Sunday, January 27, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Jan 26 - Feb 2 2019

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, January 26, 2019 – Saturday, February 2, 2019

Dietrech: Good Morning. We have a chilled out week so to speak. It
appears as though there are little to no major activity, the planetary

Victor: Seems like for a change.

Dietrech: Yeah. And there is a Green Light this week. Quite a stretch
on Tuesday beginning at 9:33 AM right through until Thursday at 5:33
PM. So we haven’t seen that for a while. Pretty much the whole period
is good. If you are good to go with something that would be the plan
to wait until Tuesday at 9:32, 9:33 AM. Give it a minute or two. Make it
9:35 AM so that you are in the clear there.

And it could be the time of a very important decision because Mercury
and the Sun are joined up, and Mercury is not retrograde. There could
be some clear thinking clear decision-making thing. I just want to
note about the end to this very, very long historic shutdown. Mars
and Jupiter were perfectly trine, 120 degrees when that decision was
made and that announcement was put out there. To that was an
extraordinary expression which indicates that things are working
smoothly. So finally people…Thank God…were put back to work.

So the Libra Moon that we have, and then during that time on Friday,
it was a Libra Moon. It was also forming. It was pretty much a trine
to the Sun as well. There are complications thereafter.

We have this Libra Moon still today and it will be void, of course,
tomorrow morning at 12:21 AM after the Moon is in opposition to
Uranus. So something is likely to get cut off, reversed or flipped. So
we will see…of course, we have no way of knowing how these activities
in the White House will play out. But in our own lives if you want to
take some action today on some kind of plan…whether it be about
relationships because it is a Libra Moon or whether it is about legal
matters. It is Saturday. People do things online now that they didn’t
use to do during non-business hours.

There is an aspect this morning where the Moon is square Pluto. So it
is risky. Very risky. Especially where the Moon’s final aspect will
oppose Uranus. Now Uranus is that planet of sudden abrupt change and
reversals and quirkiness. So we don’t want to play around with that
too much. Don’t want to put that in your plan because it will be in
your future. So that is not what you are looking for. You are looking
for something that is more calming.

The evening hours for tonight as far as social events or just relaxing
time the Libra Moon does lend itself to pleasant choices. However,
that opposition to Uranus may throw a wrench in your plans when
something unusual pops up. It could be that a friend calls out of the
blue and maybe you were tucked in and wanted to stay in for the night
and a friend convinces you to go out and do something.

And then it all changes when the Moon is void of course after 12:20
AM, 12:21 AM when that void, of course, Moon will be there until 12:31
AM. So if you are out late at night, you may find that your plans take a
turn. It could be for the better, but they may not be plans that stick
in the long term. So if you meet somebody if there is a romantic
interest I would say go home alone. That would be the best thing to
do. You don’t want anything crazy happening.

The Moon changes signs goes into Scorpio Sunday 2:31 AM. The last
aspect that Moon will make in Scorpio is a quincunx and that quincunx
will be on Tuesday morning at 7:19 AM. But don’t worry. Hold off because
that Green Light starts a couple hours later.

But looking at Sunday’s energy there is the Last Quarter Moon. It takes
place at 4:10 PM. It is on Sunday. It is in the sign of Scorpio. This
Quarter Moon, it is the Last Quarter. That means it has 3 other family
members when the storyline to this Last Quarter began. That was
October 30th, 2016 [at the New Moon]. So there is quite a lineage here
of activity going back to the Election of 2016. So all of this stuff
coming up now looks as if it is going to stick. It is Scorpio.

And then on July 30th, 2017 there was the First Quarter, when there was a
method to actively to get…to move forward with plans. Now if you had
plans that started back then, you may find that there is a momentum that
goes along with this Last Quarter Moon that you will see potentially
delivered on Monday for the business hours. The Full Moon related to
that Moon family was April 30th last April 2018. Then here we are on
the 27th of January [2019], at the Last Quarter. All of those occurred
in the sign of Scorpio, so those are not meant for lightweights. Big
money is involved. big decisions are involved. That could count you

But there is an aspect between Venus and Mercury, which tries to pull
together some kind of plan. Now that comes up on Monday. That governs
the whole day. the Venus parallel Mercury is about easy contracts,
thinking in a positive way, planning for things about…perhaps about
money, where this is a money Moon. Scorpio is a money Moon. But it is
money with ties to others, not like cash that goes in your pocket. It
is like money that is shared or money that you owe taxes on or money
that you have loans. For instance like mortgages or other loans that
you want to take out or pay off that sort of thing. Which is another
symbolism for the Last Quarter Moon. This is when you pay or get paid.
So Last Quarter Moon in a money sign does indicate that there is money
coming along.

So what we have also for that parallel is a little quincunx that
happens between the Moon and Mars. That happens at 12:21 PM. Wait
until after that if you wanted to use that Mercury Venus energy to
your advantage. That does really serve you well. Especially with a
very nice aspect between the Moon and Pluto coming up at 5:38 PM.

Later on for Monday night in the Scorpio Moon, looks as if things are
settling in with plans about finances. It is not the time for
lightweights. So don’t enter into an agreement without having it
looked over by someone with a good legal eye.

Then Tuesday, January 29th that is the day the Moon will be quincunx
Uranus at 7:19 AM. But early in the morning Mercury and Venus form an
aspect, which is rather cranky. So there is about cranky thinking and
argumentative attitudes that sort of thing. People are probably
brooding. That quality of holding a grudge kind of thing. So that may
get released for sure around 9:33 AM Tuesday.

And there is that Green Light period. Mercury and the Sun join
together, so there is some decision that is made. There is something
that perhaps to celebrate. And also that Green Light continues right
through Wednesday. Very nice Wednesday. Not much going on.

There is this square between the Moon and Neptune in the afternoon,
which could cloud matters. And also there are things that you are
potentially trying to gather. Maybe paperwork or travel plans or
travel papers. It does work out as the Moon joins Jupiter also later
in the evening on Wednesday. Optimistic time for this Sagittarius Moon
when there is a Green Light. The Moon and Mars are even trine shortly
after that.

There is an aspect between Saturn and Neptune on the 31st Thursday.
That aspect is early in the morning. Well, midmorning 9:15 AM. It is
about mentioning that it is a very good time for achieving success in
your creative and spiritual pursuits. If you just have the right mix
between discipline and creativity you are golden. So you may also find
yourself reassessing your life and gaining an inner understanding
before moving forward in a new direction. So this sextile is very
productive and it does govern most of the activity going on throughout the

There is a very interesting little line up between the Moon and the
Earth and Venus. It is called an occultation. It is exact at 12:34,
12:35 PM. This may bring women together or bring statements from women
that are important. Some of which may not pan out later because things
are eclipsed so to speak. But it is an important aspect, also about

And then the day moves on to further trine Uranus later in the
afternoon 5:33 PM.

Then the Moon is free floating until 7:47 PM. The Moon goes into
Capricorn at that time on Thursday. It remains in the sign of
Capricorn until Sunday, the following Sunday. Its last aspect will
square Uranus. So this Capricorn Moon is not good for business. Your
plans are disrupted.

Friday's energy has too much to think about and too much to create to
satisfy others. There is all this powerful driving energy with Mars
square Pluto on Friday. There is a dominance of territory. It is
obsessive. It is filled with extreme efforts that just are over the
top. Lots of sexual responses to ordinary behavior. So there is a
desire to mate. There are efforts at personal levels for

There are also medical procedures that are indicated when Mars is
square Pluto. Not the day to pick to have a medical procedure. It is
very often one of those things where it is necessary on that day, not
necessarily planned on that day. Very strategic thinking. I call this
the steamroller aspect. This is when people are…their principles and
their values or the things that they hold dear are mowed down because
of power mongers. So it is a very controlling aspect. Not good at all
to enter that into your plans. That is it for the week. (53:00 STOP)
That Capricorn Moon will carry through the following weekend. Not good
for signings. So you want to wait until next Sunday night for
something like that.

That is pretty much it for the week. Stay safe and we will talk next week.

*You can join the Sunday class at 12:00 noon time to 2:00 PM in Watertown
and even participate online. People have been joining from all over
the country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website
for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of
the class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Jan 19 - 26, 2019

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting] or
call 617-924-0929.

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, January 19, 2019 – Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Following is a transcription of the live radio report.

Good Morning. There is a Lunar Eclipse coming up tomorrow, tomorrow
night. Between tomorrow night and Monday morning the Eclipse is going
to be visible here, if the skies are clear.

What we have for… it is at 10:30 you can start seeing it, if we have
clear skies here, it will begin. This Eclipse is a total Eclipse. It
has its roots in the 2009 Solar Eclipse that happened in July. July 22
of 2009 there was a Solar Eclipse right near this point. So this Lunar
Eclipse is a Metonic cycle family member, where it is 9 and a half
years later. So the Eclipse is in Leo. Zero degrees of Leo. It takes
place exactly at 12:16 AM. It is called a Blood Moon because of the
color of the Moon, when the Eclipse occurs is red. Also it is a Wolf
Moon. That means the wolves are howling at the Moon in the winter
time. They are particularly hungry this time of year.

There should be a lot of things that are associated with it. Things
like last night there was an explosion in Mexico. An illegal oil line
was tapped illegally. It exploded as people were trying to steal the
oil. It killed 66 people and injured many, many more. So things like
that. People getting caught doing things illegally and being exposed.
That is the nature of a Lunar Eclipse, bringing things out into the
open. All the cards are on the table and everything is being explored
and examined.

So this is not the time to hide. But it is the time to show off what
it is you want to put out there. We just need to be sure that there is
enough positive energy to carry things along in the direction where
you want to go. And as Full Moons bring that table of visible
activity. Like if having a show for instance would be very visible
during this time or a playoff game.

Now the playoff game I have some thoughts about it. I have
reservations about the Patriots because of the fact that the Eclipse
is in the sign of Leo and it is the end of a matter. So I think there
could be some serious injury because there is Mars square Saturn in
the Eclipse chart. Which represents broken bones. If it is anything
short of broken bones, it is certainly a dead stop to something.

One of the things we hope to see stop is this shutdown. There is an
announcement that is being made at 3:00 this afternoon where Trump is
going to offer to make a deal to end the shutdown. During that time
the Moon is in the sign of Cancer of the people and the security and
the safety of all those concerned. So we are hoping that there is some
progress there. It looks as if it will take a couple of days probably
until the 22nd before it is finalized. But I had mentioned a couple of
weeks ago I thought that the Lunar Eclipse energy would bring the end
of the shutdown.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

So if we look at what is going on day to day here. The Moon is in
Cancer today and there are a couple of things going on. Venus and
Saturn forms an aspect that is particularly tight. It would be cutting
off any extreme spending. So anything you want to do you also have a
blind spot to deal with, with the Sun and Neptune in an aspect at 5:25
PM. That is very typical when there are storms. That the Sun will be
involved in an aspect with Neptune.

The Moon will also aspect Neptune as well at 10:20 PM tonight. Those
things are setting up the conditions for Sunday’s events. So we are
expecting a pretty big storm around here.


We have the Sun changing signs at 4:00 AM going into Aquarius. That is
tomorrow morning on the 20th of January. The Sun will be in the sign of
Aquarius right up until the 18th of February when it enters Pisces.
The Aquarius Sun sign is one that is particularly focused on the needs
of the people and the perspective of the collective. So we are hoping
there with the Lunar Eclipse also activated at that degree where the
Sun will be in Aquarius, the Moon will be in Leo. That there will be
all the cards on the table and an end to any of the suffering and
anguish around these government problems.

An aspect between Venus and Neptune in the evening occurs at 11:24 PM.
This aspect is about particularly an illusion or a blind spot.
Something that is not particularly healthy for moving forward. That is
tomorrow night at 11:24 PM.

Another thing that occurs is that the Sun will make a semi-square to
Jupiter also tomorrow during that playoff game. So there is a couple
of things that could throw a few curves in odd directions.


Then we have on Monday at 12:16 AM the Eclipse is exact. It will be
visible a whole hour and a half or more before that and right through
another hour and a half or more after that as the Moon pulls away.

So the aspect between Mars and Saturn 6:16 AM. This is a square. This
is a really tough one tied in also with the conjunction that Saturn is
approaching a line up with Pluto. So this is a very hard way to go. It
makes the game extremely hard and it also makes any contracts or deals
very difficult to iron out any of the ragged corners.


Then for Tuesday that Moon is still in Leo. The Moon will also be in
aspect to Mercury before it leaves the sign. That would take us right
up to 7:07 PM and then the Moon is void of course until 10:22 PM on

There are a couple of things before that during the day on Tuesday.
The Sun and Venus are in a parallel, which is about coming together
making agreements. This is the day that appears to me that there is
some type of agreement or some type of breakthrough that would allow
things to move forward. So in regards to the government, and also any
of the blind spots, would be addressed with a Mars and Neptune aspect
as well that will take place.

Mercury will be lined up with the Lunar Node which is about bringing
people together. Everybody is at the table. There are messages and
things going around. It could mean that there are a lot of late night
government meetings. Late night Congress meetings going on with that
aspect. Also when the Mercury is lined up with the Lunar Nodes watch
out for animals on the road. Also, watch out when you open up your door
about your animals bolting out. Especially during a Lunar Eclipse
period, when the high energy of our natures and of animal natures are
so strong that things can be completely unpredictable. Watch children.
You don’t want to leave them to be making their own decisions over
these next few days in particular.

Continue on looking with Tuesday. Tuesday’s last aspect would
give us a little bit of a Green Light period from 7:15 PM until 8:19
PM. Then the Moon is void of course 8:19 PM. So that is a correction
on what I said before.

That 8:19 PM void of course Moon on Tuesday will continue until 10:22
PM when the Moon enters the sign of Virgo.

There are not many Green Lights. That is pretty much the only little
Green Light period. Not much of that for this week.


Then during the Virgo Moon lots of Mercury activity. Mercury is at the
last little couple of minutes while it is in the sign of Capricorn. So
there are things that it is going to do like bump a square with Uranus
early morning Wednesday 6:13 AM. This one is subject to some kind of
erratic messages or computer problems or computer hacking issues.

Then Mercury and Saturn form an aspect of a parallel. The
parallel…these planets are all joined up on the declination strip of
the globe where Saturn. Pluto, Jupiter, and Mercury all piled
up together. So very important information comes through in a very
difficult way and a stern way. And so that stern way reading may be
revealed with the Mercury parallel Saturn on Wednesday.

Then trying to care for the people in a way that is more about the
people would be Mercury in a 60-degree aspect with Ceres which is
about nurturing and caring of people and allowing people to eat and
get their medical services.

Then Mercury goes on to make an aspect to Neptune, then to Jupiter. So
Wednesday is quite the Mercury day. A lot of things are situated to
change, as things may be dropped or things may be lost about those
messages. So you want to back up your computer in a big way. Let’s do
that this weekend. Make sure everything is backed up right through the
23rd when that Mercury is square Uranus. Because Mercury at that last
degree is likely to lose a lot of documents or lose a lot of

Then Mercury changes and goes into Aquarius at 12:50 AM on Thursday.
This helps to retrieve or give you a whole new picture, a whole new
landscape, with information about how that voices the collective
voices are being heard.

So there is an aspect between Mercury and Pluto that occurs, as it is
still part of that little pile-up. Or I should say great big fat pile
up with Jupiter involved, Saturn. Pluto and Mercury. But this helps you
to get the cooperation you need for licenses and medical procedures.
But you want to choose a different day other than Thursday. This could be
the day you want to make your connection.

There is a void of course Moon period that begins at 8:57 PM on Thursday
until 11:02 PM.

Then Friday we have a Libra Moon…actually that begins Thursday night
at 11:02 PM. That Libra Moon will continue right through Friday until Sunday
the 27th at 2:31 AM.

The Libra Moon on Friday has probably less chaos than some of the
other days that we are going to see this week. Ceres will change
signs. She is the grieving mother. She is uplifted by entering
Sagittarius with a broader view and greener pastures hopefully. That
would happen after 1:05 PM. Ceres will be in the sign of Sagittarius
for a while.

And then the Libra Moon sign continues on through Friday night
allowing people to get together share experiences that are more
harmonious and a happier note. That is pretty much it for the week.

Stay safe and we will talk next week.

*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time to 2:00 PM in Watertown
and even participate online. People have been joining from all over
the country. If you contact me by phone or email. Go to my website
for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of
the class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Jan 5 - 12, 2019

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, January 5, 2019 – Saturday, January 12, 2019

Dietrech: Good morning. Happy New Year everyone! We have a really big
thing going on today. There is a Solar Eclipse. It is very cloudy and
rainy out there. That is sort of typical for a lot of Sun and Moon

Victor: I don’t remember a meteor shower ever when it wasn’t cloudy around here.

Dietrech: I know we don’t actually get to see them. On occasion in the
summertime maybe. I don’t know. But there are especially the meteor
showers would be phenomenal, if we could see them. That is because of the
Nodes of the Moon create this opening in the sky. It is as if there is
a great big screen. Like, imagine that it is the curtain on a stage
that in normal times the curtain might be open about 4 inches. Then
during an Eclipse, the curtain would be open like for a mile. So you
get to see everything out there in the sky. It opens up a panoramic
view. Very, very cool.

Last night at 10:40 PM Mercury popped into the sign of Capricorn. We
are in the dark of the Moon because there is a Solar Eclipse. That is
a New Moon. The Solar Eclipse is 8:28 PM tonight. We won’t see it
here. We will, however, see that Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that they keep
talking about. That will be a total Eclipse. This Eclipse is just a
partial Eclipse. So not to diminish its impact. It certainly is very,
very serious. It is filled with severity, self-control, frugality. All
kinds of respect are required. Asking for respect, acting respectfully,
[and] acting in a state of correctness and persistence and high
principles is about the administration. It is about an administration
in any organization it is the top of the kernel point and it is about
procedures. So all of these things when we integrate these notions
into our lives, we have the energy of good hard work and the ability
to use persistence in our favor. The seriousness can create a bit of
problem when it comes to trying to get ahead. You wouldn’t be able to
do it in a lackadaisical way. You would have to have all your ducks in
a row. Have everything in a very serious fashion.

So for today…now the Solar Eclipse has a Moon family attached to it,
which occurs in 9 months. There is a First Quarter Moon near the same
degree. That would be in October where we would have right around
October 7th…

Victor: What do you mean by Moon family?

Dietrech: A Moon family is a 9-month interval. I wrote a book about
it. Actually that is what Lunar Shadows is about. Each and every New
Moon has a Solar Eclipse at the root of its position on the Zodiac.
Around the Zodiac, there are 360 degrees. So every degree that would
have a New Moon or a Solar Eclipse births a First Quarter Moon in 9
months. And the storyline is related. So we look ahead in 9 months
for the First Quarter Moon that is related to this. It would be on the
5th of October. That would bring about the active involvement of
things getting on with matters that are seeded at this time. So this
is a time when things are started. Then 9 months after that, which
would be July of 2020 there would be all the cards on the table.
Everything is out in the open. So any announcements or things to be
uncovered in a big way for election year would be in that July 5th
area of 2020. And then 9 months after that April of 2021. Those would
be all four phases of the Moon: New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full
Moon, and Last Quarter Moon. They all occur near the same spot of the
Zodiac, creating a Moon family.

So there is a storyline that is attached to it. Every month we have a
new storyline that is started with each New Moon. But for instance
next, on the 14th of January there is a First Quarter Moon. We then
would look backward 9 months ago. So that would be in April [2018],
around April 14th 9 months ago there would have been a New Moon, so
that is when that was seeded. And now the First Quarter Moon coming up
would be when you are actively involved in the process of moving
forward with something.

But today it is a Solar Eclipse. And the Solar Eclipse is when the Sun
and the Moon line up with the Earth in a perfect line, almost perfect.
If it were a perfect line it would be a total Eclipse. In this case, it
is a partial Eclipse at 15 degrees of Capricorn. So if you are a
Capricorn and you are looking for a boost you are looking for a new
start, a new job. I think there is a lot of people out there looking
for a new job with the government partial shutdown. Of course, they
probably can’t do that. But what is so exciting about this Solar
Eclipse is that it is attached to Uranus. Uranus has been retrograde
since August. It goes direct tomorrow at 3:26 PM. Uranus is about
sudden abrupt change and anything having to do with things that are
unusual and wacky and innovative and filled with all sorts of progress
based on innovation. But this is about things being filled with
surprises. I think we certainly are kind of used to surprises. There
is likely to be more. And there is likely to be a peculiarity…

Victor: any good surprises in the mix?

Dietrech: We’re hoping. There is always good mixed with the difficult. So
there is a rebelliousness here. I would say with the TSA shut down
pretty much almost…they are not showing up for work. Anybody could
slip through just about anything into an airplane. This is dangerous
with this particular situation. Especially where Uranus is the planet
of rebelliousness and contrariness, indifference, discontent. Very
unique and unusual surprises that are there. But also filled with very
sharp insight so people can see through things. So that the quality of the
Uranus is very good as far as being able to discern the truth. Of
course, it is the truth as you see it. Your truth may not be my truth. So
Uranus is about seeking the truth and shattering the illusions.

What we have following next would be Venus at the very last degrees of
Scorpio. So today Venus is making a quincunx that is a life’s messy
clean it up aspect with Uranus. That is at 9:27 PM. This is a day when
you want to tread very carefully around your friendships. You do not
want to insult anyone. They may take it way too hard. They may be too
sensitive. It might be too difficult for them to recover from any type
of snub or insult or argument or sudden problem. Lots of them having
to do with money. You want to be very careful with your friendships.
And that also goes along with Uranus’ energy. But Venus too has a
focus on friends. We’re having Venus in the sign of Scorpio. Very near
the end of the degree of Scorpio is a good thing because Venus is
never happy in that sign. It is always compromised and it doesn’t
show up in a pretty way. It is unbecoming. So it will change signs on
Monday at 6:19 AM beginning a Green Light period. But I want to
finish up with this Capricorn energy.

The Capricorn Moon sign is going to be extremely stressful throughout
the entire year. Every time the Moon is in Capricorn, it is going to
be doing something fancy with Saturn and Pluto because they are the
characters of the year where they will dominate the entire year. Their
energies come in very, very strong with not just this Eclipse but
especially with the next New Moon that we have. It will be with the
next Capricorn Moon on February 2nd. The Moon will occult Saturn and
Pluto. So that is like an Eclipse with the Moon and the Earth and
everything lining up with the planet Saturn and then with Pluto. This
happens throughout the entire year every time the Moon is in
Capricorn. It is a very big deal. And we are being seeded with all
this Capricorn energy now.

So what we can also see with the Capricorn Moon is that it is void of
course at 1:20 AM when the last aspect of the Moon, while it is in
Capricorn would be to Venus. That would allow for a Green Light that
occurs early in the morning. But then the Moon will change signs on
Monday at 1:46 AM. Then Venus changes signs at 6:17 AM and we begin a
Green Light period then.

Except for the fact that on Tuesday morning there is some very angry
words or difficulties with contracts. I would say sign your contracts
on Tuesday if that is what you plan to do.

Use that Green Light that we have to make your appointments that you
want to forward your goals Tuesday and Wednesday up until 11:52 AM.
The aspect of that Mercury Mars. Mercury will be in Capricorn. Mars is
in Aries now. Restless behavior lots of angry composition to anything
that is formulated to be delivered to others. Otherwise a very mild
day. The Aquarius Moon is there gathering the people. They are joining
together for a united goal.

And then on Wednesday we still have that Aquarius Moon sign. The last
aspect is Moon sextile Uranus. That is very positive. That allows you
to use your abilities to be able to reach out and grab opportunities
that are presented. But you have to take action when there is a
sextile. There are very few good Green Light periods because Uranus is
the planet at the latest point in a sign, which means that everything
that the Moon does going through the Zodiac, it has to make contact
with Uranus. There is something making contact with Uranus on
Wednesday. That is Jupiter at 4:33 PM. It will dominate the entire day
when that Pisces Moon begins on Wednesday at 2:43 PM. So the Jupiter
Uranus is about having an expanded view. That expanded view is used in
a very erratic way. Mars has been dancing with Chiron for a couple of
weeks. It is parallel Chiron on Wednesday. So this one also accesses
some of those old principles, old Moon things about the wounds that
need to be healed.

Thursday we have Sun parallel Pluto. There is also headed into later
on Thursday the Moon and Jupiter are very widely square when the Moon
lines up with Neptune. So that is tying in a Jupiter Neptune aspect
that really doesn’t come up until the 13th. But we are under the
canopy of it now. Very big weather, very large water events take place
with that. It is the type of Moon sign with the Moon in Pisces that
you want to allow for adjustments that you need to make. Some of the
things behind the scenes of Uranus. Like what is going on with the
rebel? What are they up to? What is this characteristic that is trying
to unseat?

And that 30 degree aspect is what is dominating that energy while the
Moon is in Pisces. That is the last aspect it makes at 12:31 AM next
Saturday governing all of Thursday and Friday.

Going back for Friday the Sun is parallel Jupiter. This offers a
boost. It is early in the morning at 12:43 AM on Friday so use it on
Thursday evening, Thursday night. It can definitely be a very lucky
thing that occurs. And then the Sun will line up with Pluto at 6:38
AM. But the Sun parallel Jupiter is considered one of the golden lucky
times. So if you do something to test your luck on Thursday and very
early Friday. So that is pretty much it for the week.

The Green Light that I mentioned that was a Green Light that will
occur on Monday from 6:17 AM right through until 11:52 AM on
Wednesday. Then that is the beginning of a void of course Moon until
2:43 PM. That is it for the week. (55:06 STOP)

*You can join the Sunday class at 12:00 noontime in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: