Saturday, May 6, 2023, to Saturday, May 13, 2023
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM
Good morning, Victor. Well, we got through the Lunar Eclipse. Oh, boy. So many of us had such a hard time with that. A good reason why; it was in the most intense sign of Scorpio. It was a repeat of the lunar eclipse from last November. It was November 8th. We have one last eclipse that touches Scorpio with the Taurus Lunar Eclipse when the Sun in Scorpio. That is coming up October 28th. So, you might want to plan ahead for some more of that heavy duty energy.
The Moon today is still in Scorpio. That would be until 4:03 PM when the Moon will enter Sagittarius and lighten up the mood. So that is what we need, is a lighter mood. What we have with the Sagittarius Moon is actually a Green Light. That Green Light is going to go through Monday at 7:33 PM.
The Sagittarius Moon is in pretty good shape. Venus is going to change signs. That going in on Sunday to Cancer. This may bring about a focus on family energy and your need for security, and how you can relate better with your family.
The Sagittarius Moon arrives at 4:03. It will turn into Capricorn on Monday and run through Wednesday. The Aquarius Moon comes in on Wednesday evening 10:05 PM. This is the sign of friendship. Also, there is going to be a Last Quarter Moon in the sign of Aquarius. That will be on Friday. So, it is a busy week, but nothing like what we have had.
Mercury continues to be retrograde until the 14th of May. Also know that there is a Green Light today from 4:03 PM until Monday at 4:27 PM. So that is a good period to move forward with your goals.
So, for the rest of today, that Scorpio, the last aspect it is going to make is a quincunx to Venus. That is life's messy, clean it up. That is about your money. It is also about your relationships. Venus is in Gemini. So, it is talking a lot about what is going on. But it does not necessarily have a stronghold on that sign when it changes signs on Sunday, at 10:24 AM. It gets a little more connected to the things that are important and close to the heart, when Venus is in the sign of Cancer.
So back for today, under the Scorpio Moon, Ceres will turn direct, today at 3:27 PM. That is the small planet, which rules food and farming and parenting. It also rules all the topics about abortion rights. So, turning direct today may have some influence moving forward for many months. So, it leaves an opportunity to make changes.
The Sagittarius Moon comes in at 4:03 PM. One of the first things it does is make a 60 ° aspect to Pluto. It hangs in there this afternoon, from 4:41 to 4:48. So that is a little bit intense. But it allows you to join with others, and have some type of connection that is on a deeper level. This does not necessarily mean that it is difficult. It just means that it is a deeper connection, a willingness to connect with others.
The rest of the Sagittarius Moon sign for today, links up to Mars. That is later in the night. 9:19 PM. That gives you more energy to go out and have more fun tonight, if you like.
Then the next thing on Sunday is the Moon square Saturn. So that is a little bit of a sort of a serious strategic thinking. You may want to just sleep that one out. Then the Moon is quincunx Mercury early tomorrow. Yeah, early tomorrow morning. This one is talking about making changes. Whether it does or not, is maybe changes about things in the past. Venus changes signs, goes into Cancer 10:24 AM. This may add to some nice exchanges with family members.
There is an aspect though, between Venus and Plut at 6:10 PM. This one indicates a fading relationship. Just sort of fades away with that one.
Moon is quincunx the Sun 9:49 PM. That signals the end of this Lunar Eclipse period.
Monday, the Sun and Uranus are parallel. This has to do with anything that is innovative, and high thinking, and high minded. It keeps your mind on the job. It is also about magnetism. A lot of original ideas. Put your creative ideas into action. It is rebellious as well. So that that aspect would continue right through until the actual conjunction of the Sun conjunct Uranus Tuesday at 3:55 PM. This will get that aspect to hold on right through most of the week through Thursday. So, it is a long one.
Then during that Capricorn Moon that starts at 7:32 PM Monday, we have an opportunity to conduct some business. Moon is trine that retrograde Mercury at 7:27 AM on Tuesday.
Then for Wednesday's Capricorn Moon, the Moon does a couple of nice things. It makes a trine to Uranus, and then a trine to the Sun. So, this also is allowing for some harmony in a time when there is some difficulty, with that Capricorn Moon. Especially Moon opposite Mars on Wednesday at 12:37 PM. This is not agreeable. People are not cooperating. So, you may want to take a lunch by yourself. Also reflect back to the summer of 2019. That is when the COVID virus started in in Asia. It didn't reach us until about three months later. But its start was anchored in that period of the summer of 2019.
A Capricorn Moon is still with us and going into the evening of May 10th at 7:52 PM. The last thing it does is square Jupiter. So that basically is saying, no I do not want to hear what you are saying. I do not want to go where you want to go. Also, if you have some sort of business plan, it is not a good time to present anything on Wednesday.
The Moon enters Aquarius 10:05 PM, on Wednesday, which travels right through Saturday.
The Moon will align with Pluto when it goes into Aquarius. That helps to join with other people as well.
Then we have Moon square Mercury. This is at 8:44 AM Thursday. So, this is another disagreeable aspect that we can try and wait until that passes before taking any action. Now, there is a Green Light for that Aquarius Moon sign. That will last from 10:05 PM on Thursday until 11:15 PM on Friday night.
The Aquarius Moon sign is looking forward to Mercury and Saturn forming an aspect. That allows for good judgment, so we may plan ahead. The Moon is square the Sun for an action day, where you are able to collect what is owed you. You also can find the funds to pay your debts.
Then Friday, going into the evening is a couple of quirky aspects. At 5:12 PM the Moon is quincunx Mars. This may not be a happy spot. Again, Mars acts up and is disagreeable. You want to steer clear of anyone who has a temper or an angry agenda. Mercury and Venus however make a nice aspect at 10:43 PM. Allowing that evening to be sweet and nice and agreeable with others. So, if it is date night, that is a good aspect to have.
The last aspect of the Aquarius Moon is sextile Jupiter. That 60° that is a good one. That is when you are able to connect with others on a philosophical level. Also make plans to travel if you like. That Green Light just goes right through Thursday and Friday.
You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also play it again on WZBC 90.3 [FM Boston Massachusetts] in their archive. You can find a copy of this once again, on my website. Give me a call about a class or consultation. Dietrech Pessin here at 617-558-7233. That is, it for the week.
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