Sunday, March 1, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Feb 29 - March 6, 2020.

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-558-7233

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
The following report is transcribed from the live broadcast.

Saturday, February 22, 2020 – Saturday, February 29, 2020

Good morning. This is an important week. All the weeks are important,
especially right now with what is going on in the world. Mercury is
retrograde. You are probably aware of that. It has been a crazy one
where it is in the sign of Pisces. This week it will back up into the
sign of Aquarius and get much sharper. Right now its boundaries are
limitless regarding where it is collecting its information, where it
is picking up its touch spots and its issues. And talking about
various topics, not being on track. But as far as the virus goes it is
not good when Mercury is in the sign of Pisces because it does not

It is also extremely important to talk about Jupiter and Pluto. They
have been in an aspect over the past couple of weeks. It is exact now.
The exact aspect is Jupiter parallel Pluto. That is Jupiter, which has
a broad large arm, reaches out with the assistance of Pluto. Pluto is
deep and transformative. It collects all of the things that unites the
masses. So there is information and the probability of education to
the masses of people, large groups of people. Huge, would be the
description of a Jupiter - Pluto parallel or conjunction.

Parallels are more effective and they are stronger than conjunctions.
But they function like a conjunction.
The pair are making a contact on a different level. The zodiac is as
a belt around the earth in the celestial zodiac where a conjunction
occurs. Parallels and contra parallels are aspects in declination as
seen aligning from the north and south point above and below the Earth.
I think of it as if there is a zipper running up over the body of the Earth.
So Jupiter and Pluto line up at the same degree of declination at
22 degrees south.

You know we have a lot of things that we definitely know about all
that is going on with this scary stuff about the virus. And Neptune is
also a super culprit in regard to any virus. With Mercury in Neptune's
sign of Pisces, add to that we had a New Moon a week
ago that was super charged in the sign of Pisces as it was pumped up by a
60 degree aspect from Mars.

For today the Moon is in Taurus. The Taurus Moon is not
complicated by a bunch of heavy aspects between the planets. But there
are plenty of heavier planet activity coming up. For today, Saturday,
Feb 29, it might be all about food. Think of traditions and food and
getting together with family or those that make
you feel comfortable. There is also more of that for tomorrow.

The Sun and Mercury are making an aspect. They are parallel for the
overnight. This could be filled with the need to speak out about
something that you have been kind of holding back. You may have an
important plan that is postponed or cancelled. However this energy is great
for writing, communicating, drawing. It is great for music and
creating space for your voice as it is important in a wide range of
matters. The kind of things that you would like to be able to
communicate and haven’t been able to frame your words properly. So
this is a good one if you want to take advantage of this today.

The aspects further on in the day on Sunday would be Moon trine
Saturn at 10:52 AM. That is the last one that this Taurus Moon has which gives a
Green Light to this period for Saturday & Sunday morning until 10:52 AM
we have a beautiful Green Light. Take advantage of
that and do something important for yourself.

Gemini Moon comes in at 2:20 PM . The last aspect is going to make a 60
degree aspect to Venus. Well Venus is tied up with Uranus in a
parallel. So this is very important because of the fact that you might
have great potential and success with those that you join with or
align with on social and private matters.

It could also be very romantic. Now this is on Sunday. The romantic
edge goes right through the Gemini Moon which will last until 11:25 PM
on Tuesday. But that aspect between the Moon and Venus is at 9:19 PM
on Tuesday.

But let’s back it up just a little bit. Go from Monday. Here is a
great First Quarter Moon. That will happen at 2:57 PM. It would be
that First Quarter Moon is going to bring us a preview of what is
going on in 9 months from now in November. Leaping forward to
November 30th there is a Lunar Eclipse.
2:57 PM is on Monday, is the First Quarter happens.

First Quarter Moons and Last Quarter Moons are action oriented. These
are the days when something happens. If it is Gemini, you are going to
be getting a message. You are going to get multiple messages. Gemini
means two or more. So if you are traveling you probably have two
destinations. If you are connecting with people, you are connecting
with two or more people. So the Gemini Moon is very important. It
carries a lot of weight as it is attached to a November Lunar Eclipse.
So watch, listen, and take good notes.

So we have also this Jupiter and Pluto aspect. It is exact actually on
on Sunday at 6:44 PM. It has been in aspects since February
20th. When a lot of things happened on February 20th that were related
to pumping up this virus in particular.

As far as political things go there is a lot of money pouring
through. Wish it was pouring through the things that matter the most.
People’s lives.

Jupiter and Pluto were brothers in mythology. So Jupiter rules the sky
and the heavens. He is the God of all the Gods. Pluto rules the
underworld. So the two of them collaborate with something pretty
important during the Gemini Moon.

The Gemini Moon on Monday shows some difficulty getting the facts
because the authorities and reputable sources are contradicted.
Because Mercury is in a negative aspect with Pallas Athena, who is the
wise one. So somebody is rejecting the facts or the science for their
own voice.

Then on Tuesday, March 3rd what we have Mercury’s message is brief
while gathering information from the reputable source. It gives just
the sketchy facts. Although there is enough there to probably help you
to make your plans accordingly. The Gemini Moon has difficulties when
it has to be the host for Sun 45 degrees to Saturn. That is like a
square. It reveals difficulties. Things that come up are problems, obstacles,
limitation, inhibitions, and delays. Maybe you are having trouble with
your teeth on Tuesday. Maybe you are having trouble with your bones,
your knees. So you want to take care of those things and anything that
stimulates feelings of insecurity. Ambition and desire prove to be
things about one’s self worth. There is difficult judgements and
decisions that come down. In addition this is not good for court rulings.

Then it is very difficult for relationships as Venus and Saturn square
off on Tuesday at 11:44 AM. Stay away from your loved ones on Tuesday
unless you are married and have to see each other every single day.
This is tough trying to get through an already difficult period with
Mercury retrograde really causing trouble communicating with one
another and making those connections. Mercury retrograde is often showing
where the decision is to be made.

And then Venus speaks out with an opportunity to connect. So now we
have a really nice Green [Light] period, make that on Tuesday.
After…let’s make that 11:50 AM right through until 9:20 PM on Tuesday.
Nice Green Light period. Go for it even though it is Mercury
retrograde, do it second time around. You want to be able to find what
you are looking for. I find that I get more done during Mercury
retrogrades than I do when Mercury is direct. And I take the time to
do things that I couldn’t before. And I often find lost objects.

So there could be a romantic spark and there is a pleasant surprise
with Venus and Uranus. I’m talking about Tuesday with this
combination. Hold on to your heart until you have more proof of where
your love is coming from. And then there is a void of Moon from 9:19
PM until 11:25 PM Tuesday.


Wednesday there is a Cancer Moon. Mercury has the edge on the talking points
with well-prepared topics. This is because Mercury goes back into
Aquarius 6:07 AM. This is a retrograde going back into the sign it
recently transited. So this is valid.

Going back and saying, wait a minute I’m going to correct this that
and the other thing because those statements, other statements were
possibly false. So this is a better way to get your facts. Wait until
Wednesday. Mercury has the next several days to go back over the
Aquarius information. Mercury will continue to be
retrograde until the 9th. So you have 5 days when Mercury is getting
it straight. And even after that when Mercury goes direct it will be
in the sign of Aquarius then as well which should help to clear up matters.

Then Mercury and Venus are sextile at 60 degrees. It's a beautiful aspect
at 4:24 PM Wednesday, March 4th. It dominates the whole day. This is when you find your
voice. This is when you can finally figure out what is in your heart,
what you need to say and make it sweet.

So visits with family, anything that benefits the family is the most
important thing. Also look to benefit those that are the closest to you.
Cancer sign of the Moon is for insiders. Later the Moon will be opposite
Mars. It is not happy to be left out of the benefits. But right after that
at 10:07 PM, Venus enters the sign of Taurus and it will be there
for about a month. It moves into her comfort zone and functions
well with traditional avenues of love and money. This is on Wednesday.
Use your most polished methods of persuasion to advance your goals.

11:55PM Wed: Sun and Venus can’t be square, but they can be semi-square.
This is a very important aspect about love and money. It can be very
uncomfortable. So here we see Venus entering Taurus and it is moving into
a conflict with the Sun, who is the boss. It might be saying this is how
you are going to do this. Or this is what we are going to do. That may be
very difficult than what is in your heart. It can also promote feelings or
affection of friendliness which create problems. You know how like you got the
crush on the wrong person and the desire for pleasure, indulgence,
excessive displays of emotion could come up. But what it could bring
is also excessive artistic taste. And bad taste social situations may
not work out well either running right into late night Wednesday.


The Cancer Moon is still with us. The Sun and Neptune
show an alignment. Maybe the Sun is showing where this virus is really
lurking. Seek advice from professionals. Don’t enter into agreements
with others either activities without thoroughly researching all
aspects of your plan. Your imagination can run wild, but can be a
comfort. Or it could be a blanket of denial about what you really
need. Address your addictions.

Then going into Friday the Cancer Moon is opposite Saturn. First this
is not good with that Cancer Moon is…as it comes to the end of its run
in the sign of Cancer. this may cut off progress and give a "no" when you
have been waiting. The last thing it does is quincunx Mercury. That quincunx
is life is messy clean it up. It is 150 degrees. It is bringing
information that is not going to be a happy reminder of what is going
The Leo Moon which begins at ends with an opposition then quincunx.
The Leo Moon comes in at 4:28 AM on Friday. It runs over the
weekend. It will end with a couple of aspects also that are difficult.
Opposition to Mercury, cuts off communication and then a quincunx to Saturn
which is an upset from the higher ups. It is kind of
like the mirror of what is going on with the Cancer Moon.

And during Friday, March 6th what we have for that Leo Moon is a
square to Venus, which is not happy right at 7:00 AM. Maybe you want
to sleep late if you could. Later it will square Uranus at 11:06 AM.
Those two planets still are hanging out together Venus and Uranus and
is not exact until Sunday, March 8 at 3:38 PM.
This one could bring some upset so be careful about how you engage with
others. But there could be a also a sudden romantic event. Another
surprising upset that occurs with Friday (3/6)late morning.
That is it for the week.

If you would like to study astrology I teach private classes. Also if
you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call me.

If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can
call me or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your
name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond
to.] You can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So
give me a call.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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