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Green Light today October 14, during the Leo Moon sign,all day until 1:27 AM Sunday morning.
The transcribed report will follow.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, October 14, 2017 – Saturday, October 21, 2017
Good morning. For this week we should have some excitement, perhaps like we haven’t seen yet. I mean, as it we haven’t seen it all. This is going to be one of the wackiest weeks that we can imagine. It is because there is a New Moon.
The New Moon is in exact opposition to Uranus. Uranus is that sudden abrupt change, Wacky, jack in the box, crazy, bizarre planet. Having it line up in opposition could create great reversals. People cutting off. We may end up being completely isolated from the rest of the world with this. People may completely turn their backs on the United States. I don’t know what may happen. But also there is possibility that other things from the Inside may reverse their crazy thoughts for getting along better with the rest of the world. So that could help. I don’t know. But it seem like it is likely to cause things that cut off instead of things that come together. It just is the hardest thing to watch, what is going on, I swear.
Saturday October 14, 2017
So we have a Leo Moon today October 14th. Venus is changing signs going into the sign of Libra. Now Venus rules the sign of Libra so that may be helpful in regard to pairing and partnering and people getting along a little better. People maybe making plans for get gatherings, parties and things like that.
So what we have for the social sign of Libra. That will happen more deeply as we get into the New Moon range. So for now we have a Leo Moon and it will make this evening very pleasant. People come out and come together. some coming out to protest others coming out just for fun and to join in some social or concert event. There could be all sorts of things about equipment that goes wacky. That will run right through the week as the Sun and Moon are opposite Uranus.
Then Mercury is making a lot of aspects to Uranus and Neptune so that creates a lot of what feels like Mercury retrograde period.
But there is a Green Light today. A wonderful Green Light. You get to do what you want to do. Even if you want to send things out about business. It is a really good day to take advantage of that and use that energy to forward your goals. All sorts of things that we can do now that we couldn’t do years ago. We had to wait for 9 to 5 on Monday through Friday. But many things we do now and take advantage of this really good energy.
That Mercury Uranus aspect is later on tonight but it does govern the whole day. During the Leo Moon it is likely to be showy and it could be a lot of fun. Leo Moon does boost the heart and boost the energies so that is really good.
Sunday October 15, 2017
Sunday we have a void of course Moon that starts at 1:27 in the morning. Watch out for a change of mind after that right through until early in the morning. We might hear about that or read about that those things that happened overnight as Mercury and Uranus move into their opposition at 3:51 AM Sunday morning. This causes information that leads to decisions that reverse others. Things that are important. There may be something very important in courts that stops some of the recent executive decisions that have been made this week.
Mercury…especially things about the health care. You can’t just leave people high and dry like that. Mercury and Neptune have this confusion going on and also the weather stirs up with these things. I’m hoping that after the Moon goes into Virgo that the fires may be brought more under control on California. And then the Mercury rather the Virgo Moon sign again at 7:19 AM on Sunday morning.
When you watch what Mercury is going to do. Mercury is out there gathering information trying to get people to agree and hop on and pitch in during the Virgo Moon. But Mercury changes signs on Tuesday. That will create change of mind or a drop of information. Something is amiss in regarding contracts and people who believed they were going to work together. They may change the way that they are doing things or change their thinking about things.
Monday October 16, 2017
The Sun and Saturn have an aspect on Monday. It is a sextile. This is a good one. This builds the type of structure that we need and the communication that we need to build bridges with others. That is very supportive in our own lives where you are likely to find work. You are likely to find support of those who wish to bring to you the people to match your skills. Maybe even things about family. Older people might be important. Placing them in the right care, having their assignments and their health care things lined up in a way that is productive. Lots of healthcare procedures during this Virgo Moon on Monday.
Mercury and Jupiter form an aspect later on, on Monday night. This one is about information in a big way. Anything having to do with finding out more facts before moving into a final decision. There is increased intellectual capacity with this. Lots of writing, publishing, teaching. This is a really good time to prepare for your talk, your travel plans. if you need a change of scenery it is a good time to make plans for that. It is a good time to plan for educational pursuits as well. It is a very talkative day on Monday with this aspect. Lots of social interaction and connections with people. Especial people that are generous and of great assistance. And for the long term people stay in there for the long term.
Tuesday morning at 3:58 AM Mercury does change signs and goes into the sign of Scorpio. Mercury and Scorpio has a very different type of energy. It thinks very deeply. Adds intensity to the thinking process. The need for facts and deeper levels of information are initiated by research and probing into files. So lots of secrets can be revealed with this type of Mercury change. There is a need to know and learn from your feelings. Also to move things not only Intellectually, but psychologically with the Scorpio energies is great for working with a therapist and moving toward possibly breaking that obsessive thinking and replacing it with something more positive. Just a break a vacation from it. It is a good time to develop deeper personal relationships. Researchers are supported with this type of Mercury placement.
Tuesday October 17, 2017
What we have after that would be Mars quincunx Uranus. That is really wacky, dangerous. It is early in the morning on Tuesday. It has the quality of upsetting the apple cart in a big way, burning your tires right off your wheels. So do be careful driving. You could have machinery that just pops out of your hand that kind of thing. People could lose it. People have short tempers when Mars and Uranus are in as aspect like this.
Then the Moon changes signs…well the last thing that the Moon does while it is in the sign of Virgo is line up with Mars. So it adds a lot of extra energy to that aspect between Mars and Uranus. That would be exact at 7:26 AM beginning a void of course Moon for Tuesday until the Moon enters Libra on the 17th at 1:34 PM.
The Libra Moon will host a New Moon that we’ll have on Thursday. So there is just an enormous amount of wacky energy leading up to Thursday. As far as relationships go. You know I would say go with the flow and give people an enormous amount of space. Give people a lot of leeway. Use your better judgement when trying to call people on their issues. People could break away in a moment. If they have been trying to break away this would be the week that it happens. It is a divorce aspect definitely. Not a marriage one. People could decide suddenly to marry. But I would bet more likely it would be about divorce. That could be divorce between companies, divorce between countries things like that.
Wednesday October 18, 2017
The Sun and Uranus are back in the game on October 18th. They form a split parallel. So this is where these two energies the Sun, which is the ruler of the solar system the boss the hierarchy figure, joins with the unique and brilliant mind that Uranus has. Uranus besides being wacky is brilliant. So there might be something. A meeting of the minds briefly to try and solve a problem or try and calm things down.
There could be definitely right through the middle of the country is where you know…right through lower California up through Arizona and straight up to Canada is where the line falls for the New Moon and Uranus. The Sun the Moon and Uranus on that New Moon for the 19th. And on the other side, it runs right through India up through north to the North Pole there.
Mercury and Jupiter form an aspect on the 18th. This one is about expanding your knowledge and possibly creating an opening to change your perspective or an education base.
Thursday October 19, 2017
And then the Sun and Uranus are exactly opposite on the 19th. That is at the New Moon. It would be at 1:34 PM. It could derail the trains or your plans in general. If you have strong plans for the 18th or 19th and the 20th, have plan B. know that you have something else to do or some other way of handling things if they get upset or changed.
So very rarely do we have a New Moon in exact aspect with such a strong planet. This planet Uranus is very, very strong in the way that it presents and can topple things. The New Moon is at 3:11 PM. Pray for peace and definitely see the world in a calmer place. I would bring in that energy for a softer calmer environment for all of us.
The Sun and Neptune form an aspect on the 19th. This one is rather dreamy, filled with some confusion. There is a blind spot there and it is used for one’s advantage and someone else’s disadvantage. So some person could be wearing a veil of disguise or there could be some type of cover up that maybe occurring. And then later, probably during the Full Moon, in a couple of weeks be exposed. But it is also musical poetic meditative. And it is a very good time to move things through meditation. That is not only your own stress but also things in the world. Medication has great, great power.
But lots of sloppy habits lead to errors or misjudgment with an aspect like this. It is at 7:36 PM on the 19th. So it does govern most of the energy for the day on the 19th. So you want to watch out.
The Moon enters Scorpio that would be at 9:40 PM on the 19th. The Scorpio Moon changes the landscape so to speak and allows for a deeper more serious intent. And has the quality of tactics which lead to one objective. It can be very threatening in some ways. It can also cause issues regarding people’s money, loans, insurance claims that sort of thing. It is also psychological.
Friday October 20, 2017
So then we have for the 20th on Friday we have Venus and Mars in an aspect. This one will help lovers to find one another. It also helps to encounter money and create a temporary ease in finances also in the market. It creates a love of your work so that is really good. Men and women tend to be on the same page for a particular project. That is pretty much it for the week.
There is a copy of this on my website at My phone number is 617-924-0929 you can call me for consultation or our questions or comments about astrology. That would be it for the week. We will talk again next week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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