Monday, June 28, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 26 - July 3 with Green Light Days


Saturday, June 26, 2021 to Saturday, July 3, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00



Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. That is Saturday,

June 26th until July 3rd 2021.


Neptune is stationary since yesterday afternoon at 3:32 pm. It will be retrograde

now until December 1st. Neptune retrograde stations feel extremely groggy,

heavy, confusing. Try doing things spiritual. Like your artwork, dancing, yoga,

music, anything that is ethereal in nature. Practice meditation. Also, Neptune

stations are really good for advancing your soul work.


But not good for practical Capricorn matters. Like the way the Capricorn Moon

presented itself for the Neptune station. Making you think maybe that this was a

good time to buy something. Not so. So, you may have been confused about how

or why or where to invest your money. It is a good thing if you did not. If you did

return it, it is not worth what you paid for. If it is property, it is too expensive for

you right now as well. The Moon opposite Venus is what claims that delineation.

That happened at 8:49 am.


The next Moon sign is Aquarius, and that begins at 10:08 am. It is a lighter Moon

sign and it is a Green Light Moon sign. That Green Light will continue from 10:08

am today until 6:05 am Monday, with the Moon parallel Saturn.


So that Green Light ahead during that Aquarius Moon brings friendship into the

picture. It makes Saturday night a nice night to socialize. At the end of the

Aquarius Moon sign, it will parallel Saturn. Indicating that you may keep your

selections of people or things or groups for the better. But wait until Venus enters

Leo. That is, it 12:27 am late night tonight. That is Sunday morning. Because

Venus is going to change signs. So, that being said, everything that you choose

today until 12:27 am tomorrow morning, you could drop or change your mind

about. So, if you are out feeling like you have met your best friend and all the

world or the love of your life, you could drop them before you ever get the

relationship off the ground. After that time if you are still out partying or enjoying

the evening when Venus goes into Leo, Sunday morning at 12:27 am, you have a

wonderful opportunity to make a friend or a lover that will last for a long time.

But lovers are not the best indicators under an Aquarius Moon. You end up being

friends. So, hold on to it.


The Moon while it is in the sign of Aquarius will do things like conjunct Saturn

early in the morning on Sunday. Then it reverses its ideas and opinions and

choices at 9:16 am. So, what does that tell you. If you bring someone home

overnight, you wake up and you say, “Oh my, what have I done?” Well, also you

might find that if you want to go out on Sunday night, that the food is not good.

Or it is there is not enough to feed others. Or you may need to feed others before

you enjoy yourself on Sunday evening. Or take care of others. Like if you have a

mother in a nursing home, you cannot get away and join your friends until you

take care of those who are tucked away. That is Moon square Ceres. That is not

going to last all night. So, make a later plan on Sunday evening for a better time,

and then it does get better.


The Aquarius Moon is still with us. It is a Green Light still right through until 6:05

am. There are no aspects that hinder anything early in the morning like that.

There is a void of course Moon from that time until the Moon enters Pisces at

1:51 pm on Monday. The Pisces Moon will sextile Pluto before leaving the sign on

Wednesday, giving us again, a few excellent couple of days.


You have an opportunity to correct past problems without anyone knowing that

there was a need to. It might be like you caught it just before you drop something

in the mailbox, and you were able to make a correction. Information can be found

from deep sources. But put a gag order on all that you hear or see. Do not repeat

anything. Use this energy to reconstruct your spiritual practice to delve more

deeply with your spirit guides. It is an excellent Pisces Moon for that.


There is also a party energy in there at 5:30 pm on Monday, when Venus and

Jupiter are making a quincunx. So that could be life is messy. Clean it up. If you

are having a little cookout or something, you may have to go out and buy more



Tuesday. Another Green Light day under this Pisces Moon. Absolutely nothing

wrong with that day at all. Go ahead and advance your goals, your Pisces like

goals. There is only one rough spot when the Moon is square Mercury at 11:00

pm on Tuesday night. You may be picking up information about the people

around you psychically. It may not have anything to do with you, but it may

influence your feelings Tuesday night. Try to let that go and not let it wreck your

night's sleep for yourself before the Moon leaves Pisces on Wednesday. It will all

be sorted out and you will know what that is about.


So, the Pisces Moon continues right through early on Wednesday. Then at 1:39

pm the Moon is sextile Pluto, which is the last aspect that the Pisces Moon will

make. It does, I need to mention, conjunct Neptune at 8:24 am. Neptune is the

ruler of Pisces. And as it is standing still, this might be an important time for you

to pick up some intuitive information about how you are going to go about that

day, with Moon sextile Pluto.


The Pisces Moon continues its void of course. I do not consider the Moon void of

course when it is in Pisces. But for those of you who do, it is void of course from

1:39 pm until 9:21 pm June 30th, Wednesday.


Then we have the Aries Moon that will square Pluto before leaving the sign. So

right off, that tells you that is not a good sign for nailing down your plans or

buying anything or securing anything. There is a lot of conflict in that Aries Moon.

Lots of rough energy. Especially if you need to get up and go. the Aries Moon

would want to have you do.


Mars is opposite Saturn. This is the headliner OF THE WEEK, Mars opposite

Saturn. It is square Uranus. It is like, Oh my God. Murphy's law big time. And it is

the Last Quarter Moon day. things always happen on the Quarter Moons: First

Quarter Moon and Last Quarter Moon. You can be guaranteed that something

will spark, something will happen with the Aries Moon. It could have something to

do with what you started. Could have something to do with your car. Aries could

have something to do with your drive and your action. Do not quit your job. You

are likely to regret it. Although, I have seen strikes happen with Mars opposite

Saturn. Workers strikes. There could also be strikes of all types that are set up.

The opposition here is set up for a series of surprises with that square to Uranus.

Your thinking may be uniquely fixed on one line of thinking. Whereas you may

feel you cannot get out of your own way to advance your plans. Do not worry. Do

not try to advance them during the Aries Moon. Do not take on any commitments

or long-term investments just yet either.


Here is that Mars opposite Saturn 9:08 am. Just to start the day off. It is all sorts

of efforts. Control energies are the top of the game for the day. Very

uncomfortable restraint. The blocking or denial of aggressive instincts. Frustration

is large. Anger is large. There could be some sickness, some injury, activities with

which meet with resistance as well. Test of self-control. The necessity to solve

problems. So, that is a tough aspect we need to get past. There is another tough

aspect when the Sun is quincunx Saturn later on. But we will make this one the

toughest one of the day.


That Quarter Moon comes in at 5:10 pm. It is a Last Quarter Moon in Aries. So,

you are actively involved in the process of letting go of something. Perhaps you

get paid or you have to pay out something. The Moon has some history that you

may need to observe or look into. Go dig it up. There was a new Moon April 5th

2019. Then that was a First Quarter Moon, January 3rd 2020. Well, we all know

what was coming right around then. Then the Full Moon was October 1st 2020.

And here we are at the Last Quarter, July 1st 2021. So, think about where you

were. What you may have been doing. Yeah, we were all locked up, right. And

how your life would begin to change. As a result, it all had to be put on hold. Now

here you are. Perhaps ready to advance some of those goals that got put on hold.

So that is a good thing.


That Aries Moon sinks into a healing phase for the evening when the Moon is

conjunct Chiron at 10:18 PM during the Aries Moon. So, it is all in your head. it

wants to get into your heart and help you to heal an old wound. So, you may want

to use your spiritual practice to be able to move that into a safe place before you

fall asleep.


Mars trine Chiron says there is something you need to learn from all of this

resistance. Maybe this something that you learn is something that you can pass

on to others and teach others as well.


We are on Friday now with that Aries Moon. I thought there was Sun quincunx

Saturn in here somewhere. But I am not seeing it. Maybe my calendar did not pick

it up.


But what we have is a quincunx on Friday, July 2nd with the investment maker

Vesta. So that is likely to be something that we hold on to. Trying to sort out what

investments we are going to make.


That Sun quincunx Saturn does not come up till next Saturday. That is where I saw

it at 6:51 pm.


So, for Friday Aries Moon, do what you can to get a lot done. Do not engage or

pass judgment on others. Just take care of your own yard.


There is a void of course Moon that does come in after midnight during the Aries

Moon. And then I want you to plan ahead for next Saturday after 8:27 am. There

is a great day from Saturday 8:21 am until Monday, July 5 th . That is under the

Taurus Moon. It is going to be excellent for taking on new projects. Wait until that

Sun Saturn is over. We will talk about that all next week, what you can do with

that great day. And so, tune in then.


You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also

find the podcasts there and you can find the transcribed report. And you can also

reach me at 617-558-7233. You may notice I do not give out the 924 number. I do

not use that anymore. If you, have it, delete it and use the 617-558-7233 number.


Have a great week. There are some really good days in here. But take care of your

bones with that Mars Saturn opposition. We do not want to hear about any

broken bones. Okay, that is it for the week. Hi there Victor. Love you. Miss you.

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