Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Astrology Report for Jan 25 - Feb 1 2020


Dietrech: Good morning. It is a New Moon that we had yesterday. And
that New Moon is very exciting at 4 degrees of Aquarius. It was lined
up with a square to Uranus. So all sorts of sudden abrupt and strange
things could be blamed on this New Moon square Uranus. Uranus is that
planet that has an unpredictable track. So what we can expect are
reversals. Things that are laid out to reverse or to have the quality
of enlightenment in a stunning way. So it is a stunning energy that is
seeded by this New Moon.

And for this Aquarius Moon the other things that are stunning about it
is Mars and Saturn sit at their midpoint where the midpoint of the two
planets are…Victor are you there?… yeah. Where we see the midpoint we
will see the Eclipse degree from December 26th. So this is a dead
stop. This is an indication that there is a big stop sign, a big road
block. Something that shuts things down. Something that has to do with
cutting things off. Perhaps strikes or ill health. Anything that takes
down the flow of energy.

The other thing about Mars Saturn, it can be about government. It
certainly can be about business and the quality of work and the
willingness to be able to get down to business.

So it is an interesting time to see the nature of these two planets as
they set off the Eclipse. Now that Eclipse is also going to be seen in
vivid color, so to speak symbolically, on March 21st, March 22nd when
the Lunar Node reaches that degree and sets that Eclipse off again. So
the meaning of it all could lead to that point.

There is a Green Light today with this Aquarius Moon. The last aspect
is Moon parallel Mercury. So something comes together regarding a
visitor information. Something that you have been told that you need
to look into. Check around for your paper work. Maybe there is an
opportunity that you had not taken advantage of before that you
learned about. That you could possibly catch up with and take some
action on later, as the light of the Moon builds. We need to get out
of this dark Moon period, which would probably be tomorrow afternoon
by tomorrow evening.

The true dark Moon period when it is over is when you can see the Moon
in the sky. That is the real one. Then there is the distance measured
between the Sun and the Moon, which is sort of a technical one, but
not the actual effects of a…there is a dark Moon phase being over is
when you can actually see the Moon in the sky.

There is also the potential for a piece of property that you could
have your eye one. Keep your eye on it. It may be a gold mine. That is
a Venus Vesta aspect that sets that off this afternoon. So look around
and see what is available in regard to property, even rental property.
Or shared property between pairs, between couples. How you are looking
at your future with Vesta and investments.

And Sunday the Aquarius Moon is still with us. It is void of course
beginning at 2:18 AM. That void of course Moon will last until 6:44 PM
on Sunday. The nature of a void of course Moon means don’t make any
solid decisions or make any major purchases. They will fail. Or they
are likely to fail. Or you can follow them through to see how they
work out. Even a small purchase. Like I remember when I bought a pen.
Put it in my pocket in the beautiful little suit jacket that is was
wearing, and the brand new pen leaked all over my jacket. So the pen
cost about two dollars and ruined a beautiful jacket. So it doesn’t
mean that you have to spend a lot of money to test this out. So even
buying milk and groceries and the bag breaks. That sort of thing could
be also a void of course Moon activity. Not all things go bad. I’ve
met some of my long stayed clients on void of course Moons. You can
meet great friends on void of course Moons. You are taken off of your
normal track.

So there is also a Mercury Neptune aspect. Neptune catches all the
energy this week between personal planets. And Mercury will be doing
that at 10:49 AM tomorrow morning. That aspect may cause a cloudiness,
a fogginess. I think we all kind of feel like we are in a fog right

And then the Moon will enter the sign of Pisces. That is at 6:43 PM
tomorrow evening, Sunday evening the 26th of January. This one also
appears to have a Green Light in it. But you have to take these Green
Lights with a grain of salt because of the fact that the New Moon has
yet to reveal what is going on. And there are so many things that are
loaded and charged.

For instance there is a Venus and Mars square that happens at 8:37 PM
on Sunday night. This is when the energies of the positive and the
negative, the male and the female, energies of work flow and love of
money. All of that has a crises energy to it. Something has peaked and
at the point where it needs to be able to sort things through. This is
right near the planet Neptune. This couple of Venus and Mars actually
set off a very heavy duo. And that would be the Saturn and Uranus duo.
Their midpoint equals Venus and Mars. So something is very disruptive.
I know there is an earthquake over in Turkey and then there is the
virus that…What is it? The coronavirus. I forget what it is called. It
is a very bad nasty virus that sets in quickly and has a terrible
effect very quickly. Do take care.

Victor: it is Corona like the beer.

Dietrech: Like the beer. Okay. I don’t drink beer. Thank you for that Victor.

The Venus conjunct Neptune will take place at 3:00 PM on Monday. This
aspect puts you in a fog and gives you a very dreamy perspective about
your goals

[Hear victor instructing someone…Victor has guest with him and is

So we are talking about Venus and Neptune. They are so close that they
are also lined up on two levels. On the declination which is north and
south. And then around the Zodiac belt, also which would be at 16
degrees 17 degrees of Pisces. So this Venus Neptune can bring you
together with someone in a very dreamy romantic way. It is imaginary.
It is also filled with music and dance and wonderful things that
inspire the spirit. But it could also be a time when you fall in love.
And your love could fade away because of something that is
misinterpreted or misguided in some way.

Mars and Neptune also do this when they square. That aspect is at 5:34
AM on Tuesday. This one is lose your way. And there is a hole in the
bucket. The likelihood that you are on the right path is not good with
this. So there would be a Green Light on Tuesday, January 28th.

So what we have with that Mars and Neptune square is also accelerated
virus floating around. So you want to take care when traveling.
Traveling is the riskiest thing to do. Mars and Jupiter will set that
up for sure on Tuesday. That is at 11:08 AM. You can expect to want to
go somewhere to have a plan and then maybe those plans need to be
changed. Something that could be upset in regard to travel plans or
your future. Or your level of devotion or inspiration to something.

The last aspect of the Pisces Moon is on Wednesday at 3:24 AM. This is
when the Moon is parallel Mars. I’m sorry Venus. Quite the opposite
energy, Moon Venus. This would give it a strong Green Light to your
activities that you want to conduct. Let’s make that after Mars and
Neptune are square early in the morning. Take it from 6:00 AM. That is
a beautiful Moon and Venus on Tuesday right up until 3:24 AM on
Wednesday, when the Moon and Venus are parallel. Something goes right
in that area.

The Moon is then void of course until 6:50 AM Wednesday. The Moon will
then go into Aries. The last aspect of that Moon would be split
parallel Neptune. So that is saying you are full speed ahead, but
there is something that is disillusioning or something that has some
quality of sending you off onto the wrong track. So you want to be
careful about your goals. Usually we are ready to go off and get
something done in a big way. But then that path is diminished in some

The aspects on Wednesday. Mars and Uranus have a haphazard aspect in
the morning 10:55 AM. So leading up to that might seem to be filled
with chaotic accident prone energy. And then throughout the day it
might be affected as well.

Thursday January 30th that Aries Moon shows Mercury and Pluto thinking
about something in a deep way that could be perhaps misconstrued. It
is about business and it is also about what the people think.

Friday January 31st that Aries Moon is still raring to go. Ceres the
dwarf planet of caring for others, and the wounded the mother who is
grieving the lost children. That sort of thing. Is represented by
Ceres. Then going into the sign of Aquarius for a time. And this would
also influence people’s direction and goal on Friday.

Friday there is a Moon sign change and that would be at 7:28 PM when
the Moon goes into the sign of Taurus.

Just before that there is a void of course Moon with the Aries Moon
from 2:37 PM until 7:28 PM on Friday. The void of course Moon in the
sign of Aries.

And then the Taurus Moon will be with us Friday night. Making it nice
to find something good to eat. I would say join with people probably
after might be better after the Moon is square Ceres. And that would
be after 8:00 PM. And then that leads into a nice evening overnight.

But the final aspect of the Taurus Moon does not lead to good sense
because there is something you are not thinking of in the right way.
You are missing the point. Perhaps you are miscalculating your funds
and you are over spending.

The energy for that Taurus Moon does lead to a First Quarter. That
would be not until next Saturday. That is it for the week. (45:47

If you would like to study astrology I teach private classes. Also if
you would like to have a reading of your chart you can call me.

If you need to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me
or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when
texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond to.] You
can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

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