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From our host Victor Venkus, “Thank you to all those who have pledged over the past week. In case you slept through the fundraiser or are just now discovering it on our archive, our online donation website will stay up until November 6th for any last-minute donations. Any donations help!
Thank you for helping us stay on the air. The Z would (literally) be nothing without your support!”
= = = = = = = = Please Remember to VOTE ============
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, November 5, 2016 – Saturday, November 12, 2016
Good morning. Well, we have a Capricorn Moon today. That is all business. There is a Green Light today if you want to take advantage of some business like energy and do something to forward your goals somehow. have business talk with people, who are interested in your product. There was a very nice Venus…Venus and Uranus made a nice aspect early this morning bringing a little bit of twinkle and sparkle into the beginning of the day.
The Moon is going to form a square to Uranus and that would be at 5:48 PM. That would be the time when I would say would be the best time to use that Green Light period in a good way. If you want to purchase something for your business, if you want to do something that supports your goals go ahead and do it after that time at 5:48 PM. Then the rest of the Green Light period continues until 4:56 AM Sunday morning. That is when the Moon joins Mars for a boost for the businessman. So this may support Donald Trump.
+++++++++++++++Sunday +++++++++++++++
Then the Moon is void of course until 8:55 AM on Sunday. That is when the Moon enters Aquarius tomorrow. That would be when the mood swings in the other direction. So there is a big push to hear the voice of the people with that Aquarius Moon. That Moon continues in Aquarius until 4:45 PM on Tuesday. On Election Day we get a Moon sign change which is also going to be describing how things will swing from side to the next.
Then still on Sunday 7:15 PM the Sun and Saturn are linked together with a 30 degree aspect. This links also the Sun to Pluto which follows the next day on Monday. So there is…many consequences that go along with the game of survival. These are notes that I had written some 20 years ago. So it really is not particular to this time, but is so appropriate. There is an exposure of problems behind the doors of authority figures. Secrets are revealed regarding elders and the more established family members as well. Company heads and political leaders are also scrutinized. Elders are convalescing during this time. Cosmetic fixes begin to be an appropriate way to use this kind of energy. There is something in here about applying your energy to projects that have an extended life span, such as repairing or building a wall. How about that. So that is definitely a topic going on these days.
Then the following day Mercury and Uranus do something surprising. That is on Monday, November 7th. There is another late last minute surprise going on with that bizarre and disruptive energy. Where plans are abruptly dropped or unexpected problems. There are equipment failures. This may actually be visible late night on Sunday night and for the overnight. Because it is 12:10 AM on Monday morning so it is going to be apparent the night before. There is potential verbal outbursts without obvious cause. Now we can see what the cause is but without this political scene it would be totally unfounded. There is mishaps and hazardous conditions. So definitely when you are travelling be careful. Also when you are brain storming with friends or communicating with friends you might also might want to be particularly careful as well. Necessity is the mother of invention. That would be something that works well with that kind of energy of Mercury to Uranus. It is a 150 degree aspect on Monday early.
+++++++++++++++Monday +++++++++++++++
Monday, November 7, there is the 30ยบ aspect between the Sun and Pluto. It is accessing a very powerful base to move the masses of the people toward their direction. These things about astrology just show what we are experiencing. It is no accident that things are just so incredibly unbelievable. Never have we experienced cycle like this ever. There is a formidable plan with determination and decisiveness along with that. Deep revelations that emerge. So it is likely to be extremely exciting. First Quarter Moon 15 degrees of Aquarius 2:51 PM on Monday afternoon. Look back 9 months ago to get some perspective on what is up this week. We don’t have to look too far back.
+++++++++++++++Election Day – Please vote -+++++++++++++++
November 8th the Aquarius Moon is there for the voice of the people. But Mars is standing on ceremony at that very final degree of Capricorn. This becomes a major influence on the following night. There is definitely more toss and turn. Nothing can be called. Venus is way out of bounds having much to do with the nature of the fact that there is a woman in the Presidential race. That brings part of the wackiness. That is also characteristic of Venus out of bounds, doing something different than the average woman.
The Moon is making a 30 degree aspect to Mars at 4:16 PM, which marks the void of course Moon period. That will end at 4:45 PM on Election Day. Then the whole landscape changes. The Moon is going through Pisces. The Pisces Moon is more sensitive. It is more emotional. It is more feminine. As it travels through that sign right through until 8:54 PM on Thursday. Before making any grand announcements it is however waiting for Mars, the man, to leave or let go. Which may be apparent by 12:51 AM Wednesday when Mars changes signs, leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius. We would like to see how that plays out. Does that mean that there would a concession speech or maybe some lawsuit to file against the election results? Or something like that.
+++++++++++++Wednesday +++++++++++++++++++
There is for Wednesday during that Pisces Moon, Mars and Saturn make an aspect. Lots of need to adjust to changes. Check your bank account before spending any money. There is an indication that there are shortages there and also there are concerns of the limits of Saturn that Saturn sets. But it is in the sign of Sagittarius. This has a lot to do with foreign affairs, higher education. Then the Moon is square Saturn at 7:49 PM. The mood might lift a bit after that on Wednesday night November 9th.
+++++++++++++++Thursday +++++++++++++++
November 10th Thursday a heavy Pisces Moon because there is this Saturn and Pluto aspect in the picture. The Pisces Moon does see Venus at the end of the sign of Sagittarius on that evening, on Thursday evening. Which says that something is expensive and something may also be calling for changes or adjustments around the feminine principle.
That Saturn and Pluto are exact in a 30 degree angle aspect at 2:38 PM. That brings a very heavy serious foot into the arena. This is Thursday still. The Pisces Moon is free floating after the square to Venus and that would be from 6:16 PM until 8:44 PM. 8:44 PM the Moon enters Aries. The mood lifts and the landscape changes again. The Aries Moon tends to the disruptive matters that are hanging over things. Takes charge, goes into battle, changes and dictates. Something is dropped however because Venus is changing signs. Then Mercury changes signs. So whatever is said has the tendency to be dropped and something new comes into its place.
+++++++++++++++Friday ++++++++++++++
For Friday November 11th we are looking at…for quick results for your efforts. If you are moving forward I would check and double check your work because the tendency is just to hash through real fast. Don’t drive too fast. There is a Pluto aspect as well 3:41 PM when Mars and Pluto (that is the police) that is likely to stop you for any type of offence. Mercury and Jupiter are also in an aspect that is distributing information on a wider scale. That Aries Moon sees Venus changing signs late night on Friday 11:54 PM. It will be in the sign of Capricorn from that point on until December 7th. It waits for Mercury to change signs some 10 hours later. It will go into the sign of Sagittarius. That is it for the week.
*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and type in Dietrech Pessin
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