Sunday, May 28, 2023

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin May 27 - June 3, 2023 with Green Light Days

 Saturday, May 27, 2023, to Saturday, June 3, 2023
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert
Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM

Green Light times begin Monday at 10:50 AM until 4:22 PM on Wednesday May 31.

The Scorpio Moon has a Green Light after 8:09 AM when the Moon is opposite Uranus on June 2.
The Green Light is very good and continues throughout Friday night.

Hi Victor. There is not a whole lot going on. There is a lot of things that are
creating s. Things to be struck. Pluto is square to the Nodes. It is going to
be hanging out like blocks such as the debt ceiling drama (now resolved as of .
Jupiter is lined up with the Lunar Node. That is today. So that is a bright spot. That
can bring some hope. However, it is making a square to Pluto. That square to
Pluto is a push for things that are deeper and more intense.
So also, what we have this week is an aspect between the Sun and Saturn. The
Sun and Saturn make an aspect tomorrow on the 28th. That is Sunday morning,
early in the morning.
But let's go back over what the Virgo Moon means. There is a First Quarter Moon
today. It is related to a New Moon that we had last August, the end of August
2022. So, the Virgo Moon puts the focus on everyday operations. As well as food,
and maintenance, health matters, and health care providers. There is a desire to
clean the house and get organized. So, this is a strong push for that.
Then we have Jupiter. Trying to get us to go outside and say, forget it all. It is a
holiday weekend, but a lot of people have to work anyway. So, it is a good time to
cooperate with others.
Then also, there is a lot of powers of discrimination with a Virgo Moon. So, you
are not going to buy everything that you hear or do. You are going to be
scrutinizing with your best judgment and being picky actually.

Then what we have is the Libra Moon comes in. The Libra Moon will be with us on
Monday at 10:51 AM. So, we have the whole weekend with that Virgo Moon.
The Sun square Saturn is tomorrow morning at 6:46 AM. That would be with
Saturn at 6° of Pisces and the Sun at 6° of Gemini. So, the Sun square Saturn is a
hard way to go. That feels a lot like an uphill battle for just about everything that
you want to do. So, take it bit by bit. Try not to take the whole thing on all
together. Try to manage your energy level, besides your time. Saturn does rule
Tomorrow on Sunday, Venus and Saturn are making a cranky aspect in the middle
of the night. So, maybe you wake up worried about money. That would be Venus
and Saturn, says there is a shortage. So that should iron itself out as the week
goes on. But the Sun square Saturn, which is early in the morning, will set the
tone for Saturday for Sunday's activity. So, you want to be careful. Your knees
and your teeth are the subject of vulnerability with Sun square Saturn.
Then also the last thing that the Virgo Moon is going to do is make an opposition
to Neptune. That opposition says there is a cloud over your judgment. So, you
should be able to rest your judgment. 5:45 AM a void of Course Moon comes in
with that aspect Moon opposite Neptune.
Then the Moon enters the sign of Libra, which is a better position for the Moon
right now. The Libra Moon is going to be in in a good position where it will make a
nice 120 degree trine to Pluto before it leaves the sign. So that Libra Moon on Monday, from
10:50 AM, throughout the day, all through Tuesday.
A Libra Moon is one that allows us to cooperate with others and establish
partnerships In your activities. You might be hashing out our arguments and
agreements. tending to any legal matters, balancing the scales.
Well, you certainly will not be doing that on Memorial Day around here, I bet. But
people are more open to social activity when the Moon is in Libra. Matters of
marriage, and ideas about marriage could surface. If you are involved with others
for a period of time, there could be a sense of indecisiveness, which stands in the
way of progress. Watch for any indicators that there might be business mergers.
There is peace at all costs. So, I'm hoping that this will allow for some peace.
Quiet times over in the Ukraine with the war over there.

For Tuesday that Libra Moon is making an aspect. Particularly to Mercury in the
afternoon where something out of the blue comes your way. There is a message
out of the blue. Information out of the blue that you may feel you must respond
It is a Green Light from 10:50 AM Monday, until Wednesday at 4:22 PM during
that whole sign of Libra.
Then what we have during the Libra Moon on Wednesday is a sense of calming.
Cooperating with others. Particularly being aligned with people that are like
minded. There is on Wednesday a Moon sign change after a Void of Course Moon
period at 4:22 PM until the Moon enters Scorpio at 7:44 PM. The Scorpio Moon
would then be with us throughout the rest of the week.
The Scorpio Moon has also a Green Light, if you want to take advantage of that.
But Thursday, June 1st has quincunx energy. The 150 degree quincunx is life's messy clean it up. It
is Mars and Saturn that are quincunx. That is a big deal. So that is activity and
structure are bouncing around. There could be something that makes for a
difficult change. A difficult effort to make change.
Also with that Scorpio Moon, the Sun and the Moon are in a quincunx formation
as well.
So, a lot of topics about what you are doing for work. If you are looking for new
work, maybe you find some work on Thursday or Friday. Better on Friday.
Then that Scorpio Moon is still having a Green Light through Thursday, and
through Friday. All the way through Friday.
The Moon however, right in the morning, here on the east coast at 8:09 AM. The
Moon is opposite Uranus. So that is a quirky energy. It wants to bring some
awareness and alertness, some truth out, some information out.
Then throughout the day later in the day, Venus is trine Neptune. So, this one is
dreamy. It could be rather emotional. It could be seeking some entertainment on
Friday. Nice company to keep.
Also, that Scorpio Moon is with us. Up until early, early in the morning on
Saturday. So that would be on June 3rd. So that is, it for the week.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin May 20 - 27m 2023 with Green Light Days.


Saturday, May 20, 2023, to Saturday, May 27, 2023


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


Well, we had a really cool New Moon yesterday. That was at the 28th degree of Taurus and Jupiter had just entered into the sign of Taurus. So, they kind of bookends. That was an uplifting kind of energy. Getting things going. Opening doors. Getting the ball rolling in areas that possibly have been stumped for a long time. The New Moon occurred at 11:53 AM yesterday. There is not another Moon phase until next Saturday when during the Virgo Moon.

So, for this week, we have several things that are going to be important. Mars is going to change signs for one. Then the Sun will enter Gemini.

On Sunday, we have the aspects between Mars and Pluto. That is going to happen tonight at 11:12 PM. This is rather extreme in its presentation. It could be bossy and controlling and difficult to manage when others are trying to run the show. Maybe you just want to step aside and let that happen. Jupiter plays into this also making it a bigger than life aspect.

Mars and Pluto opposition and Jupiter play with that on Tuesday. So, holding that pattern for the next several days is going to make it filled with awkwardness and intention that is aggressive. If there are armies trying to advance this is definitely an advancement kind of thing going on with troops.

Also, campaigns and things like that rev up their plans for their future ahead as well. So, Mars is changing signs this morning at 11:31 AM. Goes into Leo and it is a really bossy tone. When it does this it is focused on the show. Like putting on the show. Running the show. Having others show up for you. It is very difficult to be able to challenge, to be an individual with that Mars in Leo. Against the tide so to speak.

So, what we have then tomorrow under the Gemini Moon is the Sun will enter the sign of Gemini at 3:09 AM. It is a talkative sign. It is a travel about. You want to make plans to move through here and there visiting with friends and relatives. Very talkative sign gathering information, transferring information, and files.

Maybe there is something about your computers. That you need to update your programs in there. I had to replace my computer. It is still in the process of getting properly up and running.

So that Sun in Gemini. One of the first things that it does is make a trine to Pluto. So that is in agreement with a very heavy domineering planet Pluto. That is at 9:58 AM tomorrow.

Then on Monday the Moon by that time is in Cancer. Which happens really Sunday night at 11:28 PM. The Cancer Moon is with us on Monday, Tuesday, and mid-morning Wednesday. The Cancer Moon sees a nice aspect between the Sun and Mars, which is rather busy, direct, and filled with high energy. So, if you have been waiting to get things moving and off the ground, that is a good time to see that get started. That New Moon has developed enough of its appearance to be able to show you the way to move forward.

Then, the next day on Tuesday, the 23rd Mars is squaring Jupiter. That is at 1:13 AM. So that means that Monday night the influence of Mars and Jupiter is very strong at that point. So, this is a real swing. Breaking step with others, and then trying to go out on your own. There is also a desire to travel to move, move around in areas that you are not familiar with.

That Cancer Moon is there also on Wednesday. The primary thing on Wednesday, is when the Moon aligns with Mars at 3:21 PM. This could be aggressive and mentally active. You could probably see a change in mood. The Cancer Moon is really focused on family, people that are close to you, and insiders. If you are invited somewhere to a party, a barbecue, or anything like that, it means you are an honored guest. You are an insider. So, you may want to take up any of those invitations.

The Leo Moon comes in at 10:35 AM. That is on Wednesday, mid-morning. The Leo Moon heads for a couple of things. None of which are as big a deal as Mars opposite Pluto that is then square Jupiter. That will be part of our lives today, tomorrow, right through till Tuesday through Tuesday. So, then things may feel like they calmed down a bit with that Leo Moon. The Leo Moon’s last aspect is going to be a quincunx to Neptune. Which says there is some confusion. You might be off guard. You might be off your point. It may feel like it is rather musical or poetic. Or you could have some insights that are more on the spiritual side. The Leo Moon is showier out there in the open.

For Friday we have this Virgo Moon coming in at 11:05 PM. There is earlier in the day, Venus and Uranus are making an aspect. Where it is very friendly. It wants to gather friends together. People join in common places, doing things like sharing food. Also sharing a sort of a concert experience and any kind of cultural experiences.

But friendship is the focus for Thursday and Friday. In particular, Friday is the 26th.

We have as far as Green Lights go. The Green Light would be in during the Cancer Moon. The Cancer Moon starting today. The 20th, today. Tomorrow rather, the 21st at 11:28 PM. Gives us a Green Light through Monday and Tuesday up until 5:11 AM on Wednesday. So that is the best Green Light period to advance your goals if you like.

The other days when the Moon is in Gemini, are not so good. There is a lot of talk and not much action or a good direction as well as not a lot of good action to move forward.

The Leo Moon that comes in on Wednesday looks as if it is confused. You can probably see where that is off track. It is gaining guidance from people who do not know as much as you do. So, you want to be highly selective when asking for guidance.

There would be a shift, a change in energy on Friday 11:04 PM when the Moon enters Virgo. Virgo is more practical. Gets down to what the work is, and what is the task at hand. You may feel more like working during that Virgo Moon. Where it is the weekend, it might be outdoor work. So that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can also call me at 617-558-7233. The report will be transcribed by Kimberly over the weekend and posted on my website at You can listen to it again. It is archived to WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] for two weeks. Okay. that is, it for the week.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin May 13 2023 & Green Light days.


Saturday, May 13, 2023, to Saturday, May 20, 2023


Email: The phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


Good morning, Victor. We are excited about Mercury turning direct tomorrow. It is a really interesting thing, where it kind of links up with Jupiter. The two of them both have a relationship with 15° of Taurus. This is a very active degree. It ties into sort of the World Axis and the Aries Point. So, what we have with the Mercury Direct station is a lot of our thinking gets turned around. all sorts of problems with the Mercury Retrograde. I had to replace my computer. All kinds of things are difficult. If you have not been paying attention to what your car has been saying, you probably should. Mercury will have a hold on probably the rest of the week.

But the big piece of this week, big news is going to be Jupiter will enter the sign of Taurus. That is on Tuesday. When it does that, it will link up with all sorts of configurations. So, it is a really big deal. It is going to square Pluto. That is not an easy thing for us to deal with. It is a very difficult aspect. It wants to force things. Nothing wants to go the way that public opinion is. It is a stubborn, persistent aspect. So, if you are someone who digs their heels in, this is your time. You are on stage. Kick your heels in.

This aspect also ties up with Mars and Neptune. That also will be making an aspect this weekend, this week, which will be on Monday. That has to do with a lot of power of belief and ideological success. I hope it is not some aggression that is attached to religious ideas. So, you want to be careful about where you go and who you are hanging out with, and all that sort of thing. Because there is a whole bunch of excess going on.

The Moon signs this week will travel from Pisces. That is today and tomorrow is Pisces Moon sign as well. Monday, the Moon will enter the sign of Aries all throughout the day, and Tuesday as well. Wednesday, the Moon is in Aries until 8:27 AM.

Then it enters Taurus until Friday. That Friday, Taurus Moon will be hosting the New Moon that we have almost at noon time on Friday. Then the Moon will enter Gemini, later on in the afternoon. So, we have a lot of activity. A lot of signs that are being visited. We can also expect, where information has been held back, probably it will be released. If you have been waiting to get an answer about maybe an application or some type of travel plan. There could be things that you look for. Also clues what may come up in the fall months.

That is because of where Mercury stops. That is at 5° almost 6° of Taurus. There is a lunar Eclipse there in October. So, we are definitely holding on to this particular timeframe for what is coming up in October. So, you want to kind of plan around that half a year making the rounds. Also connecting with people that you would ordinarily be seeing in the fall. Maybe it has to do with school schedules.

At any rate, let us look at what we have for today's Pisces Moon. Venus is trine Saturn. They will make a connect to that Mercury Retrograde as well. So, Venus trine Saturn has us thinking about or acting upon things that feel connected in a solid way. We want people that are familiar around us. We want to possibly keep people close to us that we are fond of. Mercury will help to introduce you to new people, as well.

The Moon is conjunct Saturn today. That is at 11:11 AM. That one, I do not know, may curb your appetite. Also, may help you to get some work done.

Mercury and Vesta, which is about the investor. They join up in a parallel. So that there is some thinking about property and how you can save for a home or pay off some bills.

Then the Pisces Moon continues right through until through Sunday.

There is a nice aspect to between the Sun and the Moon at 5:16 PM. This one allows you to have some sense of harmony. Look for opportunities that are available in your day. That will bring to a conclusion before Mercury turns direct at 11:16 PM. That Pisces Moon will welcome the Mercury direct station in Taurus. So, we are happy that that is happening. There is a Void of Course Moon from 11:16 PM on Sunday night until 3:55 AM. That is when the Moon will enter Aries. The Aries Moon has a green light attached to it. However, we have to wait until after Jupiter enters into Taurus because your plants could get dropped, if you do something or take action before Jupiter makes that change. Jupiter is going to be very persistent in Taurus. It is looking for abundance and strong desires. It is looking for the best teacher that you can find. It is loyal when it is in the sign of Taurus. It is quite the big deal.

The Moon will be aligned with Chiron, which is called the wounded healer. But it also is about tapping into the psyche. Getting to the bottom of major issues. There are many issues, financial and other things as well. Great for gardening, and also for gathering with family members that you have not seen maybe in 12 years. That is how long it takes for Jupiter to go around the Zodiac and come back to Taurus.

Then that Aries Moon will continue through Tuesday into Wednesday. Jupiter makes an aspect to Saturn on Wednesday. So, there is a social event or social integration type of thing that takes place with Jupiter Saturn aspect. The Void of Course Moon for the Aries Moon is at 6:42 AM until 8:27 AM.

Then the Moon enters Taurus. That is usually a calmer sign. Things calm down, if things have been overly active during the Aries Moon. Then it is time to search for all the right people to get things, make things right. Maybe there will be wild weather or something. Of course, there will be somewhere on the globe.

Mars also on… What day are we on here? On Wednesday, Mars will be at 29° of Cancer. So that means it is going to be getting ready to change signs. When it is doing that at the 29th degree, it is anxious. It is irritated. The sign of Cancer is about family and about babies. Maybe it is about making babies. Also, that Jupiter square Pluto comes in on Wednesday at 9:10 PM. It is the 18th, May 18th. Happy Birthday Mary Butler.

But Jupiter and Pluto square. It is about a standoff, tension, stubbornness. No compromise. So, what we can also expect is a lot of people being held back from their travel plans as well. The Sun and Neptune on Thursday, they make a 60° aspect bringing an opportunity to expand your intuition. Or try to open up your links, your avenues towards people that can be helpful. It is also very artistic and musical, dancing. With the Taurus Moon it is actually a very nice aspect. Making Thursday, looking like a pleasant day.

Mercury and Jupiter are forming a parallel. This is something also that will govern the day. I think it all points to the Eclipses that are coming up as well in the fall.

Thursday, what we have for the end of the day is Moon conjunct Uranus. Sudden abrupt change 7:28 PM. So, if you want to, stay in place so that you are not caught up in some sort of traffic jam or something like that.

Friday, the Taurus Moon is still with us. Mercury and Saturn are thinking in the right direction. Trying to form ideas that will make plans for the future, now that Mercury by that time is good and direct.

There is the New Moon. It is at 28° of Taurus, 11:53 AM Friday. The New Moon has to do with new beginnings and does not necessarily mean that you want to start up a new relationship. You want to put some distance between the Sun and the Moon when you are engaging with others on a permanent level. The Moon is also making touchdown with Mars. So, it is saying that Mars is cranky. Mars is about to change signs. So, hold on to your seats for that one. That is at 1:50 PM. That is the last thing that the Taurus Moon does before the Moon will enter Gemini, 2:47 PM. The Gemini Moon will be with us through the weekend.

For the evening, if you have plans on Friday evening, Looks like you have many things that you could start out to do; but then change your mind because Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. That is two or more directions, two or more ways of doing things. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at also, you can see it transcribed, thank you Kimberly Chin. Also, on my website at And I want to give you my phone number 617-558-7233. And Hi out there to Julie and Victor, and away we go. Okay.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: