Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
The following has been transcribed from the live radio report.
Saturday, November 12, 2016 – Saturday, November 19, 2016
Green Light periods are this week and in general this is not a good week for serious decisions or agreements.
Saturday Nov 12 from 9:39 AM - 8:54 PM during the Aries Moon.
Friday after 11:03 AM until 5:04 PM during the Cancer Moon.
Good morning. Well, here…the week that was. Oh, my goodness. Let me explain a little bit about the chart of the election. The Lunar Node was conjunct Neptune almost exactly. It comes up exact this week. But this very slow moving Neptune, a very slow moving Lunar Node holding onto the large picture. But the picture that we don’t see. I did mention that there would be a change a complete change of mood when the Moon changed from Aquarius last Tuesday into the sign of Pisces. So the Moon headed for that Pisces point. That is what influenced the major results of this election. I was reminded by a caller Eugene this morning who said I did say that this election would be a complete surprise. The TV caricature like personality that was chosen is represented by Neptune in Pisces joined by that Pisces Moon. Neptune cast an illusion or an image into the world. Our image from that point then is tainted by that illusion. So the individuals most likely not to deliver on promises, because they were not backed up by something that was real. That is the thing about Neptune, there is nothing real. It is like the fog. You can’t build a house by collecting fog in a bucket. Now there are other forces, other things going on. So any discovery of grand fraud, it is the great magic trick that Neptune can create, Neptune and Pisces can create. So that is my best description of what the situation, how the situation was presented.
Leading into the end of the week we had a pile up of planets in parallel. And these planets began to be exact yesterday. Parallel aspects are unity aspects. These aspects join people together for long term benefit or effect. Pluto and Mars came together first. And then we have Mars and Saturn, Mercury and Mars, and Mercury and Saturn. All of them coupled and clustered around the same degree of declination. 21 and a half degrees of declination, which allows for these type of forces to come together to make a point that Mercury really wants to join and create with Mars. A link dealing with irritations and complaints. Anything having to do with things moving very fast: ideas and possessions, arrows shooting through the air (the image), and a sharp tone when speaking. It is about news of riots and military actions, propaganda, twist of the truth which delivers a punch. It is a good time to slow down your speech, lower your tone, so your message can be heard. Send your eyes and ears everywhere and gather the latest information. You want to stay informed during this time. If you are out and about and come upon a large protest, you want to be in a safe zone. This kind of energy brings the police out. Don’t speed in your car. Also be careful of what you say, how you say it. The opposition is right there in your face.
Mercury changes signs and enters the sign of Sagittarius this morning. Just right now kind of as we speak, 9:39 AM. It explores the broader perspective. Thinking is more philosophical. People might be open to rationality. Children may be open to change. People enjoy their activities outdoors on a day like this. Communications with people abroad are also large on the agenda. The parallels continue with Mercury parallel Pluto. That is this afternoon. That is the turning of the spinning of the thoughts going round and round and round. It has the potential for dealing with bureaucracies. You could drive through rough terrain or mud or rain with that kind of aspect. There are also talks with money lenders, accountants, tax offices. Certainly the offices are closed today. But it is a great day for doing some good body work, a deep therapeutic practice to cut through any of the heavier feelings that you are having. People think that the opposition or the protests are just about being a sore loser. That is not at all, look more deeply. It is about how we are being represented.
Monday Nov 14, 2016
The Moon enters Taurus at 9:23 PM. that is leading into this huge Full Moon that we are having. It has been the news it is a Full Moon that is as close to the Earth as it has been since 1948. 68 years ago. There is a sudden upset with the planet Uranus and the Sun. The other thing about this Full Moon, there is a lot of things about this Full Moon being the closest point. That means that the tides are rising higher, people’s emotions are rising higher. It happens at 8:52 AM on Monday morning but we are feeling it now as this Mercury and Uranus …rather this Sun and the Moon quincunx welcomes it in on today. So we have the extremes from all of the parallels, which are unity aspects, extreme intensity over the weekend. Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, the Sun, Uranus, the Moon…All of it is involved with the very important point that was claimed by Mars last June 29th, when Mars made a station at the same point, where the Full Moon is taking place. So there is a very nice aspect that chimes in. Mercury and Venus will chime in on the day of the Full Moon calling for peace and comfort. They ask for healers and light workers to join circles at this time to form a healing ring around the planet. So you want to…You know who you are…the healers know who they are. We can join together and form a ring of peace.
The Taurus Moon is travelling very freely as it tips the pendulum again when it hits Jupiter in Libra once again. Now Jupiter in Libra is also responsible for swinging everything in the opposite direction as well. And looking also over Sunday 3:37 AM is when the Sun is quincunx Uranus. So that is that sudden abrupt change. Lots of haphazard energy surprising and upsetting events, rebellion, liberation, exposure to the truth, erratic changes. I am not making this up. This is what I have written. Interpretations of the aspects from years back. I have created this text. So there is an enormous amount of this electrical hazard type of innovation, and also inventions around this time as well. Practice patience, but remain alert. You want to use caution when you are dealing with fast moving objects like saws, saw blades, and cars, and people who have tempers. Try to get all points of the view.
Back to Monday at 6:21 AM the Moon is closest to the Earth that it gets. It is called perigee. That is what is making this Moon enormously large. You probably want to see the Moon late tonight, late Sunday night, and also Monday night. It will be very large as well. By the time we get up on Monday for the Full Moon at 8:52 AM, it will already be past its full point. But we will still be able to see it that following night. Again there is a call to join circles from those that are healers.
The Moon enters Gemini ending a void of course Moon period. Well it is not really void of course. The Moon is in Taurus. It will change to the sign of Gemini at 8:22 PM Monday night. That Gemini Moon is collecting what it can, information for its goals and trying to align itself with others that are on the same page.
For the rest of Monday night there is an aspect between the Sun and Ceres. Be very careful with children. Listen to children’s needs. Try to address them. Listen to your animals. Today is a good day to listen to your animals with Victor’s animal interpreter on the air today. But this is very strong about those that are under the care of others, the aspect is at 9:17 PM. But it is an all-day aspect because it involves the Sun. it is quincunx to Ceres.
Tuesday Nov 15
Then what we have for Tuesday… Mercury and Mars finally get together. Perhaps there is a statement that is made. Maybe there is some consolidation. Maybe there is some type of thought that is projected out that is broadcast that might start a more healing mode. It is Mercury in Sagittarius and Mars in Aquarius.
Then later on that night the Moon will make a 150 degree aspect Tuesday night to Pluto and then opposite to Saturn. That would be between 8:49 PM and 9:33 PM and that brings a heavy mood as well.
Wednesday Nov 16
The last aspect of the Gemini Moon is the quincunx between the Sun and the Moon. 150 degrees apart 11:28 AM Wednesday. That is the last Gemini Moon aspect beginning a void of course Moon period that will last until 7:56 PM Wednesday. So the Moon is void most of all of the day on Wednesday from 11:28 AM to 7:56 PM.
Then the Moon enters Cancer. Now Venus is still out of bounds. Venus was also a major contributor to Hillary Clinton’s loss. When Venus went out of bounds, the day after her birthday, and the FBI had come out with its letter to the Senate about more emails that destroyed any chance of her coming back into the circle. It does not come back into the corral until December 3rd, so it will be very interesting to watch what Venus out of bounds collects out there and brings back, and how it is presented once it returns. Because what it does when it is out of bounds, it is mingling with others that are not mainstream and can bring information and things and people back from the outside.
Thursday Nov 17
For that Cancer Moon beginning on Wednesday night we have it all through Thursday. There is a couple of interesting things with the Cancer Moon that are large. Neptune is exactly aligned with that Lunar Node. So this is a very…as I said it casts illusions and it creates a lot of magic tricks. It has the capacity to blind you and create an illusion. So you want to be careful when driving. Do not text, do not be on the phone.
Friday Nov 18
Refrain from all that is distracting while you are driving on Thursday and Friday during this Cancer Moon. Because not only is Neptune on the node, but Mercury will square the Lunar Node and that is 9:57 AM Friday morning. So there is this big veil that is spoken through. Mercury will speak through it, as the messenger from the other side of that veil. It also could bring about huge weather. Mercury is the wind and the storms. I have no idea what the weather report looks like for real here. But we can see that it is bringing something. Large rains, large wet stuff, maybe a snow storm. So then Friday the 18th we have still the Cancer Moon and a little Green Light period after Mercury is square the node at 9:57 AM. Then there is a Green Light period from that point until 10:14 PM. There is still…actually the Green Light period is not until 11:03 AM after Mercury is finished its square to Neptune. That is the Green Light period that will end at 5:02 PM.
Then at 10:14 PM on Friday the Moon enters the sign of Leo. That Leo Moon is waiting for Neptune to turn direct. So there is more Neptune. Lots of Neptune standing still at a station having its strongest energy presenting to us and it is conjunct the Lunar Node. Lots of magic tricks this week. It is not a good week at all to buy anything really important like a house or anything that you want to keep because it can vanish and also contracting with others. There are illusions, there are misconceptions that are going on right through until a better period of next week. And we will talk about that next week as we join Victor once again.
Take care of your pets. People disappearing, animals disappearing. I would not let your cat or dog out unattended or even…You know I have walked out in the woods with small dogs and a hawk has come down and swopped us trying to grab a little dog. So there are definitely predators out there that have the advantage that we don’t. Again think and pray peace and join circles of likeminded people so that we can soothe and calm this energy. That is it for the week.
You can reach me for consultation at 617 – 924 – 0929. Also you can find a copy of the report on my website at
*The audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and type in Dietrech Pessin
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