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Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, January 19, 2019 – Saturday, January 26, 2019
The Following is a transcription of the live radio report.
Good Morning. There is a Lunar Eclipse coming up tomorrow, tomorrow
night. Between tomorrow night and Monday morning the Eclipse is going
to be visible here, if the skies are clear.
What we have for… it is at 10:30 you can start seeing it, if we have
clear skies here, it will begin. This Eclipse is a total Eclipse. It
has its roots in the 2009 Solar Eclipse that happened in July. July 22
of 2009 there was a Solar Eclipse right near this point. So this Lunar
Eclipse is a Metonic cycle family member, where it is 9 and a half
years later. So the Eclipse is in Leo. Zero degrees of Leo. It takes
place exactly at 12:16 AM. It is called a Blood Moon because of the
color of the Moon, when the Eclipse occurs is red. Also it is a Wolf
Moon. That means the wolves are howling at the Moon in the winter
time. They are particularly hungry this time of year.
There should be a lot of things that are associated with it. Things
like last night there was an explosion in Mexico. An illegal oil line
was tapped illegally. It exploded as people were trying to steal the
oil. It killed 66 people and injured many, many more. So things like
that. People getting caught doing things illegally and being exposed.
That is the nature of a Lunar Eclipse, bringing things out into the
open. All the cards are on the table and everything is being explored
and examined.
So this is not the time to hide. But it is the time to show off what
it is you want to put out there. We just need to be sure that there is
enough positive energy to carry things along in the direction where
you want to go. And as Full Moons bring that table of visible
activity. Like if having a show for instance would be very visible
during this time or a playoff game.
Now the playoff game I have some thoughts about it. I have
reservations about the Patriots because of the fact that the Eclipse
is in the sign of Leo and it is the end of a matter. So I think there
could be some serious injury because there is Mars square Saturn in
the Eclipse chart. Which represents broken bones. If it is anything
short of broken bones, it is certainly a dead stop to something.
One of the things we hope to see stop is this shutdown. There is an
announcement that is being made at 3:00 this afternoon where Trump is
going to offer to make a deal to end the shutdown. During that time
the Moon is in the sign of Cancer of the people and the security and
the safety of all those concerned. So we are hoping that there is some
progress there. It looks as if it will take a couple of days probably
until the 22nd before it is finalized. But I had mentioned a couple of
weeks ago I thought that the Lunar Eclipse energy would bring the end
of the shutdown.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
So if we look at what is going on day to day here. The Moon is in
Cancer today and there are a couple of things going on. Venus and
Saturn forms an aspect that is particularly tight. It would be cutting
off any extreme spending. So anything you want to do you also have a
blind spot to deal with, with the Sun and Neptune in an aspect at 5:25
PM. That is very typical when there are storms. That the Sun will be
involved in an aspect with Neptune.
The Moon will also aspect Neptune as well at 10:20 PM tonight. Those
things are setting up the conditions for Sunday’s events. So we are
expecting a pretty big storm around here.
We have the Sun changing signs at 4:00 AM going into Aquarius. That is
tomorrow morning on the 20th of January. The Sun will be in the sign of
Aquarius right up until the 18th of February when it enters Pisces.
The Aquarius Sun sign is one that is particularly focused on the needs
of the people and the perspective of the collective. So we are hoping
there with the Lunar Eclipse also activated at that degree where the
Sun will be in Aquarius, the Moon will be in Leo. That there will be
all the cards on the table and an end to any of the suffering and
anguish around these government problems.
An aspect between Venus and Neptune in the evening occurs at 11:24 PM.
This aspect is about particularly an illusion or a blind spot.
Something that is not particularly healthy for moving forward. That is
tomorrow night at 11:24 PM.
Another thing that occurs is that the Sun will make a semi-square to
Jupiter also tomorrow during that playoff game. So there is a couple
of things that could throw a few curves in odd directions.
Then we have on Monday at 12:16 AM the Eclipse is exact. It will be
visible a whole hour and a half or more before that and right through
another hour and a half or more after that as the Moon pulls away.
So the aspect between Mars and Saturn 6:16 AM. This is a square. This
is a really tough one tied in also with the conjunction that Saturn is
approaching a line up with Pluto. So this is a very hard way to go. It
makes the game extremely hard and it also makes any contracts or deals
very difficult to iron out any of the ragged corners.
Then for Tuesday that Moon is still in Leo. The Moon will also be in
aspect to Mercury before it leaves the sign. That would take us right
up to 7:07 PM and then the Moon is void of course until 10:22 PM on
There are a couple of things before that during the day on Tuesday.
The Sun and Venus are in a parallel, which is about coming together
making agreements. This is the day that appears to me that there is
some type of agreement or some type of breakthrough that would allow
things to move forward. So in regards to the government, and also any
of the blind spots, would be addressed with a Mars and Neptune aspect
as well that will take place.
Mercury will be lined up with the Lunar Node which is about bringing
people together. Everybody is at the table. There are messages and
things going around. It could mean that there are a lot of late night
government meetings. Late night Congress meetings going on with that
aspect. Also when the Mercury is lined up with the Lunar Nodes watch
out for animals on the road. Also, watch out when you open up your door
about your animals bolting out. Especially during a Lunar Eclipse
period, when the high energy of our natures and of animal natures are
so strong that things can be completely unpredictable. Watch children.
You don’t want to leave them to be making their own decisions over
these next few days in particular.
Continue on looking with Tuesday. Tuesday’s last aspect would
give us a little bit of a Green Light period from 7:15 PM until 8:19
PM. Then the Moon is void of course 8:19 PM. So that is a correction
on what I said before.
That 8:19 PM void of course Moon on Tuesday will continue until 10:22
PM when the Moon enters the sign of Virgo.
There are not many Green Lights. That is pretty much the only little
Green Light period. Not much of that for this week.
Then during the Virgo Moon lots of Mercury activity. Mercury is at the
last little couple of minutes while it is in the sign of Capricorn. So
there are things that it is going to do like bump a square with Uranus
early morning Wednesday 6:13 AM. This one is subject to some kind of
erratic messages or computer problems or computer hacking issues.
Then Mercury and Saturn form an aspect of a parallel. The
parallel…these planets are all joined up on the declination strip of
the globe where Saturn. Pluto, Jupiter, and Mercury all piled
up together. So very important information comes through in a very
difficult way and a stern way. And so that stern way reading may be
revealed with the Mercury parallel Saturn on Wednesday.
Then trying to care for the people in a way that is more about the
people would be Mercury in a 60-degree aspect with Ceres which is
about nurturing and caring of people and allowing people to eat and
get their medical services.
Then Mercury goes on to make an aspect to Neptune, then to Jupiter. So
Wednesday is quite the Mercury day. A lot of things are situated to
change, as things may be dropped or things may be lost about those
messages. So you want to back up your computer in a big way. Let’s do
that this weekend. Make sure everything is backed up right through the
23rd when that Mercury is square Uranus. Because Mercury at that last
degree is likely to lose a lot of documents or lose a lot of
Then Mercury changes and goes into Aquarius at 12:50 AM on Thursday.
This helps to retrieve or give you a whole new picture, a whole new
landscape, with information about how that voices the collective
voices are being heard.
So there is an aspect between Mercury and Pluto that occurs, as it is
still part of that little pile-up. Or I should say great big fat pile
up with Jupiter involved, Saturn. Pluto and Mercury. But this helps you
to get the cooperation you need for licenses and medical procedures.
But you want to choose a different day other than Thursday. This could be
the day you want to make your connection.
There is a void of course Moon period that begins at 8:57 PM on Thursday
until 11:02 PM.
Then Friday we have a Libra Moon…actually that begins Thursday night
at 11:02 PM. That Libra Moon will continue right through Friday until Sunday
the 27th at 2:31 AM.
The Libra Moon on Friday has probably less chaos than some of the
other days that we are going to see this week. Ceres will change
signs. She is the grieving mother. She is uplifted by entering
Sagittarius with a broader view and greener pastures hopefully. That
would happen after 1:05 PM. Ceres will be in the sign of Sagittarius
for a while.
And then the Libra Moon sign continues on through Friday night
allowing people to get together share experiences that are more
harmonious and a happier note. That is pretty much it for the week.
Stay safe and we will talk next week.
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time to 2:00 PM in Watertown
and even participate online. People have been joining from all over
the country. If you contact me by phone or email. Go to my website
for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of
the class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
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