Saturday, December 24, 2016

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Dec 24 - 31, 2016

The live radio report is available at soundcloud/orbzero

The Moon will travel through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius this week.
There is a New Moon on Thursday morning 1:53 AM at 8 degrees Capricorn while holding the door open for Uranus turning direct at 4:29 AM. Making this an unpredictable setting to ring in the new beginnings. This is the picture of a wild and grand awakening.

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning around 9:30 AM
Saturday, December 24, 2016 – Saturday, December 31, 2016
Good morning! Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanza! It certainly is an eventful time in our lives. We have for today on Christmas Eve and the first night of Hanukkah. I think this was the first night of Hanukkah. I’m not sure. At any rate it may have been last night, but I think it is tonight.

There is a deep intensity with the Christmas spirit here because of the Scorpio Moon sign that began yesterday in the morning. 9:32 in the morning and it continues right through until the Moon enters Sagittarius tomorrow night Sunday night on the 25th Christmas Day. Mercury is retrograde so it is causing a lot of change in plans, a change of mind, a change of heart. It is in the sign of Capricorn. A lot of things are decided because of money. So money is the culprit for doing things and not doing things.

Also what we have for today there is an aspect of the Saturn and the Uranus trine. They are in a perfect trine 120 degrees. This aspect will come back again on May 19th and then again on November 11th, both in 2017. The aspect of Saturn and Uranus have a lot to do with technology and everyday household gadgets. This can really increase that type of gift. Also gifts of unusual and interesting sorts. Saturn is about trying to make things practical and useful. The modernization continues. Everything is modern now. The business side of these technologies are very, very strong with this aspect. So there is likely to be a broadening of businesses, technology businesses. Maybe more of them.

It is also a time where there is an option to allow relationships to have more freedom and have less commitment in the traditional way. Saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius which is about free and open spaces. Uranus is very freedom oriented. So there is that option to renegotiate along the way the meaning of your relationships and using the freedom of expression as the key that can help to keep things together longer. This aspect has been in effect since December 19th and continues through January 2nd, for this time around.

But Saturday night remains intense with its Scorpio Moon. One thing about Scorpio Moon in the retail business is people are likely to spend more money. Large, really large purchases come out of a Scorpio Moon sign. And they worry about paying the bill later. That can definitely come up with the Mercury retrograde which encourages you to rethink and redo and renew and review your finances before you head out and spend the bank. Also with purchases high also are returns with the retrograde Mercury.
Sunday Dec 25, 2016 – The Moon is void of course all day Sunday until 10:19 PM when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
Then on Sunday on Christmas Day that Scorpio energy increases the need to be close with others that you are familiar with. However it is not necessarily warm and fuzzy. Venus and Jupiter do lighten the mood with a beautiful trine at 8:23 AM. Venus goes on to link with Uranus then Saturn from 11:35 AM tomorrow morning until 1:33 PM. This adds a crazy sparkle to the day. The configuration continues on until the end of the month. So it again is asking for breathing room in relationships and it is appreciated as Venus and Aquarius is friendly, not romantic. So keep your expectations low regarding romance.
Venus and Saturn however do appreciate one another when they are linked in a positive aspect, 60 degree aspect in this case. It recognizes a good deal. Also linked to the same aspect sitting in the middle of that trine is its 60 degree link to Uranus as well. This aspect is likely to suddenly change plans. You could be sitting at a dinner table enjoying a feast and then all of a sudden get up and say let’s go out and do this or that and change the mood completely. Some feelings may get hurt but they hopefully will soon recover.

We have Mercury and Pluto at a parallel later on in the day. That is around 4:30 in the afternoon. This is a bonded link of communication which allows things to ruminate, turn round and round and round. There is a worry bug in your head. It doesn’t necessarily help. It may actually fortify your fears and bring you into some line of communication which gives you more information about what you might be nervous about.
Sunday night the Moon enters Sagittarius. You may find that people flee from the clutches of such Scorpio intensity and venture out for some (actual or metaphorical)fresh air, which would be delightful.

Monday Dec 26, 2016 – Take care as Monday is highly accident prone.
Monday, Sagittarius Moon sign offers little understanding of many of the aggressive events that Mars will pose. That Mars energy comes in on Monday. It is exact. Exactly at 8:23 in the morning Mars is conjunct the Lunar Node. This has to do with a broadening of its effects, the effects are heated situations in Pisces. Mars in Pisces is steamy. Represents also when it is applying its link to Neptune where it is headed. It can be a hole in the bucket. So notice what it is that draining the purse and draining your resources. Also it is loose lips sink ships. People might be attempting to make things right by spilling the beans again. Whether the weather is likely to be wild.
Mars looks like it may walk right into a gun fight and there is no holding back with the insults and the mad configuration that comes up on Monday afternoon when Mars is linked to Jupiter then Uranus then Jupiter and Uranus opposition that has been in effect for about a week is now on stage with Mars setting it off. So you want to practice today, tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday benevolence and tolerance for those who are off their leash. Stay out of the way.
You want to also create a space for dramatic changes that may come into your life. That swing back and forth from routine to personal relationships and anything in regard to both global and personal matters are large.
You are likely to feel like you have been in the dark about a lot of things. With the Moon in Sagittarius making a square to Neptune, as the Monday night comes into the evening at 5:40 PM.
There are no Green Light periods during the week by the way. So everything is sort of at your own risk.
Mercury being retrograde and the aspect between Mercury and Neptune at 11:18 PM may shed some light on things that had been going on in the dark corners of the world. So that should be interesting to see what may come out of that. It also can stir up more wind and more white stuff.

Tuesday Dec 27, 2016 – The Moon’s final aspect in Sagittarius is (60º) sextile Venus at 8:45 PM. The ancient astrologers did not consider the Moon to be void of course in Sagittarius. You may want to test this theory.

Tuesday December 27th Sagittarius Moon sign presses on and makes sense of what is going on as best it can. Mercury is retracing and redoing many things on the business front because Mercury turned retrograde in the sign of business, Capricorn. The counsel we seek is found in Pallas this week, Pallas Athena is the Goddess of great wisdom now moving into the sign of Pisces. This can be seen as some sort of magician behind the scenes that gives a signal to ask for help while in a state of meditation. What you pray is what you get. So pray for peace. In this case I would say continue to pray for peace for the next four to eight years. Pallas enters the sign of Pisces at 7:22 PM. That may be a good time Tuesday night to choose a therapy of your choice. Also select the counselor that you think might be right for you.
Then we have the dark of the Moon period. Begins also on Tuesday night through the New Moon on Thursday. Then there is the light of the Moon. Might be visible Friday night when you are more informed about matters. So That you could make new decisions based on the new things that are coming to you over this next new Moon period.

Wednesday Dec 28, 2016 - The Moon is without aspect while in Sagittarius Wednesday morning until 10:12AM.
Wednesday the Moon changes from Sagittarius to Capricorn at 10:12 AM. There is a conjunction on Wednesday between the Sun and Mercury. This is the middle of the Mercury retrograde period which could be filled with a tricksters mishaps. Especially about information and travel plans. Boy, travel plans for people have been brutal with the Mercury retrograde over the holiday season. So you want to take a solid inventory. Inventory of what you have and don’t have. Double check your itinerary. Call ahead make sure your appointments are what you think they are. Even if you have checked in make sure things are as they are supposed to be, as you head out to meet up with others. Otherwise, expect some mental agility with this. Some sharp mindedness for snap decisions. Some of these things you may have to redo and review and retrace and try to put into a better perspective later. But you might be able to sort through things. Also sort through gossip and news stories. You want to make an outline for your agreements without signing until Mercury turns direct on the 8th of January.

Thursday Dec 29, 2016 – The New Moon occurs at 1:53 AM at 8º Capricorn. The New Moon carries a loud message from the retrograde Mercury messenger. There may be information from past inquiries which pose as a concern. The Sun and Moon are sandwiched between the information that Mercury holds and the Pluto’s seat of power. Saturn and Uranus are 120º apart for a shout from those who want answers at the distance which justifies its outburst and understandably so. Uranus has plans for charging ahead but remains at a standstill. Jupiter swings the pendulum in the other direction tipping the balance of the largest social and political issues. Pluto continues to hold the space for the recent tyrants of its square to Uranus from 2012 – 2015. All that had been held back is now running for its own most selfish interest.

Beyond that there are indicators of deceit and a large hole in the bucket (Mars and Neptune join at the lunar node). Look for leaks from the practical to the spiritual. Use this New Moon to seek the balance of a teacher. The teacher might have your best interest in mind without an overly material motivation.

More on Thursday December 29 the Capricorn Moon holds onto its business end. The current events such as Uranus making a reverse in its direction since it was turned retrograde on July 29, 2016. From that point on the things that have been shaking up can shake up in a greater way, like a jack in a box, making Thursday very intense regarding things which can be surprising.
It is interesting that Uranus makes its turnabout while the Moon is in Capricorn. Although the cosmic influences show there are no coincidences. This again reflects back to the fact that Uranus and Pluto were square for several years. They began their choreographed edgy encounter at the very degree of this New Moon at 8º Capricorn but on June 24, 2012. They continue to be affecting us even though this aspect has begun to pull apart. Business dealings, avoid them. Major decisions, avoid them as well on Thursday as we are in the Dark Moon Period until at least Friday at sunset. More light shines on important subjects by Saturday night Dec 31. Needless to say the things we attract during this New Moon period are likely to be showing how the greatest changes in our lives since 2012 now pose to develop into a readable list of what has been concrete and what has crumbled. Make your choices cautiously with the idea that what you break away from might be what has helped you to have the stability you have acquired today.

Friday Dec 30, 2016 – the Moon is void of course throughout the day from 3:06AM until 8:29 PM EST.
For Friday December 30th the Capricorn Moon sets off the events from the past week again when the Moon is square Uranus at 2:19 AM. Things can go bump in the night on Friday morning with that one. And then square Jupiter at 3:06 AM. The Moon then continues in the sign of Capricorn throughout the day being void of course after… I would say 3:06 AM. All day long the Moon will be void of course until the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 8:29 PM on Friday night.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Neptune on Friday at 6:24 PM. This aspect may link a bridge to things that are spiritual and musical and creative. Anything that you want to do or present from your creative side would be well developed with this aspect. It also is seeking ways to explore those things that are being done behind the scenes.
Friday night after the Aquarius Moon sign we have a greater opportunity to see things in a friendlier light when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius through Friday night. It continues in Aquarius next weekend. That is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this report on my website at You can call me at 617-924-0929.
It is also not too late to buy a gift certificate for astrology, or Victor’s tarot card readings or past life regression. Fun stuff to give for the holidays and the 8 days of Hanukkah and Kwanza as well. We also may have a note from Victor about what he offers. [Victor: tarot card readings which involves some psychic ability and past live regression. It is always fun to get Christmas presents after Christmas. (To reach Victor it is best to Email victor at]

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