Saturday, October 31, 2015

Astrology Report Oct 31 - Nov 7, 2015 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Green Light periods are good period to elect times for your important intentions or goals. These times are likely to attract a positive outcome. The day/time however does not bring a good feeling or all good events. It is specifically for selecting the best time to advance your goals on a given day that attracts the best results.

Green Light Days this week are:
During this Leo Moon a Green Light period begins after the Last Quarter Moon on Tuesday at 7:24 AM through Wednesday at 7:34 PM. Use this time to clean up old matters by paying a debt or collecting money owed to you.

The best is during the Virgo Moon sign. It begins a Green Light period Wednesday November 4, after 9:22 P through Saturday November 7 at 7:47 AM. This Virgo Moon will make its final aspect conjunct Venus. Use this time to nurture your work relationships. Remember those whom have helped you in the past and show your appreciation. If you are planning to advance a work project this is your opportunity. If your goals concern health matters book appointments on this day to improve your results. For food preparation and home improvements you can find your frugal approach finds the best deals and excellent choices for practical settings.

by Dietrech Pessin

Report Period: Oct 31 2015 to Nov 8 2015, Time Zone EDT +4:00

November 1, 2015 at 2:00 AM set clocks back one hour.
Saturday October 31, 2015 – The Moon is in Cancer over the weekend and chases Mercury with an issue perhaps concerning family matters which impact the balance that open communication in relationships, but Mercury (the connector) leaves before that conversation can happen. Mercury doesn’t leave until Monday morning but the Moon (your feelings) could get hurt.
In the evening the Moon is trine the Sun. This leads to a pleasant Halloween. Enjoy.

Sunday November 1, 2015. The Cancer Moon has an intuitive response to its surroundings with the support of Mercury and Neptune in a powerful parallel alignment. With meditation and prayer you have the best chance to connect the dots of your dreams.

Exact Nov 1 2015
Brief description: The principals of Mercury and Neptune join as a team to send a message that may stick longer than is necessary. Some information may contain stories about alcohol or drug abuse or matters that have been hidden in the closet for a long time. On the good side this aspect can be very poetic and creative with a strong imagination. Musical composition or performances could be enhanced with this aspect.
Animals may slip out of your sight. Children may also be illusive.
For personal use: Be truthful above all. This is related to the liars aspect and the temptation is strong to embellish or cover-up.
For business use: If you can't be clear and out in the open- do not commit.
Monday November 2, 2015. The Cancer Moon sees Mercury change signs at 2:06 AM. Mercury runs off into Scorpio for the next three weeks. In Scorpio, Mercury is pensive and processing information deeply. He is looking into matters with inquiry and research. It’s time to consider the types of information you are using. Maybe you can save some money by cutting out waste.
At 10:47 AM the Moon enters Leo. The Leo Moon is in great shape. Nothing to hold it back. A little squabble may emerge when the Moon is square Mercury at 12:06 PM.
This is an excellent day to advance your goals.
With the open heart of Leo a symbol of love is marked by the alignment of Venus and Mars on Monday. This is the beginning of something that could be romantic but bases its value on shared efforts. There is a quite a bit of passion while the pair are in Virgo but they are very picky about who they pair with and good health and hygiene is insisted.
Venus and Mars will conjunct three times in Virgo: November 2015; October 2017 and August 2019 before moving the conjunction moves to the sign of Leo in 2021. Apparently we have something to learn about cooperation with others. Using our skills as a magnetic tool for attraction and paring with those whom we resonate most.


Brief Description: Mercury in Scorpio adds intensity to the thinking process. The need for the facts and deeper levels of information are initiated by research and probing into files, systems and the psyche. There is need to know and learn from feelings. Communications are likely to be more powerful and can be threatening in their delivery. Sweet talking is replaced with manipulation as a communication tactic. An increase of sexual material, communication and thinking occurs with Mercury in Scorpio. A tendency toward obsessive thinking is more likely.
For Personal use: This is a good time to begin deeper personal investigation.
For Business: Researchers will be able to dig into projects.

MOON ENTERING LEO Nov 2 2015 10:48 AM until 9:22 PM Wednesday.
A Leo Moon can bring sunny and cheerful moods, but this can be a demanding couple of days for your business and personal life. This is a time for "the show" or a presentation. Issues in various areas of life can be showy in nature and then the spot light is waiting for the "show off". At times if negative aspects occur there can be an abundance of arrogance with a stubborn streak. On a positive note it can be a time when your confidence is up and you are able to stay on track with a goal in mind. Pride may become an asset or liability. These couple of days work best if your express your love and appreciation for those around you and remembering to offer praise. Your generosity can be contagious as enthusiasm inspires an air of good will. It is a time when your actions are closely scrutinized as if on stage. Making every effort to be well informed and prepared in all around activities even if today is not show time, as the Leo energy may not be forgiving of faux pas. This is a good time for having interaction with children or investing time in your creative projects or anything you might consider your "baby". The children in your life are a source of joy but may need your undivided attention. Maintain a balance for love given and received. If you love it, then show it. Plant nothing since it is the most barren. Good time to tidy the garden for show. If you are a Leo, matters tend to go your way.

VENUS CONJUNCTION MARS Exact Nov 2 2015 8:10:05 PM Venus conjunct Mars in Virgo. The beginning of a two year cycle hen the heart is open to coupling. lovers. Love and romantic activity can exists in the workspace. Physical attraction with passion can be ignited. Driven toward pleasure and desire for acquisition. Money matters are active and funds may flow more freely. There is an ability to earn. Creative ventures. To decorate or enhance appearances in the most practical form. Settle with the past and leave the slate clean for new loves and creative possibilities to come your way. This could be money day.
Venus and Mars will conjunct three times in Virgo: November 2015; October 2017 and August 2019 before moving the conjunction moves to the sign of Leo in 2021. Apparently we have something to learn about cooperation with others. Using our skills as a magnetic tool for attraction and paring with those whom we resonate most.

Tuesday November 3, 2015. The Moon is in Leo and see a Last Quarter Moon at 7:24 AM.

Nov 3 2015 7:23:50 AM Last Quarter Moon 10º Leo 45'. This Moon phase reaches back to a New Moon which headed this Moon family on August 6, 2013. A first quarter Moon got the ball rolling May 6, 2014 and all the cards were on the table in regards to these matters by Feb 3, 2015 when a full Moon brought all the significant players out in the open. Here we are at at time when the most important matters are a show of executive abilities. If you are planning to present an important piece of your work Tueday may be productive for engaging the most serious side of these matters. If you are seeking funding the check may be in the mail. IF you need to clear up a debt this is a perfect day to do so.

Brief description: The may be an abundance of information outlining problems that are difficult to access or resolve. Health issues take precedence and other pressing matters build up. An overload causes breakdowns. Travel may be complicated. Outreach and advertising projects could use rewriting. The position may show information pointing to problems that are difficult to access with creative pursuits, children, speculation or gambling. Information seems out range or has an irresponsible tone or message. Those claiming to "know it all" may run into conflicts. Statements may be over inflated.
For personal use: Create a priority list.
For business use: Outreach and advertising projects could use rewriting.

Wednesday November 4, 2015. The Moon is in Leo and void of course after a split parallel to Neptune at 4:34 PM. This can be a good day to advance your goals but you may be asked to compromise more than you have bargained for. The best days to advance are during the Virgo Moon sign beginning after 9:22 PM.

Brief description: Information is gathered in secret from those in a position of authority. Instructions are passed on from the head of family. To become aware of a more serious intention. Reading more serious material or viewing films with a serious message.
For personal use: Take your time with important decisions.
For business use: Use editors and proof readers before signing anything.

MOON ENTERING VIRGO at 9:22 PM Nov 4 2015
The Virgo Moon is a very busy time. It is a focused on details, a specific task, or on people at work. It is a great couple of days to clean up and organize your home and work setting. You may be inclined to put your energy into healthy food and good cooking. Virgo Moons actually hold a considerable amount of sexual intrigue especially when working with others. People become more detail-oriented and conscious of schedules. There may be a need to prioritize and set a daily routine in motion. This could be a good time to schedule health maintenance appointments. Due to Virgo's highly analytical energy is a great time for psychotherapy. Any type of bodywork and all forms of self-help are positive uses for a Virgo Moon. This is the sign of the perfectionist, which comes in handy for tasks but disturbs the balance of interpersonal relationships. This is a very good time for planting or harvesting herbs, corn and grains. If you are a Virgo, matters tend to go your way.

Thursday November 5, 2015 –The Moon is in Virgo. This is a Green Light Day. Expect anything to happen however with the huge energy of Jupiter quincunx Uranus. Combine that swift change with the Sun 60º to Pluto and the earth might be turned over with a big event. You may plan on it for something big in your own life.

Brief description: This is a time of sweeping change to allow room for the new. There may be adjustments needed in your thinking as well as that of the collective consciousness. It becomes obvious that the status quo cannot withstand the new direction taking without modernizing. Technology may undergo an adjustment period, as updating may be required. A new path can be laid out. This may be a disruptive time with too many changes at once. An abundance of Uranus' chaotic characteristic. Things clang and bang, slip and flip. Technology runs-a-muck and plans switch. The good part of this is the spontaneity for a wide range of applications. Genius thinking. The benefits of invention
For personal use: Go with the flow as much as you can but take action based on new information or new settings. It all in the way you look at it.
For business use: Plan to be disrupted in some way but the new systems set in place are likely to be more efficient.

SUN SEXTILE PLUTO 11:01 PM Exact Nov 5 2015
Brief description: An obvious need to build bridges and engage with people in a position of power to assist in serious matters in your life or in the world at large. A formidable plan with determination and decisiveness. A deep revelation that supports inner and outer progress on both a personal level and how one relates to his greater surroundings. Methods for gaining control over matters that seemed larger than life. Strong sexual desires and body language. The premise for trust and deeper sharing. Open access to financial assistance.
For personal use: Seek the assistance of an expert with cathartic change.
For business use: Check your material and move forward well preparation to success.
Friday November 6, 2015 – The Moon is in Virgo for another Green Light Day.

MERCURY TRINE NEPTUNE Exact Nov 6 2015 at 8:39 AM Intuitive information regarding thinking and automatic response. A natural mode for mirroring another's behavior. Creative use of imagination, music, poetry and motion. Abundance of subtleties. Artistic vision.
For Personal use: Decisions based on psychic and intuitive information are an option but check-in with the facts.
For business: Harmony between mental and intuitive processes. Smooth sailing. Pleasant contacts that may or may not yield desired objectives.
Saturday November 7, 2015The Moon is in Virgo and void of course at 7:47 AM when the Moon is conjunct Venus. The void Moon lasts until the Moon enters Libra at 10:14 AM. It will be in Libra until Monday at 11:02 PM.

MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER CONJUNCTION VENUS and lasts until 10:14 am. Nov 7 2015

MOON ENTERING LIBRA 10:14 AM until Monday November 9 at 11:02 PM.
Nov 7 2015
For the past couple of years and a more months yet to come the Moon faces off with erratic Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration is disruptive and unforgiving when changes are resisted or blocked. Go with the flow and learn about new cultures and embrace the differences. The divide between people could move closer.
Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner and merges with agreement and peacemaking.
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of these corner signs and sparks will fly as the T-square is sparked and awakened.
Push forward, motivate and move forward to conquer anything that has been holding you back. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this six months.

Ordinarily when the Moon is in Libra, people are more likely to cooperate or establish partnership to accomplish their goals. Activities such as hashing out agreements, tending to legal matters, and balancing the scales in all areas are Libra's territory. People are more open to social activity and are more likely to seek companionship. Matters of marriage, or the marriage of ideas, are brought to the surface. There can be indecisiveness which stands in the way of progress; however, the right decision is likely to follow. Watch for business mergers. The ultimate Libra goal is "peace". If you are a Libra, matters tend to go your way.

Venus in Libra until December 8, 2015.
Venus the love goddess is the ruling planet of the sign of Libra and ruling matters of marriage, divorce and all facets of partnership. Of course when in Taurus Venus also maintains a rulership over money and all moveable possessions. However over these next few weeks she can focus her energy on peace, compromise and negotiations which are also her primary functions especially while in the sign of Libra. This may be a highly creative period that may take a sharp turn when Venus opposes Uranus November 23, 2015. Venus travels through Libra from Nov 8 – Dec 8 2015. This can be a period enhanced by social interactions or those with abrupt disruption to friendship and close personal relationships.

In November areas of world peace, the U.S. presidential campaign or personal relationships may take a disruptive turn as Venus begins her transit through Libra. The stage is set for the activist, politician or partner to be planning a platform event when Venus' forms an upsetting opposition to Uranus by November 23rd. A key character may leave or be asked to drop out as a team player when it becomes obvious of perhaps a financial discrepancy or they may have underestimated the intelligence of the public. The focus could be centered on an important female or a beautiful meeting place or wedding may be involved in the disruption. On a personal level, relationships may abruptly change. Summary: Close ties, cliques and family relationships may dictate the greatest impact on the outcome of affairs ruled by Venus. The last aspect Venus forms while in the sign of Libra is a square to Saturn. The possibilities do not bode well for those trying to force their way across well-established lines. Even the inside tract experiences difficulties as someone important to the success of operations is greatly dissatisfied. The disgruntled condition can cause resignation or termination in certain positions. Beware of money matters conducted during this period as they may end with litigation.

For personal use: Compromise only when it's the best choice. Keep your focus on what is the important factor in your personal relationships.
For business use: Use this time to develop skills for understanding and compromise. Keep the larger picture in mind. Cut loose dead weight.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Astrology Report for October 24 -31 2015 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days.

A Green Light period is best after 6:59 PM Sunday 11:47 AM Monday for contracts but most activities are in very good standing all day Sunday. On Tuesday Green Light period begins 2:07 AM Tuesday until 11:20 AM Wednesday but best after Venus 150º Uranus. Green Light 4:48 PM Friday until 10:52 PM. There is a Full Moon on Tuesday at 8:06 AM in Taurus. It is a very important full moon as it is in the Moon family headed by a Solar Eclipse from April 29, 2014. At this time you may apply a deadline or have a show, family dinner or a final payment of a large money matter.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
The Moon is in Pisces and appearing to be angry. Hurricane Patricia has lost its power but not before causing havoc in Mexico. There are a few points to pass during this Moon sign before you can clear the air. The Moon opposite Mars was the final aspect which leaves a free floating Moon through the rest of the sign of Pisces today. You may land in a different place than what you expect during the remaining hours on Saturday. Use compassion and kindness when dealing with others less fortunate.

"12:21:58 AM Mars 150º Uranus. This aspect can be expressed as ""necessity is the mother of invention"". High tech at its height. Noise. Outburst and rebellious behavior. Highly charged issues could ignite without warning. High blood pressure. Erratic physical vital statistic. Physical pressures need to release.
For personal use: Blow off steam in a safe environment with harming others.
For business use: Funnel this energy into a new method for technology.
"3:51:15 AM Talking about money and details needed for travel. Windy and wet conditions. Effort needed to clear matters up with details around work. A time for education and expanded information.
For personal use: Brainstorm with like minded people. Long chats are likely.
For business use: Ideas for partnership and growth, both financial and personal are possible.

7:18:01 AM Moon opposite Mars is the Moon's final aspect in Pisces.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
2:21:34 AM Moon enters Aries Sunday until 2:07 AM Tuesday.

4:58:00 AM Moon quincunx the Sun. This aspect can bring about a sudden mess that demands your attention.

"4:03:07 PM Venus conjunct Jupiter. This can bring an overindulgence of generosity and friendliness. Cushy, comfortable settings with beautiful surroundings. Social settings are styled in grand displays. This aspect brings easy going, lazy and happy attitudes.
For personal use: Travel to beautiful places and visit nice people. Enjoy and indulge
Can be used for in business: Have a party. Celebrate a good event and relax. "

6:59:21 PM Sunday Mercury opposite Uranus. This aspect cuts off agreement abruptly. Your information may change too quickly for you to recoup any damages.

11:27:36 PM Moon square Pluto. Leave the power struggle to the control freaks.

"11:34:41 PM Venus parallel Mars. Men and women socialize. The ability to connect in a social setting. People in general are more sociable. The presence of both opportunity and desire for romance and sex. A love thing. Can be motivated to shop. Flow of money. Motivation toward acquisition. Opposites attract. Opposites are brought together for a singular purpose. Partnering. Close bonding and involvement with those attracted to one another for friendship, business or romance. Good match for love and money matters.
For personal: Take someone along to find what you are looking for or go to a party.
For business: If all other aspects are favorable this could bring about a good partnership. May be a profitable money day. "
Monday, October 26, 2015
12:30:57 AM
1:42:36 AM
"2:39:21 AM Mercury 45º Saturn. Narrow-minded thinking. Judgmental and critical thinking. Exactness leading toward perfectionism. Methodical, deliberate and cautious thinking. Responses are harsh or short. There are limitations in travel or with vehicles. Differences between generations. Personal expression is inhibited by those with a more solemn disposition. Feeling left out of the loop. Expect delays.
For personal use: Stay within your comfort zone.
For business use: Use this to get organized. Look busy around the boss. The boss is cranky.
3:27:31 AM
"4:05:09 AM Mercury split parallel Venus. A brief potential for sweet combinations. People meet for nice talks and pleasant short visits. Sharing food and good conversation. Introductions for a specific occasion or setting. Temporary contracts or agreements. Much appreciated compliments and kind words or support. Small favors. Flattery.
For personal use: Compose an important letter to present your point in the best possible light.
Can be used for in business: You may not get a lot of work done but you could get your foot in the door.
"4:07:06 AM Mercury slip Parallel Mars. To temporarily align with those able to cut through ""red tape"". Very fast feet. Arguments. Versatility dealing with irritations and complaints. Rashes. Acute sense of smell. Expressions of pointed and heated thoughts. To rip off another of their ideas or possessions or someone gives you a hot tip while on the run. As if arrows are shooting through the air. A sharp tone when speaking. Hot dry winds. News of military plans or actions. Propaganda. To twist the truth and deliver a punch.
For Personal use: Slow down speech and lower the tone, so your message is heard.
For Business: Send your eyes and ears everywhere to gather the latest information.

6:57:25 AM Moon conjunct Uranus.

8:24:52 AM Moon opposite Mercury. This aspect exposes a snag in your travels or your line of communication. You might not be able to reach either your destination or your goals without a hassle.

9:24:27 AM Moon 150º Mars. Begin a Green Light period through 11:47 AM.

11:47:17 AM Moon parallel Jupiter. Moon void of course.

12:35:43 PM You are able to meet with an intelligent person to advise you about your next step.

1:40:39 PM Moon 45º Neptune. A blind spot.

2:23:57 PM Vesta 60º Ceres. Invest in those whom you care the most about.

10:44:27 PM Mercury 30º ahead of Mars. Unconscious chatter. Fast notes. Discussions begin with the objective to develop and organize. Meetings with technically skilled workers. Some working decisions or conclusions for the purpose of moving forward. Seeking honest responses and practical solutions. Attempt to make sound connections to those that are part of the solution. Consumed with errands. Seeking speedy results. Progress reports and support for recovery. Clearly decisive. A practical assertiveness. Expressions through writing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
2:07:15 AM Tuesday Moon enters Taurus until 2:24 AM Thursday. Full Moon Tuesday at 3º 44 Taurus belongs to a Solar Eclipse family that began April 29, 2014.

"3:58:12 AM Sun 30º behind Saturn. Sun behind Saturn: Brief description: The exposure of problems behind the doors of authority figures. Secrets revealed regarding elders or the more established family members, company heads and political leaders. Elders are convalescing. Cosmetic fixes begin to homes and major structures. A celebrity serves a sentence.
For personal use: Lead with compassion and patience. ""Never say never.""
For business use: Apply your energy to projects that have an extended lifespan such as repairing or building a wall. "

7:50:25 AM Moon 150º Saturn.

8:05:05 AM Full Moon in Taurus. This concludes a long story about money, family traditions and financial stability. All the cards are on the table for an important financial matter which allows major issues that were seeded in April 2014 to reach a full bloom or conclude.

11:52:19 AM Ceres enters Aquarius until January 28, 2016.

"1:34:33 PM Mercury split parallel Uranus. Shocking statements. Intelligent people come together briefly to exchange ideas. High tech inventions. Communication goes haywire. A tendency to reverse positions. To reject old ideas and invent new ones. Ingenious. Previous court rulings are overturned. Talk of conservation and zoning areas to protect environmental property. High erratic winds. Elderly citizens use ingenious tactics to make ends meet. Court rulings are passed down regarding high tech software or internet practices.
For personal use: Align with others concerned about the environment.
For business use: Apply for an appeal."

"2:51:48 PM Mercury split parallel Jupiter. A temporary meeting place such as conference for the exchange of ideas. To collect raw data from a variety of sources. Setting travel agendas. Connecting with school mates. Joining a writing group for a specific project. Submitting a rough draft. Advertising a one time event.
For personal use: Reconnect and share stories
For business use: Conduct a survey for a future marketing campaign.
"9:23 PM Venus 150º Uranus. This emotionally erratic aspect can create unpredictable and unstable conditions in relationships and or with money matters. A woman may walk off a job or be pushed out. There may be sudden attractions. There may be a reverse of interest or rejection. There may be a sudden qualifying support for the object of your specific interest that may or may not turn out to be reliable. Inventions that meet the needs of females and cosmetics. Plastic surgery.
For personal use: Accept only what you really want. Compromise only when it is the best choice. Love is unreliable and could be unfairly unpredictable.
For business use: Use this time to develop skills for understanding and peace keeping.

9:25 PM Begin a Green Light period through Wednesday at 11:20 AM. "
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
7:22:11 AM Moon trine Venus.
7:56:01 AM Jupiter Parallel Transiting Uranus. Here remerges a visionary which may or may not succeed.
"9:00:08 AM Mercury 135º Neptune. Confusion and mistrust of judgment. Mental angst is soothed with food and alcohol. Intuitive information is gathered. Strong imagination, active dreams and restless sleep. Deception.
For personal use: Music and soft activities for calming with meditation and prayer.
For business: Avoid commitments and operating heavy machinery while under this influence.
11:20:05 AM Moon trine Mars.
2:10:10 PM Moon 150º Mercury Someone said the wrong thing. You may need a mechanic or contractor for a minor headache.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
2:24:11 AM Thursday Moon enters Gemini until Saturday Oct 31 at 5:09 AM. I don't trust the Gemini Moon this week as it will oppose Saturn then move on to square all of the planets in Virgo and Pisces. All ends well as the final aspect is Moon trine Mercury at 10: 52 PM Friday night. However not until the Sun is half square to Mars is the Green Light on. The caution is extreme hazard while in motion.

7:02:07 AM Moon oppose Saturn.
8:41:00 AM Moon opposite Saturn.
12:09:15 PM Moon 150º Sun. Life's Messy Clean it up!
2:10:24 PM Moon square Neptune.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Friday may be accident prone.
5:48:47 AM Moon square Jupiter.
12:49:03 PM Moon square Venus.
3:21:30 PM 135º Moon to Sun.
3:23:55 PM Moon square Mars.
"4:44:27 PM Sun 45º Mars. Today may be accident-prone. Shifts in the job market bring reason for concern. Muscle tension. Over-exertion, fevers and impulsiveness. Competitive and strong reactions can lead to greater conflicts. Tempers, violence and intense expression of energy. Resistance encountered. Can have much head first pushy behavior.
For personal use: Resistance is very low. Take more vitamin C. Be an observer and resist the temptation to get in the middle of it all. "
4:48:56 PM begin a Green Light period until 10:52 PM.
"5:05:49 PM Friday Sun trine Neptune. Romantic. Great for music, art, poetry, meditation and yoga. Imagination, compassion and peaceful settings may be available today. Psychic impressions, intuition and a variety of sensitivities are the norm for this aspect. Topics may include oil, art, drama, museums, libraries and hospitals. Visits to the zoo, circus or play at the ocean. Social workers, clergy and employee assistance programs are helpful. Watery and foggy conditions.
For personal use: Sleep in late and just indulging in lazy activities.
For business use: Dream on into new directions. Look for money in hidden places. Good day for the photographer and dramatic director. Present your visions. "
10:51:51 PM Moon trine Mercury. Moon void of course until 5:09 AM Saturday.
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Astrology Report for Oct 17, 2015 - October 24, 2015 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

The report was broadcast on WZBC FM 90.3 Newton, MA the podcast is available here under reports.
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Green Light periods Saturday Oct 17 until 4:48 AM Sunday. Then on Thursday 6:00 PM until 12:25 AM Friday. The week ahead is filled with the excitement generated by Mars, Jupiter and Uranus all in aspect for the next week which is high energy, motivated by self-driven desires and high technology to support extreme actions such as launching a business or missiles. This sets the stage further for Saturn to engage with Uranus as well. This is designed to scrub an outworn plan or shift the ground by design or geological factors. With Jupiter involved in the mix the movement may appear from the air. Listen to the report to learn more about this week’s high volume activity.

Join me for a Moon Family workshop Sunday October 25th in Downtown Salem, MA. From 1:00 PM – 3:30PM. The material is based on the research found in my book LUNAR SHADOWS III The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses.

Saturday, October 17, 2015 the Moon is in Sagittarius with a lively tone.
The Green Light period allows for plan to move forward with a high rate of success.
The Mars Jupiter aspect means success.

8:19:57 AM - Moon square Mars
8:41:27 AM Moon square Jupiter
6:39:41 PM MARS CONJUNCTION A show of luck and favorable conditions. To move forward in a big way. An optimistic endeavor is initiated. To connect benevolence. An abundance of confidence, courage, energy and drive. A sign of fully charged batteries. Lots of activity that could lead to calamity. Motivations toward legal action. A "might makes right" mentality. This aspect may be quarrelsome, impatient and prone to errors. You may find some to be over opinionated without forethought. Misjudgments can be made when leading others. To strongly boasts ones beliefs. Fights for one’s religious beliefs. Athletic and competitive. Increases social involvement with others. A fortunate time for finding like-minded people to join in shared activities. Conferences, workshops and spiritual gatherings. The green light with publishers. A winning combination. Positive and successful attitudes and activities. Issues concerning ethics. The mark of the crusader. Enterprising. Socialize. It is time to hop on the ban wagon. Practice your spiritual tools to move forward. Advertise, market your ideas. Send out your proposals; submit to publishers; pitch your projects.

==============Sunday, October 18, 2015=================

The Moon is in Sagittarius until 2:52 PM when it enters Capricorn. Happy Birthday Naomi Bauer in Colorado.
4:48:21 AM A lovely opportunity arises during the Sagittarius Moon sign but the Moon is void of course early morning Sunday with Moon 60º Sun.
2:52:07 PM Moon in Capricorn until Tuesday night at 9:38 PM. This is a tough Moon sign that has some advantages with Mars parallel Jupiter and a clearly defined intention for business as the Moon final aspect is square the Sun at a First Quarter Moon. This allow for matters to advance in the foundation stage of business or projects. In family matters this may involve the reassignment of family care or caregivers. To plan your final selections after Moon square Uranus at 12:25 AM Tuesday is best. Know that you might be headed for a serious task with the head of family or head of business. This is not easy but it can be negotiated.
=================Monday, October 19, 2015=================

The Moon is in Capricorn Monday.
6:13:27 AM Moon square Mercury.
3:12:22 PM Moon conjunct Pluto
9:24:18 PM MARS PARALLEL JUPITER This infrequent beneficial aspect enhances travel, education, plans of acquisition or any business venture. Mars is the planet of aggression; Jupiter is the planet of expansion and therefore may increase military operations. There could be a show of luck and favorable conditions that supply lasting results. You are able to advance in a big way with the right combination. An optimistic endeavor is initiated. To connect with benevolence. An abundance of confidence, courage, energy and drive. A sign of fully charged batteries. Too much energy could lead to calamity. Motivations toward legal action. A "might makes right" mentality. This aspect may be quarrelsome, impatient and prone to errors. You may find some to be over opinionated without forethought. Misjudgments can be made when leading others. Strongly boasting beliefs. Fights for one’s religious beliefs. Athletic and competitive. Increases social involvement with others. A fortunate time for finding like-minded people to join in shared activities. Conferences, workshops and spiritual gatherings. The green light with publishers. A winning combination. Positive and successful attitudes and activities. Issues concerning ethics. The mark of the crusader. Enterprising. For Personal use: Socialize. It is time to hop on the band wagon. Practice your spiritual tools to move forward.
For Business: Advertise, market your ideas. Send out your proposals; submit to publishers; pitch your projects.

===================Tuesday, October 20, 2015====================

The Moon is in Capricorn where a First Quarter Moon occurs at 4:31 PM which after a void of course Moon awaits for the Aquarius Moon sign at 9:38 PM. Happy Birthday Sally Ann Pelliccia
12:25:15 AM Moon square Uranus
4:31:19 PM First Quarter Moon at 27º Capricorn. This Moon Family began on January 20, 2015 at 0º Aquarius. This signal of a shift may indicate a change in direction. The Full Moon in nine months July 19, 2016 shows another shift.
9:37:36 PM Moon enters Aquarius until Friday at 1:18 AM.

==================Wednesday, October 21, 2015===================

The Moon is in Aquarius.
2:28:23 AM VENUS PARALLEL JUPITER : A lucky break. Support comes from a well-rounded, well informed and intelligent person. Many doors are open and you have an invitation to explore and sample. An opportunity of education or travel. A time to share appreciation with good food and drink. A time for advance. Make choices and be gracious. Try the lottery. Travel. Socialize. Enhance your image. Money day.
10:02:41 PM MARS PARALLEL URANUS Events that have an urgency or abrupt and dramatic show. Speed and brilliance. This aspect can attract anti-social behavior You may temporarily align with a pushy individual for a specific purpose. The necessary drive to persist against all odds. A need for independence and a freedom may interfere with personal relationships. Take special care with friendships. Take on a great challenge. A great day to create a design with unique qualities.
10:30:28 PM Mercury 30º Venus. When Mercury is ahead of Venus there will be information regarding the yield from bank accounts and resources. There may be statements made between lovers, siblings, especially from sisters and from hearts of children. Problems may arise from a lack of information that would have an effect on the characters in these relationships. There may be encouraging economic picture without substantial backing and of short standing. Fluctuations in stocks and currency. A desire for sweets. A nice time for visits with friends and family. Check your balances before making purchases. Be an active listener. This open up the lines of communication for harmonious access to the employees

=============Thursday, October 22, 2015===================

The Moon is in Aquarius. Begin a Green Light period after 6:00 PM until the next morning.
11:59:12 AM Saturn 135º Uranus. This aspect speaks to the structure of technology and ever changing foundations of radical innovations. Innovative restructuring. This aspect can be likened to the characteristics of sandpaper; a handy tool that can grate on one's nerves while it removes the old and leaves behind a new surface. This is much like having your teeth scraped and cleaned. This can be a time to incorporate radical change to a stagnant situation. Continuous surprises. Bizarre and cranky actions from those considered stable. Innovative solutions to rigid problems.
For personal use: Slow steady progress toward your goals is best.
For business use: This innovative aspect can gain ground with regular planned revisions.
1:45:11 PM Sun Square Ceres.
2:54:26 PM Venus parallel Uranus. Extremely lucky event with love or money. Allows a merging of the feminine principal with innovation or innovative companies; how about a cell phone in a lipstick case. A long-term friendship is formed that may have a cause or mission. Unique or strange costumes. Connect with like-minded people. Have a party. Expect the unexpected. There may be a silver lining in a recent cloud. Keep a close record of your ideas for profitable innovative notions.
4:49:11 PM
5:21:53 PM Mercury square Pluto. Deep mental distress and challenges during communication. A stressed sense that matters are out of control. Paranoid perceptions. Manipulative operations. Replaying old hurts over and over. Someone is withholding and you may want more that you are getting. It is difficult to break through this energy. You must let it pass. This aspect may affect your sleep the evening before if you are unable to let go of the outcome and turn it over to the universe for resolve. If you don't want to marry this problem: don't sign anything.
6:00 PM Begin a Green Light period until 12:21 AM Friday.

===================Friday, October 23, 2015==================

The Moon is in Aquarius and void of course at 12:2 AM until the Moon enters Pisces at 1:18 AM.
12:21:39 AM Moon trine the Sun is a lovely final aspect for the Aquarius Moon sign. This governs the Green Light period from 6:00 PM Thursday evening. Until 12:21 AM. Then the Moon is void of course until 1:18 AM Friday.
1:17:33 AM Moon enters Pisces on Friday until Sunday Oct 25 at 2:22 AM. Pass any firm decisions as the Sun will change signs at 1:47 PM leaving the scene for a more intense forum. This person may be the one who has given the signal for an agreement but will not be there to say so when you need that voucher later. After the Sun enters Scorpio there is a nasty aspect between the Moon and Mars which can set off a flame of discord. You won’t want to enter into agreements during the Pisces Moon sign.
1:51:02 AM
2:06:09 AM
3:42:51 AM Venus trine Pluto A money aspect that could be speculative or result from a favor. A ravenous appetite for food, and sensual delights. Sensually or sexually indulgent.. Motivated by money, mild jealousy and envy. Motivations bring ease in a crowd. Blending with those in a large group. A need to share and trust. A display of spending for an entertainment setting. Enjoyably intense interactions with others. Expressions or desire of deep affection creating deeper intimacy in relationships. An opportunity for great consumption. An opening to sell something or release. Insatiable desires. Meetings or introduction to people with great magnetism. Bonding within a setting of large groups of people. Intense need to acquire money and material objects. Jealousy can be a motivator for change. Paranoia detected in the statements regarding ones possessions. Easily express your passion through your creative projects. Create a romantic setting for the object of your affection. Indulge but resist a heavy mood. An opportunity for a smooth connection to the person holding the key to the bank in a social setting.

6:34:18 AM Moon Square Saturn.
1:16:38 PM Moon 0º Neptune. This may give a foggy tone to the morning hours.
1:46:42 PM The Sun enters Scorpio Friday until Nov 22. The focus is on deeper matters that concern significant others. Shared finances and other resources are Scorpio territory. Issues of guilt, shame and abandonment during this time. A good time to dig deep into the psyche and work with a professional to release your deeper issues. The heaviest matters in life such as mortgages, loans, estates, death sex, and taxes are the domain of Scorpio. Police are more vigilant.
For personal use: Go bravely into the deeper areas of life with an investigative mind.
In business: Bringing experts in to assess and assist in areas of finance and business.
9:39:32 PM Sun 45º Jupiter. This is an aspect that creates overconfidence or an over optimistic perspective that could permit oversights. There is an indication for a need to expand that is unwise at this time. There may be an awareness of growing pains. A time for travel but not without complications. Legal issues become apparent. Differences could lead to conflict. Study something new. Keep travel plans direct and simple.
In business be realistic of how expansion at this time may cause and overload later.
11:07:04 PM
================Saturday, October 24, 2015==================

Join me for a Moon Family workshop Downtown Salem, MA. From 1:00 PM – 3:30PM.
The Moon is in Pisces until Sunday at 2:22 AM when it will enter Aries.
12:21:58 AM Mars 150º Uranus. This aspect is eventful and may cause upset and rearrangement of plans or direction due to chaotic events.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Astrology Report Oct 3 - 11 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

The Green Light periods do not appear until Saturday Oct 10.
8:33 PM Saturday Oct 10 begin a Green Light Period through 1:57 AM Sunday Oct 11. Search for information and make calls for work and health matters. During this time you are able to gain the facts you need to take your next step.

Saturday, October 3, 2015
The earlier part of the day is under a lovely Gemini Moon sign that will link to Venus with a 60º angle. This allows for a pleasant social gathering for or visits. This may take you down various avenues during the void of course Moon period from 1:18 PM until 8:22 PM when the Moon enters Cancer for a couple of days.
1:18:22 PM Moon is void of course until 8:22 PM Saturday.
8:21:47 PM The Moon in Cancer is headed for a couple of events: beginning with the Last Quarter Moon at 11º Cancer at 5:06 PM
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Happy Birthday Donna Reece and Martha Harrington. Sunday sees a Last Quarter Cancer Moon and the Moon opposite Pluto.
5:06:02 PM Last Quarter Moon at 11º Cancer. This is the last Moon phase belonging to the Moon Family that began on July 8 2013 at the New Moon; followed by a First Quarter Moon on April 7 2014; the Full Moon of that family was on January 5, 2015. These matters influenced by this lunar phase it has all the concerns of family and the closest associations.
8:13:41 PM Moon opposite Pluto gives up the power struggle for a feeling that will radically shift a situation.
Monday, October 5, 2015
The Cancer Moon on Monday has it's last stressful aspect at 7:04 AM. a nice Sun Jupiter connection at 2:40 AM. This is a subtle opportunity to learn more about something new.
7:04:06 AM Moon square Uranus starts Monday with a twist. You may feel differently about a matter close to home. This is the last major aspect of the Cancer Moon however there are two minor Cancer Moon aspects: Moon to Jupiter at 10:30 PM the Moon to Venus at 12:35 AM Tuesday.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The Moon will change signs from Caner to Leo at 4:30 AM.
12:35:16 AM Moon's final aspect is a minor 30º link to Venus. This may be a message about a little money.
4:30:37 AM On Tuesday the Moon in Leo will see the Sun square to Pluto at 10:14 AM, then Mercury retrograde 60º to Saturn at 6:58 PM. The problems on this day are complicated by the blind hit from Mars opposite Neptune at 10:53 PM. This is a tough day. Don't agree to anything that runs into a future commitment.
10:14:27 AM Sun Square Pluto
Brief description: Power struggles deep within company structures. Adjustments that need to be made as a result of events involving insurance companies. Disputes over estates, money and the value of property. Ancient land rights. There can be a presence of mind whirling issues with a catch-22 scenario. Those in a position of power are not accessible or accountable to anyone but their authorities which may be government agencies. Dealing with agencies and their bureaucracy. You may only gain minimal support by advancing forward, totally prepared, appearing in total control. Have a solid game plan. Stick to your original point and allow only a positive response to allow you to move onto your next point. If you are engaged in a dispute create a priority page with only one topic on the top of your page. Continually come back to the same one line as the other individual processes through intimidation and steep investigation. Present yourself as competent and independent even though you may have a mentor waiting in the wings. At all costs avoid any boasting or unnecessary displays of ego; just know your stuff securely even if it is all an act. There are strong biological needs that must be attended. Sexual intrigue could add to an already complicated drama. Carefully seek out someone you can trust. You may be driven to seek a pot of gold. Psychosis and deviant behaviors may be evident.
Plan on various physical, psychological or psycho-spiritual therapies. Practice stress reduction. Sometimes only hard physical work can ease the mind.

Don't go it alone; ask for assistance. Find the optimistic link.
6:57:59 PM Mercury 60 degrees sextile Saturn. Sharper thinking returns in the evening when this 2nd aspect hits. You find much-awaited clarity returning with the retrograde visit of this aspect. You have a need for concentration and focus on practical matters. There is a scientific approach to your interest. You may work better alone but others are asking you to participate in something bigger. It is advisable to wait for Mercury to turn direct on Friday.
10:52:32 PM Mars Opposition Transiting Neptune
There may be an inability to act with a clear direction. Gaps in action caused by indecisiveness result in loss of opportunity but don't worry it wasn't meant to be. You may learn of those acting as partners in illicit or illegal projects. This aspect causes problems due to the influence of mind altering substances. Sometimes there are wrong actions motivated by a mission from belief systems. Look for secret actions that may go awry. Complicated situations requiring direct response or action. Beware of theft and leaks of all types. Watch for a loss of energy and physical weakness. This aspect can cause you to space out. Misguided directions.
Choose your company very carefully. Break bad habits. Know your opponent's past history. Cut loose any deviant behavior.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Happy Birthday Dietrech
7:39:52 AM Moon 60 degrees to the Sun is an excellent way to begin this day or for a nice solar return chart.
5:10:03 PM Spontaneous ideas flow with a spark of genius Moon trine Uranus.
9:35:26 PM Sun 45^ Venus. Women may not do well with endeavors. Trying to correct past troubles. Announcements of concessions or drop outs. Pressure to perform under less than desirable circumstances. Social faux pas. Affections expressed may be met with disappointment. Uncomfortable with feelings or feeling uncomfortable. Sadness around friendship. Dissatisfaction with purchases. There may be a tendency to shop to try and satisfy a sense of emptiness. A desire to indulge in food or other pleasures. A broken treasure. A broken heart.
For personal use: Have some fun. Enjoy the moment without expectations.
For business use: Book your important meeting on another day. Avoid expenditures.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
The Leo Moon will see Venus leave Leo for a tour of duty in Virgo. She has an important obligation to meet with Saturn on Saturday the 10th.
1:29:08 PM Thursday Venus enters Virgo for a hard task that will soon be fulfilled on Saturday night when square Saturn. Venus has been tied up in a tangle with Saturn since they first met at 90º on July 14, 2015. At that time Saturn was retrograde; the 2nd time while Venus was retrograde on August 5 and now the final both planets are direct in motion and they will meet just past the point where Venus had turned retrograde on July 25 at 00^ Virgo.
1:46:14 PM Venus split parallel Neptune is encouraged by a kind person who supports the softer side however this is a temporary gesture. It is good for social gathering but not for pair off just yet. Wait until after the Venus-Saturn square.
3:50:23 PM Thursday Moon enters Virgo until Sunday Oct 11 at 4:46 AM.
7:18:23 PM Moon square Saturn will break the low mood felt earlier in the day.
8:18:54 PM Mars split parallel Neptune is the final link between these two that are famous for clandestine behavior that may have been set into place on Tuesday. Difficulties arise from confusion and misguided directions. Those on a religious mission meet with internal differences. Perhaps someone intentionally attempts to throw someone off track or otherwise be involved in sabotage. If there is public knowledge of a plan washed up or how someone's poor judgment had an adverse effect on others, it might be assumed that the consequences may have already been paid. Those having problems with substance abuse may find a positive resource for recovery.
Friday, October 9, 2015
At 10:58 AM We are all happy to greet Mercury back into it's forward direction since it turned retrograde September 17.
10:57:17 AM Mercury turns direct at the very loud and prominent zero degree of Libra.
1:14:45 PM Venus parallel Mars. People are in a more social mood. Ordinarily people mingle easily under this influence however Saturn is holding Venus back. She wants to give her heart away but has obligations designed by Saturnine factors. The presence of both opportunity and desire for romance and sex. This is often a love thing but it has to wait. IF you are motivated to shop wait on that too as spending is not a good idea yet. The flow of money has better days on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday next week. All of these things to follow are likely to become apparent next week too. Motivation toward acquisition. Opposites attract. Opposites are brought together for a singular purpose. Partnering. Close bonding and involvement with those attracted to one another for friendship, business or romance. Good match for love and money matters will come. Take someone along to find what you are looking for or go to a party.
For business use: If all other aspects are favorable this could bring about a good partnership. However until Venus passes the square to Saturn on Saturday night there could be heartache

3:41:49 PM When Mercury is ahead of Venus there will be information regarding the yield from bank accounts and resources. There may be statements made between lovers, siblings, especially from sisters and from hearts of children. Problems may arise from a lack of information that would have an effect on the characters in these relationships. There may be encouraging economic picture without substantial backing and of short standing. Fluctuations in stocks and currency. A desire for sweets. A nice time for visits with friends and family.
For personal use: Check your balances before making purchases. Be an active listener.
For business use: Open up the lines of communication for easy understanding of employee’s needs.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
This is a very testy day with not only the Venus square Saturn but the Sun makes two aspects that engage Saturn and Uranus for the sandpaper effect. The problems that arise may be only the beginning of a series of relationship issues that are both stubborn and irritating. After 8:33 PM there is a Green Light with better prospects
7:59:43 AM Sun semi-square Saturn.
9:56:22 AM Sun split parallel Uranus.
8:30:57 PM Venus Square Saturn
Criticism of right or wrong behavior. Cold interpretation of beauty or esthetic choices. Corrections regarding social matters. Difficulty relating. Serious tones with love and money. Short changed. Inhibitions. Cutting excess. Painful decisions involving couples in relationship. Separations due to judgmental thinking where there has been no resolve. Long reaching consequences.
Spend on utilitarian needs. Keep an open mind and heart and give your partner a break. Spending today faces difficulty while recouping funds. Trim the excess from your budget. Hard nose actions with workers leave a long sour impression.
8:33 PM begin a Green Light Period through 1:57 AM Sunday. Search for information and make calls for work and health matters. You are able to gain the facts you need to take your next step.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
1:57:53 AM Moon parallel Mercury begins void of course Moon period until 4:45 AM. Prior to This aspect you are given information freely to move forward with your goals. After this aspect let it rest and allow information to flow but the Moon is void of course. You may have some very interesting visits or accomplishments.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: