If you would like to listen to this week's report follow this link:
To listen to this week’s astrology report follow this link:
The Moon will travel through Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer this week.
Good morning. Well, we just survived a Lunar Eclipse. It was at 24 degrees of Pisces. Very exciting Eclipse. It was attached to another Eclipse a year and a half ago. This one was really powerful. It may create all sorts of shifts and changes in your life. It really could be extremely dynamic. There is always something. There is more going on.
Mercury is still retrograde and it turns direct this week…that is a good thing. I just want to note that the Moon will travel through Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer this week. Then the Moon phase will be at the very dynamic degree of zero Cancer on Friday. That is on the 23rd of September at 5:56 AM. Zero degrees of Cancer means that is the World Axis. All eyes will be on the same subject when that occurs. Now at 5:56 AM which means it could influence what goes on the night before or the day of Friday. Doesn’t have to be exactly at that moment.
But I do notice throughout my years of studying astrology that events do occur on the day of a Quarter Moon. Different from the New Moon energies and the Full Moon energies, which can give you a range. For a full Moon for instance of things that happen 3 days before or 3 days after. And for a New Moon also a couple of days before or after you get the pull of that energy coming in. But on a Quarter Moon it is a sharp energy. This one could bring actually bring about an event for you on Friday. It affects people that are Cancers, Libras, Capricorns, Aries. Also people born right in the middle of the sign of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus at the 15 degree because that is a quarter, a 45 degree angle away from those zero Cardinal points. Those are very, very important as well.
The Last Quarter Moon belongs to a Moon family that began with a New Moon on June 27th 2014. There may be current subjects that were seeded at that point. Things that began at that point that may have noticed develop over the past couple of years. They developed on March 27th in 2015 there was a First Quarter Moon on that day related to this one. Then also on Christmas day, there was a Full Moon, last Christmas. That was also conjunct the same area where we have this Last Quarter Moon now on the 23rd at zero degrees of Cancer. It is very important that we note at least what happened at these 9 month intervals.
Green Light Days:
There are Green Light days this week. Monday during the Taurus Moon from 12:57 AM until Tuesday late night at 11:32 PM. That one is awesome. It really is a terrific part of the week. That is where I would set my sights to take any kind of action initiate something, agree to something, buy something, do something important.
It is Taurus so it has something or a lot to do with tradition, money and anything where your personal talents might be involved.
Planet Changes:
Mercury turns direct Thursday at 1:30 AM. The Sun enters Libra on Thursday at 10:21 AM. It will be there for a month. Venus then enters Scorpio at 10:50 AM. Venus will be in the sign of Scorpio until it enters Sagittarius on the 18th of October.
Saturday September 17 2016
What we have for Saturday… today. The Moon entered Aries 12:22 AM and there were a couple of thing to note in the middle of the night. Mars and Uranus were forming a beautiful 120 trine. Mars is active and aggressive with the Moon in its own sign of Aries. There was some type of cooperation or harmony with Uranus the planet of sudden abrupt change. That was that wacky energy. Something might have been going on in the middle of the night. Or those that plan those kinds of things may have been sleeping and letting those things percolate.
Also what we have later on Saturday, the energy is pretty evenly divided out but it is high. It is really high energy because of the Aries Moon.
Venus and Neptune are parallel. This one is sweet. It is rather creative, romantic, musical. Very nice for a musical evening, 4:41 PM. The Sun and the Moon are also parallel at 5:08 PM. Parallels lasts a long time. They would go right in through the night.
There is however Venus counter parallel Uranus at 5:09 PM. That aspect could be difficult for hanging on to your money, losing your purse, losing your position, losing something. There could be challenges in regard to social events and also friendship. You come together for a onetime event which is great. But the Uranus energy has the quality of making something unpredictable. So be mindful of your purse take as little as possible with you when you go out. Then the rest of the evening seems to flow freely.
Sunday September 18, 2016
The Uranus and Neptune come together at 3:11 AM. They will be joining in also a split parallel. This means they come together for a one time purpose. This is a sudden swelling of water or a sudden swelling of a cloud of some sort. Maybe a cloud of behavior or some type of cloaking that could be to some ones advantage or maybe to another’s disadvantage. It could be unique and also magical and have some type of effect in a positive way. Because Uranus is involved, it is unpredictable.
There is Uranus again 4:05 AM opposite Venus . So again if you are out tonight be mindful of your Venus things. That is your clothing, belongings. If you are taking a sweater or a jacket with you. Careful not to leave it behind. Also watch out for your money. This happens on Sunday but has an influence on tonight.
Then the Moon and Uranus are aligned tomorrow at 2:31 PM. That is when there could be some kind of surprise, some kind of startling energy. It could also be when you are finally are able to unite with a friend.
Then at 3:29 PM the Moon is opposite Venus. This could be again an expensive period, whenever Venus is involved. But also has to do with making an agreement, making peace, and trying to calm some type of issue down.
Then we have the Moon’s final aspect in Aries beginning a void of course Moon period at 7:14 PM, after it is quincunx the Sun. that is life’s messy clean it up. That is Sunday night 7:14 PM. Watch how something comes out, pops out and derails you. Perhaps pulls you into some type of task where you are compelled to clean up some kind of mess.
Monday September 19, 2016
At 12:57 AM Monday the Moon enters the sign of Taurus. This is the lovely period of the week. All day Monday all day Tuesday right up until 11:32 PM even beyond. When the Moon is in the sign of Taurus there is a little bit of trouble, but not great big things.
There is a couple of really nice things that go on. Venus and Mars are making a beautiful sextile at 7:52 AM on Monday. This allows for an opportunity to emerge
early in the morning that you could take advantage of. Maybe have some pleasant work in your way, things could go your way.
Also as we have Venus and Neptune forming an aspect that is 11:49 AM. This one may cause a little bit of confusion, but may help to charm people in the right direction, if you are trying to do something. Usually Moon in Taurus you are trying to make plans for money or for a great lunch a great dinner. Good food is more likely during a Taurus Moon.
The Moon and Saturn are in a quincunx 6:36 PM on Monday night. I would go out to eat after that or have some type of smaller thing earlier in the afternoon. Avoid that aspect. You might feel particularly heavy and tired as if you are feeling run down. A good night to turn in early.
Tuesday September 20, 2016
Tuesday really nice day with that Taurus Moon. And again I would say these are the Green Light periods. Contract with others. There is particularly…well, there is an aspect to get past. Venus is 45 degrees away from Saturn early in the morning on Tuesday. That allows for a period during the day when you are able to make agreements and contract with people. Also purchase things.
There is a little twist and turn when the Moon is quincunx Mars then Venus in the evening 7:06 PM and 8:39 PM. This could cause some type of snag. Like maybe if you bought something you have to drive all the way, a half an hour, just to get to the right place to find where you are going to pick up what it is you need.
There is also a nice aspect between Mercury and Pluto. 9:25 PM Tuesday night. This also helps agreements and contracts to be negotiated nicely covering all of the serious details with that Mercury standing still at its degree where it will go direct. And that would be almost 15 degrees of Virgo making contracts. So this is great.
It is then finished off by the Moon and the Sun in beautiful trine. Says there is harmony with money with businesses with people in family. If you are trying to create some sort of big family plan that would be a great day to do that.
Wednesday September 21, 2016
Then on Wednesday 1:52 am the Moon enters Gemini. That Gemini Moon has several things, a couple of things to wait for. Don’t contract or agree to anything under the Gemini Moon before 10:21 AM on Thursday. That is because Mercury is going to turn around and move direct at 1:30 AM on Thursday.
Before that on Wednesday there are some really quirky aspects. Where the Moon is making an aspect to Uranus. Then it square Neptune. And then opposite Saturn. Then it makes a disagreeable aspect to Venus. So that would be starting at 3:53 PM right through until 11:56 PM on Wednesday night. All sorts of twists and turns that could cause snags in your plans.
Thursday September 22, 2016
Then for Thursday wait until after 10:21 AM when the Sun enters Libra. Now there is an aspect at 4:19 AM just before that where the Sun and Jupiter form a split parallel. So this is very good for trying to see the bigger picture and also finding an opportunity. But don’t engage until after 10:21 AM when you have a Green Light that runs right through the rest of the night and up until 3:56 AM on Friday morning. So you can do things over the internet, buy things agree to things, send off important emails. Gemini is that communication sign.
Friday September 23, 2016
Then at 4:33 AM the Moon enters Cancer. This is a tricky time because that Cancer Moon has a couple of snags. One is that Venus is perched at the 29th degree of Libra. So as she is trying to create a negotiation that would hold or work in getting people together, she leaves and changes her mind. That agreement falls through and then you have to make a new plan. The new plan is under the Scorpio sign when she is in the sign of Scorpio. Venus is at a great disadvantage with her energies under the thumb of Pluto in Scorpio.
Then there is the final aspect of that Cancer Moon will be a quincunx to Mars. So Mars is getting ready to leave the sign. As it heats up its energies next weekend with its need to press a point and move things in its direction of its goals that could create some problems.
Mars doesn’t actually change signs until the 27th. But it will cause a problem for that Scorpio Moon sign that we have on Friday. Then I did mention the last quarter Moon is 5:56 AM Friday. That one could be quite dynamic.
That is it for the week.
*The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM (WZBC.org)
From previous posting:
The Moon will travel through Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer this week.
The Moon phase this week is at the dynamic degree of zero Cancer on Friday 9/23 at 5:56 AM. During that Last Quarter Moon Venus will be perched on the 29th degree of Libra. Be mindful of your choices and your loyalties. Venus has a need to make last minute agreements then change her mind or leave the negotiations altogether after 10:5AM.
The Last Quarter Moon is a Member of the Moon Family which began on:
27/Jun/2014 with a New Moon at 05° D 37
27/Mar/2015 This family’s First Quarter Moon appeared 06° D 19
25/Dec/2015 Christmas Day there was a Full Moon at 03° D 19
23/Sep/2016 now the Last Quarter Moon appears at 00° D 47
The Green Light Days this week are:
Monday during the Taurus Moon from 12:57 AM until Tuesday late night at 11:32 PM.
Thursday begin after 10:21AM until the wee hours of Friday at 3:56 AM.
Planet Changes this week are;
Mercury turns direct on Thursday at 1:30 AM
The Sun enters Libra on Thursday at 10:21 AM
Venus enters Scorpio at 10:50 AM
The Aspects for the week:
Saturday September 17, 2016 the Moon is in Aries
♈ 12:22 AM Aries Moon 00°♈00' ☽ 0º ♈ 00°♈00'
♈ 3:04 AM EDT 23°♐35' ♂ ▲ ♅ 23°♈35' R
♈ 3:06 AM EDT 01°♈40' ☽ ☍ ♃ 01°♎40'
♈ 9:21 AM EDT +00°18' ☽ Pll ♃ +00°18'
♈ 4:41 PM EDT -08°33' ♀ Pll ♆ -08°33'
♈ 4:59 PM EDT 10°♈12' ☽ 30º ♆ 10°♓12' R
♈ 5:08 PM EDT +01°49' ☽ Pll ʘ +01°49'
♈ 5:09 PM EDT -08°33' ♀ Cpl ♅ +08°33'
♈ 5:54 PM EDT 10°♈46' ☽ ▲ ♄ 10°♐46'
♈ Sunday, September 18, 2016 Aries Moon
♈ 12:38 AM Aries Moon 14°♈56' ☽ □ ♇ 14°♑56' R
♈ 2:27 AM EDT 16°♈03' ☽ 150º ☿ 16°♍03' R
♈ 3:11 AM EDT +08°33' ♅ Cpl ♆ -08°33'
♈ 4:05 AM EDT 23°♎33' ♀ ☍ ♅ 23°♈33' R
♈ 2:31 PM EDT 23°♈32' ☽ 0º ♅ 23°♈32' R
♈ 3:29 PM EDT 24°♈08' ☽ ☍ ♀ 24°♎08'
♈ 4:10 PM EDT 24°♈33' ☽ ▲ ♂ 24°♐33'
♈ 5:11 PM EDT 25°♈11' ☽ 45º ♆ 10°♓11' R
♈ 6:14 PM EDT 25°♈50' ☽ 135º ♄ 10°♐50'
♈ 7:14 PM EDT 26°♈27' ☽ 150º ʘ 26°♍27'
Monday, September 19, 2016 – Green Light during the Taurus Moon begins at 12:57 AM
♉ 12:57 AM Taurus Moon Green Light ☽ 0º ♉ 00°♉00'
♉ 1:50 AM EDT 00°♉32' ☽ 135º ☿ 15°♍32' R
♉ 4:23 AM EDT 02°♉07' ☽ 150º ♃ 02°♎07'
♉ 4:56 AM EDT +08°31' ☽ Pll ♅ +08°32'
♉ 5:04 AM EDT +08°33' ☽ Cpl ♆ -08°33'
♉ 7:52 AM EDT 24°♎58' ♀ 60º ♂ 24°♐58'
♉ 9:52 AM EDT +09°22' ☽ Cpl ♀ -09°23'
♉ 11:49 AM EDT 25°♎10' Venus 135º ♆ 10°♓10' R
♉ 11:55 AM EDT +01°08' ʘ Pll Chi +01°08'
♉ 5:25 PM EDT 10°♉09' ☽ 60º ♆ 10°♓09' R
♉ 5:30 PM EDT 10°♉13' ☽ 135º ♂ 25°♐13'
♉ 6:36 PM EDT 10°♉53' ☽ 150º ♄ 10°♐53'
♉ 9:13 PM EDT 12°♉30' ☽ 135º ʘ 27°♍30'
♉ Tuesday, September 20, 2016-Green Light
Taurus Moon
♉ 1:10 AM EDT 14°♉56' ☽ ▲ ♇ 14°♑56' R
♉ 1:31 AM EDT 15°♉08' ☽ ▲ ☿ 15°♍08' R
♉ 2:26 AM EDT 25°♎54' ♀ 45º ♄ 10°♐54'
♉ 5:05 AM EDT 17°♉20' ☽ 135º ♃ 02°♎20'
♉ 2:15 PM EDT +00°42' ʘ Pll ʡ +00°42'
♉ 3:07 PM EDT 23°♉28' ☽ 30º ♅ 23°♈28' R
♉ 7:06 PM EDT 25°♉53' ☽ 150º ♂ 25°♐53'
♉ 8:39 PM EDT 26°♉50' ☽ 150º ♀ 26°♎50'
♉ 9:25 PM EDT 14°♍56' R ☿ ▲ ♇ 14°♑56' R
♉ 11:32 PM EDT 28°♉34' ☽ ▲ ʘ 28°♍34'
♉ Wednesday, September 21, 2016 Moon Taurus to Gemini
♉ 1:46 AM EDT 29°♉56' ☽ 135º ♇ 14°♑56' R
♊ 1:52 AM EDT 00°♊00' ☽ 0º ♊ 00°♊00'
♊ 6:07 AM EDT 02°♊33' ☽ ▲ ♃ 02°♎33'
♊ 3:53 PM EDT 08°♊25' ☽ 45º ♅ 23°♈25' R
♊ 6:42 PM EDT 10°♊06' ☽ □ ♆ 10°♓06' R
♊ 8:13 PM EDT 11°♊00' ☽ ☍ ♄ 11°♐00'
♊ 11:56 PM EDT 13°♊13' ☽ 135º ♀ 28°♎13'
♊ Thursday, September 22, 2016 Moon Gemini Green Light after 10:21 AM
♊ 1:30 AM EDT 14°♍49' ☿ D
♊ 2:37 AM EDT 14°♊49' ☽ □ ☿ 14°♍49'
♊ 2:48 AM EDT 14°♊55' ☽ 150º ♇ 14°♑55' R
♊ 3:57 AM EDT 15°♊36' ☽ 150º Juno 15°♏36'
♊ 4:19 AM EDT +00°05' ʘ Cpl ♃ -00°05'
♊ 10:21 AM Green Light after Sun> Libra ʘ 0º ♎ 00°♎00'
♊ 5:11 PM EDT 23°♊23' ☽ 60º ♅ 23°♈23' R
♊ 7:46 PM EDT -00°09' ʘ Pll ♃ -00°09'
♊ 11:53 PM Watch out 27°♊17' ☽ ☍ ♂ 27°♐17'
♊ Friday, September 23, 2016 - Moon Gemini to Cancer
♊ 3:56 AM EDT 29°♊38' ☽ ▲ ♀ 29°♎38'
Moon enters Cancer at 4:33 AM
♋ 4:33 AM (Final aspect of Cancer Moon is 150º Mars 9/25 at 7:36 AM)
Moon enters 0º ♋ 00°♋00' 4:33 AM
♋ 4:51 AM EDT 14°♍55' ☿ ▲ ♇ 14°♑55' R
♋ 5:56 AM Last Quarter Moon 00°♋47' ☽ □ ʘ 00°♎47'
♋ 9:48 AM EDT 03°♋01' ☽ □ ♃ 03°♎01'
♋ 10:24 AM EDT 14°♍58' ☿ 45º ♀ 29°♎58'
♋ 10:50 AM EDT 00°♏00' ♀ 0º Sco 00°♏00'
♋ 10:05 PM EDT 10°♋03' ☽ ▲ ♆ 10°♓03' R
♋ Saturday, September 24, 2016 - Moon in Cancer
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Astrology Report for Sept 10 -16, 2016 with Green Light Days by Dietrech Pessin
To Listen to this week's exciting report follow this link:
I have announced a class about the Sun - Moon midpoint for September 25 at 1:00 PM- 5:00 PM in Watertown or online.
We have the lunar eclipse coming up on Friday. this week though the moon will travel through Sagittarius, Capricorn, aquarius, and Pisces. The Pisces moon attracts the most energy because that is where the lunar eclipse takes place Friday September 16th at 3:05 PM.
The eclipse occurs at 24 degrees of Pisces. This is particularly powerful because it is associated with a moon family. It has a moon family that began with a solar eclipse a year and a half ago on march 20th 2015. Then there was more to it for a 1st quarter moon December 18th of 2015. Now here we are at the lunar eclipse time when all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open. The last piece to it will come up in 9 months from now, June 17th 2017.
These things don’t have to happen on the day it could even be a month before and the events call the related matter to it. This lunar eclipse is extremely potent and powerful in regard to the wounded healer, Chiron is the focal point, one of the focal points of this eclipse. For those people that were born between 1966 and 1969 (37:22 STOP) you have Chiron in that area in Pisces Where Chiron has now returned. This may be a time when you finally get to the depths of the issues that may have been holding you back. That wounding you may find your teacher. They just may appear. So it is a very, very powerful time for those that are particularly wounded in different ways, Like north Korea's president. Also we have various other people that really display their wounds on stage and out in the open. And I’m thinking that there would be a great shift in particular with the presidential candidates. Particularly Donald trump’s chart is affected very, very strongly by this lunar eclipse. There may be a huge story that emerges over this next week.
The lunar eclipse also began with that energy of the solar eclipse at the global world axis. that nuclear bomb that north Korea exploded. It is just a heart break what is happening to the planet inside and out. I would pray for peace and help anyone you feel is underprivileged or unable to help themselves. Look in on old people. Look in on people who have been tormented with their own demons over the years.
You may notice that these deep seated matters come to light and also your dreams maybe particularly vivid, which could help you to release a lot of energy. Find your spiritual teacher during this lunar eclipse. This is a wonderful time to engage with a spiritual teacher. There are so many wonderful ones. Katherine Krivak Needham, MA is one of mine.
Void Moons and Green Light Days
The void of course moon periods over this next week: Monday September 12th beginning 5:59 AM until 5:28 PM. Wednesday void of course moon beginning 11:31 AM – 10:22 PM.
There are some green light periods beginning Tuesday at 5:00 PM until Wednesday at 11:31 AM. That is during the Aquarius moon. There is a green light period after the Sun is square Mars. So there is a really tense energy there with sun square mars. We will talk about that in it by itself. But this Green Light period runs after that as it will link to Uranus with 60 degrees. That is called a sextile. This allows for an opportunity to emerge. very helpful ,unexpected quality of an Aquarius nature, which is like minded people, friendship, anything having to do with improving the state of the ecology and also the good of all.
In this case the Moon and Uranus are bridging a gap with long standing alliances, which we need very much the help of those others right now. Place your faith in friendship for one approach to your problems. you also find unique ways to resolve issues by coming together for a common goal when under pressure.
The global state of affairs may have an influence on everyone's next best step so stay tuned to the news. Unless you like to unplug all together because it is just too hard to listen to. (41:28 STOP) Align yourself with like-minded people to battle the chaos that surrounds the current shifts and the current changes. Lots of water with this energy. This would be…I would have thought this would be the week coming up by the end of the week a time when there would be lots of storms in the ocean. There are many opportunities which develop that may serve you for your psychological good and also for matters of how you see yourself in service to others as well.
The Pisces lunar eclipse on Friday brings clarity to those things that have been hidden for many years. It would be difficult to escape the bright view cast at this time. so anything that could be described as deceitful, or clandestine is likely to be exposed. There are all sorts of full disclosure that comes along with lunar eclipses, and this one in particularly, In the most bizarre ways. There are so many examples in my files of about how information was exposed in the strangest ways. You just would never imagine.
Looking at what is going on we have the Saturn square Neptune aspect that happened at 9:03 AM Saturday, 9/10/2016. It is an aspect that has taken place before. It has to do with the change. The structured establishments that have been unable to create a foundation is not being swept away by some weakness or some debilitating factor. The Saturn square Neptune is about loosening up any of the structures any of those in current seats are likely to be dissolved away.
The Capricorn Moon sign that did begin at 8:54 AM continues throughout today and tomorrow. There is an aspect between Venus and Pluto to note. It has an affect on Saturday tonight. It has to do perhaps with jealousies or a sense of partnerships and relationships in a very rocky schedule. It may have to do with money. Money matters or business matters. How one person sees to run the business in the family may be different than another. That can create difficulties between family members or partnerships in general.
Monday there is still a Capricorn Moon. The Moon is square Uranus at 5:59 AM leaving a void of course moon for the rest of the day until 5:28 PM.
There is an aspect between Mercury and Mars. It is square. It will be at 2:58 PM. This aspect would be influencing all day long on Monday. Mercury is retrograde. It is about breakdowns or the changes of vehicles It continues to be retrograde until the 22nd of September or late night on the 21st of September. Expect impulsive reactions. Things moving too quickly. Reports of communication and mechanical problems and irritations. Arguments and conflicts. Animals may bite because of an illness or some other urgent need. Difficulty understanding the action of those who are in emotional or physical pain. Cranky children, Angry statements. People arguing about their right to choose; they are feeling misunderstood. Speeding travelers cause problems. Problems during travel. Use this to focus and outline grievances but choose a better time to present your case. If you need to respond to inquiries, stay cool headed. Others are likely to loose their heads. Do not sign anything on this day. Agreements can be subject to future conflict. Troubles arise projects that breakdown shortly after they are launched.
The Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 5:28 PM. It would continue through Tuesday as far as… Monday night however when the Sun and Mercury do align. This is when Mercury is retrograde. If you have appointments scheduled for Monday they are likely to get changed and also those on Tuesday perhaps would also get changed. Anything having to do with the mechanics of your vehicles or anything that you would need to hire workers for that would be high on the list for Monday and for Tuesday.
Sun is square mars 4:38 PM Tuesday. This is hot, it is difficult to manage your immune system. Boost it up now it would cause you to have a rundown feeling. It could also be problems with muscles and with anything also having to do with school because Saturn is in Sagittarius. But mars is in Sagittarius and the sun squares mars would have to do with trying to get yourself on track. If you have already been engaged in school and you feel like you haven’t been able to get yourself on the right path. You have a better chance after this aspect completes on Tuesday.
For the 14th …well, already September 14th on Wednesday. The Moon and the Sun are quincunx at 8:49 AM. This is life’s messy clean it up. You are likely to find something that pops out of the blue during that Aquarius moon. Someone needs your help. The moon is in the sign of friendship so it is a really good time to lend a hand. If you watch for things going on say a half an hour before and a couple of minutes there after you will notice that there is something there that needs to be tended to immediately.
The Moon is void of course 11:31 AM all throughout the day until 10:22 PM on Wednesday night.
For Thursday we have a Pisces moon. The Pisces moon has a lot going on. the moon will be watching as the sun is opposite Chiron 4:26 AM Thursday morning September 15th. This is when there is a spot light right on those things which haunt you or ail you that are causing you some psychological harm. The good news is that you are able to process these things with the help of someone very important. That will be revealed to you throughout this week if they haven’t already been so. The moon will join Neptune 3:45 PM. Very watery day. it could be a very emotional day. the moon is square Saturn at 4:25 PM. It may fell lighter after that as that aspect pulls out of the way.
On the evening side the sun is making a quincunx to Uranus. This is life's messy clean it up in a bigger way. Things pop up like jack in the box. That can be disruptive on Thursday night.
For Friday the Moon is opposite that retrograde mercury on Friday the 16th the day of the eclipse. Then it will square mars at 1:16 PM. Stay out of arguments. Try not to rush. There are all sorts of things and blind spots when there is a Pisces (49:15 STOP) moon. Things you don’t see. The Eclipse brings a stunning square to aggressive Mars. This may be particularly accident prone and argumentative but in a big way. Event which occur at an eclipse have long legs into the future. You may be unraveling these events for at least 9 months.
That lunar eclipse is 3:05 PM. We won’t see it here. It will be visible in the pacific ocean, in the Atlantic ocean on the other side when it is dark. So for here there would be no sign of the lunar eclipse. The moon is likely to be extremely bright on Thursday and Friday night.
The last aspect of the Pisces moon would be moon counter parallel the sun. this says that people will come together to assist others when necessary. That is at 8:37 PM. The moon is never void of course in Pisces. The moon remains in Pisces until early the next morning. So that is it for the week.
*The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM (WZBC.org)
The Moon will travel through Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aquarius and Pisces this next week. The Pisces Moon attracts the most energy with a Lunar Eclipse on Friday September 16 at 3:05 PM. The eclipse occurs at 24º Pisces and is visible at Moonset from the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean and western Africa. Eastern Europe and eastern Africa sees it at Moon rise.
The Lunar Eclipse has a Moon Family which began a year and a half ago with a Solar Eclipse on March 20 2015 making this an extremely powerful eclipse family. This brings the most energy to this week of the entire year.
Mars is out of bounds and Mercury is retrograde bringing the wild extremes from odd places onto center stage.
Personal affairs may have much to do with health and maintenance. Chiron’s deep rooted psychological matters come to light and dreams a vivid. How you may help others and be of service to someone in need. Chiron the wounded healer plays a big role in this eclipse story. For those born from 1966 – 1969 Chiron is returning to this Pisces point. The eclipse releasing the pain of the past is allowing for the true healing to begin.
20/Mar/2015 29° L 27 - Solar Eclipse
18/Dec/2015 26° L 22 First Quarter Moon
16/Sep/2016 24° L 19 Lunar Eclipse
17/Jun/2017 26° L 27 Last Quarter Moon
Void of course Moon periods -
Monday Sept 12 beginning at 5:59 AM – 5:28 PM
Wednesday 11:31 AM – 10:22 PM
Green Light Days
Tuesday 5:00 PM until Wednesday at 11:31 AM.
The Aquarius Moon has a Green Light Period Tuesday beginning at 5:00 PM which is after the Sun square Mars. The Green Light runs until the Moon is 60º to Uranus at 11:31 AM Wednesday Sep 14. This Green Light is especially helpful If you enjoy the unexpected quality that Aquarius brings. In this case Uranus “rules” as the Moon’s final aspect bridging a gap with longstanding alliances. Place your faith in friendship for one way to approach problems. You will find unique ways to resolve issue by Coming together for a common goal when under pressure. The global state of affairs may have an influence on everyone’s next best step. Align yourself with likeminded people to battle the chaos that surrounds the current changes. There are opportunities which develop that may serve you.
Friday 3:05 PM – 12:22 AM Saturday.
The Pisces Lunar Eclipse on Friday brings clarity to those things which have been hidden for many years. It would be difficult to escape the bright view cast at this time. For those doing anything which could be described as deceitful, they are likely to be exposed with the full disclosure of the Lunar Eclipse.
I have announced a class about the Sun - Moon midpoint for September 25 at 1:00 PM- 5:00 PM in Watertown or online.
We have the lunar eclipse coming up on Friday. this week though the moon will travel through Sagittarius, Capricorn, aquarius, and Pisces. The Pisces moon attracts the most energy because that is where the lunar eclipse takes place Friday September 16th at 3:05 PM.
The eclipse occurs at 24 degrees of Pisces. This is particularly powerful because it is associated with a moon family. It has a moon family that began with a solar eclipse a year and a half ago on march 20th 2015. Then there was more to it for a 1st quarter moon December 18th of 2015. Now here we are at the lunar eclipse time when all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open. The last piece to it will come up in 9 months from now, June 17th 2017.
These things don’t have to happen on the day it could even be a month before and the events call the related matter to it. This lunar eclipse is extremely potent and powerful in regard to the wounded healer, Chiron is the focal point, one of the focal points of this eclipse. For those people that were born between 1966 and 1969 (37:22 STOP) you have Chiron in that area in Pisces Where Chiron has now returned. This may be a time when you finally get to the depths of the issues that may have been holding you back. That wounding you may find your teacher. They just may appear. So it is a very, very powerful time for those that are particularly wounded in different ways, Like north Korea's president. Also we have various other people that really display their wounds on stage and out in the open. And I’m thinking that there would be a great shift in particular with the presidential candidates. Particularly Donald trump’s chart is affected very, very strongly by this lunar eclipse. There may be a huge story that emerges over this next week.
The lunar eclipse also began with that energy of the solar eclipse at the global world axis. that nuclear bomb that north Korea exploded. It is just a heart break what is happening to the planet inside and out. I would pray for peace and help anyone you feel is underprivileged or unable to help themselves. Look in on old people. Look in on people who have been tormented with their own demons over the years.
You may notice that these deep seated matters come to light and also your dreams maybe particularly vivid, which could help you to release a lot of energy. Find your spiritual teacher during this lunar eclipse. This is a wonderful time to engage with a spiritual teacher. There are so many wonderful ones. Katherine Krivak Needham, MA is one of mine.
Void Moons and Green Light Days
The void of course moon periods over this next week: Monday September 12th beginning 5:59 AM until 5:28 PM. Wednesday void of course moon beginning 11:31 AM – 10:22 PM.
There are some green light periods beginning Tuesday at 5:00 PM until Wednesday at 11:31 AM. That is during the Aquarius moon. There is a green light period after the Sun is square Mars. So there is a really tense energy there with sun square mars. We will talk about that in it by itself. But this Green Light period runs after that as it will link to Uranus with 60 degrees. That is called a sextile. This allows for an opportunity to emerge. very helpful ,unexpected quality of an Aquarius nature, which is like minded people, friendship, anything having to do with improving the state of the ecology and also the good of all.
In this case the Moon and Uranus are bridging a gap with long standing alliances, which we need very much the help of those others right now. Place your faith in friendship for one approach to your problems. you also find unique ways to resolve issues by coming together for a common goal when under pressure.
The global state of affairs may have an influence on everyone's next best step so stay tuned to the news. Unless you like to unplug all together because it is just too hard to listen to. (41:28 STOP) Align yourself with like-minded people to battle the chaos that surrounds the current shifts and the current changes. Lots of water with this energy. This would be…I would have thought this would be the week coming up by the end of the week a time when there would be lots of storms in the ocean. There are many opportunities which develop that may serve you for your psychological good and also for matters of how you see yourself in service to others as well.
The Pisces lunar eclipse on Friday brings clarity to those things that have been hidden for many years. It would be difficult to escape the bright view cast at this time. so anything that could be described as deceitful, or clandestine is likely to be exposed. There are all sorts of full disclosure that comes along with lunar eclipses, and this one in particularly, In the most bizarre ways. There are so many examples in my files of about how information was exposed in the strangest ways. You just would never imagine.
Looking at what is going on we have the Saturn square Neptune aspect that happened at 9:03 AM Saturday, 9/10/2016. It is an aspect that has taken place before. It has to do with the change. The structured establishments that have been unable to create a foundation is not being swept away by some weakness or some debilitating factor. The Saturn square Neptune is about loosening up any of the structures any of those in current seats are likely to be dissolved away.
The Capricorn Moon sign that did begin at 8:54 AM continues throughout today and tomorrow. There is an aspect between Venus and Pluto to note. It has an affect on Saturday tonight. It has to do perhaps with jealousies or a sense of partnerships and relationships in a very rocky schedule. It may have to do with money. Money matters or business matters. How one person sees to run the business in the family may be different than another. That can create difficulties between family members or partnerships in general.
Monday there is still a Capricorn Moon. The Moon is square Uranus at 5:59 AM leaving a void of course moon for the rest of the day until 5:28 PM.
There is an aspect between Mercury and Mars. It is square. It will be at 2:58 PM. This aspect would be influencing all day long on Monday. Mercury is retrograde. It is about breakdowns or the changes of vehicles It continues to be retrograde until the 22nd of September or late night on the 21st of September. Expect impulsive reactions. Things moving too quickly. Reports of communication and mechanical problems and irritations. Arguments and conflicts. Animals may bite because of an illness or some other urgent need. Difficulty understanding the action of those who are in emotional or physical pain. Cranky children, Angry statements. People arguing about their right to choose; they are feeling misunderstood. Speeding travelers cause problems. Problems during travel. Use this to focus and outline grievances but choose a better time to present your case. If you need to respond to inquiries, stay cool headed. Others are likely to loose their heads. Do not sign anything on this day. Agreements can be subject to future conflict. Troubles arise projects that breakdown shortly after they are launched.
The Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 5:28 PM. It would continue through Tuesday as far as… Monday night however when the Sun and Mercury do align. This is when Mercury is retrograde. If you have appointments scheduled for Monday they are likely to get changed and also those on Tuesday perhaps would also get changed. Anything having to do with the mechanics of your vehicles or anything that you would need to hire workers for that would be high on the list for Monday and for Tuesday.
Sun is square mars 4:38 PM Tuesday. This is hot, it is difficult to manage your immune system. Boost it up now it would cause you to have a rundown feeling. It could also be problems with muscles and with anything also having to do with school because Saturn is in Sagittarius. But mars is in Sagittarius and the sun squares mars would have to do with trying to get yourself on track. If you have already been engaged in school and you feel like you haven’t been able to get yourself on the right path. You have a better chance after this aspect completes on Tuesday.
For the 14th …well, already September 14th on Wednesday. The Moon and the Sun are quincunx at 8:49 AM. This is life’s messy clean it up. You are likely to find something that pops out of the blue during that Aquarius moon. Someone needs your help. The moon is in the sign of friendship so it is a really good time to lend a hand. If you watch for things going on say a half an hour before and a couple of minutes there after you will notice that there is something there that needs to be tended to immediately.
The Moon is void of course 11:31 AM all throughout the day until 10:22 PM on Wednesday night.
For Thursday we have a Pisces moon. The Pisces moon has a lot going on. the moon will be watching as the sun is opposite Chiron 4:26 AM Thursday morning September 15th. This is when there is a spot light right on those things which haunt you or ail you that are causing you some psychological harm. The good news is that you are able to process these things with the help of someone very important. That will be revealed to you throughout this week if they haven’t already been so. The moon will join Neptune 3:45 PM. Very watery day. it could be a very emotional day. the moon is square Saturn at 4:25 PM. It may fell lighter after that as that aspect pulls out of the way.
On the evening side the sun is making a quincunx to Uranus. This is life's messy clean it up in a bigger way. Things pop up like jack in the box. That can be disruptive on Thursday night.
For Friday the Moon is opposite that retrograde mercury on Friday the 16th the day of the eclipse. Then it will square mars at 1:16 PM. Stay out of arguments. Try not to rush. There are all sorts of things and blind spots when there is a Pisces (49:15 STOP) moon. Things you don’t see. The Eclipse brings a stunning square to aggressive Mars. This may be particularly accident prone and argumentative but in a big way. Event which occur at an eclipse have long legs into the future. You may be unraveling these events for at least 9 months.
That lunar eclipse is 3:05 PM. We won’t see it here. It will be visible in the pacific ocean, in the Atlantic ocean on the other side when it is dark. So for here there would be no sign of the lunar eclipse. The moon is likely to be extremely bright on Thursday and Friday night.
The last aspect of the Pisces moon would be moon counter parallel the sun. this says that people will come together to assist others when necessary. That is at 8:37 PM. The moon is never void of course in Pisces. The moon remains in Pisces until early the next morning. So that is it for the week.
*The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM (WZBC.org)
The Moon will travel through Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aquarius and Pisces this next week. The Pisces Moon attracts the most energy with a Lunar Eclipse on Friday September 16 at 3:05 PM. The eclipse occurs at 24º Pisces and is visible at Moonset from the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean and western Africa. Eastern Europe and eastern Africa sees it at Moon rise.
The Lunar Eclipse has a Moon Family which began a year and a half ago with a Solar Eclipse on March 20 2015 making this an extremely powerful eclipse family. This brings the most energy to this week of the entire year.
Mars is out of bounds and Mercury is retrograde bringing the wild extremes from odd places onto center stage.
Personal affairs may have much to do with health and maintenance. Chiron’s deep rooted psychological matters come to light and dreams a vivid. How you may help others and be of service to someone in need. Chiron the wounded healer plays a big role in this eclipse story. For those born from 1966 – 1969 Chiron is returning to this Pisces point. The eclipse releasing the pain of the past is allowing for the true healing to begin.
20/Mar/2015 29° L 27 - Solar Eclipse
18/Dec/2015 26° L 22 First Quarter Moon
16/Sep/2016 24° L 19 Lunar Eclipse
17/Jun/2017 26° L 27 Last Quarter Moon
Void of course Moon periods -
Monday Sept 12 beginning at 5:59 AM – 5:28 PM
Wednesday 11:31 AM – 10:22 PM
Green Light Days
Tuesday 5:00 PM until Wednesday at 11:31 AM.
The Aquarius Moon has a Green Light Period Tuesday beginning at 5:00 PM which is after the Sun square Mars. The Green Light runs until the Moon is 60º to Uranus at 11:31 AM Wednesday Sep 14. This Green Light is especially helpful If you enjoy the unexpected quality that Aquarius brings. In this case Uranus “rules” as the Moon’s final aspect bridging a gap with longstanding alliances. Place your faith in friendship for one way to approach problems. You will find unique ways to resolve issue by Coming together for a common goal when under pressure. The global state of affairs may have an influence on everyone’s next best step. Align yourself with likeminded people to battle the chaos that surrounds the current changes. There are opportunities which develop that may serve you.
Friday 3:05 PM – 12:22 AM Saturday.
The Pisces Lunar Eclipse on Friday brings clarity to those things which have been hidden for many years. It would be difficult to escape the bright view cast at this time. For those doing anything which could be described as deceitful, they are likely to be exposed with the full disclosure of the Lunar Eclipse.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Astrology Report for Sep 3- 9 with Green Light Days by Dietrech Pessin
The live radio report was replaced with a football game today broadcast from Ireland.
The Moon will travel through Libra on Saturday Sunday and Monday morning.
The Moon enters Scorpio Monday and travels in that constellation through Wednesday night.
The Moon enters Sagittarius Wednesday night after 9:19 PM and continue through next Saturday morning September 10th.
Void of course Moon periods are especially problematic while Mercury is retrograde until September 22nd.
The void Moon periods this week are:
Monday from 6:55 AM until 8:38 AM.
Wednesday from 8:42 PM until 9:19 PM after the Moon is in a nice 60º sextile to Jupiter.
The Green Light Period this week begins on Sunday September 4 and during the Libra Moon sign. To avoid the likely reversals plan for the best time after 8:30 PM Sunday night continue until Monday at 6:33 AM.
The Scorpio Moon also has a Green Light period after 11:38 AM Wednesday September 7 and continues until 8:42 PM that night.
Friday September 9 Jupiter will enter Libra and sees a Green Light period for the Sagittarius Moon which begins after 2:57 PM until 8:50 PM also Friday.
The major aspects this week are the Sun trine Pluto Wednesday morning at 1:17 AM followed by Venus in a positive 60º aspect to Saturn at 7:34 AM.
Not until Friday is there another event and that is big news of Jupiter entering Libra at 7:18AM. At that point Jupiter and Saturn are in mutual reception giving grace in areas that have suffered poor judgment and expanded health issues. The mutual reception can offer a helping hand from each planet as events move onto yet another dramatic stage. That being Jupiter leads its way into a highly charged T-square with Uranus and Pluto. This may feel like the chaos of 2016 is going to need a higher court to sort things out. What Jupiter does release is the Saturn and Neptune T- square it has been hooked into over the past year. Much of the confusion cast and despicable behaviors of high profile people have been at the cost of a delicate balance that let compassion and acceptance be erased by the promotion of intolerance and hatred.
Jupiter in Libra may help to restore balance with the 60º sextile to Saturn is rests its expanded knowledge at the feet of those wiser and more capable of holding standards to a higher alignment.
The Moon will travel through Libra on Saturday Sunday and Monday morning.
The Moon enters Scorpio Monday and travels in that constellation through Wednesday night.
The Moon enters Sagittarius Wednesday night after 9:19 PM and continue through next Saturday morning September 10th.
Void of course Moon periods are especially problematic while Mercury is retrograde until September 22nd.
The void Moon periods this week are:
Monday from 6:55 AM until 8:38 AM.
Wednesday from 8:42 PM until 9:19 PM after the Moon is in a nice 60º sextile to Jupiter.
The Green Light Period this week begins on Sunday September 4 and during the Libra Moon sign. To avoid the likely reversals plan for the best time after 8:30 PM Sunday night continue until Monday at 6:33 AM.
The Scorpio Moon also has a Green Light period after 11:38 AM Wednesday September 7 and continues until 8:42 PM that night.
Friday September 9 Jupiter will enter Libra and sees a Green Light period for the Sagittarius Moon which begins after 2:57 PM until 8:50 PM also Friday.
The major aspects this week are the Sun trine Pluto Wednesday morning at 1:17 AM followed by Venus in a positive 60º aspect to Saturn at 7:34 AM.
Not until Friday is there another event and that is big news of Jupiter entering Libra at 7:18AM. At that point Jupiter and Saturn are in mutual reception giving grace in areas that have suffered poor judgment and expanded health issues. The mutual reception can offer a helping hand from each planet as events move onto yet another dramatic stage. That being Jupiter leads its way into a highly charged T-square with Uranus and Pluto. This may feel like the chaos of 2016 is going to need a higher court to sort things out. What Jupiter does release is the Saturn and Neptune T- square it has been hooked into over the past year. Much of the confusion cast and despicable behaviors of high profile people have been at the cost of a delicate balance that let compassion and acceptance be erased by the promotion of intolerance and hatred.
Jupiter in Libra may help to restore balance with the 60º sextile to Saturn is rests its expanded knowledge at the feet of those wiser and more capable of holding standards to a higher alignment.
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