Wednesday the 16

th a lot of work
could get done. A lot of healing work could get done as well with an aspect that
the Moon makes to Chiron.

Then there is some difficulty, as if there is a pinch or something that needs to be
tweaked. Maybe you had an operation and need the stitches taken out and they

are itchy. This is in the evening of Wednesday night. Lots of health issues are
addressed with this Virgo Moon, some of which could have important
developments for you.

So, there could be on Thursday, important information about medical reports and
their treatments, as this First Quarter Moon occurs in Virgo at 11:54 PM on
Thursday. So, it can show an active advancement of procedures or plans for your
health conditions.

There is not a Green Light on Thursday. But it is rich with valuable information
you may need to decide your next step. If your topics are more work related, this
may bring some information about your work or your future and your job or a new
job to come. So, keep plugging. And there can be things that you will learn that will
be very valuable that come from this First Quarter Moon.

That First Quarter Moon begins a void of course Moon period. That is on
Thursday night at 10:54 PM. That void of course Moon period lasts until 4:53 AM
on Friday when a Libra Moon comes in. So, the libra Moon has Green Light
energy, but there is caution from Pluto. There is an aspect, the Moon square
Pluto, which is difficult.

Also, there is a Moon square Venus under the Libra Moon that you are cautioned
not to invest in your relationships just yet. This Libra Moon has some challenges.
for Friday night though. Very nice social energy. Very peaceful. Like-minded
people get together. This makes for a very pleasant social set setting Friday night
and into Saturday as well. And that is it for the week.

And you can find a copy of this at where you can find the
blog page. There will be a transcribed report there and the audio file on the front
page of my website, My phone number is 617-558-7233.
You can listen to this report again, as it is archived under WZBC. Look for the 9:00
hour, about 30 minutes into it, and you will find the report is there as well. Have a
good week. Be safe. I would say be cautious about whatever steps forward you
wish to take. So that is it. Take care. We will talk again next week.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 5 - 12 2021 and Green Light times

 Saturday, June 5, 2021 to Saturday, June 12, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrich Pessin. With the astrology report for the week ahead, starting
Saturday, June 5th through Saturday the 12
. We have a whole lot of things

going on. There is a Solar Eclipse coming up.

Today there are some really exciting, big planetary alignments going on. The
Moon is in Aries, setting those alignments off in a in a big, big way. We have the
Moon going through the sign of Aries, then Taurus. Then Gemini, where the
Eclipse will take place. And then it will travel through to the sign of Cancer at the
very end of next week.

So, the Aries Moon holds a trigger for a huge event, with Mars and Pluto opposite
today at 6:37 PM. But I do not think that you are going to have to wait for this kind
of thing. It is actually 3:45 PM, Mars is opposite Pluto. That aspect is very driven.
It can be very present when people are having surgeries and any type of physical
activity. If there is a ball game, or anything that involves bodily contact, there can
be broken bones and things like that. So, you have to be really careful with this. It
is also the steamroller aspect. So, other countries want to steamroll over their
neighbors. There is a lot of confusion also with the fact that Mercury and Neptune,
both of those planets in mutable signs. Meaning Mercury is in Gemini, the
communication sign. And [it] is retrograde square to Neptune, the planet of
confusion and illusion.

There is an interesting story about a family of 15 protected elephants that are
stomping their way through China. It started March of 2020. But they are really in
the news now, because they have come up to a large major city. As of Monday,
they are in the Hong district of Yuxi, near a major city Kunming. when they are
headed for that the fear is that they are going to be running into vehicles. They
have been traipsing through farms and eating their way through all types of corn
fields and sugar cane fields. They are creating a terrible crisis. They are protected
in China, Thank God. Hopefully this has a peaceful outcome. I would look to June
20th to the 25th for this crisis to take a turn. The fear is that this Mars opposite
Pluto energy could create a stampede and that would not be good, especially on
the heels of a Solar Eclipse. Mercury square Neptune is about losing your way.
Losing your sight of things.

On a scale that is more related to our own households, it might be where you have

lost paperwork. Did you lose a check? Did you lose your license? Did you lose
important messages or information? Are you having trouble accessing your email?
This Mercury Retrograde has been horrible. I am finding it very hard to just even
run my computer and get things like email and generate reports. So, the Moon will
set it off as it goes through Aries for tomorrow.

So, tomorrow is rather, it is busy dig into something in a deep way. If you want to
clean the garage out or the basement this is really good energy to do that. Just be
careful that you are not going to dig into something that is sharp and dangerous.

The Moon and Mars will square off as the last and final aspect of this Aries Moon
at 6:47 PM tonight, June 5
. So, it will also do Moon square Pluto just before that.

Then the Moon will be void of course until 1:46 AM.

Then the Moon enters Taurus. That is a much better Moon sign. The Taurus Moon
is the Green Light period for this week beginning 1:46 AM on Sunday morning,
June 6
that runs right through until June 8
. That is Tuesday at 11:07 AM.

The aspect that governs this excellent Green Light period is Moon sextile Mars.
Indicating that there is an excellent opportunity for you to have something go your
way, particularly about money. This is the Moon in Taurus is revved up, and it has
its engine going.

One of the things that Taurus is famous for is its art of persuasion. So, if you use
your art of persuasion for what it is you are trying to do or gain or move, you will
have the best luck. The Taurus Moon wants you to always think about food first.
So, if you are going to visit somebody or sit down with somebody to talk about
money maybe there is some way you can bring some brownies or cookies or
heaven knows what. A nice red apple.

So, the Taurus Moon is about tradition, and it honors old, the old ways. Definitely
wants things to go nicely. Even if you do not respect someone’s position, you have
to realize that they are the king of the hill in their particular neck of the woods. If
you treat them accordingly, you will get further.

It is best if you use this Taurus Moon after the Moon is square Saturn. So first, the
Moon will conjunct Uranus and then it is square Saturn just before 5:00 AM. Then
you have all day Monday for an excellent Green Light to move forward.

Then on Tuesday, the whole morning is very good up until 11:06 AM. Then there
is a little brief void of course Moon period that ends at 2:47 PM when the Moon
goes into the sign of Gemini. The Gemini Moon is where the Eclipse will take


Then we have Wednesday, rather busy as the Moon goes and makes contact
with various planets. Venus and Mars is trying to connect people, introduce people
to others.

It is the Dark of the Moon. So, you really do not want to take on anything brand
new that you are looking to keep and carry into your future. Because of the fact
that it could disappear on you. The Dark of the Moon means we cannot see the
Moon. Because of the fact that the Sun and the Moon are together.

However, there is this Eclipse where the Moon is going to be eclipsing the Sun.
The way that configuration works, the Moon is also out of bounds. So, you might
be able to find something in a very unique and unusual place. Something that you
had not tried before, had not known about before. So, look forward to some
unique and interesting developments that will come about Wednesday. That
Eclipse is 6:52 AM. It is after that you start to separate the Sun and the Moon. But
that is not really going to happen much on that day. We are not going to see that
for that Gemini Moon. You are not going to see it in the sky in the night of
Thursday, June 10th. You might see the Moon in the sky Saturday, which would
bring more light to the subject, more light of the Moon.

There is a void of course Moon on Thursday, June 10

th at 8:07 PM that will run
until 3:22 AM. The void of course Moon in Gemini might be a time when
information comes in. But it may not be what you expected.

Then also, Uranus in Ceres are conjunct in Taurus. This may have some sort of
spontaneous development. It could also lead to wildfires that ruin crops. Also,
elephants that ruin crops. It also could be about children and babies. You want to
take special care, sending anyone that you want to care for, maybe it is your
mother that you have in a nursing home. Check in and be careful about the
arrangements that are made with all of this Eclipse energy and Gemini. Get your
information correct before you sign on the dotted line about anything in that
involves family members.

Then the family member sign is Cancer. It comes in at 3:22 AM on Friday
morning, Mars will change signs. So, Mars will go into the sign of Leo at 9:33 AM.
That does not bring about a very harmonious set of circumstances with the
Cancer Moon. The last thing that Cancer Moon will do is oppose Pluto. So, this
Mars Pluto thing is sort of hanging over throughout the week. Mars, going into the
sign of Leo does help with creative projects and anything that you might be
involved in with others: putting on the show, having fun, romance, that sort of
thing. Friday night, except Saturn square Ceres does not feel very good. You
want to get past that. Maybe the food is really not good at all in the restaurant you


Mars in Juno makes an aspect Friday night. So, that is another indication of some
type of relationship activity. That is pretty much it for the week.

That Cancer Moon does go through the weekend, until Sunday morning, June
13th. So that is, you know, family, close, associates, people that you consider
insiders will be coming to your barbecue, or whatever that you may have over the
weekend. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can find
the podcast there on the website. You can also find the transcribed report. that will
be later on in the day. So, take care and be safe. And let me know what goes on
with you throughout the week. Thank you very much. Thank you, Victor. Talk to
you next week.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: