Saturday, October 29, 2016

Astrology Report Oct 29- Nov 5, 2016 with Green Light Days

You can find a copy of the live Radio Report

The week ahead has the Moon traveling through Libra until tonight 10/29, then Scorpio, Saturday night through Tuesday at 10:43 AM. At that time it enters Sagittarius until 11:05 PM Thursday when it enters Capricorn for the weekend. A New Moon at 8^ Scorpio (See Solar Eclipse Nov 2013 as a Moon Family Member) is on the way on Sunday at 1:38 PM giving us the Dark Moon Phase the day before around 10 AM Saturday Oct 29th and it continues until Monday night. There is a brief Green Light period near the end of the Scorpio Moon Monday after 6:13 PM until 3:35 AM Tues. There may be lucky break of some sort. Before that the Dark Moon phase holds back any clarity which can be snapped into focus when the Moon is 150^ to Uranus at 6:13 PM Monday. Venus is out of bounds since October 26 and behaves in a rogue manner or bringing wild trouble for women as it romps in the outer realms of most north and south regions i.e.: Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer. Now she has surpassed the boundary of the Tropic of Capricorn. She will not return until December 3, 2016.

********** Saturday October 29, 2016.
12:05 AM Mars is square Uranus and it has been showing its dynamite since Tuesday or Wednesday this past week. A need to be free at all cost. Bucking the system or creating a ruckus. Trouble with mechanical equipment. "Necessity is the mother of invention". Throwing all caution to the wind. A predisposition to accidents. Impulsiveness that clashes with others. Angry stress. Sudden outrage or burst of extreme energy. Friendship is pushed to arguments. Carelessness with sharp objects. Erratic fluctuations of pulse or blood pressure. Proceed with great caution.

Dark Moon phase begins 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday.

8:21 PM A unique void Moon period begins and ends at 10:00 PM Saturday night. It is unique because of a conjunction between Venus and Saturn during the void period and its highlighted by the Moon's semi-square to Venus then Saturn at 8:21 PM. At this time I mark the beginning of the void Moon period.

8:44 PM Venus conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. Seems like an oxymoron. There will be no fun here, but then Venus is out-of-bounds doing as she pleases so Saturn may try to pull the reigns in on this wild Philly with a list of consequences for doing things her way. The good news here is that Saturn may be offering her blessings. Be patient and you may receive the gift of patience. Mutual exchange is the objective in all relationships. An opportunity to take a friendship to a deeper level of commitment. Create a solid relationship based on the relationship's history, shared affection and values. Solid investments. Frugal money habits pay off. Money stabilizes. Good business agreements. Engages in relationships based on mature reasoning. Good business associates. Women motivated by success. Relationships established to stand the test of time. Long term agreements. Relationships with a significant age difference. Conservative expression of art, fashion and decoration. Tight with money. Inhibited emotional expression.
10:00 PM The Moon enters Scorpio where there will be a New Moon on Sunday. The Moon continues in Scorpio until 10:43 AM Tuesday. Scorpio Moon's come with a bite and often trigger land mines.

********** Sunday October 30, 2016 - Scorpio Moon - Meditate for peace and harmony to bring the best results for the highest good.

8:57 AM Mercury trine Neptune soothes the mind and opens the door to creative thinking.
11:30 AM Mars returns from its wacky vacation from tradition but exchanged places with Venus.
1:38 PM New Moon at 7º 43' Scorpio. Meditate for peace and harmony to bring the best results for the highest good.

5:27 PM Venus 30º Pluto. Some of these events may occur without previous planning. Money from insurance claims. Matters that concern your personal resources, money or security involving others such as co-signing a loan. Money with ties to banks and other lenders. Increase in your access to financial advances. This may indicate a raise in pay. Personal relationships that use sex or jealousy to motivate contact. A need for behavioral adjustments with spending and the ability to earn. Compulsive spending. Obsessive desires. Women placed in the leading position of power. Building ones talents based on deep psychological currency. Be well prepared when connecting with those in a position of power; not necessarily regarding money. Look inside to access your inner desires that will help you meet your greatest needs. A slight opportunity for a chance encounter with the person or company you most want to connect.
6:12 PM Moon conjunct Mercury brings an important message to light.

********** Monday October 31, 2016. Scorpio Moon.

10:54 AM Mercury 30º M3rcury speeds rumors.

6:13 PM Scorpio Moon 150º Uranus = landmines. Reversals are likely to upset the applecart for a time.

********** Tuesday November 1, 2016.

3:35 AM Tuesday Moon parallel Sun for an important alignment of theose who support a common goal. This begins the void of course Moon that ends at 10:43 AM.
4:16:00 AM Tuesday the Sun and Neptune form a beautiful 120º trine to effortlessly open a door for a spiritually deserved vision. There is a creative solution to all problems.

"7:23 AM Mars semi-square Neptune. This aspect can be likened to a hole in the bucket. Someone may be misappropriating funds There may be strange conditions around money issues. Oil business and energy waste. Cloaked aggressors. Irritating but vague neck pain. Frustration with artistic projects. Difficulty diagnosing and fixing problems. A strange magic could bring the resolve of a money matter. Meditation, self help meetings, yoga and acupuncture are the best use of this energy. Tighten gaps and look for leaks.
10:43 AM Tuesday the Moon enters Sagittarius and continues in that sign until 11:05 PM Thursday. The remainder of the day offers some relief to a very intense several Scorpio days Positive informaiton may be revealed around 4:50 PM when the Moon is parallel Mercury.

********** Wednesday November 2, 2016. Sagittarius Moon.

7:55 AM begins a Green Light period on Wednesday until 6:34 AM Thursday .

2:28 PM a serious message is considered.
4:09 PM Moon conjunct Saturn. Any heaviness is lifted after this which makes this the best time to move forward with your goals during this Green Light period.

6:30 PM Mars square Ceres can put children and pets at risk. Take special care of the anyone needing special care.

********** Thursday November 3, 2016.
1:09 AM Mercury 60º Pluto finds something of great importance that will be announced.

1:53 PM Sun 30º Jupiter. This is a mildly positive aspect boosting enthusiasm for the surrounding projects and objectives. Positive results for outreach and marketing projects. A time to find a spiritual teacher. Find the right counsel to resolve a deeply personal dilemma. A good time to investigate education with acupuncture, body therapies or medical school. Investigate plans to renovate sewer, plumbing and irrigation. Tap into your connections for advancement. Consider ideas for expansion but wait for a more positive aspect to initiate.
3:08 PM The Moon's final aspect is 30º Mars at 26º Capricorn. People gain momentum for their goals.

11:05 PM Moon enters Capricorn and continues in that sign until Nov 6 at 8:55 AM. A little sparkling energy for Friday night plans with Venus trine Uranus
********** Friday November 4, 2016. The Moon is in the sign of business and government. It's all about how you look and not how you feel.

12:38 PM Venus square Chiron may hurt the feminine side. It is time for healing that pain.

********** Saturday November 5, 2016 Capricorn Moon.

Saturday November 5, 2026 Venus trine Uranus. Meeting new loves can be exciting. Good friends find each other. Fun shopping. Light and happy occasions. Romantic surprises. Electronic and electric art. Unique costumes and esthetics. Pleasant reversals. Allows the erratic and unusual to flow. Positive changes in relationships. Sudden jealous reactions. New temptations. Surprisingly pleasurable.

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