Monday, April 12, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin April 10 - 17, 2021 with Green Lights

 Saturday, April 10, 2021 to Saturday, April 17, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

Hi. This is Dietrich Pessin. With the astrology report for the week ahead. We have
got quite a few Green Light periods again, this week. This past week has been
crazy bizarre. So, if you have crazy experiences you would like to share, feel free
to give me a call 617 – 558 -7233.

But talking about this week, we have an Aries Moon, Taurus Moon, Gemini Moon.
The day begins with a dark period of the Moon that that began today, right around
9:00, 10:00 in the morning. This is also signaling that there is a New Moon headed
here Sunday night at 10:31 PM when the New Moon is at 22° of Aries. That has a
very interesting connection to 9° of Virgo, by a measurement in declination that is
the equivalent of September 1st.

Anything, whether you have a birthday of September 1.
Or you have events that may have begun on September 1st, going back to 2016.
So, each year, as we progress, there might be more to the story that you can flesh
out with this New Moon that is coming up.

The New Moon is a time when you do not want to make any major decisions. You
want to be able to see what is coming up. What will be laid out in front of you
without you instigating any changes. It is a wait and see kind of time actually.

People often want to do things like have a wedding on a New Moon or start
something. New business on a New Moon. It is not a good idea because you are
in the dark. There is no Moon in the sky at the New Moon. we won't have a New
Moon visible until April 13

th, at around noon time is when it comes out of its dark
phase. So not until actually the night of April 13th will we be able to see a little
sliver of the Moon. That is how you can tell the Dark Moon is over.

So, there is an aspect between Mercury and Saturn today, April 10th. It offers an
opportunity to charm those enforcing the rules to bend your way. Present your
topics in a very mature and a mellow fashion to encourage respect. You are likely
to bend an ear as well.

Venus and Jupiter they form a really nice aspect, 60° as well. This finds an
opportunity for a good time. Join with others to welcome a fun gathering. There is
a jolly sense of humor and a boost to your confidence with this aspect. It is a lot of
fun, and it also shares with good friends as well. That is exact at 2:53 PM. But it
does have an influence over the entire day on April 10th.

Then April 11th, Sunday another good day with a light heart to start the day. Later
the energy shifts to the New Moon at 10:30, which may once again reach back to
September 1st . 2016 is a/the reference point.

The size of the task at hand may be relevant. Looking at new ways to tackle
health issues for one thing. Or employment or employer issues. Things are likely
to become more interesting with this New Moon. Meetings with people with
experience in fields of your needs. That comes along with the Moon and Mercury
then the Moon and Pallas. A lot of aspects here regarding the types of things
where information that you gather can be very useful for a long period down the
road. So, take notes and keep files.

The New Moon again is occurring at 10:31 PM. It being an Aries is a startup
energy. Let those things come to you.

Venus and Pluto goes square. That is at 11:20 PM. That Venus is in Aries. Pluto
is in Capricorn. This is about jealousy. Very often, aspects like that between
Venus and Pluto can really be haunting with jealousy and actions that are taken
regarding so. But money, withholding money, and squabbles over money. So that

is exact at 11:20 PM. You might want to avoid interactions with people on a one-
on-one. Especially when talking about money or someone else's interaction or
relationship with another.

Then on Monday, April 12. It is a good day, only until 8:06 AM. So, I mean, good
day as in Green Light day. Green Light is also, through Sunday, aside from the
fact that we are in the Dark of the Moon. So, I wouldn't take any forward action.
Just let things come to you, right up until 8:06 AM. then you want to evaluate the
nature of how these things might enhance your life or not.

Then you can find that someone later, around 7:12 in the morning on Monday
might be trying to control your actions as you try to push forward.

The Moon will be void of course from 8:06 AM until 1:44 PM. then we have a
Taurus Moon. Taurus Moons are really good for acquiring things. Going out
shopping. Making calls for a grant or a financial arrangement.

The dark Moon doesn't end until around 11:00 in the morning. But I would try not
to do too much shopping. You may need to return all or part of your purchases.
you may spot something, a better deal later. Or you could find that your products
fail and you wouldn't want to be left holding the bag so to speak.

These plans are better after 2:22 PM on Wednesday, unless you wish to drop all
or part of your project. That is always a consideration. These things hinge on the
fact that a planet is going to change signs. The planet in this case is Venus. Venus
is definitely all about money in this case. And she is going to enter the sign of
Taurus. So, she is about acquisition and things that you hold dear.

So, the planetary nodes of the Moon are being squared by the advisor. This is
Pallas Athena on Tuesday, April 13th. It is at 4:15 PM. You may have a very hard
time trying to get to the counselor that you need or having some kind of
consideration, for what it is that you need for your personal advice. the
status of how the information flows from one to another. There may seem to
be blocks in regard to those type of things where you need a special counselor.

Tuesday the Sun is at 60° to Mars. It gets your motor running for sure. But hold
on to your horses. And Mars is out there beyond the corral. So, holding on to your
horses may be a hard thing to do when you hear about some type of opportunity.
But do wait until after 2:22 PM on Wednesday to take action on it. This aspect
between the Sun and Mars is going to influence much of the day on Tuesday. It is
exact at 7:09 PM. What does this have to do with September 1st since 2016?
Hmm. That keeps popping up.

Then we have after there is a Green Light after 2:22 PM Wednesday until 7:59,
make that 8:00 PM on Wednesday evening. It seems as though it leads to some
money in your pocket. The final say comes from someone who holds the key to
the safe. Your needs should be laid out plainly for justifying expenses for those
that are under your care.

Once Venus enters Taurus, you have a clear picture of your parcel. And you may
enjoy the pleasures that Venus provides, while in her own sign. That is the sign of
Taurus. Then there is a void of course Moon, from 8:00 PM on Wednesday until
2:35 AM on Thursday morning.

Then the Moon enters Gemini and it is full of opportunities. But you must follow
the rules. You have a Green Light, but it is best after 10:00 AM on Friday.

There is however, a lovely aspect between the Sun and Jupiter. That is a 60°
aspect. It shows an opportunity not to be missed. Take action if you want to
advance your goals. Ask a generous person to back your plans. So, you may want
to stretch out there and try and test your luck before the caution on Friday
morning. It is a fun aspect. It is a lucky aspect.

There are several Mercury aspects early in the day on Thursday. Mercury is 135°
to Vesta, then 30° to Neptune, and then split parallel to Juno. This makes Mercury
very busy connecting with those who deal with investments and property rentals
and more. Some things are confusing and not clear as to the benefits or
boundaries of the deals. Your thinking is cloudy, but it will clear up soon after you
consult with a person who knows what is going on. That may be the smart person
by 12:58 PM when the Sun is sextile Jupiter. it could be sooner than that as well.

Then leading into Friday, April 16th. There is a tough aspect between the Sun and
Pluto. puts you in a long wait line. This is exactly at 9:26 AM. So, start your wait
line after that. There are tolls to pay and forms to fill out, even then you may not
get what you requested. Wait until there is a break, then try again and you are
more likely to succeed. Because when it ends, the Gemini Moon will continue on
through next Saturday and ends very well with a nice 60° aspect to the Sun. So
that opens up a lot of opportunities for you with that particular afternoon coming up
next Friday.

Just a look ahead. I want to put a little flash out there about next Saturday. Keep
your pets on a short leash. Be careful with birds flying out the cage door. I have
birds. I know what that's like. There is a real strong drive to run off, get loose,
escape. That is coming up from an aspect of the Moon and Mars. Mars is way out
of bounds. So, things will not be tracked easily. You won't be able to put the genie
back in the in the bottle. Anything that has a mind of its own, should be observed
from outside influences. Do keep a watch on escapees and runaways. It is most
likely your pets, but you never know. So, take care with that during spring when
those drives and instincts are very strong anyway, to get loose and stretch and run

That is, it for the week. You can find a copy of this on my website at Lunar-
Shadows. com. You can call me with questions or set up an appointment. It is
617-558-7233. My website is Lunar-Shadows. com. You can hear this report again
there. There is a link to Soundcloud and it is also on the front page of my website.
The blog page holds the transcription of this report. And that is it for the week. We
will be back next week. Thank you.

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