Sunday, February 23, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Feb 22 -28, 2020.

Good morning. We have a really interesting week. We have a New Moon in Pisces for one.
And that New Moon is going to be at 4 degrees of Pisces. It is related to a Solar Eclipse and a
Lunar Eclipse. Dating back to 2007 for the Lunar Eclipse. But the Solar Eclipse was 2017.
February 26th [2017] there was a Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees of Pisces. So this is a follow up or
continuation or more of the things that had developed back at that time. Eclipses will be the
seed that is planted to develop large events. When there is a Moon phase that sets that
degree off, with what is called the Lunar Gestation Cycle, then you can get a major revisit to
it or a major event that is associated with it.

This particular New Moon is exciting. It is active. It is a Pisces New Moon. Pisces is extremely
psychic and intuitive, so there is a lot of that going on with this. Trust your intuition and
keep your antenna up for all sorts of information coming from all kinds of places. You could
be listening to the messages from the birds the trees or something happening across the
street. Or someone calls you or sends you a message or there could be something in the
mail that is particularly interesting. We will talk more about it in a minute.

But for Saturday, February 22 nd we have an Aquarius Moon. So the Pisces Moon is not here
yet. And the Aquarius Moon is void of course all day long right through until the Moon
changes signs tomorrow morning at 11:37 AM. But even though the Moon is in Aquarius
and void of course doesn’t mean there isn’t anything happening. Because there is. The Sun
is sextile Uranus. So that turns into a highly charged type of channel. You can turn the
channels, multiple channels in your life and in your environment. And particularly having to
do with technology and support around subjects of technology from friends and other key
players in your life. Anything having to do with a like-minded notion you would like to join
with. Perhaps there is a political association you would like to join with during this time of
the Sun sextile Uranus.

You may feel compelled to purchase some technical equipment. But I wouldn’t do that. Not
until this Mercury retrograde is over because Mercury retrograde in Pisces offers too many
problems that are not clearly visible.

So right through the evening. Now that aspect already happened, 9:12 this morning. The
last thing that happens tonight would be an aspect between the Sun and Saturn. Then the
Sun and Pallas Athena, the wise one.

Overnight it is just the oncoming Pisces Moon that starts at 1:37 AM. This will finish off as
the last aspect on Tuesday for the Pisces Moon. It will be a parallel to retrograde Mercury.
So it is highly perceptive on a nearly psychic level. Consider breaking addictive behavior.
Notice that the spiritual support that is available to you is there in your breath. It is there
when you sit and meditate, practice yoga. Do anything that calms your spirit and calms your
soul. And you will have a very sensitive channel for valuable personal change that comes up
with this Pisces New Moon.

You can find lost objects. You can find lost people. And things from the past return for a
second chance of some type. People may just pop up out of the wood work and be there,
whether you keep them or just say, Hello. So the New Moon is a huge shift in the reality of

The other thing about this Pisces New Moon (it is going to take place at 10:32 AM
tomorrow) is that it definitely can accelerate the viruses that are going around. So if you
have any kind of virus keep a watch on your temperature. And also make sure that you
practice the best hygiene of your life during this Pisces Sun sign, which lasts for several

So if you also want to look back to February 2017 to see what the legacy of that Eclipse was.
What did it bring you? I know our friend Cheryl it brought her a whole new look about here
retirement future on her birthday. Right near her birthday.

And then there is psychic and intuitive empowerment. The New Moon is charged with an
opportunity to run with an intuitive idea. The temptation is to overestimate the advantages
and spend way too much. That is because there is a Venus Jupiter aspect. This invites
anything which is over the top. So you want to rein it in and try to be as moderate as you
can. There is the temptation to eat a great big meal. It may not be what you need, as a
matter of fact it could hurt. Then there is a Mercury and Pluto aspect. That Venus Jupiter is
at 11:58 AM.

Then at 6:15 PM on Sunday, sign of trouble. Mercury and Pluto are in a 45 degree aspect.
The complaint is that these are outworn issues. Let it go. Someone can’t let it go. There is
someone with big issues that cannot let things go. So it is going round and round and round
in your head. And also there is a fear of losing something that you love or that you want to

Pisces Moon is conjunct retrograde Mercury 7:39 PM that is on Sunday night. This may be
when you have another one of those great intuitive psychic brain storms. So keep a little
pad of paper or your cellphone handy to take notes, and have a running log of the things
that are running through your head. These could be very important for plans that you want
to make later.


The Pisces Sun is making a sextile to Mars. That would be on Monday. This at 9:05 PM. So all
day on Monday we are under the influence of this aspect. It can escalate those virus loads.
So again beef up your immune system and your hygiene on a personal level.

This aspect may offer a keen opportunity to advance your goals. So let big things come to
you in small packages with this aspect. And it can bring acknowledgement and possibly
recognition as well. But also enlightenment and expansion of your inner knowledge.


There is a dark of the Moon that will…let me get the beginning point for that…that
starts…lets back it up. It was actually last night running all through Saturday, all through
Sunday (dark Moon), and it finishes up on Monday at 11:44 PM. Dark Moon means you are
in the dark. You don’t have all the information you need to make the greatest decisions. So
take everything in, make notes, do a lot of meditation. And you can find that you can make
the best decision probably on Tuesday for a really nice Green Light that we have.

Even that Pisces Moon under the New Moon there is a Green Light in there. If you want to
bring something in that is important to you. And then maybe take action on it if you like on
Tuesday from 1:57 AM. I know it is in the middle of the night. Right through until 9:58 AM.
Then there is until 1:47 PM there is a little bit of a void period. But the Moon is never void
of course in Pisces. So just allow that time to bring you something.

The last aspect of that Pisces Moon is parallel retrograde Mercury. So it is highly perceptive
on a nearly psychic level. Consider breaking addictive behavior. Notice that the spiritual
support available to you is right there for you to breathe in. See yourself as a sensitive
channel for valuable change.

You can also during that free floating time take an exam or some sort, if you want to do that
on Tuesday morning, and anything that you want to do. Cut your hair is also a good thing
during that time period.

The Aries Moon that comes in at 1:47 PM would be on Tuesday. The final aspect is a split
parallel to Mercury. That means that there is some difficulty and it is a washout. So
whatever it is that you are trying to force into some sort of conclusion or speculate about,
the sum of its parts are not rewarding. The message you may receive is equal to a
consolation prize. However, once again watch for those lost items to surface. And also those
things you that had thought about brainstormed about before, watch them come to the

Mars is really highlighted on Tuesday. And Mars rules Tuesday. It is out of bounds until
March 1 st . but it is heavily activated when it lines up with the South Node of the Moon in
Capricorn. This is really a time when you need to watch out. There is fires, which are
greater. Rash actions. People get fired or quit. Insiders go beyond the social structure of
their position and over reach and that could cause trouble. So you want to be careful
driving. In travel I would kind of stay put. This is exact at 2:07 PM. It is the kind of thing that
is there for a couple of days.

So leading into Tuesday. I would say all day Monday we are under this influence. Tuesday,
and even Wednesday shows some of these problems. Watch out for fires in the house.

Venus is opposite retrograde Juno. Juno is the bride of Jupiter. So Venus is trying to hurry
up and make gains on her placement in a race. It sounds like the race for president. Those
once aligned appear to be taking a difference stand and this is very upsetting. So the
previous status of a relationship (that is any relationship that you may have), may have
cooled off and this is very frustrating to Venus. So what you can expect is also to refer to
your search for money to see if that helps to calm your fears about the lack of relationship
support. If not, then look in other places for it.

Mercury retrograde is conjunct the Sun. this is also on Tuesday. Again information comes
through intuitive channels. Allow yourself to be hyper alert to the subtle information.
Maybe it is a feeling and maybe it is a message through unusual sources.

This is Pisces two sides to a very emotional placement. One side can be brilliantly wonderful
and spiritual and soothing and helpful and service to others. Calming. And the other side
can be a villain. So you have to be careful about what you attract and what comes your way.
The conjunction has information about the activities of Mars and its alignment with the
Node. The Lunar Nodes are about the coming and going of people. So the Sun and Mercury
are taking notes adding it up and making reports.

Later on at 9:19 PM the Sun and Venus are making an aspect. They are never opposite but if a
split parallel could be considered one then that would make them opposite, at opposite
ends. So they are really not coming together very easily. That is the love side and the money
side seems to be a far off. So you want to make other plans or just let it sit for a couple of

Mercury retrograde is sextile Mars. That is early in the morning overnight on Wednesday.
This is talk. If you are up late and on the internet talk about an opportunity that goes back
to something old that happened before or that you would like to advance. Take that on at a
later time.

Mercury and Venus are semisquare. Again this is one of those aspects that they never have
an actual square of 90 degrees. But they do have a semisquare. That is at 6:22 AM. Waking
up with that information, if you don’t bark at your partner when you wake up, it could be
the sign of bigger problems. You could get into a bigger discussion than you need to. You
don’t want to start your day that way. Mercury and Venus are also probably discussing
problems about money and other issues about the relationship and clothing and attire and
anything having to do with cosmetic fix ups.

Mercury and Neptune they are having an aspect at 6:52 AM. This is all before …it is just
around sunrise and that is another great intuitive time. I would meditate that one right
there for a while. Give yourself 15-20 minutes around 6:52 AM to see what information is
coming through with that very powerful Mercury parallel Neptune on Wednesday.


Thursday the Moon is semisquare to Mercury. Another one of those cranky aspects with
Mercury. And then the Moon is square Pluto on Thursday. That is at 2:46 PM going into
Moon square Saturn later on 10:24 PM. So 2:46 PM to 10:24 PM the Moon is involved with
Pluto and Saturn. So you want to watch out for that. That is on Thursday.
Then this Aries Moon also is finishing up its stay in Aries with a split parallel to Mercury. So
that is where you want to try and recollect those brain storms and see if you can rework
them later.

Going into the Taurus Moon at 2:29 AM on Friday. The last aspect for that Taurus Moon is a
beautiful trine to Saturn and that would be over the weekend. So this is a really pretty good
one. Although there are a couple of things to mention that are difficult.
For instance the Sun is semisquare Pluto. It is early in the morning, so might be things that
are happening overseas that have an effect on the stock market or what we say and do for
our economy and things in our neck of the woods.

Mercury and Jupiter forming an aspect also early in the morning. And it is semisquare. So
that is a boasting about something that needs to be corrected and edited later. Plans to
travel could change as well.

Then there is a Venus square Pluto. Power struggles between the sexes with this aspect
5:08 PM on Friday. So this aspect you may have a stronger impact on you if you have strong
aspect in your own chart between Venus and Pluto. So maybe you need an astrologer to
help you figure that out.

Taurus Moon comes into a beautiful sextile with the Sun. That is late night 10:39, 10:40 PM
during that Taurus Moon on Friday night leading into the weekend. Having a lovely end to
that Taurus Moon, as it will make an aspect 10:52 AM next Sunday. It is a Green Light
through the whole time. So that would start at 2:29 AM Friday. Run right through until
10:52 AM on Sunday march 1st. That is it for the week. (52:40 STOP) I will see you and talk
with you next week. Have a great week.

If you would like to study astrology I teach private classes. Also if you would like to have a
reading of your chart you can call me.

If you would like to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me or text me at 617
– 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will
know who to respond to.] You can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your
name when texting, so I will know who to contact.]

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So give me a call.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives
for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my
radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name,
Dietrech Pessin.

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