Sunday, October 29, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Oct 28 - Nov 4, 2017 with Green Light times

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, October 28, 2017 – Saturday, November 4, 2017
Good morning. I’m talking to you from Boulder Colorado. Beautiful out here. We had some snow the other day.

We have a really cool Green Light going on with this Aquarius Moon that we have today and tomorrow. Right up until…Let’s see tomorrow at 12:22 PM is when the Green Light ends. So you have got a clear path to go ahead and forward your goals and do what you want to do. Meet with friends. The Aquarius Moon is great for friendship and any kind of group activity. There is basically nothing standing in the way for the next couple of days.
Sunday October 29, 2017

There is a little squabble Sunday morning at 11:03AM when Mercury and Mars make a cranky aspect, a 45 degree aspect. Mercury is the talking thinking planet. Mars is the argumentative planet. So that brings about a little bit of a disagreement on how to do things. Mars is in the sign of Libra, so this kind of an upset. It is almost as if there is a piece of information that annoying or a little bit revealing. Some gossip. Would probably be gossipy that type of thing. So don’t believe everything you hear. And don’t repeat everything that you hear either.

There is a nice connect between Mars and Jupiter. That is late night tonight at 12:16 AM. That would be a 30 degree aspect building some sort of financial interest. So that is very positive. It also might be a little lead about maybe something about some sort of advertising goal that you might have. Or you find something through some unique link on the internet. There is also some military stuff that is involved with that as well.

Aquarius Moon will be void of course as of 12:21 tomorrow afternoon on Sunday until 7:46 PM.
Then the Moon enters the sign of Pisces for a couple of days. This one this week is not so great. There are a couple of snags in that Moon sign.

I like Pisces Moon for the most part. It is easy to go with the flow; you have a lot of sensitive intuition; there are more things are available that would not normally be available; and things are not as you might expect. It is good for people who might be trying to gain assistance. Now those who are in a disadvantaged position can find a more compassionate response during a Pisces Moon sign. And certainly, anyone suffering from substance abuse or if you are trying to quit smoking, Pisces Moons are excellent for that as well. As we are headed towards the Full Moon that also enhances your success rate for anything that you are trying to finish up or quit.

Monday October 30, 2017
But the Pisces Moon is with us all day on Monday as well. There is an aspect…Mercury will make a square to the Lunar Node that is at 2:48 PM. But it really does involve the whole day. It is the kind of thing that brings traffic jams that are larger than usual. Or a train derailment.

Difficulty with [the] internet like a major hack in the internet or a major problem shut down in communication, also with Mercury in the sign of Scorpio (it rules the dead) and the Lunar Node (rules the masses), the North Node is in the sign of Leo.

So it is also a time watch out for your animals. Don’t let them out alone, during I would say, over this next couple of days through Tuesday night. That is when animals, small dogs and small cats, can fall prey to coyotes and even eagles or hawks. I’ve been out walking a small dog and the hawk comes down to grab it. It is really kind of scary how bold they can be. But God Bless the wild life. I love them in any case.

So then what we have for the Pisces Moon nothing much to mention during Monday besides that Mercury square the lunar node which is actually a very big event. There could be announcements there could be issues that are large that reach the media.

Tuesday October 31, 2017
Then Tuesday the Pisces Moon is with us with a couple of things regarding the Moon and Saturn. The Moon is square Saturn at 3:16 PM. That might feel rather depressing as if things are being held back and you are not being brought into the loop. Being left out. If you particularly have an issue with…why aren’t you being told first or even last? Then that Mercury square Saturn definitely brings up those issues. That would be the last aspect of the Moon in Pisces. Although the Moon in Pisces is really not considered void of course. But if you want to consider it void of course it is at 5:07 PM on Tuesday and would last until the Moon enters Aries. That would be on Wednesday morning at 2:43 AM.

Wednesday November 1, 2017

The Aries Moon sign at 2:43 AM is very complicated. Aries is complicated by the final aspect of the Aries Moon that is quincunx Mercury. A quincunx is what I refer to as “ life’s messy clean it up”. And we have another one to watch for and that is the Sun and the Moon on Wednesday at 7:40 PM when they quincunx at 150 degrees. It is usually some type of event that makes you stop what you are doing and tend to an immediate matter at hand. For instance you drop the tray filled with the tea and the cookies. You have to start all over again. Your guests are waiting in the living room. It could be worse. it could be a significant mishap. Usually nothing big. But as it is leading towards the Full Moon, it could bring a clue or messages about what this Full Moon is about which is coming up next weekend. The Full Moon will be in Taurus. So it is about money in particular.

But before that aspect the Moon is opposite Mars on Wednesday 1:42 PM. There is a conflict to be sorted out. Or something being cut off about the direction of current events. The Moon is in Aries. Mars rules Aries. So there is the quality of forward direction and action and putting the fire under the pot that actually Mars is cut off from. Mars in Libra tends to make war in order to facilitate peace.

Later the Sun is making an aspect to Saturn. It is a 45 degree angle. This one may have to do with things that feel as though you are pushing a heavy load while going uphill. It shows where matters are harder than they should be. That will probably be relieved as Thursday comes along. Mercury and Saturn form an aspect early in the morning which is about retrieving information and that helps to stabilize the situation a little bit. Look for some financial direction with that.
Thursday Nov 2, 2017

The Moon moves on to square Pluto at 8:18 AM Thursday morning. This is a bit of a power struggle. No big deal. It will be over by 8:30. So I would say plan your meetings with bosses and such after that time.

The Moon is then in an aspect with Venus. It is opposite. Venus during that time would be parallel Neptune. So there is some confusion about finances and also anything having to do with romance. And the quality of peace talks for instance or negotiations. That maybe a tossup for Friday and the flow or the direction of the money. How the money is coming in and how you can perhaps get your hands on it. Also anything to do with gathering and social events. So as the day goes on it gets a little bit better in regard to Venus matters.

But Mercury and Uranus are quincunx at 9:02 PM. So all that afternoon and evening on Thursday there could be difficulty traveling and also collecting proper information. Things come out of the blue and your travel plans may be out of the blue. Like you may be settled in for the night and find you have to go pick someone up or go help someone out or something. There may be a bunch of information that comes in and you have to deal with all the details on the computer before you can turn in. so the Moon will emphasize that at 11:17 PM when the Moon is quincunx Mercury. That is an Aries Moon quincunx Mercury in Scorpio. That would be the beginning of the void of course Moon that lasts until 5:46 AM on Friday.

But during that void of course Moon Venus and Saturn make a sextile. That is a very nice aspect. It bridges a gap. it helps to find resources. It helps to allow for perhaps some future education and also for peace or agreement structures and type of relationship needs. You might also make choices for cosmetic improvements in or around the house. Anything that you would want to do to enhance your environment. That is a very nice aspect that you can really use during that Aries Moon If you wanted to put it to work by hiring someone. However, during the void of course Moon at 11:03PM, as it is not wise to make final selections or hire people. I would advise hiring before the Moon goes void of course.
Friday November 3, 2017
On Friday at 5:46 AM there is a Moon sign change. The Moon enters Taurus. We always like that Moon sign but it is headed for a Full Moon which makes it really complicated. This is Friday I am talking about. It will be in the sign of Taurus for the weekend.

There is something very disruptive during this Taurus Moon sign. Venus is opposite Uranus during that Moon sign. Very bad for money. So to complicate matters there is a little bit of a trap with the Sun trine Neptune which can make you feel like things are better than they seem. You are looking through rose colored glasses. There may not be as much as your thought or it could cost you a lot if you choose to invest in something. Your investment might be way greater than you imagined. So I would hold off if you were spending some large amount or investing some large amount. Hold off. Don’t do that until perhaps after the Full Moon on Saturday at 1:23 AM November 4.

So that is pretty much it for the week.

There will be a copy of this report on my website at You can call me today at 617-558-7233, that is my cell phone, I am in Colorado. Otherwise my home phone number 617-924-0929. And I look forward to talking with you next week.

*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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