Saturday, September 29, 2012

Astrology report for September 29 October 5, 2012.

Saturday September 29, 2012.

There Green Light periods are rare this week with a brief period Friday after 4:33 PM for that night only. Not until October 9 at 7:54 AM EDT is there another Green Light Period which lasts until October 11 at 11:35 AM during the Leo Moon.

The Moon was in Pisces earlier this morning while the Libra Sun opposed wacky Uranus. Deeply embedded issues are stirring in the murky waters of Scorpio while Mars connects with the all powerful Pluto as a show of strength & a plan to impact others. While the Sun continues to trigger the unpredictable nature of Uranus while it walks into a filed of potential landmines throughout the day. If there was any passive energy left it would be well spent on empathy & compassion. However the landscape has the capacity to change drastically when the Moon enters Aries at 9:13 AM.

The Aries Moon must settle up with authority of Saturn as it ensures the last of its efforts to press a need for a just resolve to what could be chaos. This is a “no go” Aries Moon sign.
There is too much to sort out as the peacemaking Sun moves into harsh 90°angle to obstinate Pluto (1:55PM) in effort to expose the embedded of which the Full Moon tonight is hell bent on breaking up the best & most tightly bonded.
The Full Moon occurs at 11:19 PM tonight at 7°Aries 22’. This loaded full Moon makes this weekend the most dangerous & problematic of the entire year.

Sunday September 30, 2012. Happy birthday Stuart Rudolf.
This “no go” Aries Moon repeats. Hold off on those final selections as the breakaway energy of this Full Moon offsets progress. All of us must come to the table with an openness & willingness to grow.

The greatest minds appear to gather in effort of the to quell rough edges draw lines of support. The players are Mercury, the great networker with Pallas the goddess of wisdom of fairness & Saturn the commander. The continued pressure from this Full Moon is likely to bring like minded people together out of an urgent need to “make a wrong right”.

Monday October 1, 2012. The contrary Aries Moon continues through the day until 7:26 PM. The cutoff point or the line in the sand can be defined by the Moon’s opposition to Saturn at 6:32 PM Monday which begins a brief void of course Moon period until the Moon enter Taurus.

Monday At 7:26 PM the Moon enters Taurus, the sign of comfort through Thursday at 7:47 AM.

Tuesday October 2, 2012.

The Taurus Moon has all it can do to salvage after the whirlwind energy of this Aries full Moon. An opportunity arises between Venus & Saturn at 8:05 PM (Tuesday) to get serious about making progress not investing in outworn notions.
This aspect is positive in many regards to money & development of bridges from those in a position of power (29° Leo) and those in the seat of fairness. But wait as Venus, the goddess with the golden goose in this case will leave behind her throne for the average position of worker. The message is equality for all that actually work & support those that labor.

Wednesday October 3, 2012. The Taurus Moon continues to govern on Wednesday but is a “no go day”. Allowing for matters to be worked out over the dinner table. Use your persuasive skills to gain the most & resist bull headed tactics. Taurus is the sign of the bull which must be coaxed.

While Venus crosses the line from Leo to Virgo at 2:58 AM she will oppose Neptune on the opposite world of Pisces. Something must be balanced with compassion. The losses from water or missteps in social settings are largely noted making Wednesday night a trap for social & romantic faux pas. There is an aspect between Mercury & Venus that can temporarily soothe a social crisis but more needs to be done.

Thursday October 4, 2012. The Taurus Moon is void of course from 7:27 AM until 7:46 AM when the Moon enters Gemini though Saturday October 6th in the evening.
It continues to be a “no go” day.
This busy Gemini Moon has a lot of lose ends to tie as Jupiter will be turning retrograde at 9:18 AM Thursday until January 30, 2013. Jupiter pulls into this virtual train station at 16° Gemini 23’. It will rewind all the way back to 6° Gemini 20’. During the stationary period on Thursday you may be surrounded by people with ideas to multiply your gains but the plans have a “pie in the sky” quality which has every intention to grow but these ideas never take hold. Wait until a week or so when ideas have a little better chance with more reasonable platforms.

Friday October 5, 2012. It’s a mixed day for the Gemini Moon. It’s “no go” until after 4:34 PM then you have a “Green Light to move forward on Friday evening.

On Friday it looks as if Mercury & Saturn meet for a serious plan of action for the next couple of years. They discuss how they will take the articles of compromise to the next stage of structural transformation.

Mercury enters Scorpio first at 6:35 AM. Where Mercury has a brief stay in the sign only until November 13, 2012 the slow moving Saturn remains in Scorpio from 4:34 PM Friday October 5, 2012 through December 23, 2012.

While in Scorpio, Saturn unleashes the things that have been pent up, stored & stowed for selfish gain or even those psychological traps which serve no one. The situations are ripe for transformation of the old demons & release the phoenix from the ashes.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Astrology Report Week of Sept 22 - 29.

The Green Light Days this week begin with a very brief window from 10:49 AM Saturday 9/22/12 until 12:45 PM. Although the ties made during this time can endure with the Moon’s final aspect while in Sagittarius is a positive opportunity to connect with those making an offer. A void of course Moon period will be from 12:45 PM until 3:20 PM today (9/22/12). An additional Green Light Period occurs right through the Aquarius Moon sign on Monday night through Thurs at 1:123 AM.

Back to today (9/22/12) beginning at 3:20 PM the Moon enters Capricorn until 7:32 PM on Monday evening. This Capricorn Moon sign is a “No Go” period. There are too many complications to bring any agreements to a close. There is a stunning First Quarter Moon right of the bat at 3:40 PM today. This aspect between the Sun & Moon reaches back to the period surrounding last Christmas 2011 for a source reference to the matters brewing at this time. There may be a global link to events or possible an announcement to be made in your own world. Stop look & listen today for signals about moving forward but resist signing up. If its before 3:20 PM today you do have a Green Light. So time your events carefully.
The Capricorn Moon this week suggests that timing is everything. Slow steady progress is the way to go with no sudden changes or additions.

7:32 PM Monday night a Green Light comes in to advance your goals with confidence & support from others. This Green Light period continues through Thursday at 1:13 AM. The signals are strong to commit, contract & align with others which are like minded to forward your goals. Moon parallel Mercury sees it through.

Beginning at 1:23 AM Thursday is the Pisces Moon all day Thursday & Friday at what appears to be risky & short lived temporary agreements of terms is railroaded by a Mars parallel Pluto or abruptly changed when the Libra Sun opposes Uranus in Aries. This is not a symbol of peace nor will there be stability. Look in on older people or those which are disadvantaged. Saturn is sitting on the threshold of Libra/Scorpio & the results are difficult for peacemaking & partnering during the Pisces & Aries Moon signs. Saturn remains in charge of our affairs right through October 5 when it exits Libra for Scorpio.
The Pisces Moon will be technically void of course from 1:57 AM Saturday Sept 29th until 9:14 AM the same day.

The important events this week are the vernal equinox at10:48 AM Saturday September 22.
The Sun then forms a 150° push to Neptune.
On Tuesday, Mars reaches the Nov 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse point while forcing the issues to mount between Uranus & Pluto. This is a milder steamroller aspect than the square but remains difficult. There is a sense that those in power are willing to mow others down for their own selfish needs. Add to this the 135° aspect from Mars to Uranus & we see rebel forces mounting. Paranoia runs high but is difficult to discriminate between reality and tricks of the mind.

Later Tuesday Venus moves into the playground of Uranus & Pluto picture with its 135° to each of these powerful players. This may be an effort to soften the effects of the Mars energy. We can help Venus the planet of peace with calm meditation of cool colors of green to negate the intense red energies building on Monday & culminating on Tuesday.

There is a tricky side to the Venus, Uranus & Pluto when love & money is involved. Sudden abrupt changes within love & friendship are possible. This aspect generates pressure to uproot deep seated issues regarding your role in primary relationships. These matters may seem too hard to access and can be a source of anguish that may require time and patience to find the right approach to the problem. Keep a close eye on your purse & other belongings. Avoid impulse spending as there is a greater cost in the end.

Wednesday September 26 shows the wet or washed out effects of Mercury to Neptune which later shows a brighter sky later in the day when Mercury reaches out to Jupiter with a 120° trine. This may give you the time to sort through your issues with broader information and a greater perspective.

Thursday September 27 is not a safe ground for the romance planets Venus & Mars as they have sharp differences which need to be sorted before moving forward. There could be a squabble with consequences. This aspect comes with a breach in the money flow. You may have difficulty accessing your appreciation for your work. In general it could bring dissatisfaction between the sexes. Don’t make final selections for dress or home décor. The colors you choose may turn out to be off when they reach your environment. Expect money to flow more freely next week.

Friday & Saturday (9/29) the pressure is mounting by light of the silvery Harvest Moon Saturday September 29. All hell could break loose. Have a good plan for the disruptive & unexpected. Locate & energize your flashlights. Back-up your computer files & phone numbers.

Sun enters Libra Sep 22 2012 10:48:58 AM EDT 00°Li00' 00°Li00' D
Venus 135° Palas Sep 22 2012 5:28:48 PM EDT 18°Le03' 03°Ar03' R
Sun 150° Neptune Sep 23 2012 10:30:51 AM EDT 00°Li58' 00°Pi58' R
Sun 60° Juno Sep 24 2012 12:24:47 PM EDT 02°Li01' 02°Sg01' D
Sun 180° Pallas Sep 24 2012 10:40:14 PM EDT 02°Li27' 02°Ar27' R
Mars 135° Uranus Sep 25 2012 2:43:04 AM EDT 21°Sc43' 06°Ar43' R
Mars 135° Pluto Sep 25 2012 11:33:44 AM EDT 21°Sc58' 06°Cp58' D
Pallas 120° Juno Sep 25 2012 12:10:27 PM EDT 02°Ar17'R 2°Sg17' D
Venus 135° Uranus Sep 25 2012 9:52:54 PM EDT 21°Le41' 06°Ar41' R
Ceres 0° Cancer Sep 26 2012 2:54:25 AM EDT 00°Cn00' 00°Cn00' D
Venus 135° Pluto Sep 26 2012 3:57:06 AM EDT 21°Le58' 06°Cp58' D
Mercury 135° Neptune Sep 26 2012 4:38:00 AM EDT 15°Li54' 00°Pi54' R
Mercury 120° Jupiter Sep 26 2012 10:08:36 AM EDT 16°Li17' 16°Ge17' D
Venus 90° Mars Sep 27 2012 4:48:28 AM EDT 23°Le09' 23°Sc09' D
Mercury 45° Juno Sep 27 2012 8:37:49 AM EDT 17°Li47' 02°Sg47' D
Sun contra parallel Uranus Sep 27 10:19:50 AM EDT -01°56' +01°56'
Venus 60° Vesta Sep 27 2012 4:51:12 PM EDT 23°Le44' 23°Ge44' D
Mar 150° Vesta Sep 28 2012 2:52:51 AM EDT 23°Sc48' D 23°Ge48' D
Mar parallel Pluto Sep 29 2012 2:01:53 AM EDT -19°40' -19°40'
Sun 180° Uranus Sep 29 2012 3:14:51 AM EDT 06°Li33' 06°Ar33' R
Sun 90° Pluto Sep 29 2012 1:55:01 PM EDT 06°Li59' 06°Cp59' D

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Astrology Report for September 1 - 20, 2012

Scroll beyond the lecture site announcements for the Astrology Report for the week beginning September 1, 2012

I will be away in England from September 5-17. I will lecture at the Astrological Association of Great Britain’s 44th Annual Conference on September 7 & 8. Dietrech will present two talks at the conference. The first is Friday at 2PM so get there early. The next is Saturday at 11:15 AM. The conference is held at the beautiful Great Ouse, Wyboston Lakes, Great North Road, Wyboston, Bedfordshire MK44 3 AL. At the London King’s Cross Station.

I will also speak for the Buck’s Group on September 11 in the evening
STARBURST – might have a new location:
Meets at Orchard Rise, 8 Chapel Road, Flackwell Heath, Bucks, HP10 9AA.
Contact: Wendy Stacey
Tel: 07956 629092

For At the Woking Astrology Group for an all day workshop on September 15
Woking Astrology Group - South East - Astrological Association of Great Britain

Meetings held on the first Friday of each month at 8.00pm
All interested in astrology are welcome
The Maybury Centre - Board School Road
Woking Surrey GU21 5HD
Contact: Frances Day

Eclipses, Moon Families and Solar Returns
A special one-off day workshop with Dietrech Pessin
Sunday 16 September 2012. 10.30am to 4.45pm.
Hughes Parry Hall, 19–26 Cartwright Gardens, London WC1H 9EF

In this packed, fascinating day, learn about solar and lunar eclipses and how they activiate your chart. Dietrech will also look at solar return charts, their patterns, and the meaning of your first solar return chart, which reveals the deepest part of your being and what makes you tick. Open to All. £50 (£45 LSA students). Call our office on 0700 233 44 55 to book/pay. Or register on our Enrol page.

I will be back live on the air at WZBC on September 22, 2012. Linda Clave – A professional astrologer & more will be offering her report for you while I am away.

About the Good Days for taking action to forward your goals the following are dates & times for the Green Light Periods from Sep 1 2012 through the morning of Thursday, September 20, 2012.

Not until the next Green Light Period on September 7, 2012 Friday after 12:09 AM during the Gemini Moon sign until – Sunday September 9 at 6:58 AM can we trust that our goals have the thumbs up from the cosmic energies.

The next Green Light Period begins after 12:49 PM Sunday September 9 during the Cancer Moon through Tuesday September 11 at 7:35 PM.

The next Green Light Period is during the Leo Moon sign Tuesday Sept 11 after 11:00 PM until Friday at 1:13 AM.

The Next is during the Virgo Moon sign beginning at 5:30 AM Friday September 14, until Sunday September 16 at 7:25 AM.

The next Green Light Period begins on Sunday September 16 after 7:22 PM through Monday at 11:18 PM September 17, 2012.

The next Green Light Period begins during the Scorpio Moon sign that begins on Tuesday September 18 after 10:45 AM through Thursday September 20 at 9:11 AM.

Because of my lecture engagements in England I might be off the air with our Astrology report for Saturday September 8 & September 15. I will return with a live report on Saturday September 22nd to review the following week.

THIS WEEK'S MOON PHASE: September 8, 2012 when a Last Quarter Moon occurs at 9:15 AM ET at 16 Gemini 17’.

Below you can find four related Moon phases that form a group called a "Moon Family." A Moon Family is special because each of the four related Moon phases shares a lineage with this weeks' Full Moon. This Moon Family began at a New Moon eighteen months ago. Notice all four Moon phases occur near the same zodiacal degree and are separated by a nine-month interval. A Moon family is a remarkable timing tool that links the dates of your story-lines in a pattern that develops over a two-and-a-quarter-year period and is often renewed after three years with a New Moon near the same degree as this Moon Family. I have named the nine month interval the "Lunar Gestation Cycle" and when grouped form a Moon Family. See if your current situation connects to the Moon Family found within two weeks of the following dates:
The following four lunar phases belong to the Moon Family for the
September 8, 2012 when a Last Quarter Moon occurs at 9:15 AM ET at 16 Gemini 17’.

New Moon - June 12 2010
First Quarter - Mar 12 2011
Full Moon - Dec 10, 2011
Last Quarter- Sep 8, 2012

You can use the dates in this Moon Family to reflect or project into the future when you focus on your current situation. Once you have realized your story is part of the "bigger picture" you may relate to each phase in the Moon Family personally, as it carries your storyline along a path of logical evolution. Expect related topics, either personal or public to resurface on the dates shown in the future. By following the symbolism of the four Moon phases which represent the various stages of your story, you develop greater insights to the timing and meaning of the events in your life. Even after one Moon family is completed over a period of 2.25 years, a new Moon Family emerges with a new event or new beginning at the next New Moon stage nine months following the last date of a Moon Family.

At the First Quarter Moon stage, nine months after a New Moon, there is a progressive and enthusiastic development of growth. The degree of the New Moon is revived with the First Quarter Moon. At this stage you may know what your want to do but are just getting started. You need to make choices and selections or apply for permits, licenses or perhaps travel tickets or the next stage in a relationship. This is a gathering stage. Think of the First Quarter Moon stage as a time to shop for the ingredients to make a hearty stew.

Watch your story completely bloom and come to completion at the time of a Full Moon where deadlines, full disclosures, case presentations, social events, weddings and the like are typical.

In another nine months you may reap the rewards for your efforts as this stage brings matters to a close by the time that this Moon Family's Last Quarter Moon occurs. This is the pay-up or get-paid Moon phase. At this time you will collect the productive pieces of this two and a quarter years to seed the future. It can be a period when you are motivated to clear out or let go of things that are no longer useful. However people or things may return to you during the last quarter phase of which you once thought were finished. You may return to places where you had once traveled or visit with people from those places. People may return to you during this phase. It may become clear that very little is gone forever, even if it's a memory that keeps it alive.

Saturday September 1, 2012

Pisces Moon with Saturn in the foreground. First the Sun aligns with Saturn then the Moon is kicked off its center with a 150° aspect to Saturn at the end of its route. At 6:44 PM you may take a rest after a hard days’ work. The void of course Moon period begins at 6:44 PM until 1:37 AM Sunday.

Saturday September 1, 2012 It is a “no go” day for your final commitments & selections.

Exact Sep 1 2012
Brief description: A temporary alignment with the boss that discusses cutbacks. Any agreement may not be desirable later comes at a high cost. Someone who pushes creates a major problem. Some negative results and complications lead to a change in management.
For personal use: Maintain boundaries. Work alone on tasks that require presentation. In real estate prepare for an open house.
For business: Gather support from those in a higher position but resist implementing a plan. Purchases presents long-term problems.

Exact Sep 1 2012
Brief Description: Blind spots throughout the day are caused by rushing about. Neptune distorts Mercury's information and at times can be telling lies. People you meet on this day may be unreliable or suffer from misinformation. There could be computer or vehicle complications on this day.
For personal use: If you are seeking the truth, ask your questions on another day, although what is not true may be or contain valuable information too! Check your facts before you speak. There is likely to be a crowd hanging on your every word. Meditate and use music to shift your thinking.
For business: Get the facts before you proceed. It may be too good to be true. Avoid major equipment purchases today. Business associates may be illusive or concealing information. As with the con man "keep your eye on the hand".
Sunday September 2, 2012
Pisces Moon will change to Aries at 1:37 AM. A “no go” day for you goals. Wait until Friday.
The Aries Moon on Sunday may give you’re the fire under your pot that you have been looking for. There is a snag at 10:34 PM so rest during that time when the Moon and Sun are 150°. Often during that aspect there is something that disturbs you flow. It could however be a message about a job that you have been waiting for.
The end of the road for this Aries Moon will square Venus. That indicates a very expensive few days.
Monday September 3, 2012 A “no go” day for you goals. Wait until Friday.

Exact Sep 3 2012
Thinking is brilliant! Your strategy could change suddenly and abruptly.

Exact Sep 3 2012
Brief description: Criticism of right or wrong behavior. Cold interpretation of beauty or esthetic choices. Corrections regarding social matters. Difficulty relating. Serious tones with love and money. Short changed. Inhibitions. Cutting excess. Painful decisions involving couples in relationship. Separations due to judgmental thinking that nothing has been resolved. Long reaching consequences.
For personal use: Spend on utilitarian needs. Keep an open mind and heart and give your partner a break. Spending today creates faces difficulty while recouping funds.
For business use: Trim the excess from your budget. Hard nose actions with workers leave a long impression.

Brief description: Secret meetings. Someone is spying. Information seems to be psychic. Misrepresentation is found in contracts. Information is unrealistic and confusing. The parishioner consults with clergy to find an outward display of faith does not address the core problems and only comfort the immediate symptoms. Poetry and music soothe the soul. Vivid dreams and intuitive thinking is strong during this aspect. Information may seem inspired.
For personal use: Share your secret troubles with a confidant.
For business use: Utilize the power of music to disperse negative pockets of energy.

Exact Sep 3 2012
Brief description: To communicate with strong powers of persuasion and manipulation. This could be a time to dig beneath the surface, find ways to dig up your resources to create a major structural change that may have a long lasting effect. Total elimination such as with demolition when major reconstruction is necessary. Surgery. Action with estates, drilling for oil or mining for diamonds. Seeking any valuable commodity found beneath the surface. Plans made to take control. You may have an inexhaustible amount of energy with this aspect. Highly sexual. To communicate with others to make changes.
For personal use: A great time to do a deep cleansing of the house, office or body.
For business use: Brainstorm a plan for change.

Exact Sep 3 2012
Your partner arrives to save the day. Trust the advice you are given especially your inner voice.

Brief description: Frustrations and delays. There could be difficulties with matters of land and real estate. Difficulties arise between executive decisions and department heads. These matters are hard to sort through as both positions are valid but there is a need to stop and set a standard. The same may occur within the family structure as one individual may move forward based on unilateral decisions when their actions can affect the entire unit. Government passes laws. On an individual level one may be grappling with issues of ambition and self' worth. The current voices can be judgmental and relentless.
For personal use: Lead with compassion.
For business use: Is there a need for revision of protocol? Conduct open discussions by exploring the current standard and the future objective.

VENUS TRINE JUNO Exact Sep 3 2012
This is a wonderful aspect to plan a romantic event.
Tuesday September 4, 2012
The Aries Moon is v/c from 7:05 AM untkl 11:46 AM Then the Moon enters Taurus for a couple of days. The Taurus Moon is hosting a sign change for Venus. A “no go” day for you goals. Wait until Friday.

Exact Sep 4 2012
Brief description: This aspect can bring spontaneous opportunities for work. As an intense aspect, one's health is in question if conditions apply. Blood pressure spikes, heart conditions are more common as well as strokes. Erratic physical vital statistic. As an extreme survival aspect it can be pressed to develop new methods. Think of "necessity is the mother of invention". High tech is at its height. Expect loud noises from blasts and outbreaks of fire. Outburst and rebellious behavior is most likely. Any highly charged issues could ignite without warning. High blood pressure and erratic physical vital statistics are likely. Physical pressures need to be released in a safe environment. Stretching is important before physical activities. For personal use: Blow off steam in a safely with harming others.
For business use: Funnel this energy into new methods for technology.

The advise you happen upon may not be what you want to hear.

Brief description: Deep mental probing and penetrating talks. Command of your topic in speech. Manipulative ease. Exchanging ideas of deep change. A need to address areas of sexuality. Psychological issues. Awareness and willingness to speak of psychological patterns. A need to share deep issues and information with those you love and trust. A forum to share when trust had previously been an issue. Becoming aware of secret information. Open communications with those in offices of bureaucracies. Reapply for applications that had been previously denied.
For personal use: Free your soul by sharing your deepest thoughts with those you trust.
For business use: Hire someone to delve into your finances and give you the facts.

Brief description: Plans are abruptly dropped for unexpected problems. Equipment fails and traffic could be an issue. Potential for verbal outburst without obvious cause and mishaps or haphazard conditions.
For personal use: Use caution when traveling. Brainstorm with a friend for something outrageously fun. Try alternative medical methods or investigate modern medical technique.
For business: Necessity is the mother of invention today. Enhance you work environment with a new technological addition or learn how you may modernize.

Your plans may have a bump. You might miss a connection due to bad advice.

Wednesday September 5, 2012. A “no go” day for you goals. Wait until Friday.
The Moon is in Taurus - This day is far to expensive to be useful for final choices & long term agreements.

Expect surprises in regard to your plans. You may be brilliant or someone else may ‘out think you” by a mile.

Brief description: Lively discussion. Fast writing. Open discussions with the opportunity to develop and progress. Meetings with technically skilled fast thinkers. To come working decisions or draw conclusions for the purpose of moving forward. Alert and honest responses. Practical solutions. Making sound connections to those that are part of the solution. Quick trips and errands. Speedy results. Progress and support for recovery. Clearly decisive. A practical assertiveness. Expressions through writing. Spontaneous travel.
For personal use: Sail through a project that needs your organizational skills.
For business use: Make calls. Great for problem solving or plow through work. Take on a writing project.
Thursday September 6, 2012 A “no go” day for you goals. Wait until Friday
Sep 6 2012
Brief description: Venus in Leo has a showy quality. Love is in the air. New relationships have a need for greater creative expression and more romance. Designs and purchases are more glamerous. Color and costume coordination becomes important. Jewelry is far more glitzy. The atmosphere is dramatic, sexy and fun with Venus in Leo. This is great for designers of sets and fashion. For personal use: With Venus in Leo you get a chance to add spice to an existing relationship or begin deeper relationships. For business use: Rely on the success of existing good relationships to open squeaky doors. Put your best personalities out front and practice gracious diplomacy for success. Perhaps your ship comes in. This is the perfect time for women to move up the ladder and shine.

Exact Sep 6 2012
Brief description: Excessive desire to play and "party". Grand and extravagant surroundings that may lack good taste. Overindulgence especially with food with Jupiter in Virgo. Partners are overvaluing something but enthusiastic about coupling.
For personal use: Allow your enthusiasm to level out a bit before overextending yourself.
For business use: Social settings and networking. Parties for those on their way out of town.

Friday September 7, 2012 – Green Light Day after 12:09 AM through Sunday at 6:69 AM September 9, 2012.

Exact Sep 7 2012
Brief description: Narrow-minded thinking. Judgmental and critical thinking. Exactness leading toward perfectionism. Methodical, deliberate and cautious thinking. Responses are harsh or short. There are limitations in travel or with vehicles. Differences between generations. Personal expression is inhibited by those with a more solemn disposition. Feeling left out of the loop. Expect delays.
For personal use: Stay within your comfort zone.
For business use: Use this to get organized. Look busy around the boss

Exact Sep 7 2012
Brief description: Political rhetoric. Egocentric noise expresses an over inflated opinion of one's self. Over-enthusiastic notions may need to be tempered with the current pulse of activity. On the other hand a once silent voice may assume confidence. A general overload may be experienced, especially with work. An abundance of high principals are voiced. Necessity takes one into a variety of corners where new information leads to open doors. Strong need to spread out and experience space and freedom. A day for photography and purchasing camera equipment. Journalism and publishing.
For Personal use: Plan a trip that includes education. Get out and play.
For Business: Consider critical reviews as a tool for growth.

Exact Sep 7 2012
No text available for this topic.

Exact Sep 7 2012
Brief Description: Loss of valuables. Poor judgment in romantic choices. Romantic illusions. Unrelated musical associations. Spontaneous uncontrolled spending or upset stomach from sweets and other indulgences. Things too sweet cause aliments. Intuitive market purchases.
For personal use: Resist romantic foolishness. Leave your valuables in a safe place and limit spending. Extreme silliness could lead to a riff with a friend.
For business: Good day for retail business, including jewelry, house wares and computer accessories.

Exact Sep 7 2012
Brief description: A temporary resolve for a long-time data collection problem. Parties at odds think of something that creates some benefit so all is not lost. An opportunity presents itself so you may agree to disagree. A serious response to major insults may be harmful in the long run.
For personal use: Form you ideas and learn what you really want. Create a plan for a clean up or organizing project.
For business use: Get down to some serious problem solving.
Saturday September 8, 2012

Exact Sep 8 2012
No text available for this topic.

Exact Sep 8 2012
Brief description: Excessive flexibility leads to lack of stability. The ability to expand and broaden your outlook through education and networking resources. Misrepresentation of information. Strong encouragement or push from siblings, children and co-workers. Information pumped such as with "media hype." Legal decisions are pressing. To make statements of independence and freedom and in personal relationships "a need for space."
For personal use: Open positive discussions with partners.
For business use: Plan for business and educational trips. Terrific for marketing and outreach.

Sunday September 9, 2012

Exact Sep 9 2012
Brief description: There is an underlying tension brewing perhaps in regard to parenting practices. Methods to increase fuel supplies are addressed. The thinking that the end justifies the means is not acceptable.

Brief description:
This conjunction between Mercury and the Sun occurs when Mercury is direct in its motion. But Mercury can still play the trickster creating misinformation and snags in your travel plans
Otherwise expect mental agility. Sharp mindedness for snap decisions. Awareness is heightened. Responses are quickened. Lots of errands. Short distant travel. Knowing ones mind. Important decisions. Assessing priorities. Analytical thinking may accelerate to worry. This aspect is positive for writing, collecting information. Sorting through gossip and news stories. Ease with multi tasking. Outlining contracts for agreements. Important introductions and appointments.
For personal use: Look and be at your best. Expect recognition. Go with the flow.
For business use: Read the fine print. Go after what you want with enthusiasm. Submit your work for editing. Advertise and network

Exact Sep 11 2012
Brief description: Lack of ease during social conversation. Obvious pleasantries. Polite talk and superficial interaction. Shared artistic and/or technical interests. Talks or comments of dissatisfaction and differences of values and desires. The focus is on the problems in relationships and not the solution. Nagging.Trivial details. Non conclusive regarding financial matters. Problems that are difficult to resolve as a result of data sharing.
For personal use: Chats about money matters could run into arguments.
For business use: Consider the value of mediators.

Exact Sep 12 2012
Brief description: Insurance adjustments. Unrelated or unexpected events involving personal resources and money or security for others such as co-signing a loan. Personal relationships are stressful. Sexual demands or indicating an issue with sexual undercurrent between workers. A need for behavioral adjustments with spending and the ability to earn.
For personal use: Ask for help with unfamiliar matters. Someone has been there before.
For business use: There could be an issue with a worker.

Exact Sep 13 2012
Brief description: Meeting new loves can be exciting. Good friends find each other. Fun shopping. Light and happy occasions. Romantic surprises. Electronic and electric art. Unique costumes and esthetics. Pleasant reversals. Allows the erratic and unusual to flow. Positive changes in relationships. Sudden jealous reactions. New temptations. Surprisingly pleasurable.
For personal use: Really nice day for friendship and romance. Share the hot tub.
For business use: Attract like minded partnership today. Fun and business pay off. Gains through social interactions. Great for jewelry or retail sales of personal items and home furnishings.

Exact Sep 13 2012
Not good for investments.

Exact Sep 14 2012
Brief description: Processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Ones counselors and advisors are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand.
For personal use: Look for clarity where information had been sketchy. Select you stage and wait for the right moment to make your presentation.
For business use: Consider options regarding travel for business. Choose your words carefully. Read the fine print and be decisive.

Brief description: Lovers find each other for a brief encounter. This is also a money aspect that can create a temporary ease in the flow of finances today. There is an opportunity to love your work and connect with others who appreciate what you do. Men and women tend to be on the same page and are willing to help one another for a one time project.
For personal use: Put yourself in the company you would like to be keeping without expectations.
For business use: Share your skills and talents for short term collaboration.

Exact Sep 15 2012
Brief description: This aspect combines technical support and friendship for long range plans. It's the "Great Minds Think Alike" aspect. Intelligence reports. Mental agility. Brilliance. The ability to make snap accurate deduction. Experiments and inventions. Radical or unusual viewpoints. Technical interest. Erratic and quirky functions with experiments and equipment. Interruptions for surprise announcements. Shocking or quirky news. Technical information and technical difficulty. Impulsive quick thinking major decisions without being fully informed. A new approach to problems. Troubleshooting.
For personal use: Try to filter your words before they leave your mouth. Your friends may suffer from your sarcasm.
For business use: Take advantage of the unexpected tips today. There may be long-term advantages with the events that suddenly surface today. Keep an open mind and allow your thinking to seek the creative and inventive.

Exact Sep 15 2012
No text available for this topic.

Exact Sep 15 2012
Brief description: Information is gathered in secret from those in a position of authority. Instructions are passed on from the head of family. To become aware of a more serious intention. Reading more serious material or viewing films with a serious message.
For personal use: Take your time with important decisions.
For business use: Use editors and proof readers before signing anything.

Exact Sep 15 2012
No text available for this topic.

Exact Sep 16 2012
Brief description: This aspect requires an adjustment regarding plans arranged to forward some type of business or a major travel agenda. Something is amiss and people are not happy with the situation that seems to be blown out of proportion. You may finally be let off the hook for something that has been hanging over your head. The indicators are that you can do this but it won't be easy. The cooperation is there for a specific task. Engage others in a swap or exchange for work so as to share the weight of a heavy load. You may notice someone is making an attempt to fulfill a promise.
For personal: Expect a change in your travel plans. You may be better suited to the new direction.
For business: To come to an understanding of what all parties concerned need.

Sep 16 2012
You would like a partner with a common belief system or vision. You want to be free explore the world, literally and philosophically, with your partner.

You are a diplomat and peacemaker, often acting as a go-between in relationships. You a good communicator, putting others at their ease. Arguments may upset you, as you prefer harmony in communications.

Exact Sep 16 2012
No text available for this topic.

Exact Sep 17 2012
Brief description: Helpful connections with creative people and technology. Unique and unusual combinations. Inventive. Sudden abrupt revelation. The truth is sought. An indication of a leap in modern technology. The possibility of medical advancement. Visionary technological creativity. Bright lights are searching. The discovery of a bright talent. Radical and rebellious actions. The need for independence and freedom. The voice of the people. Breakthrough, breakup and news breaking events.
For personal use: Join with friends to share an unusual and fun event.
For business use: Upgrade your systems to the latest technology.

Exact Sep 17 2012
Brief description: Confusion and illusion as a result of blind spots or health matters that demands your attention. Medications can either help or hinder. Addictions and substance abuse issues. Distractions and lack of focus. Longing for gentle compassionate assistance. Family members need an ear. Listless. Travel is filled with blind spots. A temporay loss of sensation with or without the loss of consciousness
For personal use: A day when you thinking is off. Best when used for relaxing and easy tasks. No heavy personal decisions. Pick up the pieces from a mess left behind. Use your creativity.
For business use: Try to keep an open mind. Computer viruses are likely. Contracts are slippery. Verbal agreements fall apart or are filled with complications.

Brief description: "Foot in mouth" disorder. News of warnings or potential dangers. News of public figures and their medical concerns. A tendency to argue and fall into conflicts. Fast movements and talkers with impulsive reactions to information. Speaking before all the facts are in. A need to process thoughts before speaking leaving the problems that result from "foot in mouth" syndrome. Problematic day. Irritations and irritability. Possible mechanical failures. Communications breakdown.
For personal use: Do some stress reduction. Think first; speak slowly.
For business use: Get all the facts. The news of businesses and their activities switch tracks.

PLUTO STATIONARY Turing direct Sep 18 2012

Exact Sep 19 2012
This is an intense time when your emotional attachments will be challenged at a deep level. This can be traumatic and leave you feeling quite vulnerable. You may be fearful of losing all that you have built up in life. Therefore it is a good time for entering therapy, or taking any action which will help you gain insight into the deeper levels of yourself and your life.

Exact Sep 19 2012
Brief description: Focus on repairs to communication and mechanical breakdowns. Some agreements are reneged others are only temporary. Appointments can be broken or rescheduled.
For personal use: A busy day. Take in lots of information.
For business use: Let go of a previous game plan and consider another way.

Exact Sep 20 2012
Brief description: there is a chance of the exposure of problems behind the doors of authority figures. Also secrets could be revealed regarding elders or the head of the family, company heads and political leaders. Convalescing individuals require more attention. Necessary cosmetic fixes are begun to homes and major structures. A celebrity serves a sentence.
For personal use: Lead with compassion and patience. "Never say never."
For business use: Apply your energy to projects that have an extended lifespan such as repairing or building a wall. Delays and postponements. A quiet hardworking time. The potential for a "no" or other negative response. A lack of approval that motivates one to reach beyond the expectation of cynics. Becoming aware of complications or problems with long term objectives. Father issues arise. Moving in the direction of an unpopular point of view or the road less traveled. Early development of plans. To change in effort to break negative behavior. To set the record straight for the purpose of gaining respect. The desire for recognition for your accomplishments. To slowly apply layers of treatment allowing each layer to cure creating a product or other effort of value. To accumulate slow and steady gains. There may be problems with bones, arthritis and posture.
For personal use: Appreciate the maturity of your relationships.
For business use: Refer to your founding principals to assess your progress

Exact Sep 20 2012
Brief description: Mishaps and accidents. Verbal blunders. Outspokenness. Rebellious outbursts. Information leaks. The truth is a surprise. A familiar chord is struck at an inappropriate time. Redundant messages. Nagging. Traffic jams. Important data is omitted. Questions today like, 'Where did that come from and did you see that?" Walk outs.
For personal use: Be careful of what you say. Computer troubles are likely along with missed appointments and reversals and broken promises.
For business use: Mechanical and technical puzzles occur today. Reversals in agreements could occur with contracts. Practice patience and take time to understand what is being said.

Exact Sep 20 2012
Brief description: Shocking statements. Intelligent people come together briefly to exchange ideas. High tech inventions. Communication goes haywire. A tendency to reverse positions. To reject old ideas and invent new ones. Ingenious. Previous court rulings are overturned. Talk of conservation and zoning areas to protect environmental property. High erratic winds. Elderly citizens use ingenious tactics to make ends meet. Court rulings are passed down regarding high tech software or internet practices.
For personal use: Align with others concerned about the environment.
For business use: Apply for an appeal.

Exact Sep 20 2012
Brief description: Deep mental distress and challenges during communication. A stressed sense that matters are out of control. Paranoid perceptions. Manipulative operations. Replaying hurts over and over. Someone is withholding and you may want more that you are getting. It is difficult to break though this energy. You must let it pass. This aspect may affect your sleep the evening before if you are unable to let go of the outcome and turn it over to the universe for resolve.
For personal use: Let go and pray.
For business use: If you don't want to marry this problem: don't sign anything.

Exact Sep 20 2012
Brief description: An opportunity to expand your social circle and become involved in a project that leads to fulfillment and pleasant surroundings. Travel for pleasure is a possibility. Good food and lavish surroundings. Signs of appreciation and love.
For personal use: Surround yourself with loving people and enjoy the day.
For business: Financial opportunities are options with those you are familiar and comfortable.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: