Sunday, September 26, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Saturday, Sept 25 - October 2, 2021 with Green Light Days and Mercury Retrograde


Saturday, September 25, 2021 to Saturday, October 2, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00 AM


Victor: Good morning. Good morning. It is always a little tricky here.


Dietrech: It is always a surprise when it works.


Victor: All right. and Dietrech Pessin does present for us the report for the week ahead. She has been not live with a robot that presented her right at 930. So, okay, what does the week look like?


Well, we have a Mercury Retrograde coming up.


But before we start, I really want to say thank you to Julie Stoller. She held us together for the past year and a half putting our shows on, keeping us on schedule, doing everything that that needed to be on, done to present Victor's show. My heart is just attached to her and her labors, and her intelligence, and her techie smarts. Thank you, Julie.


So, what we have for this Mercury Retrograde. it is tomorrow night, Sunday night, over into Monday. it happens at 1:10 AM on Monday at 25° of Libra. So, it is going to be activating the way we manage our relationships to how we function under the pairing and partnering thing. There is a lot of Mars energy going on because Mars is in the sign of Libra, too. So, there is, that battle is a conflict. Mars likes to make battles to make peace. It is like, oh, well, let's get this out on the table. We are going to light a fire here, so we can all talk about it. And Mercury is happy to go along. So, you have to be very careful about what you stir up. You do not want to be eating your words for the next three weeks. It will turn direct on October 18th.


So it is, it is more than three weeks. It is quite a long one. We will have to bear with it. You can do everything like redo, renew, review. You do not want to like sign a long-term contract in the middle of that. What happens is that most often, it is not ready to be signed. You are being pushed to wait and wait and wait. The wait part is a blessing.


Sometimes, if things do not come together during the Mercury retrograde, that might be a blessing.. Because it just means it would fall apart If it did. People try to buy a house just as Mercury's going to go retrograde and it just does not happen. The mortgage does not come through or something like that. And it is a blessing. They can go on to have another happy home in another place.


So, this Mercury Rx is about relationships,  peace and compromise. We are going to do review, renew, repair. So, all that Mercury stuff is going to be high on our list. anything having to do with siblings, and family members that we need to communicate a lot of things. A lot of that going on this week because Saturn's involved. Also Mars is trine Saturn later this afternoon 5:49 PM. That aspect wants to bring stability to family matters and support financial stability as well. During a Taurus Moon that is a good goal to have. It is an excellent aspect to work on projects, clean up old messes. Your desire for perfection could make any mundane task way too tedious. So do not get too involved. Tackle the big picture about it first. Get the overall job cleaned up.  Go back later maybe to do the more tedious type of things. Stretch and lengthen your muscles gradually.


Throughout the day today, the Moon is making aspects to the planets. Having a conversation with Mercury at 11:09. This one could change your plans. You could turn around and go. And how many people I wonder are out there that has done nothing but U turns pretty much all week? Everything you head out to do. This is what the quincunx of the Moon Mercury acts like. You head out to do something and you turn around and have to go back. And then turn around again and have to go back. This winding us around circles and circles. Oh, my it is very prominent during this time.


But a Taurus Moon is really nice. You might join with family members. Good food. Also, if you hear any strange noises from your car, get ready to take care of it. Because that is exactly what Mercury Retrograde brings on are some big repairs.


Throughout the night the Moon is in Taurus. It changes signs at 8:36 PM enters the sign of Gemini.


The last aspect that the Moon will make will be a trine to Mercury. Well, that sounds really nice, except it is going to be to a retrograde Mercury. So, things or  anything you hear or try to connect with or communicate may reverse later.


But it is a very nice Green Light that comes up on Sunday tomorrow with this Gemini Moon. It adds lightness to a busy day. Visits with siblings and neighbors is a nice thing, and lots of errands.


Also, the Sun and the Moon are trine early in the morning. And then the Moon goes on to trine Saturn and Mars.


There are some squabbles with the Moon to Pluto and then Mercury at 3:30 and 6:00 PM. These are general, rounded off times.


Then the Moon is making an aspect to Chiron. This will be at 6:53 PM. This may be a time when you are going over some memories. You may have a lot of memories that you are retrieving these days. And that will be a Chiron story and a Mercury story.


Mercury when it makes it station is square to Pluto. And that goes round and round and round. Making your brain not shut off, ruminating over subjects. You must learn how to let it go. It is a broken record. You want to be able to move on. So, the temptation is to keep ruminating.


Another Green Light day comes in on Monday. But now by 1:10 AM Mercury is retrograde. This is a good Gemini Moon for making connections. But when the retrograde comes up, you get very good information, but the situation completely changes and reverses. So, you want to be careful about taking things to heart and acting on it as if you are going to do this great signing, and do this great thing to forward your goals. Because there could be reversals with that. Especially the closest time to the retrograde period.


The retrograde Libra Mercury and the Gemini Moon trine does influence the outcome of all the events that we have on Monday during that Green Light. That is really good. Mercury is retrograde until October 18th. So, Mercury will travel over 25º Libra backs up to 10° of Libra.


Venus is parallel Saturn, and that is on Monday. This aspect has to do with bringing people together with similar interests for the benefit of business or family matters. Pairing and partnerships have the quality of standing, standing the test of time.


However, there is lots of work needed to develop good lines of communication. That is the underlying theme here with the Mercury retrograde: work on your communication skills. That is going to be key to any success that you have. Not just during the Mercury retrograde, but from here on in.


The Moon and Venus. Moon seems to poke a stick at Venus in Scorpio with a 150º  quincunx.. Venus is not happy in Scorpio. It has a taunting tone. Even though Venus has aligned with a prominent figure, there is cause to reevaluate who you are backing. Who are you behind? Why are you invested in someone who has a history, a murky history? Maybe you are confused. This could be the Neptune and Moon aspect that comes in at 4:10. You could also have a great need for a nap. This is Monday. Find a place to curl up somewhere or just snooze for a few minutes. By 4:10 PM, the Gemini Moon square Neptune in Pisce infers that the news is more than you can take in. Maybe things are just over the top and you need to slow down.


The Gemini Moon goes on in the evening to trine retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius. That will lift the mood. Then the Moon makes a quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn at 10:06 PM. So, I do not know. Shut everything down and get into bed and forget about the rest of the night. Somebody very controlling, wants to boss you around at that hour. You can just pull the covers over your head. I do not know what you would do.


12:18 AM that is when the Moon is void of course in Gemini until 9:34 AM on Tuesday. Sleep well - It is in the middle of the night.


There is an aspect however that may stimulate your brain, between Uranus and Pallas Athena. This might be some connection that you have with someone that is particularly brilliant. Maybe they are in your past.(Both of those planets are retrograde). Pallas is an asteroid. Uranus is retrograde at 14 Taurus. So, there might be someone who is very helpful that you want to connect with. Very brilliant. It is particularly an opportunity for brilliance. So, it is in the middle of the night.  It may affect who you connect with on Monday night.


So then for Tuesday, it could influence that as well. But the Cancer Moon comes in at 9:34 AM. It is not a happy Cancer Moon. Cancer Moons are about people close to you. Insiders. You know often I say if you've been invited to dinner or a party or an event during a Cancer Moon you are considered an insider. So, it is always a compliment.


However, with this particular Cancer Moon there are some things to be sorted out from two and a quarter years ago. There is a Last Quarter Moon that will state that it is related to things that began back two or two years ago. That would be 2019. And then back up another quarter of a year, which would be July. That would say that there is some action on your behalf that you need to take that is related to those new beginnings from back on July 2, 2019. On that date there was a Solar Eclipse at 10º Cancer. The world was not yet aware of the pandemic that was lurking in the dark of the Moon. It would take another four or five months to become a an obvious threat. By the First Quarter Moon, nine months later, which was related to that Solar eclipse on April 2, 2020, we were locked down to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus from taking over; there were great casualties. The Full Moon related to this Moon Family of the Solar Eclipse, occurred on December 30, 2020. The US presidential election griped our attention with the COVID-19 pandemic as a focus.  


A Cancer Moon sign is calling for action. Family and close personal friends need to be called in. maybe. Be available for anything that is on the serious side.


Wednesday not a good day, neither was mostly Tuesday there during that Cancer Moon. Not a good day for signing any business matters or making conclusions about business because the Cancer Moon has a square to retrograde Mercury before it leaves the sign.


There is a little bit of a fantasy with the aspect between Venus and Neptune right at noon time. So, this might make for a lunch with a drink with people that are maybe more interesting. Or there could be something about cosmetic or artistic or poetic interest. That would be also favorable for writing and connecting with others. It is fantasy though. It is a nice aspect that goes along with things that are not grounded. Particularly not a good day on Thursday for business either or for settling family matters. Because of that Cancer moon is still with us Thursday, up until 8:53 PM.


There are several things that go on before that. Moon is quincunx retrograde Jupiter. So, there are lots of get up and go when you first get up on Thursday. So that is good. Maybe you feel like calling the day off. There is a lot of freedom making Jupiter energy on Thursday.


But then the Moon is opposite Pluto at 9:54 AM. That involves a highly controlling person. So, the kid that is trying to take off from school is being watched and controlled by the parent that is making sure they get to school. That’s a good thing but if you need to hop on a plane and the bureaucracy holds you up, that is not a good thing.


Mercury is involved in a square with the Moon 10:49 AM. This is about any of your very personal discussions that may turn into squabbles about past failures. Maybe you should wait to have your personal conversations after 11:00 AM on Thursday, when there is not a square between the Moon and retrograde Mercury. Do not sign anything in there. Also be careful with your vehicle during that time.


The Sun and Jupiter are making an aspect which has kind of a boasting quality. Maybe the boss is full of themselves.


Maybe there is also reason to celebrate later on. Venus is making a square to Jupiter. That is a lot of playtime Venus - Jupiter energy. Seems it is too much need for a party, But it is a desire to break out and party. So that may be the relief that comes in from the heaviness of the of the Cancer Moon that was not necessarily filled with many joyful moments.


At 8:53pm The Leo Moon comes in on Thursday night. There is a brighter spot.


There is a couple of tough things that it has to go through on Friday. Then it lightens up after midday.


But Mars is opposite Chiron. This is early in the morning on Friday. We are going to be feeling this one all week. This is really stirring up old wounds. If there is someone that you can help. You can help by just being a good listener. That is the best use of Chiron energy. Mars is the poking an arrow at old stories, old hurts. Share your stories with someone you know can relate.


Then the Moon is opposite retrograde Saturn. That is at 10:10 AM. Moon opposite Saturn, a heavy mood. So maybe bad news came in or something and it is just very heavy energy.


Then Mercury comes in squaring Pluto at 10:26 AM. That really governs the day too. So that is that going round and round and round. That Mercury Retrograde with the broken record again. So, try to let it go. Chant. Find your mantra and chant right through it. Do not let fear “own you”.


It lightens up. There is a lightening up with this Moon when in aspect with the Sun at 1:33pm for a 60º sextile. Here is an opportunity to change your day. Start your day all over at 1:34 PM on Friday. Then you have a better evening, coming in throughout the afternoon and evening on Friday.


That Leo Moon does continue right through next Saturday. Last aspect is square Venus. So do not spend a lot of money. You will regret that one. And we will talk about that next week. Okay, that is it for the week.


You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also reach me at 617-558-7233. You can find a copy of this report transcribed by Kimberly, and that will be on my website. You can also play the podcast from my website as well. And that is it for the week. Did I forget anything?

Victor: I understand that retrograde Mercury's is good for inner work. meditation, and writing. any idea around that?


Dietrech: Yes, it definitely is if that is your goal. You have to set a goal and stick to it. More deeply for you and with the writing thing. Definitely. You can you can capture some wonderful pieces of yourself and your history and your development with a Mercury Retrograde as well. So, I would definitely say writing is a great thing to do. Yes!


Victor: Because we always view Mercury retrograde as a negative.


Dietrech: No, it is not. You know we often see the most Green Light days occur  during the Mercury retrograde period, which always kind of blows me away. I often think: ”can we get some of this the rest of the year? So, yes, there is a lot of good to it. It is just about going into matters with eyes wide open.


Now Francis McAvoy. We all remember Francis McEvoy. Yes. Yeah, she used to buy her car on purpose during a Mercury retrograde and she never had a problem with her cars. So go figure. You know if you want to buy a car, go for it. Just be really careful about it. Take a mechanic with you to make sure you are buying the right car, good car.


Victor: So, I do not think I'll be buying a car anytime soon. but okay.


Expanding awareness is coming up and I'm going to do an open forum and venture to do dream interpretation and tarot card readings.


Monday, September 20, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Sept 18 - 25, 2021 with Green Light Days


Saturday, September 18, 2021 to Saturday, September 25, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00 AM


Victor: And for the week ahead, what do you have?

Dietrech: Hi, Victor.

Terrific. I'm in the studio. I see Victor.  His hair grew very long. Yeah.

So, it has been such a long time. I think it was like April 4th, was either our last live broadcast or our first non-live broadcast.


Yeah, I'm trying to find my There we go. Oh, got it. Okay.

We have we have so much going on.

I mean, this morning with an Aquarius Moon. I mean, what could be a better Moon for an astrology report than the Aquarius Moon? That Aquarius Moon is filled with a whole lot of friendship things and reconnecting. For it has a Venus split parallel to Uranus. So, this can say, that one time only energy. So, if you have a date tonight, for instance, it might be a one-night stand. But it might be terrific.

That Venus and Uranus energy really holds in a pattern all week long. It will hold our interest, as Venus and Uranus make another aspect on Thursday, which is a parallel.

There are there are good days this week for conducting your business and doing things that you need to do. Some of which start today at 4:22 PM during the Pisces Moon. That will run right until through Monday at 7:54 PM. well that is the Full Moon 7:54 PM Monday. But the Green Light would continue beyond that. That would be at 10:09 PM, would be the last aspect of the Pisces Moon. It has making it to Neptune the ruler of Pisces.

So, the Pisces energy that we're going to be experiencing large this week can inspire you to sympathize and empathize. It may seek an escape sometimes with mind altering substances. It can be a time that seems to offer different intervention or divine intervention. You might find that you have strong feelings of faith combined with a need to make a spiritual connection. It is a water sign, so it is adaptable. It brings water to the surface in the form of tears.

People are overly sensitive during a Pisces Moon as well. So be careful. do not tread on feelings, especially with this Venus opposite Uranus aspect. Venus is in Scorpio, very deep and intense. Wants to really dig up some old history with the with the energies that are opposite Uranus. Which will be kind of surprising. You may find that your feelings have changed in a great way. You can create something poetic. You can also have lots of inspiration throughout the day. Help someone. Service and sacrifice are the middle names for Pisces. Watch out for self-pity. You do not want to go there, that is for sure.

The Pisces Moon has a lot of different connections that it has going to make tomorrow.

For tonight if you if you are going out tonight that Pisces Moon is melancholy in a way. But it is very sensitive. Both parties that you join with would be very sensitive if you are out on a date or if you are just joining with others. There might be a jolt of energy that lifts up the energy around 9:00 when the Moon is quincunx Mars. That is also accident prone. So, you want to be careful to be minding the rules of the road.

There is a sudden change of plans that could come up. Maybe someone who is been away for a long time maybe been out of town, might surface. My friend Lynn Fallo has been in Italy this whole pandemic, and before. Almost two years now. She is finally back for a visit. So welcome, Lynn back home.

And there is for the evening hours. There is a Pisces Moon throughout the night, Sunday, all day Sunday, Pisces Moon. Green Light starts at 4:22 PM. Goes right through Sunday. The Moon is not doing anything that is particularly noteworthy. So, it might be a very easy going Sunday.

Then Monday, also Pisces Moon. Do something that is yoga & poetry. Take it slow. Use your intuition, especially right in the morning when you wake up. Then there is likely to be something about your past that comes up right around noon. You might be having memories or running into people from the past also. Which might be something that is rather upsetting. Or, you could have awareness’s, awakenings that also are the types of the types of things that bring you to some kind of inner soul work.   

Chiron is the key to the soul for instance. And it is also the wounded healer. Venus making aspect to it, even could have a healing relationship with the way you deal with money. Or maybe it has something about an inheritance or feelings of being left out. Or something like that could come up with this Venus and Chiron aspect on Monday.

The Sun and Mars, they come together for a quick event. A one-time matter. It says, “Yeah, okay, we will do this one-time thing. And that is it.” It is in the afternoon, but it governs the whole day. They come together for serious matters with high energy intentions. The Full Moon is really fueling all of that. That Full Moon is 7:54 PM. It is at 28° of Pisces. It is going to be full of excitement in a lot of ways. The Venus and Uranus are very strongly highlighted.

Then the Pisces Moon, Full Moon is also not that far away from Neptune where we have been losing our thoughts, losing our memories, losing our minds. It is crazy with Neptune. It doesn't seem to calm down.

What you can expect is to have some revelation in regard to your thinking patterns and maybe your memories and your sleep. If you have lost a lot of sleep maybe after this Full Moon. I say after the Full Moon because during Full Moons, people tend to lose sleep. So, there may be a lot of stories about sleeplessness.

Then on Monday the 20th the Moons is in Aries, actually as of 11:13 PM on Monday night. It runs for a couple of days till Wednesday at 3:20 PM. It has a wash.

Then it is Happy Birthday Uta Jenrich. She lives in California. She is having a birthday on Tuesday, the 21st.  

We have with the 21st there are things where the Moon is dancing with Mars. This might have a strong energy pull. Getting up, maybe hop out of bed because something, a big noise that you have to attend to or something like that.

Then also the Moon is conjunct Chiron. This aspect is in the evening hours after 8:00 PM. This one might really be addressing those old wounds and those old stories. It is interesting how much of these memory stories are coming up right now. I think that is the Chiron influence.

The Sun and Uranus have a quirky quality to it. That is 11:30 at night. That is going to be some type of surprise, quirky. Something pops out of the out of the blue.

The end of the Aries sign that comes in with an aspect Neptune. This is about something that is confusing filled with illusion. Mercury and Pluto are square just before that. So, you could find that you are losing your sense of direction. And Mercury square Pluto is throwing you off the track because it can be anxious. Filled with worry about something. Try to let it go. This is around 9:00 at night. So that could be difficult to let go. But chant or something. Bring yourself to a place where you let something go till the next day. Do not take it to bed with you.

The Autumn Equinox comes in. That is at 3:20 PM on Wednesday. The Sun enters Libra. This is a time when we reset our astrological energies, our quarterly energies for the year at the Equinoxes and the Solstices. So, from the 22nd of September until December 21st.

We have this quarter led by the Libra Sun sign where people are pairing and coming together for a sense of purpose, togetherness. It is challenged with the Venus opposite Uranus aspect involved in that. Venus rules Libra. Uranus rules separation and chaos. Tends to want to break things up and separate. Although it examines and also can bring you a sense of clarity about your renewal.

There are a couple of Moon aspects that take place after that Equinox at 3:21 PM On Wednesday.  The Moon and Jupiter are uplifting 7:42 PM. Then Moon is opposite Mercury. The thinking and talking Planet 10:04 PM. This one has the quality of saying things abruptly out of out of line, as if you weren't able to use your filter. So that is it.

Well, there are a couple of things on the 22nd. That would be 10:05 PM. So, a lot of things going into the evening that could possibly make it a little bit difficult to get some sleep if you bring too much up. Venus is opposite Uranus exactly. That is going to be at 5:41 AM on Thursday, the 23rd. So, the night of the of the 22nd is related to the Venus opposite Uranus aspect.  But really, you know what. The whole period between now and when this aspect is exact on Thursday. That whole period is all about the recognition of friendship and the quality of your personal relationships bringing people together at the table making peace. There are some pretty big events going on globally that we need to keep peace as a priority. If you want to pray for peace, that might be a great thing to do now.

The Moon changes signs when the Moon goes into Taurus Thursday, September 23rd 8:37 AM. That Taurus Moon may be good for one time approval from someone who matters. Someone who is sitting in a seat, who makes decisions. Gives you the go ahead or tells you to stop. So, there is you know a credit. Maybe if you need to get a credit for a previous charge. Let us say you have got a late charge or some kind of penalty. You may want to call in and use your power of persuasion during that Taurus Moon sign, through Thursday and Friday, to get that type of reversal. It could be a good time to gather family members for important family business as well. Land approvals can also be something that take place during that time.

The quincunx between the Sun and the Moon 10:08 AM on Thursday indicates this is the time when you call the insurance adjuster to come on over and evaluate whatever calamity might have happened over this past Full Moon energy. Lots of Mars Neptune energy in that Full Moon. So, it can have to do with enormous amount of water or wind that breaks the tree limbs and causes some havoc also throughout this period of the Full Moon.

The Moon square Saturn comes in at 10:40 at night. That is good for resting and trying to let the day go.

For Friday, a surprising visit during the lunch hour comes in on Friday. This may cause you to change your plans that you made for Friday night. So maybe if you made a date, and then someone that you like a little better or you had not seen in a while shows up. You may want to change that date. Of course, it could cause problems later. So be careful about how you go about that one.

Couples cannot seem to agree or let go of old relationships. This has a lot to do with the asteroid Pallas' pattern making. And Juno, the relationship maker. They are very much at odds. So, this makes it also difficult at the peace table to come to any kind of agreement.

Date Night again. Maybe disrupted because of changes of heart. This change may be something that you find because you care about others.

You want to choose your eating venue on Friday after 6:00 PM. Because that Moon Venus aspect could sour your appetite or your taste buds. The food may not be that good.

Good shopping day, on Friday right through next Saturday. We will talk about that. But it does start out with a Green Light, so you can plan ahead. And that is pretty much it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at It has been a thrill to be here in the studio with Victor.

Victor: Yeah. wonderful to have you. 

 Victor: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Also, give us your contact information.

Dietrech: Oh, thank you. That would be 617-558-7233. 617-558-7233. My lunar shadows. website is

Victor: Wonderful website.

Dietrech: Thank you.

Yeah. Okay. All right.

We will talk again next week.


Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: