Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Astrology Report for Jan 25 - Feb 1 2020


Dietrech: Good morning. It is a New Moon that we had yesterday. And
that New Moon is very exciting at 4 degrees of Aquarius. It was lined
up with a square to Uranus. So all sorts of sudden abrupt and strange
things could be blamed on this New Moon square Uranus. Uranus is that
planet that has an unpredictable track. So what we can expect are
reversals. Things that are laid out to reverse or to have the quality
of enlightenment in a stunning way. So it is a stunning energy that is
seeded by this New Moon.

And for this Aquarius Moon the other things that are stunning about it
is Mars and Saturn sit at their midpoint where the midpoint of the two
planets are…Victor are you there?… yeah. Where we see the midpoint we
will see the Eclipse degree from December 26th. So this is a dead
stop. This is an indication that there is a big stop sign, a big road
block. Something that shuts things down. Something that has to do with
cutting things off. Perhaps strikes or ill health. Anything that takes
down the flow of energy.

The other thing about Mars Saturn, it can be about government. It
certainly can be about business and the quality of work and the
willingness to be able to get down to business.

So it is an interesting time to see the nature of these two planets as
they set off the Eclipse. Now that Eclipse is also going to be seen in
vivid color, so to speak symbolically, on March 21st, March 22nd when
the Lunar Node reaches that degree and sets that Eclipse off again. So
the meaning of it all could lead to that point.

There is a Green Light today with this Aquarius Moon. The last aspect
is Moon parallel Mercury. So something comes together regarding a
visitor information. Something that you have been told that you need
to look into. Check around for your paper work. Maybe there is an
opportunity that you had not taken advantage of before that you
learned about. That you could possibly catch up with and take some
action on later, as the light of the Moon builds. We need to get out
of this dark Moon period, which would probably be tomorrow afternoon
by tomorrow evening.

The true dark Moon period when it is over is when you can see the Moon
in the sky. That is the real one. Then there is the distance measured
between the Sun and the Moon, which is sort of a technical one, but
not the actual effects of a…there is a dark Moon phase being over is
when you can actually see the Moon in the sky.

There is also the potential for a piece of property that you could
have your eye one. Keep your eye on it. It may be a gold mine. That is
a Venus Vesta aspect that sets that off this afternoon. So look around
and see what is available in regard to property, even rental property.
Or shared property between pairs, between couples. How you are looking
at your future with Vesta and investments.

And Sunday the Aquarius Moon is still with us. It is void of course
beginning at 2:18 AM. That void of course Moon will last until 6:44 PM
on Sunday. The nature of a void of course Moon means don’t make any
solid decisions or make any major purchases. They will fail. Or they
are likely to fail. Or you can follow them through to see how they
work out. Even a small purchase. Like I remember when I bought a pen.
Put it in my pocket in the beautiful little suit jacket that is was
wearing, and the brand new pen leaked all over my jacket. So the pen
cost about two dollars and ruined a beautiful jacket. So it doesn’t
mean that you have to spend a lot of money to test this out. So even
buying milk and groceries and the bag breaks. That sort of thing could
be also a void of course Moon activity. Not all things go bad. I’ve
met some of my long stayed clients on void of course Moons. You can
meet great friends on void of course Moons. You are taken off of your
normal track.

So there is also a Mercury Neptune aspect. Neptune catches all the
energy this week between personal planets. And Mercury will be doing
that at 10:49 AM tomorrow morning. That aspect may cause a cloudiness,
a fogginess. I think we all kind of feel like we are in a fog right

And then the Moon will enter the sign of Pisces. That is at 6:43 PM
tomorrow evening, Sunday evening the 26th of January. This one also
appears to have a Green Light in it. But you have to take these Green
Lights with a grain of salt because of the fact that the New Moon has
yet to reveal what is going on. And there are so many things that are
loaded and charged.

For instance there is a Venus and Mars square that happens at 8:37 PM
on Sunday night. This is when the energies of the positive and the
negative, the male and the female, energies of work flow and love of
money. All of that has a crises energy to it. Something has peaked and
at the point where it needs to be able to sort things through. This is
right near the planet Neptune. This couple of Venus and Mars actually
set off a very heavy duo. And that would be the Saturn and Uranus duo.
Their midpoint equals Venus and Mars. So something is very disruptive.
I know there is an earthquake over in Turkey and then there is the
virus that…What is it? The coronavirus. I forget what it is called. It
is a very bad nasty virus that sets in quickly and has a terrible
effect very quickly. Do take care.

Victor: it is Corona like the beer.

Dietrech: Like the beer. Okay. I don’t drink beer. Thank you for that Victor.

The Venus conjunct Neptune will take place at 3:00 PM on Monday. This
aspect puts you in a fog and gives you a very dreamy perspective about
your goals

[Hear victor instructing someone…Victor has guest with him and is

So we are talking about Venus and Neptune. They are so close that they
are also lined up on two levels. On the declination which is north and
south. And then around the Zodiac belt, also which would be at 16
degrees 17 degrees of Pisces. So this Venus Neptune can bring you
together with someone in a very dreamy romantic way. It is imaginary.
It is also filled with music and dance and wonderful things that
inspire the spirit. But it could also be a time when you fall in love.
And your love could fade away because of something that is
misinterpreted or misguided in some way.

Mars and Neptune also do this when they square. That aspect is at 5:34
AM on Tuesday. This one is lose your way. And there is a hole in the
bucket. The likelihood that you are on the right path is not good with
this. So there would be a Green Light on Tuesday, January 28th.

So what we have with that Mars and Neptune square is also accelerated
virus floating around. So you want to take care when traveling.
Traveling is the riskiest thing to do. Mars and Jupiter will set that
up for sure on Tuesday. That is at 11:08 AM. You can expect to want to
go somewhere to have a plan and then maybe those plans need to be
changed. Something that could be upset in regard to travel plans or
your future. Or your level of devotion or inspiration to something.

The last aspect of the Pisces Moon is on Wednesday at 3:24 AM. This is
when the Moon is parallel Mars. I’m sorry Venus. Quite the opposite
energy, Moon Venus. This would give it a strong Green Light to your
activities that you want to conduct. Let’s make that after Mars and
Neptune are square early in the morning. Take it from 6:00 AM. That is
a beautiful Moon and Venus on Tuesday right up until 3:24 AM on
Wednesday, when the Moon and Venus are parallel. Something goes right
in that area.

The Moon is then void of course until 6:50 AM Wednesday. The Moon will
then go into Aries. The last aspect of that Moon would be split
parallel Neptune. So that is saying you are full speed ahead, but
there is something that is disillusioning or something that has some
quality of sending you off onto the wrong track. So you want to be
careful about your goals. Usually we are ready to go off and get
something done in a big way. But then that path is diminished in some

The aspects on Wednesday. Mars and Uranus have a haphazard aspect in
the morning 10:55 AM. So leading up to that might seem to be filled
with chaotic accident prone energy. And then throughout the day it
might be affected as well.

Thursday January 30th that Aries Moon shows Mercury and Pluto thinking
about something in a deep way that could be perhaps misconstrued. It
is about business and it is also about what the people think.

Friday January 31st that Aries Moon is still raring to go. Ceres the
dwarf planet of caring for others, and the wounded the mother who is
grieving the lost children. That sort of thing. Is represented by
Ceres. Then going into the sign of Aquarius for a time. And this would
also influence people’s direction and goal on Friday.

Friday there is a Moon sign change and that would be at 7:28 PM when
the Moon goes into the sign of Taurus.

Just before that there is a void of course Moon with the Aries Moon
from 2:37 PM until 7:28 PM on Friday. The void of course Moon in the
sign of Aries.

And then the Taurus Moon will be with us Friday night. Making it nice
to find something good to eat. I would say join with people probably
after might be better after the Moon is square Ceres. And that would
be after 8:00 PM. And then that leads into a nice evening overnight.

But the final aspect of the Taurus Moon does not lead to good sense
because there is something you are not thinking of in the right way.
You are missing the point. Perhaps you are miscalculating your funds
and you are over spending.

The energy for that Taurus Moon does lead to a First Quarter. That
would be not until next Saturday. That is it for the week. (45:47

If you would like to study astrology I teach private classes. Also if
you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call me.

If you need to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me
or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when
texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond to.] You
can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Jan 18 - 25, 2020 with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, January 18, 2020 – Saturday, January 25, 2020

Mercury square Uranus does not let the day settle until it has
separated by Sunday afternoon.
The following is transcribed from the live radio report.

Good morning. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for
January 18, 2020. The Moon is in Scorpio which says the issues and
problems are probably old and deep and intense. And there may be some
type of things that you are trying to tackle that you really need a
professional. As hard as you try to work things out and fix things,
you are not getting anywhere. So you may be able to spot the problem,
but not be able to correct the problem. You may not have the proper
tools. And tools are everything when it comes to trying to correct an

So what we have for today is a Green Light period. That Scorpio Moon
is in good shape. It actually ends on a brilliant Moon sextile the
Sun. That would be tomorrow at 4:21 PM when the Moon goes void of
course until 5:41 PM. So it is 4:21 until 5:41 PM tomorrow. That is
the void of course Moon. So in the meanwhile that Scorpio Moon is in a
Green Light stage. You can take action and expect good results, even
though there is a lot of tense type of distraction that could create
some problems. Just get a professional. Give in. Give up your own
attempt and call the professional. You might spot a piece of property
or some kind of parcel that appears to be really good. So you want to
take advantage of that.

Mercury and Saturn are making an impact on the day as they have a
serious presentation over the entire day. It organizes the mind it
reveals a solid plan. Your approach is pointed and deeply committed to
the outcome, whatever it is. But it does want to honor the process.
Mercury and Saturn parallel.

And the evening the evening hours…Scorpio once again rather intense
going into Sunday.


Sunday has an aspect between Mars and Jupiter.
This one has Mars with some very bright ideas about how Jupiter may
explore and expand its message about business and business angles. And
Mars reflects to an earlier date, which may be useful during this
time. A strategy that goes back to a game plan that worked for 2016.
What does this sound like? Could be the plan for now. It is not
original. It is familiar, and it may actually work. But it is
underdeveloped. So in some way it is underdeveloped. So you have to be
careful about moving forward with the old way. There are some new
edges that are tethered and frayed that you need to watch out for.

The final aspect for the Moon, as I mentioned is that sextile. A very
good positive aspect for using your strategy especially for things
from the past.

The Moon sign changes on Sunday at 5:41 PM and the Moon enters the
sign of Sagittarius. This is usually an uplifting happy Moon. It takes
us through the evening hours of Sunday to exchange philosophies with
others. And also helps to get us out for a cultural events, having
some fun. You want to keep you plans flexible. Things may look very
different in the morning. So be mindful of who you plan to meet up
with and take off with, as the landscape looks different.
There is a
change coming up, which is saying you are going to drop or they are
going to drop you. One or the other. There is a change because the Sun
is going to change signs. And the Sun will leave the sign of Capricorn
and go into Aquarius at 9:54 AM on Monday morning. So this says
whatever it is that you do or you plan. Those plans are likely to be
dropped. And there is also a discussion about the old relationship.
Like who are you involved with? And do they know that you are looking
for someone else? That sort of thing. That is Venus and Pluto having
discussions about not only positions in relationships but about
property. And there are jealousies that need to be sorted through.

And so there is a Green Light that does begin at 9:55 AM on Monday.
That is for pulling things together for the benefit of those holding
positions. And then the average person is watching and sees how the
balance is tipped to benefit just a few. Well that is nothing new. But
maybe with the Sun in Aquarius, what is new is how those that do
object to that type of behavior organize and make their plan move
forward for allowing everyone to know what is going on. In the
afternoon 2:46 the Moon is conjunct Mars and that is highly active.
Motivated by anger. Gets the blood going.

And the Sun and Moon are parallel looking to get something, pull
something together for a positive outcome. A forward goal. And that is
a very positive aspect.

However there is a complaint that there is not enough money there is
dissatisfaction. There is probably unfair conditions that need to be
sorted through. That is from Venus and Saturn. They are at a 45 degree
angle. That is a cranky aspect between the pair.

For Tuesday that Sagittarius Moon still in really good shape. It has
momentum and intention with a powerful impression of what the goals
are. And as far as the media, it reaches out. There is a lot of gain
that is possibly covered over that couple of days with the Sagittarius
Moon. What you learn might be different actually than what really is.
It is very hard to get news that is actually positive news that is
actually real.

The Sagittarius Moons last aspect is parallel Mars. It is 3:13 PM.
That is a really good aspect putting that Sagittarius Moon in very
good stead for forwarding your goals.

There is a period until midnight on Tuesday when the Moon is free
floating. But the ancients say that the Moon is never void of course
in the sign of Sagittarius. You have to test that out for yourself.

That Moon sign changes to Capricorn, and that is right at midnight
Wednesday January 22nd.

The aspects between…well there is one between the Sun and Neptune
possibly kicking up a lot of weather. And we are supposed to have a
lot of weather this weekend.

And there is also some information or an announcement that is made,
8:49 AM in the morning. Or there is something about people in transit.
People like in trains or in cars and traffic that have a message. So
be on the lookout Wednesday morning before you head out because these
things can take place earlier than when the data comes up on the
screen. So you want to watch out for Wednesday morning.
Wednesday - Thursday

But it is a Green Light for the Capricorn Moon, which begins Wednesday
at midnight. Runs all the way through Wednesday. Thursday as well.
There is a cranky, wacky aspect between the Sun and Uranus. That is
going to affect Wednesday night. This one upsets the apple cart. And
there are strange things that occur in business and in government. It
is likely to be wild. And things are likely to reverse.

So there are a lot of reversals that are attached to the planet
Uranus. But there is something that Venus and Jupiter want to
celebrate about and that is Thursday morning. They are counting their
chickens before they hatch it seems.

And there is a dark Moon that is being set up because there is a New
Moon that arrives on Friday. And interestingly enough that New Moon it
is going to take place at 4 degrees of Aquarius. That New Moon is
related to a Lunar Eclipse that we had in 1999. That is when there was
an impeachment trial taking place, with President Clinton. So there
are some similarities. Astrology is a numbers game. It will tag the
information going back and forth in time with these numbers.

So Mercury and Venus is speaking to one another on Thursday. This is
at 8:07 PM. They have an alliance. They are trying to find a way to
use their common goal to get things done or heard or announced. It is
also a really good time to get the cousins together. So joining with
family at Grandmas would be a good thing to do Thursday night going
into the weekend. So the plan. Maybe it is the plan that is made on
Thursday to get everyone together for Friday.


Friday the Capricorn Moon is still green. Remember it is green
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Friday up until 7:01 AM. Then begins a
void of course Moon that will run until 8:20 AM.

Void of course Moon, what is that? It is a period when the Moon is
free floating and your decision making or your information comes up
short and you are likely to make some blunders. Or you could find
something wild and interesting. Form relationships that could last for
years. But you can’t count on anything. It is like getting. Having
lunch and running out to grab your lunch and running into a friend you
hadn’t seen in 25 years. Then all of a sudden you call in sick and you
are not going back into work because you are going to have lunch with
your friend. So there are a lot of advantages that could be taken
during a void of course Moon but there are surprises. It’s not like it
is anything you planned on. And that is what you have to take into

The Friday energy changes when the Aquarius Moon comes in at 8:20 AM.
This makes another Green Light right through January 26th. That is
Sunday 2:18 AM. That Aquarius Moon will host the New Moon that is at
4:42 PM on Friday evening. So what you want to plan is your intention
for the following month that may include: how you are aligned with
others, how you do things in a unique way. The action that is planted.
The seed that is planted during this time, has the quality of moving
forward in a more direct manner about what is related to this New
Moon. The seeds that are planted will be actively involved in the
process of moving forward by October 20th 2020. So there are things
that are going on now that are related to the fall. So you want to
keep a listen to all of those things.

Saturday January 25th the Moon will still be in Aquarius. I still want
to mention it is a Green Light throughout that day so you can take
advantage of that. That is it for the week (47:14 STOP)

If you need to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me
or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when
texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond to.] You
can call me on that line too.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Astrology Report for January 11 - 18, 2020 by Dietrech Pessin from WZBC radio 90.3FM

Not mentioned in the radio interview but something completely relevant
about the Saturn and Pluto conjunction. Back in 1987 the Boston Chapter
NCGR, National Council of Geocosmic Research. We hosted a guest speaker
Palden Jenkins and he lectured on up and coming events and spoke about this
date January 12, 2020. The Saturn and Pluto conjunction.

The following is transcribed from the live radio broadcast in the studio at
WZBC Newton, MA. With Victor Robert Venskus.

Dietrech: Good morning. Nice to be here. Happy New Year! I was given a
New Year’s wish the other day. It was “I hope it is kind.” And I
thought “Oh. Is that appropriate for the energies that we are under
right now.” This Saturn Pluto conjunction Lunar Eclipse.

Victor: Oh. That is to blame.

Dietrech: And the Uranus station is so many things that are pressing
on our energies. People are just breaking down and crying over it. It
is so hard to manage all this, but we are going to get through it.

Victor: You promise?

Dietrech: Yeah. You know everything passes. Everything. That is the
beauty of the study of astrology is that it is about cycles. And
watching things come together and watching things form something exact
and then watching it separate and relief. So there will be relief.
Especially in this coming week there is signs of relief.

So as far as we have for this week. Well, this weekend you know that
Lunar Eclipse that we had yesterday I think it was 2:21. We couldn’t
see it here because it was on the other side of the planet. It
represents the ending of matters. All the cards are on the table. It
was in the sign of Cancer. 20 degrees of Cancer equaling the birthday
of July 12th. Anyone with a summer birthday the 11th, the 12, the 13th
of July might be feeling this extremely strong. As well as the
birthdays right around now over these couple of days.

The Full Moon was coupled with the Uranus direct station. Uranus has
been retrograde since the summer and in August it went retrograde. So
here it is turning direct. And it is giving a Green Light or a forward
kind of go for reversals. Does that make any sense? So if there is
something that has been sort of standing still, being held back, being
acted on that wasn’t quite right Uranus will bring an opportunity to
reverse things. Bring things up to date. Bring things into sharp
focus. The truth is exposed with Uranus turning direct.

And then also the big headliner for tomorrow is Saturn conjunct Pluto.
This aspect has been pending, since last year we have been under the
influence of this. And we are really grateful it is finally here. It
is a very tough energy. It has that quality of dig it up. Dispose of
the old and replace it with something new. Transform and secure it.
This pair reenacting their energies from last year is defining what is
to be replaced. You know you can see it on our roads every day you
travel. They are digging up the roads like crazy.

Victor: Yeah. That kept me up yesterday morning on Harvard Street in Cambridge.

Dietrech: If you remember at all back in early 2000, 2001, 2002 Saturn
and Pluto were opposite at that time and they were doing the same
thing. Digging up the roads and replacing the structure underneath it.
Replacing cables and pipes and all sorts of things that they need to
tend to. I hope they are spending some money on bridges because any of
the structures that are weakened they will show their weakness.
Especially with Uranus as the ground breaks up and exposes the fact
that things are teeter tottering on very thin, thin structures.

Well how we can use that in our own life is be fearless. Pluto is
about addressing your deepest fear. So be fearless when you are
casting things out. When you are going through what you have, what you
need, what you want. Have the object to be able to clear. to put in
place something that you have thought through very carefully and the
structure of what you thought through will withstand. This is for the
long run. Once every 34 years we have this aspect between Saturn and
Pluto. So it is not just a fleeting aspect. 34, 35 years ago it came
into being. So if you are with people now that you were with then,
then maybe this is an important step in your future to cement these
relationships. Take good care of your friendships too. Uranus is over
there in the wings reminding us that friendship means a lot here. That
this is all happening right now. Let’s see. Saturday January 11th
under the Cancer Moon at the moment. And then the Moon will change to
Leo. Well, it did at 8:15 AM. The Leo Moon ends with an opposition to
Venus, which can be very costly. You have to really evaluate what it
is you are going to take on or leave behind. It could be rather
ruthless when it comes to personal relationships. So if you are
feeling like you want to give up a personal relationship because you
just can’t handle it. That is the heavy energy of right now. Wait
until all this clears. This is not a good barometer for what you need
to do. It is an evaluation period about where you are. How much and
what you want to put into in. but take it with a grain of salt. Don’t
sign anything or commit to anything until you know what the landscape
looks like. Probably by the end of next week. This is just very heavy.

Victor: So you are telling me I shouldn’t join the gym this week?

Dietrech: Join it every week.

So the energy with the Saturn thing. when you said that it made me of
what would be the cost of that? Could it be your bones? Also anything
having to do with the structure of your body. It actually probably
would be a good thing for you to do that.

Anyway looking on at this day, the Moon and Uranus are square today at
12:43 PM. So there might be a change in plans that you have. Uranus is
reversing things.

As we move on through the day. We see Mercury and Ceres joining.
Caring about others. caring about those that cannot take care of
themselves. Mercury is checking all the vital signs and making sure
all the food dishes are full and the water is changed. And also that
you are checking in with elderly people who can’t make their way out
to the store or to get to where they need to go. They need some help.

And Mercury is filled with all sorts of serious thinking as it joins
Saturn. That is tomorrow early morning.

Then it joins Pluto for some very deep thinking. Intense worrisome
energy. It goes round and round and round. It is like a broken record.
What you can do is chant a mantra in that period of time. It is right
when the Sun is coming up. Well, not quite. But 6:13 AM Mercury
conjunct Pluto. So it is some intense thinking that you want to
process. There is a lot of Chiron interaction, which Chiron is the
wounded healer.

Saturn and Pluto on Sunday are exactly conjunct at 12:59 PM. So it is
dispose or preserve, transform and secure. See this pair reenact all
year long in one way or another.

The rest of Sunday having had that aspect is probably going to feel
rather heavy and weighted. So you want to get through the day with as
little as possible in regard to conflict with others.

The Moon is in aspect of upset with all sorts of planets. That for one
the Sun. That is a quincunx. A 150 degrees. I call that life’s messy
clean it up. So the Moon is doing that to the Sun. Then Ceres. Then
Pluto. Then Saturn. Then Mercury. All those planets are clustered
together in Capricorn. And the Moon is bumping all of them and waking
them up and trying to get them to do some work. Trying to get them to
put things, all there ducks in a row.

So Monday, January 13th we still have a Leo Moon. Leo is the sign of
the heart. So there is all sorts of things that you want to bring in
close to your heart. As the Moon approaches an opposition to Venus at
the end of the sign be careful not to throw out something very, very
dear because you are feeling low at this point.

The Leo Moon sees also an opposition that the Sun makes to Pluto. That
will be at 9:20 AM on Monday. That is a conjunction. The Sun
conjunction to Pluto lines up with things that are deep and dark. And
tries to convince others to get on the boat with them, but the money
is not there. The Moon will oppose Venus so I would wait. Don’t ask.
Don’t even ask. You don’t want to be put into the corner of like “Oh,
I know what she wants.” So wait for that until next week. I’ll give
you the date when that happens.

So then Monday January 13th the Moon enters Virgo. This is going to be
a good sign after Venus changes signs, and that would be at 2:39 PM on

Before that we have the Sun lining up with Saturn. And we also have
close attention to signals that you want to take action. If you see
that something is going to be very costly. You had already made up
your mind to do something. And get the chance to change your mind and
ditch it right around 2:28 PM. So right before 2:30.

Then Venus changes signs. drops everything that she had promised
before that. So any commitment that you have with money or friendship
or alliances, they are dropped. Something new comes in. and Venus
enters the sign of Pisces where her compassionate side is much
stronger. That begins a Green Light from 2:39 PM until 7:12 AM
Wednesday. Not that there are not some cow pies along the way that you
need to watch out for. I’ll point them out.

Here is the Sun and Saturn making a parallel. A lot of good work got
done with this Virgo Moon. The Virgo Moon is very good for cooperating
with others. Getting a lot done. Having a lot of attention with your
bones, and your structure, and your body, appointments with doctors.
Things like that. You gain a lot of long term support. So this is a
good thing.

And then we have for Tuesday still a Virgo Moon. Mercury and Jupiter
they are expanding your knowledge and your memory, which is good. We
could all use a little or a lot of that.

And then the Sun and Mars join up for a parallel. This is 8:25 AM on
Tuesday. It lasts the whole day and it probably would have been
showing its signs the night before. That would have been Monday night.
This aspect is motivated to go full speed ahead and charge. It aligns
with a lot of others for long term support. Could be for battle of
some sort.

The Sun and Mars whenever they make a strong aspect like that you want
to watch out for your immune system. So you want to boost that as best
you can before that. So I would say starting this weekend with that
aspect coming on. But you are likely to feel a burst of energy. Virgo
is a very busy sign For the Moon sign to have such a cool aspect of
the Sun and Mars joined together.

There is a cranky Mars semi square Pluto that comes in later in the
evening. That indicates some angry energy, sharp posture. Somebody
making a point that is off center.

So Wednesday January 15th we see still a Virgo Moon right up until it
is good. It is a Green Light right up until 8:12 AM. Mars and Saturn
fortify all corners of their structure under this Virgo Moon with a
parallel. So expect the focus to be on workers and strikers and that
sort of thing. And people coming together to do the right thing.

Mars and Saturn form a cranky aspect after that. 5:16 PM. This aspect
brings something or many things to a harsh stop without really
thinking things through.

And then the Virgo Moon is making a trine to Mercury signaling that
this was an excellent Moon sign to make decisions, tend to your body.
Use your very best information to forward your goals. Like if you
wanted to join a gym I would pick the Virgo Moon this week to be able
to do that. That is the best Moon sign. So that is up until… be good
up until 8:12 AM. That is on Wednesday. But the Virgo Moon with us
would be really Green Light. And great also on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday. So go for it. That is really a good Moon sign.

Then the Libra Moon comes in after a void of course Moon period. Void
of course Moon is at 8:12 AM until 11:43 AM. This void of course Moon
is also likely to be. This is on Wednesday. It is likely to be a
period when you want to sort out and ditch things. Clear out, clean up
that sort of thing.

There is an aspect between friends that might be a little bit upset.
Friends and lovers 3:52 PM. This is also on Wednesday. But let the
healing begin. The Moon is parallel Chiron, which is trying to explore
ways to be able to access the healing place and protect what you know
is right from your heart.

Venus and Uranus join in an aspect. They bridge a gap. they are able
to pull others in, communicate with others to see things their way in
the evening hours on Wednesday.

Thursday January 16th your plans may be dropped once new information
emerges. That is because Mercury is going to change signs, while the
Moon is in Libra. So the Libra Moon is about peace and contracts and
fairness. And all that may change when Mercury leaves the sign of
Capricorn. Because it could all be about business and the respect of
other people’s governments and their rights and their sovereignty.

And with Mercury going into Aquarius at 2:31 PM on Thursday changes
our thinking to a radical change of mind. It aligns with those that
have an intellectual perspective. It stays like that right through
February 3rd. So it is more thinking. Is more reaching out instead of
a closed focus for business, the way it is in the sign of Capricorn.

For Friday, January 17th the end of the week we have Libra Moon. It
will square both Pluto and Saturn during the Libra Moon in the early

And then there is a Last Quarter Moon. Last Quarter Moon says you can
reap the rewards of your efforts in regard to relationships that were
formed. Anything having to do with things that began two and a quarter
years ago. So there would have been in October in 2017 a New Moon that
is related to these things that we are experiencing right now. A New
Moon. And then July of 2018 is another focal point for this Last
Quarter Moon heading into the Full Moon April of 2019, when all the
cards are on the table. So you get a clue of what this might be about.
But you can pay up or get paid. Either or. It is like partnering,
pairing, divorcing all that sort of thing. That is exact at 8:58 AM.

And then we have the Moon’s final aspect for Libra is aligned with
Neptune. This seems like there is an angel watching over all the
activities during this Libra Moon. And I think we just may need that
with all the intensity around the world at this time.

And then the Libra Moon is void of course until 2:20 PM. And then the
Moon enters Scorpio. That is one of the better Moon signs. So you will
have the Scorpio Moon bringing a Green Light in through the rest of
Friday and also through the weekend.

Mercury and Mars parallel to Get some information really fast and form
your ideas to move forward on Friday. And then on Saturday still a
Green Light with that Scorpio Moon. That is it for the week. (58:42

If you need to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me
or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when
texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond to.] You
can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Jan 4 - 11, 2020.

Good morning. Dietrech here with the astrology report for this week.
And boy is it an amazing week astrologically speaking. And hold onto
your seats because there is a lot brewing. Uranus is stationary.
Uranus is the planet of sudden abrupt change and extreme events. We
certainly have had that with the killing of the Iranian general. And also
the backlash that is likely. Or could or could not take place. We
probably shouldn’t make any great judgements about it until the Lunar
Eclipse. We will see what comes up.

There is a Lunar Eclipse coming up and that is on Friday. That will
take place at 2:21 PM. That Eclipse is going to be at 20 degrees of
Cancer. So it is about home and the homeland and it is about family.
Anything having to do with matters that are close to the inner circle.

So with the Uranus station, Uranus has been retrograde since August.
So it has been holding back in its extreme expression. If you are
wondering about what is going to take place. Maybe you have feel like
you have been sitting at the edge of your seat waiting for something
to happen. Usually that trickles down to something that changes inside
of you that prompts you make something happen. So if you are not
motivated to make changes in your life, then maybe changes will occur
around you. and then your response is required quickly.

Saturday January 4, 2020

So the things that are going on today for instance January 4th,
Saturday we have the Aries Moon in its final degrees. It is not void
of course. Well, it went void of course at 8:29 AM when it made an
aspect to Neptune. This aspect was a split parallel. So that indicates
that it is a onetime event that may be a positive as far as response
and reaction to what has happened globally. Although Neptune says you
cannot see everything that is going on. A lot is going on underground,
and behind scenes and behind the curtains. So you have to watch and
wait and listen.

The Moon sign does change at 11:15 AM. The Moon will go into the sign
of Taurus. And then the Moon will make a quincunx (that is what I call
"life's messy clean it up" aspect) to Mars. That will happen at 1:03 PM.
Mars is now in Sagittarius. And as it goes through Sagittarius it will do
things like square Neptune making it difficult to contain or focus your energy
or resources. and then approach the sign of Capricorn on February 16,2020
and catch up with all the Capricorn planets.

Meanwhile the Moon in Taurus is about food first. So you are probably
hungry or planning a meal or planning an event that includes a lot of
food. The Moon is making an aspect to Uranus this afternoon at 4:31.
So maybe where you want to go to eat or what you want to put on the
table is not available, and you have to change your plan. Because the
Moon is setting off the Uranus station. This could have a global
reaction as well. So you want to listen to what is going on.

Sunday January 5, 2020

Sunday we still have a Taurus Moon. You may want to sleep in. it is a
comfy cozy sign. And it likes to stick to tradition. So maybe it is
getting up early and having breakfast with friends.

There is an aspect that the Moon makes a nice aspect to Jupiter.
Jupiter is another big player this week because it joins with the
South Node of the Moon. And this is a very lucky configuration. It is
exact on Tuesday. So in the meanwhile, the days when it is
particularly striking or lucky as well, might be early in the morning
on Sunday morning. And then any time a planet is making some type of
aspect to Jupiter.

The Moon and the Sun at 4:37 PM on Sunday they are making a trine.
That is a beautiful aspect of harmony. So we will see what kind of
harmony that may attract.
Monday January 6, 2020

The Taurus Moon still with us even on Monday right up until 9:10 PM.
The last aspect of that Taurus Moon will make an aspect to Venus. And
it says that there will be a short changed reward that could be found
during that Taurus Moon. There is an aspect. The aspect is a split
parallel. It is at 2:59 PM on Monday.

And then the Moon sign changes. The Moon technically is not void of
course in Taurus. So at 9:10, 9:11 PM the Moon will go into the sign
of Gemini where there is a lot of talk, a lot of reports, a lot of
information that is traveling about. But with the sign of Gemini you
have to be really careful about taking in all the information. You are
only getting part of the story. There are two or more stories to every
story that you hear. So what actually comes over the wire is only one
piece of the information.

Tuesday January 7, 2020

So the Gemini Moon comes into Tuesday as well. And Mars will set off
Uranus in a quincunx, 150 degrees. This one is very accident prone,
dangerous or haphazard. It could have a lot to do with the global
situation. Where Mars will ignite the issues or the potential for
Uranus, as it is sitting there collecting its greatest amount of
energy while standing perfectly still. Which is an optical illusion
from our perspective on Earth. Planets never stand still. But from our
position that is how we see it.

Then after that happens there is a stretch where you may have some
good luck in your own personal life for trying to make connections
with others. There is a lucky aspect that may occur at 12:30 when the
Moon and Jupiter are forming an aspect. But I would shoot for just
before that say 12:20, 12:25 somewhere around there, if you want to
try your luck at something.

11:53 AM Venus and Pluto are talking about some kind of big money or
big return. But that is just information on the short end of that.

Wednesday January 8, 2020

January 8th that is the day when Jupiter lines up with the Lunar Node.
So this is the particularly lucky, lucky day. It will be with the Moon
in Gemini. So there is lots of talk about. If you do test your luck I
would do it before 11:08 AM. It is a boost to a lot of things.

Now this is the Jupiter and South Node conjunction in Capricorn. That
would be at 8 degrees of Capricorn. So if you have planets there or in
Cancer opposite that point or trine that point in Taurus or also in
Virgo, you might find that you have a stroke of luck on Wednesday.

Venus and Jupiter are also making and aspect early on Wednesday
morning. There is a little window there that is particularly
important, as far as good luck. 5:15 PM and right through until 8:05
PM on Wednesday.

There is a void of course Moon on Wednesday that does begin at 8:05 PM
after the Moon and the Sun make an aspect. This would run until 3:43
AM on Thursday.

Thursday January 9, 2020
Thursday, January 9th we are heading right into that Lunar Eclipse.
And the Lunar Eclipse is really dominating the energy. All the cards
are on the table. Everything is out in the open. We want to see what
is going on. And we probably will. There is likely to be a lot of
financial backlash that takes place with this. Certainly the
expectation of gas prices going way up are great. And the people, the
oil field workers over in the middle east are…the reports were that
they were coming home in fear of what is about to or likely to happen.

The Cancer Moon comes in at 3:43 AM on Thursday. The Cancer Moon is
like a landmine. It has a lot of aspects to make to the planets that
are in Capricorn on Thursday. However, it is not actually setting
those things off just yet. 8:22 AM it does make an aspect to Uranus.
So expect a surprise. And then at 11:08 AM the Moon is quincunx Mars.
So there is a lot of things to consider about sudden abrupt change and
things that come out of the blue. If you have something that you
planning to talk with someone or arrange a meeting with someone be
careful about how those events might develop.

Also as we come down we look at the people in partnership with others at
3:16 PM the Sun and Juno making a square. So this is not a healthy
happy aspect for the partner. And then Mercury and Juno make an aspect
at 11:15 PM. This one looks as if there is a lot of talk about the
fall out between partners as well.

Friday January 10, 2020

Then Friday January 10th here is the Lunar Eclipse day. The Sun and
Mercury first make a statement. This is 8:19 AM. Of course that could
be late night on Thursday night January 9th. That statement comes in
as the Moon is really tight. Rather the Sun is tight aligned to the
point where the Lunar Eclipse is going to take place.

And Mercury and Mars have a squabble as well just after that at 11:32
AM. The Sun and Mars are in a cranky aspect, so that is accident

The whole week is accident prone. Uranus is doing this. The fact
that Uranus is going to turn around on the same day that there is a
Lunar Eclipse escalates what ever surrounds this period.
It really blows it up even bigger. So there is a lot
of craziness going on.

The Lunar Eclipse is reflecting back to things that were seeded and
started July 13th 2018, approximately.
These things come out into the open. And as I said all the cards are
on the table. You are able to analyze what is going on and take
some action. Mercury is part of the game. Very tight with the Sun. so
is Ceres saying things are dead serious. Ceres is that small dwarf
planet that is associated with nurturing, food and care-taking. You
want to look after older people, people that need your assistance.
ALso, the Moon is opposite Saturn. Then Pluto right through early
evening 6:58 PM.

On top of all of the Moon triggers, Uranus turns direct. so you want
to watch out all day but it is exact at 8:48 PM.
Watch out with that Uranus direct station. But like I said we are
already in it. So you just want to be very careful with that. That
completes Friday’s picture.
Saturday January 11, 2020

The Moon will still be in the sign of Cancer going into next Saturday
when its last aspect is a split parallel to Pluto. Saying there is
some type of consolation prize. You don’t get the big release that you
are possibly looking for. And that is it for the week.

I am expecting to be in the studio next week to talk about the
complete year ahead. So I am looking forward to seeing Victor as well.
Have a good week. Have a safe week. And Happy New Year!

Victor: Dietrech will be here for the full hour at 10:00. And her
regular report will happen as well at 9:30. So check that out.

If you need to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me
or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when
texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond to.] You
can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So
give me a call.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP4 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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