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I will be speaking at the NCGR Belmont location at 266 Beech Street Belmont, MA
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Ramya Krishnamurthy, Dorothy Oja, Dietrech Pessin
[Please note: Enter the meeting room using the door to the left.]
Ramya Krishnamurthy – Yogas in Vedic Astrology
Dorothy Oja – Using Planetary Stations for Forecasting
Dietrech Pessin – Timing of Eclipses with Progressions & Solar Returns
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 3, 2016 – Saturday, December 10, 2016
Moving on to this week…
There are as usual a lot of things. One of the exciting things that I have been waiting for is Venus has come back in bounds in declination. Venus has been traveling above and beyond the stretch and has now come back into the corral. Where we are able to see what is going on with matters of money, matters of relationship. There has been a lot of crazy things that went on since Venus went out of bounds on October 26th…it was on the 27th that Venus went out of bounds. That was the day that the FBI released more damaging email reports about Hillary Clinton, which took the wind out of her sails. So this is an important return and it has a lot to do with the Electoral College votes, which we will talk about in a minute as well. The other thing is that Mercury is also out of bounds and continues to be out of bounds until two days before Mercury turns retrograde, which is on December 19th. And that is the day of the Electoral College votes. This is a very important thing that is going on.
Saturday Dec 3,2016
Today the Moon is void of course from 5:16 AM until 2:43 PM. That void of course Moon is while the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. What is interesting about that Capricorn Moon is that is it relating to or about that Venus return. When Venus returns it is going to touch off a point later on, where it had gone retrograde back in 2013 December 21st. if that date means anything to you, there might be some dramatic event that circulates with this Capricorn event that is going on. Venus returning also may put a focus, some focus, on your money matters or help you to sort through things in a more logical fashion. You also might be able to deal with your personal relationships in a better fashion as well.
There is also an aspect between the Moon and Venus. Well, it was early this morning and then at 7:15 AM Mars and Saturn formed. This was during the void of course Moon period, but you cannot discount aspects just because they occur during the void of course Moon period. It is a Mars and Saturn sextile so this is an obvious suppression of a desire to control and have power over others. This aspect may suppress anger or hostility. It develops patience and endurance. It is great for getting things done. You may experience a sense of accomplishment. Progress in business and practical matters. There are fortunate delays. This aspect has a positive effect on business deals as well and aids in forming new partnerships. A slow and steady forward motion adds to stability and priceless good sense. There is some resistance and discipline that we need to tend to. It can have a positive effect on business deals and also things that are forming new partnerships. New slow steady movement forward with this aspect. However I would not take any action now because of that fact that the Moon is void of course until 2:43 PM today.
Saturday after 2:43 PM through Monday 11:31 PM.
From 2:43 PM Saturday 12/3 the Moon enters Aquarius until 11:31 PM Monday night. During the Aquarius Moon there are no aspects between the planets giving a free range for activity right through until 8:08 PM on Monday. This is when the Moon is void of course after a 30 degree aspect to Venus. (That was what I was talking about.) That important point is when the Moon and Venus touch off a storyline related to December 21st 2013. It is highly sensitive. It can unravel all that that has been accomplished, if you are not playing by the rules. There are a lot of things going on under the surface that need to be addressed about that.
Sunday December 4, 2016
Sunday December 4th we have the Aquarius Moon. It is very inviting for friends to gather together. There is also an opportunity that bridges a gap for communication. It is created by the Sun and the Moon in a 60 degree aspect at 3:56 PM on Sunday. I would use this as a platform to speak your mind in a way that it will be heard and join with others that will be of like mindedness. Then going through that Aquarius Moon through the rest of the day very nice energies for tonight, tomorrow, then also for Monday.
Monday December 5, 2016
The Moon has a couple of things to note. There is first a conjunction to Mars early in the morning 3:48 AM. We know all sorts of tweets can travel around the world with an aspect like that where there is aggression and anger that may be expressed. Then an aspect early in the morning between Moon and Uranus…that there may be sudden abrupt change or the quality of it, in this case bridging a gap using friendship as a motive. Uranus rules Aquarius which is where the Moon sign. So this one may patch things as they go. And also that Moon and Venus aspect at 8:08 PM on Monday night is also good for soothing over rough edges. Then there is a void of course Moon 8:08 PM until 11:30 PM Monday night. You want to notice everything shifts after that. Of course around here we go to bed. In other parts of the world the Pisces Moon comes in working behind the scenes to advance goals that are more clandestine.
Tuesday December 6, 2016
On Tuesday during the Pisces Moon things are complicated because an important female character who presents some sort of change in an overall agenda may emerge. That may also create change in stance and opinion. It has also money problems or money that may no longer be available. Or there may be someone new assigned to your matter and that changes the way you move forward.
Lots of times Pisces Moons is a time when people are having medical procedures done. So it is possible that the doctor that you were told you were going to have is not the doctor who shows up. You also want to check and make sure everybody is on the same page, foot or arm of your medical procedures, before moving forward with this confusion that Venus presents during the Pisces Moon.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Venus on Tuesday 7:20 PM, but it influences the entire day and night. This alignment brings those who are concerned with justice and peace in together to form a permanent bond. That is a good thing. If people are just meeting during the Pisces Moon it may not be the best time as so much of what you want to know is not evident. On the other hand people tend to share secrets. The may be cases when you learn that someone is hiding something or concealing an issue that could become important to you later when this information becomes obvious.
Then on Tuesday Mars and Uranus are in aspect at 10:29 PM. This aspect is a “Me” thing. It is driven by a desire to lead others in a real dictator type fashion. It can also lead troops into battle making it a strong take charge in command quality to it. There are also applications to the latest modern methods or ancient methods that may become apparent. There is aggressive techniques that include ultra-sharp thinking and radical designs that also work. Engineers are inspired and they cut into virgin territory. Also keeping speed as a focus you would want to be careful driving. The temptation to go too fast is going to be a problem for you. Then there are also those that are driven to expose the truth with this aspect. This burns calories as well. Cuts body fat so it is very good for exercise, and using your muscles, hiring a trainer anything like that. Avoid being bossy with that aspect and that is 10:29 PM Tuesday. I would say all day Tuesday this influence is there and even into Wednesday morning. Be mindful of fire hazards.
Wednesday December 7, 2016.
Wednesday there is a First Quarter Moon that occurs at 4:01 AM. That First Quarter Moon meets up with a square to Saturn. It is indicating that that the go ahead that has been given during that Pisces Moon, which is a principle of First Quarter Moons where you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your goals. In this case there is a problem with that. The Moon is square Saturn creating a stop on the goals. This could prove interesting. Perhaps if you have been waiting for money and you are expecting a check. Maybe you get a bill instead. Maybe the money is not as good as you think. Saturn can have a very low mood. This mood will also hinge upon the matters of Venus and Capricorn. That can be also described as the “cronyism gone badly”. In our current political climate these type of choices for US the cabinet can leave a sour taste.
Then Venus changes signs. Venus enters Aquarius at 9:51 AM on Wednesday. It will be in that sign until January 3rd. There is a void of course Moon from that point on. There are also more fires.
10:46 AM also on Wednesday, Mars is in aspect to Ceres. Ceres is about kids. All the heartbreaking stories about the kids on the school buses; the plane crashes with the Brazilian Soccer team, all and more of these types of tragedies are under the influence of Ceres in Aries which has been conjunct Uranus. Currently Mars is forming an aspect to that. It is a 60 degree aspect which is usually positive, but in this case it is not. So you want to take care of your little ones and also your old ones that are under your care. There could be changes that go on with them that need immediate attention.
The void of course Moon does take place all day long Wednesday. There is a mild aspect between the Sun and Pluto, where those in the seat of power are in a position to be setting their agenda as well. I would say do not touch Wednesday with a ten foot pole, if you are trying to deal with any kind of business. Leave that alone.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
The Moon is void of course until 5:15 AM then the Moon enters Aries. It will be in Aries until next Saturday 7:41 AM. So there are a couple of good days in there, with Green Light days to advance your goals.
Friday December 9, 2016
There is an exact aspect on Friday afternoon 4:39 PM when the Sun is in a beautiful 60 degree aspect with Jupiter allowing something to expand and open up. The Green Light period for Thursday and Friday is enhanced by the Sun Jupiter aspect. Now that aspect…that Green Light I would say is best after the Aries Moon joins Uranus at 4:24 PM. That way you can avoid any surprises. If you wanted to sign something or ditch something or buy something do it after 4:24 PM. Do it at 4:25 and then on through the rest of the evening. You have a wonderful Green Light to do that right through until next Saturday at 6:38 AM. So that is it for the week.
Also Peter had called and asked about the Electoral College. I see that day as a great big day of huge change. This is what happens. The Moon is in the sign of Virgo. There have been an enormous amount of details that would have been collected prior to that while Mercury was out of bounds. Then on the day that Mercury turns retrograde at 5:55 AM, Mars will have changed signs early in that morning. It goes into the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the sign of behind the scenes activities where we might become aware of things going on behind the closed doors. Mars represents “the man”. So there could be a change about all sorts of things. I would say to expect a very surprising type of result. There is an aspect that dominates later, when the Moon is 150ยบ quincunx to Uranus. So there is a surprise in there. So there should be also with the Quarter Moon that comes up which is related to the Dec 19 .That Quarter Moon would be at 29 degrees. It is a Last Quarter Moon at 29 degrees of Virgo. That is at the World Axis, so the World is waiting for this answer. And there is likely to be a major surprise.
Victor: all right we have had some bad surprises. Is this a good surprise?
Dietrech: That is hard to say, if it is good or bad. It is different. Let’s put it this way. It is different than what is already assumed. And the retrograde Mercury speaks to reversals and returns and redo’s and all that sort of thing. I wonder if there would be a complete recount of the entire election throughout the whole country. I wonder if there would be a redo or a retake of these election matters all over again. It is definitely…there definitely is going to be a huge story to write. And there is a change about “the man”. The main man. That would be Donald Trump and that is because Mars is changing signs. What is interesting about that is on the day of the election Mars changed signs late election night, which called for him to win the election before the popular votes were in.
You’ll find a copy of this report both the audio file and the transcribed report at
You can also hear this again on soundcloud at: Look for my name [Dietrech Pessin] and you will find this report there. At you can find the report. You can find it on the WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( website for the next two weeks. You can reach me by phone 617 – 924 – 0929 to talk about astrology.
From the top of the report an announcement was made about the NCGR workshop DEC 3, 2016. Good morning! First I want to mention that there is a talk today at the Belmont Senior Center, 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA from 12:30 – 4:30 PM. (Those who will be speaking: Ramya Krishnamurthy – Yogas in Vedic Astrology, Dorothy Oja – Using Planetary Stations for Forecasting; Dietrech Pessin – Timing of Eclipses with Progressions & Solar Returns) Boston Chapter NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.) at the Belmont Senior Center. There is a fee at the door. Hope to see you there.
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