Saturday, May 1, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for May 1 -8, 2021 with Green Light Days

 Saturday, May 1, 2021 to Saturday, May 8, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is May
1st. We will be covering the astrological data through May 8th next Saturday. 

The Capricorn Moon is how we start, but we have got some Green Lights this
week. It is going to be a very interesting week and better after Monday. Tuesday.
Make Tuesday the better day. But for today for the Capricorn Moon it is very good
Saturday and Sunday, right up until 10:37 AM on Sunday, for a Green Light.

Green Light would be a time when you can invest in your future, you take action
on your goals etc. However, we have a Sun square Saturn coming up on Monday
with also a Last Quarter Moon. So, it is rather intense and heavy and restrictive.
You want to be able to have an easy Green Light ahead of you. So, that would be
Tuesday all day until 10:07 PM. Green again with the Pisces Moon that comes in
on Tuesday at 10:08 PM until 3:36 AM Friday morning.

So, as I said, the Green Lights are pending on the energies that are surrounding
Sun square Saturn. Which is an uphill battle, an uphill climb. It is like we are all
doing a lot of heavy hard work. Heavy lifting. That is is about things
that Saturn rules. Father issues and your teeth and your bones and the foundation
of your house and the structure in your life. All of that comes up to be rather
important business, and business in general.

Saturn is in Aquarius, square to Uranus in Taurus. The Sun has been hanging out
with Uranus. So that is making us feel like, a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. It is just edgy
and difficult to be able to calm down. So, doing one thing at a time, asking for
help, and engaging with friends as much as you can for moral support or any other
kind of support would be a good thing.

So, for Saturday Capricorn. That is today May 1. Happy May Day. It is full of
agreements which come easily after completing a process. So, you have to follow
the rules with Capricorn.

That Green Light is hinged on the fact that we need to get also past that Sun

square Saturn on Monday. So, you do not want to sign anything just yet. You
want to wait. Because the cost will be more manageable after that aspect comes
up on Monday. Let me give that time to us. So, we know what we are headed for.
Excuse me, it is at 6:02 AM Monday morning, the Sun is
square Saturn. So, that is when it feels like you have got to get all your ducks in a
row. Somebody may say no and you have to start all over again. So, you want to
be able to be the most efficient and doing things in an organized fashion.

Alright, so Pluto's involved in that. So, Pluto does not let you off the hook without a
strict payment plan. So, this is a Green Light day on Saturday, but it can be
costly. So do not get into it too deep. Do not be buying all the flowers in the
garden shop. It may end up costing you later.

Venus and Vesta spot an investment. This comes up to be something interesting
later in the week. That aspect is a parallel. So, you get to engage with it in some
way, maybe. Sometimes you can put a deposit on things. but even that is rather
initiating something that you should wait until after that Monday Sun square
Saturn is over. So, just keep a foot in somehow. It is at 2:59 PM. It actually is
governing the whole day. Then the energy will shift after a couple of days. There is
something about that find, that investment find that you spot on Saturday that can
be very excellent.

Mercury and Pluto join in a trine asking the right tough questions. This is on
Sunday morning, early in the morning. So, questions are deep and they can be
piercing. But you will get to the bottom of what is important. Also release your
worries with a reflection of the support that is actually there for you.

Later in the morning Capricorn Moon is alongside of Pluto. While nicely it is trine
to this master of control. If you accept a lovely dinner for instance, you might be
obliged to pick up the tab or reciprocate in some other way.

That Capricorn Moon will end with Mercury and the Moon in a beautiful trine giving
it a nice Green Light. There is a void of course Moon after that at 10:38 AM
Sunday and this runs until 3:31 PM.

Then we come into an Aquarius Moon. So early in the day is probably a better time
for doing things. The Aquarius Moon gets a little bit cold
because of some pressures that are involved with the Aquarius Moon after 3:31

So, the Aquarius Moon is full of pressure and rigid demands. That is because of
the fact that it comes into that Monday Sun square Saturn. And it will end with a
Last Quarter Moon on Monday afternoon at 3:50 PM. That Last Quarter Moon will

be at 13° of Aquarius. That is one of those points where Saturn and Uranus will
square exactly at that degree on June 14th, so it holds it in a pattern.

Saturn square Uranus is great for digging things up and rearranging things and
tossing all your old clothes out and buying new ones and rearranging your life in a
way that you had not even considered before. So, it is a lot of hard work. There
are a lot of considerations throughout the whole year, not just until June. But it
does not finish off until Christmas Eve for the last square between Saturn and

So, there are things that you wish to accomplish with this Sun square Saturn.
Your hard work will pay off in time and patience is actually your best friend here.
Do not try to push anything through. Go with the flow. The flow is pick up the
heavy boxes and walk uphill, do the job till it is done. Be careful about your teeth
and your bones and your knees. You want to be able to take good care of your
body, as well as business matters as well.

The Aquarius Moon has a little bit of a shift. This is after 3:50 when that Last
Quarter Moon comes up on Monday. That Last Quarter Moon is attached to a
New Moon that began in February of 2019. And then a First Quarter Moon in
November of 2019.
A related Full Moon occurred in August of 2020. And now here you are for the
payoff. This is a time to pay off an old debt or get paid for work that you have
done in the past, on Monday. It may include something to do with friendship, or a group
association, something like that.

Mercury changes signs. It is now in the sign of Taurus. It will enter Gemini at
10:50 PM on Monday. That will turn our thinking into more quick thinking hopefully
until July 11th.

But Mercury will turn retrograde in the sign of Gemini on May 29th until June 22.
So, we get a long Mercury in Gemini with that retrograde period coming up.

Tuesday, we come along and there is a Green Light there. That one will cover
the whole day. Very nice Aquarius Moon now that the heavy stuff is behind us.
There is also a possibility with the Moon square Venus that some one’s feelings
get hurt if they feel left out. So be mindful of your friends in that way. Even your
close friends and companions, like your pets could feel left out as well. Anyone
that feels like they need to be a friend. Skip the pricey lunch on Tuesday and plan
for a very happy dinner with friends. You have that Green Light to advance from
12:30 PM until 10:07 PM on Tuesday.

That Aquarius Moon changes. The void of course Moon is only for one minute on
Tuesday night from 10:07 PM until 10:08 PM. So, it does not even count pretty

much, but the Moon sign does change. It goes into the sign of Pisces for
Wednesday, Thursday and early Friday morning.

Pisces Moon = "you land in a different place than what you expect" if you
take action on that day. I find that it is a very good Moon for a lot of things
because your intuition is the strongest sense that you have. You seem to be
guided. You seem to allow yourself to take action based on what you intuit.
Many times things take a different turn or your actions bring you something
that you never imagined. It's not always great but can work out nevertheless.

So, the Pisces Moon has Jupiter Ceres aspect that comes in at 5:02 PM Wednesday.
This is very nice for feeling like you are being taken care of.

Ceres arrives with the more immediate comforts in the sign of Aries. Ceres is that
nurturing little planet that takes care. It is about feeding you and comforting you
and under the care of a doctor, that kind of thing. Maybe there is a solution that
improves your mental function. Jupiter might help with that when it is in a sextile
with Ceres. So that is a nice aspect that comes in.

Then a couple minutes later, there is a little confusion. You may lose sight of some
promises made to a mate. Neptune square Juno Wednesday. This may send the wrong
signal if you let it pass that you really do not care. So, you may want to look after and
think about “Oh, what did I forget?” Or just ask some questions and get the right

And remember that investment opportunity we had spotted for today, for
Saturday. It might be the right time to move on it on Wednesday. That would be
leading in the evening May 5th or any time any time in the evening after 5:30 PM
up and through 10:20 PM, when Mars investor the investor has a good opportunity
for you to take some action with.

Then Thursday another Green Light. I hope it is going to feel like a good week.
Just because these days have Green Lights does not necessarily mean they feel
great. This is a Saturn square Uranus year. It is very hard to have everything lined
up and set up so that it actually feels great. Or that chaos does not butt its way
into your already beautiful plans. So, go with the flow as much as you can. The
Pisces Moon is beautiful. It does have a really nice start with Venus trine Pluto.
This aspect allows you to check in and find maybe the money that you need.
Maybe there is something that you would love to do, like go to a retreat, a yoga
retreat, a meditation retreat, and with that Pisces Moon right through until 3:36 AM
on Friday morning.

That Friday morning is really lovely. If you feel like when you wake up on Friday

that you have been visited by angels, you probably are right. The Pisces Moon
reaches out to Venus in the middle of the night. The sweet loving energy feeds
your soul. So, we have Venus in Taurus and the Moon in Pisces. This is a lovely
aspect. It is exact at 3:36 AM. So, enjoy that.

Then the Pisces Moon is free floating until 7:52 AM. Then the Moon is shifting into
that high energy forward goal of Aries.

Mercury will move out of bounds to join Mars on Friday. That is at 8:45 AM. This
has to make for more interesting activities. Thinking about reaching beyond your
average reasoning power and trying to figure things out in a way that maybe your
brain has stalled with projects or options or contracts or anything before. You may
seek a contract with those who may never had said yes before.

Mercury is out of bounds until May 30th. And is joined by Venus and the Moon in
the meantime, before that as well (later in May).

That Aries Moon is with us through the day. No Green Light here. So, you want to
be able to take care of things. Keep the ball rolling for a better Green Light time.
That would be next Saturday, after Venus enters Gemini at 10:01
PM. Before that, you want to sit back and let things go with the flow.

That is, it for the week. You can find a copy of this on my website at Lunar-
Shadows com. You can call me at 617-558-7233. I am available for consultation,

and one on one classes if you like. Also, I am preparing for a lecture I'm going to
be giving for the Astrological Society of Connecticut on the 20th of May at 7:00
PM. It will be a Zoom class, so we can all join in. Let me know if you are interested
in a class on the Part of Fortune. Very interesting little character, the Part of
Fortune. So that is it for the week. Again, my phone number is 617-558-7233. You
can text me on that number. I prefer that if you could do that 617-558-7233.

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