Green Light Days
Green Light with a battle. Saturday Dec 10 - Monday Dec 12 until 7:41 AM Monday you may have some luck after a long battle. In this case chose your battles carefully and arm yourself with the best talent to advance your goals. If this is not possible wait until the Gemini Moon Tuesday.
Green Light on Tuesday after 2:03 PM until 12:57 AM Wednesday during the Gemini Moon.
Saturday Dec 10 The Moon was in Aries until 7:40 AM when it entered Taurus. During the early hours the Sun was conjunct Saturn and Venus was parallel Saturn. The seriousness of these aspects can be filed into the agenda for the full Moon on Tuesday. The indications toward a release of hard pessimistic facts and energy for the formation of a more practical structuring of relationships and financing. This is suitable for the Taurus Moon that runs through until 7:41 AM Monday morning.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 10, 2016 – Saturday, December 17, 2016
Good morning! Hello out there! Here we have a nice December 10th. We are influenced by a Taurus Moon today that began at 7:40 AM. This Taurus Moon has a few obstacles to meet along the way. But for the most part I think that it brings about a lovely afternoon and evening. If you are going out this evening it should be really pleasant. Good food and good company. Venus and Saturn are making an aspect this evening. It could be a feeling that you are with someone or enjoying the company of those that have been in your life for a long time. You would like for that to either continue or to change in such a way that it is more supportive. The aspect is Venus 45 degrees away from Saturn. It is a little bit of a cranky aspect. So there are some complaints, there are some adjustments also to be made.
And we are headed towards a Full Moon that is going to come up on Tuesday. It is a very important Full Moon for the country.
Sunday Dec 11
We have for also December 11th a Taurus Moon as well. Venus and Pluto join for an alignment early in the morning which influences the entire day. That alignment would probably enforce some type of standard about monetary systems or perhaps some type of influence that may have to do with jealousies, a need to bring appropriate parties together to the negotiation table. It brings an energy of it being a money day. Lots of people get together and talk about money on the weekend. It is very transparent in regards to materialism. If you want to express your affection there could be mixed messages to go along with this as well.
Also the energies that are influencing Sunday would have to do with a couple of cranky aspects that the Moon sends out to Jupiter, then to Saturn, then to the Moon. Those would be quincunxes. Those are life’s messy clean it up aspects starting with 1:31 PM when the Moon is quincunx Jupiter. Then 2:16 PM the Moon is quincunx Saturn, and 4:17 PM the Moon is quincunx the Sun. What this brings, what this means is that there are events that happen that need your attention immediately. There is something to clean up. There is something to adjust to. It could have a very large impact where Jupiter and Saturn are both involved. That also indicates that they will both be involved in the Full Moon chart that comes up on Tuesday. This demands attention and further expansion usually indicated by any type of investigation or maybe an announcement. This sounds like what the White House is doing, whether delving into a deep study about the hacking of the election, 2016 election, where the Russians are implicated in those hackings. There may be something about that that is further indicated.
Mercury gathers information at the top of the field when it makes a contact with Pallas Athena and that is at 5:02 PM on Sunday. Those that are being brought in to question to be able to address the matters at hand.
There is an aspect between the Moon and Mars at 11:04 PM tomorrow night. This one could cause conflict just as the east coast is trying to get ready for bed perhaps. Things can be worked out however. As there is another aspect between the Moon and Mars that is set off at 1:24 AM on Monday morning. This has it that this conflict that has started could be worked out.
However, with all of this Mars energy… and Mars has been squaring Uranus, which is causing all of the fires and all of the really raw news that has to do with murders and accidents and pile ups and all that sort of thing. That is the Mars energy. It is also being influenced by the fact that Mercury is out of bounds. Meaning that things happen from outside. From outside forces that you can’t possibly predict. Those things are also collecting information or creating new studies for further information. The Moon Mars aspect heightens the likelihood of fire and the like. Speed. So don’t speed while you are driving you will be the object of any type of enforcement that goes along with that.
Monday Dec 12
The Moon is traveling without further aspect until 7:41 AM on Monday morning. From 1:24 AM until 7:41 AM the Moon is at that very last degree of Taurus.
The Moon is never considered void of course in the sign of Taurus because of the Seven Stars at the end of the sign. That is a little cluster of The Pleiades which would create a major aspect for the Moon.
Then at 7:41 AM on Monday lots of information is flying around the Gemini Moon. That Gemini Moon is with us through Wednesday at 12:57 AM and its last aspect is a trine to Mars making this a perfect time to connect with others and motivate them toward your ideas. Discuss your plans; make plans with siblings with neighbors for the holidays or anything to negotiate your way through the next stage of your goals.
In the meanwhile on Monday the Sun is trine Ceres. Ceres has been the object of plenty of difficulties with little ones with animals. Also with children we see a lot of the stories about the children. This has been because of Ceres conjunct Uranus and Aries. Very, very bad place for Ceres to be In. with the Sun trine that point it doesn’t necessarily erase those difficulties. It perhaps makes something a little easier to flow that way depending upon other matters. One of which 4:38 PM the Moon is making contact with Uranus and then the Moon is making contact with Ceres later on in that afternoon. There are a lot of things that contribute to more trouble and problems with pets with children. You want to be very careful. Also take care and look in at the people that are ailing and are shut away. You want to be careful keep in mind that they need to be looked after as well.
Tuesday Dec 13 2016 there is a Full Moon at 7:05 PM.
There is a Green Light period during the Gemini Moon on Tuesday. That begins at 2:03 PM and continues until 12:57 AM Wednesday.
Then for Tuesday look for the Moon opposite Saturn at 2:03 PM. That cuts off any type of information that you were trying to gain. If you are after some sort of bridge to network to reach somebody else to communicate with someone…that aspect will cut things off. You want to plan your plans for forward moving goals on Tuesday after 2:03 PM. The energy is filled with high action and there is need complete projects and present documents. Make statements with finality.
Then it is headed for the Full Moon in exact aspect to Donald Trump’s chart. This is HUGE. There is something very, very huge going on in regard to the president elect. There are all sorts of indications that there is an action required of which immediate action and adjustments needed. There is information that surfaces. Something comes out into the open. It could just mean also that there are maybe business plans that are decided. Maybe there are decisions about distribution of his businesses and his finances. Also something could be particularly serious as Ceres is square his Saturn. But the Full Moon is exactly conjunct his Sun in Gemini. This is very…well we must watch this. He is having a Jupiter return, so he gets the boost that he is looking for, but he also has some problems that he needs to address. There are difficulties in forwarding his goals in the direction that he wants to go. It could be possibly about someone he appoints… who knows. Or tweets. The tweets are likely to be many.
Okay. So for that Full Moon for us, us average people, we would want to be able to look out and see what is it that you can learn. How can you expand your awareness in such a way that forwards your goals? Reaching out to those that you have been out of touch with for maybe 9 years or so. You might be able to connect with them. Make a plan bring them into your fold during the holidays. That plan also may extend to others in your neighborhood. There are all sorts of people that need help as a result of fires. You may have things that you would like to distribute from your own closets and garages that could help others during this time as well. Then that is at 7:05 PM. That Full Moon takes place at 22 degrees of Gemini on Tuesday night. So that is a big day to watch out for.
Wednesday the 14th of December the Moon is void of course after 12:57 AM until 7:08 AM on Wednesday when the Moon enters the sign of Cancer. There is prior to that an aspect between the Sun and Venus. This aspect is difficult for relationships. It is difficult for money and also has to do with flow of negotiation. All those things are challenged with this aspect during the void of course Moon period. That may come into some sort of action that is needed after 7:08 AM when the Moon enters Cancer.
Thursday Dec 15
The Cancer Moon has many things ahead of it that do need to be addressed. It is very busy with the types of things …we need to always watch what is the Moon doing while it is in the sign of Cancer. And it is going to oppose Mercury, which is the communication planet… and cut something off, drop something or forget something really important. Then Pluto. This has to do with information about those who are in charge, those who are holding the seats of power. Then the Moon is square Jupiter. Then a 150 degree aspect to Saturn before it makes a square to Uranus. This is all on Thursday. This makes Thursday a very difficult day to negotiate any type of advancement. I would leave it alone. Don’t sign anything, buy anything. Especially wait until after 4:36 PM. But watch for what happens later on in the evening when the Moon is in that quincunx with the Sun late night. (This addresses the things that must be adjusted as a result of the Full Moon that happens on Tuesday.) There are things that you need to jump up and attend to as a result of the pile up of energies that had gone through the day on Thursday or will go through that day on Thursday.
Friday Dec 16
Friday the 16th we still have the Moon in Cancer. The Moon is headed for the sign of Leo at 8:14 AM. Before it does that it makes a quincunx to Mars. This is at 4:26 AM Friday morning. It marks an upset again. Something needs to be tended to immediately. Watch out for fires and blasts and accidents and the like. You want to check all of the electricity and candles and all that sort of thing before you go to bed on Thursday night about things that go bump in the night on Friday.
What we have with the Leo Moon. The Leo Moon. It enters at 8:14 AM Friday and continues right through the next weekend. During the Leo Moon, it is headed for an opposition to both Venus and then to Mars. Making it a highly disruptive period, which provokes larger disputes and battle. Do not take any business action on those days either beginning 8:14 AM Friday because of the fact that there are things that you need to become aware of. There is information that has been collected while Mercury has been out of bounds since November 18th. You would not want to move forward without being fully informed. There are all sorts of things that are being collected with a data bank full of new information. This can be used for firepower when Mercury returns. Mercury turns retrograde rather on December 19th. This is when information regarding important announcements come up.
Now the thing about the Electoral College is that is the day they make their vote of which then they put their votes into an envelope. They do this in their individual states. Probably at their capitol building of each state. Then those are mailed to the Vice President. Those are not counted until January 6th. So we may not know the answer to what it is that they decide. However the influences are all there for them to vote. Those influences are filled with energies of strong reconsiderations. Reconsiderations and the possibilities of reviews and redos. It will be very interesting to see how things do turn out for that vote on the 19th. And that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at You can call me at 617-924-0929. Call me for an appointment if you like. If you have a gift certificate you want to buy. And Victor also has those for his services that you may want to ask him about for gift certificates for Christmas. You can also reach me at
There is a copy of this report both the audio file and the written report as well.
You can also hear this again on soundcloud at: Look for my name [Dietrech Pessin] and you will find this report there.
You can also find it on the WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( website for the next two weeks.
You can reach me by phone 617 – 924 – 0929 to talk about astrology.
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