Friday, July 10, 2020

Astrology Report July 11, 2020 - July 18, 2020 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days 

 Today July 11, 2020, the Moon will travel through Aries until Monday at 1:34 PM, That is when the Moon enters Taurus until it arrives inGemini on Thursday morning at 1:19 AM. The Gemini Moon will carry us through until next Saturday at 10:24 AM when the Moon enters Cancer for the next weekend.Out of those days, the Taurus Moon, money, tradition and your possessions will bring a Green Light Period from 1:34 PM Monday untilWednesday at 11:21 PM. These days would be excellent for attempting things that you have tried before but failed. 

Here is a lovely second chance and it's the best Wednesday afternoon.  Mercury by this time is direct in motion and in Cancer bringing insight of the decisions about families and is an indicator for how you fit in as one of the insiders of a tight group. Coming back now to the Aries Moon Saturday I can see that it is quite potent with Chiron, the wounded healer, turning retrograde until Dec 15 2020. The Moon makes an emotional statement as it joins Chiron for that event. Earlier the Moon and Mercury were hashing it out over what happened “back then”. You might be working through memories from 50-60 years ago. As you replay what happened and what you said/they said you seek to unravel the locks on your heart. You might see yourself in a poor light but there has been so much growth since then.

The painful experiences were the stepping stones to the choices you made later. Now you can bring it up and piece by piece acknowledge your role and give the whole mess to the universe to dismantle the pain. Chiron is all about the pain. Coined as the wounded healer we gain a special knowledge which is only available through the window of a raw experience. Here we learn more about the valuable life lessons that became so personal. Chiron describes our dark side and when provoked it can strike its release.Take what is in your heart and allow someone else an understanding ear who can share their experience. You are likely to relate and come to a new understanding that allows you to forgive yourself by remembering that no one is perfect and you were never expected to be.

Mercury turns direct at 4:26 AM Sunday July 12. Then there is a Last Quarter Moon on Sunday at 21º Aries at 7:29 PM. This scenario began in April 2018. It brought out the ambitious plans to advance with something that was highly motivated and aggressive. Back in January2019 you might remember the government shutdown over the “border wall.By October 2019 all the players were set in place but they did not realize that this was all a very temporary arrangement. Currently,July 12, we are at the point to pay up or get paid for an enthusiastic strategy that may show a need to start from scratch.   Here we go again with that very nice Taurus Moon on Monday afternoon which arrives at 1:34 PM and starts a Green Light period through till 11:31 PMWed night. 

A few more intense events happen during the Taurus Moon; for one Tuesday the Sun opposite Jupiter at 3:58 AM, which may attempt to create an escape hatch from a very broad grip of current events of political and global matters as well as the advancement of COVID-19. Here is the part of the summer that theSun confronts Jupiter and Pluto- of its spread of the virus and more.  Mars and Chiron join up at 5:07 AM Tuesday for a rough turn of events. This can be extremely accident prone and a high level of infection is likely at this time. Take note two weeks from now when we see even greater numbers of the virus. Besides that beware of your painful history emerging which triggers an uncomfortable walk down memory lane. On a practical note be very careful when horsing around, literally.  

The next day, Wednesday, the Sun shines a bright searchlight all day and night to discover what is damning and hidden. After that at 3:13 PM there are the best advantages during this Green Light so make your moves on Wednesday from roughly 3:30 PM until 11:21 PM. The Taurus Moon ends with the Moon in a positive trine Saturn. 

Thursday begins the Moon in Gemini and it is tough; as what you think is the right way to go is not likely to gain the approval of those in a position to approve or not. The Gemini Moon runs from 1:19 AM Thursday until 8:13AM Saturday July 18. You could be tripped up or be told you need togo over things and do them again. 

There is a special note to be heard around 8:31 PM Thursday as the Moon links the Gemini Moon to up and coming events around Nov 30,2020 and how this links the Sun to Lun Ecl 2019 24º Capricorn July 2019. This could be cranky for candidates but may have some information about the origin of COVID-19.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: