Sunday, March 29, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for March 28 - Apr 4, 2020 wit Green Light Days

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, March 28, 2020 – Saturday, April 4, 2020
To play the recording follow this link:

Hello! It is March 28th and this is the astrology report for the week
ahead, including April 4th of next Saturday. There are many large
events that are taking place this week. Saturn is already in the sign
of Aquarius. Mars is headed for the sign of Aquarius to join Saturn.
And then also Jupiter and Pluto are about to rendezvous on April 4th
which is one of three huge events (again June 30, the last is Nov12).
Jupiter and Pluto are the combination for making things larger than
life and reaching all of the masses.

In the chart of the United States Pluto is at 27:33 Capricorn. So it is
nearly returned at this time when Jupiter aligns with Pluto at 24
degrees of Capricorn. After 246 years this will be the first time that
Pluto has returned to its natal position. That will be exact in two
years. February 2022 there will be three events total. Pluto will
return again on July of 2022, and then finally its last return to its
natal position in the United States chart will be December 28, 2022.

So here we are with Pluto 4 degrees away from this exact return. Which
is pretty typical for what Pluto does to impress its point. It brings
about large huge changes. And changes that will create a shift in what
we do and how we do it. Many of which we are not able to go back to
the old way. So it will be very interesting.

We have had crisis in the past. For instance like 9/11. We were inside
for a little bit and stunned by the remarkable transits that were
going on and the events. The twin towers being taken down and the
other types of news events that took place on 9/11 plus of 2001. And we
would have assumed that we would not go back to our old way after we
were shaken up by that. But we did. And it increased our behavior,
where there has been really no very good regard for the planet Earth.
And this is Earths chance to be able to take and remold the planet in
the way that it was intended.

Much of what is going on now that the people have stopped stomping on
the planet and driving over it and causing gouges in the Earth’s
surface and its oceans. Much of the ecology and the animals are
returning to places that they have not been able to visit for a very
long time. There were reports of dolphins coming into the waterways
close in Italy, to the cities where they have not been seen there in a
very long time. And many of the things that we do. How we do things.
How we think about resources. We are great consumers and we consume
and we toss. And we consume and we toss, and we don’t think about
conserving in any way. And the time for conservation is upon us.

There is the Saturn now in the sign of Aquarius. Has a lot to do with
conservation. It also has to do with holding us in place. Aquarius is
the sign of the people. Saturn is taking the people and bringing them
all close to their home. This is something that probably many of us
have not done or seen family members in the way that we are seeing
them now, as we are with them day in and day out. And taking the time
and having the time to be. And also to promote a wellbeing in the

The other things that are going on…currently the Moon is in Taurus and
then the Moon will change to the sign of Gemini tonight at 9:38 PM.
Gemini is the sign which multiplies and duplicates information. So
that increases infections. In particular, illnesses rise dramatically
in anything. Illnesses of the lungs would be Gemini. Any organ that
you have two of: the kidneys, the lungs, the nodes in your body, the
glands in your body where you have two. Adrenal glands. Two of any of
your glands, two legs, two hands, two arms, two eyes, etc. So the
energies that are being visited with the Gemini Moon are particularly
looking at the status of how dramatic this virus is. Or any of the
other things that were taken into consideration during this time.

And Mars will be headed for the 29th degree of Capricorn. This is the
degree of a great expression. Of how corporate interests are at this
time grasping at straws to hold onto business and don’t realize that
they have to keep the people alive to run the business. If they want
to clear a lot of us out, they are soon to learn that this virus is
affecting more than the old people. It is affecting young people
equally. So that will also increase, as we see Mars enter Aquarius on
March 30th. And then on the 31st of March, Mars and Saturn join
together. So we are going to take a look at those things.

But now going through day by day. We started out with Venus trine
Jupiter. Probably gave people the feeling that they could venture out
for instance and be part of and try to be social again. It is very
hard to pull people away from their social intentions. Especially if
they are young and they believe they are invincible and they are
carrying the disease back to us.

I want to remind people that there is evidence that there is a
symptom, an early symptom for the corona virus, which you lose your
smell and you lose your sense of taste. Both of those things are
evidence that the virus is in your system. A lot of times people don’t
get another symptom. They go on about their lives and they carry it to
the rest of us. So you want to be very careful not to be a carrier.
And to help the planet and help your neighbor and help people to avoid
any further infection.

Venus and Pluto have an aspect today. And that aspect really does
cause hording of supplies. Fear of survival. Generates the need for
pairing with others. Particularly those if the decision is made
regarding sexual urges or to leave the safety of their home for that
need. Or also to purchase something or gather more of, even though
they may have plenty of at home. So it is a very greedy kind of aspect
that will soon part as the day moves on.

Jupiter and Mars have a longer term effect when there is military type
of aspect with Mars and Jupiter parallel. They enlist more regulation
and perhaps gauge for future action. So even though the White House is
making sounds that it wants to loosen things up, I think various
communities and governors and mayors are tightening the reins. They
don’t want this to spread. And there is evidence that you can contain
it by staying in place.

Jupiter and Pallas make an aspect Saturday as well. The Pallas Athena
is the great wisdom point. Jupiter and Pallas are related. Pallas
sprung from the head of Zeus. So this is the brain child that says the
information seeks credibility. And this is also present in for
instance the agreement between the United States and China to exchange
information. And China said it would help the United States. God bless
them. I don’t know that we would do the same for them. We in our
hearts would, but our administration the way they have been acting.

And then there is a lovely aspect from the Moon to Jupiter then to
Venus then Pluto then Mars. Which may allow people to find social
relief, but it is all at a cost. The Taurus Moon is focusing on food
first and family and tradition. So I think that people will try to
gather as they are starving for that type of connection. And also the
economy is starving as well. So that will help feed the economy as
they go out and about and spend.

Saturday at 9:38 PM the Moon enters Gemini. Mars will head for the
29th degree of Capricorn and then enter Aquarius on March 30th. So
Mars is driven. Went into the sign of Aquarius to be focused on
outside interests. Not so personal. More political. More interests
that would help and be good for all the people. So that is an
encouragement. And then it will continue to go on to join Saturn on
the 31st of March.

And then the Moon entering Gemini is about it multiplies and
duplicates information, which will increase infections. In particular,
illnesses rise dramatically. Mars will head there for that 29th degree
which makes a statement of grand corporate interest, as they grasp for
straws to hold on to their business.

Then the Gemini Moon goes on through Sunday. It is about to drop its
agenda because of the fact that there will be a change when Mars
changes signs. That is on Monday 3:43 PM. So all through the types of
things that you do during the Gemini Moon, you can plan to have your
agenda changed. And your activities are subject to change or be
dropped on Monday because Mars is leaving Capricorn.

Aquarius gives a new direction and action plan. And maybe it is wiser
as Mars approaches Saturn. It also has a change of plans. If you use
your heart while you are making your decisions, you may miss the logic
needed to advance your goals. So be careful about weighing those
things out. Make sure you are checking in with what is also smart and
not just matters of the heart. Maybe your goals are simply to do with
your weekly shopping.

Note that there is a void of course Moon period on Tuesday very early
at 1:42 AM until 7:43 AM when the Moon then enters Cancer. That is
relevant. Older people are asked to do their shopping from 5:30 AM
until 7:30 AM. Different stores have different times for people that
are over 65 years old. So those rules are good to notice.

The Moon in Gemini will finish its trek with a parallel to Venus.
Which is reaching for things of agreement and understanding and
alignment with others. Seeking cooperation and pleasing others as
well. Gemini Moon is about two or more things. It is about information
traveling about so you want to be careful when traveling from one
place to the next.

The Cancer Moon on Tuesday is at 7:43 AM until Thursday at 2:36 PM.
The Cancer Moon will host a joining of Mars and Saturn on Tuesday at
2:31 PM. This is a major event that marks a shift in the details
regarding the life and death issues that we are faced with. This is a
dead stop aspect and is common with strikes. So it’s a hope that the
virus will also go on strike. The number approaching their greatest
expansion on April 4th in particular, with Jupiter and Pluto is up.
The conjunction may infect as many as it can before it begins to
collapse and go down the other the slope of the curve.

So Mars conjunct Saturn 2:31 PM on Tuesday. People find their voice
and their health workers are in charge of the information.
Self-confidence takes a beating due to extreme frustrations. Broken
phones are high on the list, especially due to recklessness. So be
careful. Do not over extend yourself in ways that can cause injury.
The last thing we want is to have to go to the doctor or the hospital
during this crises.

Pluto conjunct Pallas will also create an increase of the conditions
where the masses will be consulting the greatest minds in the fields
for advice. So possibly there is better information that comes to us
on the 31st late night going into Wednesday morning April 1st.

There is a First Quarter Moon 6:21 AM. This is when we are actively
involved in the process of moving forward with the things that
were…the seeds that were planted back July 2nd of 2019. So here we try
to get off the ground some of the things that may be helpful to us
now. There is a Full Moon at this same degree that will be in December
of 2020 that is related to this First Quarter Moon.

Mercury and Mars are argumentative on Wednesday especially around 4:57
PM even a little bit before. There is a Green Light there with that
Cancer Moon, but I don’t trust it. Especially where the Moon has to
bump the Capricorn planets. The Capricorn planets are minimizing as
all that we have left there is Jupiter and Pluto in the sign of

And the Moon will oppose Jupiter at 4:48 AM on Thursday morning .And
then opposes Pluto at 5:20 AM. So those two planets are looming large
right now, as they apply their conjunction. The Moon is 60 degrees
from Venus in the sign of Cancer as it is the final aspect of the
Cancer trek. So stick close to home that is what the message is. Have
a sense of belonging with loved ones. And that is the last aspect,
which is at 12:49 PM on Thursday. And there is a little void period.
The Moon is never void of course in Cancer. But there is the last
aspect there that does not start up with aspects again until the Moon
enters the sign of Leo. And that will be at 2:26 PM on Thursday. It is
there until 5:18 PM Saturday at April 4th when the Moon will enter
Virgo. A very big day April 4th.

The Leo Moon has a change in its agenda when Venus leaves Taurus for
Gemini on Friday. Meanwhile that Leo Moon will oppose Saturn. So there
is a dead stop there. It may feel depressing as well. And then the
Moon goes on to oppose Mars, which is argumentative. It seeks to pass
blame. In particular that Leo Moon goes on to square Uranus, the
planet of sudden abrupt change, late night on Thursday night. So
hopefully we will be in bed. But there could be a bump in the night
that you need to tend to around 11:39 PM.

Friday April 3rd we have a change in signs when you may drop all or
part of your agenda. That could have begun as early as 2:26 PM on
Thursday. And you are going to drop all that for the Venus changing
signs at 1:10 PM on Friday.

Venus goes into Gemini. Well, what does it want to do in Gemini? It
wants to shop. It wants to multiply its possessions. It wants to meet
with friends. Relationships and talks are very superficial, but there
is a lot of talk that goes on. A lot of people making connection with
their siblings. It is a good time to check in with family members when
Venus goes into Gemini.

That Leo Moon on Friday is trine the Sun at 14 degrees of Aries. Now
that opposes the United States’ birth chart Saturn. So there may be
some facts which are considered vital that are under orders for
greater discretion.

Mercury conjunct Neptune. This is also one of those aspects when you
want to stay in. Do not go out and do your shopping on Friday.

And there is a quarantine now that Trump is considering. The
quarantine New York and New Jersey. Businesses beware snap decisions
based on your perceptions that you have now. It becomes different. The
situation becomes different and becomes clear because Neptune is
harboring the stuff that makes this virus grow. But it is also in
combination when Mercury is allowed to expand its mind in a way and
pick up information from other sources or other dimensions.

You know when you are feeling particularly psychic? That is a Mercury
Neptune thing. Connecting with people, tuning into people that you are
concerned about. It is like when you call somebody. Someone says I was
just thinking of you. That is a Mercury Neptune kind of event. So we
have that on Friday night at 9:14 PM. But it does govern the day of
Friday and the whole night of Friday night as well.

Saturday April 4th this is going to be the headliner because of the
Jupiter and Pluto conjunction that takes place under the Virgo Moon.
Now Virgo is all about health. So that is no accident. And that aspect
is at 10:45 PM Saturday night. So we have a Leo Moon on Saturday that
does go void of course. And that would be at 8:52 after Moon quincunx
Pluto. I count quincunx as a major aspect. 8:52 AM on Saturday until
5:18 PM on Saturday, the Moon is void of course. That is when your
decision making is off .So you want to be very careful. Stay put.

The Moon enters Virgo 5:18 PM on Saturday, April 4, and runs through
that sign until 5:16 PM on Monday when it goes into Libra. The Virgo
Moon is filled with Neptune and Mercury kinds of things. So you want
to be very careful about transmitting the disease or picking it up.
Okay. So it sounds like it is all about the disease. Sorry. I have a
one track mind here.

If you are conducting business there are indicators for things that
could be very good for you if you want to advance. The days that would
be best for that might be Tuesday. Let’s see…part of Monday after 3:43
PM Monday. Go through until 1:42 AM on Tuesday. And then pick up with
the Cancer Moon at 7:43 AM Tuesday. And carry that Green Light that we
have until… that would be until 12:48 PM on Thursday there is a Green
Light in there. All taken with a grain of salt. So be careful with
your plans that you have there.

Looking backward there is a Green Light for today’s Taurus Moon, where
you can advance your goals right up and through 7:04 PM tonight. That
is it for the week. (24:29 STOP) That is pretty much for the week. And
I hope we go back on the air soon. Be well. Be safe. Use your Neptune
and your Mercury for your greatest spiritual advancements during this
time. Meditation really does work and yoga. Make those a priority to
start your day and everything else will fall in place. Take care.

So that is it for the week. (19:08 STOP) Please stay safe and we will
be talking to you again next week.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Astrology Report for March 21-28, 2020 by Dietrech Pessin

The radio station is off the air for the time being. I have not rec'd any word as to when it will be restored.
I will record a report and post it today. The report will also be transcribed later as well.

My family and I are well and pray that you are too. We will all get through this together.

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, March 21, 2020 – Saturday, March 28, 2020

Good morning. Hi this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report
from Saturday March 21st through the 28th, and even a couple of days
beyond. We have a Pisces Moon today on Saturday. And the Pisces Moon
is very much about making connections and statements about this virus.
Pisces is a sign about things that are not seen. Things that are
hiding behind the scenes. The silent enemy. And if you take a walk
outside it becomes very evident. It is very beautiful outside no
matter what kind of day it actually is. It looks as if all is normal.
But meanwhile there is a creeping enemy that we need to protect
ourselves from. So be very safe. Of course washing your hands all the
time. But put gloves on. Don’t go out with bare hands. The Pisces Moon
makes an aspect with Mercury today which is increasing the statements
that are made. And the information that comes through probably will be
more high counts of how the virus has taken control of various areas
and the death toll as it rises as well.

The Moon and Uranus are looking for technology to explain matters and
fill in the blanks.

Mercury reaches Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena is the wise one. She is
the daughter of Zeus. She is the greatest wisdom point in an astrology
wheel. So the thing of it is it just sort of touches base with it from
a split parallel which is saying they can’t quite get all of their
information on the same track. So bits and pieces are fragmented. And
you have to be very careful where you are getting your information. I
think getting it from the Governors and the Mayors of your town are
probably giving you the closest to the best information. Different
from what you hear from the White House. Which can be very much tilted
towards what the President wants us to hear, as it sometime opposes
the facts.

So we have something huge happening today. Saturn enters the sign of
Aquarius. That is at 11:58 PM. Aquarius is the sign of the rebel in
all of us. And as we struggle to break out of the rut that we are all
caught in, which is not going to be an easy thing, Saturn is making
very hard work of science and technology, with the influence of Uranus
here. Breaking all the traditions is part of his role.

Although Saturn is going to be approaching or threatening a square to
Uranus, it never quite gets there. Because Saturn is going to be in
the sign of Aquarius just until July. And then it backs up. It goes
retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn, where it has been putting
its focus on the material world and government. Saturn in Aquarius
is focused on the people. This is creating an opportunity for us to make
new traditions and new social structures that are centered on the
needs of the collective over the individual. The world right now is
out of balance and it is in a desperate need of social reorganization.
And Saturn is here to help with that. It seeks to build innovate
social structures. And it is known for its intellectual rigor,
humanitarianism, and thoughtful visions for the future. It focuses on
the needs of the group bringing forth new regulations that really help
people, instead of things that are just feeding the rich. So that is
late tonight and it stays there until July.

And then we have the Pisces sign continuing. Mercury is seeking help
by reaching out to Uranus tomorrow morning with technology. So I hope
our internet connection stays strong. And that would be the worst if
we lost that because of the obvious. We need to stay connected to each

Venus is split parallel Saturn. That is on Sunday, tomorrow. That
indicates that there are still shortages. There is a shortage of
money, there is a shortage of any of the supplies that we need. The
restoration is something that we can look forward to sometime in the
future. But I would say do not spend your money on this day on Sunday.
And there are other days when that is very, very clearly the point as
well. Do look in in on older people. See if you can help someone who
cannot help themselves.

An interesting thing about this Aquarius energy. Birds are ruled by
Aquarius. And I have a few birds. I have a parrot and a couple of
parakeets. Sweet pea you often hear in the report. And he has been
having visitors today coming up to the window sill where he sits, even
though the window is closed. I suppose they can hear him. But is also
seems as though the birds are looking into our windows and saying
where are all the people? Where have all the people gone? They are our
closest neighbors, the birds. As they notice and rely on us for us to
be bustling around. And I think they are kind of worried and curious
and they are looking in the windows to see, Are we in there? So if you
go outside, recognize that the birds are happy to see us whenever they
get the chance to see us.

The Moon is conjunct Neptune which marks a blind spot. That is
tomorrow. Tomorrow night. That is at 10:35 PM. And then also Venus is
under the canopy of Neptune’s illusions and fantasy, and anything
having to do with romantic notions. That is in aspect tomorrow night
at 11:08 PM with Venus sextile Neptune. Be a nice time to maybe work
on your creative, even if it is when you are falling asleep, your
creative efforts.

And then for Monday Mars is conjunct Pluto. This is the steamroller
aspect. It can be ruthless. it can be belligerent. It is definitely an
aspect to watch out for. I always think of Tien An Men Square when
this aspect comes around. The aspect in China that mowed down people
that were demonstrating. So this is one that makes us all tow the
line, as under the rule of the forces that can be forceful upon us.

Then Mars and Pluto start to join up by a parallel. This is where a
military plan is in store. It may finally be that defense production.
Maybe it happens before this. I hope it does. That is when the
governmental directs manufacturers to make medical equipment. This was
brought up and was supposed to be implemented last week. But Trump
didn’t do it. He dropped it. So he is doing these things about trying
to help us. I don’t know what he is trying to do. But that wasn’t
helpful to drop that.

And the legalities of the situation are out of reach right now. That
is because of an aspect of Vesta and Juno. Also property and real
estate. That is a concern about what to do about that. What if you
have to move? Or What if you are in the process of a move? All those
things are great big questions.

The Sun on Monday is square the Lunar Nodes. That is at 7:19 PM this
we are leading into this. So we are feeling that now. All of the
energies that are going on now are definitely part of the Sun square
the Nodes.

This is where the Eclipse is reactivated from last December. We have
been seeing this where it has come up, all of the events. I’ve been
talking about this weekend for months. I’ve been talking about the
March 20th time, March 21st when the Lunar Node reaches the point
where the Solar Eclipse from last Christmas took place. And that is
when this virus started. And that this would be high profile time and
show us exactly what that was all about. And here we are. We all know

And then the Moon is…well it is never void of course in the sign of
Pisces. But kind of at the last aspect it makes is 5:09 PM. That is on
Monday in Pisces. And then it enters the sign of Aries. That would be
at 8:58 PM the Moon is in Aries until 3:16 AM on Thursday. It goes
void of course until it enters the next sign of Taurus at 9:36 AM on
Thursday. So the Moon is in Aries until 9:36 AM on Thursday.

So the Aries Moon that we have starting on Monday, very high energy.
All kinds of things will be happening. A lot of action to be able to
supply what we need, how we need it. Boots on the ground. that sort of

Venus is square Ceres. That is a sad report that may come in about the
losses. Ceres also seeks the best help that it can offer. Ceres is the
grieving mother. She is looking for supplies, food, and everything
that is needed to be able to help all those that are in need.

The Moon lines up with Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer. That is
7:40 AM on Tuesday. And then Venus is also talking to Chiron. This is
also expressing, this hurts. This is not how we want to live our
lives. People are really suffering from cabin fever galore.

Did we mention the New Moon on Tuesday 5:28 AM? That New Moon at 4
degrees of Aries is exact square to where that Solar Eclipse took
place 3 months ago, December 26th. So this is a huge deal. That New
Moon is coupled with a lot of heavy connections to other planets. It
is the seed that is planted for our future and indicating that there
is in fact a future here.

The Sun reaches out to Uranus on Tuesday 7:44 PM. This one tries to
collect new data and direct a new set of goals with that aspect
between the Sun and Uranus, which is the innovator of new information
and high technology.

The Sun and Moon are parallel Wednesday morning early in the morning.
So the dark phase of the Moon begins to end. It would probably make a
little portion of the Moon early Thursday morning to be visible in the
sky. That is when you know the dark Moon is really over.

Then the Sun is conjunct Chiron 9:27 AM. This is the wounded healer.
This is when you can process whatever it is you are going through. We
know a lot of what we are going through is all about being locked up.
not able to get what we need. Not able to work and get the money that
we need. We are told some money is coming. It cannot be soon enough
for what it is that people need when their paychecks are not there as

Then we have an Aries Moon throughout the day on Wednesday. This is
not the day to make any deals with anyone. Stay away from this day.
Very difficult energy as the Moon bumps squares to Jupiter, Pluto, and
then finally to Mars at 3:16 AM on Thursday.

Moon square Mars. Nasty set of aspects for that Aries Moon sign. So
just stay put. Try not to engage in any arguments with others as well.
The Moon is void of course at 3:16 AM until 9:36 AM when the Moon
enters the sign of Taurus. And that brings us a Green Light period
during that Taurus Moon through the rest of Thursday from 9:36 AM
through Friday, and then Saturday all the way to 7:04 PM. There is
Green Light but you have to take into consideration the situations
that are going on. But if you want to advance your goals in any way
that would be the time frame to do that.

The Moon is conjunct Uranus in the sign of Taurus and that would be
Thursday evening.

There is a Venus and parallel aspect where lovers and people who also
want to get their businesses keep their businesses going have a little
bit a little spark of energy there. But it is fleeting. It doesn’t
last. But there is a connection that allows you that there is still
life there in those areas.

Friday, March 27th we have the Taurus Moon continuing. Mercury and
Pluto are in an aspect where it is a broken record. And they have
questions and they want answers. This is early in the morning on
Friday. It doesn’t see them getting real answers. And that is a

Then for Saturday we still have that Taurus Moon. Venus and Jupiter
may offer some good news. And it would seem as though some good news
might begin to come after the 31st of March. But we have to get
through this Taurus Moon sign. A lot of things offer information about
some better news.

Venus and Pluto are in a split parallel also on Saturday, March 28th.
And this could indicate the hording, those that are hording things. It
may become apparent that people have supplies that they can offer the
medical world. That sort of thing.

Mars parallel Jupiter steps up its action to enlist more regulations.
Maybe more boots on the ground or gauge for future action. That
information is delivered about the globe as well. Pretty much next
Saturday the Jupiter is aligned with Pallas Athena. Now Pallas is the
product of Jupiter. She sprung from the head of Zeus. So the
information is gaining credibility. Pallas is the daughter of Zeus,
which says she is the brain child here that can bring about
information that we are dying to hear. That would be on Saturday as
that comes about throughout the rest of the day.

On Saturday that Taurus Moon is with us. There is a Green Light period
right through until 7:04 PM. And some money to be found along the way
or information about the money is on the way. Then the Moon changes
signs goes into Gemini Saturday at 9:38 PM. It will head off the
change of signs when Mars goes into Aquarius on Monday, March 30th. So
that is it for the week. (19:08 STOP) Please stay safe and we will be
talking to you again next week.

I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the
planet transits. Classes are suspended for a time until we have better
information about what is going on.

Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call
me. You can also send me your email address. You can email me at

If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days March 14 - 24, 2020

= = = = = = = =

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, March 14, 2020 – Saturday, March 21, 2020

The following is transcribed.

(START 34:34)

Good morning. Well, it is Saturday March 14th and we have the largest
event that we have experienced so far here in the United States with
this emergency due to the coronavirus. There are a lot of things that
are contributing to this that really were set in place as far back as
December 26th when the Solar Eclipse occurred at 4 degrees of
Capricorn. But one of the big contributors is Chiron. Chiron is the
wounded healer and has a lot to do with health issues and anything
about the health crisis could be tagged to not only to Chiron. Some
major other contributors: the Lunar Nodes. And the two of them are
linked. They were linked exactly together last night, late night. But
were in effect all throughout the day yesterday, when there was a
national emergency that was ordered. Also the crises of the virus,
which was initiated back in December. That is under the influence of
the Solar Eclipse that we had back then at 4 degrees of Capricorn. So
all through the next couple of weeks we will be reactivated with that
energy. The Node is exactly at that point when Saturn changes signs
and goes into Aquarius on next Saturday on the 21st.

And I had predicted that and mentioned that back at that time in
December that we would be revisiting the events of the Solar Eclipse
on March 21st. That there would be a major event associated with it.
So that continues and it is still tied into Chiron because Chiron
moves very slowly.

And there are several things coming up at the end of the week where
the Sun changes signs and spring arrives early. That would be on
Thursday night at 11:50 PM. Right after that the next day Mars and
Jupiter will be ramping up their activities in a broad way overseas
way. Anything that is reaching out among these areas and beyond into
international avenues that would be the Mars and Jupiter. And that can
also be…that is on the 20th. That can also be an increase to military
activity as well. And then on Saturday on the 21st is when Saturn
changes signs goes into Aquarius. Later on after a couple of weeks
have allowed things to subside somewhat that can be helpful with
Saturn in Aquarius. Then as we move and look forward we see Mars is
conjunct Pluto that would be on the 23rd. and then there is a New Moon
at 4 Aries and that is on the 24th. This one is exactly square to that
Solar Eclipse. All of these things, and there is so many of them that
is why I mention them. There is even more. These things all contribute
to the broadness and the advancement of this kind of virus.

The other thing that will happen this Monday on the 16th is the Last
Quarter Moon will occur. It is at the World Global Axis. It is at the
center of the galaxy, which is 26 degrees of Sagittarius. So this is
also tied in with Mercury going back into Pisces. That Pisces
connection we had back on February 3rd where Mercury left the sign of
Pisces and went back into Aquarius. So there are all sorts of
connections that we could make with that early ingress of Mercury back
into Aquarius and now into Pisces.

Pisces is a sign of hidden matters and things that are about viruses
and things that are hiding behind the scenes and under the blankets
and any place where we cannot quite catch them. So you want to be
extremely cautious of course as everything and everywhere we are being
reminded of all of the precautions that we have to acknowledge and
participate with to help keep us safe help keep our families safe.

So with so many things that are going on March 31st looks like a time
when Mars and Saturn are conjunct. This one looks like a major event
in some way that has to do with this virus. So that would be two and a
half weeks from now. Having something where issues and matters and
activities come to a dead stop. It would seem as though there could be
a lightening up of things that come about. Perhaps maybe the third
week of April might be a time when we see some change that could bring
some type of relief. Or at least an interruption. Maybe when the
temperature rises that will also help situations as well. There are
other things that happen besides minding the virus and that would be
trying to conduct your business as usual. Well, it is not as usual.
But if you have some things that you are trying to do, launch or there
are those that you are trying to communicate with there will be a
period of Green Light when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. And
it is related to business, not health matters. It is not a time to go
and advance your health goals. It would be a time to advance your
business goals. And that would run from Monday 12:25 PM until 8:47 PM
on Wednesday evening. So that is a Green Light in the sign of
Capricorn. But the Capricorn Moon is going to be a hard way to go
where it bumps into every Capricorn planet. And that is what is going
on here. There is this stellium is what they call it. It is a pile up
of planets that are in the sign of Capricorn. That is Mars and
Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. Along with an asteroid, Pallas Athena which
is about repeating patterns and also multiplying and duplicating
things. So that is where we get the duplication of these world and
global events as well.

The matters that are being brought to our attention for Saturday as of
7:09 AM the Moon went into the sign of Sagittarius. And it is there
until Monday when it reaches its last aspect at 11:38 AM on Monday,
March 16th.

There is a couple of things to note. The Sun will make today a link to
Pluto, which is about reaching out to broader avenues and things that
are beyond our common reach, as the Sun and Pluto connect with those
that are sitting in the seats of power to try and manage and function
under the conditions that are around us now. That is at 12:46 PM. The
Sagittarius Moon will be uninterrupted until tomorrow morning with a
mild aspect between Mercury and Saturn right early in the morning 1:58
AM. This one may bring about serious thoughts or serious information
that you need to possibly take some action with later.

All through Sunday there are no major events during the Sagittarius
Moon. So that may be a time when you can tend to the things that
matter the most with home and family. And also anything that you would
like to do that reaches out to those that are abroad. We do have this
wonderful ability to connect with people overseas. There are all sorts
of things and places that you can visit and get information. And that
is primarily what the information gathering of Sagittarius also is the
broadcaster. This would put the information out there.

Mercury enters the sign of Pisces at 3:42 AM on Monday morning. And as
I mentioned we saw this change where it left Pisces on February 3rd.
As it comes back in the Moon is at the Galactic Center and that is at
26 degrees of Sagittarius and a Quarter Moon. That happens at 5:34 AM
Monday. This is an action orientated sign or event. Always. A Quarter
Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter Moon are always the action days.
This is when things happen. So if there is something that you are
questioning or wondering. If there is something you are trying to
connect with or learn about or engage with, this would be the day when
that happens. So that would be that Quarter Moon exactly at 3:34 AM.
It does have an impact on the whole day.

The Moon is going to give us a little bit of a tiny window for your
goals. 48 minutes’ worth. That would be on Monday starting at 11:37 AM
and continuing until 12:25 PM. This is a little tiny goal window if
you want advance your goals in anyway. Try and reach out to those
maybe that you want to connect with overseas. Make plans for the
future in some way. Although you probably need to hold off in making
plans to meet with others.

The Capricorn Moon comes in. it is very good for business, and it
would be useful for real estate deals and matters of housing, rentals
of new property. And that would be on Monday. Beginning on Monday at
12:25 PM and it runs right through until Wednesday night at 9:16 PM.
That Capricorn Moon does have information and ability to strike a
deal, sell a house, buy a house. That sort of thing. I would not use
it for health matters like having procedures unless you absolutely
have to. Anything having to do with teeth and bones are indicated. If
you are having problems with teeth and bones, then maybe the Capricorn
Moon Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday would be a time when you would
have to address those things.

The Moon enters the sign of Aquarius Wednesday night at 9:16 PM. There
is before that a little void of course Moon period from 8:48 PM until
9:16 PM on Wednesday, March 18th. The Aquarius Moon sign will welcome
the Sun that enters Aries. And this will be an early arrival of spring
and it is packed wildly with all of this chaos that we have with so
many planets all piled up in the sign of Capricorn and Saturn, at the
last little bit of Capricorn as it sits there perched on the threshold
between Capricorn and Aquarius. And while Saturn is leaving Capricorn,
it can make a statement and it can be very involved with bringing
attention to those things that were not finished, were not cleaned up,
were not done properly. Those things done that were probably ill
advised. Anything with the administration that was a bad call might be
called on during the Thursday Aquarius Moon. As the Sun and Saturn
move into an aspect, a 60 degree aspect, where there is an opportunity
to communicate differences of information. There is always a
correction of facts and information. As the information goes out it
has to be corrected almost instantly. There is a very hard way to go
in regard to getting proper facts about what is and what isn’t. Which
is really a sad, sad situation that there isn’t anything that is very
reliable regarding information.

For the first day of spring, the first night of spring, it is at 11:50
PM. Having it arrive early, it will remain in the sign of Aries. The
Sun is in the sign of Aries until April 19th. And then the Sun goes
into Taurus. Things could calm down when the Sun goes into Taurus so
on April 19th. So that would be also a day to look forward to as far
as any improvement of the current situation.

The Mars and Jupiter they are revving up their activities. The exact
aspect is 7:34 AM on Friday. And that will put the gas pedal under
anything that is expanding and reaching out beyond our common area.
Anything that hasn’t been shut down probably will be shut down by
Thursday night Friday morning.

And then we go on to the events that are coming up after Friday the
20th would be Saturdays Aquarius entrance. The Saturn going into
Aquarius at 11:58 PM on Saturday, next Saturday, March 22nd. The New
Moon on the 24th is pretty exciting so we want to stay in contact.

And To stay in contact with me you can reach me on my cellphone 617 –
558 – 7233 and also my website at I will be posting
things regularly.

That New Moon that we have on March 24th is square the Lunar Nodes. It
is a very difficult set up. and it does indicate much activity that we
have during this next several weeks. So there are things that change
and things that we can expect. But this is also a time when the
universe is giving us an opportunity, so to speak, to maybe go inward
and use your spiritual set of routines, Meditation. You have a wave of
positive energy that you can use to help to calm people down. There is
a violet flame that you can use imagery with to comfort and protect
your neighborhoods and your state and your country with a violet
flame, which is very effective for calming things down and bringing
things into a spiritual focus.

And if you have trouble listening to the broadcast that we have today
you can go onto to my website and find it transcribed later. Also I
will keep in touch with that website where you can find updated
information. I do intend to make a recording every single week. The
reason I am mentioning this is that Boston College is shutting down
and all of its operations to clean the college. So the radio station
probably won’t be transmitting next week. We don’t know about weeks
after. Victor will keep me posted and we will know better then. But
that is pretty much it for the week. (53:31 STOP)

I’m available for consultation. Also updates about the report and the
planet transits. Classes are suspended for a time until we have better
information about what is going on.

V: The whole world is suspended.

D: The whole world is suspended.

V: to any events anywhere.

D: No. and I think it is a good idea. It can help to level off what is
going on, the transmission of the virus right now. If we can get it to
level off. And anybody that is in place if they develop symptoms then
they are not at least they are not out and about transmitting it
everywhere else.

Also if you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call me.

If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin March 7 - 14, 2020

Good morning. It is a very happy week to have Mercury turn direct. And that is going to be
on Monday night late Monday night. So if you are hoping to do something on Monday
because of Mercury turning direct, don’t do it. Wait until Tuesday. Although there is a
Green Light period on Monday night after Mercury turns direct at 11:48 PM. There is a
Green Light until 4:32 AM on Tuesday morning. So if you are in the UK or in another time
zone where you can take advantage of that there is a beautiful trine, Moon trine Saturn.
That would be an excellent time to advance your goals for something that you would like for
it to stick.

And the energies that are going on really are piling up about this virus. We have a Full Moon
coming up in Pisces that is also on Monday. And that takes place on Monday. Let’s see what
time that is going to be. 1:48 PM it happens at 19 degrees of Virgo. Virgo is the sign of our
health and wellbeing. So a Full Moon is going to mark. All the cards are on the table.
Everything is out in the open.

So the period of which to be particularly careful, the most contagious time would be this
morning from 9:34 or even earlier this morning. There are many Moon quincunx aspects,
which is about a health aspect. That would start 3:23 AM with Moon to Mars, then Moon to
the Sun at 9:34 AM. 10:20 the Moon is quincunx Pallas Athena, which is about repeated
pattern and multiplying things. Then it goes on to make the same aspect to Neptune. So it is
just really popping the viral load up. And then Moon is quincunx Jupiter at 2:55 PM today
and going on to do the same thing to Pluto at 8:50 PM today. All of that leads into what will
be revealed a couple of days later when the Full Moon does arrive. So there is always that
contact and incubation period and that should actually create the map for it. The final
aspect of the Leo Moon that we are having that is doing all this would be to Saturn. And it
too is a quincunx. That is at 4:57 AM. So I would say really lay low today, and tonight, and
then certainly through that Full Moon. If you are meeting with people you want to practice
the very best hygiene and you want to practice your ability to be able to gather what you
need. I got reports from the markets that there is a shortage of things already. Such as hand
sanitizers, Clorox, toilet paper, water. Already. So these things are already gone. People are
going into panic mode. Just be prepared without the panic. The stress level is also going to
contribute to problems, so keep your stress level down. Meditate and that can help as well.

The Sun joins with Neptune. That will be tomorrow morning 8:23 AM. So this is a cloud that
the Sun breaks through. A cloud. And can show where there are leaks and problems. There
is a coming together that is aligned with the Moon and Venus where people come together,
especially through the invitation of women. And there is a lot of surprises regarding women
and money and anything having to do with the things that Venus and Uranus are under.
They join together in the sign of Taurus. They are also making way to make connection with
the Sun where there will be a sudden abrupt change linked to the Full Moon, when the Sun
and Uranus are also making contact late night on Sunday night. You don’t have to wait for
that aspect at 11:40 PM, but it will affect the entire day.

Pluto and Ceres. Ceres is the small dwarf planet that ???Hera mythology??? says the world
was withering because of her grief because her daughter was abducted. And that would be
where people feel the loss a feeling of abandonment and separation. And the connection
between Pluto and Ceres is on Sunday. But it does hold in place for several days. It is
interesting how the astrology just lines right up with the facts of these news events that are
going on.

For Monday, not much going on until the Full Moon. And the Full Moon it does involve
Neptune. It is at 1:48 PM in the sign of Virgo. So all the cards are on the table. Everything is
out in the open, including viral bugs and things like that. I would say, stay close to home.
Keep your animals close to home as well, as Virgo is the sign of pets. And animals and larger
animals that you keep outside would be the Pisces side, the Neptune. Mercury goes direct
11:48 PM that is on Monday.

Then on Tuesday so we have that Green Light period that will run right until 4:32 AM
Tuesday morning that I mentioned before. The Libra Moon comes in. it is not good at all. Do
not agree or engage or plan for anything except for to make a meeting at another time. All
day Tuesday, Wednesday, and early Thursday we have that Libra Moon, which is very
disgruntled and has a lot of problems.

There is a Sun sextile Jupiter aspect at 8:27 AM on Wednesday. This one is usually very
lucky. But it can bring an urge to travel outside your designated area. Or for those that have
been designated to stay quarantined they may want to break out for some reason and
travel. So travel would be emphasized or increased possibly on Wednesday. There is a
consciousness and a discussion of moral and religious issues, also with the Sun sextile to
Jupiter. It is optimistic, but you want to hold your optimism because the Moon in Libra will
finally make its aspect on Thursday at 4:11 AM when it is square to Saturn. And Saturn is
moving to the very, very tippy end of Capricorn as it gets ready to change signs on the 21 st
of March. So after we finish with that Moon square Saturn which ends in a difficult way.
Anything that you may have agreed to during the Libra Moon you might be cut off or it may
be dead in the water.

So the Scorpio Moon comes in and it is a better Moon actually. There is a Green Light
period. All things being considered of the surrounding situations. That Scorpio Moon ends
on a lighter tone with a sextile to Saturn. That is a much better situation. That sextile to
Saturn would take place on next Saturday at 6:05, 6:06 AM next Saturday. Giving a period of
Green Light that runs right through Thursday, Friday the 13th , and then part of Saturday.

There is difficulty with partners, difficulty agreeing on Friday the 13th . That is a tough way to
go, but there is a nice trine between the Sun and the Moon on Friday at 8:47 PM. This one
finds a way to make things work, make things agreeable.

The big news about Friday is that Chiron the wounded healer and the ruler of many health
issues is in a crisis making position, as it is square to the Lunar Node. So it is a difficult time
for Chiron as the Lunar Nodes pass over that square and back up.

The Nodes of the Moon are walking into the point where the Solar Eclipse from last
Christmas, the day after Christmas, emerges making this a very crises period. There are
some good things in there. Just use really good sense making Thursday and Friday the best.
Other than that stay away from the Libra Moon beginning on Tuesday at 6:03 AM running
right through until 5:28 AM on Thursday. That is the really tough part. And pretty much that
is it for the week. So have a good week and stay safe and we will meet again
over the air next week.

If you would like to study astrology I teach private classes. Also if you would like to have a
reading of your chart you can call me.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Feb 29 - March 6, 2020.

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-558-7233

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
The following report is transcribed from the live broadcast.

Saturday, February 22, 2020 – Saturday, February 29, 2020

Good morning. This is an important week. All the weeks are important,
especially right now with what is going on in the world. Mercury is
retrograde. You are probably aware of that. It has been a crazy one
where it is in the sign of Pisces. This week it will back up into the
sign of Aquarius and get much sharper. Right now its boundaries are
limitless regarding where it is collecting its information, where it
is picking up its touch spots and its issues. And talking about
various topics, not being on track. But as far as the virus goes it is
not good when Mercury is in the sign of Pisces because it does not

It is also extremely important to talk about Jupiter and Pluto. They
have been in an aspect over the past couple of weeks. It is exact now.
The exact aspect is Jupiter parallel Pluto. That is Jupiter, which has
a broad large arm, reaches out with the assistance of Pluto. Pluto is
deep and transformative. It collects all of the things that unites the
masses. So there is information and the probability of education to
the masses of people, large groups of people. Huge, would be the
description of a Jupiter - Pluto parallel or conjunction.

Parallels are more effective and they are stronger than conjunctions.
But they function like a conjunction.
The pair are making a contact on a different level. The zodiac is as
a belt around the earth in the celestial zodiac where a conjunction
occurs. Parallels and contra parallels are aspects in declination as
seen aligning from the north and south point above and below the Earth.
I think of it as if there is a zipper running up over the body of the Earth.
So Jupiter and Pluto line up at the same degree of declination at
22 degrees south.

You know we have a lot of things that we definitely know about all
that is going on with this scary stuff about the virus. And Neptune is
also a super culprit in regard to any virus. With Mercury in Neptune's
sign of Pisces, add to that we had a New Moon a week
ago that was super charged in the sign of Pisces as it was pumped up by a
60 degree aspect from Mars.

For today the Moon is in Taurus. The Taurus Moon is not
complicated by a bunch of heavy aspects between the planets. But there
are plenty of heavier planet activity coming up. For today, Saturday,
Feb 29, it might be all about food. Think of traditions and food and
getting together with family or those that make
you feel comfortable. There is also more of that for tomorrow.

The Sun and Mercury are making an aspect. They are parallel for the
overnight. This could be filled with the need to speak out about
something that you have been kind of holding back. You may have an
important plan that is postponed or cancelled. However this energy is great
for writing, communicating, drawing. It is great for music and
creating space for your voice as it is important in a wide range of
matters. The kind of things that you would like to be able to
communicate and haven’t been able to frame your words properly. So
this is a good one if you want to take advantage of this today.

The aspects further on in the day on Sunday would be Moon trine
Saturn at 10:52 AM. That is the last one that this Taurus Moon has which gives a
Green Light to this period for Saturday & Sunday morning until 10:52 AM
we have a beautiful Green Light. Take advantage of
that and do something important for yourself.

Gemini Moon comes in at 2:20 PM . The last aspect is going to make a 60
degree aspect to Venus. Well Venus is tied up with Uranus in a
parallel. So this is very important because of the fact that you might
have great potential and success with those that you join with or
align with on social and private matters.

It could also be very romantic. Now this is on Sunday. The romantic
edge goes right through the Gemini Moon which will last until 11:25 PM
on Tuesday. But that aspect between the Moon and Venus is at 9:19 PM
on Tuesday.

But let’s back it up just a little bit. Go from Monday. Here is a
great First Quarter Moon. That will happen at 2:57 PM. It would be
that First Quarter Moon is going to bring us a preview of what is
going on in 9 months from now in November. Leaping forward to
November 30th there is a Lunar Eclipse.
2:57 PM is on Monday, is the First Quarter happens.

First Quarter Moons and Last Quarter Moons are action oriented. These
are the days when something happens. If it is Gemini, you are going to
be getting a message. You are going to get multiple messages. Gemini
means two or more. So if you are traveling you probably have two
destinations. If you are connecting with people, you are connecting
with two or more people. So the Gemini Moon is very important. It
carries a lot of weight as it is attached to a November Lunar Eclipse.
So watch, listen, and take good notes.

So we have also this Jupiter and Pluto aspect. It is exact actually on
on Sunday at 6:44 PM. It has been in aspects since February
20th. When a lot of things happened on February 20th that were related
to pumping up this virus in particular.

As far as political things go there is a lot of money pouring
through. Wish it was pouring through the things that matter the most.
People’s lives.

Jupiter and Pluto were brothers in mythology. So Jupiter rules the sky
and the heavens. He is the God of all the Gods. Pluto rules the
underworld. So the two of them collaborate with something pretty
important during the Gemini Moon.

The Gemini Moon on Monday shows some difficulty getting the facts
because the authorities and reputable sources are contradicted.
Because Mercury is in a negative aspect with Pallas Athena, who is the
wise one. So somebody is rejecting the facts or the science for their
own voice.

Then on Tuesday, March 3rd what we have Mercury’s message is brief
while gathering information from the reputable source. It gives just
the sketchy facts. Although there is enough there to probably help you
to make your plans accordingly. The Gemini Moon has difficulties when
it has to be the host for Sun 45 degrees to Saturn. That is like a
square. It reveals difficulties. Things that come up are problems, obstacles,
limitation, inhibitions, and delays. Maybe you are having trouble with
your teeth on Tuesday. Maybe you are having trouble with your bones,
your knees. So you want to take care of those things and anything that
stimulates feelings of insecurity. Ambition and desire prove to be
things about one’s self worth. There is difficult judgements and
decisions that come down. In addition this is not good for court rulings.

Then it is very difficult for relationships as Venus and Saturn square
off on Tuesday at 11:44 AM. Stay away from your loved ones on Tuesday
unless you are married and have to see each other every single day.
This is tough trying to get through an already difficult period with
Mercury retrograde really causing trouble communicating with one
another and making those connections. Mercury retrograde is often showing
where the decision is to be made.

And then Venus speaks out with an opportunity to connect. So now we
have a really nice Green [Light] period, make that on Tuesday.
After…let’s make that 11:50 AM right through until 9:20 PM on Tuesday.
Nice Green Light period. Go for it even though it is Mercury
retrograde, do it second time around. You want to be able to find what
you are looking for. I find that I get more done during Mercury
retrogrades than I do when Mercury is direct. And I take the time to
do things that I couldn’t before. And I often find lost objects.

So there could be a romantic spark and there is a pleasant surprise
with Venus and Uranus. I’m talking about Tuesday with this
combination. Hold on to your heart until you have more proof of where
your love is coming from. And then there is a void of Moon from 9:19
PM until 11:25 PM Tuesday.


Wednesday there is a Cancer Moon. Mercury has the edge on the talking points
with well-prepared topics. This is because Mercury goes back into
Aquarius 6:07 AM. This is a retrograde going back into the sign it
recently transited. So this is valid.

Going back and saying, wait a minute I’m going to correct this that
and the other thing because those statements, other statements were
possibly false. So this is a better way to get your facts. Wait until
Wednesday. Mercury has the next several days to go back over the
Aquarius information. Mercury will continue to be
retrograde until the 9th. So you have 5 days when Mercury is getting
it straight. And even after that when Mercury goes direct it will be
in the sign of Aquarius then as well which should help to clear up matters.

Then Mercury and Venus are sextile at 60 degrees. It's a beautiful aspect
at 4:24 PM Wednesday, March 4th. It dominates the whole day. This is when you find your
voice. This is when you can finally figure out what is in your heart,
what you need to say and make it sweet.

So visits with family, anything that benefits the family is the most
important thing. Also look to benefit those that are the closest to you.
Cancer sign of the Moon is for insiders. Later the Moon will be opposite
Mars. It is not happy to be left out of the benefits. But right after that
at 10:07 PM, Venus enters the sign of Taurus and it will be there
for about a month. It moves into her comfort zone and functions
well with traditional avenues of love and money. This is on Wednesday.
Use your most polished methods of persuasion to advance your goals.

11:55PM Wed: Sun and Venus can’t be square, but they can be semi-square.
This is a very important aspect about love and money. It can be very
uncomfortable. So here we see Venus entering Taurus and it is moving into
a conflict with the Sun, who is the boss. It might be saying this is how
you are going to do this. Or this is what we are going to do. That may be
very difficult than what is in your heart. It can also promote feelings or
affection of friendliness which create problems. You know how like you got the
crush on the wrong person and the desire for pleasure, indulgence,
excessive displays of emotion could come up. But what it could bring
is also excessive artistic taste. And bad taste social situations may
not work out well either running right into late night Wednesday.


The Cancer Moon is still with us. The Sun and Neptune
show an alignment. Maybe the Sun is showing where this virus is really
lurking. Seek advice from professionals. Don’t enter into agreements
with others either activities without thoroughly researching all
aspects of your plan. Your imagination can run wild, but can be a
comfort. Or it could be a blanket of denial about what you really
need. Address your addictions.

Then going into Friday the Cancer Moon is opposite Saturn. First this
is not good with that Cancer Moon is…as it comes to the end of its run
in the sign of Cancer. this may cut off progress and give a "no" when you
have been waiting. The last thing it does is quincunx Mercury. That quincunx
is life is messy clean it up. It is 150 degrees. It is bringing
information that is not going to be a happy reminder of what is going
The Leo Moon which begins at ends with an opposition then quincunx.
The Leo Moon comes in at 4:28 AM on Friday. It runs over the
weekend. It will end with a couple of aspects also that are difficult.
Opposition to Mercury, cuts off communication and then a quincunx to Saturn
which is an upset from the higher ups. It is kind of
like the mirror of what is going on with the Cancer Moon.

And during Friday, March 6th what we have for that Leo Moon is a
square to Venus, which is not happy right at 7:00 AM. Maybe you want
to sleep late if you could. Later it will square Uranus at 11:06 AM.
Those two planets still are hanging out together Venus and Uranus and
is not exact until Sunday, March 8 at 3:38 PM.
This one could bring some upset so be careful about how you engage with
others. But there could be a also a sudden romantic event. Another
surprising upset that occurs with Friday (3/6)late morning.
That is it for the week.

If you would like to study astrology I teach private classes. Also if
you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call me.

If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So
give me a call.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: