Saturday, April 24, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 24 - May 1, 2021 with Green Light Days

 Saturday, April 24, 2021 to Saturday, May 1, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrich Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead April 24th
through May 1 2021.

This week is all about Scorpio and its formidable ruling planet Pluto. Pluto will turn
retrograde this week under a Scorpio Moon. That Scorpio Moon is full. That Full
Moon will be on Monday night at 11:32 PM at 7° of Scorpio. Extremely intense

Astrology brings keywords like deep intensity, driving transformation, addressing
gains and losses. Maybe the energies about taxes, inheritances, mortgages and
loans. Think about how your property is protected from flooding.

Physical focus includes reproductive organs, colon, hernias, pregnancy, eruptive
diseases and surgery. In the house it is the bathroom, the sink, the toilet,
basements. Outside: the sewage tanks, deep plumbing, any kind of stagnant,
smelly ponds and pools.

Vermin. A lot of people are dealing with vermin coming into their homes. So, this
one would really be a big time. This is good time to get the exterminators there or
any reasonable nonviolent method that you might have to purge yourself of such

But you could also expect spiritual and mental regeneration, and matters that are
positive regarding your mental health.

The Full Moon hides the influences of Neptune at a 45° angle and the Sun which
communicates 135° angle from the Moon to Neptune.

There is also this Saturn square Uranus that is being set off during this Full Moon.
The Full Moon ties in with those planets, although loosely, they will be

Saturn and Uranus is about sudden abrupt change to very stable and secure
areas in life. Anything having to do with structure and limits and things that are
holding you up.

So, what you do not want to do during this Scorpio Moon is trying to negotiate.
Stay away from business deals. This is not a not a sign for lightweights in an
ordinary Scorpio Moon. This one hold that up with iron post because you do not
want to attempt to negotiate a settlement. These are fixed energies. No one will
bend. If you are taking your car to the mechanic and you are trying to negotiate
the cost of repairs, you are not going to win there either. So, look to the end of the
week or after Wednesday for more amicable energy.

For today there is a Green Light after 12:06 PM. This will be during the Libra Moon
that comes in. That runs through until 8:40 AM. If I can encourage you to plan your
events before noon time on Monday that would be excellent.

If you had anything to do, particularly with relationships. If you want to hash out
big problem areas, especially during the void of course Moon period for that Libra
Moon sign. That would be from 8:40 AM until 12:18 PM.

Also, Pluto will turn retrograde this week.

Oh, I wanted to say there is another Green Light which would be great for
advancing your education goals on Wednesday 11:42 AM until Friday at 9:27

Pluto turns retrograde on Tuesday 4:04 PM until October 6. Pluto can evoke fear
and bring a battle with vermin in the home. Pluto can also be the advocate for
deep positive change. Psychological issues in particular get a positive boost from
this Pluto because all of your issues are right there on the table.

So, the Libra Moon will come in today, Saturday, April 24, at 12:06 PM. It ends
well with a trine to Jupiter. That is after a square to Pluto. So, you have to time
things carefully if you want the absolute best out of this Libra Moon.

The first flip-flop during the Libra Moon is related to the Full Moon coming up on
Monday night. That is a quincunx between the Sun and the Moon 8:19 PM. That
is life’s messy, clean it up. That could be a mishap that takes a while to put things
back together. Talking it out is the best way to clean up misunderstandings with a
Libra Moon.

Saturn squashes Venus' love energy Sunday morning when it is square to Saturn.
Then Mercury is square Saturn thereafter, at 7:58 AM. The Venus square Saturn
is in the middle of the night 12:21 AM. But don't worry. The two of those planets,
Mercury and Saturn, join up later in the day which helps to soothe things that may
have felt irreversible prior to 6:19 PM, when Mercury and Venus join together and
bring some much-needed good news. Good companions get together to take on a
trip or a or a major issue or change in life. So be inspired but find your voice with
this aspect. This is terrific if you wanted to write, sing. Those two planets are in
Taurus which bring a beautiful voice and beautiful music. Use your heart to make
your decisions. We are talking about Sunday.

Those you partner with later on, on Sunday around this time, you can find will be
a very good match.

That Libra Moon stays with us right through until 12:18 PM on Monday. But the
earlier part of Monday is Green and excellent right up until 8:40 AM when the
Moon is trine Jupiter.

There is an annoying Moon square Pluto at 7:15 AM. So, you should get past that
before you make any commitment. I would do it as close to 8:00 as you can and
find ways to negotiate any type of bill or disputed monetary things in in a couple of
days thereafter. And not during the Scorpio Moon that is coming up from 8:40 AM
on Monday morning until 12:18 PM.

The Moon is void of course in Libra. Use this time to appreciate the value of your
bonded relationships. Take on something that you would like to do that builds a
harmonious relationship.

12:18 PM Scorpio Moon sign comes in. This is a Moon sign that really requires
deep meditation and prayer to lift the density and intensity of the following two
days from 12:18 PM until 11:42 AM on Wednesday. That Scorpio Moon definitely
is bringing about a whole lot of intensity. It is full at 11:31 PM Monday night.

This will help you to wrap up things that you want to do. But if you wanted to go
about it in a harmonious way, I would pick the Libra Moon sign to have all of your
plans all wrapped up by 8:40 AM Monday morning and latest by 12:00 PM. But
that is during the void Moon.

So that is where that Green Light comes in with the Libra Moon because you
really should put everything down during the Scorpio Moon. It is problematic in so
many ways. It is argumentative. Mercury and Mars get off on the wrong foot at
1:50 PM on Tuesday. So, do not get into a screaming match with anyone. You
are likely to lose. Although the temptation is to prove your point, let it go and bring it
up at a sweeter time. Pluto is retrograde 4:01 PM for five and a half months and
that is on Tuesday.

The Moon is opposite Mercury. You can lose your stuff, especially your
paperwork. So, make sure it is in a good place. Do not make it so safe that you
cannot find it.

Then the Moon picks up a little short-term relief with agreeable energy from Venus
as it attempts a peaceful pause. This is at 9:34 PM but it definitely can have an
impact on the evening, the earlier evening, say 7:00. 8:00, 9:00 PM. Good for
going to sleep with a little peaceful hope there during that really intense Scorpio
Moon, which continues right through Wednesday. Starts its void of course Moon.
That would be at 8:31 AM until 11:42 AM on Wednesday.

Then we have a great big relief to sigh (STOP 10:59). An enthusiastically good
beginning is Sagittarius. This brings in relief and hope for the next couple of days
through 12:15 PM on Friday.

So, the Sagittarius Moon is agreeable, optimistic, looking at forward energy.
Sagittarius Moon does have surprises early on Thursday morning with a parallel
between the Taurus Sun, and Uranus also in Taurus. That is early in the morning
on Thursday. This aspect is at 7:48 AM and it continues through the entire day. It
is uniquely filled with the truth and joins with others of like-minded goals. Progress
can be noted for those that are seeking justice.

Mercury at 60° to Neptune allows for a spiritual perspective under a broad-minded
Sagittarius Moon. Reach out to clergy, prayer circles, meditation groups to bring
peace and harmony to difficult situations with this Mercury and Neptune sextile.

Then we have an aspect 2:16 AM. Do not get up and let your dog out at that hour
early in the morning on Friday because Pluto is square Ceres. Pluto abducts
things: small animals, kids. It ties into an old myth about Pluto and Ceres. So, you
want to avoid doing anything that leaves loved ones unattended.

Friday, early morning It is excellent for a forward-looking offer. It is also great.
This is on Friday for educational plans and looking further out into the year for
travel beyond the pandemic restrictions.

Then the last aspect of this Sagittarius Moon is excellent. It is sextile Jupiter, 9:26
AM. So, this is really a great time to advance your goals. Do it on Friday, after I
would say beginning around sunrise up until 9:26 AM. Or even during the void of
course Moon, which the Moon is never void of course while it is in sign of Sagittarius.

The new sign comes in. It is Capricorn 12:16 PM. It is typically all business. This
one ends with a harmonious Moon Trine Mercury, which is great. So, you may
want to use that Capricorn Moon for your business deals. You can negotiate on
Friday after 12:16 PM through Sunday until 10:38 AM on Sunday.

There is 7:50 PM Moon is opposite Mars. You may not want to engage in any way
talking with people in a heated way because it is very argument like. That would
be around 7:50 and up until 8:43 when some harmonious energy comes in a little

Okay, so that is it for the week. You can find a copy of this on my website at Lunar
-Shadows. com. My phone number is 617-558-7233. You can text me also there
at 617-558-7233. This report is archived at WZBC for two weeks. And also, you
can find a copy of this on my website. Okay, that is it for the week. Give me a call

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