Listen to the astrological radio report:
Dietrech Pessin’s Phone: 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, January 27, 2018 – Saturday, February 3, 2018
Good morning. You know we have a Lunar Eclipse coming up this week. It is going to be pretty exciting. It also has a lucky streak tied in with it because Sand Jupiter are both playing around with the whole thing. The whole trip of luck. Maybe there is some fun involved. It could be very social. There are a lot of things that…of course there is the Super Bowl coming up. People feel more out there and more social with that. Everybody is talking about who they think is going to win. So that adds to the up mood.
A lot of energy that is just filled with too much going on. People are working really hard burning the candles at both ends.
Having way too much work time not enough down time. We do get some nicer energies at the end of the days for some relaxing time.
The Moon is in Gemini today. But the last thing that it does is make a quincunx to Mercury. That is that life’s messy clean it up. Mercury is about information. The Moon is trying to clean up something that was said or something that is written or posted.
There is all that denial, and back stepping, and trying to figure out how to put the genie back in the bottle. That aspect doesn’t come up until 6:03 tomorrow morning. But it governs the nature of the Gemini Moon which is about talking and relating collecting information meeting with others doing a lot of errands.
There is a nice part of the day today 4:24 PM to 4:40 PM. That time you may connect with those that you perhaps would love to spend some time with. Maybe later on this evening. So that is a nice little pleasant time. Also a really good time to plan a lunch date or an early dinner date, something like that for the social part of this Gemini Moon.
Later on in the evening the mood switches to something kind of sticky when it is making a quincunx to Pluto. And then Venus and Neptune are trying to smooth over some of the more direct energies that are out there, as the Moon then goes on in Gemini collecting and speaking and spreading rumors and all that sort of thing. That what Gemini Moon tends to do is take information and make sure everyone gets a piece of it.
The Sun and Venus make a really nice aspect tomorrow. I am having a class tomorrow so you want to check in with me about that at noon time until 2:00. This makes for a very nice class.
The Sun and Venus together allows for feminine energy to run easily and smoothly. Have a sense of purpose.
Mercury is square Uranus. Also for Sunday, January 28th that is an upset of information. There might be a little bit of trouble on your computer when you get up tomorrow finding something amiss. Or if you are on the west coast it is still late at night.
One of the last things that the Gemini Moon does is make a really nice aspect to Uranus, which says that there will be some interesting technology or interesting social events that may also be part of your day on Sunday.
Then the Moon is quincunx Mercury. That is the one that is life’s messy clean it up aspects, early in the morning. So you may have to fly out of bed and do something to correct a problem. Could be the dog needs to go out earlier than normal and you can’t sleep in on Sunday. Mercury and Saturn try to smooth things out and aligns with more measured thinking and practices for collecting and dispersing information. That is with a parallel that Mercury and Saturn do make.
There is also a change in signs. That Gemini Moon changes signs at 1:57 PM on Sunday. That definitely allows for a more comfort zone, a calming down. Joining with more family members, people that are insiders, people that you want to keep close. There is a little bit of very high energy. Maybe it goes into the house maybe you are doing something with the family. Very active. People going out and exploring with Mars now in the sign of Sagittarius so for an Aries in particular that creative energies from Mars and Sagittarius is very positive and more uplifting. So we are feeling that as well now that Mars is out of the heavy sign of Scorpio.
The Moon and Saturn are opposite at 9:15 PM on Sunday night. So you many feel low energy right around that time.
Then we have for Monday we are moving into the Eclipse area. The Sun and the Moon are making their 150 degree aspect. That is the quincunx, early in the morning on Monday. Then facing the same sort of energies with the Moon and Venus. This says that there is some money issue that you need to straighten out and clean up.
Venus is also sitting right on the Eclipse polarity there, the Lunar Nodes. So this is bringing out all of again the female energies. The whole movement of the Women’s Movement that is emerging and is activated in such a strong way. This Venus at the Lunar Node is really enhancing that and describing that and framing it and having it be part of what the Eclipse is about.
Bringing all these issues out onto the surface. Finally women have a voice where they have been shut away for centuries and centuries.
Tuesday’s energy is kind of wacky. Just early in the morning Moon square Uranus. Then the Moon will opposite Mercury at 11:40 AM. That is cutting off some type of information. Someone is stopped in their tracks from saying something or have to take it back.
The Moon changes signs goes into Leo 1:52 PM on Tuesday. This is the sign of the Lunar Eclipse. Also Mercury will change signs leaving Capricorn going into Aquarius. Mercury will do that on Wednesday. Mercury will be in Aquarius until February 17th.
For Wednesday that is the day of the Lunar Eclipse. There is a happy energy to it. There may be a lot of chaos, as usually there is around Eclipses. It is a total Eclipse. It is not visible here. It would be visible on the west coast, also in Asia, Europe, but not here. The exact time of that Eclipse is 8:26, 8:27 AM in the morning. That is also lined up with Jupiter. So there is buoyant energy to it. Something uplifting. I don’t know whether it could also affect the oceans as well, raising the ocean.
So there could be a lot of shaking up Aquarius, Leo. It is 11 degrees 11 and a half degrees of Leo. That is where the Eclipse takes place. So a year and a half ago the seed was planted for this Eclipse. And then 9 months ago there were things that were actively moving forward to get these things that are related to the Eclipse upward and onward. So all the cards are on the table everything is out in the open. It is a romantic energy as well. There is a lot of love on the platter for this Lunar Eclipse because of Leo. Matters of the heart, opening your heart. We could definitely with the Sun in Aquarius see world peace in our hearts as well.
Mercury does change signs at 8:38 AM on Wednesday morning. This would begin a Green Light period. That Green Light period would run right through until Thursday morning at 5:58 AM.
There is midday Venus and Jupiter back on Wednesday join in a parallel. This is that lucky outcome or lucky break in some way. There is some cause for celebration. People get together and gather for something that is on a positive side. It could also be more things that are about fantasy. There could be some blind spots. You also want to notice how your thinking is aligned with others especially who have a cause. You may want to join with others for likeminded projects.
But this Venus Jupiter is also a gamblers trigger. So it can set off things that perhaps that you are trying to suppress.
The Moon will aspect both Venus and Mars. Later it will cut off something with Venus at 5:47 PM. And then with an opposition and square to Jupiter right at midnight. That would be going into Thursday February 1st.
The Moon is void of course on Thursday morning 5:58 AM until the Moon enters Virgo at 2:12 PM on Thursday. During that void of course Moon the Sun and Jupiter are parallel. This is a long time arrangement. This is something that joins together those that need help get the benefit that they need with the support of the Sun aligning with Jupiter.
Then that void of course Moon changes. When the Moon enters Virgo 2:13 PM that puts our thoughts back into…moving into a work mode or cleaning something up or taking things that have been out of order and putting them in their right place. There is another one of those out of order kind of energies as you rise on Thursday morning…no not as you rise. Actually at dinner time 5:50 PM. So it could have something to do with traffic. Particularly be mindful of traffic routes and stay up to date with what may be blocked and where the accidents may be on your way home. Then there is a squabble at 8:48 PM that you want to try and be an observer and not a participant. Don’t feed the fire.
Friday February 2nd Ground Hog Day. The Moon is in Virgo so there is a lot of work to be done with that Virgo Moon. There is a late morning through early afternoon there may be a flip in the day. Not good for agreements or long term arrangements as something is again out of order. There may be confusion until the Moon sees Neptune after 7:20 PM. But the leftovers, the remnants of the Lunar Eclipse can be seen right through 1:10 PM when there is some adjustment. As if there was some sort of weather thing where you needed to call the insurance company to come out and assess what is going on. That is the adjustment.
That is the adjustor energy. That is what the Sun and Moon do when they are in that 150 degree aspect. Your plans are interrupted early on Friday until after something is cleaned up Friday afternoon.
Then for Friday evening it seems as though the love nature is kind of squashed a bit by Saturn blocking the free spirit. This is because of a 45 degree aspect. The later hours on Friday are best for social events so after 8:00 and through the evening could be really nice for next Friday as that Virgo Moon enjoys good food and also allows for people to cooperate and have a common plan. That is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this report on my website at You can call me about my class tomorrow. We will be discussing how this Eclipse will affect you (12:00 PM – 2:00 PM in Watertown). My phone number is 617 – 924 – 0929. You can call me about the class and also if you are interested in an astrology reading. That is it for the week. Have a happy Eclipse. Let me know how it goes for you. Thank you.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Astrology Report Jan 20, 2018 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days
Listen to this week's radio report here:
There is a Green Light today and tomorrow until 8:21 PM.
There is a Green Light today and tomorrow until 8:21 PM.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Astrology Report January 13, 2017 with Green Light Days
Dietrech Pessin’s Phone: 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, January 6, 2018 – Saturday, January 13, 2018
Recording (START 41:30 minutes into the 9th hour)
Good morning Victor. So happy to see you. It has been one wacky morning.
So what we have for all this wacky energy…You know I’ve been trying to figure it out. It is not so easy to decipher because of the fact that Mercury is no longer retrograde. It seems as though it is. There are a whole lot of things with Uranus going on. A lot of the wackiness seems like it is Uranus. It think it is Neptune actually. I think Neptune is throwing us a run for its money. Very often Neptune is completely over looked and very, very sneaky about its behavior.
For today we have a Sagittarius Moon. It is January 13th and it is a Green Light. So if you can manage a Green Light in your activities to forward your goals in a way that possibly you could take advantage of a lot of positive boosts. But you have to watch out for a pitfall.
One is Venus square Uranus at 2:08 PM this afternoon. That one could bring a change of heart, a change of mind. It is also is speaking to all of the upset. The Uranus energy is very big today and tomorrow. Venus square Uranus and then tomorrow is Sun square Uranus. Really wacky crazy energy. It is just crazier than normal. But it has been this way for weeks and weeks and weeks.
You have to be careful of your wallet. It is at risk of being lost or stolen. Or any of your things that you value also maybe stolen or also lost. So you want to be very careful with Venus square Uranus. You may also be suddenly surprised by a shift in friendship if you are not sensitive to their feelings or just having a big heart. So have a big heart and give people a lot of leeway. Your judgement maybe way off also with that Venus square Uranus this afternoon.
The Sagittarius Moon will continue right through until 2:42 PM tomorrow. It is a good Green Light right through early in the morning. You can also count that things could be pretty positive. Also tomorrow up until 2:42 PM. and then even after because there is another Green Light that begins with the Capricorn Moon. So both the Sagittarius and Capricorn Moon have very Green Light energies. The Sagittarius Moons last aspect is at 3:47 AM tomorrow morning. It is excellent for discovery of new things, new places, new communities that sort of thing. Which you can apply to your efforts and your activities for tonight and also looking into tomorrow for some fun.
There is an astrology class tomorrow. I’m having it at 12:00 until 2:00. You will want to join us in Watertown. Call me. 617-924-0929.
Sunday January 14, 2017
For tomorrow after 2:42 PM the Moon is in Capricorn and the Sun is square Uranus right at 3:44 PM. This is going to have an impact on the whole day. So you want to be careful whatever you do. Check all your settings, check all of your belongings, and then head out. There is a lot of excitement in the air.
Then also there appears to be a serious protest that are brewing. We certainly know what is at the root of that. And that certainly is going to be addressing the racial issues that have been stirred up in the biggest way. So in your own world you may come to understand the energies of science, astrology, technology as well tomorrow and beyond.
So you also want to protect your equipment from viruses. The latest technology is available for your procedures whether they be medical or practical in some other way.
Also a change with Vesta, the investor. This has to do with money, money marketing. Also the purchases of homes and moving into apartments anything having to do with a safe space. Vesta is moving into Sagittarius in effort to make travel and homeland security safe. It is also probably bringing new relief to the DACA kids as well. So that there could be rulings which may help to make them feel more secure and safe. Vesta also is about your studies. How you bring your awareness and expand your awareness into an area that you may later become very invested with.
Monday. Monday is a very thick and deep emotional day with dominate issues. These are political issues. It is Martin Luther King Day. There are aspects between Venus and Pluto, Jupiter and Pluto, Venus and Neptune. These things all have to do with getting into something very thick and very deep. Jupiter Pluto very large aspect has an equally large expression of deep dark issues. So many leading to those in big business and broad scope of loss. So there are opportunities also there to boost your confidence help you to move forward with your goals. You may feel particularly self-assured and feel powerful and in control of your life. Others will take notice of what you do and how you do it. This aspect is exact on Monday evening at 11:13. It does have a long range.
We are going to be revisiting this aspect April 14th and then again on September 12th. So take note to what is going on during this time that will also come up for you in those particular areas of the spring and the fall, the late summer.
So you might find career opportunities, promotions, recognition. And there is a prominent role that you might be playing right now. It is really a good time to make the most of any opportunity for advancement that you have and as well as your judgement. You could develop a very sound frame of mind with this aspect of Jupiter sextile Pluto.
Then for Tuesday Green Light continues. Did I mention that we have a Green Light all day Monday? The Green Light continues on Tuesday. There is an aspect between Ceres. Now she is the Goddess of the Harvest and she protects children. She also is about being under the care of a doctor. So this appears as though there is something huge that will be exposed as she joins with the Lunar Node. Very serious pedophile crime ring is likely to be exposed to the world at large with this aspect.
And otherwise there may indicate the need for medical attention or require anything that requires some recovery time. Those suffering with depression may find that there is a turning point with this Ceres aspect. Food issues are also large perhaps at a crises point. Ceres is known for eating, over eating, all sorts of food issues as well. And she is dead serious. She is the mother of Persephone. Persephone was abducted by Pluto so a lot of things about being kidnapped and abducted that might be in the news that are very large as well.
The Green Light period does continue right through the New Moon that is coming up. And that would be the New Moon on Tuesday at 9:17 PM. This New Moon is really quite the item. It is conjunct Venus. Venus is sitting at the point where it had been retrograde back in 2013, December of 2013. If there is something that is particularly of interest standing out for you from 2013 it may in some way shape or form come back up again. So it may remind you of how your past behavior can affect your business and your family structure.
The New Moon holds its treasure hunt of some sort. There is an important marker also that is related to 2010. Well it is the anniversary, the 8 year anniversary of the Haiti earthquake, which is being particularly in the news at this time.
Ceres at the North Node is the other important characteristic, which makes it very large about people. There could be more things having to do with earth changes, earthquakes that sort of thing.
Mars is quincunx Uranus. This is all in the New Moon. Sun and Neptune are semi square. Jupiter and Pluto are making an aspect. All of these things add up to something very large that is being seeded with the New Moon on Tuesday night. So you may want to have your plans and your intentions set for some of the things or many of the things that you wish to materialize for yourself coming up for this next New Moon energy. So set your intentions.
Also then for Wednesday as we start the end of the Green Light period is 1:29 AM. That is when the Moon is conjunct Venus. So again it is the reminder of 2013.
Then on Wednesday after 3:31 AM the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius. That is the sign of We the people, all the people. It is also the sign of collective consciousness, friendship, unions with others in a larger way.
Something will change. There is a radical spontaneous change with Mars and Uranus in an exact quincunx in the afternoon of Wednesday 4:34 PM. But don’t wait for that to happen. It is going to be…We are under the influence of that now. The Sun and Neptune are making a semi square, which is possibly about stirring up some weather in a big way. Also about trying to break through the illusion and pull the curtain back that has been hiding and camouflaging things.
Venus enters Aquarius 8:43 PM. This is headed for a square to Mars. But it ends with a 30 degree aspect ahead of the Sun. that is the Moon aspect. This may lead to some money. It may lead to how someone can push an issue to limit and these things are also revisited August, for a month, August 11th until September 11th. There are very large issues that are being seeded. We will talk about that when we go over the year.
The dark of the Moon ends. That would be first thing early in the morning on January 18th.
Then for the rest of Thursday, Mercury and Mars have a semi square. This aspect is cranky. It is argumentative. It is in the middle of the night in this Eastern Time zone. but if you are up at midnight or shortly thereafter on the west coast it could be argumentative. You want to let those problems lie low and just let those issues go. Sometimes things wake you up in the middle of the night.
Moon is square Mars early Friday morning. This one does pick up that argumentative energy. But right after that there is a Green Light period that begins 7:00 AM on Friday until 2:50 PM. That one you may want to take advantage of very interesting connections with others. They could be financial. They could be about friendship.
Then the Moon is entering Pisces on Friday 3:26 PM. It will be there right through until next Sunday morning. That Pisces Moon on Friday sees a couple of big changes. One of them is the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius at 10:08 PM on Friday night. Very interesting for joining with like minded people. Maybe you want to sign up for your own personal protest. You can also join with others in friendship. And then there can be some serious alignments with those that are advising others like in legal matters and that sort of thing with Saturn and Pallas joining. That is it for the week.
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, January 6, 2018 – Saturday, January 13, 2018
Recording (START 41:30 minutes into the 9th hour)
Good morning Victor. So happy to see you. It has been one wacky morning.
So what we have for all this wacky energy…You know I’ve been trying to figure it out. It is not so easy to decipher because of the fact that Mercury is no longer retrograde. It seems as though it is. There are a whole lot of things with Uranus going on. A lot of the wackiness seems like it is Uranus. It think it is Neptune actually. I think Neptune is throwing us a run for its money. Very often Neptune is completely over looked and very, very sneaky about its behavior.
For today we have a Sagittarius Moon. It is January 13th and it is a Green Light. So if you can manage a Green Light in your activities to forward your goals in a way that possibly you could take advantage of a lot of positive boosts. But you have to watch out for a pitfall.
One is Venus square Uranus at 2:08 PM this afternoon. That one could bring a change of heart, a change of mind. It is also is speaking to all of the upset. The Uranus energy is very big today and tomorrow. Venus square Uranus and then tomorrow is Sun square Uranus. Really wacky crazy energy. It is just crazier than normal. But it has been this way for weeks and weeks and weeks.
You have to be careful of your wallet. It is at risk of being lost or stolen. Or any of your things that you value also maybe stolen or also lost. So you want to be very careful with Venus square Uranus. You may also be suddenly surprised by a shift in friendship if you are not sensitive to their feelings or just having a big heart. So have a big heart and give people a lot of leeway. Your judgement maybe way off also with that Venus square Uranus this afternoon.
The Sagittarius Moon will continue right through until 2:42 PM tomorrow. It is a good Green Light right through early in the morning. You can also count that things could be pretty positive. Also tomorrow up until 2:42 PM. and then even after because there is another Green Light that begins with the Capricorn Moon. So both the Sagittarius and Capricorn Moon have very Green Light energies. The Sagittarius Moons last aspect is at 3:47 AM tomorrow morning. It is excellent for discovery of new things, new places, new communities that sort of thing. Which you can apply to your efforts and your activities for tonight and also looking into tomorrow for some fun.
There is an astrology class tomorrow. I’m having it at 12:00 until 2:00. You will want to join us in Watertown. Call me. 617-924-0929.
Sunday January 14, 2017
For tomorrow after 2:42 PM the Moon is in Capricorn and the Sun is square Uranus right at 3:44 PM. This is going to have an impact on the whole day. So you want to be careful whatever you do. Check all your settings, check all of your belongings, and then head out. There is a lot of excitement in the air.
Then also there appears to be a serious protest that are brewing. We certainly know what is at the root of that. And that certainly is going to be addressing the racial issues that have been stirred up in the biggest way. So in your own world you may come to understand the energies of science, astrology, technology as well tomorrow and beyond.
So you also want to protect your equipment from viruses. The latest technology is available for your procedures whether they be medical or practical in some other way.
Also a change with Vesta, the investor. This has to do with money, money marketing. Also the purchases of homes and moving into apartments anything having to do with a safe space. Vesta is moving into Sagittarius in effort to make travel and homeland security safe. It is also probably bringing new relief to the DACA kids as well. So that there could be rulings which may help to make them feel more secure and safe. Vesta also is about your studies. How you bring your awareness and expand your awareness into an area that you may later become very invested with.
Monday. Monday is a very thick and deep emotional day with dominate issues. These are political issues. It is Martin Luther King Day. There are aspects between Venus and Pluto, Jupiter and Pluto, Venus and Neptune. These things all have to do with getting into something very thick and very deep. Jupiter Pluto very large aspect has an equally large expression of deep dark issues. So many leading to those in big business and broad scope of loss. So there are opportunities also there to boost your confidence help you to move forward with your goals. You may feel particularly self-assured and feel powerful and in control of your life. Others will take notice of what you do and how you do it. This aspect is exact on Monday evening at 11:13. It does have a long range.
We are going to be revisiting this aspect April 14th and then again on September 12th. So take note to what is going on during this time that will also come up for you in those particular areas of the spring and the fall, the late summer.
So you might find career opportunities, promotions, recognition. And there is a prominent role that you might be playing right now. It is really a good time to make the most of any opportunity for advancement that you have and as well as your judgement. You could develop a very sound frame of mind with this aspect of Jupiter sextile Pluto.
Then for Tuesday Green Light continues. Did I mention that we have a Green Light all day Monday? The Green Light continues on Tuesday. There is an aspect between Ceres. Now she is the Goddess of the Harvest and she protects children. She also is about being under the care of a doctor. So this appears as though there is something huge that will be exposed as she joins with the Lunar Node. Very serious pedophile crime ring is likely to be exposed to the world at large with this aspect.
And otherwise there may indicate the need for medical attention or require anything that requires some recovery time. Those suffering with depression may find that there is a turning point with this Ceres aspect. Food issues are also large perhaps at a crises point. Ceres is known for eating, over eating, all sorts of food issues as well. And she is dead serious. She is the mother of Persephone. Persephone was abducted by Pluto so a lot of things about being kidnapped and abducted that might be in the news that are very large as well.
The Green Light period does continue right through the New Moon that is coming up. And that would be the New Moon on Tuesday at 9:17 PM. This New Moon is really quite the item. It is conjunct Venus. Venus is sitting at the point where it had been retrograde back in 2013, December of 2013. If there is something that is particularly of interest standing out for you from 2013 it may in some way shape or form come back up again. So it may remind you of how your past behavior can affect your business and your family structure.
The New Moon holds its treasure hunt of some sort. There is an important marker also that is related to 2010. Well it is the anniversary, the 8 year anniversary of the Haiti earthquake, which is being particularly in the news at this time.
Ceres at the North Node is the other important characteristic, which makes it very large about people. There could be more things having to do with earth changes, earthquakes that sort of thing.
Mars is quincunx Uranus. This is all in the New Moon. Sun and Neptune are semi square. Jupiter and Pluto are making an aspect. All of these things add up to something very large that is being seeded with the New Moon on Tuesday night. So you may want to have your plans and your intentions set for some of the things or many of the things that you wish to materialize for yourself coming up for this next New Moon energy. So set your intentions.
Also then for Wednesday as we start the end of the Green Light period is 1:29 AM. That is when the Moon is conjunct Venus. So again it is the reminder of 2013.
Then on Wednesday after 3:31 AM the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius. That is the sign of We the people, all the people. It is also the sign of collective consciousness, friendship, unions with others in a larger way.
Something will change. There is a radical spontaneous change with Mars and Uranus in an exact quincunx in the afternoon of Wednesday 4:34 PM. But don’t wait for that to happen. It is going to be…We are under the influence of that now. The Sun and Neptune are making a semi square, which is possibly about stirring up some weather in a big way. Also about trying to break through the illusion and pull the curtain back that has been hiding and camouflaging things.
Venus enters Aquarius 8:43 PM. This is headed for a square to Mars. But it ends with a 30 degree aspect ahead of the Sun. that is the Moon aspect. This may lead to some money. It may lead to how someone can push an issue to limit and these things are also revisited August, for a month, August 11th until September 11th. There are very large issues that are being seeded. We will talk about that when we go over the year.
The dark of the Moon ends. That would be first thing early in the morning on January 18th.
Then for the rest of Thursday, Mercury and Mars have a semi square. This aspect is cranky. It is argumentative. It is in the middle of the night in this Eastern Time zone. but if you are up at midnight or shortly thereafter on the west coast it could be argumentative. You want to let those problems lie low and just let those issues go. Sometimes things wake you up in the middle of the night.
Moon is square Mars early Friday morning. This one does pick up that argumentative energy. But right after that there is a Green Light period that begins 7:00 AM on Friday until 2:50 PM. That one you may want to take advantage of very interesting connections with others. They could be financial. They could be about friendship.
Then the Moon is entering Pisces on Friday 3:26 PM. It will be there right through until next Sunday morning. That Pisces Moon on Friday sees a couple of big changes. One of them is the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius at 10:08 PM on Friday night. Very interesting for joining with like minded people. Maybe you want to sign up for your own personal protest. You can also join with others in friendship. And then there can be some serious alignments with those that are advising others like in legal matters and that sort of thing with Saturn and Pallas joining. That is it for the week.
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days for Jan 6 - 13, 2018
The radio station was not broadcasting today's astrology report or the Expanding Awareness show due to extreme weather. The 2018 Year Overview will most likely be scheduled for next Saturday Jan 13.
There are many Green Light times this coming week.
Sunday after 7:14 AM through Monday and Tuesday until 11:12 AM is excellent for advancing your goals.
Thursday has a green light until 3:18 PM but there are tricks to unravel.
Friday is Green all day as is Saturday, January 13,
Beginning Sunday Jan 7 at 7:14 AM
This Libra Moon is a grand Green Light period with many golden opportunities. It is rich with good communication; lucky connections and the presentation of opportunities for the days when the Moon travels through Libra from 7:14 AM Sunday until 11:12 AM Tuesday. Your plans are supported by solid and reliable information that is motivated to push things through for the advantage of all who are involved.
Last Quarter Moon Monday at 18:35 Libra occurs at 5:25 PM. This is an action day when you may reap the rewards of your efforts. The matters of this Moon phase has its beginnings in October 2015. These matters developed further in July 2016. Last April 2017 is when all the cards were on the table regarding the surrounding and current issues. Here at the Last Quarter there is cause to find the balance and pay up for previous agreements or perhaps get paid for your end of the bargain. This may be a marriage settlement or partner agreement.
Moon square Pluto at 6:17 PM Monday thickens the soup however it ends well if you keep talking it through. Your head may be hooked into the broken record but try to let it go as the story improves tomorrow.
Tuesday has it's high points and ends well with Moon 60 degrees to Mercury remembers while nearly at it's retrograde station degree from Dec 3, 2017. Pick up where you left off when Mercury went retrograde last month. You are good to go now.
Venus conjunct Pluto - finds the money.
Sun conjunct Pluto takes charge of the big business or government matter.
Moon opposite Uranus cuts off your nose to spite your face it you do not practice patience.
At 11:12 AM the Moon is void of course in Libra. Take a break but don't drop the ball. Don't sign anything during the void moon period but keep on dribbling until 3:05 PM when the Moon enters Scorpio and begins the opportunity to make a difference also.
4:07 AM Venus 60 degrees Mars Tuesday. Go go go but hold on until all the players have been notified and all still agree after Mercury enters Capricorn.
9:08 PM Tuesday Mercury parallel Venus Tuesday night has its benefits all day for sweet connections. Plan your meetings around a meal.
During the Scorpio Moon, Mercury will change signs at 12:10 AM Thursday which begins a Green Light period until 3:18 PM. There is likely to be a snag but it should work out well.
The Moon in Scorpio runs until 2:04 AM Friday. There is a magnetic pull towards partnering for the purpose of making money or babies. The flow of money is enhanced by Venus 60 degrees to Mars. What looks like all business can be a deeply seductive opportunity. It has momentum and then a serious shift. The shift may be related to the money agreement or paperwork or paper trail. Rework your arrangements after Mercury enters the money sign of Capricorn Thurs at 12:10 AM. Then you are good to go!
The engines are running and won't wait for you if you are late.But don't rush the closing. You must wait for the messenger to collect all information and travel to the new operation on Thurs morning. There is much to do and much to sort through on a psychological level as well. The matters of the day have a grip on you as you may wait for answers or documents to proceed to the next level. But while you wait, someone comes in with another offer or the fees for the paperwork is too hard to raise. Check your licenses and all required signatures. Be mindful who you share information with as someone may blow your plans before they get off the ground. Thursday can work really well for you. Wait and see what emerges overnight.
After Mercury enters Capricorn at 12:07 AM there are multiple opportunities on Thurs. It looks really good for both deeply personal matters and long range money matters such as banking for large funds. However, after you jump on an opportunity to grab the prize there is a twist directed by wacky Uranus. This may pull in friends to back a project or align with those whom you have had previous arrangements that may have failed. This may awaken older contacts for a better resolve. On a personal note you may connect with those in the therapeutic vocations who can help you move mountains of old issues. Especially those in alternative therapeutic fields have new methods to release old demons.
Thursday afternoon - Friday morning.
Let it all sit after the void of course Moon at 3:18 PM until 2:04 AM Friday morning.
The Moon is in Sagittarius in a happy mood while looking out over the recent events for the new horizon.
The Sun parallel Pluto allows for great support of money and powerful unions that benefit the bigger picture. The lack of planetary aspects all day brings a smoother road to the end goal.
Saturday January 13, 2018
The Moon is in Sagittarius and there is some good and some things to caution. The organized and well planned thought are used for the closing of the day; however the Venus square Uranus at 2:07 PM can wipe out the bank account if you are not careful. Do not deal with money until late in the day or early evening. Friendship could be on the line as well as romance. Suddenly matters take a turn away from your attachments.
There are many Green Light times this coming week.
Sunday after 7:14 AM through Monday and Tuesday until 11:12 AM is excellent for advancing your goals.
Thursday has a green light until 3:18 PM but there are tricks to unravel.
Friday is Green all day as is Saturday, January 13,
Beginning Sunday Jan 7 at 7:14 AM
This Libra Moon is a grand Green Light period with many golden opportunities. It is rich with good communication; lucky connections and the presentation of opportunities for the days when the Moon travels through Libra from 7:14 AM Sunday until 11:12 AM Tuesday. Your plans are supported by solid and reliable information that is motivated to push things through for the advantage of all who are involved.
Last Quarter Moon Monday at 18:35 Libra occurs at 5:25 PM. This is an action day when you may reap the rewards of your efforts. The matters of this Moon phase has its beginnings in October 2015. These matters developed further in July 2016. Last April 2017 is when all the cards were on the table regarding the surrounding and current issues. Here at the Last Quarter there is cause to find the balance and pay up for previous agreements or perhaps get paid for your end of the bargain. This may be a marriage settlement or partner agreement.
Moon square Pluto at 6:17 PM Monday thickens the soup however it ends well if you keep talking it through. Your head may be hooked into the broken record but try to let it go as the story improves tomorrow.
Tuesday has it's high points and ends well with Moon 60 degrees to Mercury remembers while nearly at it's retrograde station degree from Dec 3, 2017. Pick up where you left off when Mercury went retrograde last month. You are good to go now.
Venus conjunct Pluto - finds the money.
Sun conjunct Pluto takes charge of the big business or government matter.
Moon opposite Uranus cuts off your nose to spite your face it you do not practice patience.
At 11:12 AM the Moon is void of course in Libra. Take a break but don't drop the ball. Don't sign anything during the void moon period but keep on dribbling until 3:05 PM when the Moon enters Scorpio and begins the opportunity to make a difference also.
4:07 AM Venus 60 degrees Mars Tuesday. Go go go but hold on until all the players have been notified and all still agree after Mercury enters Capricorn.
9:08 PM Tuesday Mercury parallel Venus Tuesday night has its benefits all day for sweet connections. Plan your meetings around a meal.
During the Scorpio Moon, Mercury will change signs at 12:10 AM Thursday which begins a Green Light period until 3:18 PM. There is likely to be a snag but it should work out well.
The Moon in Scorpio runs until 2:04 AM Friday. There is a magnetic pull towards partnering for the purpose of making money or babies. The flow of money is enhanced by Venus 60 degrees to Mars. What looks like all business can be a deeply seductive opportunity. It has momentum and then a serious shift. The shift may be related to the money agreement or paperwork or paper trail. Rework your arrangements after Mercury enters the money sign of Capricorn Thurs at 12:10 AM. Then you are good to go!
The engines are running and won't wait for you if you are late.But don't rush the closing. You must wait for the messenger to collect all information and travel to the new operation on Thurs morning. There is much to do and much to sort through on a psychological level as well. The matters of the day have a grip on you as you may wait for answers or documents to proceed to the next level. But while you wait, someone comes in with another offer or the fees for the paperwork is too hard to raise. Check your licenses and all required signatures. Be mindful who you share information with as someone may blow your plans before they get off the ground. Thursday can work really well for you. Wait and see what emerges overnight.
After Mercury enters Capricorn at 12:07 AM there are multiple opportunities on Thurs. It looks really good for both deeply personal matters and long range money matters such as banking for large funds. However, after you jump on an opportunity to grab the prize there is a twist directed by wacky Uranus. This may pull in friends to back a project or align with those whom you have had previous arrangements that may have failed. This may awaken older contacts for a better resolve. On a personal note you may connect with those in the therapeutic vocations who can help you move mountains of old issues. Especially those in alternative therapeutic fields have new methods to release old demons.
Thursday afternoon - Friday morning.
Let it all sit after the void of course Moon at 3:18 PM until 2:04 AM Friday morning.
The Moon is in Sagittarius in a happy mood while looking out over the recent events for the new horizon.
The Sun parallel Pluto allows for great support of money and powerful unions that benefit the bigger picture. The lack of planetary aspects all day brings a smoother road to the end goal.
Saturday January 13, 2018
The Moon is in Sagittarius and there is some good and some things to caution. The organized and well planned thought are used for the closing of the day; however the Venus square Uranus at 2:07 PM can wipe out the bank account if you are not careful. Do not deal with money until late in the day or early evening. Friendship could be on the line as well as romance. Suddenly matters take a turn away from your attachments.
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