Saturday, April 24, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 24 - May 1, 2021 with Green Light Days

 Saturday, April 24, 2021 to Saturday, May 1, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrich Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead April 24th
through May 1 2021.

This week is all about Scorpio and its formidable ruling planet Pluto. Pluto will turn
retrograde this week under a Scorpio Moon. That Scorpio Moon is full. That Full
Moon will be on Monday night at 11:32 PM at 7° of Scorpio. Extremely intense

Astrology brings keywords like deep intensity, driving transformation, addressing
gains and losses. Maybe the energies about taxes, inheritances, mortgages and
loans. Think about how your property is protected from flooding.

Physical focus includes reproductive organs, colon, hernias, pregnancy, eruptive
diseases and surgery. In the house it is the bathroom, the sink, the toilet,
basements. Outside: the sewage tanks, deep plumbing, any kind of stagnant,
smelly ponds and pools.

Vermin. A lot of people are dealing with vermin coming into their homes. So, this
one would really be a big time. This is good time to get the exterminators there or
any reasonable nonviolent method that you might have to purge yourself of such

But you could also expect spiritual and mental regeneration, and matters that are
positive regarding your mental health.

The Full Moon hides the influences of Neptune at a 45° angle and the Sun which
communicates 135° angle from the Moon to Neptune.

There is also this Saturn square Uranus that is being set off during this Full Moon.
The Full Moon ties in with those planets, although loosely, they will be

Saturn and Uranus is about sudden abrupt change to very stable and secure
areas in life. Anything having to do with structure and limits and things that are
holding you up.

So, what you do not want to do during this Scorpio Moon is trying to negotiate.
Stay away from business deals. This is not a not a sign for lightweights in an
ordinary Scorpio Moon. This one hold that up with iron post because you do not
want to attempt to negotiate a settlement. These are fixed energies. No one will
bend. If you are taking your car to the mechanic and you are trying to negotiate
the cost of repairs, you are not going to win there either. So, look to the end of the
week or after Wednesday for more amicable energy.

For today there is a Green Light after 12:06 PM. This will be during the Libra Moon
that comes in. That runs through until 8:40 AM. If I can encourage you to plan your
events before noon time on Monday that would be excellent.

If you had anything to do, particularly with relationships. If you want to hash out
big problem areas, especially during the void of course Moon period for that Libra
Moon sign. That would be from 8:40 AM until 12:18 PM.

Also, Pluto will turn retrograde this week.

Oh, I wanted to say there is another Green Light which would be great for
advancing your education goals on Wednesday 11:42 AM until Friday at 9:27

Pluto turns retrograde on Tuesday 4:04 PM until October 6. Pluto can evoke fear
and bring a battle with vermin in the home. Pluto can also be the advocate for
deep positive change. Psychological issues in particular get a positive boost from
this Pluto because all of your issues are right there on the table.

So, the Libra Moon will come in today, Saturday, April 24, at 12:06 PM. It ends
well with a trine to Jupiter. That is after a square to Pluto. So, you have to time
things carefully if you want the absolute best out of this Libra Moon.

The first flip-flop during the Libra Moon is related to the Full Moon coming up on
Monday night. That is a quincunx between the Sun and the Moon 8:19 PM. That
is life’s messy, clean it up. That could be a mishap that takes a while to put things
back together. Talking it out is the best way to clean up misunderstandings with a
Libra Moon.

Saturn squashes Venus' love energy Sunday morning when it is square to Saturn.
Then Mercury is square Saturn thereafter, at 7:58 AM. The Venus square Saturn
is in the middle of the night 12:21 AM. But don't worry. The two of those planets,
Mercury and Saturn, join up later in the day which helps to soothe things that may
have felt irreversible prior to 6:19 PM, when Mercury and Venus join together and
bring some much-needed good news. Good companions get together to take on a
trip or a or a major issue or change in life. So be inspired but find your voice with
this aspect. This is terrific if you wanted to write, sing. Those two planets are in
Taurus which bring a beautiful voice and beautiful music. Use your heart to make
your decisions. We are talking about Sunday.

Those you partner with later on, on Sunday around this time, you can find will be
a very good match.

That Libra Moon stays with us right through until 12:18 PM on Monday. But the
earlier part of Monday is Green and excellent right up until 8:40 AM when the
Moon is trine Jupiter.

There is an annoying Moon square Pluto at 7:15 AM. So, you should get past that
before you make any commitment. I would do it as close to 8:00 as you can and
find ways to negotiate any type of bill or disputed monetary things in in a couple of
days thereafter. And not during the Scorpio Moon that is coming up from 8:40 AM
on Monday morning until 12:18 PM.

The Moon is void of course in Libra. Use this time to appreciate the value of your
bonded relationships. Take on something that you would like to do that builds a
harmonious relationship.

12:18 PM Scorpio Moon sign comes in. This is a Moon sign that really requires
deep meditation and prayer to lift the density and intensity of the following two
days from 12:18 PM until 11:42 AM on Wednesday. That Scorpio Moon definitely
is bringing about a whole lot of intensity. It is full at 11:31 PM Monday night.

This will help you to wrap up things that you want to do. But if you wanted to go
about it in a harmonious way, I would pick the Libra Moon sign to have all of your
plans all wrapped up by 8:40 AM Monday morning and latest by 12:00 PM. But
that is during the void Moon.

So that is where that Green Light comes in with the Libra Moon because you
really should put everything down during the Scorpio Moon. It is problematic in so
many ways. It is argumentative. Mercury and Mars get off on the wrong foot at
1:50 PM on Tuesday. So, do not get into a screaming match with anyone. You
are likely to lose. Although the temptation is to prove your point, let it go and bring it
up at a sweeter time. Pluto is retrograde 4:01 PM for five and a half months and
that is on Tuesday.

The Moon is opposite Mercury. You can lose your stuff, especially your
paperwork. So, make sure it is in a good place. Do not make it so safe that you
cannot find it.

Then the Moon picks up a little short-term relief with agreeable energy from Venus
as it attempts a peaceful pause. This is at 9:34 PM but it definitely can have an
impact on the evening, the earlier evening, say 7:00. 8:00, 9:00 PM. Good for
going to sleep with a little peaceful hope there during that really intense Scorpio
Moon, which continues right through Wednesday. Starts its void of course Moon.
That would be at 8:31 AM until 11:42 AM on Wednesday.

Then we have a great big relief to sigh (STOP 10:59). An enthusiastically good
beginning is Sagittarius. This brings in relief and hope for the next couple of days
through 12:15 PM on Friday.

So, the Sagittarius Moon is agreeable, optimistic, looking at forward energy.
Sagittarius Moon does have surprises early on Thursday morning with a parallel
between the Taurus Sun, and Uranus also in Taurus. That is early in the morning
on Thursday. This aspect is at 7:48 AM and it continues through the entire day. It
is uniquely filled with the truth and joins with others of like-minded goals. Progress
can be noted for those that are seeking justice.

Mercury at 60° to Neptune allows for a spiritual perspective under a broad-minded
Sagittarius Moon. Reach out to clergy, prayer circles, meditation groups to bring
peace and harmony to difficult situations with this Mercury and Neptune sextile.

Then we have an aspect 2:16 AM. Do not get up and let your dog out at that hour
early in the morning on Friday because Pluto is square Ceres. Pluto abducts
things: small animals, kids. It ties into an old myth about Pluto and Ceres. So, you
want to avoid doing anything that leaves loved ones unattended.

Friday, early morning It is excellent for a forward-looking offer. It is also great.
This is on Friday for educational plans and looking further out into the year for
travel beyond the pandemic restrictions.

Then the last aspect of this Sagittarius Moon is excellent. It is sextile Jupiter, 9:26
AM. So, this is really a great time to advance your goals. Do it on Friday, after I
would say beginning around sunrise up until 9:26 AM. Or even during the void of
course Moon, which the Moon is never void of course while it is in sign of Sagittarius.

The new sign comes in. It is Capricorn 12:16 PM. It is typically all business. This
one ends with a harmonious Moon Trine Mercury, which is great. So, you may
want to use that Capricorn Moon for your business deals. You can negotiate on
Friday after 12:16 PM through Sunday until 10:38 AM on Sunday.

There is 7:50 PM Moon is opposite Mars. You may not want to engage in any way
talking with people in a heated way because it is very argument like. That would
be around 7:50 and up until 8:43 when some harmonious energy comes in a little

Okay, so that is it for the week. You can find a copy of this on my website at Lunar
-Shadows. com. My phone number is 617-558-7233. You can text me also there
at 617-558-7233. This report is archived at WZBC for two weeks. And also, you
can find a copy of this on my website. Okay, that is it for the week. Give me a call

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 17 - 24 , 2021 with Green Light Days

 Saturday, April 17, 2021 to Saturday, April 24, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Good morning. This is Dietrich Pessin, with the astrology report for the week
ahead, starting April 17 through the 24th.

Last week I did mention that today Saturday looked like a day that you must be
completely vigil about what your pets are doing, where they are going. Keep them
on a short leash. There is real strong drive to run off, get loose or escape. I have a
parrot and parakeets, and would not want my little blue parakeet to escape, like he
often does.

But it also could be of interest in regard to news events where something goes
way off the normal track. That is because Mars is out of bounds. Meaning that it
has left the corral with all the other horses and has gone off to sow its wild oats,
and be out there running loose and not cooperating. So, Mars tends to look for
work. If it is looking for work outside the corral, you might find something. But it
may be temporary once it comes back, which is going to be in May. May 23rd I
believe is when Mars returns. Yes, May 23rd. That may bring about some change
that you are faced with regarding any new job that you may enter into.

Also, as far as attraction to the opposite sex [that] you could have or the same
sex. Especially to men. They could be rather different and unusual and
unavailable. And then completely unavailable once Mars comes back in to the
corral. So, it could be a great love romance that takes place. But do not have real
high hopes of it being forever. Sometimes it works out like that. But a lot of times
when Mars comes back this way of the normal corral again, then it drops its old,
wild ideas.

Mars and Jupiter form a Trine. That is something that is a nice aspect which
allows for your energies to be motivated by things you thought of or seen or
explored outside of your regular view. Something that you learned about and
educated about, and you have an experience. You might want to visit something,
study something. So, it is about education. It is also about travel.

This morning, that Mars out of bounds and the Moon aspect took place already at
8:08 AM. But there is another one that is very binding as far as a co-conspirator
and activities. Sort of like the dog chasing the rabbit, and then you lose the dog.

So that is at 10:34 in the morning when the Moon is parallel Mars. So that could
be exciting as well.

The Moon and the Sun have a great finish during this Gemini Moon, which is all
about running about town and connecting with others, picking up messages,
sending messages, and communicating with others. This is at 11:02 AM.

That last aspect is the signature for a really good Green Light period all throughout
this Gemini Moon, all this morning through until 11:02 AM. Then there is a void of
course Moon at 11:03 AM until 3:25 PM. That would be 3:25 PM.

Later, on Saturday afternoon, April 17th the Moon will go into Cancer. There is a
couple of things that happened during that void of course Moon. Mercury and
Jupiter form a sextile. Then Mercury and Mars form a sextile. Those sextiles are
opportunity aspects. So, they are very interesting and active.

During a void of course Moon they may not deliver much. If you try and take action
on them after the Moon enters Cancer at 3:25 PM today, you could drop all or part
of your project. Because Mercury, the planet of connection and links and
documents and such leaves the sign and enters Taurus. That will be on Monday.

So, between this afternoon and all through Sunday, and then Monday, you are
working on some sort of borrowed energy. Anything that you want to do, if it is a
onetime thing, a onetime event, that would be a good thing to do. If you are
investing in something long term, it probably gets dropped.

Mercury and the Sun form an aspect Sunday night at 9:49 PM. This aspect has to
do with making a statement. Coming into an area of sort of like a file center that
has an enormous amount of information or data. Something you may want to file
some of your own documents to. This is at 9:49 PM on Sunday. You can do it
online, I suppose. But also making connections with people you have lost contact
with would be a very good use of this Sun conjunct Mercury.

And then Mercury scoots ahead and goes into the sign of Taurus at 6:29 AM on
Monday. So, it introduces you to those that you might meet along the way.

This spring Mercury will travel through the sign of money and tradition for just two
weeks. Then Mercury will turn retrograde, not until May 29th.
The Monday energy gets more intense once the Sun leaves the fiery sign of Aries
and enters the sign of Taurus. That is at 4:33 PM on Monday afternoon. This is
the sign that calls for strong and reliable people and methods to support security.
It is time for a strong and stable routine. Taurus is grounded in its own ways. You

must apply the rules of persuasion to advance your goals. Use traditional ways to
communicate what you need. Stubbornness is a trait you must manipulate to
make gains with your agenda when the Sun is in Taurus. But it is a sign of beauty.
It loves the beautiful flowers and the warm weather.

In the Cancer Moon (is opposite Pluto) it is the last aspect that it makes before
going void of course. Even though the Moon is never void of course in Cancer
because it is its own sign. And that happens at 8:03 PM Monday night until 2:10
AM on Tuesday.

Then the Moon enters Leo to 10:00 AM until Thursday morning. This is a highly
motivated Leo Moon with many opportunities to benefit from your creative efforts
or in alignment with creative people.

So, there is a Quarter Moon that is very interesting at 0 degrees of Leo. That is the
creative sign and the executive sign as well. So, this is a time when you are
energized with a project, an issue or relationship that is in its early stages of
development. But may be related in some way to events that began at the New
Moon. That New Moon would be nine months ago. In this case that would be July
20, 2020. If the issues are not directly related to you, you may become aware of a
significant development of matters or events that grab your attention. Or entice
you to take action in some other way.

Days when there is a First Quarter Moon or a Last Quarter Moon in particular, the
Quarter Moons, something happens on the day. So, they are very high energy
days. You will notice changes that pop out into the open.

The Full Moon related to this Quarter Moon, that is going to happen on Monday or
rather on Tuesday morning. That will be January 17 2022, when all the cards will
be on the table, and everything will be out in the open.

There are spirits that are lifted during this Leo Moon with an aspect between
Venus and Jupiter. It is a split parallel. And it is one of those one-time bonus
things that come along. This is a benefit. It is a party time for a one-time event. If
you were going to test your luck on something, do not go into it with any type of
commitment involved. Just one time and you could be lucky with it.

The Leo Moon on Wednesday. This is a very nice Leo Moon because it ends
well. It ends with a sextile between the Moon and Mars, which is very highly
motivated. And filled with much progress that you will make with this Leo Moon
energy. Which is about showing your creative side, and having a good use of your
efforts for something that you want to promote. Or perhaps a show that you want
to have. Maybe you are a musician and you want to have a show or show your

paintings, anything. Show your work in any way. Your babies your projects. Leo is
all about your babies, and even your kids. So, it is the sign of children. Also
matters of the heart love interest, very romantic kind of things could take place
during this Leo Moon Leo Moon as well.

The Moon goes void of course at 8:05 AM on Thursday, in the sign of Leo. That
void of course Moon ends at 9:08 AM when the Moon enters the sign of Virgo.

This is a tricky sign. It is because it will travel through the sign of Virgo until
afternoon on Saturday. It is a really busy sign which your efforts might be
complicated by changes that cause you to drop all or part of your project from your
original direction for a greater goal, after Mars enters Cancer at 7:49 AM on
Friday. So, it is Friday that has the benefits of this Virgo Moon.

Before that there is a couple of cool things. Mercury is parallel Venus. It is a great
sign that shows that friendship is the foundation for any long-term success. People
coming together to help others to do something of great importance. News of
money increases supports for your efforts. Take time to review all reasonable
options before tackling any new action, as you may jump the gun before you lose.
You could lose your gains that you have made before Mars makes its change. So,
it is a really nice aspect but you need to hold on to your cards until Mars makes its
change at 7:48 AM on Friday morning.

There is a coming together of minds and ideas and technology when Mercury and
Uranus join together for a long-term aspect. It is a parallel early in the morning on
Friday morning.

Then Mars makes its change. It travels through the sign of Cancer after 7:49 AM
on April 23 until June 11. This fire planet will be in an uncomfortable sign of watery
Cancer for 49 days before going into the compatible sign of Leo. Which is a fire
sign, like Mars is a fire planet. Mars in Cancer becomes driven to fight for people
or causes whom you feel strongly about. You could be particularly protective of
your family. And when you get hurt, you are likely to retreat into a shell. Or strike
back could be another way of expressing Mars in the sign of Cancer. Finding a
safe place, a secure spot, to work at home is a goal. Also, there is a couple of
days right around the change of sign of 0 Cancer. That is very high action. So that
is going to be probably Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. High
action days with the focus on Saturday morning, when that change takes place.

After Mars is set to its new agenda in the sign of Cancer, many tasks need to be
sorted through. Lots of stops and starts and plenty of things to clean up all the way
from 8:00 AM on Friday through 7:47 AM on Saturday.

There is another wonderful friendship aspect 10:36 AM. Venus and Uranus join
together for a long-term bond of friendship for what it is they need. Like-minded
fields of action and camaraderie.

That is, it for the week. There is a copy of this report on my website at Lunar- You can give me a call at 617-558-7233 if you want to book an

appointment or chat about astrology. Also, my website is
There will be the transcribed report later. we also have the podcast there. It is also
on the WZBC website in their archives. You can listen to their report for two
weeks. So that is it for the week. We will be back with you again next week.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 10 - 17, 2021 with Green Lights

 Saturday, April 10, 2021 to Saturday, April 17, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi. This is Dietrich Pessin. With the astrology report for the week ahead. We have
got quite a few Green Light periods again, this week. This past week has been
crazy bizarre. So, if you have crazy experiences you would like to share, feel free
to give me a call 617 – 558 -7233.

But talking about this week, we have an Aries Moon, Taurus Moon, Gemini Moon.
The day begins with a dark period of the Moon that that began today, right around
9:00, 10:00 in the morning. This is also signaling that there is a New Moon headed
here Sunday night at 10:31 PM when the New Moon is at 22° of Aries. That has a
very interesting connection to 9° of Virgo, by a measurement in declination that is
the equivalent of September 1st.

Anything, whether you have a birthday of September 1.
Or you have events that may have begun on September 1st, going back to 2016.
So, each year, as we progress, there might be more to the story that you can flesh
out with this New Moon that is coming up.

The New Moon is a time when you do not want to make any major decisions. You
want to be able to see what is coming up. What will be laid out in front of you
without you instigating any changes. It is a wait and see kind of time actually.

People often want to do things like have a wedding on a New Moon or start
something. New business on a New Moon. It is not a good idea because you are
in the dark. There is no Moon in the sky at the New Moon. we won't have a New
Moon visible until April 13

th, at around noon time is when it comes out of its dark
phase. So not until actually the night of April 13th will we be able to see a little
sliver of the Moon. That is how you can tell the Dark Moon is over.

So, there is an aspect between Mercury and Saturn today, April 10th. It offers an
opportunity to charm those enforcing the rules to bend your way. Present your
topics in a very mature and a mellow fashion to encourage respect. You are likely
to bend an ear as well.

Venus and Jupiter they form a really nice aspect, 60° as well. This finds an
opportunity for a good time. Join with others to welcome a fun gathering. There is
a jolly sense of humor and a boost to your confidence with this aspect. It is a lot of
fun, and it also shares with good friends as well. That is exact at 2:53 PM. But it
does have an influence over the entire day on April 10th.

Then April 11th, Sunday another good day with a light heart to start the day. Later
the energy shifts to the New Moon at 10:30, which may once again reach back to
September 1st . 2016 is a/the reference point.

The size of the task at hand may be relevant. Looking at new ways to tackle
health issues for one thing. Or employment or employer issues. Things are likely
to become more interesting with this New Moon. Meetings with people with
experience in fields of your needs. That comes along with the Moon and Mercury
then the Moon and Pallas. A lot of aspects here regarding the types of things
where information that you gather can be very useful for a long period down the
road. So, take notes and keep files.

The New Moon again is occurring at 10:31 PM. It being an Aries is a startup
energy. Let those things come to you.

Venus and Pluto goes square. That is at 11:20 PM. That Venus is in Aries. Pluto
is in Capricorn. This is about jealousy. Very often, aspects like that between
Venus and Pluto can really be haunting with jealousy and actions that are taken
regarding so. But money, withholding money, and squabbles over money. So that

is exact at 11:20 PM. You might want to avoid interactions with people on a one-
on-one. Especially when talking about money or someone else's interaction or
relationship with another.

Then on Monday, April 12. It is a good day, only until 8:06 AM. So, I mean, good
day as in Green Light day. Green Light is also, through Sunday, aside from the
fact that we are in the Dark of the Moon. So, I wouldn't take any forward action.
Just let things come to you, right up until 8:06 AM. then you want to evaluate the
nature of how these things might enhance your life or not.

Then you can find that someone later, around 7:12 in the morning on Monday
might be trying to control your actions as you try to push forward.

The Moon will be void of course from 8:06 AM until 1:44 PM. then we have a
Taurus Moon. Taurus Moons are really good for acquiring things. Going out
shopping. Making calls for a grant or a financial arrangement.

The dark Moon doesn't end until around 11:00 in the morning. But I would try not
to do too much shopping. You may need to return all or part of your purchases.
you may spot something, a better deal later. Or you could find that your products
fail and you wouldn't want to be left holding the bag so to speak.

These plans are better after 2:22 PM on Wednesday, unless you wish to drop all
or part of your project. That is always a consideration. These things hinge on the
fact that a planet is going to change signs. The planet in this case is Venus. Venus
is definitely all about money in this case. And she is going to enter the sign of
Taurus. So, she is about acquisition and things that you hold dear.

So, the planetary nodes of the Moon are being squared by the advisor. This is
Pallas Athena on Tuesday, April 13th. It is at 4:15 PM. You may have a very hard
time trying to get to the counselor that you need or having some kind of
consideration, for what it is that you need for your personal advice. the
status of how the information flows from one to another. There may seem to
be blocks in regard to those type of things where you need a special counselor.

Tuesday the Sun is at 60° to Mars. It gets your motor running for sure. But hold
on to your horses. And Mars is out there beyond the corral. So, holding on to your
horses may be a hard thing to do when you hear about some type of opportunity.
But do wait until after 2:22 PM on Wednesday to take action on it. This aspect
between the Sun and Mars is going to influence much of the day on Tuesday. It is
exact at 7:09 PM. What does this have to do with September 1st since 2016?
Hmm. That keeps popping up.

Then we have after there is a Green Light after 2:22 PM Wednesday until 7:59,
make that 8:00 PM on Wednesday evening. It seems as though it leads to some
money in your pocket. The final say comes from someone who holds the key to
the safe. Your needs should be laid out plainly for justifying expenses for those
that are under your care.

Once Venus enters Taurus, you have a clear picture of your parcel. And you may
enjoy the pleasures that Venus provides, while in her own sign. That is the sign of
Taurus. Then there is a void of course Moon, from 8:00 PM on Wednesday until
2:35 AM on Thursday morning.

Then the Moon enters Gemini and it is full of opportunities. But you must follow
the rules. You have a Green Light, but it is best after 10:00 AM on Friday.

There is however, a lovely aspect between the Sun and Jupiter. That is a 60°
aspect. It shows an opportunity not to be missed. Take action if you want to
advance your goals. Ask a generous person to back your plans. So, you may want
to stretch out there and try and test your luck before the caution on Friday
morning. It is a fun aspect. It is a lucky aspect.

There are several Mercury aspects early in the day on Thursday. Mercury is 135°
to Vesta, then 30° to Neptune, and then split parallel to Juno. This makes Mercury
very busy connecting with those who deal with investments and property rentals
and more. Some things are confusing and not clear as to the benefits or
boundaries of the deals. Your thinking is cloudy, but it will clear up soon after you
consult with a person who knows what is going on. That may be the smart person
by 12:58 PM when the Sun is sextile Jupiter. it could be sooner than that as well.

Then leading into Friday, April 16th. There is a tough aspect between the Sun and
Pluto. puts you in a long wait line. This is exactly at 9:26 AM. So, start your wait
line after that. There are tolls to pay and forms to fill out, even then you may not
get what you requested. Wait until there is a break, then try again and you are
more likely to succeed. Because when it ends, the Gemini Moon will continue on
through next Saturday and ends very well with a nice 60° aspect to the Sun. So
that opens up a lot of opportunities for you with that particular afternoon coming up
next Friday.

Just a look ahead. I want to put a little flash out there about next Saturday. Keep
your pets on a short leash. Be careful with birds flying out the cage door. I have
birds. I know what that's like. There is a real strong drive to run off, get loose,
escape. That is coming up from an aspect of the Moon and Mars. Mars is way out
of bounds. So, things will not be tracked easily. You won't be able to put the genie
back in the in the bottle. Anything that has a mind of its own, should be observed
from outside influences. Do keep a watch on escapees and runaways. It is most
likely your pets, but you never know. So, take care with that during spring when
those drives and instincts are very strong anyway, to get loose and stretch and run

That is, it for the week. You can find a copy of this on my website at Lunar-
Shadows. com. You can call me with questions or set up an appointment. It is
617-558-7233. My website is Lunar-Shadows. com. You can hear this report again
there. There is a link to Soundcloud and it is also on the front page of my website.
The blog page holds the transcription of this report. And that is it for the week. We
will be back next week. Thank you.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 3 - 10, 2021 with Green Light Days

Saturday, April 3, 2021 to Saturday, April 10, 2021 Dietrech Pessin – Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233. Available for consultation and one-on-one classes. WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00 AM Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 3 2021


  Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead Saturday, April 3, through the 10th of April, next Saturday. What we have is a pretty amazing week. A lot of Green Lights. So, we are going to be able to advance our goals over this week. There are basically no major retrogrades such as Mars or Mercury or Venus. Even Saturn and Pluto are still moving direct. So, we have Jupiter still moving direct. So, we have a lot of Green space here to work with things. Today however the Moon is in Capricorn since 4:12 AM. The last aspect is going to be conjunct Pluto. You could be motivated to engage in a business plan, but you don’t have all the facts yet. Part or all of your plan could be dropped if you take action before 11:41 PM Sunday. What comes in 11:40 PM…that is actually on Saturday. I’m sorry. Not Sunday. So, Saturday what happens is there is a Mercury change of signs 11:40 PM Saturday night. You will have a sharp grasp on things on a situation. You can act with conviction from the Capricorn Moon and you have a Green Light to advance, so it could not be better. You know you can get the documents you need before the deadline. This may be related to perhaps an approval for a letter to purchase a house or some other type of stamp of approval that you need. 

There is a Green Light that does begin 11:42 PM Saturday through 3:05 AM on Monday. That is all day on Sunday. This is excellent. There is a Last Quarter Moon at 6:02 AM on Sunday. This allows you to collect the monies owed to you or pay off a business agreement that you had. Money plans happen either on this day or the first business day thereafter, which would be on Monday. Jupiter is split parallel Uranus. This is on Sunday. This is fantastic. It is for a fast advancement for your project. If you are trying to sell a house this is great aspect to do that. So, put your house on the market on Sunday for sure. It is the best real estate and business deal that you can find in the short range here. 

Venus and Chiron, they have an aspect. It is a parallel. It is a very powerful aspect and it can soften up a locked heart if you are willing to trust your loved one or your counselor. This is on Sunday. It is all day long. It is exact at 1:39 PM and runs right through the night all the way through to Monday. The final aspect that comes up with the Capricorn Moon sign is on April 5 th Monday 3:05 AM. This is Moon conjunct Pluto. This will cement the deal. So, all through this Capricorn Moon sign after 11:41 PM Saturday. If you have a deal that you want to put together you may have to pay the devil a little bit because we are dealing with Pluto. Any agreement you make could put you in the company of a very controlling person for the duration of your agreement. You learn how to work with this. This may not be so bad if you wish to succeed. Eventually you find harmony. You seek compromise, although it may seem gripping from the start. 

Then there is a void of course Moon period Monday 3:05 AM until 9:03 AM. Then the Moon enters Aquarius. It is another Green Light period. This Green Light period runs from 9:03 AM Monday until 4:30 PM Thursday. The Moons final aspect is parallel Saturn. Long term friendships are the greatest assets with this Aquarius Moon sign: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, right through to 4:30 PM. During this time on Monday, you might feel completely inspired as your heart swells with the intentions of Neptune split parallel Pallas. This allows repeated patterns to lead you to valuable insights. Meditate with a guide for the very best outcome for this wonderful aspect. It is very intelligent. It has a third eye quality to it that is definitely eye opening in all sorts of ways. 


The Aquarius Moon sign is still Green throughout Monday and Tuesday. Also, it is Green all day long. There are some aspects. There is a real nice parallel between the Sun and Venus. This is good all day long on Tuesday. That attracts love and creativity. This aspect values money and appearances. Then You have an aspect between Uranus and Pallas. It is a sextile. If your most innovative nature blends with the brilliant ideas of others and that is on Tuesday. Then Mercury will split parallel Ceres. So, collecting information regarding children, fertility, gardening, food. Anything having to do with nurturing and fertility. There are quite a few aspects related to fertility this week that you also may want to be prepared for. The Moon conjunct Saturn 6:32 AM starts the morning off on Tuesday. This will be noted as something important that comes up at Christmas 2021. So that is just under 9 months. It could have something to do with pregnancy. Also, Venus and Mars are sextile at 7:17 AM. You may be motivated by the opportunities that surround a social situation.

You may find your work opportunities have leads in friendship circles as well. The Sun and the Moon support that with a beautiful sextile. 60 degree sextiles are great for opportunities. You spot them but you have to take action to keep them. The Moon is sextile Ceres. So, these are those things I was talking about. About fertility that comes up. And there are more also on Wednesday. But 5:09 PM Moon is sextile Ceres which is about fertility and food and nurturing. Caring for those that are not able to care for themselves. 

Jupiter and Chiron form an aspect on Tuesday 5:35 PM. This is particularly insightful. I would say it is about taking a courageous journey into your psychological routes. Jupiter is 45 degrees to Chiron. Notice how your awareness allows for a shift in feeling about past hurts. This is a powerful shift that could take place for the advancement of your psychological well-being. 

Then here we come on Wednesday in the middle of the night. So, you want to Tuesday night be aware that the middle of the night very fertile energy. Great for making babies. That is the Sun conjunct Ceres 3:05 AM. Then Mercury parallel Ceres. Another one great for making babies as well. Then the Moon is conjunct Jupiter. What a time to get up 6:04 AM. Finish with the Moon parallel Saturn which allows for much self-control, caution, and conservative actions. This can be positive where you could talk yourself out of a solid choice for your future if you are not careful. You naturally avoid radical notions. So, do not be afraid of going over the top with that Moon parallel Saturn 7:14 AM on Wednesday morning which starts also a void of course Moon all day long until 4:30 PM on Wednesday. That void of course Moon is a time for you to let go of your plans. Maybe stretch, go out join friends for a nice afternoon. Maybe you want to be able to join or align yourself with groups in some way, being mindful of the virus as well.


 The Moon enters Pisces at 4:30 PM ending the void of course Moon period. That is with us Wednesday until 2:11 AM on Saturday. A nice Pisces Moon long stretch. We have the Pisces Moon is intuitive especially about property. Housing, apartment hunting, house hunting anything like that looks very good on Wednesday the 7 th . We will have a Green Light that goes on from 4:30 PM on Wednesday right through until 2:11 AM on Saturday. Green Light all day Thursday. There could be something that you wish to sign up for and commit to on Thursday. That is an aspect of 135° to Vesta the investor. Investment. It is also about sacred space. Creating some type of sacred altar of some sort I bet you would like to create for yourself. There is a Green Light Friday until 7:48 PM. Mercury joins Chiron. Chiron is that wounded healer and also the key to the soul. It allows you to recall the past and realign your feelings from your current perspective. So, give yourself a break and pat yourself on the back for the growth that you have accomplished right up until this point. Maybe you want to write about it. Venus aligns with the partner indicator Juno. This alignment is split parallel. It may bring you together on the same page for at least a short amount of time to be able to plan something. Perhaps for the weekend or further. If you want to talk about marriage something like that. Then there is at 9:49 AM a little squabble in the air there. This is not the time to fight about it. 

You will have greater insight after a quiet time to recharge your batteries when the Moon and Neptune join together. They also may bring to mind September of 2015. It could be the whole fall of 2015 and how your life has changed since then. Reach out to help your family friends to prayer lines, and also meditate for those that need your help at this time. It is a power time. Very lucky and beneficial to align with your partner. That would be 10:31 AM on Friday. Going into the afternoon 3:17 PM Mars is square Neptune. This reveals a hole in the bucket. Look for what is draining your resources. It could be a hole in the roof a hole in the basement. Something that allows nature to invade your abode like mice and raccoons and heaven knows what. Be mindful also of those that try to trick you into supporting their goals. So, it could be fear based. You want to be careful not to buy into someone else’s fear. The Moon is void of course Friday starting at 7:48 PM right until 2:11 AM on Saturday when the Moon will enter Aries. That is, it for the week.  Have a very good week. Lots of Green Lights, so go for it. Bye for now.

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