Saturday, October 17, 2015

Astrology Report for Oct 17, 2015 - October 24, 2015 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

The report was broadcast on WZBC FM 90.3 Newton, MA the podcast is available here under reports.
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Green Light periods Saturday Oct 17 until 4:48 AM Sunday. Then on Thursday 6:00 PM until 12:25 AM Friday. The week ahead is filled with the excitement generated by Mars, Jupiter and Uranus all in aspect for the next week which is high energy, motivated by self-driven desires and high technology to support extreme actions such as launching a business or missiles. This sets the stage further for Saturn to engage with Uranus as well. This is designed to scrub an outworn plan or shift the ground by design or geological factors. With Jupiter involved in the mix the movement may appear from the air. Listen to the report to learn more about this week’s high volume activity.

Join me for a Moon Family workshop Sunday October 25th in Downtown Salem, MA. From 1:00 PM – 3:30PM. The material is based on the research found in my book LUNAR SHADOWS III The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses.

Saturday, October 17, 2015 the Moon is in Sagittarius with a lively tone.
The Green Light period allows for plan to move forward with a high rate of success.
The Mars Jupiter aspect means success.

8:19:57 AM - Moon square Mars
8:41:27 AM Moon square Jupiter
6:39:41 PM MARS CONJUNCTION A show of luck and favorable conditions. To move forward in a big way. An optimistic endeavor is initiated. To connect benevolence. An abundance of confidence, courage, energy and drive. A sign of fully charged batteries. Lots of activity that could lead to calamity. Motivations toward legal action. A "might makes right" mentality. This aspect may be quarrelsome, impatient and prone to errors. You may find some to be over opinionated without forethought. Misjudgments can be made when leading others. To strongly boasts ones beliefs. Fights for one’s religious beliefs. Athletic and competitive. Increases social involvement with others. A fortunate time for finding like-minded people to join in shared activities. Conferences, workshops and spiritual gatherings. The green light with publishers. A winning combination. Positive and successful attitudes and activities. Issues concerning ethics. The mark of the crusader. Enterprising. Socialize. It is time to hop on the ban wagon. Practice your spiritual tools to move forward. Advertise, market your ideas. Send out your proposals; submit to publishers; pitch your projects.

==============Sunday, October 18, 2015=================

The Moon is in Sagittarius until 2:52 PM when it enters Capricorn. Happy Birthday Naomi Bauer in Colorado.
4:48:21 AM A lovely opportunity arises during the Sagittarius Moon sign but the Moon is void of course early morning Sunday with Moon 60º Sun.
2:52:07 PM Moon in Capricorn until Tuesday night at 9:38 PM. This is a tough Moon sign that has some advantages with Mars parallel Jupiter and a clearly defined intention for business as the Moon final aspect is square the Sun at a First Quarter Moon. This allow for matters to advance in the foundation stage of business or projects. In family matters this may involve the reassignment of family care or caregivers. To plan your final selections after Moon square Uranus at 12:25 AM Tuesday is best. Know that you might be headed for a serious task with the head of family or head of business. This is not easy but it can be negotiated.
=================Monday, October 19, 2015=================

The Moon is in Capricorn Monday.
6:13:27 AM Moon square Mercury.
3:12:22 PM Moon conjunct Pluto
9:24:18 PM MARS PARALLEL JUPITER This infrequent beneficial aspect enhances travel, education, plans of acquisition or any business venture. Mars is the planet of aggression; Jupiter is the planet of expansion and therefore may increase military operations. There could be a show of luck and favorable conditions that supply lasting results. You are able to advance in a big way with the right combination. An optimistic endeavor is initiated. To connect with benevolence. An abundance of confidence, courage, energy and drive. A sign of fully charged batteries. Too much energy could lead to calamity. Motivations toward legal action. A "might makes right" mentality. This aspect may be quarrelsome, impatient and prone to errors. You may find some to be over opinionated without forethought. Misjudgments can be made when leading others. Strongly boasting beliefs. Fights for one’s religious beliefs. Athletic and competitive. Increases social involvement with others. A fortunate time for finding like-minded people to join in shared activities. Conferences, workshops and spiritual gatherings. The green light with publishers. A winning combination. Positive and successful attitudes and activities. Issues concerning ethics. The mark of the crusader. Enterprising. For Personal use: Socialize. It is time to hop on the band wagon. Practice your spiritual tools to move forward.
For Business: Advertise, market your ideas. Send out your proposals; submit to publishers; pitch your projects.

===================Tuesday, October 20, 2015====================

The Moon is in Capricorn where a First Quarter Moon occurs at 4:31 PM which after a void of course Moon awaits for the Aquarius Moon sign at 9:38 PM. Happy Birthday Sally Ann Pelliccia
12:25:15 AM Moon square Uranus
4:31:19 PM First Quarter Moon at 27º Capricorn. This Moon Family began on January 20, 2015 at 0º Aquarius. This signal of a shift may indicate a change in direction. The Full Moon in nine months July 19, 2016 shows another shift.
9:37:36 PM Moon enters Aquarius until Friday at 1:18 AM.

==================Wednesday, October 21, 2015===================

The Moon is in Aquarius.
2:28:23 AM VENUS PARALLEL JUPITER : A lucky break. Support comes from a well-rounded, well informed and intelligent person. Many doors are open and you have an invitation to explore and sample. An opportunity of education or travel. A time to share appreciation with good food and drink. A time for advance. Make choices and be gracious. Try the lottery. Travel. Socialize. Enhance your image. Money day.
10:02:41 PM MARS PARALLEL URANUS Events that have an urgency or abrupt and dramatic show. Speed and brilliance. This aspect can attract anti-social behavior You may temporarily align with a pushy individual for a specific purpose. The necessary drive to persist against all odds. A need for independence and a freedom may interfere with personal relationships. Take special care with friendships. Take on a great challenge. A great day to create a design with unique qualities.
10:30:28 PM Mercury 30º Venus. When Mercury is ahead of Venus there will be information regarding the yield from bank accounts and resources. There may be statements made between lovers, siblings, especially from sisters and from hearts of children. Problems may arise from a lack of information that would have an effect on the characters in these relationships. There may be encouraging economic picture without substantial backing and of short standing. Fluctuations in stocks and currency. A desire for sweets. A nice time for visits with friends and family. Check your balances before making purchases. Be an active listener. This open up the lines of communication for harmonious access to the employees

=============Thursday, October 22, 2015===================

The Moon is in Aquarius. Begin a Green Light period after 6:00 PM until the next morning.
11:59:12 AM Saturn 135º Uranus. This aspect speaks to the structure of technology and ever changing foundations of radical innovations. Innovative restructuring. This aspect can be likened to the characteristics of sandpaper; a handy tool that can grate on one's nerves while it removes the old and leaves behind a new surface. This is much like having your teeth scraped and cleaned. This can be a time to incorporate radical change to a stagnant situation. Continuous surprises. Bizarre and cranky actions from those considered stable. Innovative solutions to rigid problems.
For personal use: Slow steady progress toward your goals is best.
For business use: This innovative aspect can gain ground with regular planned revisions.
1:45:11 PM Sun Square Ceres.
2:54:26 PM Venus parallel Uranus. Extremely lucky event with love or money. Allows a merging of the feminine principal with innovation or innovative companies; how about a cell phone in a lipstick case. A long-term friendship is formed that may have a cause or mission. Unique or strange costumes. Connect with like-minded people. Have a party. Expect the unexpected. There may be a silver lining in a recent cloud. Keep a close record of your ideas for profitable innovative notions.
4:49:11 PM
5:21:53 PM Mercury square Pluto. Deep mental distress and challenges during communication. A stressed sense that matters are out of control. Paranoid perceptions. Manipulative operations. Replaying old hurts over and over. Someone is withholding and you may want more that you are getting. It is difficult to break through this energy. You must let it pass. This aspect may affect your sleep the evening before if you are unable to let go of the outcome and turn it over to the universe for resolve. If you don't want to marry this problem: don't sign anything.
6:00 PM Begin a Green Light period until 12:21 AM Friday.

===================Friday, October 23, 2015==================

The Moon is in Aquarius and void of course at 12:2 AM until the Moon enters Pisces at 1:18 AM.
12:21:39 AM Moon trine the Sun is a lovely final aspect for the Aquarius Moon sign. This governs the Green Light period from 6:00 PM Thursday evening. Until 12:21 AM. Then the Moon is void of course until 1:18 AM Friday.
1:17:33 AM Moon enters Pisces on Friday until Sunday Oct 25 at 2:22 AM. Pass any firm decisions as the Sun will change signs at 1:47 PM leaving the scene for a more intense forum. This person may be the one who has given the signal for an agreement but will not be there to say so when you need that voucher later. After the Sun enters Scorpio there is a nasty aspect between the Moon and Mars which can set off a flame of discord. You won’t want to enter into agreements during the Pisces Moon sign.
1:51:02 AM
2:06:09 AM
3:42:51 AM Venus trine Pluto A money aspect that could be speculative or result from a favor. A ravenous appetite for food, and sensual delights. Sensually or sexually indulgent.. Motivated by money, mild jealousy and envy. Motivations bring ease in a crowd. Blending with those in a large group. A need to share and trust. A display of spending for an entertainment setting. Enjoyably intense interactions with others. Expressions or desire of deep affection creating deeper intimacy in relationships. An opportunity for great consumption. An opening to sell something or release. Insatiable desires. Meetings or introduction to people with great magnetism. Bonding within a setting of large groups of people. Intense need to acquire money and material objects. Jealousy can be a motivator for change. Paranoia detected in the statements regarding ones possessions. Easily express your passion through your creative projects. Create a romantic setting for the object of your affection. Indulge but resist a heavy mood. An opportunity for a smooth connection to the person holding the key to the bank in a social setting.

6:34:18 AM Moon Square Saturn.
1:16:38 PM Moon 0º Neptune. This may give a foggy tone to the morning hours.
1:46:42 PM The Sun enters Scorpio Friday until Nov 22. The focus is on deeper matters that concern significant others. Shared finances and other resources are Scorpio territory. Issues of guilt, shame and abandonment during this time. A good time to dig deep into the psyche and work with a professional to release your deeper issues. The heaviest matters in life such as mortgages, loans, estates, death sex, and taxes are the domain of Scorpio. Police are more vigilant.
For personal use: Go bravely into the deeper areas of life with an investigative mind.
In business: Bringing experts in to assess and assist in areas of finance and business.
9:39:32 PM Sun 45º Jupiter. This is an aspect that creates overconfidence or an over optimistic perspective that could permit oversights. There is an indication for a need to expand that is unwise at this time. There may be an awareness of growing pains. A time for travel but not without complications. Legal issues become apparent. Differences could lead to conflict. Study something new. Keep travel plans direct and simple.
In business be realistic of how expansion at this time may cause and overload later.
11:07:04 PM
================Saturday, October 24, 2015==================

Join me for a Moon Family workshop Downtown Salem, MA. From 1:00 PM – 3:30PM.
The Moon is in Pisces until Sunday at 2:22 AM when it will enter Aries.
12:21:58 AM Mars 150º Uranus. This aspect is eventful and may cause upset and rearrangement of plans or direction due to chaotic events.

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