Saturday, May 8, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin May 8 - 15, 2021 with Green Light Days

 Saturday, May 8, 2021 to Saturday, May 15, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin. With the astrology report for the week ahead. We have
a Green Light today during this Aries Moon. Ends really well. Moon sextile Jupiter
which brings us an opportunity to look at the broader picture. Help yourself
to some of the information that others have gathered in their wisdom along the
way right through until 6:50 PM today during this Aries Moon. Very active. Get
outside and do things.

For this evening Venus enters the sign of Gemini until June 2nd during the Aries
Moon sign. Giving it a Green Light from 10:01 PM until 6:50 PM tomorrow night,
Happy Mother's Day tomorrow, which makes for a very active, nice Mother's Day.
Venus in Gemini is flirtatious and fickle. You may one thing after another you just
have to have. In personal relationships Venus can be easily distracted and desire

Then the sign of Taurus comes in in the evening. So, we might be particularly
hungry. Taurus Moon loves to eat food first with Taurus, that is for sure. That
starts at 7:46 PM. The last aspect is another Jupiter aspect for the Taurus Moon,
which is an overabundance of optimism regarding money and resources and
hungry for tradition and comfort with that Taurus Moon.

Mercury will be lined up with the Lunar Node meeting a lot of new people, maybe
on Monday. Active thinking, all types of connection, networking, great time for
reaching out to people. We will be in the Dark of the Moon, meaning that there is a
New Moon coming. That will be at 2:59 PM on Tuesday, May 11th. So, you want
to be able to let things come to you. Do not initiate things. Opening businesses,
getting married, all that sort of thing. Not a good idea under a New Moon, because
you do not know what you are getting. And plus, if you are opening a business,
under a New Moon, people won't find you as easily. So, you really need to wait
until there is more light of the Moon. That would be more towards the end of the

There are a lot of sibling events [that] could come up during this Monday as well
besides those introductions. Moon in Uranus it comes together and in the evening.
Taurus also rolls the cart. The horse drawn the oxen drawn cart. So, this may also
be a time when you want to listen to what your car is saying to you. What your
chariot is saying to you. Take care of little noises and things.

Mercury will turn retrograde later in the month in May. Not now, but we have to

pay attention to these things. The Moon is square Saturn, Monday 10:55 PM just
in time to recline for the rest of the evening. But there is definitely a thing about
friendship going on for Monday night. Take a friend along especially if you are
visiting your mom, again, maybe on Monday. Maybe she wants you to bring a
friend that she is familiar with.

Then the New Moon happens as we said 2:59 PM, 3:00 PM. This is at 21° of
Taurus. It is most closely aligned with Neptune. So, it is accessing all sorts of
things that have possibly been given your brain: brain fog, depression,
sleeplessness. It has the ability to be able to find an opportunity to come outside
of yourself in regard to those matters. Maybe you know hiring a coach to help you
get motivated, get along in in a better way.

Also, Mars is square Chiron. This one aggravates old wounds, 7:53 PM Tuesday
night May 11th. That could be something that you feel needs some processing
again. Ask for help for that with a counselor. The Taurus Moon sign is tradition.
Comfort and resources are the thing. Gardening, food, anything that makes you
feel safe and secure are under the canopy of Taurus persuasion. Do not push
anything. You want something from someone, take the slow road. Incorporate
food. Take a plate of cookies or brownies or something and soften your
environment with the softer things in life.

There is a coming together during the Taurus Moon where you are able to allow
the benefits to come to you without chasing them. That is a benefit of the Taurus
Moon sign also.

But then the Moon is square Jupiter, so there is an overabundance of optimism
there. Maybe there is not as much in the pot as you thought there was. Although
you have a lot of spiritual support with that Sun and Moon in the middle of the
night there.

The Gemini Moon comes in 8:42 AM. This Gemini Moon, there are a lot of
directions to take during this Gemini Moon. Lots of leads, but scattering your
efforts can let you miss out on what you really want. So do not chase every shiny
new thing. Stay focus. Move slowly. But do get out and about. Explore new routes
and meet new people during the Gemini Moon.

There will be a Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th. So, you have a little clue
during this Gemini Moon about what those what those energies might be like. Who
might come into your life, when? What you are thinking of? How you want to go
about traveling about? Taking little day trips?

The Sun and Neptune form an aspect early in the morning on Thursday. probably

making your sleep. Oh. Back on May 12th. Happy birthday, Carol Smith, fellow
astrologer and friend on May 12th.

Then we have on May 13th Thursday, the Dark of the Moon ends at Sunrise. You
can find better, more light on the subject. Things that you have been looking for,
trying to do, might be a little easier to find. But do not take any action because you
might drop all or part of what you want to do. That is because Jupiter’s going to
change signs and go into the sign of Pisces. That will be fun to see. Watch the
water rise with Jupiter in Pisces. You also watch that spiritual energy rise as well.
Take advantage of yoga, meditation classes, anything that is going to expand your
awareness. Your inner awareness. Going to your core with the support of
something that you have learned all throughout your life. Go into it with a eyes
wide open on your inner self.

So, that Jupiter entering Pisces 6:36 PM brings a Green Light. And that Green
Light will be with us right until 8:22 PM Friday night. If you want to take action
under the Gemini Moon for something that you have connected with, networked
with, maybe something with siblings you could join others. Do something fun with
your siblings with that Gemini Moon sign.

Then after some adjustments to your finances, you may see that you need to
respond or pay off some debts that come up because of an aspect between the
Moon and Saturn. But it all ends well because the Moon is parallel Mercury during
this Gemini Moon sign. This will be excellent for writing your own contracts. Be
careful about the fine print, but you will be able to see things and do things in ways
that please your interest.

There is a void of course Moon period from 8:22 PM on Friday until 9:30 PM on
Friday when the Moon enters Cancer for over the whole weekend. It will oppose
Pluto. So, that holds on to things and especially the reins of power. Pluto really
wants to control things in a big, kind of loud way. But the end of that Cancer Moon
has the Sun 120 degrees trine Pluto. So, there is something that you can take advantage of
and use to your own benefit in a large way for those Pluto type of things. That
would be the whole week

We are going to have this on a website at Also, the
transcribed report will be there. Look to the blog page, and you can replay the
recording on and also on WZBC 90.3 FM in their archive
section (for two weeks). Look for the expanding awareness hour with Victor. That
is, it for the week. Have a Happy, Happy Mother's Day. And we will be back again
next week. Bye for now.

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