Saturday, May 26, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin May 26 - June 2, 2018 with Green Light Days

Listen here to the report for the week ahead.

The following is transcribed from the live radio broadcast at WZBC 90.3 FM

Good morning. Well astrologically it appears as though there have been a lot of things that
have calmed down. But I do believe that is probably some kind of an illusion. There are a lot
of Sun Saturn aspects and Sun Pluto aspects that are in the parallels and split parallel
ranges. They are not obvious on black and white view, but I see them. So we certainly can
see that there are things that are intense coming up.

Today is Saturday, May 26th . We have a Libra Moon until 9:39 AM in moments here. So we
are giving the report under a void of course Moon. Usually that means nothing will come of
it. So we will see how this plays out. It is also a creative period, a void of course Moon. If
you have a plan, your plan may change at 9:39 AM.

What we then have is a Scorpio Moon sign that comes in. that Scorpio Moon actually has a
little Green Light period at the end of it, which would be on Monday. That is how long this
Scorpio Moon will last from…but the Green Light period will be from I say from 1:35 PM
until 5:26 PM. So if you have a plan to agree to something, sign to something, sign
something or put some money down on something that would be your little golden period.
You could take a risk before that but you may be cut off, dropped or otherwise informed
that you didn’t make it somehow.

For Saturday May 26, tonight we have Moon square Mars. That one is also very argumentative. And
there Mars and Uranus are still within that square formation, even though it is leaving,
which is causing a lot of disruptive violence. Whether it be from accidents, car accidents or
from some personal act of violence. Then there is a quincunx between the Sun and the
Moon 8:16 PM tonight. That is life’s messy clean it up. It talks about the type of things
where an event could happen that derails your progress in your plans. So you have to stop
and clean something up. Deal with something that you may have to tend to in a greater way
that is governed by the Full Moon that is coming up on Tuesday. So you want to look out for
that tonight. I would say if you are heading out maybe head out after 8:30 and that might
be a little bit less chaotic.

Venus and Mercury form an aspect. A cranky one for them. They don’t get to have those
aspects that often. 8:34 PM is when it happens. This one may lead you to perhaps
understand someone differently than the way that they are trying to present themselves.
So maybe you are reading their body language. They are saying something else. Maybe it
leads to some sort of disagreement.

The Sun and Pluto have the same kind of quality aspect where there is something hidden
perhaps. That there should be more discussion about explaining yourself kind of energy.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 3:47 PM on Sunday. That one is uplifting. But Jupiter is in the
sign of Scorpio, so how uplifting can that be, right? The quality of the Scorpio energy is
really about exposing and showing more trouble more problems.

Then for Sunday night, leaves that note with kind of deep conversations and intense.
Nothing is surface like when the Moon is in Scorpio. So it tends to bring about some more
physiological twists. Then the Moon is making an aspect to Pluto as well, so that enhances
that type of feeling or that type of interaction with others.


The Sagittarius Moon sign comes in after a void of course Moon on Monday. The void moon period starts
at 5:26 PM and runs until 6:29 PM. 6:29 PM is when the Moon enters the Sagittarius sign. That
is the happy sign. During that time Mercury will make a change leaving the sign of Taurus
and go into its very own sign of Gemini. That will be on Tuesday.

The Moon is opposite Mercury on Monday. Mercury will be very late in the sign of Taurus.
After that is when you have a Green Light period. Moon opposite Mercury cuts off a
statement or a plan or a direction. If you are going in one direction maybe you are blocked.
This is Monday 1:25 PM and then you have that little Green Light period until 5:26 PM.
The Sagittarius Moon on Monday night seems to have some sticky/sticking points with the
Sun and Pluto in an aspect. But they try to bring things together. Maybe about big money
from foreign places. Then at 7:47 PM the Moon is quincunx Uranus. This aspect may be
about finding something under a rock that appears to have been solid and stable. And there
is something. Some surprising information there. Kind of like finding mold in the wall or
something like that.

There is also a Full Moon on Tuesday, 10:19 AM. This Full Moon has so much to do with Mars
and Saturn. They have a link to the point where this Full Moon takes place at 8 degrees of Sagittarius. This may bring in a very hard line for a lofty sign. Sagittarius is broad and lofty and reaches out beyond your normal circle. Finds new things and new perspectives. But Mars and Saturn say, “Wait a minute. There is a lot to be tended to.”

It looks as if it is also… Sagittarius often has to do with foreign travel and immigration and
higher education colleges, all these types of things. May be college campuses might be
particularly focused during this week. Mars will be a player as it moves into a position by
declination, where it will be when it retrogrades next month. Mars is going to be retrograde
all summer long. So that should be very interesting for us to follow as well.


Also those are the major events of the week being the Full Moon coming up. So that Full
Moon in the sign of Sagittarius has to do with all things out in the open, the cards are on the
table. There is a major decision or major piece of maybe new information, a broader view
about something that changes the way things are presented. Maybe there are things that
are revealed, as the Full Moon will reveal. People are higher energy during a Full Moon.
They come out to play.

Venus is out of bounds during this Full Moon and has been now for a while and will
continue for another week or so. Venus out of bounds means you are likely to find money in
unusual places or find love in unusual places. You can also find art and you can find social
settings to be very pleasant. There could be extreme things that you engage with during the
Venus out of bounds period as well.

So taking a little closer look here. We just finished up with Venus opposite Saturn. Thank
goodness. It will sort of linger as far as its separating qualities over this next day. But it is
about to leave so that is a good thing. Whereas Venus opposite Saturn usually cuts off
something regarding money, maybe love or friendship. But you will get a lot of comfort that comes
in after that with an aspect to Neptune.

Then the Scorpio Moon that comes in has a nice parallel to retrograde Jupiter at the end of its Scorpio travels. That one expands the vision and the activities of the Scorpio Moon. So you want to also see that
there is something cut off or argued about that could be resolved after the Moon is finished
with its aspect to Jupiter because there will be Mercury opposite the Moon, which talks
about arguments disagreements or just the quality of not understanding one another.

Me Too accusations that are floating about that could also bring even further accusations.
Or other types of things that will be evident as the Moon moves through the sign of Scorpio.
It is particularly sensitive as it moves into the middle, Jupiter moves into the middle of the
sign of Scorpio. It is retrograde. So it is going back and bringing up things we haven’t
considered or we try to gloss over it. It just comes back up like a bad penny.

Sun and Saturn are quincunx Tuesday. That is that life’s messy clean it up aspect between that pair.
This is the structure of things. Saturn is about the stable structure. 2:36 AM on Tuesday. So
that is engaged Monday night and will run until Wednesday morning. It is a longer applying
aspect. So you want to see what is it that needs to be tended to in regard to the structure of
whatever your goals are. Whether you are dealing with houses or business or relationships,
business plans. So you want to see how that can bring about information that you need to
work out.

Full Moon coming up at 10:19 AM and then Mercury will change signs at 7:49 PM Tuesday. Before
that we have Moon quincunx Venus. So there is a lot of intense energy with that Full Moon
as we mentioned. It sort of brings up the bodies from the Mars and Saturn stations from
August of 2016. So that will be interesting to watch because information is the whole
method for the Sagittarius Gemini polarity.

Mercury changes signs and that should bring a little bit of relief. It goes and gets its
information quite quickly. It just brings you the facts. It doesn’t say whether they are good
bad or otherwise.

The Sun and Mars are all revved up to go on a short race. That could also bring viruses in. so
you want to beef up your immune system before that aspect hits on Tuesday evening. I
would say start now with doing that. You could feel really run down with that type of
aspect. Otherwise it is about bringing people together to be able to tackle a one time


Then the Moon is in Sagittarius making its final aspect to Neptune at 2:25 AM Wednesday
morning. However the Moon is really not considered void of course in Sagittarius but if you
count it, start then. And it will run until 5:26 AM the next day.

The next day is when on Thursday Moon enters Capricorn the money sign. That is a Green
Light that will continue right through until 11:36 PM on Friday night, encompassing several
aspects during that Capricorn Moon sign. You could find that you learn something that is
amiss, which you have to be called on to deal with later when the Sun and Moon are
quincunx on Friday.

There is a real good aspect between Mercury and Mars, which says go for it. The
information is good, 10:13 AM. And then Venus and Jupiter 10:26 AM and may give you cause for
celebration on June 1 st . very good day June 1 st . just avoid the Moon opposite Venus at 12:57
PM. and don’t spend your money. It will cost too much there. Wait until after that aspect.
And that is it for the week. (51:55 STOP)
Have a great week. Have a good weekend and be safe. Talk to you next week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives
for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my
radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name,
Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Astrology report by Dietrech Pessin May 19- 26, 2018 with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please add your name when texting]

There is class tomorrow at noon.

Love & Money Class

We will be exploring the love and money house with the insights gained from the Second Harmonic Chart. This is regarding the love based on self love which taps into your innate talents.

The second harmonic is a view into your unique talents as a resource. By identifying you can acknowledge your intrinsic nature with your ability to earn money. What do you love and how does that love inspire your talent to attract what you want.

You will receive a copy of you Second Harmonic Chart when you submit to me an accurate birth time.

Because of limited space you must let me know asap if you are attending in house.
The class is always accessible online with the application that you can download. Contact me for the code by phone 617-924-0929 or text 617-558-7233,
I will have the code by 11:15 AM but class will not begin until 12. You will be able to sign on by 11:45 AM. You will receive a copy of the full class which is both the audio and video of the charts. Class is $25 in house and $20 online.

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and
around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, May 19, 2018 – Saturday, May 26, 2018

The following is transcribed from the live radio report.

Good morning. Well, today there was a royal wedding between Harry and
Meghan. It certainly was a lovely event. It is interesting because Venus was yet
to leave the sign of Gemini. And it goes into the sign of Cancer, which is the
sign of a clan, the family, joining the family. That happened at 9:10 this
morning. So Venus is about places the emphasis on family relationships. So the
two of them are leaving their multiple Gemini like lives behind and joining the
family. So that is appropriate.

There are very strong emotional bonds can be made with the tribe. So I think
this princess will be well received for a long time. And there is a lot of
emotional and of course financial security. Not just for them. But that is what Venus in Cancer can bring for us too. If you are looking for things to calm down in those areas of your life, then this is the ticket, Venus going into the sign of Cancer. Happened 9:10 this morning.

The Moon is also in the sign of Cancer until 7:11 PM. There is a Green Light
period. I just want to review those Green Light periods for the week just to
scan right through them. Beginning from the time that Venus changed signs at
9:10 AM there is a Green Light with the Moon in Cancer. It will go until at least
5:14 PM and could go beyond, which is until 7:10 PM. The reason I give that
extended period is because the Moon is never considered void of course in its
own sign of Cancer. Therefore would be good for the whole time that it is in
that sign. That is until 7:10 tonight, so there is a Green Light period from now
until then. So that is great.

And then there is another Green Light period that comes up with the Leo
Moon that we have on Sunday night. That starts off when the Sun enters the
sign of Gemini. That will be at 10:15 PM. That Green Light will carry through
right until 3:21 PM on Monday. So that is nice Green Light period. And then
there is another one. We have a lot of them now. Now that the Uranus has left

the sign of Aries and is now in the beginning of Taurus it is not blocking the
way. Other planets will come and block the way like Pluto that will also create
long dry spells, but here we have some fruitful periods with these Green Light

Here is one that will happen on Monday night 10:02 PM until Wednesday at
1:14 PM and that is during the Virgo Moon. So getting a lot of things done, a
lot of details, anything that you need to run around and take all the loose ends
and tie them up, and catch all of the people that you need to catch with that
Sun in Gemini. An enormous amount of networking is possible.

The Libra Moon also has some type of Green Light energy but it is very push
pull and very difficult to nail others down. It is not a complete loss. But that
Libra Moon is going to run until…well it starts at 2:52 AM on Thursday goes
right through until 9:39 AM on Saturday. But the Green Light period could be
part of next Saturday morning. So if you want to plan ahead we need to close
the thoughts about the Moon sign for that week ahead. So there are quite a
few Green Light periods. You want to take advantage of that.

So coming back to today…we have as we mentioned Venus entering Cancer
and then Venus goes on to make a sextile to Uranus at 1:29 PM today. This is a
signal for friends to come together. Join in pleasant events, make new friends,
bring along friends, and have a sense of community that would be a very
powerful addition to your life.

For the 20th on Sunday we are having class tomorrow so call me up about that.
I’ll give you the number later.

But for Sunday during the Leo Moon that actually starts tonight. That will make
a fun night at 7:10 PM. The Leo Moon has several 150 degree quincunx aspects so there are
things to be sorted out, things that pop up that are not easy to deal with on

I would say the more difficult…there is two that could be difficult. 9:06 AM the
Moon is quincunx Saturn so that may feel like, “Oh no. This happened or that
happened.” But it will get better. But the Moon is square Mercury at 3:30 PM.
This one is tough to deal with, with some sort of mental twist.

Then later on in the evening Venus and Mars are quincunx so there is a little
bit of clash. or a lot of clash between the male and female principle and the
love and the lovers. There is also something about money. How you are
spending your money is in conflict with what you may really have. There is an

overabundance of the kind of enthusiasm behind. “Oh, no. I’ve got this. I can
cover this.” Maybe you are out with friends and you decide to pick up the tab
thinking, “Oh I’ve got enough room on my credit card.” And then you don’t.
That is Venus and Jupiter are making an aspect three minutes later after Venus
and Mars. So there is a problem and there is an over emphasis on the ability
for things to work out. Things should work out. It is not a huge problem. But
also something gets dropped because the Sun is changing signs at 10:14 PM
Sunday night, tomorrow night. That means that someone leaves the situation
a star someone who is important will move on to other events or other people
or other circles. That sort of thing.

Then that is the beginning of that Green Light period 10:15 PM during which
there is a Moon quincunx Neptune. This may be when you have had a little too
much to drink and you shouldn’t drive. Also it may mean your choices need to
be restructured. You need to stop and think about, what are you doing? How
are you selecting your company? What selections are you making in general,
even at home? Because there could be an overabundance of enthusiasm that
comes up later that may not be useful to you as time goes on.

Then the Moon is quincunx Pluto Monday morning. This one may feel as if is it
spinning you around, round and round. And you can’t quite get one foot in
front of the other. Well, you can set your alarm and get up after 6:44 AM on
Monday, if you are able to do that.

There is avoid of course Moon period with that Leo Moon when the Moon is
parallel Mercury. That is at 3:21 PM so throughout the day on Monday you
may come across people that you have had periodic contacts with. Like maybe
every time you go to this place you see that person on a regular basis but they
are not necessarily close to you. And they may become very helpful to you in
some way shape or form for being able to use the best amount of information
that you can get to move forward with your goals. That ends a Green Light
period 3:21 PM on Monday. There is a void of course Moon until 10:02 PM

Then the Moon enters Virgo beginning another Green Light period. But I would
hold off to start that one until after the First Quarter Moon at 11:49 PM Monday at 1:02 Virgo.
There is a First Quarter Moon. Now this one is exciting because it is directly
related to the Solar Eclipse we had last summer. Remember the one where we
were all looking up in the sky at 1:00 in the afternoon or something close to
that to watch the Solar Eclipse. This is the related First Quarter Moon. It is 9

months since the eclipse, that interval is called The Lunar Gestation Cycle. I wrote a book about it, if you are interested in what this Moon family is all about. it brings about scenarios in a very connected pattern. The book is called, Lunar Shadows III: The predictive power of Moon phases and eclipses. So you may be able to see in your life how things that were seeded
back then come together or come up in a way that’s powerful and start something.

It is sort of like the leaves that are growing on the tree. The seed for the tree
was planted a long time ago then it starts to branch and make leaves and show
signs of life. So this is when we are actively involved in the process of getting
on with things that were seeded or started back then. That was also an eclipse.
It was on the ascendant of Mr. Trump. So there might be something about his
life that also is…everything is in the news about him every time. So there might
be something that is of greater importance because it is related to that eclipse
from last summer.

The aspects related to Tuesday. Now Tuesday is ruled by Mars and it is a day
that is filled with a lot of activity. It might be nervous activity because the
Moon is in Virgo. Virgo lot of mental energy going round and round. And there
is Mercury the planet who rules Virgo in an aspect to Neptune. So it is trying to
gather some information from unusual sources without boundaries. They are often
fantasies and information that really needs to be vetted, as everything does these days.

But also if it has to do with your health. You might be getting clues about how
you can improve your health. Maybe if you have doctor’s appointments on the
days when the Moon is in Virgo you get some different type of insight. What is
interesting about this Virgo Moon happens on Wednesday when Mercury and
Jupiter form two aspects: one is in opposition and that is early in the morning.
And the other one is in the afternoon and that is a split parallel.

This means that there is a sort of a meeting of the minds in concept, but not
necessarily sticking to it. There could be a commitment and there could be
some loyalty involved. There could be some things that are about maybe
taking something or gathering something. It could be a lot of money that could
be made with these type of connections. And there could also be a lot of
losses. The split parallel could indicate that there is a brief coming together of
the minds for a specific one time event. So that is where you would want to be
able to put your best information forward.

But Mercury opposite Jupiter sometimes is kind of full of hot air, actually, and
pie in the sky ideas. That would be on Wednesday. So that I had given a Green
Light for. But that is with a lot of…I don’t know. You want to check before you
sign on any dotted line with that one. Even medical procedures there might be
things that are just sort of off the grid, not really cared for. Sloppy. That is the
word that might be associated with that. If you are doing your work and trying
to turn things in papers and documents, there might be a sloppy error. So you
be careful of that during that whole Virgo Moon sign.

And going back on when that Virgo Moon begins that is on Monday night
10:03 PM. Runs right through until 2:52 AM on Thursday. So after the void of
course Moon, which is on Wednesday at 1:14 PM that void of course Moon in
Virgo ends at 2:52 AM on Thursday.

Then the Moon is in the sign of Leo. During that void of course Moon period
the Sun is trine Mars. So something is revved up. There seems to be a lot of
easy muscular energies so to speak. The work energies seems very easy. So if
you want to get some work done late at night or even after in the afternoon.
During that void of course Moon period might be a good time to do something
quiet by yourself, not so loud out. Although it might be athletic and if you were
to apply for some sort of athletic event of some sort, you may not get in.
Nothing comes of it during a void of course Moon. And then I would think that
games and things of that nature also could have some confusion around who is
the winner.

And then the Libra Moon comes in on Thursday at 2:52 AM. Lots of ups and
downs all over the place. And there is also an aspect between Venus and
Saturn. That aspect is not a happy aspect. That one is during the Libra Moon
sign. Now Venus is the ruler of Libra. So that whole Libra Moon sign I would
have to say it can’t be good. If it were green, it would be dark green soup. It is
not pea soup. It is not a good green. So this would be good for some people.
Useful for some people. But doesn’t end in the best way. There are several
very good things going on in the morning on Thursday. But then the Moon will
square Venus in the afternoon on Thursday 2:02 PM. And then square Saturn
at 5:28 PM. That is leading up to that opposition between that pair, so that is
not good. And then it gets worse. So if you are spending money don’t do it on
Thursday or Friday.

Then there is lovely aspect Jupiter and Neptune on Friday 5:52 AM. Jupiter
is trine Neptune. This is where you feel at one with the world.

Also can you incorporate meditation, music, art, dance, photography, spiritual groups,
travel, communing with nature, and offering moments of peace and tranquility
in your life. It is early in the morning if you get up and meditate early it would
be very useful. But also use it for Thursday night as well for releasing any stress
and releasing any bad and negative feelings you have towards others. These
things that can hold you back. It is great time to release. It is very creative and
it is very intuitive. It is real good time to explore and express the most artistic
side of your nature.

The other thing on Friday is Mercury is trine Pluto. This is great for deep
mental probing. This is terrific for finding a new therapist. Manipulation of
ease, exchanging ideas of deep change. There is a need to address areas of
sexuality and use of money and use of power and shared those issues with
those who need to be informed the most. It is about love and trust as well.
Then later on in the evening the Moon is square Pluto that is late in the
afternoon 5:04 PM. that is a block. That is like the toll keeper says, “No. You
can’t get through here.” There is a problem. And then there is a little mishap
with information at 6:23 PM when the Moon is quincunx Mercury. So there is
a twist and a turn later in the evening on Friday. Then late night it goes a little
bit nicer. So people get together. Libra Moon people want to get along and
they join each other in a way that is positive. So that is it for the week. (56:56
STOP) Have a great week and we will talk next week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM
( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud.
All of my radio reports are posted there at:
and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech May 12- May 18 with Green Light Times

Listen to the report here:

Dietrech Pessin’s
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please add your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, May 5, 2018 – Saturday, May 12, 2018

The following is transcribed from the live radio report.

Good morning. This is the week of the most amazing energies. This is a week that we have been waiting for all year long to see what is going to happen. I think it will create a topsy-turvy type of many types of events including global economy and things with the land. That volcano in Hawaii very vulnerable. I would say it probably stands to reason that this thing just might blow its top over this next week. With all of the Uranus changes and Mars, all kinds of stuff pushing the red buttons in every direction. The economy. Also personally between friends, between friends between nations, and the individuals, as well as things having to do with work, career. Changes that just going on and on and on.

Today we have an Aries Moon on May 12th here. And with the Aries Moon Venus and Pluto in an aspect of upset conditions or things that are out of the blue having changes made particularly from your perspective because of certain new information that may come along regarding money or love life or passion or anything having to do with what you have. If you have money to be dispersed in estates. or even issues in regard to funerals and estates of that nature those things might be on the top of the list with that energy.

Later on in the day with the Aries Moon. The Aries Moon can keep things very lively. The Moon will make a 150 degree aspect to Jupiter. That is that life’s messy clean it up aspect. But it is about bringing a better perspective. It is exact at 5:02 PM, so it has the quality of opening your eyes to something very interesting.

So keep your eyes peeled also for things happening on the road. This whole week it is wicked accident prone like never before in this particular time frame. I’ll talk more about that in a minute.

Later on in the evening the Moon is square Pluto, so there is a lot of control freaks around. So you probably want to give yourself some space from those who like to hold the reins all the time.

Sunday may 13th Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day! We won’t be having a class tomorrow because it is Mother’s Day. And I hope that you enjoy your day.

Mercury will change signs early in the morning 8:40 AM. Mercury is the thinking, talking planet. First it will join with Uranus so there could be some sudden surprise or information that is particularly popping out of the norm.

Mercury and Uranus is very much inventive. So there are likely to be things that you could dream up that…the Mercury and Uranus energy is also rather abrupt in its communication, so things that are laid out to be set in an orderly fashion you should give it a lot of room. Because it may not come out quite that way, so you want to watch your tongue and filter your statements before they leave your mouth. And that also be apparent later on when Mercury is also involved in other ways.

So for Sunday afternoon, nice afternoon. Green Light period from 8:40 AM Sunday until 2:05 PM, so that would make a very nice time to buy something nice. Maybe buy some things for the garden. Better for the garden would be the Taurus Moon. For beautiful things that would be beginning at 2:15 PM. That Taurus Moon is filled with all sorts of chaos because Uranus is going to leave the sign of Aries and come on into Taurus. So that is where the ground gets turned over and many of the things about the economy gets turned over. there is fluctuations like crazy. Uranus will not be back this way again until Election Day, which is very interesting that on Election Day things may turn, take a turn from where they are today.

With the energy coming in Monday morning Mercury is making an aspect to Neptune. So this one says your information is tainted. Your vision maybe blurred. You may have better luck waiting for new information later and not investing based on what you hear or what you read even.

There is also an aspect early in the morning 6:50 AM when the sun and Saturn seem to form a block filled with red tape. And we are in the dark of the Moon because there is a New Moon coming on the next day, on Tuesday. That is at 7:48 AM. That New Moon is at 24 degrees of Taurus. That is about new money or new plans for money.

But it also could be old patterns that dive into volatile territory. It links to a lunar eclipse in the fall of 1929. So that is a very interesting economic link. 1929 was the great crash. So we will see what may come up or down on those days. That is on Tuesday may 15th. Great changes in the global economy. Changes to the structure and its known stability as well.

And then 11:16 AM Uranus enters the sign of Taurus. So it is great for taking great risks but you have to be willing to lose your pocket book and you head. So it is really filled with a lot of very, very risky energies. Good things could be outlandish. They might be reversed later. Nothing athletic or physical is safe at all during this whole week. And I know the playoffs are going on and all sorts of things may come under that canopy of injuries and things like that on Tuesday.

4:43 PM that Taurus Moon changes to Gemini. So there would be a very brief void of course Moon period on Tuesday from 4:30 PM until 4:43 PM when the Moon changes signs. Although the Moon is never considered void of course in Taurus because of the Seven [Weeping] Sisters at the end of the sign in the Pleiades. The Gemini Moon brings about a whole lot of very accident prone energy once again after Uranus had changed signs. The day before we have Mars changing signs coming in to zero degrees of Aquarius and that would be on Wednesday at 12:54 AM. When it does it comes up to square Uranus at 3:03 AM on Wednesday. Very, very, very volatile. Super accident prone.

Major stories about disruptive events. Protect your friendships in particular. Don’t allow sudden burst of statements or insults to ruin a long, long term relationship. Leave plenty of room for error. But bounce back quickly and forgive quickly. There is fireworks and do take care with lots of things regarding fire and overheated engines, bad tires, burning candles, barbecues and the like. Beware of fire. And also animals. I find that dogs, bite animals bite with all this Mars Uranus energy going on. We can see how that plays out. Also animals running into the streets, so be careful. And take care when traveling with animals, unexpectedly running out of their yards and into the street.

So Then there is also a change in the energy when…well we have that dark of the Moon that goes on from the New Moon it doesn’t let up and show us any light of the Moon until probably late night or around 9:00 at night on Wednesday night. That is when you might have little more information and you could see a new way to a new direction because Mercury and Uranus are in an aspect that allows for inventive ideas and positive change.

Thursday, May 17th there may be an ease of energy. The last aspect that the Moon makes is a conjunction to Venus. Venus is the planet of love and money. Venus would be at its very last degree in Gemini soon to change signs which will be a relief because there will be probably a little more stability that may come in. Or people might be holding onto their money for things that are vitally important, things close to home.

So Thursday there is a Green Light period that starts…let’s see…lets pick it up on Wednesday at 6:50 AM until 2:17 PM Thursday. That is the Green Light period – at your own risk. It is very, very wacky. So be careful with that one. That is the end of the Green Light period.

The New Moon sign occurs at 5:47 PM when the Moon goes into the sign of Cancer. That one is governed by the fact that Venus will in fact change signs while the Moon is in Cancer. That is not until next Saturday, but it does govern the nature of the Cancer Moon saying you can’t quite invest in the money things that are going on at this time. if you want to like purchase stocks that have gone way low because of some kind of a crash or something, you would want to get in and get out very fast. Because there will be a change that drops all of your goals for something that would not be good for holding on for long term.

And then Friday there is probably a slow mood, heavy mood early in the morning on the east coast 7:33 AM with the Moon opposite Saturn. But Mercury and Saturn form a trine. This is very important for decision making. All of the decisions are heavy and serious on Friday. Mercury is not only trine Saturn, but it is square the lunar nodes.

So lots of thinking, talking, announcements, things that are large regarding Mercury’s care which is about the types of things that contracts are made of. So the Mercury trine Saturn it could talk about financial avenues, raising the rates, forfeiting interest in your plans, much chaos while traveling can be a very big problem. So you want to take great care. Don’t let your pets fall victim to predators on Friday. I would say for the whole week really, but Friday it is also Mercury square the nodes. Big problem for predators. Also vehicles are predators too, animals as well.

And choking is part of the energy for Friday. So watch out for feeding your animals things they could choke on. Children may have a lot to say about very important things to them. So listen closely. Watch children carefully for the messages that they bring you. Things do appear to calm down by sunset on Friday. That eases the energy and allows for relaxation. So don’t count on your new found love yet. They will probably move on to something else more stable. That is the report for the week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin May 5 - 12, 2018 with Green Lights

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Dietrech Pessin’s
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please add your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, May 5, 2018 – Saturday, May 12, 2018

Good morning. There are several big things are going on this week. But there is a Venus event that takes place today. And Venus will travel out of bounds until June 7th. So that is a long time. Venus says that there is something unusual, something different. Sort of like Prince Harry marrying Meghan Markle. Someone completely out of the royal loop, and that kind of unusual difference.

Venus also represents all matters of money, look in the unusual places. There might be money in places that you have never imagined would be suitable for you. See if maybe you can find something under a rock that did not pan out in the past. Or just things you have not dreamt of yet. There are so many of that anything you have not dreamt of yet qualities to this time period being ruled by the planet Uranus. Now Uranus is at the very last few minutes of the sign of Aries really stirring up a lot of stuff. People have been asking, “What is going on?” They are trying to pin it on everything else, but it is in fact the Uranus energy as it is on the threshold of a big change. While it is doing that Mars is a player here. Mars is applying a square to Uranus. It is not actually exact until the 16th of May, which is the day after Uranus changes sign but it is like a virus building heat before the outbreak.

So what we have is a whole bunch of energy stirred up and it can be positive for some. It is not all negative, but it can be very haphazard. You will want to take lots of care when in motion. If you are traveling, walking, running, biking, doing anything sports related. you should take extra care and watch out for the other guy in a really big way.

Also the Sun and Neptune will form an aspect on Sunday. That has to do with things that are under the sea and the Sun stirring things up by making its connection to Neptune. Or showing how there is a particular sensitivity with the Neptunian energy which rules the sea. And things…also art appreciation and beautiful things masterpieces. It may make you feel as if you had a job well done in relation to any of your artistic pursuits.


Saturday May 5, 2018

Let’s start with Saturday here where we have a Capricorn Moon. And the Capricorn Moon will square Uranus, as its final event before leaving the sign at 9:48 AM on Sunday. That begins a void of course Moon until 10:48 AM, also on Sunday when the Moon changes signs and goes into Aquarius; a far friendlier sign that will be. But the Capricorn Moon does see a couple of things. For instance Mercury and Jupiter are in a 150 degree aspect this morning. That has to do with bringing information out from out of the blue. Unrelated issues demanding your attention at the same time, a need for outside counsel, there is a loud voice that is not squelched. Does that sound like anybody we know? Too much to juggle at once. difficulty making choices based on scattered facts and adjustments that are needed. So you may want to go over information and verify everything. There definitely is a lot of information that is not valid.

A fun Saturday night according to the planets that are indicating that a job is well done. And that it is a social thing that is lots of fun.


Sunday May 6, 2018

Also for the Capricorn Moon going into Sunday is the Moon is conjunct Mars. That Mars energy heats things up and does define how the next several days are going to go. Because the Moon will square Uranus at 9:48 AM on Sunday. So lots of quirky things that are out and about. Notice all of the sudden abrupt change energy with the Uranus energies which are being activated.

Then the Sun is sextile Neptune during a void of course Moon. This does not diminish its effects by any means. It can qualify as an opportunity once missed. That could be dramatically important. There also could be a lot of things that you need to listen to regarding or from the oceans; aside from that pay attention to anything having to do with substance abuse. There is an opportunity to make greater strides in your life. There could be important changes in regard to Neptunian issues which are spiritual and also very physical, on a sensitive level having to do with our most sensitive natures. Your feet are ruled by Neptune.

The Aquarius Moon comes in at 10:48 AM on Sunday. Its final aspect will be 60 degrees to Uranus, while Uranus is at that 29th degree of Aries. That will be at 10:29 PM beginning its void of course Moon until 11:11 PM on Tuesday. So it is very risky, but I am giving it a Green Light. If you want to go ahead and do something, try to advance your goals in the strangest ways possible. Venus is way out of bounds making an aspect to Uranus as well. You can probably find lots of good luck during this time, whichever way you want to chance your luck. Calling somebody that you have never reached before or never dreamed that you could. Venus is in the sign of Gemini so it is possible that you could just so happen to catch somebody on the phone that didn’t intend to pick up. So that could be a very interesting way to use this energy during that Aquarius Moon sign. Lots of things about friendship. Also unconventional behavior and social excitement with that unusual displays of feelings. So feelings are extremely unstable during that Aquarius Moon sign and Venus and Uranus in that aspect.


Monday May 7, 2018

For Monday’s Aquarius Moon is particularly influenced by Mercury’s square Pluto. It is early in the morning. So these are things that might be going on overseas in Europe area. Mercury square Pluto has a lot of mental intensity, troubled mind, passive aggressive arguments, and persuasive speech. It could be crafty filled with paranoia as well. This might be an example of the “broken record”. If you are trying to get back to sleep just repeat a mantra that brings you back into your safe place, and not give in to the paranoia.

The other thing about that Mercury – Pluto aspects are the emergence of annoying vermin such as mice which come into the house and other types of things that annoy you. There could be animals outside also that are bothering such as coyotes with Mercury square Pluto. Watch out for the needs of children and animals. Pay attention to whatever they are trying to tell you.

For late night Sunday and early on Monday Venus is square Neptune. Also on Monday it is 5:58 PM. That is overly sentimental and romantic. It is emotionally dreamy and unrealistic. It is not the one you go with. You don’t fall in love with this fantasy figure because it does dissipate. So you also want to keep a close watch on your purse and costumes that you wear could be particularly overdone and make up way too heavy. So this is where things you need to tone down.


There are also lots of extremes energies with the Quarter Moon. There is a Last Quarter Moon coming up at 17 degrees of Aquarius on Monday at 10:09 PM. This is a hot number. It belongs to a Lunar Eclipse from last August. Going back further that Lunar Eclipse is directly related to Election Day of 2016. So there is a thread that goes on through this Moon family, as it is called, which did begin on February 8th of 2016. Leading to a First Quarter [Moon] November 8th of 2016. Then a Full Moon Eclipse August 7th 2017. And then here we are at the Last Quarter Moon on Monday, which may be revealing an enormous amount of story line that the people are most interested. What in your life might be related to the Lunar Eclipse from August 7, 2017. So it is a real hot number.

There is much you can do with it. It is during a Green Light period. I would say the Green Light is definitely best after that Quarter Moon passes. That would be qualifying on Monday night. I would say 11:30 is excellent to begin sending things off or connecting with people.


Tuesday May 8, 2018

There is a Green Light all day Tuesday which is excellent. So go for it! Up until 10:28 PM Tuesday night.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Jupiter 8:39 PM Tuesday. This one says these are plans or hopes or schemes to expand out in a way that is far too large and can present tons of problems. So you want to reel it in and try to do a lot of research before you go forward. And the urges to travel. There is a lot of over confidence and over optimism and there is an over load of energy which can run you down later. So it is too much. That is the whole nature of Sun and Jupiter aspects of this nature. It is just too much. There is an awareness also of moral and legal issues there that are heavy with this Jupiter in Scorpio. This is where the Sun is shining the lights on where the bodies are buried. It is very interesting. We shall watch what goes on with that on Tuesday. It is exact at 8:39 PM, but it does have an influence over the entire day and could even have an influence on some of Monday and Wednesday’s energy as well.

Mercury and Neptune are forming an aspect there after right around 9:00 PM. This could have to do with information that comes together at a moment. The problem with Mercury and Neptune is that that is the liar’s aspect. So you have to be careful about what you believe in. Do check all of your sources. That is with everything these days.


Wednesday May 9, 2018

Wednesday the 9th of May we have Venus and Jupiter in an aspect. Over approval here. There is too much of that energy that is…the feelings are grand. There is a generosity and warm heartedness that goes out to a fault. There is also a lot of working overtime for a cultural or political event that is associated with that. Overly confident with friends and with money. You might feel you have it, and you spend it, and you find out later you don’t. There are adjustments you need to make about waste and oversight. The overindulgence can also include those with food and drink and other substances. Starches, sugars need to be watched very carefully with the Venus and Jupiter energy. Otherwise it is pretty happy. It feels very happy. It is at 2:36 PM on Wednesday. There is something out of the blue that makes you laugh or is about a lighter nature. But don’t invest in it because everything is just a little bit too Uranus crazy during this time.


Thursday May 10, 2018

Thursday, May 10th we have the Pisces Moon. The Pisces Moon has a mixed bag because of the fact that the last major aspect that it makes is to Mars. Well Mars is then sitting on a very sensitive hot spot. It is about the cycle of Mars will turn retrograde in June and go direct in August. When it goes direct it will be sitting at 28 degrees of Capricorn. Many things that have been dormant may heat up with that event.


Friday May 11, 2018
As Mars heats things up on Friday, the Moon connects with it. So there is an opportunity there to be able to strike up some type of link. Think of what it is you want to do and how you want to do it. Some business type of thing. Capricorn. How you can form your relationships for better. This can also be things that come back over around. They may go forward, then go backwards again, go off and on. Mars is also moving into the square to Uranus. It is close enough into that realm. 28 degrees of Capricorn is a very, very sensitive point. Friday, May 11th is energetically a real hot day.

Then the other thing that is going to go on Friday. Well, Mars will parallel Saturn, so things are very serious. There is a lot of commitment energy there. A time to join forces with seasoned business associates. There is a positive structural plan in progress with business. Personal relationships will blend with business relationships, with that particular energy. But it also rules the bones and the knees and the joints. There could be things with teeth that are very important.

The Moon does enter the sign of Aries at 8:40 AM on Friday. The Aries Moon will continue right through next weekend. It has a lot to do with the Uranus energy.
There is also Sun trine Pluto 7:10 PM on Friday night. This may bring personal power and magnetism. There may be much determination and easy decisions. The door is open. It reveals the inner self as well. Body and communication, biological forces, lots of sexual energy, financial power used without resistance. So sharing and trust are the features of Sun trine Pluto. But it is definitely a big circle that goes round and round. So you want to be careful of investing in something that hooks you into something you can’t get out of. Pluto tends to be representing the devil, sometimes.

That is it for the week ahead. It is busy. It is intense. The following week is the week when Uranus changes signs. So everything about the land, the sea, the political picture is all up for grabs. As we watch what happens when Uranus changes signs. This is the first time Uranus will be going into the sign of Taurus in 84 years. So lots of extreme energies. That is it for the week.
For tomorrow’s class we will have a couple of things that we will study. One, if the class is agreeable, would be the wedding of Prince harry and Meghan Markle. That may have some very interesting things in regard to personal relationships that may reflect on also what is going on in our lives as well.
If you want to join our class call me or text me. Call me at 617 – 924 – 0929. You can ask me questions about astrology or you can sign up for class on line $20, as well as come in person $25. That would be from 12:00 – 2:00 tomorrow. Than you and have a great week. If you would like a copy of the audio-video file for the class it is available for $20.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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