Sunday, March 8, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin March 7 - 14, 2020

Good morning. It is a very happy week to have Mercury turn direct. And that is going to be
on Monday night late Monday night. So if you are hoping to do something on Monday
because of Mercury turning direct, don’t do it. Wait until Tuesday. Although there is a
Green Light period on Monday night after Mercury turns direct at 11:48 PM. There is a
Green Light until 4:32 AM on Tuesday morning. So if you are in the UK or in another time
zone where you can take advantage of that there is a beautiful trine, Moon trine Saturn.
That would be an excellent time to advance your goals for something that you would like for
it to stick.

And the energies that are going on really are piling up about this virus. We have a Full Moon
coming up in Pisces that is also on Monday. And that takes place on Monday. Let’s see what
time that is going to be. 1:48 PM it happens at 19 degrees of Virgo. Virgo is the sign of our
health and wellbeing. So a Full Moon is going to mark. All the cards are on the table.
Everything is out in the open.

So the period of which to be particularly careful, the most contagious time would be this
morning from 9:34 or even earlier this morning. There are many Moon quincunx aspects,
which is about a health aspect. That would start 3:23 AM with Moon to Mars, then Moon to
the Sun at 9:34 AM. 10:20 the Moon is quincunx Pallas Athena, which is about repeated
pattern and multiplying things. Then it goes on to make the same aspect to Neptune. So it is
just really popping the viral load up. And then Moon is quincunx Jupiter at 2:55 PM today
and going on to do the same thing to Pluto at 8:50 PM today. All of that leads into what will
be revealed a couple of days later when the Full Moon does arrive. So there is always that
contact and incubation period and that should actually create the map for it. The final
aspect of the Leo Moon that we are having that is doing all this would be to Saturn. And it
too is a quincunx. That is at 4:57 AM. So I would say really lay low today, and tonight, and
then certainly through that Full Moon. If you are meeting with people you want to practice
the very best hygiene and you want to practice your ability to be able to gather what you
need. I got reports from the markets that there is a shortage of things already. Such as hand
sanitizers, Clorox, toilet paper, water. Already. So these things are already gone. People are
going into panic mode. Just be prepared without the panic. The stress level is also going to
contribute to problems, so keep your stress level down. Meditate and that can help as well.

The Sun joins with Neptune. That will be tomorrow morning 8:23 AM. So this is a cloud that
the Sun breaks through. A cloud. And can show where there are leaks and problems. There
is a coming together that is aligned with the Moon and Venus where people come together,
especially through the invitation of women. And there is a lot of surprises regarding women
and money and anything having to do with the things that Venus and Uranus are under.
They join together in the sign of Taurus. They are also making way to make connection with
the Sun where there will be a sudden abrupt change linked to the Full Moon, when the Sun
and Uranus are also making contact late night on Sunday night. You don’t have to wait for
that aspect at 11:40 PM, but it will affect the entire day.

Pluto and Ceres. Ceres is the small dwarf planet that ???Hera mythology??? says the world
was withering because of her grief because her daughter was abducted. And that would be
where people feel the loss a feeling of abandonment and separation. And the connection
between Pluto and Ceres is on Sunday. But it does hold in place for several days. It is
interesting how the astrology just lines right up with the facts of these news events that are
going on.

For Monday, not much going on until the Full Moon. And the Full Moon it does involve
Neptune. It is at 1:48 PM in the sign of Virgo. So all the cards are on the table. Everything is
out in the open, including viral bugs and things like that. I would say, stay close to home.
Keep your animals close to home as well, as Virgo is the sign of pets. And animals and larger
animals that you keep outside would be the Pisces side, the Neptune. Mercury goes direct
11:48 PM that is on Monday.

Then on Tuesday so we have that Green Light period that will run right until 4:32 AM
Tuesday morning that I mentioned before. The Libra Moon comes in. it is not good at all. Do
not agree or engage or plan for anything except for to make a meeting at another time. All
day Tuesday, Wednesday, and early Thursday we have that Libra Moon, which is very
disgruntled and has a lot of problems.

There is a Sun sextile Jupiter aspect at 8:27 AM on Wednesday. This one is usually very
lucky. But it can bring an urge to travel outside your designated area. Or for those that have
been designated to stay quarantined they may want to break out for some reason and
travel. So travel would be emphasized or increased possibly on Wednesday. There is a
consciousness and a discussion of moral and religious issues, also with the Sun sextile to
Jupiter. It is optimistic, but you want to hold your optimism because the Moon in Libra will
finally make its aspect on Thursday at 4:11 AM when it is square to Saturn. And Saturn is
moving to the very, very tippy end of Capricorn as it gets ready to change signs on the 21 st
of March. So after we finish with that Moon square Saturn which ends in a difficult way.
Anything that you may have agreed to during the Libra Moon you might be cut off or it may
be dead in the water.

So the Scorpio Moon comes in and it is a better Moon actually. There is a Green Light
period. All things being considered of the surrounding situations. That Scorpio Moon ends
on a lighter tone with a sextile to Saturn. That is a much better situation. That sextile to
Saturn would take place on next Saturday at 6:05, 6:06 AM next Saturday. Giving a period of
Green Light that runs right through Thursday, Friday the 13th , and then part of Saturday.

There is difficulty with partners, difficulty agreeing on Friday the 13th . That is a tough way to
go, but there is a nice trine between the Sun and the Moon on Friday at 8:47 PM. This one
finds a way to make things work, make things agreeable.

The big news about Friday is that Chiron the wounded healer and the ruler of many health
issues is in a crisis making position, as it is square to the Lunar Node. So it is a difficult time
for Chiron as the Lunar Nodes pass over that square and back up.

The Nodes of the Moon are walking into the point where the Solar Eclipse from last
Christmas, the day after Christmas, emerges making this a very crises period. There are
some good things in there. Just use really good sense making Thursday and Friday the best.
Other than that stay away from the Libra Moon beginning on Tuesday at 6:03 AM running
right through until 5:28 AM on Thursday. That is the really tough part. And pretty much that
is it for the week. So have a good week and stay safe and we will meet again
over the air next week.

If you would like to study astrology I teach private classes. Also if you would like to have a
reading of your chart you can call me.

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