Saturday, May 26, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin May 26 - June 2, 2018 with Green Light Days

Listen here to the report for the week ahead.

The following is transcribed from the live radio broadcast at WZBC 90.3 FM

Good morning. Well astrologically it appears as though there have been a lot of things that
have calmed down. But I do believe that is probably some kind of an illusion. There are a lot
of Sun Saturn aspects and Sun Pluto aspects that are in the parallels and split parallel
ranges. They are not obvious on black and white view, but I see them. So we certainly can
see that there are things that are intense coming up.

Today is Saturday, May 26th . We have a Libra Moon until 9:39 AM in moments here. So we
are giving the report under a void of course Moon. Usually that means nothing will come of
it. So we will see how this plays out. It is also a creative period, a void of course Moon. If
you have a plan, your plan may change at 9:39 AM.

What we then have is a Scorpio Moon sign that comes in. that Scorpio Moon actually has a
little Green Light period at the end of it, which would be on Monday. That is how long this
Scorpio Moon will last from…but the Green Light period will be from I say from 1:35 PM
until 5:26 PM. So if you have a plan to agree to something, sign to something, sign
something or put some money down on something that would be your little golden period.
You could take a risk before that but you may be cut off, dropped or otherwise informed
that you didn’t make it somehow.

For Saturday May 26, tonight we have Moon square Mars. That one is also very argumentative. And
there Mars and Uranus are still within that square formation, even though it is leaving,
which is causing a lot of disruptive violence. Whether it be from accidents, car accidents or
from some personal act of violence. Then there is a quincunx between the Sun and the
Moon 8:16 PM tonight. That is life’s messy clean it up. It talks about the type of things
where an event could happen that derails your progress in your plans. So you have to stop
and clean something up. Deal with something that you may have to tend to in a greater way
that is governed by the Full Moon that is coming up on Tuesday. So you want to look out for
that tonight. I would say if you are heading out maybe head out after 8:30 and that might
be a little bit less chaotic.

Venus and Mercury form an aspect. A cranky one for them. They don’t get to have those
aspects that often. 8:34 PM is when it happens. This one may lead you to perhaps
understand someone differently than the way that they are trying to present themselves.
So maybe you are reading their body language. They are saying something else. Maybe it
leads to some sort of disagreement.

The Sun and Pluto have the same kind of quality aspect where there is something hidden
perhaps. That there should be more discussion about explaining yourself kind of energy.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter 3:47 PM on Sunday. That one is uplifting. But Jupiter is in the
sign of Scorpio, so how uplifting can that be, right? The quality of the Scorpio energy is
really about exposing and showing more trouble more problems.

Then for Sunday night, leaves that note with kind of deep conversations and intense.
Nothing is surface like when the Moon is in Scorpio. So it tends to bring about some more
physiological twists. Then the Moon is making an aspect to Pluto as well, so that enhances
that type of feeling or that type of interaction with others.


The Sagittarius Moon sign comes in after a void of course Moon on Monday. The void moon period starts
at 5:26 PM and runs until 6:29 PM. 6:29 PM is when the Moon enters the Sagittarius sign. That
is the happy sign. During that time Mercury will make a change leaving the sign of Taurus
and go into its very own sign of Gemini. That will be on Tuesday.

The Moon is opposite Mercury on Monday. Mercury will be very late in the sign of Taurus.
After that is when you have a Green Light period. Moon opposite Mercury cuts off a
statement or a plan or a direction. If you are going in one direction maybe you are blocked.
This is Monday 1:25 PM and then you have that little Green Light period until 5:26 PM.
The Sagittarius Moon on Monday night seems to have some sticky/sticking points with the
Sun and Pluto in an aspect. But they try to bring things together. Maybe about big money
from foreign places. Then at 7:47 PM the Moon is quincunx Uranus. This aspect may be
about finding something under a rock that appears to have been solid and stable. And there
is something. Some surprising information there. Kind of like finding mold in the wall or
something like that.

There is also a Full Moon on Tuesday, 10:19 AM. This Full Moon has so much to do with Mars
and Saturn. They have a link to the point where this Full Moon takes place at 8 degrees of Sagittarius. This may bring in a very hard line for a lofty sign. Sagittarius is broad and lofty and reaches out beyond your normal circle. Finds new things and new perspectives. But Mars and Saturn say, “Wait a minute. There is a lot to be tended to.”

It looks as if it is also… Sagittarius often has to do with foreign travel and immigration and
higher education colleges, all these types of things. May be college campuses might be
particularly focused during this week. Mars will be a player as it moves into a position by
declination, where it will be when it retrogrades next month. Mars is going to be retrograde
all summer long. So that should be very interesting for us to follow as well.


Also those are the major events of the week being the Full Moon coming up. So that Full
Moon in the sign of Sagittarius has to do with all things out in the open, the cards are on the
table. There is a major decision or major piece of maybe new information, a broader view
about something that changes the way things are presented. Maybe there are things that
are revealed, as the Full Moon will reveal. People are higher energy during a Full Moon.
They come out to play.

Venus is out of bounds during this Full Moon and has been now for a while and will
continue for another week or so. Venus out of bounds means you are likely to find money in
unusual places or find love in unusual places. You can also find art and you can find social
settings to be very pleasant. There could be extreme things that you engage with during the
Venus out of bounds period as well.

So taking a little closer look here. We just finished up with Venus opposite Saturn. Thank
goodness. It will sort of linger as far as its separating qualities over this next day. But it is
about to leave so that is a good thing. Whereas Venus opposite Saturn usually cuts off
something regarding money, maybe love or friendship. But you will get a lot of comfort that comes
in after that with an aspect to Neptune.

Then the Scorpio Moon that comes in has a nice parallel to retrograde Jupiter at the end of its Scorpio travels. That one expands the vision and the activities of the Scorpio Moon. So you want to also see that
there is something cut off or argued about that could be resolved after the Moon is finished
with its aspect to Jupiter because there will be Mercury opposite the Moon, which talks
about arguments disagreements or just the quality of not understanding one another.

Me Too accusations that are floating about that could also bring even further accusations.
Or other types of things that will be evident as the Moon moves through the sign of Scorpio.
It is particularly sensitive as it moves into the middle, Jupiter moves into the middle of the
sign of Scorpio. It is retrograde. So it is going back and bringing up things we haven’t
considered or we try to gloss over it. It just comes back up like a bad penny.

Sun and Saturn are quincunx Tuesday. That is that life’s messy clean it up aspect between that pair.
This is the structure of things. Saturn is about the stable structure. 2:36 AM on Tuesday. So
that is engaged Monday night and will run until Wednesday morning. It is a longer applying
aspect. So you want to see what is it that needs to be tended to in regard to the structure of
whatever your goals are. Whether you are dealing with houses or business or relationships,
business plans. So you want to see how that can bring about information that you need to
work out.

Full Moon coming up at 10:19 AM and then Mercury will change signs at 7:49 PM Tuesday. Before
that we have Moon quincunx Venus. So there is a lot of intense energy with that Full Moon
as we mentioned. It sort of brings up the bodies from the Mars and Saturn stations from
August of 2016. So that will be interesting to watch because information is the whole
method for the Sagittarius Gemini polarity.

Mercury changes signs and that should bring a little bit of relief. It goes and gets its
information quite quickly. It just brings you the facts. It doesn’t say whether they are good
bad or otherwise.

The Sun and Mars are all revved up to go on a short race. That could also bring viruses in. so
you want to beef up your immune system before that aspect hits on Tuesday evening. I
would say start now with doing that. You could feel really run down with that type of
aspect. Otherwise it is about bringing people together to be able to tackle a one time


Then the Moon is in Sagittarius making its final aspect to Neptune at 2:25 AM Wednesday
morning. However the Moon is really not considered void of course in Sagittarius but if you
count it, start then. And it will run until 5:26 AM the next day.

The next day is when on Thursday Moon enters Capricorn the money sign. That is a Green
Light that will continue right through until 11:36 PM on Friday night, encompassing several
aspects during that Capricorn Moon sign. You could find that you learn something that is
amiss, which you have to be called on to deal with later when the Sun and Moon are
quincunx on Friday.

There is a real good aspect between Mercury and Mars, which says go for it. The
information is good, 10:13 AM. And then Venus and Jupiter 10:26 AM and may give you cause for
celebration on June 1 st . very good day June 1 st . just avoid the Moon opposite Venus at 12:57
PM. and don’t spend your money. It will cost too much there. Wait until after that aspect.
And that is it for the week. (51:55 STOP)
Have a great week. Have a good weekend and be safe. Talk to you next week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives
for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my
radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name,
Dietrech Pessin.

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