Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2016 – Saturday, December 24, 2016
Good morning! We have an Electoral College vote on Monday, which is a huge event. But it is a very important day astrologically. This is why I study astrology. We have these events that are incredibly large and important. The astrological information cooperates and shows us something very special.
Mercury will turn retrograde on Monday. And Mars will leave Aquarius the sign where it entered on election night, when Donald trump claimed his winnings. Mars will enter the sign of Pisces on Monday morning. We are going to talk about that. There is also a very powerful and loud Last Quarter Moon that will take place on Tuesday. It is at 29 degrees of Virgo. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo, so there is a lot hinged on what Mercury is doing.
There are other things brewing… the Libra Moon is going to be extremely active because of the fact that Jupiter and Uranus are approaching their opposition which will occur on the day after Christmas, the 26th of December. What follows is that Uranus turns direct after being retrograde since late July.
So what that means is that Uranus is standing still basically, from now through the rest of the month. While standing still it collects all of its sparkling, crazy, bizarre stuff that Uranus puts out and Jupiter is going to make it bigger than life. This event is likened to a big Jack-in-the-box. When a planet is standing still, like Mercury is now, before turning retrograde on Monday, it collects the surrounding energies. Sometimes people wait until it is exactly retrograde and it will try and rush to get things done just before. But it doesn’t work like that. It is already been in its retrograde zone for a while. The other thing about Mercury is that it is out- -of- bounds (greater than 23º26’ south in declination). Mercury crosses that boundary to return around 9:44 AM. It is official when the Sun and Mercury join in a parallel at 7:40 PM tonight. The Sun will mark its welcome for Mercury back into the fold. What is so special about this is that Mercury collects information from strange and unusual places. Having been way out there, where it has been since November 18th it has been collecting information from unusual sources. Now it is time to process these details to bring them in for the major decisions that will occur on Monday the 19th when the Electoral College makes its official vote. Those votes are then placed into an envelope from their individual state houses and then sent to 6 different people, one of which will be delivered to the Vice President of the United States who delivers it to the House of Representatives. From there, on January 6th, if there is a decision, after the votes are counted it is announced on that day. If there is no decision that could be made, then the Vice President Elect becomes the temporary President by the way. So there are all sorts of decisions to be made here.
Saturday Dec 17, 2016
What we can expect for…looking back on today Saturday. There is a couple of things. The Moon and Mercury form a quincunx at 9:45 AM. This is when it sort of bumps Mercury back into the fold where it is going to behave a little more normally. (That is all relatively speaking considering the fact that it is going to turn retrograde.) Retrograde is a cue for things to: reverse, redo, review, renew, retread, re-track. Anything having to do with doing with a second-time-around. If you are taking action for the first time during this Mercury retrograde in anything that you attempt to do you must still observe the signals. You may have bought 50 cars over your life time but if you buy a car while Mercury is turning retrograde it may not perform the way you expect. On the other hand I have known people that have said “Oh it was the best car I ever bought”, and it could be. There are other things that you want to do and that is keep a close watch on your technology for viruses and other sorts of rip offs with the credit cards at the stores and all that sort of thing. Many people think because Mercury was retrograde when they were born then they will not be affected. That is also not true.
The Moon and Pluto also make a quincunx. This is at 12:36 PM this afternoon 12/17. That is when you could get into a little bit of a power struggle or little tangle with something. Be careful about stops signs. Make sure you stop. Be careful in this snowy icy weather that we have here in New England.
Then as I mentioned 7:40 PM the Sun welcomes back Mercury. There is a connection that is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement with that aspect. So now is the time for major announcements, which could be made with a full briefing. There can be assignments and appointments to positions in offices. They may or may not stick because of the fact that Mercury is turning retrograde, which tends to reverse things.
Important plans that are made for children are high on the list and also things involving your pets. You may adopt a new pet. You may want to wait on that considering the fact that Mercury may want to make you return the pet, and we don’t ever like that to happen. And then there is important material that is written or organized for a primary document. You may notice how that is extremely relevant during this time. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand. So there is something very, very important and loud.
With our global way of stories travelling all across the world, everything becomes major news. But there could be more major news throughout the evening. It would probably be a rather exciting night for date night, but expect the unexpected. There is a lot of things that could go bump in the night here with the energies that are going on.
Sunday Dec 18, 2016
For Sunday December 18th we have that Leo Moon sign until it is void of course at 11:55 AM when it is opposite Mars and then it changes signs at 12:52 PM tomorrow. That opposition, the Moon opposite Mars is one that you want to stay from. Do not get involved with people that you know can lose their temper. Also be very careful. There could be things like the manhole cover blowing off the street. That kind of thing where things happen in that surprise type of way. That is exact tomorrow 11:55 AM. However the energies of any Moon sign all carry the influence of that final aspect to the Moon in any sign. So that final aspect dominates the whole picture. It is the background for all of it.
That Virgo Moon starts 12:52 PM on Sunday. It goes until 9:39 on Tuesday. That would be actually 9:40 PM when the Moon will then enter Libra. You want to watch this Virgo Moon sign very carefully. Keep good note, which is great for a Virgo Moon to be able to pay attention to the details. There are no major aspects to note. There is an aspect between the Sun and Pallas [Athena]. Pallas is an asteroid. Represents the greatest wisdom point. This aspect is 60 degrees apart. It says that there is someone very important with the best information and the highest standards for whatever the goal is. I mean it could be war, you know. It depends on what the issue or the matter is… but there is a bridge that is gapped that brings incredible information. That is at 11:57 PM. However it does have an influence throughout Sunday night and parts of Monday morning.
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Then Monday we still have the Virgo Moon 4:22 AM. Mars gets ready to dump its Aquarius allegiances and go into Pisces at 4:22 AM. This is where it rallies from its inner sources while behind closed doors. It may also influence those who secretly act alone on a hidden mission. While in Pisces there will be a shift of outer activities to more underground type of operations. Mars is there with its clandestine characters, running the show in the privacy of its closets and feverishly working behind the scenes. Mars in Pisces also creates the setting for both the victim and the perpetrator. So you want to be careful in regard to falling victim to someone during this holiday season. This really helps their efforts for pick pocketing of all types.
For many there is a spiritual path that may emerge that you can access. Perhaps maybe join in more quiet settings with others who are more spiritually interested. Use the next 6 weeks to plug into major work load that is best accomplished behind the scenes. Make it ready for when Mars will enter its own sign of Aries. That would be on January 28th. For now you are best to work alone. (See if you can manage that for the next 6 weeks, with a chuckle.)
Monday Mercury turns retrograde at 5:55 AM until January 8th. This is an interesting day that it turns direct on January 8th because 2 days before that January 6th is when the votes are counted in the Senate and the House of Representatives. There will be lots of information released the day before. Even if it is to say they haven’t come to a decision I think that they may be requesting more time or more information. I know now there is a request for an intelligence briefing from the Electoral College.
At 8:30 AM Mercury is semi square Mars on Monday. This is an indication of the trouble and the problems that are trying to be worked out here and the decisions that are being made during Mercury retrograde. There is a lot of aggressive action that could be taken behind the scenes because one person is doing one thing and that doesn’t agree with what the outer agenda is. I mean all of the conspiracy theories really run very, very strongly during this Mars and Pisces and the resistance from Mercury retrograde.
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
So on Tuesday December 20th that Virgo Moon is hanging on the hinge of its ruling planet Mercury, which is changing its direction, which is changing its mind. So there are a couple of things the Virgo Moon has to do. Square Saturn, then quincunx Uranus early in the morning. And these things show how there is information very critical to the future and the process that is going on.
Mercury is in a semi sextile 30 degrees to Venus where it invites a highly honored friend or prominent female to the party. In this aspect Mercury is behind Venus bringing the information about money and love from behind the scenes. Also regarding the actions of a woman there is secret behavior going on also with money.
There are strong cravings for sweets and comfort foods. You may be visiting with people in the hospital or visit with your favorite aunt. There is a good time there before that and during that to make phone calls. This is a time when you could be well received. Although I would not be asking for big things because the final aspect of this Virgo Moon is a square to the Sun at that Last Quarter Moon. So there is definitely tension and problems.
The indication for a Last Quarter Moon marks this as the time when you reap the rewards of your efforts for the things that have been occurring over the past two and a quarter years. What is very interesting about this Last Quarter Moon is that when you do receive your pay for work you have completed or you have to pay up for debt you have accumulated, it is of great importance because this quarter Moon is a Moon family member of the Lunar Eclipse from last March 23rd 2016. Making this even more important and bringing a stronger punch with it. The Last Quarter Moon occurs on Tuesday night 8:55 PM. But it governs the whole day.
At 9:39 PM the Moon enters Libra until Friday morning.
Wednesday Dec 21, 2016
During that Moon sign on Wednesday the Sun reaches the solstice point (Happy Winter!) at 5:44 AM. What is great about happy winter is that the days start to get longer. Then there is an important clue in that chart, where matters of great importance during this winter season would be held in the aspects of the planets of that chart.
(Announcement of a class- Which I am going to have a class for: the solstice and the New Year on New Year’s Day. You may want to join me for that class. It should be a lot of fun looking at the year.)
Also for Wednesday we have Venus inviting the money makers to the party, which is probably good for those who are trying to make those types of connections.
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
During the Libra Moon there are many aspects creating a state of disruption and difficulty squaring off with planets. Moon squares to Mercury on Thursday. Moon square Pluto Thursday. Moon is then conjunct Jupiter, and then the Moon goes on to oppose Uranus. It is not leaving Saturn out. Almost every planet is involved for Heaven’s sake. Venus and Mars and Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, and Pluto are all involved. Even Neptune later in the night on Thursday night are all getting attention from the Libra Moon. The planets are arranged in such a way that they all connect to one another. It is like a finely strung kite that is going to fly out into the air and catch something. Maybe there is a lightning rod of advancement in some way.
The Green Light period which starts on Thursday afternoon after the Moon is finished its opposition to Uranus. Give it 15 minutes so let’s say 2:45 PM there is a Green Light that starts on Thursday. It runs until 8:32 AM on Friday. There is a little bit of confusion in there. But also with the Moon and Neptune making an aspect late night on Thursday night. So there is some illusion that needs to be addressed before you actually agree to something or do something. Be very careful with that because of the fact that Mercury is retrograde. You will have to also adjust all these things later when it turns direct on January 8th. That Green Light period gives you an opportunity to align yourself with someone who can assist you with your next step.
Friday Dec 23, 2016
Then there is that void of course Moon 8:32 AM on Friday until 9:32 AM Friday. Then the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio Moon has less activity than some of the other signs that we have been seeing. There is a Saturn and Uranus trine which occurs during the Scorpio Moon sign over Christmas Eve.
The Scorpio Moon running for Friday evening has some serious consideration with Mercury and Saturn at 7:24 PM, when they are joined with a parallel. You are able to gain some perspective with great reason and deep consideration for what is right with that aspect. That also as far as Christmas or rather Friday night parties and that sort of thing you may want to check the facts before you head out and do anything with that.
That is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this transcribed on my website at
Again join me for my January 1st class here in Watertown during the day. We are going to have fun with that. You can call me 617-924-0929
You can find a copy of the audio file at WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( website in their archives for the next two weeks. It will also be available on my website at And also soundcloud at: Look for my name [Dietrech Pessin] and you will find this report there as well.
Victor gives wonderful gift certificates for his readings, past life regressions and tarot readings. I also have gift certificates as well, if you want to contact me for Christmas gifts.
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