Saturday, November 19, 2016

Astrology Report Nov 19 - 26 by Dietrech Pessin and Green Light Days
Listen to the report by following the link above.

There are a couple of Green Light periods this week;

The Virgo Moon might be good for very short term options or one time only things. However there is a twist that may cause a reversal between 6:00 PM and 9:07 PM. Then the moon is void of course until Wed at 2:42 PM. It is risky if you must take action during those times.

The best option would be Friday during the Libra Moon there is a Green Light after 8:52 AM until Saturday Nov 26 at 1:43 AM.

Saturday November 19 is filled with loose boundaries and possible confusion as Neptune is standing still to turn direct at 11:37 PM. This however will enhance your intuition and dreams. Your visionary perceptions are heightened and clarity can soon after be realized.

The transcribed report will follow.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, November 19, 2016 – Saturday, November 26, 2016

Good morning. Well, we have a hazy kind of astrological atmosphere with Neptune standing perfectly still. Tonight at 11:37 PM it will turn direct after begin retrograde since June. Neptune causes confusion and illusion. It is also very intuitive. You may have noticed yourselves being…having your intuitive side stronger. Also your dream side more active lately with the past couple of days, even the past couple of weeks. It has a long influence since it moves so slowly. Any of those impressions or information that you have been receiving could actually be very useful to you at some other time, when you feel that you have been pulling in messages from another place or from another side of your own intuition. So it is very interesting energy. Confusing where you are trying to make decisions. You might be going back and forth. But allow your best inner knowledge to come forward.
Also the other big event for this period is a Last Quarter Moon at 29 degrees of Leo, and that will be on Monday. That is important. It is right on Donald Trump’s ascendant, so it has an enormous amount to do with him. But also what that activates is Bill Clinton’s Sun, so the two of them are completely linked. His August birthday links with Donald Trump’s ascendant. And here we have now a Last Quarter Moon there, so there is the last little piece.
We have this other aspect between Saturn and Pluto. It has been in effect all year long. It will continue right through 2017 before it pulls apart completely in October of 2017. I don’t know what I just said before that…so through 2016 until October 2017. Then it starts again in 2019. It involves a shift of power and can bring enduring punishment and removals. It also has a contempt for corruption. Heavy disciplines, it is very severe. Its focus can be to restore infrastructure which is a good thing. It definitely lays heavy on the heart of matters so it is a strong aspect. You can also expect to do things like in your house, change your heating system or maybe dig up the floor in the basement. It is the type of things that are at the foundation that need to be redone plumbing and things of that nature. That is in our outer world. Our daily travels are stopped by all sorts of construction going on with a Saturn Pluto aspect. That is exact tomorrow morning, but as I said it continues through October. It is very slow moving.
Saturday Nov 19
We have that Leo Moon. That will serve us nicely for date night especially for the Neptune aspect that we have. It can be very romantic. It can also can be a lot of fun, definitely a night to enjoy great music and entertainment.
Venus is still out of bounds. Venus continues to be out of bounds until December 3rd. This means that your encounters might be unusual and unique. You could meet a lovely individual that is different from your normal circle and want to bring that individual back into your life only for them to either sour or leave after December 3rd. Be careful who you take home, they may not be keepers. Also the same thing about spending money. Laying your money out right now on major purchases may also be a problem because you could regret that later.
Sunday Nov 20
For Sunday we still have that Leo Moon. There is an aspect between the Sun and Mars. It is a parallel. There is an abundance of energy there. All sorts of confidence and stamina and training that goes on. There is muscular activity, but there is also viruses flying like crazy. You want to be careful about protecting your immune system or building up your immune system. If you do come in contact with viruses. I use Yin Chaio. You can get it a whole Foods or you can get it at B.J.’s in Allston as well. It is a great fighter for viruses. I rely on it heavily.
Also the Sun Mars thing is about legal. Justice matters move swift with sword like action. That can definitely reflect the types of people that are Attorney Generals, and in defense positions, and things like that in the government.
A lot of strong sexual energy but there are crystal clear perceptions of what is going on. Watch out for fires, noise, sirens. All sorts of accidents go on with Sun and Mars, headaches, and as I had mentioned viruses and wounds, muscular inflammation. Take care of your heart.
There is all sorts of creative sparks with this. That is the great thing about Sun Mars. So allow this to blend nicely with that Neptune and allow your intuitions to take you to your next great project. The challenge is to hold on to it and continue it because a Sun Mars can tend to drop things. But this aspect with the parallel helps you to keep it for long term. Then that is governing most of Sunday, even today, and has an influence over Monday.
Monday Nov 21
Monday we have the Moon still in Leo up until 4:33 AM. There is a void of course Moon at 3:33 AM. That is when the Sun and the Moon are square for their Last Quarter. I mentioned what is interesting about this when it relates to a past President and a future President.
Also it has its lineage all the way back to 1998. And then ahead for next August there is a Solar Eclipse both at the same degrees, at 28, 29 degrees of Leo. There is also a related New Moon that had occurred two and a quarter years ago. That had its start August of 2014. Nine months later there was a First Quarter Moon in that place May 25th of 2015. Then there was an all-important Full Moon on February 22nd of this past year. All those things are brought back into focus again now. So now is the time to reap the rewards of your efforts or pay the debt for your deeds.
You want to be very careful to keep things as cleaned up as possible. Then the Virgo Moon comes in to help you do that at 4:33 AM. It will see a couple of things if it can see through the fog of Mars and Neptune making a 30 degree aspect at 1:05 PM. This one might allow for some type of information from behind the scenes that can bring some knowledge or insight to things that maybe went on during the election. I’m sure there will be talk about that for years on end.
Then at 4:22 PM Monday the Sun changes signs and it leaves Scorpio and goes into the sign of Sagittarius for a month. That is on Monday 4:22 PM. The first thing that the Sun will do is make a 45 degree aspect to Jupiter late that night on Monday night. This one brings some optimism or a little bit of over optimism. The quality of education is put to focus as well. We want to build bridges, not burn bridges and also learn new things.
Tuesday Nov 22
For Tuesday the Virgo Moon…so I want to mention to there is a Green Light period during that Virgo Moon. You could start the Green Light period as early as 4:22 PM on Tuesday but I would not use it until 12:41 PM Tuesday. And I will go back to say 4:22 PM is on Monday is when the Sun enters Sagittarius. Then the Green Light period runs through until 6:00 PM on Tuesday. There is a bit of a snag related to that Green Light period because the Moon and Uranus will form a quincunx, which could bring some type of surprise that may upset things. So it is really a very iffy Green Light period. The whole thing is hinged on a surprise that comes about. That takes us into late night Tuesday.
Wednesday Nov 23
For Wednesday we see that the Moon is in Virgo until 2:42 PM when it enters Libra where it will continue through Friday night and even into the next day. That onset of Wednesday has an aspect between Mercury and Saturn. It is a conjunction. It is bringing the focus to things that are tedious and important. You are likely to be able to get your thoughts organized and your plans put in a row. But it is a void of course Moon period, so if you can hold off for your final decisions until 2:42 PM they may hold a little better. Then with the Libra Moon we have some wacky energy coming in. It looks like there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes and underground, all that with the several things on Thursday going on.
Thursday Nov 24
A nice note for Thursday’s Libra Moon is that Mercury and Venus are parallel. This is where a couple of people come together for sweet talk or favors or any type of return of favors. In politics it could be very strong putting people in positions as favors which is always done. The Libra Moon is ruled by Venus. Well, Venus is out of bounds. So these talks or these joining’s may look good now on paper, but something is lost later when Venus returns from her wild behavior on December 3rd.
There is a Green Light period during this Libra Moon. It begins 10:20 PM on Thursday night and will continue until 1:43 AM next Saturday morning. So there is that Green Light period that you need to be aware of for next weekend.
There is a show of opulence that you need to check out. Try not spend all your money when Venus and Jupiter are square on Friday 8:44 AM. Also Venus and Pluto join up early in the morning on Friday. This is a very seductive aspect with a strong need for intense relationships. Yearning for dramatic change in your relationships also can include a deep honesty. So it may be very good to help to process or take your relationship to a deeper level. That is pretty much it for the week.

There is a copy of this on my website at
Call me for consultation for clarification about an astrological question at 617 – 924 – 0929.
Also I will be lecturing at the NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.) on the 3rd of December when Venus comes back in bounds. There are 3 people lecturing on that day and I am one of them. I look forward to seeing you there. I will be talking about, why does the eclipse effect one person at one time, and another person at another time? And we will help to discover the answer to that. You have a great week. Thank you so much.

*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin

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