Saturday, December 24, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Dec 24 - 31, 2016

The live radio report is available at soundcloud/orbzero

The Moon will travel through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius this week.
There is a New Moon on Thursday morning 1:53 AM at 8 degrees Capricorn while holding the door open for Uranus turning direct at 4:29 AM. Making this an unpredictable setting to ring in the new beginnings. This is the picture of a wild and grand awakening.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 24, 2016 – Saturday, December 31, 2016
Good morning! Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanza! It certainly is an eventful time in our lives. We have for today on Christmas Eve and the first night of Hanukkah. I think this was the first night of Hanukkah. I’m not sure. At any rate it may have been last night, but I think it is tonight.

There is a deep intensity with the Christmas spirit here because of the Scorpio Moon sign that began yesterday in the morning. 9:32 in the morning and it continues right through until the Moon enters Sagittarius tomorrow night Sunday night on the 25th Christmas Day. Mercury is retrograde so it is causing a lot of change in plans, a change of mind, a change of heart. It is in the sign of Capricorn. A lot of things are decided because of money. So money is the culprit for doing things and not doing things.

Also what we have for today there is an aspect of the Saturn and the Uranus trine. They are in a perfect trine 120 degrees. This aspect will come back again on May 19th and then again on November 11th, both in 2017. The aspect of Saturn and Uranus have a lot to do with technology and everyday household gadgets. This can really increase that type of gift. Also gifts of unusual and interesting sorts. Saturn is about trying to make things practical and useful. The modernization continues. Everything is modern now. The business side of these technologies are very, very strong with this aspect. So there is likely to be a broadening of businesses, technology businesses. Maybe more of them.

It is also a time where there is an option to allow relationships to have more freedom and have less commitment in the traditional way. Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius which is about free and open spaces. Uranus is very freedom oriented. So there is that option to renegotiate along the way the meaning of your relationships and using the freedom of expression as the key that can help to keep things together longer. This aspect has been in effect since December 19th and continues through January 2nd, for this time around.

But Saturday night remains intense with its Scorpio Moon. One thing about Scorpio Moon in the retail business is people are likely to spend more money. Large, really large purchases come out of a Scorpio Moon sign. And they worry about paying the bill later. That can definitely come up with the Mercury retrograde which encourages you to rethink and redo and renew and review your finances before you head out and spend the bank. Also with purchases high also are returns with the retrograde Mercury.
Sunday Dec 25, 2016 – The Moon is void of course all day Sunday until 10:19 PM when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
Then on Sunday on Christmas Day that Scorpio energy increases the need to be close with others that you are familiar with. However it is not necessarily warm and fuzzy. Venus and Jupiter do lighten the mood with a beautiful trine at 8:23 AM. Venus goes on to link with Uranus then Saturn from 11:35 AM tomorrow morning until 1:33 PM. This adds a crazy sparkle to the day. The configuration continues on until the end of the month. So it again is asking for breathing room in relationships and it is appreciated as Venus and Aquarius is friendly, not romantic. So keep your expectations low regarding romance.
Venus and Saturn however do appreciate one another when they are linked in a positive aspect, 60 degree aspect in this case. It recognizes a good deal. Also linked to the same aspect sitting in the middle of that trine is its 60 degree link to Uranus as well. This aspect is likely to suddenly change plans. You could be sitting at a dinner table enjoying a feast and then all of a sudden get up and say let’s go out and do this or that and change the mood completely. Some feelings may get hurt but they hopefully will soon recover.

We have Mercury and Pluto at a parallel later on in the day. That is around 4:30 in the afternoon. This is a bonded link of communication which allows things to ruminate, turn round and round and round. There is a worry bug in your head. It doesn’t necessarily help. It may actually fortify your fears and bring you into some line of communication which gives you more information about what you might be nervous about.
Sunday night the Moon enters Sagittarius. You may find that people flee from the clutches of such Scorpio intensity and venture out for some (actual or metaphorical)fresh air, which would be delightful.

Monday Dec 26, 2016 – Take care as Monday is highly accident prone.
Monday, Sagittarius Moon sign offers little understanding of many of the aggressive events that Mars will pose. That Mars energy comes in on Monday. It is exact. Exactly at 8:23 in the morning Mars is conjunct the Lunar Node. This has to do with a broadening of its effects, the effects are heated situations in Pisces. Mars in Pisces is steamy. Represents also when it is applying its link to Neptune where it is headed. It can be a hole in the bucket. So notice what it is that draining the purse and draining your resources. Also it is loose lips sink ships. People might be attempting to make things right by spilling the beans again. Whether the weather is likely to be wild.
Mars looks like it may walk right into a gun fight and there is no holding back with the insults and the mad configuration that comes up on Monday afternoon when Mars is linked to Jupiter then Uranus then Jupiter and Uranus opposition that has been in effect for about a week is now on stage with Mars setting it off. So you want to practice today, tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday benevolence and tolerance for those who are off their leash. Stay out of the way.
You want to also create a space for dramatic changes that may come into your life. That swing back and forth from routine to personal relationships and anything in regard to both global and personal matters are large.
You are likely to feel like you have been in the dark about a lot of things. With the Moon in Sagittarius making a square to Neptune, as the Monday night comes into the evening at 5:40 PM.
There are no Green Light periods during the week by the way. So everything is sort of at your own risk.
Mercury being retrograde and the aspect between Mercury and Neptune at 11:18 PM may shed some light on things that had been going on in the dark corners of the world. So that should be interesting to see what may come out of that. It also can stir up more wind and more white stuff.

Tuesday Dec 27, 2016 – The Moon’s final aspect in Sagittarius is (60º) sextile Venus at 8:45 PM. The ancient astrologers did not consider the Moon to be void of course in Sagittarius. You may want to test this theory.

Tuesday December 27th Sagittarius Moon sign presses on and makes sense of what is going on as best it can. Mercury is retracing and redoing many things on the business front because Mercury turned retrograde in the sign of business, Capricorn. The counsel we seek is found in Pallas this week, Pallas Athena is the Goddess of great wisdom now moving into the sign of Pisces. This can be seen as some sort of magician behind the scenes that gives a signal to ask for help while in a state of meditation. What you pray is what you get. So pray for peace. In this case I would say continue to pray for peace for the next four to eight years. Pallas enters the sign of Pisces at 7:22 PM. That may be a good time Tuesday night to choose a therapy of your choice. Also select the counselor that you think might be right for you.
Then we have the dark of the Moon period. Begins also on Tuesday night through the New Moon on Thursday. Then there is the light of the Moon. Might be visible Friday night when you are more informed about matters. So That you could make new decisions based on the new things that are coming to you over this next new Moon period.

Wednesday Dec 28, 2016 - The Moon is without aspect while in Sagittarius Wednesday morning until 10:12AM.
Wednesday the Moon changes from Sagittarius to Capricorn at 10:12 AM. There is a conjunction on Wednesday between the Sun and Mercury. This is the middle of the Mercury retrograde period which could be filled with a tricksters mishaps. Especially about information and travel plans. Boy, travel plans for people have been brutal with the Mercury retrograde over the holiday season. So you want to take a solid inventory. Inventory of what you have and don’t have. Double check your itinerary. Call ahead make sure your appointments are what you think they are. Even if you have checked in make sure things are as they are supposed to be, as you head out to meet up with others. Otherwise, expect some mental agility with this. Some sharp mindedness for snap decisions. Some of these things you may have to redo and review and retrace and try to put into a better perspective later. But you might be able to sort through things. Also sort through gossip and news stories. You want to make an outline for your agreements without signing until Mercury turns direct on the 8th of January.

Thursday Dec 29, 2016 – The New Moon occurs at 1:53 AM at 8º Capricorn. The New Moon carries a loud message from the retrograde Mercury messenger. There may be information from past inquiries which pose as a concern. The Sun and Moon are sandwiched between the information that Mercury holds and the Pluto’s seat of power. Saturn and Uranus are 120º apart for a shout from those who want answers at the distance which justifies its outburst and understandably so. Uranus has plans for charging ahead but remains at a standstill. Jupiter swings the pendulum in the other direction tipping the balance of the largest social and political issues. Pluto continues to hold the space for the recent tyrants of its square to Uranus from 2012 – 2015. All that had been held back is now running for its own most selfish interest.

Beyond that there are indicators of deceit and a large hole in the bucket (Mars and Neptune join at the lunar node). Look for leaks from the practical to the spiritual. Use this New Moon to seek the balance of a teacher. The teacher might have your best interest in mind without an overly material motivation.

More on Thursday December 29 the Capricorn Moon holds onto its business end. The current events such as Uranus making a reverse in its direction since it was turned retrograde on July 29, 2016. From that point on the things that have been shaking up can shake up in a greater way, like a jack in a box, making Thursday very intense regarding things which can be surprising.
It is interesting that Uranus makes its turnabout while the Moon is in Capricorn. Although the cosmic influences show there are no coincidences. This again reflects back to the fact that Uranus and Pluto were square for several years. They began their choreographed edgy encounter at the very degree of this New Moon at 8º Capricorn but on June 24, 2012. They continue to be affecting us even though this aspect has begun to pull apart. Business dealings, avoid them. Major decisions, avoid them as well on Thursday as we are in the Dark Moon Period until at least Friday at sunset. More light shines on important subjects by Saturday night Dec 31. Needless to say the things we attract during this New Moon period are likely to be showing how the greatest changes in our lives since 2012 now pose to develop into a readable list of what has been concrete and what has crumbled. Make your choices cautiously with the idea that what you break away from might be what has helped you to have the stability you have acquired today.

Friday Dec 30, 2016 – the Moon is void of course throughout the day from 3:06AM until 8:29 PM EST.
For Friday December 30th the Capricorn Moon sets off the events from the past week again when the Moon is square Uranus at 2:19 AM. Things can go bump in the night on Friday morning with that one. And then square Jupiter at 3:06 AM. The Moon then continues in the sign of Capricorn throughout the day being void of course after… I would say 3:06 AM. All day long the Moon will be void of course until the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 8:29 PM on Friday night.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Neptune on Friday at 6:24 PM. This aspect may link a bridge to things that are spiritual and musical and creative. Anything that you want to do or present from your creative side would be well developed with this aspect. It also is seeking ways to explore those things that are being done behind the scenes.
Friday night after the Aquarius Moon sign we have a greater opportunity to see things in a friendlier light when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius through Friday night. It continues in Aquarius next weekend. That is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this report on my website at You can call me at 617-924-0929.
It is also not too late to buy a gift certificate for astrology, or Victor’s tarot card readings or past life regression. Fun stuff to give for the holidays and the 8 days of Hanukkah and Kwanza as well. We also may have a note from Victor about what he offers. [Victor: tarot card readings which involves some psychic ability and past live regression. It is always fun to get Christmas presents after Christmas. (To reach Victor it is best to Email victor at]

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Astrology Report Dec 17 - 24, 2016 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Periods

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2016 – Saturday, December 24, 2016

Good morning! We have an Electoral College vote on Monday, which is a huge event. But it is a very important day astrologically. This is why I study astrology. We have these events that are incredibly large and important. The astrological information cooperates and shows us something very special.
Mercury will turn retrograde on Monday. And Mars will leave Aquarius the sign where it entered on election night, when Donald trump claimed his winnings. Mars will enter the sign of Pisces on Monday morning. We are going to talk about that. There is also a very powerful and loud Last Quarter Moon that will take place on Tuesday. It is at 29 degrees of Virgo. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo, so there is a lot hinged on what Mercury is doing.
There are other things brewing… the Libra Moon is going to be extremely active because of the fact that Jupiter and Uranus are approaching their opposition which will occur on the day after Christmas, the 26th of December. What follows is that Uranus turns direct after being retrograde since late July.
So what that means is that Uranus is standing still basically, from now through the rest of the month. While standing still it collects all of its sparkling, crazy, bizarre stuff that Uranus puts out and Jupiter is going to make it bigger than life. This event is likened to a big Jack-in-the-box. When a planet is standing still, like Mercury is now, before turning retrograde on Monday, it collects the surrounding energies. Sometimes people wait until it is exactly retrograde and it will try and rush to get things done just before. But it doesn’t work like that. It is already been in its retrograde zone for a while. The other thing about Mercury is that it is out- -of- bounds (greater than 23º26’ south in declination). Mercury crosses that boundary to return around 9:44 AM. It is official when the Sun and Mercury join in a parallel at 7:40 PM tonight. The Sun will mark its welcome for Mercury back into the fold. What is so special about this is that Mercury collects information from strange and unusual places. Having been way out there, where it has been since November 18th it has been collecting information from unusual sources. Now it is time to process these details to bring them in for the major decisions that will occur on Monday the 19th when the Electoral College makes its official vote. Those votes are then placed into an envelope from their individual state houses and then sent to 6 different people, one of which will be delivered to the Vice President of the United States who delivers it to the House of Representatives. From there, on January 6th, if there is a decision, after the votes are counted it is announced on that day. If there is no decision that could be made, then the Vice President Elect becomes the temporary President by the way. So there are all sorts of decisions to be made here.
Saturday Dec 17, 2016
What we can expect for…looking back on today Saturday. There is a couple of things. The Moon and Mercury form a quincunx at 9:45 AM. This is when it sort of bumps Mercury back into the fold where it is going to behave a little more normally. (That is all relatively speaking considering the fact that it is going to turn retrograde.) Retrograde is a cue for things to: reverse, redo, review, renew, retread, re-track. Anything having to do with doing with a second-time-around. If you are taking action for the first time during this Mercury retrograde in anything that you attempt to do you must still observe the signals. You may have bought 50 cars over your life time but if you buy a car while Mercury is turning retrograde it may not perform the way you expect. On the other hand I have known people that have said “Oh it was the best car I ever bought”, and it could be. There are other things that you want to do and that is keep a close watch on your technology for viruses and other sorts of rip offs with the credit cards at the stores and all that sort of thing. Many people think because Mercury was retrograde when they were born then they will not be affected. That is also not true.
The Moon and Pluto also make a quincunx. This is at 12:36 PM this afternoon 12/17. That is when you could get into a little bit of a power struggle or little tangle with something. Be careful about stops signs. Make sure you stop. Be careful in this snowy icy weather that we have here in New England.
Then as I mentioned 7:40 PM the Sun welcomes back Mercury. There is a connection that is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement with that aspect. So now is the time for major announcements, which could be made with a full briefing. There can be assignments and appointments to positions in offices. They may or may not stick because of the fact that Mercury is turning retrograde, which tends to reverse things.
Important plans that are made for children are high on the list and also things involving your pets. You may adopt a new pet. You may want to wait on that considering the fact that Mercury may want to make you return the pet, and we don’t ever like that to happen. And then there is important material that is written or organized for a primary document. You may notice how that is extremely relevant during this time. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand. So there is something very, very important and loud.
With our global way of stories travelling all across the world, everything becomes major news. But there could be more major news throughout the evening. It would probably be a rather exciting night for date night, but expect the unexpected. There is a lot of things that could go bump in the night here with the energies that are going on.
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
For Sunday December 18th we have that Leo Moon sign until it is void of course at 11:55 AM when it is opposite Mars and then it changes signs at 12:52 PM tomorrow. That opposition, the Moon opposite Mars is one that you want to stay from. Do not get involved with people that you know can lose their temper. Also be very careful. There could be things like the manhole cover blowing off the street. That kind of thing where things happen in that surprise type of way. That is exact tomorrow 11:55 AM. However the energies of any Moon sign all carry the influence of that final aspect to the Moon in any sign. So that final aspect dominates the whole picture. It is the background for all of it.
That Virgo Moon starts 12:52 PM on Sunday. It goes until 9:39 on Tuesday. That would be actually 9:40 PM when the Moon will then enter Libra. You want to watch this Virgo Moon sign very carefully. Keep good note, which is great for a Virgo Moon to be able to pay attention to the details. There are no major aspects to note. There is an aspect between the Sun and Pallas [Athena]. Pallas is an asteroid. Represents the greatest wisdom point. This aspect is 60 degrees apart. It says that there is someone very important with the best information and the highest standards for whatever the goal is. I mean it could be war, you know. It depends on what the issue or the matter is… but there is a bridge that is gapped that brings incredible information. That is at 11:57 PM. However it does have an influence throughout Sunday night and parts of Monday morning.
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Then Monday we still have the Virgo Moon 4:22 AM. Mars gets ready to dump its Aquarius allegiances and go into Pisces at 4:22 AM. This is where it rallies from its inner sources while behind closed doors. It may also influence those who secretly act alone on a hidden mission. While in Pisces there will be a shift of outer activities to more underground type of operations. Mars is there with its clandestine characters, running the show in the privacy of its closets and feverishly working behind the scenes. Mars in Pisces also creates the setting for both the victim and the perpetrator. So you want to be careful in regard to falling victim to someone during this holiday season. This really helps their efforts for pick pocketing of all types.
For many there is a spiritual path that may emerge that you can access. Perhaps maybe join in more quiet settings with others who are more spiritually interested. Use the next 6 weeks to plug into major work load that is best accomplished behind the scenes. Make it ready for when Mars will enter its own sign of Aries. That would be on January 28th. For now you are best to work alone. (See if you can manage that for the next 6 weeks, with a chuckle.)
Monday Mercury turns retrograde at 5:55 AM until January 8th. This is an interesting day that it turns direct on January 8th because 2 days before that January 6th is when the votes are counted in the Senate and the House of Representatives. There will be lots of information released the day before. Even if it is to say they haven’t come to a decision I think that they may be requesting more time or more information. I know now there is a request for an intelligence briefing from the Electoral College.
At 8:30 AM Mercury is semi square Mars on Monday. This is an indication of the trouble and the problems that are trying to be worked out here and the decisions that are being made during Mercury retrograde. There is a lot of aggressive action that could be taken behind the scenes because one person is doing one thing and that doesn’t agree with what the outer agenda is. I mean all of the conspiracy theories really run very, very strongly during this Mars and Pisces and the resistance from Mercury retrograde.
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
So on Tuesday December 20th that Virgo Moon is hanging on the hinge of its ruling planet Mercury, which is changing its direction, which is changing its mind. So there are a couple of things the Virgo Moon has to do. Square Saturn, then quincunx Uranus early in the morning. And these things show how there is information very critical to the future and the process that is going on.
Mercury is in a semi sextile 30 degrees to Venus where it invites a highly honored friend or prominent female to the party. In this aspect Mercury is behind Venus bringing the information about money and love from behind the scenes. Also regarding the actions of a woman there is secret behavior going on also with money.
There are strong cravings for sweets and comfort foods. You may be visiting with people in the hospital or visit with your favorite aunt. There is a good time there before that and during that to make phone calls. This is a time when you could be well received. Although I would not be asking for big things because the final aspect of this Virgo Moon is a square to the Sun at that Last Quarter Moon. So there is definitely tension and problems.
The indication for a Last Quarter Moon marks this as the time when you reap the rewards of your efforts for the things that have been occurring over the past two and a quarter years. What is very interesting about this Last Quarter Moon is that when you do receive your pay for work you have completed or you have to pay up for debt you have accumulated, it is of great importance because this quarter Moon is a Moon family member of the Lunar Eclipse from last March 23rd 2016. Making this even more important and bringing a stronger punch with it. The Last Quarter Moon occurs on Tuesday night 8:55 PM. But it governs the whole day.
At 9:39 PM the Moon enters Libra until Friday morning.
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
During that Moon sign on Wednesday the Sun reaches the solstice point (Happy Winter!) at 5:44 AM. What is great about happy winter is that the days start to get longer. Then there is an important clue in that chart, where matters of great importance during this winter season would be held in the aspects of the planets of that chart.
(Announcement of a class- Which I am going to have a class for: the solstice and the New Year on New Year’s Day. You may want to join me for that class. It should be a lot of fun looking at the year.)
Also for Wednesday we have Venus inviting the money makers to the party, which is probably good for those who are trying to make those types of connections.
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
During the Libra Moon there are many aspects creating a state of disruption and difficulty squaring off with planets. Moon squares to Mercury on Thursday. Moon square Pluto Thursday. Moon is then conjunct Jupiter, and then the Moon goes on to oppose Uranus. It is not leaving Saturn out. Almost every planet is involved for Heaven’s sake. Venus and Mars and Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, and Pluto are all involved. Even Neptune later in the night on Thursday night are all getting attention from the Libra Moon. The planets are arranged in such a way that they all connect to one another. It is like a finely strung kite that is going to fly out into the air and catch something. Maybe there is a lightning rod of advancement in some way.
The Green Light period which starts on Thursday afternoon after the Moon is finished its opposition to Uranus. Give it 15 minutes so let’s say 2:45 PM there is a Green Light that starts on Thursday. It runs until 8:32 AM on Friday. There is a little bit of confusion in there. But also with the Moon and Neptune making an aspect late night on Thursday night. So there is some illusion that needs to be addressed before you actually agree to something or do something. Be very careful with that because of the fact that Mercury is retrograde. You will have to also adjust all these things later when it turns direct on January 8th. That Green Light period gives you an opportunity to align yourself with someone who can assist you with your next step.
Friday Dec 23, 2016
Then there is that void of course Moon 8:32 AM on Friday until 9:32 AM Friday. Then the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio Moon has less activity than some of the other signs that we have been seeing. There is a Saturn and Uranus trine which occurs during the Scorpio Moon sign over Christmas Eve.
The Scorpio Moon running for Friday evening has some serious consideration with Mercury and Saturn at 7:24 PM, when they are joined with a parallel. You are able to gain some perspective with great reason and deep consideration for what is right with that aspect. That also as far as Christmas or rather Friday night parties and that sort of thing you may want to check the facts before you head out and do anything with that.
That is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this transcribed on my website at
Again join me for my January 1st class here in Watertown during the day. We are going to have fun with that. You can call me 617-924-0929
You can find a copy of the audio file at WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( website in their archives for the next two weeks. It will also be available on my website at And also soundcloud at: Look for my name [Dietrech Pessin] and you will find this report there as well.
Victor gives wonderful gift certificates for his readings, past life regressions and tarot readings. I also have gift certificates as well, if you want to contact me for Christmas gifts.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Dec 10 - 17, 2016

Green Light Days
Green Light with a battle. Saturday Dec 10 - Monday Dec 12 until 7:41 AM Monday you may have some luck after a long battle. In this case chose your battles carefully and arm yourself with the best talent to advance your goals. If this is not possible wait until the Gemini Moon Tuesday.
Green Light on Tuesday after 2:03 PM until 12:57 AM Wednesday during the Gemini Moon.

Saturday Dec 10 The Moon was in Aries until 7:40 AM when it entered Taurus. During the early hours the Sun was conjunct Saturn and Venus was parallel Saturn. The seriousness of these aspects can be filed into the agenda for the full Moon on Tuesday. The indications toward a release of hard pessimistic facts and energy for the formation of a more practical structuring of relationships and financing. This is suitable for the Taurus Moon that runs through until 7:41 AM Monday morning.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 10, 2016 – Saturday, December 17, 2016

Good morning! Hello out there! Here we have a nice December 10th. We are influenced by a Taurus Moon today that began at 7:40 AM. This Taurus Moon has a few obstacles to meet along the way. But for the most part I think that it brings about a lovely afternoon and evening. If you are going out this evening it should be really pleasant. Good food and good company. Venus and Saturn are making an aspect this evening. It could be a feeling that you are with someone or enjoying the company of those that have been in your life for a long time. You would like for that to either continue or to change in such a way that it is more supportive. The aspect is Venus 45 degrees away from Saturn. It is a little bit of a cranky aspect. So there are some complaints, there are some adjustments also to be made.
And we are headed towards a Full Moon that is going to come up on Tuesday. It is a very important Full Moon for the country.
Sunday Dec 11
We have for also December 11th a Taurus Moon as well. Venus and Pluto join for an alignment early in the morning which influences the entire day. That alignment would probably enforce some type of standard about monetary systems or perhaps some type of influence that may have to do with jealousies, a need to bring appropriate parties together to the negotiation table. It brings an energy of it being a money day. Lots of people get together and talk about money on the weekend. It is very transparent in regards to materialism. If you want to express your affection there could be mixed messages to go along with this as well.
Also the energies that are influencing Sunday would have to do with a couple of cranky aspects that the Moon sends out to Jupiter, then to Saturn, then to the Moon. Those would be quincunxes. Those are life’s messy clean it up aspects starting with 1:31 PM when the Moon is quincunx Jupiter. Then 2:16 PM the Moon is quincunx Saturn, and 4:17 PM the Moon is quincunx the Sun. What this brings, what this means is that there are events that happen that need your attention immediately. There is something to clean up. There is something to adjust to. It could have a very large impact where Jupiter and Saturn are both involved. That also indicates that they will both be involved in the Full Moon chart that comes up on Tuesday. This demands attention and further expansion usually indicated by any type of investigation or maybe an announcement. This sounds like what the White House is doing, whether delving into a deep study about the hacking of the election, 2016 election, where the Russians are implicated in those hackings. There may be something about that that is further indicated.
Mercury gathers information at the top of the field when it makes a contact with Pallas Athena and that is at 5:02 PM on Sunday. Those that are being brought in to question to be able to address the matters at hand.
There is an aspect between the Moon and Mars at 11:04 PM tomorrow night. This one could cause conflict just as the east coast is trying to get ready for bed perhaps. Things can be worked out however. As there is another aspect between the Moon and Mars that is set off at 1:24 AM on Monday morning. This has it that this conflict that has started could be worked out.
However, with all of this Mars energy… and Mars has been squaring Uranus, which is causing all of the fires and all of the really raw news that has to do with murders and accidents and pile ups and all that sort of thing. That is the Mars energy. It is also being influenced by the fact that Mercury is out of bounds. Meaning that things happen from outside. From outside forces that you can’t possibly predict. Those things are also collecting information or creating new studies for further information. The Moon Mars aspect heightens the likelihood of fire and the like. Speed. So don’t speed while you are driving you will be the object of any type of enforcement that goes along with that.
Monday Dec 12

The Moon is traveling without further aspect until 7:41 AM on Monday morning. From 1:24 AM until 7:41 AM the Moon is at that very last degree of Taurus.
The Moon is never considered void of course in the sign of Taurus because of the Seven Stars at the end of the sign. That is a little cluster of The Pleiades which would create a major aspect for the Moon.
Then at 7:41 AM on Monday lots of information is flying around the Gemini Moon. That Gemini Moon is with us through Wednesday at 12:57 AM and its last aspect is a trine to Mars making this a perfect time to connect with others and motivate them toward your ideas. Discuss your plans; make plans with siblings with neighbors for the holidays or anything to negotiate your way through the next stage of your goals.
In the meanwhile on Monday the Sun is trine Ceres. Ceres has been the object of plenty of difficulties with little ones with animals. Also with children we see a lot of the stories about the children. This has been because of Ceres conjunct Uranus and Aries. Very, very bad place for Ceres to be In. with the Sun trine that point it doesn’t necessarily erase those difficulties. It perhaps makes something a little easier to flow that way depending upon other matters. One of which 4:38 PM the Moon is making contact with Uranus and then the Moon is making contact with Ceres later on in that afternoon. There are a lot of things that contribute to more trouble and problems with pets with children. You want to be very careful. Also take care and look in at the people that are ailing and are shut away. You want to be careful keep in mind that they need to be looked after as well.
Tuesday Dec 13 2016 there is a Full Moon at 7:05 PM.
There is a Green Light period during the Gemini Moon on Tuesday. That begins at 2:03 PM and continues until 12:57 AM Wednesday.
Then for Tuesday look for the Moon opposite Saturn at 2:03 PM. That cuts off any type of information that you were trying to gain. If you are after some sort of bridge to network to reach somebody else to communicate with someone…that aspect will cut things off. You want to plan your plans for forward moving goals on Tuesday after 2:03 PM. The energy is filled with high action and there is need complete projects and present documents. Make statements with finality.
Then it is headed for the Full Moon in exact aspect to Donald Trump’s chart. This is HUGE. There is something very, very huge going on in regard to the president elect. There are all sorts of indications that there is an action required of which immediate action and adjustments needed. There is information that surfaces. Something comes out into the open. It could just mean also that there are maybe business plans that are decided. Maybe there are decisions about distribution of his businesses and his finances. Also something could be particularly serious as Ceres is square his Saturn. But the Full Moon is exactly conjunct his Sun in Gemini. This is very…well we must watch this. He is having a Jupiter return, so he gets the boost that he is looking for, but he also has some problems that he needs to address. There are difficulties in forwarding his goals in the direction that he wants to go. It could be possibly about someone he appoints… who knows. Or tweets. The tweets are likely to be many.
Okay. So for that Full Moon for us, us average people, we would want to be able to look out and see what is it that you can learn. How can you expand your awareness in such a way that forwards your goals? Reaching out to those that you have been out of touch with for maybe 9 years or so. You might be able to connect with them. Make a plan bring them into your fold during the holidays. That plan also may extend to others in your neighborhood. There are all sorts of people that need help as a result of fires. You may have things that you would like to distribute from your own closets and garages that could help others during this time as well. Then that is at 7:05 PM. That Full Moon takes place at 22 degrees of Gemini on Tuesday night. So that is a big day to watch out for.
Wednesday the 14th of December the Moon is void of course after 12:57 AM until 7:08 AM on Wednesday when the Moon enters the sign of Cancer. There is prior to that an aspect between the Sun and Venus. This aspect is difficult for relationships. It is difficult for money and also has to do with flow of negotiation. All those things are challenged with this aspect during the void of course Moon period. That may come into some sort of action that is needed after 7:08 AM when the Moon enters Cancer.
Thursday Dec 15
The Cancer Moon has many things ahead of it that do need to be addressed. It is very busy with the types of things …we need to always watch what is the Moon doing while it is in the sign of Cancer. And it is going to oppose Mercury, which is the communication planet… and cut something off, drop something or forget something really important. Then Pluto. This has to do with information about those who are in charge, those who are holding the seats of power. Then the Moon is square Jupiter. Then a 150 degree aspect to Saturn before it makes a square to Uranus. This is all on Thursday. This makes Thursday a very difficult day to negotiate any type of advancement. I would leave it alone. Don’t sign anything, buy anything. Especially wait until after 4:36 PM. But watch for what happens later on in the evening when the Moon is in that quincunx with the Sun late night. (This addresses the things that must be adjusted as a result of the Full Moon that happens on Tuesday.) There are things that you need to jump up and attend to as a result of the pile up of energies that had gone through the day on Thursday or will go through that day on Thursday.
Friday Dec 16
Friday the 16th we still have the Moon in Cancer. The Moon is headed for the sign of Leo at 8:14 AM. Before it does that it makes a quincunx to Mars. This is at 4:26 AM Friday morning. It marks an upset again. Something needs to be tended to immediately. Watch out for fires and blasts and accidents and the like. You want to check all of the electricity and candles and all that sort of thing before you go to bed on Thursday night about things that go bump in the night on Friday.
What we have with the Leo Moon. The Leo Moon. It enters at 8:14 AM Friday and continues right through the next weekend. During the Leo Moon, it is headed for an opposition to both Venus and then to Mars. Making it a highly disruptive period, which provokes larger disputes and battle. Do not take any business action on those days either beginning 8:14 AM Friday because of the fact that there are things that you need to become aware of. There is information that has been collected while Mercury has been out of bounds since November 18th. You would not want to move forward without being fully informed. There are all sorts of things that are being collected with a data bank full of new information. This can be used for firepower when Mercury returns. Mercury turns retrograde rather on December 19th. This is when information regarding important announcements come up.
Now the thing about the Electoral College is that is the day they make their vote of which then they put their votes into an envelope. They do this in their individual states. Probably at their capitol building of each state. Then those are mailed to the Vice President. Those are not counted until January 6th. So we may not know the answer to what it is that they decide. However the influences are all there for them to vote. Those influences are filled with energies of strong reconsiderations. Reconsiderations and the possibilities of reviews and redos. It will be very interesting to see how things do turn out for that vote on the 19th. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can call me at 617-924-0929. Call me for an appointment if you like. If you have a gift certificate you want to buy. And Victor also has those for his services that you may want to ask him about for gift certificates for Christmas. You can also reach me at
There is a copy of this report both the audio file and the written report as well.
You can also hear this again on soundcloud at: Look for my name [Dietrech Pessin] and you will find this report there.
You can also find it on the WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( website for the next two weeks.
You can reach me by phone 617 – 924 – 0929 to talk about astrology.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Astrology Report for Dec 3 to Dec 10, 2016 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Follow the link below to listen to the live report. Come back later for the transcribed report.

I will be speaking at the NCGR Belmont location at 266 Beech Street Belmont, MA

Saturday, December 3, 2016
Ramya Krishnamurthy, Dorothy Oja, Dietrech Pessin

[Please note: Enter the meeting room using the door to the left.]

Ramya Krishnamurthy – Yogas in Vedic Astrology

Dorothy Oja – Using Planetary Stations for Forecasting

Dietrech Pessin – Timing of Eclipses with Progressions & Solar Returns
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 3, 2016 – Saturday, December 10, 2016

Moving on to this week…
There are as usual a lot of things. One of the exciting things that I have been waiting for is Venus has come back in bounds in declination. Venus has been traveling above and beyond the stretch and has now come back into the corral. Where we are able to see what is going on with matters of money, matters of relationship. There has been a lot of crazy things that went on since Venus went out of bounds on October 26th…it was on the 27th that Venus went out of bounds. That was the day that the FBI released more damaging email reports about Hillary Clinton, which took the wind out of her sails. So this is an important return and it has a lot to do with the Electoral College votes, which we will talk about in a minute as well. The other thing is that Mercury is also out of bounds and continues to be out of bounds until two days before Mercury turns retrograde, which is on December 19th. And that is the day of the Electoral College votes. This is a very important thing that is going on.

Saturday Dec 3,2016
Today the Moon is void of course from 5:16 AM until 2:43 PM. That void of course Moon is while the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. What is interesting about that Capricorn Moon is that is it relating to or about that Venus return. When Venus returns it is going to touch off a point later on, where it had gone retrograde back in 2013 December 21st. if that date means anything to you, there might be some dramatic event that circulates with this Capricorn event that is going on. Venus returning also may put a focus, some focus, on your money matters or help you to sort through things in a more logical fashion. You also might be able to deal with your personal relationships in a better fashion as well.

There is also an aspect between the Moon and Venus. Well, it was early this morning and then at 7:15 AM Mars and Saturn formed. This was during the void of course Moon period, but you cannot discount aspects just because they occur during the void of course Moon period. It is a Mars and Saturn sextile so this is an obvious suppression of a desire to control and have power over others. This aspect may suppress anger or hostility. It develops patience and endurance. It is great for getting things done. You may experience a sense of accomplishment. Progress in business and practical matters. There are fortunate delays. This aspect has a positive effect on business deals as well and aids in forming new partnerships. A slow and steady forward motion adds to stability and priceless good sense. There is some resistance and discipline that we need to tend to. It can have a positive effect on business deals and also things that are forming new partnerships. New slow steady movement forward with this aspect. However I would not take any action now because of that fact that the Moon is void of course until 2:43 PM today.

Saturday after 2:43 PM through Monday 11:31 PM.
From 2:43 PM Saturday 12/3 the Moon enters Aquarius until 11:31 PM Monday night. During the Aquarius Moon there are no aspects between the planets giving a free range for activity right through until 8:08 PM on Monday. This is when the Moon is void of course after a 30 degree aspect to Venus. (That was what I was talking about.) That important point is when the Moon and Venus touch off a storyline related to December 21st 2013. It is highly sensitive. It can unravel all that that has been accomplished, if you are not playing by the rules. There are a lot of things going on under the surface that need to be addressed about that.

Sunday December 4, 2016
Sunday December 4th we have the Aquarius Moon. It is very inviting for friends to gather together. There is also an opportunity that bridges a gap for communication. It is created by the Sun and the Moon in a 60 degree aspect at 3:56 PM on Sunday. I would use this as a platform to speak your mind in a way that it will be heard and join with others that will be of like mindedness. Then going through that Aquarius Moon through the rest of the day very nice energies for tonight, tomorrow, then also for Monday.

Monday December 5, 2016
The Moon has a couple of things to note. There is first a conjunction to Mars early in the morning 3:48 AM. We know all sorts of tweets can travel around the world with an aspect like that where there is aggression and anger that may be expressed. Then an aspect early in the morning between Moon and Uranus…that there may be sudden abrupt change or the quality of it, in this case bridging a gap using friendship as a motive. Uranus rules Aquarius which is where the Moon sign. So this one may patch things as they go. And also that Moon and Venus aspect at 8:08 PM on Monday night is also good for soothing over rough edges. Then there is a void of course Moon 8:08 PM until 11:30 PM Monday night. You want to notice everything shifts after that. Of course around here we go to bed. In other parts of the world the Pisces Moon comes in working behind the scenes to advance goals that are more clandestine.

Tuesday December 6, 2016
On Tuesday during the Pisces Moon things are complicated because an important female character who presents some sort of change in an overall agenda may emerge. That may also create change in stance and opinion. It has also money problems or money that may no longer be available. Or there may be someone new assigned to your matter and that changes the way you move forward.
Lots of times Pisces Moons is a time when people are having medical procedures done. So it is possible that the doctor that you were told you were going to have is not the doctor who shows up. You also want to check and make sure everybody is on the same page, foot or arm of your medical procedures, before moving forward with this confusion that Venus presents during the Pisces Moon.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Venus on Tuesday 7:20 PM, but it influences the entire day and night. This alignment brings those who are concerned with justice and peace in together to form a permanent bond. That is a good thing. If people are just meeting during the Pisces Moon it may not be the best time as so much of what you want to know is not evident. On the other hand people tend to share secrets. The may be cases when you learn that someone is hiding something or concealing an issue that could become important to you later when this information becomes obvious.
Then on Tuesday Mars and Uranus are in aspect at 10:29 PM. This aspect is a “Me” thing. It is driven by a desire to lead others in a real dictator type fashion. It can also lead troops into battle making it a strong take charge in command quality to it. There are also applications to the latest modern methods or ancient methods that may become apparent. There is aggressive techniques that include ultra-sharp thinking and radical designs that also work. Engineers are inspired and they cut into virgin territory. Also keeping speed as a focus you would want to be careful driving. The temptation to go too fast is going to be a problem for you. Then there are also those that are driven to expose the truth with this aspect. This burns calories as well. Cuts body fat so it is very good for exercise, and using your muscles, hiring a trainer anything like that. Avoid being bossy with that aspect and that is 10:29 PM Tuesday. I would say all day Tuesday this influence is there and even into Wednesday morning. Be mindful of fire hazards.

Wednesday December 7, 2016.
Wednesday there is a First Quarter Moon that occurs at 4:01 AM. That First Quarter Moon meets up with a square to Saturn. It is indicating that that the go ahead that has been given during that Pisces Moon, which is a principle of First Quarter Moons where you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your goals. In this case there is a problem with that. The Moon is square Saturn creating a stop on the goals. This could prove interesting. Perhaps if you have been waiting for money and you are expecting a check. Maybe you get a bill instead. Maybe the money is not as good as you think. Saturn can have a very low mood. This mood will also hinge upon the matters of Venus and Capricorn. That can be also described as the “cronyism gone badly”. In our current political climate these type of choices for US the cabinet can leave a sour taste.
Then Venus changes signs. Venus enters Aquarius at 9:51 AM on Wednesday. It will be in that sign until January 3rd. There is a void of course Moon from that point on. There are also more fires.
10:46 AM also on Wednesday, Mars is in aspect to Ceres. Ceres is about kids. All the heartbreaking stories about the kids on the school buses; the plane crashes with the Brazilian Soccer team, all and more of these types of tragedies are under the influence of Ceres in Aries which has been conjunct Uranus. Currently Mars is forming an aspect to that. It is a 60 degree aspect which is usually positive, but in this case it is not. So you want to take care of your little ones and also your old ones that are under your care. There could be changes that go on with them that need immediate attention.
The void of course Moon does take place all day long Wednesday. There is a mild aspect between the Sun and Pluto, where those in the seat of power are in a position to be setting their agenda as well. I would say do not touch Wednesday with a ten foot pole, if you are trying to deal with any kind of business. Leave that alone.

Thursday, December 8, 2016
The Moon is void of course until 5:15 AM then the Moon enters Aries. It will be in Aries until next Saturday 7:41 AM. So there are a couple of good days in there, with Green Light days to advance your goals.
Friday December 9, 2016

There is an exact aspect on Friday afternoon 4:39 PM when the Sun is in a beautiful 60 degree aspect with Jupiter allowing something to expand and open up. The Green Light period for Thursday and Friday is enhanced by the Sun Jupiter aspect. Now that aspect…that Green Light I would say is best after the Aries Moon joins Uranus at 4:24 PM. That way you can avoid any surprises. If you wanted to sign something or ditch something or buy something do it after 4:24 PM. Do it at 4:25 and then on through the rest of the evening. You have a wonderful Green Light to do that right through until next Saturday at 6:38 AM. So that is it for the week.

Also Peter had called and asked about the Electoral College. I see that day as a great big day of huge change. This is what happens. The Moon is in the sign of Virgo. There have been an enormous amount of details that would have been collected prior to that while Mercury was out of bounds. Then on the day that Mercury turns retrograde at 5:55 AM, Mars will have changed signs early in that morning. It goes into the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the sign of behind the scenes activities where we might become aware of things going on behind the closed doors. Mars represents “the man”. So there could be a change about all sorts of things. I would say to expect a very surprising type of result. There is an aspect that dominates later, when the Moon is 150º quincunx to Uranus. So there is a surprise in there. So there should be also with the Quarter Moon that comes up which is related to the Dec 19 .That Quarter Moon would be at 29 degrees. It is a Last Quarter Moon at 29 degrees of Virgo. That is at the World Axis, so the World is waiting for this answer. And there is likely to be a major surprise.

Victor: all right we have had some bad surprises. Is this a good surprise?
Dietrech: That is hard to say, if it is good or bad. It is different. Let’s put it this way. It is different than what is already assumed. And the retrograde Mercury speaks to reversals and returns and redo’s and all that sort of thing. I wonder if there would be a complete recount of the entire election throughout the whole country. I wonder if there would be a redo or a retake of these election matters all over again. It is definitely…there definitely is going to be a huge story to write. And there is a change about “the man”. The main man. That would be Donald Trump and that is because Mars is changing signs. What is interesting about that is on the day of the election Mars changed signs late election night, which called for him to win the election before the popular votes were in.

You’ll find a copy of this report both the audio file and the transcribed report at
You can also hear this again on soundcloud at: Look for my name [Dietrech Pessin] and you will find this report there. At you can find the report. You can find it on the WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( website for the next two weeks. You can reach me by phone 617 – 924 – 0929 to talk about astrology.

From the top of the report an announcement was made about the NCGR workshop DEC 3, 2016. Good morning! First I want to mention that there is a talk today at the Belmont Senior Center, 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA from 12:30 – 4:30 PM. (Those who will be speaking: Ramya Krishnamurthy – Yogas in Vedic Astrology, Dorothy Oja – Using Planetary Stations for Forecasting; Dietrech Pessin – Timing of Eclipses with Progressions & Solar Returns) Boston Chapter NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.) at the Belmont Senior Center. There is a fee at the door. Hope to see you there.

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