Listen to the report here:
Saturday, April 9, 2022, to Saturday, April 18, 2022
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM
Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead.
We have the hugeness of the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction that is actually connected perfectly on Tuesday. However, there is an aspect on Monday that allows them to come together and seal the deal for their particular promise. a lot of promises there with that couple. we will talk about that in a minute.
The Saturday, April 9th, Cancer Moon forms a square to the Sun. was this is a First Quarter square, where you are actively involved in the process of going forward with the matters of family. And in money and regard to anything having to do with bringing people together to bond on a certain topic for the good of all family members.
Also, if you have been invited to something during a Cancer Moon, it means you are an insider. So, this is a good Moon sign to join and be supportive to those that you know need you the most. So, look in on family members that are isolated and need help. It is a good time, but not a Green Light, to become the best support that you can be for the family unit.
There is an aspect where the Moon is opposite Pluto during the Cancer Moon at the end of the end of the sign. So, this is not particularly good for long term engagements or long-term plans. Just short-term things for family because there is too much control and pushback that goes on. Provoked energy brings unwanted power struggles with that Moon opposite Pluto. So, you could go it alone. Do it your way by yourself.
There could be something that was started back on July 10th can take root. So, look over your plans and over your activities. Go back down nine months and see if there is something there that you can nurture.
The Leo Moon comes in. So, there is a Void of Course Moon that will run from 9:00 PM until 11:59 PM on Saturday, today. The Leo Moon comes in then. It has some disputes to sort out with Mercury and Pluto, squaring off early in the morning. But try to soothe that the sting before taking this into your lovely Leo Moon day. There are choices that you will want to make based on snippets of information you gained from recently gained facts. But they are not solid. You can change your mind. It is a good thing to do after Mercury leaves that fast track of Aries for more solid thinking.
Mercury square Pluto actually allows you to take on large tasks and get a lot done and organize your thinking for progress. This is not good for contracts, as you can become distracted by power struggles. Things may not take off the way that you want them to.
So, there is a caution where actions that you take during the Leo Moon in the early part of it and the Sunday part of it. You could cause the shoe to drop, all or part of your project. Because Mercury is going to change signs. Which says, you are going to change your mind. You are going to change your direction. So do not invest in the things that you are tossing around and thinking about and planning about earlier in the day, Sunday April 10th.
So, Mercury enters Taurus to communicate with those with the goods and the supplies. Lots of plans to travel by land, car and bus and bicycle. I would avoid air travel with Mercury in Taurus. You want to use your car in your plans to keep things basic and down to practical tools.
So, use food as a persuasive tool. Your thinking can be plotting and deliberate with Mercury and Taurus. But you can learn in a slow and methodical fashion. Speed reading does not hold on to the information that you are trying to learn. You place importance on traditional knowledge with this Mercury sign. Stick to old ideas. Learn in a slow, methodical and hands on manner, for the very best that you would like for gaining and holding on to what you have learned. Learn anything new. But an open mind allows for that absolute slow, steady progress at the therapeutic value of your garden. It cannot be understated.
There is a book that is been recommended called, Atomic Habits. [Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones Book by James Clear] You probably all have it. It is a fantastic book that takes a look at our habits and how they are part of us. I just ordered it so I am told that it comes highly recommended.
The Leo Moon is with us also on Monday. Leo Moon wants to show you what it has. Its creation wants to plan a show put on a show.
There is an aspect between Jupiter and Neptune. Very musical this aspect. Creates a lot of music and a lot of theater. All that Will Smith drama is all part of this Jupiter and Neptune energy. Making statements that come in all week, two weeks about the same topic. As if we do not have enough to talk about that has great importance.
Jupiter and Neptune have been these tight buddies for weeks. Seal their alliance with this parallel on Monday morning. Their impact will remain with us for a very long time.
This aspect particular in Pisces, Jupiter conjunct Neptune was back in 1856. I think it was. I am not really sure about that date. I will have to correct it and put that in my blog. But I learned last night that there was a war between Russia and Crimea. Russia lost that war. This is a Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces. This does not happen that often. It will bring us changes hopefully, for the better. But it does have a lot of difficulties. I would secure your spiritual practice as part of your whole being with each step moving forward. Prayer’s work. So, pray for peace.
The Sun and Pallas Athena join together to activate the brain to switch on a clear brain. Release the mental fog, clear the depression. This aspect is wonderful for that energy of making the mind work, the way you are hoping that it could work. It can relieve depression. Taking you to your center for positive growth, inner growth. Finding a counselor or a physician at this time, who are at the top of their field that is the greatest thing you could do. Monday allow yourself to take on a new practitioner for the things that you want help with.
Your strategy is clear with pinpoint focus with the Sun conjunct Pallas. It happens at 10:48 PM on Monday, but it does influence the whole day. It helps to guide that Jupiter Neptune energy in a way with encouraging advisors to create strategies that are particularly useful.
Tuesday is the day of the conjunction. It is exact under the Virgo Moon. Leo Moon starts the day however. It engages with a psychological prompting from Mars and Chiron first in the morning.
Then there is a void of course Moon from 7:20 AM until 10:07 AM, when the Moon enters Virgo. That is the Green Light Moon sign. There can be things that can be problems. Make sure you are mindful about everything. If you are cutting a tomato, keep your fingers out of the way. Whatever you are doing. Turning a corner. Do not allow yourself to be distracted when engaging in motion. There is so much energy distraction. Energy that is here with this Jupiter and Neptune conjunction. It causes much confusion and frustration. That can be solved with a meditation break, even for five minutes or less. It can ease this loop of frustration.
The Virgo Moon sees us through mid-week until Thursday at 4:45 PM. So, it really is the best Moon mid-week long that can help us cut through our problems. Because there is such a dissolving nature to Jupiter and Neptune that can be very confusing. It is like being out on a boat all alone.
But this is not all negative. There are some people that are reporting feelings of this energy that is very overwhelmed. But there is a lot of positive promise in this. It is not all bad. You may feel overwhelmed, exhausted, not able to catch up. Tired of hearing resilience everywhere. Also wishing for a break from having to be resilient all the time.
There is a low frustration tolerance, and then overreacting to every day frustration. So, take a break. Do not be hard on yourself. If you are tired of the feeling of treading water, you may feel like there are no clear answers. That there is gaslighting on an international scale.
I have been asked to have a class on this Jupiter Neptune conjunction. If you are interested, we could do that tomorrow. You could call me at 617-558-7233. I will give that number again later. I am thinking of doing that tomorrow, Sunday at noon time.
Know that this aspect is not all negative. I have been seeing people hearing of doors opening up in a magical way. People gaining access to things that they have been waiting for, for a long time. So, this is not all bad. Truly. Do not give up your hope.
Be very careful however with your pets and your children. Larger animals are a threat outdoors. There is no boundaries with this Jupiter and Neptune conjunction. If you have a large animal, it can prey on the smaller animals. A big dog biting a smaller dog. I would avoid dog parks and open spaces where you do not have any control. Because there is also the threat of poisons on the ground. They are putting that roundup out there on the ground. My friend has been letting her kitty out in the courtyard and then she sees the roundup being applied to the ground. I had mentioned that poisons are a problem. Child care child had a reaction to something that was like a poison or a bacteria and infection of some sort. I would think that also, the COVID variants would run wild with this Jupiter and Neptune conjunction. So be careful. Put your mask back on for a while.
There is an aspect between Venus and the Sun. You may feel compelled to redecorate or plan a party. Women join together. So, you may feel compelled to spend your money. Friends get together. Bond with those you have been out of touch with for a while. It is a Green Light on Tuesday. So, you have to do it with great caution because of this Jupiter Neptune influence. But the Green Light does last until 2:11 PM on Thursday. So, beginning on Tuesday is a good time for you to seek the best of what you want and try to advance your goals.
Mercury and Mars join an aspect. They see an opening to gain access to an appointment that you have been waiting for. If you have been on a waitlist, this could be your turn. I would say stretch and move your body in any way you like. Exercise in any way that you like, but just get moving. It is a Virgo Moon. it wants us to be loose and limber.
Also, there is an aspect between the Sun and Saturn. This is brilliant. This is an aspect that seals the deal for a greater opportunity. It can be, is what it is saying. Encompassing a larger pattern, with an opportunity along the way with favorable results.
Sun sextile Saturn. It is destined to spread and increase. So, it will be done. It is a favorable nod from the stars. Takes place exactly at 8:14 PM Tuesday, but it has an influence over the whole day. I would say your best time for signing would be about 4:30 on Tuesday. Right through the end of the day, into the night on Tuesday.
So, there is a really nice aspect between Mercury and the Moon at a parallel that can bring relief to any of the mental anguish that is been going round and round. That is late night on Tuesday night. Helps us to get a night's sleep.
There is a Green Light all day on Wednesday. This is a lovely day. There is a little spot of weak link that can be found later in the evening. The Sun tags Neptune and calls it out, what are you doing? By calling that out, there is the opening for the fix for what can be fixed.
There is another spot from the Sun, which spots false information. That gaslighting for instance. Then tries to make things clear.
The Sun and the Moon, they join in a quincunx. That is life's messy, clean it up. Says that there is a Full Moon coming up. That would be on Saturday. But this is when something occurs that you need to attend to right away. It is a Green Light in the Virgo Moon. So, you have the ability to take on a task, get it done. Maybe there is something, a challenge that you really need to get the work done, get it up and out.
There is a Saturn and Pallas aspect. It is a sextile. Those 60 degree sextiles are great for good thinking and good planning. So, there is a great plan here with these two, Saturn and the asteroid Palace, to solve big problems. These may include advancements in the medical field or with workers in the food industry. Also, the veterinarian field is included. Advisors and experts exchange information. They agree on a united plan. So, I have a lot of hope for the gains from that aspect. It is exact at 7:05 AM Thursday morning and influences the whole day. Green Light on Thursday does run until 2:11 PM.
There is a void of course Moon period. But it does have some little trip ups with the Moon in the afternoon, bumping into Uranus. So, there would be kind of a difficult twist to some of the plans that you have.
Then the Moon is quincunx Mars which says, here is what you have to do to fix that. In the end, it all comes together. It seems as though the adjustments that have been made shows where the seams have been loosen and open. So, the seams in the pattern do come together in the end, and all is not lost. So that Green Light on Thursday is very positive.
The Virgo Moon is void of course from 4:23 PM until 4:45 PM. A short one. The Moon enters Libra on Thursday. Travels through Libra until 8:22 PM on Saturday, April 16th. There is no Green Light in the sign. It is just hard work to be done to try and secure peace. and come to the table for all of the things that you are trying to agree on.
Mars will change signs on Thursday night. This can cause plans to drop or fail. If you wish to drop something, it is a good time to do that. That is Thursday, up until 11:05 PM.
Then Mars goes in to Pisces. It cannot guarantee honesty or clear show of hands. Mars in Pisces can be very tricky and behind the scenes. Be careful. People with their motives and plans trying to engage you in something that seems overly manipulative plan to get their own way. Mars in Pisces is motivated for its own selfish needs. It is headed right for the Jupiter and Neptune alignment as well. It will take a little while for it to get there, but it certainly has its motivation.
Then on Friday, we have a Libra Moon. Mercury gets a hit of brilliance from Uranus, where they collect the tools they need to create the best methods for peace gathering. This is a hard time to have high hopes, but progress definitely can be made.
Friday, Libra Moon gathers people together for social events. Friday evening could be a very good night out. There is a Full Moon coming so people are out and about everywhere. They are feeling good about being out and about on Saturday also. You can put all the cards on the table and all the advisors in the same room with this Libra Moon on Friday running through Saturday. That is, it for the week.
You can call me at 617-558-7233 if you wish to have a session or a one-on-one class. Take care. You can see my website at Also, you can have a one-on-one class session if you like, for intermediate and advanced students at this time. That is, it for the week. Dietrich Pessin 617-558-7233 Victor, take it away.
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