Friday, June 18, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 19 - 25, 2021

 Saturday, June 19, 2021 to Saturday, June 26, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead.

Just a focus for a minute here on Juneteenth. This is commemorating the freedom
of all the slaves that from back in 1865. It is a national holiday now for after all the
slaves were freed. The Emancipation Proclamation was January 1st 1863. But it
took another two years and nearly six months to free all the slaves. Freedom
finally came on June 19, 1865 when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in
Galveston Bay, Texas. They announced that more than 250,000 enslaved black
people in the state were freed by executive decree. This day came to be known as
Juneteenth, by the newly freed people in Texas.

Jupiter, a focus now because it turns around, turns retrograde, within this 24-hour
period. Is a focus now and then. Then it was in the sign of Sagittarius. Pluto
represents black people and enslaved people. During 1865, Saturn and Uranus
were in an easy 120° Trine. Now they are in a hard aspect. 90° square, with
Uranus parked right on top of the Pluto of Juneteenth 1865. That would be
disrupting the existing norm. It is finally a national holiday. And at any rate,
Congratulations. Some progress takes a very, very long [time]. 156 years. Wow.

So, about our week astrologically speaking, we have four major events this week.
beginning with Jupiter turning retrograde and that is on Sunday. Sunday, we also
begin summer time. That is at 11:32 PM and that is the Summer Solstice. That is
the longest day of the year. Tuesday at 6:00 PM Mercury turns direct since it
turned retrograde on May 29th. Finally, Friday at 3:21 PM Neptune turns
retrograde until December 1st 2021.

So, if you feel like you have had a breakthrough over the past couple of days, you
are being joined by others that have felt like they've been in a brain fog for at least
the past year, year and a half. Whether this breakthrough will last or not, the brain
fog comes from Neptune. I hope that it continues to increase our ability to think
and work and communicate and write and do whatever we need to do to keep our
minds going.

But I want to mention that Jupiter turning retrograde within a day or so of Mercury
turning direct. We will have many topics or thoughts. Talking about pie in the sky

ideas that do not seem like it. But if you come across someone as you are sitting
down at the kitchen table with a great idea about how to expand your business or
move forward. Or create a business or do something, wonderfully expansive, and
you start to make a plan. you will find that you never go back to the next
conversation about it. It does not work. It is a pie in the sky idea. So, hold on to
your heart with a lot of those things that you might be dreaming up.

There are many things that are that are positive. There are a few Green Light
periods. There one today, for instance, on June 19th is a positive Libra Moon. It
will make a final aspect of Moon Trine the Sun. Which is an excellent time as this
Libra Moon makes for a really nice Saturday night, if you wanted to go out and do
something wonderful. However, I would say it is best to go out or join friends after,
say 9:00 PM, because the Moon will quincunx Neptune. Which means you could
be too disillusioned. Or you could you could miss out because of a
misunderstanding, because the Moon is making a quincunx to Neptune. So, wait
until almost 9:00, and then you have a really good Green Light.

The Green Light actually has its best timing on Sunday. It is early in the morning.
So, if there is something that you want to do, get up and take advantage of it. It
will be exact 6:51 AM. So, any time before 6:51 AM early in the morning on
Sunday is an excellent time to move forward. Especially, with anything having to
do with partnerships and agreements and engagements or marriages. Or anything
like that would be to your advantage to take advantage of this little Green Light
period. Which is best after say 2:00 in the morning until 6:51 AM. That begins a
void of course Moon period during the Libra Moon. It ends at 7:58 AM when the
Moon goes into Scorpio.

The Moon will be waiting for a couple of things to happen before you can go
forward with any type of confidence that you will succeed. That would be because
Jupiter is turning retrograde at 11:35 AM on Sunday. Then the Sun enters Cancer
summer time at 11:32 PM on Sunday night. So, until those two things are done,
the changes are too great. Some are part of whatever you are doing could get
dropped. So, the Scorpio Moon on Sunday night is potentially best left to continue
exploring and researching during the Scorpio Moon.

The Scorpio Moon makes a Grand Trine between the Sun the Moon and Jupiter
This is excellent. Plenty of optimism here even under a Scorpio Moon, which is
pretty skeptical on a good day. Topics are both heavy and expanding for the
summer season. There is much to be learned here. Growth is a given if you are
open to change. So, an open for change there.

There is a Green Light in there. It starts at 2:38 PM on Monday. it will last until
4:03 AM on Tuesday.

A little note about Green Light periods. It does not mean it feels good. Very rarely
do you get a feel good. You would have to get Jupiter involved somehow. We do
have that with this Scorpio Moon, which may help to actually feel good during this
Green Light period. But for the most part, Green Light actually means you have a
Green Light to move ahead and advance to sign agreements with others or make
plans. Make agreements. Handshakes anyway that you want to. You can be
assured that you will have a positive outcome. That is what a Green Light period is

The last aspect of the Scorpio Moon is a split parallel to Mercury. So, this is saying
the Scorpio Moon is more of a learning experience because perspectives are
miles apart. But eventually you will see things in a different light. You then
understand what is and what is not beneficial. Someone must let go, in whatever
the scenario is. So, if you sign up with someone, there is going to be a loser and a
great big winner. So, it is a conclusion that someone will win. So, it might as well
be you. Be careful. Hold on to your heart. You know it is like buying a lottery ticket,
I guess. It could be you. Do not go it alone. Scorpio Moons are not meant for
lightweights. Always remember that about a Scorpio Moon sign. Scorpio Moon
signs are really great for your final wishes or settling in an estate. Something like

You want to also note that There is a void of course Moon from 4:03 AM until 8:55
AM. Then the Moon goes into Sagittarius. Now that is a happy sign. The bottom
line of the Sagittarius Moon ends with a quincunx to Venus. So, you are likely to
spend a lot of money trying to get out of whatever is not going all that well. So, the
Moon in Sagittarius is waiting also for Mercury to turn direct before making any
decisions. That will be at 16° of Gemini 6:00 PM on Tuesday. That Sagittarius
Moon then is looking for the grass to be greener on the other side. Or wants to run
over to that greener grass on the other side.

Get up early for a lucky charm on Wednesday 6:00 AM to 6:11 AM on
Wednesday. That is when the Sun and Jupiter are in a beautiful Trine. So, it can
definitely have an impact on Tuesday night, then through the night on
Wednesday morning until that time, early in the morning. That is the Sun Trine

The Sun will be at 2° Cancer and retrograde Jupiter will be at 2° Pisces. That
Sagittarius Moon is encouraging you to hurry up if you are going to go out and
catch a ferry at 6:35. 6:35 AM The Moon is quincunx Uranus. So, you do not want
to miss your boat there. Something could come up to make you change your plans
or run a mock in some way.

The Moon is opposite Mercury. Here is something that causes a problem. It could
be some kind of bad news about something. Maybe your car stalls out when you
try to turn it on. Or you could lose your papers or forget your license or something

that you need. That is exactly at 10:50 AM. So, if you want to wait until after that
you will have a better chance of success that day.

Then we have Venus opposite Pluto. Venus opposite Pluto says this is not a good
investment time. It is filled with jealousy. Property lines may be the issue. Family
battles over inheritance could be the issue. Then things are worked out. Possibly
because there is some kind of financial arrangements. A payoff or a deal of some
sort. That is because Venus comes into an aspect of Pluto once again. But at this
time, it is a split parallel. It is about a temporary deal. That is at 7:39 PM.

You go into Wednesday night. There is a Moon. The Moon is square Neptune
Wednesday night, which is could be good for sleeping. I do not know. Have you
been sleeping? Half the world has not been sleeping. So, if you think you are the
only one that wakes up at 1:30 in the morning for the rest of the night, you are not
alone. You may have just got a good night's sleep, and I hope it continues for you.

There is confusion around that Moon and Neptune square. I would chant yourself
to sleep with that one Wednesday night. Thursday morning, you can wake up
and there could be something that comes to mind about spending money. Wildly
spending in an attempt to resolve. Or maybe you were up in the middle of the
night searching the web for nothing. Saw an ad and bought something. Maybe
that is not such a good idea Thursday morning in the wee hours, 3:27 AM. You
will have to work out how you are going to pay that off later.

So, if you do not have a good plan, work it out after this. You have better thoughts
after 7:00 AM to 7:30 AM on Thursday morning. It could be a lucky moment at
7:30 in the morning, actually, when Venus and Pallas Athena make a very nice
Trine. This is about some really good information about money or about love or
friendship. It is a very nice connection there. It could be a lucky time.

The Full Moon looms large at 2:40 PM at 3:28 degrees Capricorn. The aspects are
Sun trine Jupiter and Moon sextile Jupiter. I think this can express the importance of
reclaiming and naming the Emancipation as an Independence Day.

On a personal level there is so much to say about that Venus opposition Pluto. Jealousy
can be a primary matter within families.

Okay, so what we have after that is that the Moon enters the sign of Capricorn.
That is at 9:05 AM. Moon will oppose Venus at the end of that sign. That goes
right through until Saturday with Moon opposite Venus 10:08 AM. That could be a
signal that this is going to be a very expensive Capricorn Moon sign. So, if there is
something that you are trying to purchase. Or business thing you are trying to
settle, it is very business-like. Friday it gets thrown off the track because Neptune
standing perfectly still going retrograde at 3:32 PM. So, you might be completely
confused or under a veil of illusion. So, I wouldn't take any wood nickels if I were
you. So okay, that is it for the week, is a busy week.

If you have any questions about it, give me a call 617-558-7233. You can also find
a copy of this at my website There is the podcast and also
the transcribed report.

I want to mention that Starcraft bookstore and astrology center in Epping New
Hampshire, is going out of business. They are practically giving away all of their
books that they are selling for like $1 apiece. Amazing astrology books. you could
look up Starcraft and contact Tom. He would have information about when you
could go and scan their bookshelves and pile up anyway.

Take care and have a good and a safe week. It is an off/on, this and that, up and
down. It is really a crazy week. Okay, take care. talk again next week.

I forgot to mention the Full Moon on Thursday at 9:05 AM.

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