Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Jan 4 - 11, 2020.

Good morning. Dietrech here with the astrology report for this week.
And boy is it an amazing week astrologically speaking. And hold onto
your seats because there is a lot brewing. Uranus is stationary.
Uranus is the planet of sudden abrupt change and extreme events. We
certainly have had that with the killing of the Iranian general. And also
the backlash that is likely. Or could or could not take place. We
probably shouldn’t make any great judgements about it until the Lunar
Eclipse. We will see what comes up.

There is a Lunar Eclipse coming up and that is on Friday. That will
take place at 2:21 PM. That Eclipse is going to be at 20 degrees of
Cancer. So it is about home and the homeland and it is about family.
Anything having to do with matters that are close to the inner circle.

So with the Uranus station, Uranus has been retrograde since August.
So it has been holding back in its extreme expression. If you are
wondering about what is going to take place. Maybe you have feel like
you have been sitting at the edge of your seat waiting for something
to happen. Usually that trickles down to something that changes inside
of you that prompts you make something happen. So if you are not
motivated to make changes in your life, then maybe changes will occur
around you. and then your response is required quickly.

Saturday January 4, 2020

So the things that are going on today for instance January 4th,
Saturday we have the Aries Moon in its final degrees. It is not void
of course. Well, it went void of course at 8:29 AM when it made an
aspect to Neptune. This aspect was a split parallel. So that indicates
that it is a onetime event that may be a positive as far as response
and reaction to what has happened globally. Although Neptune says you
cannot see everything that is going on. A lot is going on underground,
and behind scenes and behind the curtains. So you have to watch and
wait and listen.

The Moon sign does change at 11:15 AM. The Moon will go into the sign
of Taurus. And then the Moon will make a quincunx (that is what I call
"life's messy clean it up" aspect) to Mars. That will happen at 1:03 PM.
Mars is now in Sagittarius. And as it goes through Sagittarius it will do
things like square Neptune making it difficult to contain or focus your energy
or resources. and then approach the sign of Capricorn on February 16,2020
and catch up with all the Capricorn planets.

Meanwhile the Moon in Taurus is about food first. So you are probably
hungry or planning a meal or planning an event that includes a lot of
food. The Moon is making an aspect to Uranus this afternoon at 4:31.
So maybe where you want to go to eat or what you want to put on the
table is not available, and you have to change your plan. Because the
Moon is setting off the Uranus station. This could have a global
reaction as well. So you want to listen to what is going on.

Sunday January 5, 2020

Sunday we still have a Taurus Moon. You may want to sleep in. it is a
comfy cozy sign. And it likes to stick to tradition. So maybe it is
getting up early and having breakfast with friends.

There is an aspect that the Moon makes a nice aspect to Jupiter.
Jupiter is another big player this week because it joins with the
South Node of the Moon. And this is a very lucky configuration. It is
exact on Tuesday. So in the meanwhile, the days when it is
particularly striking or lucky as well, might be early in the morning
on Sunday morning. And then any time a planet is making some type of
aspect to Jupiter.

The Moon and the Sun at 4:37 PM on Sunday they are making a trine.
That is a beautiful aspect of harmony. So we will see what kind of
harmony that may attract.
Monday January 6, 2020

The Taurus Moon still with us even on Monday right up until 9:10 PM.
The last aspect of that Taurus Moon will make an aspect to Venus. And
it says that there will be a short changed reward that could be found
during that Taurus Moon. There is an aspect. The aspect is a split
parallel. It is at 2:59 PM on Monday.

And then the Moon sign changes. The Moon technically is not void of
course in Taurus. So at 9:10, 9:11 PM the Moon will go into the sign
of Gemini where there is a lot of talk, a lot of reports, a lot of
information that is traveling about. But with the sign of Gemini you
have to be really careful about taking in all the information. You are
only getting part of the story. There are two or more stories to every
story that you hear. So what actually comes over the wire is only one
piece of the information.

Tuesday January 7, 2020

So the Gemini Moon comes into Tuesday as well. And Mars will set off
Uranus in a quincunx, 150 degrees. This one is very accident prone,
dangerous or haphazard. It could have a lot to do with the global
situation. Where Mars will ignite the issues or the potential for
Uranus, as it is sitting there collecting its greatest amount of
energy while standing perfectly still. Which is an optical illusion
from our perspective on Earth. Planets never stand still. But from our
position that is how we see it.

Then after that happens there is a stretch where you may have some
good luck in your own personal life for trying to make connections
with others. There is a lucky aspect that may occur at 12:30 when the
Moon and Jupiter are forming an aspect. But I would shoot for just
before that say 12:20, 12:25 somewhere around there, if you want to
try your luck at something.

11:53 AM Venus and Pluto are talking about some kind of big money or
big return. But that is just information on the short end of that.

Wednesday January 8, 2020

January 8th that is the day when Jupiter lines up with the Lunar Node.
So this is the particularly lucky, lucky day. It will be with the Moon
in Gemini. So there is lots of talk about. If you do test your luck I
would do it before 11:08 AM. It is a boost to a lot of things.

Now this is the Jupiter and South Node conjunction in Capricorn. That
would be at 8 degrees of Capricorn. So if you have planets there or in
Cancer opposite that point or trine that point in Taurus or also in
Virgo, you might find that you have a stroke of luck on Wednesday.

Venus and Jupiter are also making and aspect early on Wednesday
morning. There is a little window there that is particularly
important, as far as good luck. 5:15 PM and right through until 8:05
PM on Wednesday.

There is a void of course Moon on Wednesday that does begin at 8:05 PM
after the Moon and the Sun make an aspect. This would run until 3:43
AM on Thursday.

Thursday January 9, 2020
Thursday, January 9th we are heading right into that Lunar Eclipse.
And the Lunar Eclipse is really dominating the energy. All the cards
are on the table. Everything is out in the open. We want to see what
is going on. And we probably will. There is likely to be a lot of
financial backlash that takes place with this. Certainly the
expectation of gas prices going way up are great. And the people, the
oil field workers over in the middle east are…the reports were that
they were coming home in fear of what is about to or likely to happen.

The Cancer Moon comes in at 3:43 AM on Thursday. The Cancer Moon is
like a landmine. It has a lot of aspects to make to the planets that
are in Capricorn on Thursday. However, it is not actually setting
those things off just yet. 8:22 AM it does make an aspect to Uranus.
So expect a surprise. And then at 11:08 AM the Moon is quincunx Mars.
So there is a lot of things to consider about sudden abrupt change and
things that come out of the blue. If you have something that you
planning to talk with someone or arrange a meeting with someone be
careful about how those events might develop.

Also as we come down we look at the people in partnership with others at
3:16 PM the Sun and Juno making a square. So this is not a healthy
happy aspect for the partner. And then Mercury and Juno make an aspect
at 11:15 PM. This one looks as if there is a lot of talk about the
fall out between partners as well.

Friday January 10, 2020

Then Friday January 10th here is the Lunar Eclipse day. The Sun and
Mercury first make a statement. This is 8:19 AM. Of course that could
be late night on Thursday night January 9th. That statement comes in
as the Moon is really tight. Rather the Sun is tight aligned to the
point where the Lunar Eclipse is going to take place.

And Mercury and Mars have a squabble as well just after that at 11:32
AM. The Sun and Mars are in a cranky aspect, so that is accident

The whole week is accident prone. Uranus is doing this. The fact
that Uranus is going to turn around on the same day that there is a
Lunar Eclipse escalates what ever surrounds this period.
It really blows it up even bigger. So there is a lot
of craziness going on.

The Lunar Eclipse is reflecting back to things that were seeded and
started July 13th 2018, approximately.
These things come out into the open. And as I said all the cards are
on the table. You are able to analyze what is going on and take
some action. Mercury is part of the game. Very tight with the Sun. so
is Ceres saying things are dead serious. Ceres is that small dwarf
planet that is associated with nurturing, food and care-taking. You
want to look after older people, people that need your assistance.
ALso, the Moon is opposite Saturn. Then Pluto right through early
evening 6:58 PM.

On top of all of the Moon triggers, Uranus turns direct. so you want
to watch out all day but it is exact at 8:48 PM.
Watch out with that Uranus direct station. But like I said we are
already in it. So you just want to be very careful with that. That
completes Friday’s picture.
Saturday January 11, 2020

The Moon will still be in the sign of Cancer going into next Saturday
when its last aspect is a split parallel to Pluto. Saying there is
some type of consolation prize. You don’t get the big release that you
are possibly looking for. And that is it for the week.

I am expecting to be in the studio next week to talk about the
complete year ahead. So I am looking forward to seeing Victor as well.
Have a good week. Have a safe week. And Happy New Year!

Victor: Dietrech will be here for the full hour at 10:00. And her
regular report will happen as well at 9:30. So check that out.

If you need to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me
or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when
texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond to.] You
can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology. So
give me a call.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at Lunar_Shadow.com.

***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP4 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at:
https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com