Wow, it is a very busy, busy wide opening and eye-opening kind of week in a big way. Lots of things in a big way.
We have a Full Moon coming up with the Sun at the Galactic Center. So, this is a huge week. This is definitely a time when you want to get on board with what you want with your future. What is it about your future that is the most important thing to you during this time? How is it that you want to advance your life? How is it that you have the resources to advance your goals? Maybe you have not been using them. Perhaps you have not had the courage or the motivation. Or maybe you are not organized quite the way that you would like to be to engage in what it is you want to do.
Look at this as a kind of a time set. Reset, redo, reborn, rebirthing kind of energy with the Sun and Sagittarius. It is really wild. But we had the Pisces Moon today which offers insights. And it offers the kind of sensitivity that you need for any of the insights and mindful choices that you want to make.
The Moon is trine Mars at the end of the sign of Pisces, which drives your desires and your intentions from the heart and from the spiritual place. Venus and Pluto align. They have been aligned this morning for their own intensity. They have a financial power grab that is going on. This aspect is long standing and it gains an exclamation point, where they get what they want. It is a grab. It is something.
So, it is Saturday. I know banks are not open but prepare your money statements, your financial applications, and such; Where you want to put them out there to reach out and get what you want. So, this aspect between Venus and Pluto started late last night. It was exactly parallel this morning at 3:02 AM. then goes on until 11:28 AM this morning, when Venus and Pluto are then conjunct. So, with the financial plan ahead and good tips as resources, you have the edge with this Pisces Moon. It sees intuitive motivation while trine Mars by 2:40 PM today. So, it is a great Green Light.
You want to just jump ahead with that Mercury and Jupiter. [They] are very smart. They are open minded, well informed with an aspect at 2:24. But it does influence the whole day. It is the most powerful during this Pisces Moon, which does change at 4:46 PM.
Then the Moon will enter the sign of Aries, the final degree. Well, Mars will be at its final degree in Scorpio during this Aries Moon, so we want to watch out there. Do not step on any landmines. There are all sorts of traps that could be set during this Aries Moon sign.
Aries Moon sign is powerful. Talk about the supply chain. We are looking at the bottleneck in LA. This is ruled by Ceres. Ceres is about supplies and food supplies and other supplies that we need for our lives and our resources. The gate is wide open. Also, for those coming and going in and out of our lives, their issues are huge. The caretakers, physicians are in great need, and in great numbers. This has everything to do with the question I have been asked, what is going on? Why are there so many extreme medical needs and extreme losses? People leaving who should have been here for years to come. All sorts of things that are gathering and in great intensity, and this bottleneck that is going on with the container ships are in a great crisis. With great emphasis on extremes of both mental and physical help, with many not able to survive this intensity. It is Ceres. Ceres, she is not to be messed with. She is dead serious. She will add to this intensity through January 14th, when it will turn direct. Then that will be the peak of the crisis, beginning to diminish by that time. The great power of this asteroid really cannot be underestimated. So be protective of your children and your pets with this aspect.
Mars is going to walk into this configuration also, which will emphasize even more of that, during this Aries Moon. It does welcome a Mars change of signs. That will be on Monday at 4:53 AM. It enters the sign of Sagittarius until January 24th. So, the Mars in Sagittarius is great for looking forward to. There is a good Green Light that goes on with this Aries energy Monday, up until 9:52 PM. You want to take advantage of that. And step up to forward your goals in any way that you can. With optimism and enthusiasm. you can probably make things work.
Mercury and Mars, they do have mixed messages and some difficulties that need to be worked out before you actually sign. If you were going to sign papers, you could do it, after 7:15 PM. but I think you are pretty good to go on Monday, all together right up until 9:52 PM.
There is a void of course Moon, from 9:52 PM, Monday until 3:11 AM on Tuesday.
Then we get a nice cushy, comfortable Taurus Moon. That is kind of unnerving, so not so cushy and comfortable.
Mercury and Ceres are quincunx life's messy clean it up. The information that comes in about Ceres is unsettling. So, Ceres is that dwarf planet that holds the heart of the grieving mother, and also food issues, food supplies, and caregivers and caretakers. We have Mars on the Lunar Node. it will make an opposition to Ceres. Watch out. This is extreme, 8:05 PM. The whole week is filled with extreme stuff. Mars and Ceres both on the Nodes; fires are the greatest threat. So be careful with your trees and your lights that you have for Christmas, and in any of the flames that you have. I would say keep the candles out until this passes. That would be by that Full Moon next Sunday.
Wild animals are a threat to domestic animals. So, if you like to let your doggy out in the backyard, your little one out in the backyard, there are animals waiting, waiting to grab them. So, you do not want to leave them unattended. Keep them on a short leash. I have many stories about animals that have been threatened or picked up by hawks and coyotes. So, you want to take very good care.
Fire engines and firearms are in the news in a big way also. Now this aspect between Ceres and Mars aspects at 8:05 PM on Tuesday night. You might feel your stomach on fire. Be careful about what you eat. Breaking out in hives and having allergic reactions will probably be reported over this next week as well. Mars reaches the Lunar Node at 3:12 PM on Wednesday during the Taurus Moon. When you are trying to get your money matters all matched up, Mars is burning a hole in the rug. There is a lot to contend with in regard to the drive. Although all this extra energy is really great for cleaning up a big mess, getting things under control that have been out of control for quite some time. This is about turning a huge page. When we get this Full Moon with the Sun lined up at the Galactic Center, you get a rebirthing. This is a time when you want to start anew, start fresh. Ditch all that stuff that has been cluttering up your life.
Then that Taurus Moon prepares the landscape for the Full Moon that is approaching on December 18th. That happens with the Sun and the Moon quincunx at nearly 5:00 in the morning on Thursday morning. So, you might have to jump out of bed because you hear a Big Bang. Maybe it is the furnace. Could be anything. Maybe the weather's going to be extremely wild this week. Events will be sorted out by the Full Moon and grabbing your attention.
Also, for the remainder of this Taurus sign that will go until 11:08 AM It could be expensive as well. When you are dealing with Taurus you are dealing with expensive. If you are visiting people make sure you take some food with you. It is food first. If you have meetings with important people, make sure it is surrounding a lunch or dinner. Food will absolutely help the powers of persuasion for whatever goals you have.
The Gemini Moon comes in at 3:42 PM. There will be a Green Light during the Gemini Moon, but the intensity is huge. It does improve situations when it is trine Jupiter. However, there is also that up-and-coming Full Moon on December 18th. We do not want to take our eyes off the bat. It is collecting great information, a Gemini Moon. It is useful for your projects and those for around the globe. Information about the globe in general about climate change, about anything having to do with saving a species is saving those things that really matter in life. Step outside of your comfort zone and read some articles about what is possibly at a loss. Who is at a loss? What could you do to help?
The Sun as it aligns with the Galactic Center while the Moon clips onto its brightest in a month. Whenever you want to execute a solid plan that lives up to standards, and all sorts of changes that you must make to make things right. That would be an aspect between the Sun and Saturn during this Full Moon week.
Then the financial picture is when the Sun links to Pluto. That is on Friday. That has to do with linking to the hidden messages about the big picture. You might be jumping into something, but can you handle it? That is what the Sun and Pluto are trying to express with their aspect early Friday morning.
The Sun and Uranus have an aspect. Uranus is the planet of sudden abrupt change. The Sun at that point is at the Galactic Center at 26° of Sagittarius. So, there could be something that grabs our attention. Sudden abrupt change is the signature of Uranus. Expect the unexpected. Maybe we will have a visit from aliens? Would not that be friendly, if it is friendly.
We have also the Sun and Venus making an aspect also Friday night. So, if you have a date night on Friday night you have a Green Light with this Gemini Moon sign. But you also might have some issues or some communication that needs to be revealed when you join with others at the table on Friday night with that Sun and Venus aspect. It goes all the way until 11:28 PM. That is, it for the week.
You can find a copy of this at my website at You could tag the blog and find the radio report there in a podcast. You can also find that in the WZBC 90.3 FM radio archives as well. Be prepared for Venus that turns retrograde on Sunday December 19th. So that Venus retrograde will last a long time until the end of January. My name is Dietrech Pessin. You can call me at 617-558-7233. Send me a text message there 617-558-7233. What else? We want to wish Victor a great week and a great show.
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